Evan's Secret

Published on Aug 22, 2012



Evan knew what was coming. He had been there before thanks to Tri Omega, his fraternity. It was across the street from the LAMBA HOUSE which he debated joining instead.

He was gay. Nobody knew except his brother and sister..and then there were those anonymous flings he had in the tall hedges by the library in the middle of the night. And there was Frank, he met in the bookstore. He was tall, blonde and kept moving wherever Evan went. Finally as they both looked through books; Frank's hand moved to his side and Evan didn't move away. The sex was spontaneous, wild and a one time thing.

Tri Omega was a typical all boys network fraternity known for its parties, jocks and initiations. Each pledge master seemed to be challenged to introduce the most creative ways to shame pledges.

Whether it was cleaning the yard wearing only loincloths while members of the LAMBA HOUSE watched and cheered, or running track at 4am naked until the sun arose or security guards ended the event, the pledges were constantly challenged.

If they didn't drop out or otherwise expelled, the remaining group stood in the basement that last day. They stood in a circle facing outwards and the gathered brothers. They were naked and stood so close to each other their bodies pressed together.

Their arms were behind them, fastened to each other. Evan stood there determined to be a member no matter what they demanded of him.

The blindfolds were put in place and the eight pledges knelt, moving their bent legs to avoid conflicting with each other.

Evan felt one of the other pledge's hands pet his bare butt. He didn't react and hoped his cock wouldn't arise as a result either less the brothers discover his secret.

The shuffling of feet filled his ears then the familiar sounds of hands, flesh and verbal sounds of moans and sighs as the brothers showered the pledges with their sperm.

"Open your mouths" the order came and the pledges obeyed, at least Evan assumed they did as he had. The taste of urine told him what was happening. His body felt the warm streams from one, then another or more of he brothers who were, as the pledge master later said, "marking their territory".

The buckets of water tossed on them afterwards washed away the stink and stains. The naked pledges served that night as servants. Each sat in the hallways until being called by a brother to fetch, clean a room or other chores.

Evan and Todd were relegated to the shower stall; their chore was to wash brother's backs. No washcloth, just their soapy hands was used.

And Evan was glad to see that the brothers as well as Todd displayed their pleasure as his hard cock did in the chore.

The membership sealed, the next few years were uneventful. Tri Omega continued to party, do community service, house the brothers and initiate new pledge classes. Evan watched each class be subjected to more and different challenges.

Graduation and the beginning of a career found Evan far away now.

He could be open with friends and enjoy occasional lovers. His lifestyle interests expanded into areas not talked about, not even with his siblings.

Evan exited his SUV and walked past the warehouses and to the steps that led him down to the room he had been to many times before.

Undressing, he remained with others until a deep voiced man wearing only leather chaps and a chest harness appeared.

And so he knelt in the center, their target for tortuous experimentation. He wasn't blindfold. There were no secrets in "the society".

Evan was surprised to see Todd at Bariett & Sons, when he reported for work. They had interviewed him on campus and until a week after graduation, he didn't know he was hired.

Todd hugged him and they spent lunches together. Todd had worked there during the summers while in college, after all he was one of the "sons" in Bariett & Sons.

Evan stared when Todd whispered the news to him. The years they shared a room in Tri Omega, he hadn't even a clue they had something in common.

Todd dated as did Evan, various girls throughout those years. Apparently it was just for show for Todd as it was for Evan.

Todd went on to tell Evan he was into a world of leather, kink and fantasy. Evan didn't know how to respond. He wasn't sure if he should acknowledge his own similar interest and activities.

Eventually he admitted "We have much in common".

He had to admit it made working in the new company and living in a strange city, easier if not more enjoyable. Todd lived in the family mansion, but often crashed at Evan's tiny apartment.

Evan dove into the large swimming pool at Todd's mansion on weekends, sometimes sharing Todd's love for skinny dipping, his brothers joining them.

