Ever Ice

By Ice Cold

Published on Mar 29, 2001


Disclaimer: This is a story of pure fiction. It depicts the story of male to male love acts. If your country forbids it or if you are underage then what the heck are you doing here.

Story Recomendations: This Boy's Story(under young friends), Bleeding hearts(high school) warmth and coldness(another story I created, high school), chris and jamie(young friends) joshuas story(high school), jamie's romance(boy bands.)

Message: Can anyone recommend good stories to me?

Ever-ice-2 Chapter-8 History Revealed

I woke up to the sunshine. I felt someone beside me and I looked and saw Justin. So beautiful. Then I remebered what happened last night. And I clung to him for support. I suddenly remebered that I needed to go away or I would bring these people more trouble. I started to get up but failed miserably and collapsed on the floor in a heap.

"You're not going anywhere this time"

I was surprised and saw Justin sitting on the bed. He was looking at me and I looked away. I tried to stand up again and, again, I fell down. I was getting frustrated and slammed my fist on the floor. When I pulled my fist back, there was a frozen spot on the part I slammed. I was getting my powers back. Unfortunately, Justin saw me.

"OK, Cody. I need an explanation for what happened last night."

I recalled and I suddenly I remebered that I froze the gangster when he came for Justin and Justin saw what I did.

I needed a good explanation for what happened. I thought hard and an idea came to me.

"Justin, could you get me a glass of water"

He looked surprised but he complied and went donstairs. I concentrated and started the coldness again. This time there was less pain and I soon reached the required level.

Justin arrived with the water and he almost dropped the glass when he saw me glowing a blue hue.

"Cody, what's this?"

"Justin, this is what you are looking for"

"I don't understand"

"What did you see on TV last night?"

"I heard that you were a juvenile criminal and you are very wanted by the FBI"



"Can I have that glass of water?"


He handed me the glass.

"Justin, it's not the FBI that wants me. It's the Kenzin Laboratory that wants me."


"Kenzin Laboratory and this is why they want me."

I dipped my finger in the water and murmured, "Astalin". The water froze and the glass bursted from the pressure.

"Oh my god"

"They want me because I'm something that is needed to be studied. Something they want to get their slimy hands on. Something that must be researched to see if it poses a danger. But all I ever wanted was to be left alone. I don't want to go back to a laboratory."

As I was saying all this, I was crying. I remebered my parents who used their powers to let me escape. I turned away from Justin and cried alone. I tried to get up again and this time I managed to get up but I felt weak and shaky. I reached the stairs and took the steps one at a time. I reached the middle step when my body gave up and I fell down the stairs tumbling down until I crashed on the floor in a crumpled heap. I saw black spots before my eyes. Man, I was getting tired of blacking out but this time, I fought it and remain awake. I heard Justin scream and I felt his arms around me.

"Cody, answer me! Cody wake up!"

I opened my eyes and saw Justin crying. I held up my hand and wiped his tears away.

"Cody, don't move. You have to conserve your energy. We have to get you to a hospital."

"No, no dont"

"Are you kidding?! Look at you. I'm calling an ambulance!"

"No, trust me. After I black out don't call an ambulance, I don't need it"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. If I go to a hospital they might turn me in." Already, I could feel the healing powers taking effect inside me.

"If you say so, just promise me Cody, don't leave me."

"I promise" Then I blacked out

When I woke up, I was in my bed and Justin was sitting at a chair beside the bed. I tried to get up but the incident a while ago made me too weak and I collapsed again. My sigh must have woken up Justin because the beautiful face stirred.

"Cody, are you alright?"

I nodded. Then he looked at me full of astonishment.

"Oh man, how did you do that?!"

"Healing powers"

"What healing powers?"

"Powers that heal any injury I get"

"What other kind of powers do you have"

"I also have the power of ice."

"So that explains the frozen guy"

"Yeah, I kind of froze him."

"So tell me again why they want you"

"That's kind of personal and the explanation I gave you is the only thing I can say", I said

He just looked at me and I turned away from him. I was thinking a certain question over and over. It was either heaven after I asked it or I was going to face another life on the streets.

"Justin, what do you think of me now?"

