Eve of His Wedding

By Nick

Published on Jul 29, 2000


This story is true only the names were changed and some details altered to protect the people involved. Male sex so if you are under 18 PLEASE DO NOT continue.

It further chronicles my adventures as a teen.

See also on Nifty

My Cousin's Husband and I

Sarge, Butch his Dad and I (3 parts)

Car Wash Man

Size Doesn't Matter!

Dad's Buddy Rene

Pizza Man

Week-End With Joel

Joel settled down in Florida and when I visited him we went to Disney and somewhat recreated our weekend at Montauk at my aunt's house. I went down 5 years later to be his best man, no sex then just straight male-male bonding.

Carl meanwhile began working on his body. He was so disgusted that no one male or female would notice him since he still not only kept his baby face but when his second teeth grew in they looked exactly like his baby teeth.

This gave him a complex and since I too didn't find all that baby face, baby teeth and baby fat attractive he decided he'd change what he could change.

The work outs in the gym started to show results as two years later he developed a physique that any man would find quite appealing. Within another year he was clearly defined and well chiseled. His abs sported a six pack, his arms were huge and his veins popped out. His legs were massive and he had a hourglass figure. His nipples were always hard and his face now became more attractive. He developed high cheekbones and he grew a mustache and goatee. He still had traces of a baby face but with more grown up features. He let his hair grow a bit and wore it in a ponytail. Carl was not the same Carl years earlier Joel and I had to carry into bed when he fell asleep as we watched porn when we were 16!

Carl even found a girlfriend and two years latter they were to get married.

His girlfriend, Margie went to the same college I went to and her uncle knew my dad. She was a bit stuck up and demanding. But then I wasn't going to marry her -- Carl was!

Carl confided in me that even though he was now 23 he hadn't had sex yet and the closest he came to it was when for a few seconds I had given him a blow job when we were 16! He was always sorry he fell asleep in the middle of it!

He then asked me to be one of his ushers. He also asked Joel but he couldn't make it since his wife was pregnant and could fly or take long trips! This made Carl a bit sad. The Carl I knew was gone and all because Joel couldn't make it! So I wound up being his best man!

I called Joel and asked him what was this secret bond he had with Carl and why did it always seem Carl couldn't go on without him?

Joel told me when they were young he helped Carl out of a very bad situation.

I asked him to be more specific.

This is what Joel told me.

"We met you a year after it happened and even though it's 8 years later I could still see it in front of my eyes as if it were happening now.

The guys on the block got together at the club we had on the South Side after a ball game. We were hot and sweaty and in need of showers. We had installed 6 showers in the back of the club -- you remember them don't you, Tommy?"

"I do, go on!"

"We stripped and the guys began to make fun of Carl because he was so short, he had a baby face and his cock then was so small. His own brother Robbie even joined in the teasing.

I was still out side with just a towel wrapped around my waist but I vaguely heard what was going on.

Robbie locked the door I could hear it click!

Then a bit later I heard Carl moan -- then scream!

"Get that cock out of my ass!"

"Shut up and just eat this -- don't you dare bite it!"

"Open his ass wide -- he's going to have to take all my 11" in that virgin ass of his!"

"Ram him good Tino, let him take your 11" wopper!"

"Robbie help me!" I heard Carl cry.

I heard Robbie's reply:

"Oh yea, baby brother -- I'm going to help you with this!

Now shut up and eat my hot cock!

Tell mom or dad and you're dead!"

"Hey let's piss on the kid!"

"Now you're really going to need a shower!"

I had to do something. I remembered I knew where the spare key was and I went for it. When I opened the door I found Robbie grabbing his brother by the hair and forcing him to suck his cock and Gene fucking his ass while the other 3 guys were pissing on him.

What I didn't know was the three just had Carl's ass before they started to piss on him.

I was brave enough to get them all off him. I brought him back to my place, which was two doors away. We went through the yards and I scooped up our clothes and then I let him take a bath and dressed him and I let him cry in my arms.

From that day on I was Carl's security blanket. That's why we were unseparable!"