Now Evan knelt being accepted by "The Society" a secret men's group Todd had sponsored him for. He had already submitted to dungeon games as a guest.

He would be first marked by the members, and then claimed by senior members for individual training.

Evan's cock was rock hard. The nights of occasional exciting fantasies was about to become something more, a way of life, as Todd put it.

He had stood over Quinlin, the young boy, blindfolded, his body naked as Evan's was the nights he was inducted into Tri Omega. Quinlin was his task.

"You will find one of the LAMBAs and bring them to our club room" the pledge master had instructed. Quinlin gladly came. He recognized Evan as they had shared some so-called anonymous sex in the basement men's room in the library one very late night.

Evan jacked until the boys face was covered in sperm, doing the same act that the Tri Omega brothers would do to him his final night.

Now he knelt in the gay and kinky club room, not blindfolded, watching hard penis being jacked until he would wear their sperm.

He watched Todd, smiling jack on him, then a much older member and another. Evan remained in place during the gathering as members talked, drank, and played in the nearby dungeon area. Some came to where he waited one at a time, others in groups.

Evan felt the slime dribble down his face and off his chin. Other's plopped on his arms, chest, belly and erection. Some told him to turn around to shoot on his back and buttocks. He of course obeyed, gladly wearing the sperm, being accepted into the club that Todd said had made it all bearable.

Todd was unhappy working for his father and constantly competing with his brothers at work. He wanted to come out, he wanted to go to another city and work there. He wanted to be naked and free".

Evan accompanied him on hikes and camping where groups of gays stripped down to absorb the sun and each other's attentions.

He watched that first time Todd took him to the basement dungeon. Todd was tied and the men used prods emitting blue streaks on his writhing body.

Evan allowed himself to be stripped, shaven, tied and tortured, resulting in some of the most explosive orgasms he ever felt.

Now he felt the cum of the men and boys around him, dripping off the tip of his throbbing cock head, his ears, flowing between his buttocks across his sensitized butthole.

Todd and he shared one night together. It was fun, nice, satisfying but like having sex with a brother. They laughed about it and Todd took him to a place he promised "would give you enormous orgasms every time". So Evan agreed and went to the basement, where "The Society" functioned that first time.

The night progressed. Evan had taken the following Monday off from work just in case he needed to recover from whatever would happen that weekend.

Todd appeared "Get ready they're playing poker for you" he said. Evan admired his friend, naked except for the body harness he wore. It made him look sexier. He wanted to suck the boys cock all of a sudden. But he knew that was not allowed.

He must be claimed and trained before indulging in sex at his own volition. He would be selected by long term members for sometime and submit. The choice was theirs not his. And the more Evan had visited the place, the more he was ready to be trained, used, ordered about and obey whoever claimed him.

Another member blocked the view he had of the four older men playing cards. He was the reward for the winning hand Todd had said. One of those men would literally own him for the weekend ahead.

The tall, lean, redheaded man standing in front of him was older though not by much, then he. His cock was long slender and hard. He stared at Evan intently, neither smiling nor expressing any feeling. His hand alternated between stroking his long erection to playing with his balls. The two hoops that hung from his nipples bounced around. The harder he stroked the more they bounced, probably sending sensations from his sensitive pierced nipples through his tall body.

Evan wished he could feel that. His own nipples had been pulled and twisted from time to time, demonstrating how much a trigger of pain and pleasure they were.

The cum spewed in sideways arches on his shoulders. The guy aimed so the next spurt would splatter on Evan's face. He stuck out his tongue without being told to. The man stepped closer and the stream landed on his tongue and chin...again and again, as if incited more by his willingness to taste.

The man then pressed the still dribbling cock over his tongue and cheeks. It was then he smiled and winked before walking away, revealing the strands that hung from a toy obviously lodged in his own butthole. Evan knew the man clenched when he came and felt the toy buried inside.

Evan had had the same feeling with cocks or toys and loved the sensation but not as much as the day after getting fucked by a sizable penis..he would continue to feel it inside him until his young body recovered.

