
By Dick Mann

Published on Feb 26, 2020





Dick Mann

During the conversion ceremony I had been instructed to proselytize and bring others into the brotherhood by sharing the gift I had been given. This would not be a difficult thing for me since I came from an evangelical Baptist background. This was a very big part of being a Baptist.

There was a very active young adult men's group at my church made up of several college students as well as a few others who had graduated high school and held jobs in the community.

There were a couple of them that I strongly suspected were gay or at least bi, so I had a ready field to plow or fuck. The question was which would be the first target.

I decided that I would go after one of the working boys because they seemed a bit more likely candidates. And among them there was one in particular that stood out in my mind, Pete Wilson. He was not a regular at church. In fact he came so seldom that some of the others didn't even think of him as a member. He lived in a trailer park just outside the city limits with a girl he had gotten pregnant while still in high school.

I decided to pay him a pastoral visit because he hadn't been to church in several weeks, hell, probably a couple of months. Pulling into the trailer park, I felt my dick stir at the thought of the kinds of shit that probably went on there every day.

Pete's trailer was almost at the end of the park. I pulled up to his trailer and got out of the car. As I approached the door, his little three year old daughter came running up behind me and opened the door. "Daddy, there's some guy here.

"Who is it Juju?" Pete yelled from another room. "Don't know," she yelled back. "Who are you?" she asked. "I'm Mark."

"He says he's Mark."

"Who the fuck is Mark?" I heard him say as he opened the door stark naked.

"Oh fucking shit, I didn't know it was you preacher. I was just relaxin'.

"Hey, it's what I get for just dropping in." I stammered not knowing what else to say. Of course what I was thinking was more like how much I wanted to fuck him right then and there.

"Juju you go on out `n play." He said to the little girl.

"Can I get you something to drink?' he asked, walking toward the kitchen area. "You got a beer?' I said. He did a quick look back at me. "I didn't know preachers drank beer," he said laughing.

"Well even preachers are human." I said joining him in the kitchen. "There are probably lots of things you don't know about us." I was standing right behind him and could smell his strong body odor.

He grabbed two beers from the fridge and as he turned to give me one his dick hit my hand. ­

"Where's Kate?" I asked. "Aw shit man, I threw that bitch out. She was fuckin' around with some dyke that lives up the road."

"Oh, you don't approve of lesbians?" I asked. "Oh hell, I don't got anything against em but what pissed me off was that they wouldn't let me join em; or even watch and jack off. I mean shit that would have been hot as hell. Fuck man, sorry about my language. It's just the way I am."

"No offence taken, I assure you I've said the same or worse in my time. Hey, if you've got stuff to do, I'll come another time." I said. Taking a step back from him.

"No, not at all, glad you came by. I been meaning to call you anyways." He said. "Let's go in the other room and sit down." I followed him into the bedroom of the trailer. There was a large unmade bed in the middle of the room. The sheets had been white at some time but they had obviously not been changed in weeks.

Strewn over the bed were several porn magazines and on the dresser there was a stack of videos that were obviously porn.

"I see you are a literary man." I said picking up one of the magazines. "Oh fuck," Pete said. "Sorry about that but jesuschrist, a guy has to do something for relief."

"Hey the man that says he doesn't jack is either a liar or can't find his dick." I said laughing. "And as for porn, fuck, I just think of it as educational material.

"Goddamn preacher, you're alright. You ain't like any preacher I ever knew."

"I'm just a man Pete, just like you. I have the same desires and appetites that every man does." I said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hey Pete. You here?" came a voice from the other room. "In here cocksucker." Pete yelled. "That's my neighbor Bob. He's cool."

"I got some killer smoke bitch." He said walking in to the bedroom. "Oh shit, sorry, didn't know you had company."

"It's cool; this is my preacher, Rev. Mark." Fuck the guy was hot as hell. He was wearing some faded tight assed jeans; a wife beater sleeve tats on both arms and smoking a cigar.

"Oh sorry preacher," Bob said. "Don't see many like you around here." "Glad to meet you Bob. And no need to apologize. Pete was just showing me his library." I said picking up one of the porn magazines on the bed.

Both of them broke into a laugh. "Damn, never met a preacher like you before." Bob said. "Every other one has told me I was gonna go to hell if I didn't change my ways and get right with the lord."

"Well Bob, I'm the kind that thinks we all serve our gods in a way that pleases and satisfies our individual needs." I said. "So about that great smoke you mentioned, it's been a long time since I shared a joint with friends. How about you fire one up?

"Hell yeah fucker, I know you got one ready." Pete said.

Bob reached in his pocket and pulled out a little tin box, took out a joint and handed it to me along with his Bic. "Here you go preacher, fire it up."

I took the joint and lit it drawing the smoke deep into my lungs. Passing it to Pete I said, "Take ye and inhale deeply my brother for what the lord provideth is fucking GOOD!"

"Jesus Christ bro, you are a fucking trip" Bob said laughing, "a goddamn fucking trip."

Slowly exhaling Pete said, "That is some good shit man." and passed it to Bob. Walking over to the dresser "Hey Pete, what's your favorite vid?" I asked.

