Ever Ice

By Ice Cold

Published on Mar 22, 2001


Disclaimer: This is a story of pure fiction. It depicts the story of male to male love acts. If your country forbids it or if you are underage then what the heck are you doing here.

Messages: This is a story that I would like to have happened to me but not all things are granted. So for those who aren't leaving, "Lab Guys" are the special agents deployed by the government to capture new subjects but Cody likes to call them, "Lab Guys" so enjoy my story.


Chapter-1 Beginnings

Shit, I was caught. The police headlights were shining on me. The sirens were blaring like some demonic music. And the large spotlights were also shining on me and, at the same time, they were blinding me. I moved away from the glare of the lights and went inside the building. As a precaution, I started up the now familiar feelings of cold power through me. As the power reached its efficient level, I saw the captain reach for his bullhorn.

"Cody Athenos, surrender now and no one will get hurt." I felt anger coursing through me. I vowed to myself and my dead parents that I would never let myself be captured and I wasn't about to break that vow. I was trying to escape the authorities when they finally caught up with me.

It's not like I committed a crime. They want to catch me because I was something new, something different, something needed to be examined. Something to be put in a labratory and studied for countless hours. Something to play with and to torture. Something that is dispensable and given no thought about.

"Listen, Mr. Officer. You back away and no one will get hurt." I retaliated. "Cody, I will give you up to three to give yourself up. And we will barge in there and capture you by force." Damn. He wasn't going to give up. "Delectos", I muttered. And the ice covered my body tightly like a thin suit of cloth. "One" Why don't they take the message that I wasn't going to give up? "Two" This isn't good. "Three! Men get in there and capture him by force" "Astalin", I said and put my fingers down on the ground. The floor turned crystal blue and it shined as it froze.

The officers went in and skidded at the ice and they slipped and fell. I took this opportunity to escape and ran out the door. When I went out, the spotlights were instantly on me. I was, again, blinded by the intense light. "Do not move or we will shoot", the officer said. They were closing in on me. I needed to move. I strafed to the right and ran like hell. Then I heard the gunfire. I knew that the bullets couldn't harm me because of the spell I cast earlier. But there is nothing more terrifying than hearing real gunfire and you know that it is aimed at you.

I ran out of that alley until I couldn't run anymore. Then I heard the police sirens and the screeching of the tires. I knew that they were going to find me and if they do, it's back to that nightmare lab again. I didn't like that.

"Levitane" And the ground left me as I started to lift. I just discovered this new power last month and I still haven't perfected it. Sometimes, I fall out of the sky and hurt myself. The bruise on my arm reminded me of that. But this is a desperate situation and desperate situations call for desperate actions. I silently flew over the tall buildings and I soon was out of sight.

Chapter-2 A Fresh Start

As I glided over the waters, I suddenly remebered that I had no idea where I was going. I looked around to see any sign of civilization but all I saw was endless bodies of water and the occassional rock or two. I was panicking. All I could do was to continue flying until I somehow reached any land.

Sometimes I could see ships and I avoided them for who knows what their reaction would be if they saw me flying. However, I once followed a ship at a safe distance and waited for nightfall.

When nightfall came, I landed on the ship and stole some food supplies and went off again. My body slowly burns energy so when I eat a full meal, I won't go hungry for another week unless I use my powers. In this case, I am using my powers non-stop in my flying so I have to replenish my energy every two days.

As I continued flying, I saw a patch of land over the horizon. I wouldn't make it that far today because night was already beginning to fall. I searched for some land and found a bare patch of rock. I landed there and lay down. I closed my eyes.

It was just before sunrise when I opened my eyes. I looked at the sun peeking out of the horizon. I just sat there and watched the sun rise. When it was bright and early, I stood up. "Levitane" And I flew again.

It was afternoon when I finally reached the land. I needed to find a landing spot. I'm not some kind of airplane but I have to land in a place where there are less people so I wouldn't be spotted.

I found the spot. It was a deserted shack and no one really seemed to mind it. I waited until there where no people in the shack. When the last person left the shack, I drew my feet down and landed on the roof. Ahhhh. Solid ground beneath my feet. At last. I jumped off the roof and started to walk. It felt a little strange to walk because I had flown for one and a half weeks already. Still, I was happy and in my happiness I didn't notice the car that was barreling towards me from across the street. BEEP BEEP. WHAM. There was lot of honking and I felt the pain. But I couldn't feel it any longer because I soon blacked out.

Chapter-3 The First Meeting

Oh no! Oh my gosh! Dad just ran someone over and by the looks of it that someone was not going to be able to make it.