"Wow you mean to tell me the `guys' gang banged poor old Carl? I always thought they were all STRAIGHT!"

"Yes, they were but Robbie never got any attention from their father and mother. When Carl's parents found out by passing by their son's bedroom and watching their son Robbie fuck the daylights out of Carl and saw Carl crying they sent Robbie to California to live with his aunt. Carl Sr. did this rather then press charges against his own 18 year old son! Then he questioned all the boys and they told him that it done at Robbie's suggestion that they all have their way with Carl. That made Carl Sr. even more upset that not only did his son Robbie force himself upon Carl but also stood by and watched his brother go through torture and now he even saw that with his own eyes."

"I bet that's why Carl's parents got a divorce!"

"BINGO -- Tommy you have that right!"

"So that's why no one seems to talk about him or why he's not coming for his brother's wedding! It's also why he's so upset that you can't make it!"

"Be good to him, Tommy he's going to need you more then ever in the next few days. He's always blamed himself for the way his dad cut his brother off!"

It was then that I made sure I stood by Carl's side. Joel told him he had told me of the story and Carl seemed to be O.K. with it!

But the day before his wedding it came with a strange request from Carl.

"Tommy, you and Joel had a great sexual relationship before he got married and you always found him so desirable, but never me. Can you now find it in you not to leave me hanging dry the night before my wedding and leave me with thoughts of what it could have been between us? Can you find it in yourself to spend the night with me? You know I've rented a hotel suite in Queens where the wedding is going to take place for my ushers and you as my best man to dress. I have it from tonight on. Come with me and spend the night! Please."

How could I deny him was my only reaction.

"YES, Carl since I'm the best man it will provide a good excuse for me to be with you." I said to him.

At 5:00 p.m. we had supper and off we went to the Pan-American Hotel on Queens Blvd. We got in the room, hung up our tuxes and unpacked our suitcases. Carl put on the TV and when in to take a shower. I stripped and waited for my turn. Carl came out naked and with a massive hard on! His then at 16 years old 5" dick now swell to over 10-1/2"! It wasn't thin anymore it was thick as a coke bottle! His eyes seemed to shine.

"It's all yours tonight, tomorrow it belongs to Margie!"

I said: "Let me take my shower and then..."

I didn't have time to finish my sentence, Carl was right behind me and joined me in the shower.

He stood behind me and hugged me, he kissed my ear and then nibbled on it.

I could feel his massive cock up against my ass rubbing itself along the crack of my ass.

He rubbed my body down with the lather he had from the soap and worked his ways down to my ass. He washed it and then he spread my cheeks apart and began to rim my ass. He was so good at it.

He told me it's what his brother Robbie taught him to do to him.

He didn't let up. While he was rimming my ass and the lukewarm water cascaded down our bodies his hands were playing with my balls and my cock (which now was smaller then his)!

He turned me around and edged his way up to my face and we kissed.

At first he played with the idea of kissing!

Just lips to lips.

Then he parted my lips and worked his way into my mouth.

He let his tongue do battle with mine for dominance and I let him win. His hands were all over my body and I enjoyed them!

I ran my hands down his back and felt his firm back muscles and then his strong shoulders and arms which now rippled with bulging veins! We held hands as we kissed .

Then he played with my nipples stretching them out as far as he could!

He bent his head and began to flick his tongue on them one at a time.

Then he encircled my nipples with his tongue, never letting the other one go without the touch of his massive hands.

He then stood up on tiptoes to get another kiss.

He then handed me the towel and we dried off.

"Here take this let's dry off and continue this in bed!"

He held my hand so tight as we walked over to the bed. He flung the top quilt down and moved the pillows just right.

He got me to lay on my back as he straddled me with his massive legs and let his cock dangle in front of my face.

He then used it to slap the cheeks of my face and would rub it on my lips as if it were a tube of lipstick!

"There's time for you to suck me off, Tommy!"

"I want to see you beg for it, it's now bigger then yours you know!"

He then let his body weight slowly let him rest on my body and he hugged me. He kissed me more as he let his hand find it's way down to my cock.

"Is this how you fucked Joel?"

