Every Blond 8 - Fred's Party - of 2

By Bob42street

Published on Dec 31, 2012



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This is a work of fiction and depicts fictional sexually explicit activity. If you are offended by this type of material, are underage, or if it is illegal for you to possess this type of material in any way where you are located, stop reading it now.

Have a Happy New Year!

I am bisexual. I suppose the only thing that sets me apart from millions of other bisexual men could be the fact that I have only ever had sex with blonds, to this day.

-------------------- Every blond 8-Fred's Party-Part 1

Fred handed me two envelopes one day in school and waved his eyebrows at me. One envelope addressed to me, and one to Ax.

"What's this?" I asked.

"You must open it and read it," Fred replied.

I opened it and read it in the school courtyard. It was an invite for a weekend party at Fred's apartment beginning Friday night. I nodded and said "I think I can make it, but I need to check with my French parents."

"Good. You will be there." Fred stated.

Fred and I went to our separate classes. Later, in chemistry class where I sat with Sara, she leaned over and asked "Are you going to Fred's party."

"I think so." I replied.

"You must come, and bring Ax too." Sara commanded.

That night I handed Ax Fred's envelope. Ax looked at it with curiosity, opened it and read. Ax frowned as he read and shrugged. "We will ask mother."

We asked Ax's parents, explaining that Fred was a friend from school and they agreed we could go.

When Friday night arrived Ax's father gave us a lift to Fred's apartment at the appointed time. Sara and Nico were waiting for us and we all kissed our hellos. We made our way up all squeezing into the tiny elevator.

Fred's mother and sister were away visiting Fred's grandparents. Some people had already arrived with more due as the night progressed. Fred's apartment wasn't really very large and even with the family-room furniture rearranged didn't offer much space for dancing so everyone was crowded through the hallway and into the kitchen.

The Beastie Boys and Public Enemy were both really popular with a lot of my friends at the time but my taste was far more eclectic. I liked everything from The Beatles to Joy Division and was a huge fan of The Grateful Dead and jazz. Fred hated the Grateful Dead he said they sounded as bad as country music (but I kind of liked that too).

It was packed and after dancing for a long time, I just wanted to step outside to cool off for a bit, so I headed for the door. Nico was headed out the door too, with his coat in hand.

"Where are you going?" Nico asked.

"I just want to get some cool air," I replied, wiping sweat from my brow.

"I'm going out for a smoke, come with me." Nico gestured for me to follow.

When we arrived at the stairs, I started to go down, Nico said "No," pointing up the stairs, he said "this way. Let's go."

We went up just a few flights and arrived at an unmarked door set above a few odd steps from the passage. When Nico opened it, I could see It was snowing. Nico put a small block of wood in the door to wedge it open just enough so it wouldn't lock us outside on the roof. It was a nice, bracing cold after the heat and press of bodies in the apartment.

Nico fumbled in his pockets and took out a packet of cigarettes. He offered one to me and I told him thanks, but I didn't smoke. He smoked a cigarette and we walked around, looking out on the streets. We could just barely make out the blur of the Eiffel Tower lit with its thousands of lights through the snow in the distance.

Nico shouted "Look, over here!" and waved me over to the courtyard side of the rooftop.

Many of the rooms overlooking the courtyard were lit. Most had curtains or closed security shutters. Nico pointed out a large window into someone's well-lit family-room. There were no curtains drawn over the window. A couple in their twenties were making out on a sofa. He was wearing what appeared to be dark silk boxers and she was wearing a sheer pale slip. I could see her hard nipples poking out from her small conical breasts.

"Oh. Give them some privacy." I said, beginning to turn away.

Nico said "Wait, I think maybe they like an audience. After all, no curtains."

I stopped and leaned my elbows on the parapet as Nico was doing. Down in the apartment, the couple were really going at it. She had long dark curly hair, very dark. His hair was brown and I could see he had some hair in the middle of his chest. He lifted up the hem of her slip and began rubbing her dark mound.

Nico patted my shoulder and said "See, it's good. No?"

