Everlasting Love

By Alan A.

Published on Sep 2, 2019


NOTE: Sorry for the hiatus, it has been the spring and summer tourist season and I had to do my part. As always, this is the fictional biographic love story as Macy Strickland and his friends make their way through different stages of their lives. All of the characters in this story are fictional and resemblance to any particular person whether dead or alive is purely coincidental. Please, if you liked this chapter, share your feed back; I have a rough mental outline for how this goes but some extra details or inspiration along the way are always welcome. If you are offended by intimate male on male emotional and physical relationships, you really should be asking yourself why got this far in the first place. Lastly, please consider making a financial donation to Nifty so they can maintain all the stories on this awesome website.

Just like the Maryland firefighters have their convention in Ocean City, so do Maryland teachers except theirs is in the middle of October which proved to be the perfect long weekend to schedule a surfing trip with Mitch's long time lacrosse camp buddy, Kieran Delancey. With Kieran's girlfriend Jenna off looking at colleges with her parents, Kieran welcomed me as soon as I half suggested and half invited myself to Ocean City for the surfing trip since he would also be off school for the same long weekend.

I made the trip to the Maryland Eastern Shore early on Thursday with Mitch's blessing since he would be in his basic firefighting class on Thursday night at the Lutherville firehouse plus a full day of practical evolutions on Saturday. Mitch planned on using Friday to catch up on some homework and encouraged me to try to be home as early as possible on Sunday so we could "study" together.

Kieran was waiting at the surf shop when I arrived in Defender with my board clamped down on the roof, an overnighter bag and my wetsuit balled up in the back. "Wow Macy! This thing is the bomb! How are you dude!," Kieran exclaimed when I pulled into the parking lot, "I saw all your pics on Instagram but seeing it now in real life makes it so much more incredible."

"I'm great, so good to see you again," I replied with a manly hug, "Mitch told me to make sure I said hello to you from him too."

"And how is Fireman Mitch?" Kieran asked as he started walking and looking around Defender.

"You mean Firefighter Mitch," I said, "I made the fireman mistake exactly once before he schooled me up on the difference: firemen shovel coal for steam engines; firefighters save lives and protect property."

"Mitch can be a bit detail-oriented sometimes, almost to a fault," Kieran reminded me before re-asking his original question, "so aside from being somewhat anal retentive; how is our big lacrosse goon friend? And his boyfriend?"

"Firefighter Mitch is balls deep in his basic class, nailing all his quizzes and practicals; at least that is what he is telling me; we're both doing well in physics and calculus but those are the only classes we have together this year," I said rattling off the report to Kieran, "And boyfriend Mitch and I are doing pretty damn well; I think the only thing that is bugging him is the how and when to come out."

"Cool, cool, cool," Kieran said leading us into the shop where I had the "classroom" portion of my surf lessons earlier in the summer, "let me get changed and grab a board, we'll head over to 44th Street and see what kind of waves are rolling in, if they suck, you can help me with my physics project."

"Nice, invite me to the beach to help you with your homework," I replied.

"Well, in all fairness, you did kind of invite yourself and it's only if there are shitty waves," Kieran said defending himself, "besides; all we have to do is throw a frisbee."

I cocked my head towards Kieran as he walked to the back of the shop and scrunched up an eyebrow, "how the fuck is that homework?"

In less than two minutes, Kieran and I were walking outside into the October afternoon sun with his board and wetsuit in hand as I climbed up the ladder to the roof rack and locked his board next to mine. He tossed me a brand new hoodie from Delancey's and also had what looked like a cooler with a shower hose attached to it that we loaded into the back of Defender. "Trust me, the Gulf Stream current is still warming the water a bit but when we get are done, you are going to appreciate this portable shower unit."

We made the short hop to 44th Street, not far from the Ocean City Convention Center and with Kieran's guidance, we snagged a decent parking space so that we could easily get the boards off from the roof rack. Using the Defender's doors as a barrier I dropped my board shorts revealing my blue Under Armour compression shorts and slid into my shortie wetsuit while Kieran wrestled himself into a full body wetsuit. "Think you remember everything from this summer, all the basics?" Kieran quizzed me.

