Everlasting Love

By Alan A.

Published on Apr 19, 2019


Everlasting Love Chapter 13

NOTE: This is the fictional biographic love story as Mitch Humboldt, Macy Strickland and their friends make their way through different stages of their lives. All of the characters in this story are fictional and resemblance to any one person whether dead or alive is purely coincidental. Please, if you liked this chapter, share your feed back; I have a rough mental outline for how this goes but some extra details or inspiration along the way are always welcome. If you are offended by intimate male on male emotional and physical relationships, you really should be asking yourself why you are here in the first place. Lastly, please consider a financial donation to Nifty so they can maintain this awesome website.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to send out a big thank you to those readers who took a few minutes to express how much they are enjoying Everlasting Love. To answer one of the common questions, I am neither Macy nor Mitch. I have made the effort to bring as much detail as possible to Everlasting Love because I had a middle school English teacher who insisted that stories do not exist in a vacuum. There has to be a sense of time and place for the plot to occur and a sense of dimension and chemistry for the principal characters to come to life. That said, I have superimposed Macy and Mitch's fictional love story onto and into the places, events and realities of my own life.

"What are you planning to make?" Mitch asked, pushing the small shopping cart behind me through the produce section of The Fresh Market already filling up with salad greens, green pepper, onion and and some garlic.

Like any teenager, I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't really know. Cal makes this thing, kind of takes whatever is laying around, chops it up, throws it in a skillet with some sauce and calls it dinner."

As we got to the butcher counter, Mitch asked, "is there going to be enough for Logan too?"

My shoulders slumped, "um, we need to talk about that, about today really," I said with an almost audible sigh.

"Oh, is something wrong?" Mitch asked as I received the links of spicy Italian sausage from the butcher.

"Not really wrong, just some things seemed different today, and I might add; in a good way," I said trying to take the edge off of the drama in my voice, "I mean, I really liked, no, I loved when you held my hand earlier.

And, I really liked how you treated Logan; somehow I got it in my head he was your arch nemesis but that was obviously a bad read on my part."

"I try not to hate anybody, it takes negative energy to hate someone and that requires a lot of effort so why get myself all jacked up and stressed out over somebody or something I don't like or don't have any control over?" Mitch answered.

"I get your point, I just want, no, I need to know that Logan is not a threat to what you and I have started," I asked, my tone almost demanding to know immediately.

"I've already told you everything there is to know between Logan and I; and that's it, there's nothing else. It just sounded like maybe things weren't going so well for him and that it wouldn't be a problem just to be nice to him. After all, he pretty much got shit on by damn near everybody at school this year; I mean, who could blame them but still, it definitely was not Logan's best year," Mitch stated for the record.

I nodded as Mitch continued, "and at some point I have to come out, I have to cross that bridge and I don't know about you Macy, but I want as many people on my side and by my side as possible, not just those across that bridge waiting for me."

As we wheeled away towards the refrigerated cases I replied, "Fair enough, and, you know I am not forcing you. Do it on your terms and when you are ready, you know you can count on me, on Robbie, on Karen, hell, even Kieran. Everybody knows the real Mitch, the big strong silent type and wants the best for you and if Logan can help you too, so be it. Just don't give me any reason to think otherwise."

As we carried the bags out to the Volvo Mitch continued, "Logan and I were pretty tight during our rec lacrosse years; kind of like the brother I didn't have. And since Robbie morphs into Mr. Baseball around March 1st; lacrosse and soccer was our connection," Mitch said in an effort to reassure me, "you on the other hand, are what I want to call my future soul mate. I see us doing great things together; I am so at peace with myself and the world when I am with you."

Not long after we got home with our groceries, Logan arrived while Mitch was out back tossing a lacrosse ball for Shelby to fetch. I was in the kitchen trying to recreate Cal's throw-it-all-in-a-skillet dinner when I heard Logan at the front screen door and beckoned him inside. He found me in the kitchen dicing up an onion to add to the diced green pepper and thick slices of spicy Italian sausage already in the pan, "Hey Macy, how goes it?" he asked, first offering to shake and then to hug which left us both a little bit confused in the moment as we tried to figure out whether we were hugging or shaking.

I put my best foot forward and once we were both on the same page I hugged him, "I'm fine, we're glad you are here. Sorry to hear that your summer plans are kind of whacked."

