Ever Ice

By Ice Cold

Published on May 14, 2001


Disclaimer: This is a story of pure fiction. It depicts the story of male to male love acts. If your country forbids it or if you are underage then what the heck are you doing here.

Messages: Can anyone recommend good stories to me? By the way, power drain is when Cody's energy gets used up whenever he uses his powers.

Story Recomendations: This Boy's Story(under young friends), Bleeding hearts(high school) warmth and coldness(another story I created, high school), chris and jamie(young friends) joshuas story(high school), jamie's romance(boy bands- celebrity)

Ever-ice 4

Chapter-17 The Way Out

I woke up and washed my face, brushed my teeth. Did all the normal things I did on mornings. When I stepped out of the bathroom, the speaker voice came.

"Cody, you are to report to the examination lab."

"I don't think so."

"Let me tell you that Justin is still in our hands."

"And your point is? Let me tell you a story. When I was spending my time in Egypt. It was so hot in that blasted country that I lost my temper and froze a portion of the desert and they called it the "Miracle of Egypt." And who do you think caused that miracle? Me. If you have brains then you might have figured out what is going to happen to this lab."

I started the powers again.


A big shard of ice appeared like yesterday. I slammed it into the wall. The wall broke.


I ran towards Justin's room. On the way to Justin's room, there appeared the four guys that I froze yesterday. They were about to pounce on me.

"You know better than to commit that same mistake again."

They backed off. I proceeded to Justin's room. He was sleeping despite the red alert screeching at probably the highest volume. As I got closer, I realized that he wasn't asleep. He was unconscious. I tried to wake him but it was no use. He didn't even budge. I tried to carry him but I wasn't that strong. I didn't know what to do. I tried to wake him again.

"Justin, please wake up. We have to get out of here."

He didn't budge. I couldn't do anything. I have to go out quick. I got up and kissed Justin on the lips.

"I promise I'll return later."

I went out of the room. First stop: the communications tower. I was going to destroy the laboratory but I wasn't going to kill the people inside. It was a long climb up the stairs but I had a better idea.

"Levitane" And I floated upwards.

So far, so good. I landed at the top floor. I opened the door to the communication room and looked inside. There were two personel, each holding a gun that was pointed towards me.

"You probably know who I am."

They nodded.

"You must know that those guns aren't going to work against me"

They were quaking with fear. I took pity on them.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I just need to use the open broadcast system."

They took off, leaving me there to figure out how to work the broadcast system. I found the right button and began broadcasting my message.

"To all personel of the Kenzin lab, this is Cody Athenos. In thirty minutes and exactly thirty minutes, I will create a blizzard that will ensure the destruction of this laboratory. I apologize to you all people, who will go home without a job but I have vowed to destroy this laboratory and I always keep my promises, oaths and vows. That is all. Remember thirty minutes. Timer starts... now"

I ended the transmission. I flew down and when I reached the bottom level. I tripped. Power drain. I was a little woozy. I got up and went to the front door where I was greeted by a large crowd, trying to evacuate. I was trying to fight the crowd when I heard a shout.

"There he is!"

I looked around and saw the people in the white suits, heading towards me.


One froze in place but recovered as the ice melted. Damn, I forgot about the suits. Think Cody think.


And the big shard of ice appeared. I don't care if the cold doesn't affect you but if one big shard of ice is coming at you, I'm sure as hell that it would hurt. I flung it at them and it knocked them off their feet. I was going back for Justin. Like I said, nothing and absolutely nothing can stop me from seeing Justin. I went back to his room but he wasn't there. Where the hell is he?! I looked at my watch and saw that it was twenty minutes before I conjured the blizzard. I saw a tape and it said "play me". I took it and played it.

"Hello Cody. I'm sure you know who I am"

Bill. The bastard

"Yes, I'm Bill the sick bastard but I'm the sick bastard who has Justin, your boyfriend. That's right. I have your boyfriend. And guess what? I'm gay too and I have a certain liking for this beautiful stud of yours."

He started rubbing Justin's crotch. Justin was still unconscious. The tape finished with the result of me quaking with anger again. That bastard! That piece of shit! I swear when I find him I'm going to freeze his dick off! I had to find him but how?! Think Cody think! Observation room: security cameras. I can see him from there. I tried to remember where it was then I remebered that it was on the west side of the building. I was on the east side. To get there, I needed to go up the stairs, cross the hall, use the bridge and go down the stairs and I would still be a little far away from the security room. I looked at the watch and it told me I had eighteen minutes left. I wouldn't make it in time if I did all that things. I had to find a shortcut. Then I remembered. This is a laboratory and there are no shortcuts. Well if there are no shortcuts then I'll make one.


The wall in front of me froze.