He sat up and took my cock in is ass as he lubricated both my cock and his ass with his saliva.

He began to pump it by rising on and off my not hot pulsing cock!

His ass was so good, it was hot and moist and I could feel all his muscles grab and let go of my cock. Grab and take my cock deeper and deeper in his what seemed cavernous cavity!

He kept riding me.

"O.K. Tommy am I better then Joel?"

He was so I had to tell the truth -- "Yes you are!"


He got off me!

Now let's see how you sucked Joel off, open that mouth wide I'm coming in!"

He wasn't gentle anymore he was hot and angry, that I overlooked him as a 16 year old!

But I didn't let that stop me I was going to town with his cock and he was surprised I could take it all in.

"I hope Margie can do that as good as you!"

"Hey you know we're moving to Queens and Margie's job takes her away some times what do you say we....?"

He now pulled out of my mouth.

He went down on my cock and came up saying: "Boy my ass tastes sweet!"

He was facing away from me with his backside near my face.

He moved it closer to my face and opened his cheeks wide and told me to enjoy.

I rimmed him and made him moan. He wanted more, but this time it was me who pulled away!

"Carl why are we being so violent with one another, why can't we make this night be so special -- it's the Eve of Your Wedding after all!"

"It's just that for so many years I was so jealous of you and Joel. I worked so hard to finally look the way I thought you'd like and still no indication you wanted me. I dreamt of this I dreamt of making you suffer. But damn it you're every bit as good as Joel said you were! And don't deny it I know you had Robbie too before he left for California!

I couldn't deny it!

I did have Robbie after he bragged to my cousin about what he and the gang did to his brother!

So I could now understand his anger!

I let him let it go!

Afterwards I held him in my arms and let him sob!

Now we were ready for good hot sultry steamy sex!

I let him lay on his back as I gently caressed his body with just the lightest touch of my fingertips. I started with his arms. I glided my fingers up and down each curve and bend in his arms from his shoulders to his fingertips. Then I slowly reversed the process. After a while he opened his hands and I could get him more aroused by doing his palms as well. That made him jump! I did one arm at a time and then I used both hands to do both his arms at the same time.

He just lay there and purred!

I ran my hand over his chest and circled his nipples at first just one hand and then both. I let my opened hand run along his hourglass torso and then slide behind his back and caressed the cheeks of his ass. Then I would reverse the process.

I then let my hands glide over his legs and trace each vein as I did with his arms. I let my hand start at his inner thighs and stop at his knees only to go from the front of his legs to the back as I ended with his feet.

I could see his cock swell more and more and after a while it was dancing and bobbing with each pulse and rush of blood as his erection got harder and harder!

Then I laid my body next to his and I cupped his head in my hands and then I gently caressed his lips as I let my hot moist tongue slowly part his lips. He obliged by opening his mouth and we kissed without stopping. We rolled on the bed and never let our passionate kisses stop, he now held me so sweetly and supported my head with his hand.

"Tommy why did we have to wait so long for this?"

"Shh, just enjoy it."

His hands went down my back and he gently felt around my backside as I did the same to him.

He laid me on my back and he gently started to nibble my ear then the nape of my neck. He ever so slow started to work his tongue from the nape of my neck to my nipples, which were quite erect! He was so good his mouth was so hot and his tongue very hot as well! He slid his tongue down the center of my chest and stopped only to scoop up my hot throbbing cock into his mouth!

He relished my cock in his mouth! It seemed he was going to show me no mercy. He spread my legs apart and began to play with my balls and then his finger found its way into my ass hole as he gently pushed it in. He found my prostate and began to massage it as I began to jump and squirm. He let it out to caress my legs never letting go of my hot cock or never missing a beat of the in and out pattern he established.

I wanted his 10-1/2" bad so I got us into a 69 position and we both had fun with each other's cocks.

His cock swelled in my mouth and made quick jerk movements.

I then got an idea!

I stopped sucking him and began to pull out of his mouth.

I got on top of him and began to caress him and massage him and kiss him and distract him.

I wet my fingers and I slowly pushed them up his ass.

He didn't know what hit him.

