Evan Makes Me His Slut

By jon fair

Published on Apr 28, 2005


*** Hi guys, thought I'd share a series of diary entries with you about a long ago experience that still makes my middleaged ass horny just thinking about it! Love to hear from you at funwbuns@yahoo.com ***

Dear Diary, I was just lying about on the sofa in a silky blue thong and unbuttoned shirt, thinking about past fun, and remembered Evan, that big cock of his, and how he had me totally in his power for a while there when I was 20. He was a kind of odd character really, in his 30s at the time, who lived in a one room studio a few blocks away. I had met him working at a local steakhouse, where I was a waiter and he was a night dishwasher. He was kind of spacy, a little bit of a burnout as we used to say. He was 6', 200lbs, strongly built, slightly balding, stooped a little, not handsome, pretty ordinary looking. My main conection with him was him just being another guy at the party, when some of us would get together after work. He found out where I lived and got into stopping by once in awhile. He'd bring along some pot and we'd get high which was fine, and that was it. I was pretty in the closet then, and I didn't think that he was into guys, and he wasn't someone I'd normally have hooked up with. One day though things changed...

I'd gone out for a run, and came back to shower. It was a hot summer day, and I took a long shower, playing a little with myself, you know, soaping up my ass and slipping in a finger, imagining some hot stud humping my ass... I was almost 6', 175lbs, a nice looking young guy with short brown hair, hazel eyes, a sensitive intelligent face, and a decent body. I was in good shape, with a nice 6" cut cock and big balls, and a lovely (if I do say it myself!) round smooth ass. Finally I got out of the shower, and just as I wrapped a towel around myself the door bell rang.

I went to get it and there was Evan. I let him in, thinking I wasn't really into hanging out with him that much, that maybe I'd just get high with him and then make an excuse to go out, maybe cruise a local gay bar, see who was there that afternoon. As we went into my little living room I told Evan to make himself at home, that I'd get dressed and be right out. He chuckled though and said, "You don't want to wait for this pot I have Jamie, it is amazing stuff." I laughed and replied, "OK, better be good!"

We sat on the sofa and he got out his pot and started to roll a joint. I thought I noticed him kind of glancing at me, and I figured I'd have a little fun, you know. The towel I was wearing was knotted on my right side, where Evan was sitting, so I crossed my right leg over my left and leaned over to get a cigarette so that the towel opened up and showed my leg and a nice slice of my ass. As I lit my smoke I noticed Evan staring a moment at my ass, and got a little kick out of that, but didn't really think more of it. It really was some incredible stuff he had. We smoked the one joint and I was nicely high, just floating along.

I rolled to my left to get another cigarette, lifting up a little to reach. As I did, I suddenly felt one of Evan's big hands slip inside my loosely hanging towel and grab my one ass cheek, hard. I gasped in surprise, (although what did I expect?!). I turned back to him and he leaned in closer to me, keeping his hand on my ass and grabbing my one arm, very hard. He looked really high, and very intense suddenly, and he told me, "Listen Jamie, I've seen you flirt with that guy Eric at work, and I saw you outside the gay club on Central Ave one night, with some guy grabbing your ass. You like to do guys, don't you? Suck their cocks, take it up the ass? Yeah you do, I know it, and you're gonna do me today. Do like I want and I won't have to kick your nice ass!" God, he was so strong, and so scary, I could only think that I'd better humor him. I nodded nervously and said, "Yeah, OK Evan, I do like to do guys sometimes, just don't hurt me and I'll do what you want, OK?"

He suddenly let go of me and moved off the couch, and started to undress. I just sat there, stunned by what was going on. He was even more muscular than I had thought, and then when he dropped his jeans I couldn't believe the big cock that was swaying in between his legs. He had a cock that even semi hard looked big, like he'd be a good 8" hard, and thick too, with heavy balls sagging underneath. Even saw me looking at his cock, and laughed at me, telling me he was going to give me all the cock I wanted that afternoon. He told me to go get the lube he knew a "gay boy" like me must have around, and I hurried to obey him. When I cane back from my bedroom he was still standing there, and he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down to my knees, telling me to get his cock hard and well lubed.

I reached and took him in one hand, and his cock throbbed and shifted in my hand like a thick living hose. Bending my head down I started to suck him, but he grabbed my hair and pulled me back, saying, "No, that's for later, just lube it bitch, it's getting hard enough to fuck that nice juicy ass of yours." I smeared and massaged lots of KY all up and down his hardening cock, but after just a moment he stepped back and told me to get on all fours. I started to say we could use my bed, but he grabbed my face hard in his big hands and told me to shut up and do as he wanted. I just nodded and did like he said.