There was laughter at the card table. He heard a yelp from the dungeon where other members were busy giving and getting pleasure.

He was pleasant looking. The man who had a bearded stood. His black leather vest was open revealing the chain that apparently connected his own nipples. The leather shorts he word were laced on the sides showing his bare hips. As he approached, Evan saw the man's cock and balls held by a mesh crotch.

The man's eyes dashed about, chatting with other members he passed including the two that were fucking on a table and then the three experimenting, one fucking Todd while he sucked another.

Then the eyes moved to Evan. They were steel grey. Even in the semi lit area, they stood out, fixed on Evan. The man's expression didn't reveal anything that was to come.

Evan watched, his own cock bouncing. He wondered what the man would tell him to do. Would he be made to clean the man's house? Would he be kept tied up or in a cage, available when the man wanted him? Would he be shared with the man's friends? Would he be spanked or paddled until he cried? Would the man be angry, rough or just stern?

The man stood in front of him. Evan's eyes were locked on the man's. He saw the meaty cock being released from the mesh pouch nearly at eye level. Evan knew he would suck that thick meaty penis, he would feel it inside him. The weekend would challenge him to please the man however he wanted.

His own cock would be ignored. He had learned that visiting the dungeon where submissives were ordered to leave their own erections alone, dedicating themselves to pleasing others.

The man jacked the meaty cock and closed his eyes. Evan watched as the one eyed pleasure tool, gushed at him. He opened his mouth again gladly ready to consume what would probably be the first of many feedings yet to come.

The man's eyes opened "keep it open" he said in a bossy serious voice.

Evan left his cum covered tongue hanging out. He knew it would flick across the man's testicles, cockhead, nipples, butthole giving the pleasure the man wanted.

He felt his own cock oozing out precum. His heart pounded harder, his lungs inhaled deeper too.

The stream showered his tongue then face. The man aimed it lower to wash Evan's crotch and belly then drooped.

"Some help here, clean him up" the man said over his head.

Todd appeared with others surrounding him. Their streams covered where plops of sperm had been, flowing down his back between his buttocks, landing on his chest and flowing down his belly and over his crotch until the man held up his hand.


Some members watched others moved back to their own pursuits.

"take his stuff with you" the man said

Todd nodded watching the man removed the tit clamps from himself and bending over to re apply them to Evan's nipples. He grimaced to each jagged jaw clamp that dug into each nipple.

He suffered in silence knowing that was expected.

The collar fit around his neck as if it were made for him. The man clicked a lock into place. Evan's cock throbbed. There was no turning back, no refusal; there was only what the man wanted.

The leash snapped "Crawl" the man said

And Evan's knees and hands felt the cement floor as he followed the man around the room. The man chatted with other members; even let another member suck his cock for awhile. Evan moved when the man yanked his chain.

"Yea go ahead" the man said.

Another member held up the black rubber toy. He put it in Evan's mouth.

"Make it slick boy so it goes in" the man instructed. Evan spit, licked and tried to obey as quickly as possible.

He was grateful for the man's greased up finger that jammed into him before the rubber dildo, doggie tail was lodged there.

The one who provided it laughed, jiggling the tail once in place in Evan's doggie butt.

"You're gonna have fun with this one" he said.

"If I have too much fun, you won't see me for awhile" the man said "ready doggie boy?" he asked Evan.

Evan barked. Nobody told him to do it. It had never been a fantasy of his. Somehow he just felt that a naked boy, collared and having a tail should do it.

He heard some appreciative laughter from others.

The man nodded and yanked the leash, leading Evan from the basement, up the stairs, out into the night air where anyone could see him if they were there.

He crawled into the back of the man's truck, his leash fastened to the side. The man got in the front and drove away, taking Evan to his new life.

Todd was watching as the truck departed, wondering if Evan would appear at work the next week or not. He smiled and at the same time envied his friend.

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