I hadn't brought my coat and began to shiver, pulling my arms together to get warmer but the clammy, sweat-damp fabric of my thin shirt seemed to draw the chill into my bones.

In the apartment below, across the courtyard the couple shifted on the sofa so he could splay his legs out. She leaned over him kneeling on the sofa facing the window towards us. Her slip was hiked up over her round hips and she reached into the waistband of his silk boxers and stroked his hard cock, eventually freeing it.

"See, I told you-" Nico said, looking at me. "You're cold." Nico observed and took his left arm from his coat sleeve, reached up to put his arm around me and drew his coat up and over my shoulders, pulling me close. "No. You're ice!" Nico said, rubbing my back, then he looked back to the apartment below, across the courtyard to watch the couple.

His hand actually felt hot. My thin, sweaty shirt had frozen to my skin in the rooftop wind and the snow had formed a further icy crust. Nico fumbled in his coat with his other hand and took out another cigarette, lighting it.

The couple across the courtyard were naked when I looked back. He was leaning back on the couch with his legs splayed out. She was laying on the couch, slowly jerking him off kissing his glans when she pulled his foreskin back.

Nico offered me his cigarette and I took a drag thinking I'd be polite and coughed the smoke right back out. He passed it it back to me a few times.

In the apartment across the courtyard she continued to tease him with very slow pumping and kisses as he continued to rub her mound with his right hand. I couldn't help but notice he was very athletic. And I noticed a blue sort of glowing reflection from the television that the couch must be facing off of her round white right buttock. Then she went down on him.

Nico got very close to me, handing the cigarette to me he said "I would like to do that with you." As I inhaled the cigarette Nico said "Try to hold it in more..." I did, if only to give myself time to think then finally coughed it out "...this one has some hash in it." Nico finished.

He turned back to watch the couple across the courtyard--while I sputtered, processing what Nico just said--who had commenced to fuck on the couch. He was on top with his muscular butt pumping between her pale thighs.

"What?" I asked.

"I would like to do that with you," Nico whispered in my ear "what they're doing."

"No. No, not that. What did you say about the cigarette?" I asked and realized for the first time that I was kind of floating.

"There's hash in it." Nico said, keeping his attention on my eyes this time.

"Did you say h-h-hash?" I asked drawing out the English 'H' sound (because the "'H' in hash would be silent in French and sound like ash, which is what is sounded like Nico said).

"Yes, hahish" Nico replied.

"Shit. Nico..." I muttered in English, pulling away from his offered warmth. "Why didn't you-" and walked away before I punched him.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a concerned look on his face. "It's really, only, and just some small bit of hash."

I backed away from him in the blowing snow. Both the snow and the wind had really picked up by this time. "I've never taken drugs before Nico. Never." He followed me across the roof. "That's not what I came to France for Nico."

"I'm sorry." Nico pleaded. "I didn't know this. I thought you would know just by the smell."

"You could have at least told me before you offered it to me Nico! Shit! Damn it!" I shouted in the wind.

Desponded, he implored "I'm really sorry! I didn't know." Nico deflated. "I'm a little bit exploded."

I almost laughed to myself, thinking 'great, now I've learned some French slang for "high on drugs"'. At the street side of the roof, I could hear someone shouting far below and leaned over the parapet to listen.

"Coo-coo! John Wayne! Coo-coo!" a guy and a girl were shouting down on the sidewalk, almost completely obscured. They called over and over again. It took me a long time to realize they were calling for me. I was seeing cartoon images and old western movies of John Wayne when they shouted the words out.

"Up here!" I shouted back. "On the roof!"

"It's Sara and Ax! We've been looking for you! Come down to the door and let us in!" Sara yelled "We have your coat!"

Nico and I headed to the door to go back inside. As I started down the stairs, which felt like floating, Nico said "I'm really, very sorry. I wasn't thinking at all."

I just nodded in agreement and continued to float down the stairs.

When I reached the front door of the apartment building and opened the door, both Ax's and then Sara's faces went through a miraculous change as if they have been sharing a joke to a look of wide-eyed shock on Ax's face and one of stunned horror on Sara's.