He closed his eyes and appeared to be thinking. I was waiting for the answer. My stomach was doing flip-flops all over again and my nerves were on fire and at the same time frozen. He opened those beautiful emerald eyes and stared at me.

"Cody, I don't know what to do?"

I felt my heart break. I knew it. He couldn't accept a person who poses a danger to his family. He couldn't take in a person who is abnormal like me. I felt the tears start.

"Justin, just say it. You don't want me in this house because I'm someone who is wanted by the government.", I asked while crying my heart out.

"NO! I want you to stay in here, together with me. I need you. If you go, it's like a part of me is missing. I know that we don't know each other very much but I don't know how I feel about you. I can't live without you."

All he said shocked me. I was so surprised that I stopped crying. I still didn't know what to say. But I didn't need any words anymore. He sat beside me in the bed and lifted me up and kissed me on the lips. I didn't know what to do. I just sat there while he kissed me. Then instinct took over and I put my arms around him. And I parted my lips to let him in. It felt strange that something else was inside my mouth besides my tongue and teeth but still it was Justin and anything with him is fine with me.

We stayed there locked in each other. Both refusing to let go. The kiss soon travelled from passion to lust and soon we were trying to suck each other out. Justin took the edge of my shirt and lifted it over my head and I did the same for him. Justin was the first to let go. His lips travelled from my lips to my chin. Then he kissed my neck and I groaned in pleasure. Then he slowly licked my collarbone and I was moaning uncontrollably. Then his lips lifted and resumed but now they were on my chest. He was driving me crazy. Those lips and tongue of his were magic. Then he started licking my nipple and I almost screamed in ecstasy. My nipple responded by sticking up and became hard and he did the same to my other nipple. Then those lips lifted and landed on my bellybutton. I'm an innie so he started licking around and I giggled. He reached the waistband of my pants. He hurriedly undid them and soon my boxers were the only ones left. Those too joined my pants on the floor. I blushed and tried to cover my privates.

"You have a beautiful body together with a beautiful face. And you sure have a cute cock"

He went down and pried my hands apart and I felt something wet on the tip of my cock. I looked down. It was those lips again. They parted and he took me in his mouth. Oh...the feeling. It was incredible. It was like every nerve was jump-started in my body and they were still being electrified. Now all the licking and sucking earlier made me close to the verge of cumming and I knew I wouldn't last long. I felt the cum travelling from my balls.

"Justin, I'm cumming."

Nothing. He just kept on sucking and I couldn't warn him anymore. My cum bursted from my cock and he just kept swallowing and when I was spent, he released my dick and climbed up to me. I cuddled up to him and I slept like a baby. Sometime later in the night, I felt Justin carrying me to the bathroom and I felt warm water on my self. I guess he washed both of us. When we returned to the bed, I snuggled up more to him and I fell asleep.

Chapter-9 Alaknata

He fell asleep in my arms. How lucky could one guy get? I found a boy who was loving me back. But what really bothered me was Cody's past. Why was he so secretive about it? He always tried to avoid the subject. Whenever it was brought up, he always tried to squeeze out of it. Tomorrow, it would be a school day. We were on spring break and today was the last day.

Tomorrow came and I woke up to see the sun shining through the window. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I groped around and saw no Cody. Not again. He really wants to go away. He doesn't want to bring us trouble but for Cody, I would risk the fires of hell itself. I put on some clothes and went downstairs. I was hit by the smell something delicious. I turned to the kitchen and saw Cody, cooking up something. I looked and saw a ham omelette being tossed and turned. He still didn't see me and I crept up behind him.

"Looks delicious", I whispered in his ear.

The effect was instantaneous. He screamed and the omelette flew into the air and landed on the kitchen counter. I laughed and laughed until Cody kicked me in the butt. I stopped laughing and looked at Cody, who was pouting. How cute. Then I noticed the stove. There was a fire blazing largely. I turned and looked for the fire extinguisher. I found it and turned around and saw Cody, glowing the familiar blue. He pointed his fingers towards the stove.


Cold blue air came out from his fingers and the fire died out instantly. He turned to me and smiled. Then he scooped the omelette from the counter and served it on a plate. He gave it to me.