We rushed him to the hospital but when the doctor looked at him, he didn't look so hopeful. They started to put some wires and tubes into him and wheeled him into the emergencey room. And yet, amidst all the chaos, I found the boy startingly beautiful. He had straight blond hair that was parted in the middle and reached his ears. I didn't know what his eyes were becasue they were shut the whole time he was being examined.

When everything that was needed to be done was done, we sat at the waiting room and Dad and I just waited. I was very bored and soon I was in sleepland.

Someone nudging me on the shoulder woke me up. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse. "Wake up beautiful.", she said I blushed at the comment. I've been called beautiful several times before and every time it was said, I blushed like hell. I know that its true because when I look at the mirror, I see a boy with brown hair that has some strands of black and green eyes that some people say looks like a pair of emeralds. "Your father wanted to say something. He said that he had to go to work and he settled the bill with the hospital. You have to stay here and wait for some news about the patient.", the nurse said. Oh no. Well I'm used to this. Dad has this habit of rushing off at the most inappropriate times. But what I find so annoying is that he leaves me to clear up the mess. Like now, he leaves me here to associate with the boy he just ran over. I'll be the one to face the storm that is likely going to come when that boy wakes up. "Excuse me but the patient you entered has made a very fast and suprising recovery and you may now see him. He's in room 101", the nurse said again. "Thank you. I will"

I stood up and tried to find the room. I was walking away from the waitng room when I saw the room. It was number 101. I turned the doorknob and went inside.

The boy was sitting upright and he was thinking about something. I was shocked. Where was the tubes and wires that were connected to him yesterday? He looked like something worse than what the cat dragged in. And yet here he was looking like nothing even happened. I approached him and he noticed me. He moved away. So he has blue eyes. There was something in those eyes. Its not the kind of eyes that you can drown in or stare at all day long but those eyes were like mirrors into his soul. Those blue spheres were something that had a blue sparkle in them. "Who are you?", he said. Even his voice sounds good. Like the voice of an angel that was whispering something. It was soft. "I'm Justin, Justin Dalehigh. What's your name?" He hesitated. Then he looked into my eyes and spoke up. "I'm Cody, Cody Athenos. You can call me Cody" He seemed to have trusted me a little and went to me.

He is really cute. Once you see him up-close and personal. He is of medium build and is really strong-looking. His body looks like he has gone through some kind of hardship. Like he's burdening something. I silently thought that who would try to hurt a boy who looks so innocent and cute. "Why are you here?", he suddenly said. Oh no. Here we go. "Well, my dad was the one who bore you down on the street and he kind of left and I was to see how you were.", I answered. Silence. "Well, we already paid your hospital bill and anything else you need. So are is there anything else that you need?" More silence. "If you need to sue us, just tell me and we will get ready" I stood up and prepared to leave. Just as I was about at the door, he suddenly spoke. "Wait, ummm, Justin, will you please just stay here with me?" I was startled at his request but nevertheless, I turned around and sat beside with him. "First of all, it was my fault that I got hit by your dad. I wasn't looking where I was going and I guess your dad just suddenly appeared out of nowhere and hit me." This was unbelievable. Most people would sue even if it was their fault but this kid was admitting his own mistake. Not only does he look an angel outside but also an angel inside. I was getting to like this boy. "Oh okay", I said "Can I ask you something?", he began again. "Sure. Fire away." "Well, I have no home to go to and I have no where to stay so, if it's not too much trouble, can I stay at your house unitl I can find a place to stay." I wanted to say yes. I didn't want this beautiful angel to leave me but I still had to get my father's permission. I know that he would say yes but I can't be sure. "Well Cody, I think you can stay at our house but we have to get my dad's permission before you can." He smiled, sat beside me and hugged me. Then he laid down, put his head in my lap and stayed that way. I was startled by this behavior. I liked it but strangers don't go around hugging each other. But this boy didn't seem to be a stranger anymore.

Chapter-4 Love Starts

I woke up and found myself in a room. I reached up and saw wires connected to my body. I panicked. Was I back in the lab? Oh please no! Please anywhere except the lab!