"You're blue!" she screamed at me.

I thought to myself, 'that's a funny thing to say when someone opens a door for you.' Then I looked down at my hands and realized that she was right. Thinking, 'how strange is that?'

They pushed me into the elevator, each opening their coats and Sara hugging me in front and Ax from behind.

"You feel cold as ice." Ax gasped.

"Your clothes are frozen stiff!" Sara exclaimed. "What were you doing?"

"Nothing." I chattered, shaking.

Ax and Sara bundled me through the dancing people and into Fred's room. Sara stripped me down and got me into Fred's bed, hugging me under the covers while Ax disappeared. Even through her clothes Sara felt hot. Ax returned shortly with Fred who came in laughing and then got a puzzled, then shocked look on his face, and ran out of the room.

"Frederic!" Sara called after him. She never used his full name. No one ever did but Fred's mother.

Ax said "Fred's making some hot towels."

Ten minutes later Fred returned with a bundle of hot, dry towels he had just removed from the clothes dryer, they wrapped me in them and pulled the blankets back over me. Sara left and Ax sat on the edge of Fred's bed.

Ax said "Your dick is..." holding up his little finger and holding out the last joint "...this big and you no longer have any balls" making me laugh.

My chattering and shivering began to subside and Sara returned with a hot water bottle, which she put between my thighs and a steaming mug of hot chocolate. It was just then that I realized how very thirsty I was, and even though I'm not a big fan of hot chocolate, it tasted so very good.

Nico came in and asked how I was feeling.

Sara snapped at him and swore "What were you thinking, asshole?"

I almost laughed because, Sara never swore. I didn't think she even knew how.

Nico looked ashamed. I knew he should be, but I couldn't help but feel sorry for him and everything everyone was saying just seemed so damned funny.

"It's not Nico's fault. We were watching...", trying to think quickly, "..the snow and I lost track of time. I should have taken my coat, but I went up there because I was so hot from dancing." I reasoned. "Don't yell at him, it's my own fault. I'll be fine."

Sara glared at me "You! You'll catch your death!" she shot back. "You could have gotten hypothermia!". Years later, after Sara became a medical doctor, she would remind me of that night and told me that I was her first hypothermia case.

Fred arrived with some more hot towels and they rewrapped me. Before Nico left, head hanging low, he turned to me and said "I meant what I said up there."

Axe and Sara sandwiched me in bed. Fred still had guests and even though the music was loud just outside the door, I dozed off for a while in the bright lit room. The hot water bottle had begun to feel clammy between my thighs and I pulled it out, checking my crotch to reassure myself that things were returning to normal size.

Sara rubbed her face against mine and said "You're much warmer now, but I should fill this up with more hot water" taking the bottle away from me. "And your eyes look strange and they're red."

"From the wind." I croaked. As she grabbed up the empty mug from the hot chocolate.

Sara gave me a serious look and asked, "What did Nico mean when he said that he meant what he said on the roof?"

"What?" I asked, genuinely confused.

Sara eyed me and said "When Nico was in here earlier, he told you that he meant what he said on the roof. What did he mean?"

I thought for a while and came to the conclusion that if I couldn't share everything and anything with Ax and Sara, I may as well just pack everything in and become a recluse. They both knew me intimately. We'd had threesomes between us on multiple occasions since the weekend we'd spent in Colmar. They were my best friends.

"Only between us three." I said, giving Sara a serious look, not knowing if Nico would want anyone else to know this detail of his life. I knew that Ax could--and would--keep a secret and that Sara would, if asked. Sara nodded. "He told me he want's to have sex with me."

Ax leaned up to look over my shoulder at my face as if to see if I was serious. And Sara said, "Oh, that's all?"

Shortly after Sara left me still wrapped in Ax's arms, Nico came in. Fat tears rolled down Nico's face and he gasped a few times then sobbed.

I motioned him over and patted the bed beside me. When he sat down I said "I'm fine and I forgive you. The next time we make angels of snow, I'll wear my coat."