"Remember yes, remember how and executing might be a little bit of a trick," I replied, "but I have my Obi-Wan Kenobe instructor with me so we should be all good."

And with a forced baritone voice, Kieran replied, "come Macy, the force awaits you."

I locked up Defender and we trudged towards the beach, me completely forgetting we only had about two hours of light left. We paddled out and the water was decent, waves were at best only so-so according to Kieran which worked to my benefit. Kieran and the more experienced surfers were just happy to be out on the water and chilling with each other while I was able to get back into the swing of picking a wave, popping up, finding my balance and riding in without getting beaten up too badly or completely wiping out too many times.

We rode a final set of waves in together and gathered up the rest of our towels and stuff from the beach. Back at Defender, Kieran showed me how the portable shower worked by placing it up on the roof and letting gravity give a little head pressure to the water through the shower hose and nozzle. "Please tell me this is your invention and that you are going to make millions from this," I said to Kieran as I did a quick rinse.

"Nah, this isn't anything terribly new," Kieran answered as I shucked off my comps afterwards and then quickly stepped commando back into my board shorts and my new Delancey's Surf Shop hoodie, "some enterprising surfer just hijacked some basic camping technology."

"Oh well, I was hoping it was your big idea," I said with a smile.

Kieran glanced at his Nixon surf watch, "we need to beat feet to West OC, Dad is making something special for you and hates it when anybody is late for dinner."

"Your dad is cooking?" I asked.

"Dad had a few restaurants between here and in Rehoboth but after a few too many summers of the long hours, the roller coaster quality of seasonal labor and related BS he came to dislike running restaurants so much that he sold them off and started Delancey's."

"Wow!" I replied, "what's your Mom do?"

"Mom is the freakin' brains of the organization," Kieran replied with a bit of a laugh, "she lets Dad think he is in charge but Mom keeps him and his spending sprees on a tight leash."

I laughed, "really?"

"Oh yeah, totally," Kieran said, "but it's all good, it works for them and maintains domestic tranquility."

At first I wasn't sure which house would be Kieran's until the Chevy van emblazoned with the Delancey's Surf Shop logo kind of gave it away. The two story house sat on pilings with open air parking underneath and decks coming off every floor and every side overhead. We got out to hose off our boards and wet suits and set them out to dry before I grabbed my overnight bag and phone and followed Kieran inside.

Zeus; their mixed Labrador-pit bull rescue with brindle fur, barked fiercely when I first walked in half startling me until I got his final sniff of approval. Once I was up the first flight of stairs to the middle level of the beach house, Kieran showed me to a guest room and the bathroom we would be sharing before we went up another flight of stairs to the main living quarters where Kieran's parents were waiting.

After Kieran made the introductions of his mother and father, Rose and Chuck respectively to me, it was easy to see that Kieran got most of his beachy good looks from his dad. Rose grilled me on how I was doing in school and apparently Kieran had provided his parents with a heads up that I was gay and involved with Mitch while Kieran procured a round of Dogfish Head IPAs from the kitchen refrigerator.

By the end of the first round of IPA's, Chuck had excused himself to the kitchen and Zeus followed closely while I continued talking with Rose and Kieran, hearing from Rose about how well Kieran's sister, Lauren was doing at Hopkins in pre-med just as Chuck returned to announce dinner was ready.

We filed into the dining room and sat ourselves at the dinner table while Chuck ladled pasta carbonara with peas, crab and pancetta into bowls for each of us. Wine flowed albeit less freely for Kieran and I, in fact, after a day of driving and surfing, I was beginning to feel the one-two punch of the beer and wine combo sneaking up on me as Kieran and I excused ourselves from the dinner table.