I shifted and sensed someone beside me. I looked up and saw a man dressed in white. I was back in the lab. Oh god! Back in this hellhole again. The man smiled and felt my pulse. "Well Mr. Patient, it seems that you are doing OK and have no further problems", the man said I didn't want to be in here. I had to get out. I started the power again and no sooner had I did it when I felt a blinding headache. I winced and grabbed my head in pain. The man looked concerned. "Are you OK?" I pointed to my head and said the only thing I could. "It hurts" "Relax, your body is now at a very fragile stage and if you overdo it you might be attacked by headaches like this and a chain of headaches like this mught result in something serious" I followed the advice and started to breath and little by little the pain subsided. Soon there was none left and I was gasping for breath. "There you go, if you relax the pain will go away." I took a moment of relaxation before speaking up. "Where am I?" "Well you are in a hospital and you were in a car accident. You were hurt real bad. But somehow you are making a very fast recovery." I smiled at this comment. I know that somewhere inside my body was my powers of healing. I still haven't discovered how to control them but my mom told me that when I was a baby, she invoked my healings powers to automatically take effect in case any harm comes to me. "You seem to be better now. Now if you'll excuse me, i need to attend some patients." I lay down again and tried to sleep but I couldn't. I was too relieved to find out that I wasn't in a lab. I sat upright and started thinking when a someone sat down beside me. I looked up and saw a boy that looked like my age. Anyway, I'm fourteen. I moved away. He was cute. His name was Justin. I'm still new at this but I found myself to be looking at boys rather than the girls. And with this boy, I was looking a lot. He had brown hair that occassionally, had some black strands and deep, trustworthy, emerald green eyes. He was saying something. But I wasn't listening, I was too busy looking at him. He was the boy that I talked to a while ago. "Ok, Cody. My dad agreed and we are planning to take you home with us. We have an extra room which you can use." I can't believe it. I was finally going to have a roof over my head. After living in the streets for a long time, this was really, really good news. I jumped up and down on the bed and just shouted until this nurse came in and said that I had to quiet down because I would wake up the other patients.

I simmered down and looked at Justin. He was smiling. "You're really cute. I wonder why anyone hasn't kidnapped you on the street and sold you off as a sex slave.", he said. I blushed at the comment. I've seen several people of both sexes look at me, lustfully and whenever I see them, I run off. There are some who are very persistent and chased me but I manage to shake them off. It was easy if they were just in a car because I would just turn to a tight alley and they won't be able to chase me. It's harder if they are on motorbikes because I can't just turn into an alley because they could chase me on their bike. Usually, I would go up a ladder. But there was this time when this really ugly biker cornered me in an alley and there was no ladders that I could go up to. So when this guy comes close and starts to touch me, I smiled at him and froze him. He really looked stupid there shining like a freshly polished shoe so I take his bike and use it. I sold the bike and used the cash for food. "Well I know how to get away and I can run pretty fast." He smiled. He has a great smile. The more I studied him, the more he looked cute to me. He has great green eyes and it was those eyes that made me trust him enough to give my real name. And his hair looked like silk. It shimmers and shines each time it moves. I looked at him and he caught me staring at him. I blushed and turned away. "So whenever you're ready, we can move out now." "Really! Right now?!" "Yes, right now." "Then let's go!" I took Justin's arm and ran out of the hospital. I saw his car or assumed that it was his car and piled in.

Chapter-5 Love Grows

Cody is really cute. But one thing that makes him cuter (which I don't think was possible) is that his mind is still a child. I know that puberty has kicked in on him but it still hasn't fully done its magic on him. Right now, he's a very hyperactive kid and has a lot of reserve energy.

We piled inside my car and he looks like a child who is expecting his mother to give him a glass of chocolate milk. I started the car and he sort of jumped all over the place. He was very excited and I told him to calm down. I know some of you are thinking, he's fourteen so how the hell did he get to drive? Well actually, in my state you are allowed a student pass in driving as long as you can convince the department of I don't know that you're driving for educational purposes. Anyway, Cody calmed down and started to speak. "So how old are you?" "I'm fourteen, how about you?" "I'm also fourteen. Where do you live?" "You'll know when we get there. So how come you don't have any parents and yet you looked well off to be dressed like that." It was true. He had decent clothes on for a kid who was roaming the streets. "Well, I kind of got these clothes from a charity foundation" "What about your parents?" "They're dead" "Oh sorry. How did they die?" "They got stuck in the labora..." "Labora.. what?" "Nothing, they died in a car accident." Somehow I didn't buy his explanation. I was good at reading people and this one wasn't telling the truth. "I hated that hospital.", he suddenly said. "Why?", I said going along with the change of subject. "It reminds me of the laboratory" "What laboratory?" His eyes suddenly widened. I knew that he had said something that he didn't intend to say. "Nothing", he mumbled I decided not to push the subject further. When I looked out the windshield, I realized that we were already here. "We're here" "YAY!" He jumped out and headed into the house. He really acts like a kid. Then he stopped and turned around, gave me a childish smile and waved me to go inside with him. I got out of the car and followed him inside.