Nico was still wracked with sobs when Sara came back in the room and tensed up, hot water bottle in one hand, steaming mug in the other and I wondered for a moment which one would Sara hit Nico with? Sara relaxed as she took in the scene, Nico rubbing his hands over his face, elbows on knees, still sobbing. His hand were wet with tears.

She came over, handed me the mug and unceremoniously stuffed the hot water bottle back between my thighs. She sat beside Nico, embraced him and softly cooed "Nico... I'm sorry I shouted at you" and they hugged.

Behind me I heard Ax ask, sounding perplexed, "You were making angels of snow?"

Nico actually chuckled a little at this. "Yeah" I responded.

"On the fucking roof?" Ax sounded incredulous.

We all started laughing.

"How can there be enough snow on the roof to make a snowman?" Ax asked, clearly puzzled.

I got up from the bed and dropped the hot water bottle on a shelf. Holding a towel around my waist, I lay down on the floor and waved my arms and legs on the floor, saying, "When you do this in the snow."

"A baptism?" Sara puzzled.

Ax said "Ah, a snow print?" When I got back up, my towel fell, and Ax said "You have your balls back!"

I cracked up laughing again and everyone else joined in. Sara came over and gave me a hug. Nico watched me intently and when eyes traveled slowly up my body, from groin to my eyes, he blushed when he realized I had been looking at him.

Sara went to the bed, took Ax by the hand and pulled him up saying, "Let's go dance."

Ax went with her, albeit somewhat reluctantly, Ax turned in the doorway to look at me as Sara pulled him from the room, closing the door. Some friend of Fred's passing by in the hall gawped at me, wide-eyed as the door swung shut.

Nico had made an awkward attempt at making a pass at me a few months earlier. He wasn't what I would normally consider my type at all. His hair wasn't quite blond, nor was it quite brown and it had strange highlights--both blond and almost auburn at the same time--and a light-olive skin complexion. He stared down at my crotch, making me blush all over.

"Eh, you have no hair," Nico made a waving gesture over the crotch of his trousers, "there."

He blushed again when I told him I used a depilatory cream and took a tentative step forward. "I'm so very, very sorry about the hashish." Nico said softy.

"Promise me that you'll never do that to anyone again without telling them first." I responded.

"I promise you." He replied in a serious tone, still looking my body up and down.

"You have no, eh-" Nico made another motion.

"Foreskin." I completed Nico's sentence. "No, I was circumcised at birth."

I closed the short distance between us and said, "You can touch me if you want to, Nico."

Nico gasped, shuddered, then slowly reached over, caressing my hardening cock. His other hand stole down to caress my balls. Nico whispered as he leaned his head back and stood on his tiptoes to kiss my chin, "You're so soft."

His eyes were closed and he shuddered as he kissed it and I bent my head down to put my lips on his, but I had heard something from the door and looked over. Seeing nothing amiss, I bent back to his lips, feeling him tremble as I brushed my lips against his. I had a habit of watching people when I kissed them, and watching Nico, I had the strangest feeling. I was sure it wasn't the hash.

"What would you like to do Nico?" I whispered.

Shrugging, he said "I have no idea."

"What's is your favorite?" I asked quietly.

Trembling, he whispered back, "I have never done. I hope you can be the first to show me."

It was my turn to shudder. I had never really thought about being someone's first before, but in retrospect, I was sure I had been, and probably on more than one occasion. The fact that I actually thought about it at all without diving in headfirst most definitely could have been the hash. I also found it curious that this guy, who had hit on me twice before wanted me to be his first lover and wondered why, in a city of millions he simply hadn't just moved on.

Nico was about 15cm shorter than me and was what I would call muscular petite. He practiced gymnastics and it had kind of shocked me when he smoked--what I had thought were cigarettes--earlier. He was muscular, but didn't seem it. He was the stringy sort that could absolutely surprise you. Nico and I both kept our hair fairly unstylish short, where our friends tended toward long or shaggy hair back then.

He could do handsprings in the street (on a clean sidewalk, which could be a rarity back then in the years before enforcement of Paris dog-poop cleanup laws). You still must pay careful attention where you step on the Paris sidewalks today, but not nearly to the same degree as back in the mid-80s. Back then the sidewalks were a minefield of dog poo.

