Ever Ice

By Ice Cold

Published on Apr 20, 2001


Disclaimer: This is a story of pure fiction. It depicts the story of male to male love acts. If your country forbids it or if you are underage then what the heck are you doing here.

Messages: Can anyone recommend good stories to me?

Story Recomendations: This Boy's Story(under young friends), Bleeding hearts(high school) warmth and coldness(another story I created, high school), chris and jamie(young friends) joshuas story(high school), jamie's romance(boy bands- celebrity)

Chapter-13 The Coldness of Ice

I woke up and saw Justin there looking at me.

"What are you looking at?", I asked.

"Just you. You look so cute when you're asleep."

"Whatever." I said as I blushed.

I threw back the covers and stood up on the bed. Then I noticed Justin looking at me, lustfully. I looked down and saw that I was naked. I walked to Justin and lightly slapped his forehead.

"It's too early for that"

"But I am so horny", he whined.

"Sorry. You have to wait later"

But he didn't wait. He leapt on top of me and kissed me. Those lips. How could I ever resist them? I was getting addicted to his lips. I broke off and took his shirt off. I kissed his excellent body. I reached the boxers and I slowly took them off and when they came off, his boner hit my chin. I was reluctant but when I tasted his dick, it didn't taste that bad. But it was more of like his mouth but the taste was stronger in this area. I simply loved it. I sucked him like a popsicle stick. He moaned and put his head on my hair. I kept on sucking and licking. When I sensed that he was about to cum, I sucked on harder but his hands suddenly came down and stopped me from sucking. His hands pried me off but I didn't want to and I kept licking with my mouth, in search for the big iron tool I wanted to desperately suck. But my lips didn't come across that dick but instead it went across his lips. I didn't care as long as it was him. I sucked on him. His teeth, his tongue, everything. Then he let out a low groan and came. He was basically spurting everywhere. The cum splattered on my tummy, on my chest, on my chin and even my face. He closed his eyes and breathed raggedly. When he recovered, he started stroking my hair in that way that always makes me sleepy.

"Cody, you are the best. I didn't know that you can become a crazed sex machine. I mean you kept sucking like your life depended on it."

"Whatever.", I said sleepily. Then I went to sleep.

Someone kissing me rudely awakened me. I opened my eyes and saw two gorgeous emeralds looking at me. This is a very good way to wake up. I could get used to this. The lips started kissing me again. I needed those lips. I wanted to kiss them. And I did. And I pulled away.

"Eeeeewww! Morning breath!", I said

Justin looked at me.

"Brush your teeth"

He looked hurt. I leaned in for another kiss but I stoped and kissed him on the cheeks instead.

"Get dressed, you still have school today."

We showered and did some bad things to each other. I put on some clothes and joined him on the walk to school. Just before we entered the school, he lightly kissed me on the cheeks.

School was very boring as it usually was. Luckily they didn't Chemistry. I couldn't stand another session of the beakers and test tubes.

At lunch, we both went into the restroom and kissed each other.

"Cody, you make me so horny."


Shit. I stopped kissing Justin and looked at the newcomer. He was a very ugly guy. He was fat and had a lot of pimples. I tried to say something but he cut me off.

"Justin Dalehigh is a fag and he has his fag boyfriend with him. Just wait till the whole school hears this."

His words cut through like a knife. And I felt another emotion that didn't occur to me often. Anger. This guy was going to get it. I swear I was glowing blue but Justin held me as the fat guy suddenly went out.

The first thing that we heard when we went out of the restroom was the word "fag". We ignored it but by the time the school was over, thanks to the fat guy, the whole school knew about Justin and me. I couldn't wait to get out of that school and when we exited through the main doors, there were like fifty or more people waiting for us. As we passed them, they kept shouting "fag, fairy or faggot". By the time we reached the end of the crowd, I was quaking with anger. Then the fat guy earlier suddenly loomed before my face and said.