"Here's your breakfast"

"You really have this powers, don't you?"


"And you have no problem controlling them."


"How were you able to control your powers?"

"I just figured it out for my own"

"Weren't your parents there with you to teach you?"

"No, they just gave me visions and some memories of what to do and I figured it out"

"How come they just gave you visions and memories?"

"Because they were left behind in the lab?"

"What lab?"

"Look, Justin. I can't tell you everything right now but someday I will. OK? So let's drop the subject."

He got his glass of juice and took a drink. And he spitted it out.

"Eeeewww. Why isn't it cold?"

"I don't know"

"Well, we can fix that"

Then he started to glow that blue again.


The blue mist seeped out from his fingers and hit the glass. He took a drink again.

"Much better"

Some of the mist remained, it touched a part of my arm. I pulled my arm back in horror.

"Shit! That was cold!"

"What happened?"

"The blue thingie touched my arm and it was really cold"

Then he kind of zoned out. He looked pained. I walked over to him. I nudged him awake. Then he snapped back to reality.

"What happened?"

"Everytime I use my powers, it saps a little of my strength and if I use too much, I could..."

"Whoa, this power thing is really complicated"

"Yes it is but I understood it" Then he took a bite of his bacon.

"It's delicious"

CODY We ate in silence. But he kept looking at me and I just continued eating. I finished eating. I started to put my dishes away when he stopped me and pointed out a dishwasher. I piled all the dishes and went up to shower. I turned the tap into hot and started to enjoy the shower. It's been a long time since I enjoyed a real shower. There were times when I had to keep clean by bathing in a pond or river. I closed my eyes and let it drip to my neck.

Movement! Behind me! I turned around and saw Justin's smiling face. He opened his arms and I went into them. I sighed. Finally, I have someone to live with and a home where I can stay.

"Hurry up. We need to go to school."

I looked at Justin.

"What school?"

"I can't leave you here so me and dad decided to take you to school."

"But what am I going to do there?"

"Nothing just sit and watch me"

"Whatever". I finished showering and left him there to finish his. I pulled on some clothes Justin lent me. A black shirt and white cargo pants. But shoes were a problem so I ended up using a pair of shoes that belonged to Justin when he was smaller. Justin stepped out and took one look at me.

"You look extremely sexy"


He put on some clothes and we headed out the door.

Chapter-10 Justin's School

We piled into my car and we drove to my school. When we arrived, we went into the head directress' office and showed the letter my dad signed saying that Cody was a friend and he was going to stay for a few months and would come to school regularly with me. After everything was cleared up, we proceeded to my first class.

We arrived at my Algebra class. Everyone stared at him. Apparently, he didn't notice it until he sat down beside me. When he looked up, he saw all those faces staring at him and he blushed and turned to me for help. Christine, a friend of mine, walked towards me.

"So who's the new kid."

"Cody, he's my friend and he's going to stay with me for a couple of months."

She leaned closer and whispered.

"He's cute. Is he taken?"

I grinned at her.

"Yes, he is"

"Oh, darn. Well there's other fish in the sea."

Then she walked away. Next came Steven. My bestfriend in the whole world and the only one in this school who knows I'm gay.

"So who's the kid?"



I leaned closer and whispered.

"He's my boyfriend"

"Wow, lucky pick"

Just then, Mr. Grans came in and started lecturing in Biology. In the middle of the lecture, Cody whispered to me.

"It's hot in here"

"I know"

"Hmmmm...", then he broke into a evil grin. I could see the blue glow in his body.

"Are you crazy! People will see you!"

"Relax, it only takes a second. Cirona."

Then the blue disappeared replaced by a thin and hardly noticeable blue sheet of ice in his body. I couldn't help but look at Cody. He still has hairless legs and he has no face hair.

"Mr. Dalehigh, if you're finished looking at Mr. Athenos, please pay attention"

The whole class laughed and I laughed with them while Cody was blushing a cute shade of red. Lunch came and we headed to the cafeteria. Cody suddenly tugged my shirt.

"Justin, I don't have any money"

"It's okay. Dad gave me money to spend for you."

"You don't have to. I'm not hungry."

"Oh come on. you're being shy."

"Look, my body has a really slow metabolism and I'm still burning the breakfast we had."