"Oh fuck, don't know if I have a favorite." He said. "It sort of depends what I'm in the mood for.

"Hey which one has that gangbang in it where the bitch gets fucked by eight or nine guys?" Bob said passing me the joint. "Fuck preacher, you wouldn't believe the way that cunt eats up dick. Gets me off every time."

"That's `Cheap Whore'. Pete said getting off the bed and walking over to the dresser. He rifled through the pile till he found it. "Yeah, it's good. Want to watch?"

Goddamn I thought to myself, this is gonna be a fucking piece of cake. I can get both these fuckers if I play my cards right.

"Sure, put it in. I'm always up for a good gang bang." I said grabbing my crotch.

"Hey Pete, preacher man is getting horned, we might have to get Wanda the bitch to come over" Bob said winking at me.

"Fuck no. That slut gave me clap. I ain't gonna fuck her with your dick." Pete said laughing.

"You mean you don't practice safe sex?" I said to Pete.

"Hell no preacher. My dick won't tolerate no goddamn rubbers. Bitch is gonna take my dick raw or not at all."

The video started. There were several men standing around a bed where a woman was kneeling and fondling two cocks and sucking another.

Pete was stretched out on the bed beside where I was sitting and Bob stood over to the side rubbing his crotch. "Fuck, I love the way she nibbles on that fuckers balls. Drives me crazy when a bitch does that to me." Bob said.

I glanced over to Pete who was also rubbing his dick. Bob lit another joint and passed it to me. I took a big hit and laying back on the bed passed it to Pete. "Oh shit, he's going to fuck her ass." I said as though I was surprised.

"Yeah, before they get through with her, she gets all her holes filled." Bob said. "Shit, I don't know about you fuckers but I'm getting' horny as shit."

"Hey, do you guys remember as kids when you found dirty pictures and beat off together?" I said wondering what kind of reaction I would get.

"Oh fuck yeah, there was one guy that even sucked a group of us off. Goddamn, come to think of it, he gave the best fuckin' head I ever got." Pete said. "We use to hold contests to see who could shoot the farest."

"There was no doubt that I had the biggest dick in the group I hung out with." Bob said. "And they really liked that I was uncut."

"Shit, we're all three horny as fuck, let's git naked and jackoff." Pete said. "You cool with that preacher?"

"Sure. I love to jack." I said as I unbuckled my belt. Both the others did the same and we got naked.

I reached out and took hold of both their dicks and started stroking them. Pete let out a moan as I moved my hand up and down his shaft. I looked over at him and he was laying there with his eyes closed and smiling.

I let go of Bob's dick and leaned over to Pete, took his dick in my mouth and slowly started to suck him. "Oh shit man, that feels good." He said. "You suck it like you know what you're doing."

Bob moved behind me and started rubbing his dick along my ass crack. Instinctively I pushed back against it. "Goddamn preacher, looks like you want this in your shitter." He said laughing.

Taking my mouth off Pete's cock I looked around and smiled. "Shove it in." I said. As he stuck the head of his cock in my ass, I raised Pete's legs and began eating his ripe hairy asshole. Pete locked his ankles around my head and pulled my face in closer. "Oh fuck, yeah eat my shithole preacher. Eat it good, get that tongue in there." I needed no encouragement.

Bob was giving my ass a nice slow fuck which felt awesome. He would pull out almost all the way and then slowly slide back in until his balls pressed against my ass cheeks. The pressure he was putting on my prostate was causing my dick to leak profusely.

I stopped eating Pete's ass and began to rub my leaking cock along his crack. "Oh preacher, I don't think I can take your dick in my ass." He said. "I think you can." I said as I pushed the head in. He was tight and I knew it was hurting him but I was determined to dump my seed in him.

"Oh shit man, it hurts. Stop! I can't take it." He cried. I pushed harder. "I'm gonna fuck your ass boy." I said as I lowered my mouth to cover his. He tried to resist but I forced his mouth open and rammed my tongue in it. "You can taste your shithole on my tongue" I said.

Bob stopped fucking in and out and let me set the pace which was pretty fast. Pete was tearing up pretty good. I was getting off on the pain I was causing him.

"Oh Christ, I'm cumming," Bob said as he rammed his dick deep inside my ass. The force of his dick in my ass caused me to explode deep in Pete's ass.

"Shit, that was good" Bob said as he pulled out of my ass. I also slid my cock out of Pete's ass. "He got to get home Bob said. My old lady will be bitchin'."

"Yeah, I should be going too," I said. "I still have to finish my sermon for tomorrow. Hey, why don't the two of you come to church tomorrow?" I said.

"Fuck, I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow after what you did to my ass preacher." Pete said and laughed.

As I started putting my clothes on I told him that by tomorrow he'd be aching for more. Bob and I walked out together.

"Hey preacher, you're a hot son-of-a-bitch. I'd really like to get into some shit with you again." Bob said as we walked toward my car. "That works for be stud. I want that cock of yours in my ass. I said as I got in my car. "Give me a call anytime. I'm always available for pastoral counseling."

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