"Can I take your trousers off?" I asked Nico.

"Yes." Nico panted.

I pushed my tongue into his mouth, reached down to the opening of his trousers. He trembled as I opened his belt then undid the buttons while he awkwardly kissed me back. When I opened his trousers, there was an incongruously large bulge sticking out from his underpants. I put put my hand on the back of his head and mashed his mouth into mine.

Nico kicked his legs out of his trousers while I embraced him. We broke our kiss when I reached down behind his thighs, lifted him up and ground his crotch into mine. The fabric of his underpants felt rough against me. His cock was so hard it was almost as if it was trying to keep us apart. My hard on touched his belly button and I was in Nirvana.

It was the most awkward bliss I had felt in months.

Nico wrapped his legs around me and it was a different sort of breath-taking hug. Nico managed, somehow, to hang himself cantilevered from my shoulders and rub himself up and down my body. No one but Nico has ever done that to me. My skin turned to electric.

When I reached one hand around to pull the waistband of his underpants down I could hear dissonant chords of the waistband's thrum against the thrum of his hard on hitting my cock. I winced when his cock hit mine. It was so hard it almost hurt.

Nico clung to me as I carried him over to Fred's bed. I lied him down, broke our kiss, pushed him back at the shoulders and licked down his body. Nico had a trail of short hair from just below his belly button down to his brown bush. His balls, in contrast to the rest of his body, were a darker olive tone. I licked Nico's cock twice, then deep throated him once, twice--I couldn't pull Nico's foreskin up beyond his head my mouth because it was so short on his hard cock--almost-thrice and he let out a sort of yelp when he came in my mouth.

Nico panted and shuddered as I sucked him until he twisted away because he just couldn't take it any more. Nico pulled me up and clung to me with all four limbs. I wasn't really surprised about the size difference. I had seen ladies much smaller than him throw body builders in judo class. But I had never been manipulated like that before, during sex.

Nico's cologne was what I could only describe as slightly sweeter than what I normally like. I enjoy muskier colognes, myself. His body was smaller than Sara's overall, but he was so dense that he could surprise all senses.

He panted for a bit. I was locked in his squeeze with no escape.

He was recovering quickly. Then Ax walked in.

Until then, I hadn't noticed that the music outside Fred's room had faded.

Nico bolted for his trousers.

Ax held up his hands and said, "Not to worry, the party's winding down, and I'd like to crash in here for a few hours.". Ax looked at Nico "I can go somewhere else if you prefer."

I reached out to Ax. "Ax is my brother, Nico."

Wrapping Fred's blanket around himself, Nico said, "It's okay. I can go."

Ax stepped close to the bed and pulled off his shirt, undid his trousers, then, gracefully stepped out of them and I said, "Stay Nico.". Nico was frightened. I would have been nervous too, if someone had just walked in on me during my first sexual experience.

Ax rolled into Fred's bed behind Nico, pulling some of the blanket over himself. I pulled Ax's underpants down to expose his hairless crotch, and said, "See, just like me".

I took Nico's hand in mine and we both took Ax's cock in our hands. Nico seemed to marvel at Ax's foreskin. He flapped it with his thumb on the upstroke. Ax put his hands behind his head and laced his fingers in his blond mane.

"But you aren't really brothers?" Nico asked.

Ax chuckled.

I felt that Ax was more my brother than my own two were. I asked, "Did you know I'm an exchange student from America?"

Nico nodded and said, "Yes, it's why Sara calls you John Wayne," while we were stroking Ax's cock.

"Well, Ax took me in and became closer than my own family. He is more my brother than anyone I've ever known." When I glanced to Ax's face, the expression was truly one I cannot describe, even to this day.

I still had a raging boner.

While Nico and I were stroking Ax, Fred threw the door open with Sara hooked on his arm. They looked a wreck, a night of dancing on espresso and Coca-Cola had been kind to neither one. They looked like shit. Both of their blond hair was sweat-plastered to their heads.