"Whatever you say"

I bought what I wanted and sat down with Christine and Steven. Cody sat beside me. Other girls and boys joined in and one by one, I intoduced them to all my friends. While eating, Christine suddenly spoke up.

"Am I the only one who thinks Cody is really cute? Anyone who thinks Cody is cute, raise your hand"

One by one, all the girls raised their hand and giggled. Cody looked at his shoes and blushed an even cuter shade of scarlet. I was practically choking on my lunch because I was laughing too hard. And I was already feeling the tears in my eyes because of it. When everything settled down, Cody moved and sat beside me. While I was eating, Cody rubbed his legs on mine. There was an immediate reaction. My groin was starting to respond. It was starting to stick up. I was very uncomfortable about this. Maybe this was revenge for my laughing too loud earlier. I needed to go to the comfort room.

"Excuse me but I need to use the CR."

"I'll go with you", Cody said. Oh oh that was trouble.

I stood up and walked towards the men's room with Cody right on my heels.

When we reached the bathroom, I closed the door and took the initiative. I took his shoulders and pushed him to the door. He slammed on the door and tried to protest but I was on him. I put my lips on his and started kissing him. He returned the kiss then pulled away.

"We can't do this."


"What if someone walks in"

"But I want you, just looking at you makes me damn so horny"

"You have to wait till we get home"

"You're a tease you know that"

"Yes I do"

"Now let's go before someone wonders where we are and why we are taking so long"

"Just wait till I get you all alone tonight in my bed"

I looked at his eyes and the emerald I saw were burning with lust. Looks like I'm in for a wild ride tonight.

We went out of the bathroom and joined our friends at the cafeteria. They gave us cursory glances and shrugged then went back to eating.

Chemistry rolled by and we were led into a laboratory full of equipment. The moment I saw the equipment, I backed out of the room. Justin approached me.

"What's the matter?", he asked looking concerned.

"I can't. Too much painful memories in that lab"

"But you can't stay anywhere else. Maybe the clinic but you have to be sick. C'mon Cody, you have to go in there."

I thought about it and finally I decided to try.

"Ok, what the hell"

I entered and memories came flashing back to me. Oh god, how painful those memories were. I winced and quickly settled down on a chair. Justin noticed me.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, it's nothing"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, will you please drop it?", I said with a little anger.

He took the hint and he sat down beside me. I was shaking with fear everytime the beakers and test tubes were used. I barely made it halfway when I finally snapped.

The beakers! The medicine dropper! The test tube! I couldn't stand it. I HAD TO GET OUT OF HERE! I stood up and bolted for the door. I can't take this anymore. I ran to the main entrance. I was starting my powers. I reached the main entrance and I went out.


Once again, the gound waved goodbye to me as I rose up to the air.

Chapter-11 A Dangerous Mistake

At last free from that school, I couldn't go back to Justin's house. I needed some time alone. I flew to the beach I saw earlier when I first landed here. There were few people on the beach. The sun was going to set anytime now. I landed on a cliff. I needed to think. I wish I had my parents with me to help me go through all this. But they were not here. They were in that lab and was still being prodded for experiments. Maybe, this night I would check up on them. I have been able to hack into the website of the laboratory. Or the Kenzin Laboratory to be exact. And there were reports about my mom and dad. They were subject no. 443A and no. 443B. There was a report were the laboratory experienced a internal explosion. No doubt, they were dad and mom's cause. Dad could use fire and mom could use wind. And if you happen to get on their bad side. Just expect a full grown firestorm rushing at you.

I wish I was there with them. I had grown much stronger since I left the lab. If I wanted to, I could bring that lab down to the ground. But for now I had to think. I wanted to be with them. And as the sun set, I vowed that I would bring that lab down. I will keep that vow. A vow made as the sun set. A vow I promise to keep.

-------------- The sun finally settled. And I had to go back before Justin missed me. I flew once more.

Back on the ground, someone saw Cody fly and hurriedly went to the nearest phone booth...