"Go away, we don't need weirdos here"

That was all it took. I couldn't take it anymore. Red. I finally knew what they meant by seeing red. Weird. Especially for me, I'm used to blue. The power was starting. Justin held me.

"Cody, let it go. Please let it go."

"No, Justin! They deserve what is going to happen to them right now!"

They were still hollering fag and fairy.

"Justin, if you don't want to get caught in the crossfire, back away now."

He backed away.


Blue suddenly emerged from my feet and continued to the crowd and suddenly silence. They couldn't say anything because they were now statues of ice. Stupidly glistening in the sun. They had expressions of surprise and shock. And yes, best of all, fear. I was so satisfied with myself when my knees suddenly buckled. Never had I felt so tired. The power usage drained its energy on me. I was about to collapse. And collapse I did. I would have hit the ground if it weren't for Justin's strong arms catching me from behind.

Chapter-14 Cody's Capture

From the Kenzin Laboratory...

"Come in Kezin Lab"

The recepitonist grabbed the headset and responded.

"Kenzin Lab here"

"We have succesfully pinpointed the location of Cody Athenos."

"Proceed. Relay location."

"New York City"

"Location received. Over and out."

The receptionist cut the transmission and made a new one. Directly to Prof. Kenzin.

"Professor Kenzin, we just located Cody Athenos..."

I pulled Justin to his house. When we entered the house, Justin pulled me to his room. And started kissing me all over.

"You...kiss...are one...kiss...great lover."

"Justin, I'm scared"

He stopped kissing me.


"I just used my powers publicly and I'm afraid everybody saw it and tell me to the authorities"

I began to cry. I was so afraid. I never want to go back to that lab. But if the "lab Guys" suddenly appeared at the door, I don't know what to do. Justin went to his drawer and pulled something out.

"Cody, I have something for you"

I looked at him and he was holding a parcel. He handed it to me. I carefully opened it and looked. Tears again but this time they were of joy. It was beautiful. It was a silver necklace with a piece of sapphire as the pendant. Sapphire. To symbolize the ice within me. I loved it. I looked at Justin who was smiling.

"Thank you, I'll never take it off."

"As long as you're wearing it, you'll be safe."

He clasped it behind my back. I suddenly remembered my parents.

"Justin, can I use your computer."


"I need to use the Internet."


I started the computer while Justin lay down on his bed. I opened the website. Bypassed the security password and I was in. -Progress on subject no. 443A and 443B.- Searching...searching -Progress halted.- What? Progress halted? -Status report on no. 443A.- Loading. Loading. -Subject no. 443A status report uploaded.- Deceased. Deceased. Deceased. The word kept on blinking. In bright red letters. No. It couldn't be happening but there it was. In bright red letters. -Status report on subject no. 443B.- I silently prayed please let her be okay. Please. -Status report on subject no. 443B.- Deceased. Deceased. Deceased. There it was. Both of them gone. No, I couldn't believe it. They were both dead. My parents gone. Both of them. The room suddenly felt so cold. So new to me. Especially since I was the one who could manipulate the power of ice. Me, Cody, the Icemaster suddenly felt so cold. I would have laughed if I weren't feeling so...so...what was I feeling right now? It was so confusing. It was a mixture of fear, pain, shock, despair, remorse, guilt and anger. I was so confused. What do I do? Run, Cody, run. What about Justin? Forget about Justin. Just run. Yes, that's it. Run.

I stood up.


I ran down the hall.

"Cody! Wait!"

No Justin, you'll make this harder. Please don't come for me. But his love for me kept him on.

"Cody! Wait!"

I have to shake him off. I reached the front door and went out. He was still on my trail. It would be a matter of seconds before he catched up. His legs were bigger and faster than me. He would catch me unless...


Bye Justin.