I used the shard to shatter the frozen wall. It shattered the wall and I passed through. I kept on doing the same thing until I reached the west side. I looked around and saw the security room and I entered. There were no personel this time. They must have gone off. I switched on all of the cameras and looked if there were still any other people. There was nobody left. Now, I had to find Bill. I looked at the cameras and saw Bill with Justin in the storage room. Bill was humping Justin. Justin was shirtless and unconscious and Bill was licking Justin! SONOFABITCH!!! THAT ANIMAL IS GOING TO GET IT FROM ME!!! THE FUCKING DOG!!! I was so mad I couldn't think straight. Where's the Storage Room I couldn't wait any longer. I found it and froze the locked door open. There was Justin, pantsless and Bill was licking his thighs oblivious to my presence. I rushed to Bill and kicked him in the face. I turned to Justin. I touched his chest.


"So finally here, Cody"

I looked up at Bill who had a large red welt on his face.


I was about to freeze him when I heard him.


Then I looked into his eyes and they held me there. There was something in them. Something captivting me. They were magical. He was saying something in those eyes. I looked at it and I knew what to do. I knelt before him and opened my mouth, ready to accept his dick. I was eager to taste it. It was about to enter my mouth when someone grabbed me from behind and slapped my face. I woke and saw Justin. He was yelling something. Then he slapped me again. I woke up this time.


"Cody, listen to me! He's like you! He has powers too! But not ice. Like mind control or something! You'll be safe as long as you don't look at his eyes!"

"Justin, wait here."

I got up and faced Bill in the eye. He was using the same trick again but I thought of Justin and the spell became useless. Seeing that it didn't affect me, he tried to run.


And he froze. Let me tell you something. The Danakina spell is used to freeze living creatures. Nektet means forever. Meaning he was going to be a statue of ice forever. Unless another Arnhade reversed the spell and turned him back to normal. He would still be ice even if you let him dropped him in a volacno full of lava.

I put Justin's clothes on and I looked at my watch. It said ten minutes before blizzard came. I started towards the door when I finally dropped and fell. I tried to get up but I couldn't. So tired. Very tired. Sleepy. Damn, why did the power drain happen now? Can't think. Too sleepy. I fell into Justin's arms.

Chapter-18 Final Blizzard


Bill froze. I was scared. Cody was shaking with rage. I never saw him like this. Not even once and it was scaring the wits out of me and yet he was so cute when he was angry. He helped me put my clothes on. When we finished, he stood up and headed towards the door and he fell. Cody fell and I got to him in time. I shook him awake.

"Cody, Cody wake up!"

Then I remembered the power drain. He might have used his powers too much. I carried him and ran out of there. I didn't know where I was going but I looked into the security room and saw a huge hole in the wall and I figured. Cody's shortcut. I followed the holes and emerged at my room. I knew the exit from here and went out. Surprisingly, there were no personel that was stopping us. Maybe Cody had something to do with it. I went out the gate and ran for the forest. I stopped when I saw a car. It was from the Kenzin laboratory. I looked and saw Albert. Albert rushed to me and took Cody. He helped me revive Cody. Finally, after five minutes of waving my hand in front of Cody, his beautiful eyes stirred and he woke up.


"Yes, Cody it's me"

He looked at his watch and jumped up.

"Man, one minute till the blizzard hits."

"What blizzard?"

"The blizzard that I will create to destroy this hell of a lab once and for all."

"No, Cody. You haven't recovered enough. You might d...die." I sputtered out.

"I'm sorry Justin but I have to. People might think that its a hoax and return to the lab. And when the blizzard hits, they die too. I want to destroy the lab but not the people inside it."

"No Cody. I won't let you."

But he didn't listen. He started drawing a blue sign or something in the thin air. I ran and tackled him before he finished it. He struggled but I was too strong for him.

"Justin, let me go! Let me go! I have to do this!"

He struggled more but I held on. He stopped struggling and whispered.

"I'm so sorry Justin but I really have to do this. Sandera"

The cold hit me and I was numb. I couldn't move. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move. Then I was free again. I could move again. All of it was probably for two seconds but on those two seconds, Cody had freed himself from me and was now floating above me. He started writing the letter again. I knew that he wasn't strong enough for that spell or any spell. He had used too much of his energy. He might really die. I thought that a life without Cody is a life not worth living at all.

All of a sudden, the skies darkened and the blue sign Cody wrote was glowing and it suddenly disappeared and it flew to the sky. Moments later, you could literally hear the blizzard starting. Dark clouds appeared over the lab but it was funny. You know those cartoons where the clouds appeared over one part of the screen only? That was how it looked like. The skies rumbled and flashed then the snow fell. You wouldn't believe it but the snow came on. Hard. The trees around the lab were breaking and falling. The windows were shattering as the snow were pelted upon it. The concrete was showing cracks. It was unbelievable. I always thought snow was soft and mushy and here it was destroying a building.

I looked at Cody who dropped a little. The power drain was taking its effect and Cody was fighting to keep flying.

"Cody, stop it! You'll die."

"I don't care."

"Cody please."

"Justin, one more spell. Just one more."