Kieran and I down went back down to the first floor where his bedroom was located and talked about his physic homework project, surfing including

the projected tides for the morning. We debated watching TV but Kieran was zipping through the channels so fast that I could barely figure out what was on let alone agree with him on any show to watch. My phone buzzed and it was Mitch texting me so I said good night to Kieran and headed into the guest room and closed the door.

"Are you naked?" Mitch asked via text.

"No not yet," I replied.

"I want to FaceTime when you are" Mitch stated.

I sent a bunch of smily emoji's back before I brushed my teeth and climbed into the queen-sized guest bed naked. I put my overnight bag at the bottom of the bed by my feet, propped my phone up with it then spread my legs just enough and tapped Mitch, then FaceTime.

"Hey big sexy!" I said with hushed excitement when I saw Mitch laying in about the same position I was on his own bed in his own room.

"Hi Mace, wish you were here," Mitch replied, "you look great!"

"You do too, show me that lacrosse stick of yours," I said, half commanding.

I could see Mitch pushing his hard-on closer to the camera on his smart phone before he asked, "how did Kieran look tonight?"

"Just fine, his sexy beachy self, I can tell you like that look," I replied before adding on, "his pecs are bigger than I remembered from the summer."

"I crushed on him in lacrosse camp," Mitch confessed.

"I know, he told me you took a little bit of too long a look at him in the shower at camp one summer but he is cool with it," I said.

"Would you?" Mitch asked.

"Would I what," I played back to Mitch.

"You know, do Kieran if he was gay?" Mitch replied

"Hells yes, I love his sexy beachy look," I answered, "and I know you would too!"

"Do us together?" Mitch asked, as I watched him stroke his cock on my screen.

I kept stroking myself, making little circles with my leaking pre on my cock head making sure he could see me nodding approvingly, "Yeah babe, it would be so hot for us to be standing together, naked, making out while you are kneeling, alternating your mouth between our dicks; can you picture that with me?"

"Oh yes, two beautiful surfer cocks to suck," Mitch cooed back, "fuck yeah, give them to me."

"You like surfer dick Mitch?" I asked him.

He nodded back in the affirmative, "love how that wetsuit fits you. I have to `fess up that I did beat off to a few pics of you in that wetsuit!"

"What else do you have to confess to me about?" I asked as I took a few long pulls on my own shaft, trying to moan loud enough for Mitch to hear, yet keep them soft enough so as not to betray what I was doing in the guest room.

"I love watching you race, especially butterfly. You are an Adonis in your jammer, cap and mirrored-goggles, a powerful humanoid swimming machine, almost like dolphin or porpoise as your body arches over the surface and dives back under into the water," Mitch confessed between strokes of his own cock, "I want to kiss your big bulge while you wear your jammer and stuff."

"Oh yeah? If you want that I will give it to you, but, you have to do something in return for me," I counter offered.

"Oh?" Mitch asked, pausing his stroke.

"I want to feel you in your lacrosse gear, those big gloves touching me on the back of my head as I look up past the grill of the helmet and see your eyes with smudges of eye-black under them, see that sheen of sweat," I fantasized out loud to him, "taste the sweat on your dick as I suck it deep into my mouth, my nose in your sweaty pubes."

"OH FUCK Macy, you would do that?" Mitch asked, jerking faster.

"In a heartbeat, my love, in a fuckin' heartbeat," I replied.

"I love how your sexy mind works," Mitch answered.

"I love you Mitch, I love you so much, no matter how far away you are," I stated before my body's core began to tighten up.

"You gonna cum?" Mitch asked

I just nodded and with a big smile, I began stroking a little faster until I felt the eruption begin, thick ropes shooting up on my pecs and abs as I watched Mitch release his own ropes vertically.

After tasting some off my own jazz off my finger tips I began to rub the rest of my release into the creases of my abs and into the muscles of my chest. My body heaved a bit before my respirations returned to normal and I smiled at Mitch, moved the phone closer to my face so he could see my lips and I could see his as we said good night to each other.

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