Evanescence of the Moon

By Jessie Mkay

Published on Jun 22, 2012


Twilight.If you aren't at the very least 18 then don't read this. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who portray the characters. Donate to Nifty.org to keep the site running. Reach me at jessiemkay@Yahoo.com and enjoy.

Evanescence Of The Moon-2

I couldn't make myself do anything except what he wanted. My body wouldn't do as I wanted, I just sat there as his new puppet. David smirked at me, before kissing my lips. The cold of his touch making my senses tingle. A finger traced my neck line, I could feel a cut and the trickle of blood rushing from the wound. I whimpered as he brought his cold lips to the wound. Tears came to my eyes as I could feel my death coming. Then something even worse.....a sharp pain followed by a burning sensation. I could feel something moving into my body. It was like I was on fire and it was quickly spreading. "Relax. It'll all be over soon." David said as he continued to lick my neck. He took a few more bites before I succumbed to the fire. His cool body the only thing that was keeping me from blazing left. I watched through tears as his form left my sight.

° ° ° ° °

Kevin could feel two things. Justice was close, and He was in trouble. He ran and ran and ran. Hearing a whimper in the distance, it echoed off the trees. It was Justice. He continued on until He came to his form writhing on the floor. "Help me." Justice said as he seemed to black out from whatever pain he was in. With all the adrenalin he felt rushing in his veins, he lifted Justice and ran to his dad.

° ° ° ° °

"Help!" Kevin exclaimed as he got to the camp. "What happened?!" His father asked as he helped put Justice in the back of the truck. "He was...I don't know. He blacked out." Kevin said worried. "Mark and Lucas. You have to stay here and watch over everything." Kevin said as his dad started the truck and punching the gas.

° ° ° ° °

Kevin and his dad waited in the waiting room to hear of what has happened to Justice.

° ° ° ° °

Dr. Cullen aka Carlisle...had known what the problem was as soon as he saw Justice. He was bitten by a vampire. He would know after doing the same to others. He found the bite markings and began drinking from them. He drank until his blood was clean. The problem now being, Justice lost too much blood.

Carlisle pressed the button on the bed. A nurse came in awaiting his orders. "He needs a blood transfusion. O-." He said knowing the answer, they barely had any. He snuck all of it out for Bella. She preferred it from all the other types when she was pregnant.

He remembered something from the Newborn Army....when He treated the wolves for injuries...one of them had O- blood. Seth Clearwater.

"Hold my calls." Carlisle said before rushing in vampiric speed to his car. Calling numbers to get in touch with Seth.

° ° ° ° °

Seth agreed to meet at the Cullen's home, the pack waited outside. "So you see Seth. If he doesn't get a blood transfusion he could die." Carlisle said to Seth, as he thought about it. "Okay. I'll do it." He said in responce. "One thing....I want to be there." Seth had this look in his eyes...determination? Sympathy?

"Actually you can't be there. You have border duty." Jacob said "It's your turn. I get to play with Nessie now." Jacob walked up to the young woman and kissed her.

° ° ° ° °

He got to the hospital just in time. What stalled Carlisle was that Justice's appearance changed. He was only slightly paler due to the lack of blood. His hair changed....the ends changed bright red. Carlisle pushed that aside and brought the bag of blood to the IV and began pumping the blood into his system.

He noticed the scent change aswell. It was sweet like maple syrup, when the blood mixed into Justice it changed only slightly. The scent of the forest was added to the maple smell, he was surprised at how he didn't smell like dog but it was good he didn't.

"Hello." He heard someone say weakly. The voice was sweet to the ears, he turned to Justice's body. He saw his eyes aswell also changed. His eyes once blue, now a bright pink. He looked at in those pink eyes, they seemed to shimmer by themselves.

° ° ° ° °

I started at the deathly pale man with the blond hair. Remembering David. "Please...don't kill me." I said weakly. My voice hoarse and my fear was evident. He came towards me, raising his hands in surrender. "I won't hurt you." He said his voice different it was softer than David's yet it was strong and proud.

"I'm Dr. Cullen. Call me Carlisle." He said with a smile. "So it's obvious you know what did this to you. Vampire." He said as the smile turned into a frown. "I am a vampire as well."

We stayed like that for 30 minutes atleast talking about what happened and who we both were aswell as his family. "So your a vampire. Working as a doctor, because your good at it. And you feel the need to save other people's lives." I said as a statement and he nodded. "Wait.. where's my brother and my dad?" I asked as he seemed to think. "I believe they are in the waiting room. You realize though...you can't stay with them don't you." He said grimly.

"You changed too much. You won't be able live among humans aswell as you use too. Who knows what the venom did to you. I need to run tests." He said as I nodded. "Can I atleast say goodbye?" I asked and he nodded. "That seems alright. I'll get them." He said leaving.

15 minutes later the door opened to Carlisle and Kevin and dad.

"Whoa! Whatever bit you really did some changes to you. Dr. Cullen said he doesn't know what it is. But he has to take you to his home to run further tests.He also said you needed to be watched hourly....so your going to live with him." Dad said. "You look...different." Kevin commented unable to truly express how he felt. "Thanks." I said as tears escaped my eyes. "So this is goodbye?" I asked they looked sad. "The court won't let me keep you due to you being in an unstable condition. They however let Dr. Cullen adopt you." Dad said. "That is if you want to be a Cullen." Carlisle said with a small smile. "Yeah... okay." I said with a small smile. "I'll see you, later?" I asked Kevin.

He grabbed my head quickly and pulled me into a kiss. "Definitely." He said with a hoarse voice, coughing to regain his regular voice.

That's when Dad laughed, "Finally you kiss him, huh champ!" Dad laughed proudly patting Kelvin's back.

Oh how stranger this is getting.

(That's the next chapter. I hope you like it. Reach me at jessiemkay@Yahoo.com)

Next: Chapter 3

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