----------------- I landed on the back yard and went inside. No one was home yet. Not even Justin. I went into the kitchen to fix myself a snack. I settled on a sandwhich and went up to Justin's room. I flopped on the bed and lay down. I wish Justin was here to help me sleep. I have grown used to sleeping in his arms while he stroked my hair. And I wanted to feel his chest as he breathed. There was warmth, comfort and safety in that chest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I was instantly back at the lab. I was strapped at a table. I was helpless. There was a man with a syringe walking towards me. He was getting nearer and nearer. Finally, he reached me and he tested the needle and put it near my shoulder. I kept on jerking my shoulder to avoid the needle but it was no use, I was firmly strapped. Finally, the needle bore into my skin and I screamed until the lab vanished was replaced by Justin's face. I flew into his arms and held on for all he was worth. A nightmare. It was all a nightmare. But it seemed so real.

"Justin...Justin, oh god. I...I", I couldn't complete it. I was sobbing too much.

He held me and soothed me until I calmed down.

"Cody, what's wrong? What happened?"

"The lab. Nightmare"

"Listen. Cody, I have to know what happened in the lab and why is it that everytime you mention the lab you grimace"

I thought for a while. Maybe he had the right to know. Yes, I would tell him now.

"Do you really want to know my past? Are you sure you want to know my dark side? Are you willing to bear the knowledge that behind my smiles and laughs lies a dark happening?"

He seemed to hesitate and finally he nodded.

I started on my story.

Chapter-12 Cody's History

"Mommy! Mommy! Look at this!". I showed her my finger. It was glowing blue. I was scared. Is this supposed to happen? Then mommy smiled.

"Cody, this happens to our kind pretty soon when they are about six or seven"

"What kind? What's happening?"

"I'll explain. During the medieval century, we were hunted down be humans who think that we are an evil race. They called us witches or warlocks. But we are called the Arnhades. We are very different from these humans and it is that difference that led them to believe that we were dangerous. So they hunted us down. Many were killed. So it was decided that we would abandon this era and travel to a timeline where we would be safe. So we opened a time rift and traveled here to the 20th century where it the era of technology and few, if none, people believed that we still exist."

"So what happened to them?"

"There are still many of us alive and we are still practicing our powers though in secret."

"When do I get to use my powers?"

"Right now if you want to."

"Okay!" Yay! I was going to use my powers. But how will I use them.

"Mommy, how do I use my powers?"

"That's a problem isn't it? First, we have to know what kind of power you have?"

"What's yours and daddy's?

"Well mine is wind and your dad is fire. You might have one of these powers or you might have a different kind"

"Well let's get started"


She took a candle and put it in front of me.

"Try to ignite the candle. Just picture it burning in front of you"

I tried it. I pictured the candle burning. I opened my eyes and saw the candle with no fire.

"Hmmm. That's odd. Maybe you have the power of wind."

She took out a piece of paper and put it in front of me.

"Blow it"

I puckered my lips.

"No. Blow it with the power of wind."

I pictured the paper blowing away. When I opened my eyes and still the paper was still there. I was getting frustrated. Why couldn't I do it?

"Oh sweetie. We'll try again tomorrow. OK?"

I was getting mad. I still wanted to try but when mommy said tomorrow, it will be tomorrow. I stomped off to my room. I wanted to discover my powers so I could beat some bad guys and protect the world. I was very tired so I slept until morning.

The next morning, I took of my blankie and washed myself. I went down to eat some breakfast. I saw noodle soup. My favorite. I took a spoon and ate some. The soup was still hot.

"OUCH! Mommy the soup is hot!"

"It's called soup and soups are supposed to be hot. Blow it to cool it, sweetie"

I obeyed mommy and blew the soup a few times. I tasted the soup. Now it was cold, too cold.

"Mommy, the soup is cold."

"Cody, the soup cannot be cold.", mommy said, getting angry.

"But it is.", I complained.

"Cody, you just blew it a few times. It cannot be cold. Unless...",

Mommy dropped her spoon and walked to me. She took my spoon and tasted the soup.

"Cody, it is cold"

"Told you so and I don't want cold soup.", I pouted.

"No Cody do you know what this means?"

I shook my head.

"Cody, you have the power of ice."

"I do"

"YES! Let's test it." She took out a glass of water and placed it in front of me.