Then he wrote another sign. No, if he didn't stop. He would die. But he didn't stop. He kept on writing until the letter was complete and flew to the sky. The blizzard stopped. It was five seconds before the tiny pieces of ice began to hit the building. Then more. More. And still more. Hail. No not hail. Hailstorm. The tiny pieces were destroying the building. The building was collapsing. It was literally being demolished. Finally, it surrendered and fell to the mighty blows of the hailstorm. After a few seconds what was left was something you wouldn't even recognize as parts of a building. It was done. The lab was no more.

I looked at Cody to congratulate him. He smiled at his work.

"Justin!", he cried out before he fell.

I ran and caught him.

I flew from Justin's arm. I needed to destroy that building. I wrote the legendary sign that I figured out long ago. As the sign began to form, I was murmuring the incantation. I looked at it and I knew what it meant in the Arnhade language. Weaken. I finished the chanting and the sign flew up to greet the sky. The clouds began to form and I smiled satisfied. I looked down and saw Justin, mystified by my work. The snow began. It was pretty good until I realized that it wouldn't be enough to destroy the building. I looked at the building. It was still standing. Then I heard the whooshing sound which meant the power drain is about to hit me. And hit it did. I almost collapsed and fell but I fought it.

"Cody, stop it! You'll die.", I heard Justin but I have to do this.

"I don't care."

"Cody please." I'm sorry Justin.

"Justin, one more spell. Just one more."

I began to write the only other sign I knew. I chanted the incantation and it began to form. This time the sign was one that many feared because it meant only one thing. Destruction. I finished chanting and it flew up to the sky. The snow stopped and was replaced by hail. By the time the hail was finished, no more was the Kenzin lab. Just a pile of rocks and concrete. I smiled inwardly. I heard the whooshing sound again


This time, there was no sleepy feeling or weakness. Just blackness. Pure blackness as I fell.

Chapter-19 The End Of The Beginning

"Cody, all I ask is that you wake and live with me forever." The sound was so faint but I recognized it as Justin's voice. Justin, I'm coming. But there was this white light that separated me from the man I loved. No! Like I said and will forever be, nothing in this world or in the whole universe, will keep me away from Justin. Justin, wait. I'm coming. The white light broke.

I woke up and saw someone. I looked and saw Justin. He was holding my hand. He looked so cute when he was sleeping. I tried to move but pain settled on my body. The movement, though, was enough to wake Justin who opened his gorgeous emerald eyes. But they weren't green anymore. More like rubies. They were red from crying. I looked at him and smiled. He opened his mouth for a second and tried to say something but couldn't.

"What? You look like a fish.", I giggled.

He didn't laugh but he just embraced me. My whole body hurt but I didn't care. It was Justin. And everything was okay as long as its Justin. I hugged him back. Then he kissed me and I kissed him back. I missed kissing him. I bet he missed kissing me too.

"God knows how much I've missed kissing you. I missed your lips. You hair. Your hands. Your body. Your legs. And most of all your co..."

I slapped his mouth lightly before he finished the last word.

"I know. I missed you too."

"Cody, do you know what?"


"You did a great job on the laboratory. It was reduced to rubble."

"I know I saw it too."

"Man, I'll never make you mad."


"Because remember when you used that spell on me. It was so cold. Now I'd like to imagine what it would feel to have my whole body frozen."

"I'm sorry. I'll never do it again."

Being there with Justin helped me to recover enough to stand. I reached the middle of the room when my knees suddenly gave way and I landed on my butt. Justin laughed so hard.

"Well, I sorry if I was just too weak."

He was still laughing. Maybe a little cold sting would stop him from laughing. Blue. When he finally saw me, his mouth dropped open. I grinned mischeviously. And he realized what was going to happen.


I spewed him with tiny icicles. He yelped.

"Laugh at me will ya?"

He ran around me in circles as I kept on spewing him. I didn't see the plan he was doing. As he circled me, he came nearer me and when he was finally near enough, he jumped at me and began tickling me. I was laughing so hard. He wasn't stopping.

"St..o..p, I ...ca...n't br..e..a...th"

He stopped and I sat there pouting because I lost.

"You know what else?"


"All the personel of the Kenzin laboratory couldn't remember anything about Kenzin lab. It looks like they were all under Bill's spell not even Albert and there's something else?"


"When they cleared the rubble, they found the ice statue of a man. They said it was unbelievable that it didn't shatter under the debris."

I thought and it dawned on me. The ice statue was Bill. Serves him right.

"Cody, right now no one knows what you really are except me. You can start leaving a normal life"

I can't believe it. A normal life. A life without the hassles of having my special powers. I was fully aware of what has been opened on me. New life. My old life has left me and my new life is beginning.

I want everyone to know that I no have the fear of being caught someday. I know my parents are proud of me. Right now, I want the whole world to know that my new, normal life is beginning and its beginning right now.

So that's it but go to epilogue.

Next: Chapter 5

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