"It's cool," Logan replied, "it seems like recently I've gotten into a bad habit of making some short-sighted decisions. Like my dad says, if you keep inheriting bad situations it's probably time to talk to the guy in the mirror."

"Your dad sounds like some sort of philosopher," I cooly replied as Logan boosted himself up onto the granite counter top while I focused on using the flat side of the chef's knife to smash a couple of cloves of garlic and then mince them up.

"Hey Macy?" Logan asked, "would you please put the knife down a minute and talk to me."

This shit just got serious I thought to myself as I complied, lowering the knife down to the cutting board and looking eye to eye with Logan.

"I'm sure you and Mitch talked about me, maybe he told you what we did a few summers ago but I swear to you, there's nothing going on between us. For now, you just have to take that leap of faith but in the end, you will see it's true; I promise you that. And I want you to know, I would never, ever do anything that would harm Mitch or you for that matter," he said in a serious tone.

All of a sudden I was starting to feel like a jerk as I listened to Logan continue, "Like I said a minute ago, I made some dumb-ass moves and said some dumb-ass things in the last year or so which created some big problems for me and cost me some friendships. There's no way I can go back in time, no reset button I can hit and undo and unsay those things but I can move forward and try to make it better and I don't know, maybe hanging out with you and Mitch would be a good start for me."

Aside from the sound of everything sautéing in the pan I now felt like a complete jerk in the gulf of silence between Logan and myself as I pondered the right words to try to make things less tense for the three of us, "Well then, maybe it's time for us to try making some good decisions together."

Logan hopped off the counter and hugged me, I could feel his chest heaving a bit as he fought back a tear or two as I held on to him until Mitch came in the rear patio door with Shelby tagging and wagging behind him, "you guys need another minute?"

"Our friend just needs a big hug, that's all," I said to Mitch, "you better give him one too."

Mitch hugged Logan and then the three of us while Shelby tried to figure her own way into the group hugfest before Logan asked, "what are you making for dinner, it smells really good."

I turned back to the skillet and added the garlic and then a can of tomato sauce "It's this thing my grandfather makes, throws a bunch of stuff in a skillet, a can of tomato sauce, then dumps the whole mess over pasta, it's quick, easy and usually tastes pretty good."

Logan dipped a finger in the pan after I stirred and tasted, "needs some salt," he said to me before turning to Mitch who was passing out half of what was left from the last six pack of beer from the weekend, "going out for varsity wide receiver?"

"Yeah, probably, what about you, are you going to play soccer?" Mitch asked.

"Shoot, we'll be lucky if we have enough to field a soccer team this season let alone both a varsity and a JV squad," Logan commented.

"Macy played a little kickball before moving here," Mitch offered as both information and a suggestion.

"Oh yeah," Logan responded and with a turn towards me, "what position?"

"Kind of a utility player, wherever I'm needed," I replied, "but in all honesty, I haven't kicked a ball in over a year."

"Promise me you'll think about it and I promise there won't be the two-a-day pre-season practices like the football team has," Logan pleaded.

I looked at Mitch, "really, two practices a day; you are hard core," before turning to Logan, "I'll give it a shot, of course, I'll have to check on the homefront but I know Cal and Rita want me to get more involved with school activities."

Logan helped get the pot of pasta water going as Mitch watched while I went back to the stove and gave the spicy Italian sausage, peppers, onions and tomato sauce concoction a big stir and sipped from the spoon, "needs something," I said and offered the spoon to Logan and then Mitch.

Mitch gave his usual shrug while Logan opened cabinet doors until he found a stash of spices and grabbed a Costco-sized container of basil and gave it a generous shake over the skillet, "let that cook in while we wait for the pasta," Logan offered.

My phone vibrated with a text message while Mitch doled out the last round of beers to each of us. "Kieran says we got big waves in the morning, just have to be at Delancey's at sun-up," I told Mitch as Logan spooned out a hot tortellini and handed it to me.

"Done enough?" he asked.

I nodded and Logan drained the pasta while I gave everything else one last big stir. Mitch set the table for us as Logan dumped the three-cheese tortellinis into pasta bowls while I covered them with the chunky sauce. Mitch grabbed the grated cheese from inside the door of the fridge and we all sat down as I waited for the moment of truth, watching for a reaction from Logan and Mitch as they took their first bites. Mitch's eyes went wide, "I thought you said you didn't know how to cook? This is great!"