I flew to the beach. It was the only thing I could think of going and I was very tired. Maybe I shouldn't have ran off like that. Maybe it was wrong. Why does everyone treat me like I'm something to be afraid of? Why can't I just be normal like the other people? Then I wouldn't have to endure this life of hell? Why can't I just be the normal skater? Or the everyday normal student that the teacher occasionally yells at for not listening? Why? Why? Why?! Everyone is so afraid of me or wants to catch me. Everyone! Everyone! Except Justin. Yes, everyone, except Justin. Justin, the only person who has looked past my difference and treated me like a normal person. Justin. Justin. I need to see him.


I flew over to Justin's house but when I arrived I only saw people dressed in black. They reminded me of MIB. But these were MIB that were after me. Oh god, they just carried Justin out of the house. He was unconscious. No! Justin! I flew down.


Two of them dropped Justin because they were frozen in place. I landed on the van. I touched the roof with my fingers.


The van froze into ice and the engine died. I flew again and circled the crowd.


Blue mist seeped from my fingers and I circled them with it. Spraying them with air below freezing point.


They were blasted away with thousands of tiny shards of ice.

"AAAAH!!!", I cried. The pain came from my leg. I looked and saw the syringe sticking of my leg. Fuck, tranquilizer dart. Why didn't I cast the protection spell? Stupid, Cody. Cody, you are so stupid. The tranquilizer was starting its effect on me. My vision blurred and I fell from the sky. I landed in the arms of a man with large muscles. Hard arms not like Justin's soft but strong and warm arms.

"How could something so beautiful, be deadly at the same time?", I heard the lady scientist say. It was the last thing I heard before I completely blacked out.

Chapter-15 Nightmares Returned

I woke up in a bed with tubes coming out of me. This is familiar. I tried to remeber what happened. The men in black they were carrying Justin. Justin! Justin! Where's Justin?! I stood up and pounded on the door.


"Mr. Athenos, please calm down. Mr. Dalehigh is in the room at the second floor.", the voice from the speaker said.

"Let me out of here!"

"I'm afraid that is a wish that I am not allowed to grant. You will be kept here until you are given orders to go"

"Orders my ass! You want to study me! You want to probe my body! Well fuck you! I'm going out whether you like it or not!"

I pointed my fingers at the wall.


Icicles sprang out of my fingers and hit the wall. When the dust cleared. The wall was still there. I couldn't believe it. The speaker voice cruelly laughed.

"Cody, that wall is four inches of pure titanium making it indestrutable. Even for your marvelous powers. So is the other walls of your room."

For the first time, I looked around and saw the other part of my room. There was a bed and a TV. Stereo and refrigerator. What I noticed is that the room was huge. It might have been twenty feet across and eighteen feet wide. Realization finally sunk in. I wasn't going to get out not unless they wanted me to. I simply sat there and cried. I failed. I failed my parents. I was back in this hell of a nightmare. Then a door opened and I looked. There was a door. I dashed to the opening and tried to make a break for it. The door was blocked by a very big man in a white suit.

"Danakina", he was covering up in ice when the ice suddenly melted.

"It's no use, Cody. This is a suit which provides its user with exothermic and endothermic heat. Meaning your ice has no use against us. Please cooperate with us. I don't want to do this but its the only job for me. I'm sorry Cody"

He suddenly grabbed me and twisted my arm. It didn't hurt but everytime I tried to free myself, he would twist it more until it hurt and I had to keep still. He led me into a room full of gadgets and devices. I didn't want to go to the room but the man forced me to. If I can't escape then I won't let them touch me.


Ice covered me like a thin sheet of clothing. The scientist was holding an injection. I wanted to get out but the big guy was still there.

"Cody, we are going to take some of your blood."

I didn't answer but he didn't wait for one. He was walking near me. I didn't resist and when he poked my arm, the needle broke. He looked up at me and I smiled smugly at him. He punched me in the guts. I keeled over over from the blow.

"You asshole!" I touched him.


He suddenly shivered and became blue. If I didn't take my hands away from him, he would become another statue of ice.

"Cody, look at the monitor", the scientist said and I looked. There was Justin strapped to a chair. The scientist took a walkie talkie and said something. Justin twitched and I saw that he was in pain. He was being electrocuted.