Fred took in the scene for a few beats. Sara grinned. Some stranger hung in the doorway, staring at us. Fred threw his arms up in the air and yelled, "Orgy! Cool!"

Fred tore off his shirt (he actually did rip the fabric across his body and the only thing that stopped him from success was the neckband of his T-shirt. Grinning, Sara began to undress.

Sara, undressed, sat next to me on Fred's bed. As always, Sara was stunning. Her breasts were petite, like the rest of her body. Looking at Nico, Sara said, "You got your dream."

I shot a puzzled look between them while Nico said, "Dreams are the best, and you can only have them come true on your birthday."

I was only slightly distracted by Fred's struggle with his shirt--though he had progressed to having his pants down around his ankles. And I asked, "Birthday wish?" I looked at Nico "It's your birthday?"

Nico responded, "I'm 16 today, eh, yesterday now-"

Sara interrupted him, saying "He has been asking so many questions about you for months." Despite Nico's alarmed expression, Sara continued, "I think he prefers blond guys."

"Well, here we are with a room full," I said, looking into Nico's eyes, "some powerful wish."

Fred was still struggling out of his clothes. Despite the late, or early, hour, several people watched from the door.

I was naked. Nico had a blanket over his junk, and we were both jacking Ax off for all to see.

Sara was close to being naked, but all of the eyes from the doorway were on Ax's cock. My hand was wrapped around Nico's hand. It was a gentle caress up and down Ax's taut shaft.

Ax laid on his back with his fingers laced in his blond hair. Ax had no pubes then--like me, he used depilatory cream regularly.

I was subject to being both Nico's birthday wish and the agent of his deflowering. There were strangers watching us through the doorway. They were some of Fred's friends.

It's more than just a little bit odd when you have sex in front of an audience. You can't really call it making love because it doesn't really seem personal enough. Nor do you have the liberty of calling it public sex, because it isn't really quite public. It was a strange, electrically-charged experience. I'm no exhibitionist, but it was a curious sort of thrill for me. Nico was extra shy as this was all completely new to him.

I was used to people stealing glances at me. I suppose I'm good looking. Straight blond hair that I kept cut fairly unfashionably short in those days, pale skin, and a muscular frame kept lean by cycling and practicing judo.

Ax was crashing pretty hard from dancing all night.

Sara said, "The sun is up, time for some sleep, yes?"

Fred, finally freed from the bonds of his clothing, lied down on his carpet with Sara and he covered them up with the towels I had been wrapped in earlier that night.

Nico and I did a double-take, looking into each other's eyes. Nico smiled at me, and we kissed. We continued to wank Ax's dick as Nico leaned in, brushing his lips against mine. Ax came on his belly and Nico licked it up. Nico and I embraced as sleep claimed us.

I awoke to Sara moaning a few inches from my face. She was kneeling on the floor next to Fred's bed.

"What's wrong? I croaked.

She moaned, "I'm bored, and no one will wake up."

I don't normally have any problem going from a dead sleep to fully awake but even I felt groggy that morning. I stretched my neck forward and kissed her. She smiled in the dim light coming in from the hall.

Fred's bedroom had no windows. So I asked Sara, "What time is it?"

"It's almost ten o'clock, Saturday morning John Wayne." Sara said, grinning back to me. "We should really get some cafe au lait and croissants for everyone."

I untangled myself from Nico's arms, and got myself out of bed. I felt like my mind was wading through molasses. Surveying Fred's room, I found most of my clothes--excepting my underwear--and dressed.

Sara and I got our coats and took the elevator down to the entrance. Looking outside, the streets were deserted. There was about five cm of snow blanketing the streets and sidewalks. I spied a small wedge-shaped block of wood next to the front door and used it to block the door open as we went outside.

Sara grinned and said, "Cowboys are resourceful."

"Yer darn tootin', little lady." I replied in English with my best John Wayne drawl as Sara took my arm and we went foraging the streets of Paris.

We searched for an open bakery. There was no one at the first place we went to. Sara commented, "It must be the weather." The second bakery was closed on Saturdays according to the sign in the door. The third bakery was open, and I bought a dozen croissants, a dozen chocolate croissants, and three baguettes.