As soon as I was on all fours he got behind me and started to rub the head of his fat cock into the crack of my ass. I gasped a little again at the size of it, and hoped he wouldn't be too rough. He wasn't, but he was forceful, and he quickly shoved the head into my ass. I took a deep breath, it did hurt a little, and I was kind of tight and unrelaxed. He turned gentle for a moment though and lightly stroked my ass cheeks and back, reaching under me to fondle my cock and balls. As he did he quietly said, "OK, OK, easy bitch, I won't hurt ya too bad. But I am gonna fuck you good. I'm horny as hell for your ass, don't you see?" I sighed and relaxing a bit replied, "Yeah, I do, sure Evan." He eased in a little more, telling me how good I was, then with a strong deep thrust he forced himself deep into me, shoving me forward and making me cry out a little. He didn't give me another break, just clamped his big hands on my smooth ass cheeks and started to work in and out, his fat cock forcing into me deeper and deeper. My head was down to the floor, my ass lifted up, and I was giving into being speared by his big cock. It hurt a little still but it made me feel so nicely full and fucked too!

Evan was very horny, and just a few minutes after first penetrating me he was groaning and ramming into me as he came. I gasped and cryed out, giving myself to him, letting this grungy older night dishwasher fuck my hot young ass. He came hard, and thrust deep several times, shooting a little less each time till he was done. Then he rested his hands on top of me, catching his breath and letting his cock soften inside me.

After a minute he pulled out and sat back on the floor against the sofa, and told me to come to him. I moved over and he pulled me down so I was lying on the floor, head in his lap. He started to lazily work a finger into my freshly fucked ass and told me to suck his cock. I'd never done that before, sucked a guy fresh from my ass, but I did what he wanted, which was getting to be what I wanted too. The rich, musky, slick taste of his softening cock, smeared with his cum and KY, smelling of my own asshole, was so strong, and I was suprised to find, so good!

I felt both degraded and intensely aroused by being used and bullied this way. I hadn't cum yet and my cock was throbbing, but Evan had told me I couldn't touch myself until he said so. I couldn't stop my cock from leaking a little precum though, and Evan noticed it. He chuckled and pulling the two fingers he had in my ass out, he reached over to milk a few drops of precum into his hand, and dipping the two fingers he'd just had in my ass into it, he pulled my head off his cock and slipped those sticky, lube cum and precum smeared fingers into my mouth and told me to suck them. I did, licking and sucking them like the were two little cocks.

We lay there like that a while, and smoked another joint, and then Evan started getting hard again.I thought he might like to do me doggie style again and I was right, but he wanted to do something else too! He had me bend over the big overstuffed arm of my sofa and then surprised me by producing a length of clothesline from his hip pocket. He laughed at me, saying "Hey, a good Boy Scout is always prepared, right?!" He cut the rope in two with a big pocket knife and then first tied my feet loosely together, and then my hands, my arms being stretched out ahead of me. My ass was a little sore from his recent ride of me, my cock was sticky with precum, and I was helpless, totally in his power. Ithought he was going to fuck me like that, but he had something else in mind first.

He pulled the belt out of his pants, a heavy wide cowhide belt, and as I lay there helpless, head turned watching him, he said in a hungry way, "I think a good strapping out to help break you in bitch, what do you say?" I couldn't even speak, just nodded my head. Without another word he began. Slow, hard strokes, arm raised high, then lashing down on my ass, my back, my legs until I was trembling, almost crying, and a little horrified to realize that I liked the feeling, a lot.

He stopped abruptly, having stroked himself hard while whipping me, and dropped the belt. With my legs loosely tied together I couldn't spread them much, and when he started to shove into me my ass felt wonderfully full, like never before. This time Evan was up for a long ride and he had one, balancing himself with his muscular arms around my, hands on the sofa arm, as he steadily fucked me. At this point I was lost in the contradictory and very arousing feelings I was experiencing of humiliation, pain, pleasure, submission, and I simply moved under him as best I could, shifting and panting, moaning and sighing his name. He leaned into me and nibbled my ears, whispering what a good piece of ass I was, and I told him I wanted him so bad, on and on...

When he was ready to cum his cock was swelled and strong, ramming home into my soft pinkened ass, and he yelled as he shot into me, and I yelled too, my cock suddenly jerking about in a series of spasms, cumming just from his fucking me without even touching myself. Even sagged onto me for a minute, his weight mashing my hard used ass into the sofa. Then he pulled out and came around me and sat on the sofa, tucking my head into his lap to suck his cock clean. By then I was more than game, and lovingly took his fat cock into my mouth, gagging a little as its lube and cum smeared length slid back into my throat. With my mouth wrapped around him I sucked him clean as he slowly softened. Evan sighed and stroked my head as it bobbed up and down in his lap. In a little while he slid out from under me and got up and started to dress. I just lay there, spent and loose and sluttishly satisfied with his use of me.

When he was dressed he took a few joints out of his shirt pocket and laid them on the sofa, telling me I was a good bitch and they were for me. Then he gave me a few hard slaps on the ass, and started to leave. When I shyly asked if he would please untie me, he just laughed and said, "Hey, just slide your slutty ass off that sofa and you can do it yourself babe!" With that he headed out the door. I did slide off the sofa and untie myself, and then I lay there, amazed at the experience I'd just had, and how much I'd liked it. I hadn't realized how much of a submissive streak I had, and couldn't believe how much I'd gotten off on being used so roughly. Just thinking about it all and how good Evan's fat cock felt in my ass made me wish we'd get together again soon. We did, but that's a story for the next time dear diary.

Next: Chapter 2

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