I was all over him never letting up caressing him, massaging him or kissing him. His tight ass opened for me and before long I got three fingers inside his hot ass.

Then I took his left leg and flung it over my left shoulder and repeated the process with his right. I knelt in front of him my hot hard cock in my hand.

I wet my cock and his ass hole real good. I bent and kissed him as I gently started to plunge my cock in. First the head, the corona and the shaft bit by bit I wiggled it and let him feel reel comfortable with it before I got deeper.

He even helped me by spreading his cheeks apart!

I fucked him and rode his ass bareback like there was no tomorrow!

"If the guys would have done me this way -- instead of the violent way who knows I may have enjoyed it -- you were worth waiting for -- Tommy! You are so good, so gentle -- continue -- you feel so good inside me. Cum in me. I want to feel you shoot your load in me! I trust you so much. I'm so sorry I was a bitch before!"

"Shh!" was my only reply.

I was now inspired, I worked my cock in him ever so gently and the pre cum from my cock now helped me to glide in and out with ease.

I pulled out for a minute to let him turn over and I entered him from the rear.

I was now lying on top of him and I could now caress him and kiss his neck and nibble his ears. I could run my fingers in his hair. He worked along with me and helped get a good rhythm going.

Before long I could feel it about to happen. I told him!

He asked me to pull out and get him from the front -- he wanted to see the look on my face as I shot my load!

It only took a few more ins and outs and my load was ready to explode out of my cock's head!

"I'm cumming Carl, I'm cumming!" I called out loud as I arched my back and let it flow!

"Damn that was so good! Can we do it again?"

"Let me rest first! Besides which it's your turn now to cum?

Which way do you want to cum orally or do you want to ride my ass?" I asked him.

"Suck me off, Tommy oh please suck me off!"

That was my greatest pleasure.

I took his 10-1/2 " boner deep inside my mouth without needing to stop and wait for the gag reflex I got him in with one shot!

"Oh, Tommy that's so boss!"

I pumped his cock with all my might.

I pulled on his nipples while I was giving him the blowjob of his life.

My mouth became so moist and hot, my tongue so limber and never stopping to lick him and open his piss hole and encircle the corona of his cock's head!

He was squirming and wiggling and jumping. When I went to pull my hands away from his hard and erect nipples he grabbed them and placed them back for more. He held my head by my hair and had his other hand caress under my chin as he helped me by face fucking me! It was so hot! I felt so light so horny I popped another erection!

This made Carl all the more eager to cum so I could fuck him again!

We were now in good jive with one another and all I could remember was him pulling out and cumming all over my face and neck and chest!

"Oh Fuck that was so good, Tommy we could have been lovers!"

"Thank you Carl, but we weren't why don't you just enjoy tonight and don't forget you're getting married in the morning!"

"Does it have to stop, Tommy, just because I'm married?"

I knew it did but I didn't want to spoil tonight so I said, "We'll talk about that when the time comes. Just enjoy the eve of your wedding!"

We went into the shower and we sucked each other off, then I fucked him again and then we went to sleep, naked and in each other's arms!

In the morning the bell rang, it was the guys! We quickly got our robes on, I ran in the bathroom and Carl answered the door.

"We're ready if you guys are only 3 more hours and Carl's a married man."

"Hey Carl why that look on your face?"

"Look?" Carl said.

"Yea you look so happy, we've never seen a guy look that happy to get married before."

"I look that way because last night..."

"Oh boy he's going to spill the beans." I thought to myself.

"....because, Tommy made me realize how lucky I was and how good I am."

"Maybe that's why he's the best man!"

"Oh yea he is the best man for any job!" he said giving me the wink.

I couldn't help but notice the way Carl looked at all our cocks and more so mine. And I couldn't help but notice them myself! All that hot Italian cock almost made me faint!

We got to the church on time and all I could think about when Margie the snob said her `I do's' was I did it first!

Carl and I went down to Florida once and visited Joel and the three of us had an orgy -- so to speak!

After that both Carl and Joel became a memory of my past!


First write and let me know if you enjoyed all three parts of "EVE OF HIS WEDDING" and "Weekend with Joel"

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