"Dad, are you home? Daaaad, Daaaaad, are you home?" I turned to Cody. "Guess he's not here" He smiled that kiddie smile and jumped. "Yay, home alone! Can we have pizza or soda and chocolate and candy and..." "WHOA, there kid. First we need to establish house rules." He went red and looked down. "I'm sorry. I was just so excited." Then he broke down and started crying. I was surprised and stood there. Damn, this kid is delicate. "Oh don't be so sad. We'll have all those stuff you want if you stop crying. Deal?" Then he looked up at me again in that childish way of his and smiled that smile. "OK"

We had a great time. There was candy and chocolate wrappers everywhere. Soda cans and pizza boxes were also everywhere. We were stuffed to the core when I realized something. Dad was going to be home any minute and the house looked like it was in the path of a full-out stampede of elephants. "Hey, Cody. We have to clean up or dad will have a fit" "I hate cleaning up. Why don't they just disappear." "Well the only thing that will make them disappear is if we clean them up" He moaned and pouted but eventually got up and helped me clean up. When we were finished, I saw him literally gasp in exhaustion. I sat on the couch and he followed me and sat on it too. He lay down on my lap and in a few moments was fast asleep. I was again surprised with this behavior and still I kind of liked it. I felt like an older brother protecting his little brother or sister. I heard the doorknob turn and saw dad walked in. "Hi dad" Dad saw me and smiled. "Where's our patient?" "Right here", pointing to my lap. He walked over and saw Jamie, sound asleep. "Wow, he's a cutie!" "Yup and I wish he cold be mine" Dad didn't seem to be the least unfazed. I told him I was gay, three months ago and he surprisingly took it well. He said that he had a bisexual brother and he didn't see the reason to be upset about it. "Well you better put him in the guest room. He has to get some rest." "Trust me dad, he doesn't need the rest. This kid is a walking powerhouse.", I said as I started to put my arms around him. I walked up the stairs and his eyes fluttered open. "Justin?" "Yeah?" He smiled and put his arms around my neck. This kid never stops surprising me. First, he lies on my lap then he hugs me then he sleeps on my lap now he puts his arms aound my neck. And all the time, I liked it.

We reached the guestroom and I put him down on the bed. He reached around and grabbed the covers and tucked himself in. I was about to leave when I heard his angel voice again. "Justin?" I turned around and stared at those eyes. "Yes?" "Could you er...um.." "Yes?" "Could you stay with me here in bed through the whole night?" I smiled and oblidged. I threw off my clothes and slid into bed with him. Then he reached around and pulled my arm and he put it around his waist. I think he wanted to be cuddled so I reached around and pulled his body to me. He breathed a sigh of contentment and fell asleep.

Chapter-6 The First Trial

I woke up in the middle of the night and felt someone beside me. It was Justin. I felt his chest and I snuggled up closer to it. I looked at the alarm clock and saw that it was 11:30 pm. I panicked. I shouldn't be in here. I'm just gonna bring these people trouble. I need to get out of here. I looked at Justin and sighed. I won't see his beautiful face ever again. It was the best I could do. I had to leave before the "Lab Guys" traced me here and bring trouble to these kind people. I extracted from Justin and left the bed. I started to go outside then I stopped and went back to the bed. I kissed Justin on the cheeks and went out the door.

On the way out, I turned on the TV and saw how close the "Lab Guys" to tracking me. There on the TV was my picture being broadcasted as a dangerous juvenile criminal. The newscaster said that I was to be caught immediately. I had to go away. I opened the door and looked outside and saw the dark streets looking totally creepy. I closed the door and thought for a while. Come on, Cody. You have to go away or you'll bring these people nothing more but trouble. I saw sense in that and opened the door again. I took one last look at the house and went outside.