"Cody, freeze it"

Again, I imagined the water freezing. And when I opened my eyes, there it was the water frozen solid. I was so giddy with hapiness that I started jumping up and down.

"Yay! Yehey! I have powers!"

"I'll tell daddy"

I went outside and went to daddy. But daddy was busy talking to some stranger. I waited there for some time when I finally ran out of patience and I went into mommy.

"So what did your daddy say?"

"He was talking to some stranger"

"What stranger?"

"The one daddy is talking to"

Mommy started to go outside but when she reached the door, the door flew open and the stranger, along with other men, were now carrying daddy. Daddy was sleeping. Mommy stood up and she began to glow green. Then she said some word and the strangers went flying outside the door. Then she let the others go flying outside the door too. I followed mommy and then I saw one of the strangers pull out a gun and point it at mommy. Then mommy went sleeping too. they started carrying mommy away but I didn't want mommy to leave me. Bad guy turns to ice. Bad gut turns to ice. Bad guy to ice. I opened my eyes, one of the strangers was frozen. Then I felt a sharp pain on my leg and I saw an injection sticking out of my leg. Then I felt sleepy and fell down.

---------------- When I woke up, I was in a white room. There were many doctors in white coats. I stood up and looked around the room. I saw that there was a door but it was locked. Then the door opened and in came mommy and daddy. They looked very tired and exhausted.

"Mommy, where are we?"

She looked at daddy and daddy nodded.

"Honey, we are in a laboratory and we are going to be here for a very long time"

"But why don't we get out of here"

"Honey, we can't"


"Because, they will just look for us and we are going to be captured again. The best we can do is teleport you out of here"


"No, honey. Teleport. You are going to vanish from here and you will appear in another place"

"But aren't you two going to come too"

"No, honey, we are going to stay here."

"But I want you to come with me". Tears were forming in my eyes.

"I'm sorry honey but we can't" Then she turned to daddy. "Charles we have to do it."

They both started their powers. Mommy was glowing green and daddy was glowing red.

"Remember honey, we love you and promise me that you won't come back here?"

Red-green wisps started to form around me.

"No! Mommy don't leave me! Mommy please!"

"I'm sorry honey but we can't. We still love you"

The wisp started to circulate faster and faster.

Daddy put out one hand on my forehead and my head rocked back. There were many pictures and words swimming around inside my head.

"Bye honey"

And I was gone.

I was in tears when I finished my story. When I looked at Justin, he, too, was crying. I looked at him and I went into his open arms where I now belonged. I wished that I didn't have to leave those arms. I was safe and protected in those arms. In those arms. The arms of my love.

The realization hit me. My love. My other half of my soul. The final puzzle of my body. The completing part of my whole being. He was Justin. Justin Dalehigh.

"Justin, you are the half of my soul."

As I said this, his eyes started to tear up again. He lay me down on the bed and I started to fall asleep again.

"I know Cody, and you have the other half of my heart."

"Justin, please promise me that you won't leave me. Promise me that come what may, you will be beside me"

I closed my eyes and waited for his answer.

"As long as I'm still breathing, as long as my heart is still breathing and as long as I'm still living, I'll be beside you and you'll never have to face the world alone again.

That was the answer that I needed and I fell asleep, contented.

I woke up with the stereo playing soft music. Justin was cuddling me from my back. Then the stereo suddenly played a song and Justin woke up. The song was very good and when it hit the chorus Justin sang it to my ears.

And I will take you in my arms

Hold you where right you belong

Till the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

The tears began again.

"I love you, Cody"

I turned around and stared at those emerald eyes that were burning with love for me.

"Justin, I love you too. I never want to be away from you"

"Nothing, no matter how big or hard or strong can keep me away from you, Cody"

The second realization hit me. Here, right in this bed, was someone who I can finally turn to. Someone who has looked past my difference and found it in his heart to love me. Someone...someone who will never leave me even if all hope seems lost. And from him, I will finally find the strength to move on. The courage to face what the world has in store for me. And the love that can keep me going even if there's no more road to go on. I can face anything that the world and fate and destiny can give me as long as in hand in hand with Justin through everything. I wished for nothing but to be with him forever and all of eternity.

Next: Chapter 3

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