Sara and I also stopped into an epicerie that was open and I bought some smoked salmon, fruit, cheese,milk, butter and jam. Sara, nodding, said "It will be a feast."

The streets were still deserted excepting the occasional dog walker braving the slick sidewalks. In fact, the only evidence of activity on the streets were paw prints followed by boot-tracks and the peppering of dog turds on the sidewalks here and there.

For the first time, I experienced a silent Paris. We couldn't even hear a distant police siren. I realized that I had become so accustomed to hearing their echoes in the streets that their absence was now strange to me.

We let ourselves back into Fred's apartment and made espresso, hot milk, and some hot chocolate when we got back to the kitchen. Some of Fred's other guests began to stir from the clattering we were making in the kitchen.

One young lady I hadn't been introduced to before introduced herself as Sabine and grinned when I offered her a choice of baked items and a platter of smoked salmon and cheese or fresh fruit. Grinning, she chose a plum and some buttered bread with smoked salmon.

We talked for a while as some other people filtered in and out taking their choices.

"You know, don't you have an odd accent?" Sabine asked me.

I grinned and said, "I'm from America, the United States."

Sabine gave me an incredulous stare and Sara laughed. Hugging me from behind, Sara kissed me on the cheek and told Sabine "It's true. He's my John Wayne."

Sabine said, "Stop teasing me. No one from the United States is capable of making such a good breakfast. It would be everything fried with over-cooked eggs."

I resorted to my French John Wayne accent and replied, "I'm a civilized cowboy in France..." switching to english, I finished, "little lady."

Sabine shuddered with laughter and said, "Ok, ok, it must be true."

Fred was the first to stir from his room. He came to the kitchen naked. Sabine covered her eyes, giggling. Fred grabbed a chocolate croissant and munching politely introduced everyone in the kitchen.

When Fred introduced me as his friend from America, Sabine said, "Yes, they told me, but I couldn't believe this could be a breakfast prepared by an American."

Gesturing to Sara, I said, "Sara did most of it anyway."

Sara demurred, shaking her head and responded, "Not me chef cowboy."

Naked Fred hugged and kissed me four times cheek to cheek, said "I know, but we've been working hard to convert him." and stuffed the last of his chocolate bread into his mouth.

Turning to Fred, I asked, "Are Ax and Nico awake yet?"

Fred half-covered his mouth, nodded and replied, "Sure, unless they're having sex in their sleep..."

Sara looked at me, grabbed me by my hand and urgently pulled me to Fred's bedroom. When Sara opened the door, Nico grinned at us, threw a pillow from the bed, and said "Private time."

Nico was on his belly in the middle of Fred's bed. Ax was on top of Nico, plowing his cock into Nico's ass. The lights from the hall behind me and Sara really distinguished the dimples on Ax's bum while he plunged back and forth into Nico.

I turned to go away, but Sara pulled me into the bedroom, closing the door behind us.

I was simply mesmerized watching Nico and Ax. Ax's eyes were pinched shut and he would suck in his bottom lip occasionally sticking his tongue out. I had seen this from Nico's angle before, but watching it from afar was magical. I was spellbound.

Sara was busy undressing and impatiently yanked my shirt out of the waist of my trousers encouraging me to do the same, but I was frozen. I had never had an opportunity to watch Ax in action from this angle.

Even when Ax screwed Sara in Colmar back in that tiny hotel room in December I had been on the bottom with Ax and Sara over me while I rubbed my cock on Sara's clitoris and Ax's cock plunging in and out... but never before like this, standing over.

Ax continued to plunge and Sara undressed me while I continued to watch. My cock was hard even before Sara started to undo my trousers. Ax's head twisted back and forth and I could see him chewing his bottom lip as he went in and out.

Sara led me toward the head of Fred's bed in the very dim light and pushed me down. Sara kneeled on the floor between my legs as I awkwardly helped Nico put his head on my belly. Ax opened his eyes for a moment when Nico shifted, then Ax renewed his efforts.