"No, no stop! Stop it you sick bastards!"

I was crying now. Justin had to suffer because of me. The electrocuting stopped. I saw Justin slump down. I knew he was unconscious. I looked at Bill, the scientist, with pleading eyes.

"I'll do anything. Just don't hurt him."

"Good. Finally, we're talking. Take away that shield of yours."

Humiliation. But I had no choice.

"Un Delectos."

Bill grabbed my arm and stuck the needle in it. I cried out in pain. Then I saw the syringe filling up with my blood. He pulled the needle away. This was the beginning of a round of tortures. I was poked, prodded, tested and treated like an animal for the first week. Yet amidst of it all, there was a kind soul in that laboratory. Albert. The big man who first greeted me. He was a very kind man with a good soul. He said that the only reason he was doing this was because there weren't any other jobs that paid as big as it is. He had to support a family of three including his wife. I took pity on the big man and I tried to make things easy on him. And he made me eat my food. Boy did he! When I once refused his cooking, he almost went through the roof. And who was I to refuse such great cooking? It was delicious. You know those subjects that were put in labs and they would come out thin. Well, I wasn't like that. Albert's cooking fattened me up. Not fat fat. But it helped me from starving.

I once requested to see Justin. They denied me and boy was I so mad. I conjured up a very big shard of ice and slammed it into the wall. The wall broke. Mind you, it was four inches of titanium. Titanium my ass, nothing, and I mean nothing, will keep me from seeing Justin. I was walking to Justin's room when these four guys jumped on me and before they could even touch me, they were, like the others, stupidly shining in the light. I proceeded to Justin's room. He was lying there. He lost some weight. My heart broke. He looked so weak. I went over to him.

"Justin...Justin." I said as I kissed his lips.

His emerald eyes opened and looked at me. I was crying.

"Justin, I'm so sorry. You had to go through all of this. I'm so sorry.", I sobbed out as I cried in his lap.

"It's OK, Cody. As long as its for you, I'm willing."

The door bursted and in came two other guys. What the hell were they thinking!

"OUT! OUT! OUT! Or I will freeze you into nothingness!"

I didn't know why but they went out. I locked the door and returned to Justin. We just lay there. Content on feeling each other. I guess I dozed off. I woke up when Justin nudged me.

"Hey, Cody. Someone's looking for you."

I looked up and saw Albert's smiling face.

"Cody, you have to return to your own room. They're getting impatient."

"Albert, give me a minute more with Justin. Please."

"Ok, a minute and you return. OK?"

"OK. Thanks, Albert."

When Albert left, I kissed Justin in the lips for a minute. I got up and waved goodbye to Justin and joined Albert in the hall.

"Albert, this sucks."


"I only get to see Justin for a limited time."

"You love him so much and he loves you too much to let you go."

I decided.

"Albert, I'm sorry."

"What? There's nothing to forgive."

"There will be tomorrow.", I replied

"What about tomorrow?"

"You're going to be out of a job."


"I'm going to bring this lab down and I'll escape with Justin."

He looked at me for a very long time and finally he smiled.

"Cody, I'm not the one to stand in the way of love. As for the job, there have been other job openings for me."

"Albert, go away tomorrow. By noon tomorrow, you should be at least a half-mile away from this lab or you might get caught in the chaos."

"I understand."

We arrived at my room. He turned to leave.



"Thanks for being a father to me."

"No problem."

"What's your address? I'll visit you sometime."

He scribbled it on a paper and handed it to me. I kissed him on the cheeks.

"Thanks, Albert and goodbye, this will be the last time that we will see each other in this lab"

He took one last look at me.

"Bye, Cody and good luck tomorrow."

And he was gone. I returned to my room and got a much needed rest for what awaits me tomorrow.

So what do you think? What was planing? What will happen to Justin? Find out in the 4th episode of ever-ice.


Next: Chapter 4

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