I jogged through the darkness until I was out of breath. I wanted to fly but somehow knew that I didn't want to. I only flew when it was desperate. I stopped and sat at a gate and tried to catch my breath. I didn't know what was happening until I saw the chains. I looked up and saw a really creepy looking guy and he was looking at me and I was terrified. "Well, look at we have here. A lost little boy. Or should I say, I lost, pretty, little boy" "Who are you?" "That doesn't matter." Then he advanced on me and was in front of me in a flash. I looked for an escape route but found none. I was terrified and then I remebered my powers. I started up the cold feeling and hardly after I started up, I winced in pain and collapsed on the ground. Shit, I was still too weak to use my powers. "What happened, baby?", he sneered menacingly. "Get away from me!" And I kicked him. But he was too fast. He dodged the kick and caught me foot and twisted it. I screamed as a bolt of pain hit me. "Look, baby, you can make this easy or hard either way your body will still be mine" Then he yanked my shirt off me and threw it. He took my face in his hands. "You are one beautiful sonofabitch" I started crying. I was really scared because I was totally helpless against this man. Then he started to unbutton my jeans and they came off with the t-shirt. I was being raped. There was no other word for it. And what was worse, I couldn't fight back. But even if I was without my powers, I had to do something. I punched him. He didn't expect it and it connected with his jaw. He screamed and I took advantage and bolted. But he was really fast and he caught my by the ankles. I tripped and fell down. My head landed on the concrete. Pain. Then blackness before my eyes. Then I registered another person before I completely blacked out.

Chapter-7 Justin's Rescue

I woke up and I turned. Then I remebered Cody. I groped around and felt for him. He wasn't there. I sat up and flicked on the light. No Cody. I looked at the edge of the bed. Still no Cody. I began to panic. Maybe he went down for a drink. I stood up and went downstairs. I saw the TV and it was opened. Maybe he couldn't go to sleep and wanted to watch TV. I looked on the sofa and still there was no Cody. But what caught my attention was the TV. It was showing a picture of someone. It was Cody. I listened to the newscaster it was saying something. "Please watch out for this person. He is Cody Athenos. A juvenile criminal. He is very dangerous. If you have spotted him, immediately contact the number in front of your screen."

I couldn't believe it. Cody was a criminal. But how? Why? A million questions was racing through my mind. I had to find Cody. I put on my shoes and went out the door.

I was jogging through the streets. When I heard a scream. Cody! I thought. I followed the scream and found a creepy looking guy. He was attacking someone. Then I realized that he was attacking Cody. I felt really angry. No one hurts Cody while I'm still around. I picked up a metal rod and silently creeped to him. He had Cody's shirt and jeans off. Cody was out cold. I swung the rod and it hit him at the head and he fell down. He too was knocked out cold.

I picked up Cody's shirt and jeans and I dressed him again. All the while, I was thinking: His body is as beautiful as his face. His body was flawless. I couldn't even see a single scar. It's like he never had a wound. But how about the car accident when we ran him over. Where was his scar on that. I finished dressing him. As I started to carry him, he stirred and woke up. "Justin?" "Yes, Cody, it's me. You're safe now." Then he started crying on my shoulder. "Justin, I was so scared. I thought that he would...would...would" He couldn't finish the sentence and he cried on my shoulder. "Come on, Cody stop crying. You're safe now." "Justin, I don't know what I would have done without you." "Cody, stop crying you're safe now. Let's go. Can you walk?" He stood up but collapsed again. I took him by the armpits and carried him on my shoulder. He clung to me like I was his lifesaver. I started to walk away when Cody suddenly gasped and I turned around to see the gangster running towards me with the metal rod I used earlier. I couldn't do anything because I was carrying Cody. I braced for the blow which seemed like eternity. I waited and waited but it didn't come. "Danakina", I heard someone say it. I gathered the nerve and looked up. What I saw astounded me. It was the gangster but this time he was frozen solid. I looked at Cody who was emanating a blue glow from his hand. He smiled. "Cody, what happened?" "Justin, I love you" Then he collapsed.

I was stunned by what he said. I was having a hard time believing it. He said he loved me but I still couldn't believe it. On the way home, Cody was snoozing comfortably on my shoulder. The thing that was bothering me was how the hell did that man suddenly freeze? I was absolutely out of answers when we arrived at home. I shook Cody to wake him up. "Hey, beautiful we're here" He shook his head and opened those beautiful eyes. He smiled and rested his head on my shoulder. "Can you bring me to my room? Please." I walked all the way upstairs. We arrived at his room. I walked to his bed and started to put him down. He didn't release my neck but he held on more tightly. "Cody, you have to let go" He opened his eyes. Eyes, full of terror. "No, don't go please." Just the way he looked broke my heart in two. He was too scared and he needed someone that would keep him safe until he could get over it. I decided to stay. I took off my shirt and jeans and joined him on the bed. He looked at me and snuggled closer. Then he slid up and kissed me on the lips. "I love you, Justin." Then he snuggled to my chest and fell asleep. Was this true? Did the boy of my dreams kissed me and said that he loved me? Or is this just a good dream? Whatever it was, it would be cleared up tomorrow. Tomorrow. Everything will be clear tomorrow. But for now, we sleep and rest.

Next: Chapter 2

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