Sara began by licking my cock, rubbing her hand on the topside. Nico, being where he was, turned his head to his right and licked my glans. Oh, I was so lucky, but I couldn't stop watching the muscles of Ax's back as he thrust into Nico. I reached way over with my right hand and traced my middle finger down Ax's spine and into the cleft of Ax's bum. When my finger reached Ax's asshole, Ax agave a huge shudder and clung tightly to Nico. Nico wrapped his legs around Ax's, holding Him in while Ax convulsed, finishing himself in Nico's ass. Ax collapsed.

Nico was an amazing contortionist.

Sara continued to tenderly lick my cock while Nico sucked my glans as I ran my fingers back up Ax's spine and through his hair. After a few moments Nico released his grip from Ax, repositioned himself and began to bob on my cock while Sara sucked on my balls. It was the ultimate and I thought I had truly found Nirvana just then.

"You. Are. So. Tight." Ax murmured to Nico.

At those words, my dick got harder than ever. I started as Nico's awkward position introduced my cock to his teeth (actually, if it hadn't been for the teeth, I wold have cum right then). But my time came when Sara impatiently climbed on and crushed herself against me. I came on Nico's tongue at just the moment that Sara's pussy was pushing his mouth off my cock.

After I came, I was still hard. I entered Sara and she was so very wet. Nico bent up, and grinned at us. Sara licked some of my cum from his cheek before he turned to kiss me. I tasted myself on his tongue as I felt a hand grip my nuts.

Ax had recovered and began to drive his fingers into the root of my cock through the loose skin of my ball sack. It drove me wild. I felt another hand join Ax's but this one lazily probed my anus. I looked around and realized we had an audience again. There were three strangers standing in and around the door to Fred's room plus Fred and Sabine.

One guy, a tall, lanky black guy put a hand around Fred's waist and danced his fingers down to Fred's erect cock and he said to Fred, "Come with me baby." At that, Fred and Sabine left the doorway with Cosmo (the black guy's name, as I would learn later) and they were replaced at the door with some other complete strangers.

The second hand, with a finger gently probing my anus, was Nico's. His finger traced lazy circles there while Sara bobbed up and down on my shaft. Ax's fingers dug into the root of my cock and I couldn't help myself. I came again, this time I came in Sara, but having had experienced so much in so little time, I began to deflate.

Sarah sighed in disappointment. Then I guided her hand to Nico's cock. Nico's cock was rock hard.

We all shifted around on Fred's tiny bed. I stirred Ax up, and and he kissed with Sara and Nico while I kneeled on the floor by the bed, watching. Sarah mounted Nico who had rolled himself onto his back.

I offered Nico some lube, sitting on a bedside table and he obviously didn't know what to make of it, so I squeezed some onto my fingers and lubed his raging hard-on. Nico moaned and I told him that perhaps thinking about football would make his last a tiny bit longer.

Nico was very awkward trying to enter Sara. As always, Sara was very sweet and gently guided him in. Nico made the cutest faces as Sara rode up and down on his cock. He writhed, arched has back and lifted Sara into the air with his hands clutching the bedsheets at his sides. This continued for a short while before Nico bucked several times and then collapsed, exhausted.

Ax, Sara, and I had each deflowered Nico in one way or another that day after his sixteenth birthday (myself without even knowing that it WAS his birthday). He was reeling. I wasn't really sure it he was drunk on sex or still high from the night before.

After we all collapsed into a heap our audience began to disperse. Everyone was still groggy from dancing into the daylight the night before, plus we were all well overdue for a good scrubbing. Sara and I shared the tub while Ax and Nico waited their turns, washing us from tub-side. It was a large bathtub with a hose and shower nozzle attachment.

Sara and I reciprocated, she washed Ax while I washed Nico.

Nico's body was muscularly dense, yet he had such a slender build that you never noticed just how muscular he was until you had his clothes off. I marveled at the muscles rippling on his sides and back while I soaped and rinsed him, Ax watching.

Nico's bum was iron hard and his legs--as I had found out the night before--were capable of a vice-like grip.

After we all got cleaned up we really needed some more sleep so we could dance through the night again.


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