Jumping in, Logan agreed, "hells yes, you're the man Macy, outstanding!"

I was relieved to hear their compliments and when I finally figured out it was almost as tasty as Cal's I finally relaxed and enjoyed my own plate, "not bad for just winging it."

"Hey, um, you guys mind if I crash here on the couch or something, I don't really feel like going back to my place," Logan asked us before explaining, "I got a roommate through this Craig's List thing; it's not that great, he's not a bad person, just doesn't talk much or want to do anything. At least I know you guys and it would give me a bit of a break from him until you guys go home."

Mitch looked at me and I gave the most subtle nod I of approval I could before he answered, "sure, you can actually probably stay in the guest room Karen and Robbie were using."

"Thanks guys," Logan replied, "I promise I won't be no bother."

"Hey Mitch, think you would want to drive down with me and take some pictures in the morning of Kieran and I surfing?" I asked.

"Sure, I haven't taken any action pictures for a while but I'll do that with you guys," Mitch replied.

"Probably have to leave here just after 5:00 am," I said.

"You better set about four alarms around the house then so we wake up on time," Mitch suggested, "Logan, want to tag along?"

"Maybe, I got to work at eleven, what time do you think you guys will be back?" Logan asked.

Mitch looked at me like I was the Oracle of all things related to the scheduling of surfing activities, "Kieran and I are usually having pancakes by 9:30 am at Bayside Skillet but since we are starting a couple of hours earlier we might finish sooner."

"Fuck it, I'll chance it, my boss is pretty cool," Logan replied, "more often than not it's just me and him minding the store and all he asks is that I call if I am going to be late; I need the hours so bad so I haven't missed a day yet."

I started clearing the plates and Mitch stopped me, "you cooked, I'll take care of this, you and Logan hang out."

As Mitch cleaned up the kitchen, I found a box of Jumbo Jenga blocks and Logan and I began playing that; trying to make each next tower taller than the one before. Each crashing collapse made Shelby growl just a bit from a safe distance before coming over to see if we were alright.

I was beginning to like Logan, we were able to find things in common to talk about and laugh about as Mitch joined in the tower building. He needed friends and Mitch and I could always use another. Part of me wanted to be as out as he was but I was also feeling a bit conflicted because of the promise I made first to Robbie and then Mitch about protecting Mitch when we started dating.

After I let Shelby out one more time, Mitch helped Logan get settled in the other guest room while I went to our side of the house to begin unwrapping and untagging my new underwear. I sampled each pair and was happy with how the pouch controlled and contained my junk bump. I was checking out how the last pair looked and fit on me, a microfiber boxer brief in navy blue with some very light gray pinstripes when Mitch walked in, stopped and simply summed up my appearance as, "fuuccccccckkkkk, you look so hot in them!"

His right hand reached out for my junk bump and just ever so gently touched the fabric straining across my bulge that was growing with each beat of my heart. Mitch just looked at me and I looked at him, neither of us speaking, our eyes just watching each other as all he did was trace the outline of my cock which sent shivers down my back and waves of pleasure through my body.

I was trying to suppress verbalizing how great I felt as we tried this new approach to masturbation, just letting Mitch's hand, no just his fingers do the work. My left hand reached for him and he gently pushed it away as he made me the center of his attention. The softness and slickness of the microfiber fabric allowed his fingertips to slide ever so gently to stimulate the contours of my shaft as I just propped myself against the vanity. It seemed so intense that I swore I could feel the individual ridges of each fingerprint leaving its mark on my hard-on.

My eyes looked on at his pecs as my left hand moved to my left pec and to my own left nipple that I gently tugged, twisted and squeezed as the fabric darkened with wetness near the top of my cockhead as my pre leaked out. It seemed the less he touched, the more erotic and stimulating it was and all of a sudden, without any warning, I lost whatever control I still had and convulsed in a sweet private little orgasm as Mitch's big fingers kept stimulating the sensitive skin around my frenulum until I almost had to forcefully yank his hand away.

We brushed our teeth, kissed, set our smartphone alarms for early and slid into bed; Shelby already staked out her territory leaving Mitch and I all scrunched up against each other as we quickly fell asleep after more good night kisses.

Next: Chapter 14

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