
By Big D

Published on Jun 12, 2020


DISCLAIMER: This story will include scenes involving sex between young men and adult language. If you do not like or are offended by such things or are under age wherever you are reading this then please leave now.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission.

This is pure fiction. No one in this story is a real person, living or deceased, and any resemblance as such is purely coincidental.

Characters in this story may partake in bareback sex, please remember that this is fiction and in the real world precautions should be taken to ensure everyone's safety. Please use protection.

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Tyler – Part 28

A bead of sweat fell from the tip of Joe's nose at the exact same moment that a drop of precum slid off the end of his dick. Both hit the sheets beneath him at the same time.

He was on his hands and knees at the edge of his bed, with Tyler behind him, holding onto his hips as he thrust his hard cock deep into his ass, their skin slapping together, filling the room along with their moans.

"Oh fuck, Ty," Joe panted, lowering his head.

His whole body was covered with a sheen of sweat, glistening in the afternoon light that came in through the window. They had been going at it for almost twenty minutes and even though his arms and legs were beginning to tire, possibly even cramp from the positions he had been in so far, he continued to push himself back, groaning every time Tyler went in deep.

He couldn't get enough of that cock, of the way it felt as it pushed its way inside him, spreading him open, sliding against the walls of his ass, rubbing and caressing the nerve endings all along the length of his tight tunnel, sending shivers from his head all the way down to his curling toes.

He bit his lip and threw his head back when the tip of Tyler's cock slid across his prostate. His own big dick, hard and throbbing, waving around beneath him, jumped up and slapped against his abs, splashing precum across the tight muscles.

He whimpered as Tyler's dick continued to assault his spot, stoking the fire that was heating up his insides, radiating throughout him, building up in his crotch so his balls and cock felt like they were in an inferno, getting ready to explode.

Tyler noticed the difference in the way Joe's body was reacting, felt the hole tighten around his dick. It might only have been three weeks that he had been fucking Joe again but he had quickly remembered all of the little signs of Joe's impending orgasm. He knew Joe was close, but he wasn't there himself yet and he decided to have some fun.

As Joe shifted his weight onto one arm, reaching up to grab his dick with his free hand so he could jerk it to completion, Tyler drove his dick into him as far as it would go and bent over, pressing his chest against Joe's back. He quickly wrapped his arms around Joe's body and pulled him up, leaning backwards until they were both on their knees with Joe impaled fully on his dick, his head leaning back on his shoulder as he gently kissed the skin on his neck.

"I'm gonna cum, Ty," Joe moaned, stroking his hand up and down the length of his big dick.

Tyler moved his mouth to Joe's ear and growled, "Not yet you're not."

Before the words could even register in Joe's mind, Tyler had slid his own arms under Joe's, pulling them up until they were over his head, and then he locked his hands together behind Joe's neck, capturing him in a full nelson.

"What the fuck, Ty?" Joe gasped, trying to get free.

Tyler chuckled, holding on to Joe, knowing he couldn't get away from him, as he began to move his hips, pumping his cock back and forth through Joe's ass.

Joe moaned in a high pitch as Tyler's cock brushed over his prostate again and again and again. His cock was throbbing and bouncing around in the air in front of him. God how he wanted to reach down to stroke it.

"Please Ty, let me touch it," Joe begged.

"No," Tyler said, gripping Joe a little tighter, though not enough to hurt him. He used the hold for leverage as he drove his cock even deeper into Joe's ass, hammering every inch he had into him.

"Oh shit... Oh shit... Oh shit..." Joe panted with every thrust. "TY!!"

Tyler felt Joe's ass clamp down hard on his dick and he managed to peer around the side of Joe's body just in time to see the throbbing eight inch cock jump in the air as it unleashed a huge amount of cum out onto the bed, spraying all over the mattress.

"Oh fuck, Joe!" Tyler groaned as he lost the battle against Joe's ass as it milked him and sent him crashing over the edge, sucking the load out of him as he fired off as deep inside Joe's ass as he could, wishing his cum would stay up there forever.

When they were both done, Tyler let go of Joe's arms and Joe simply sank down to the mattress, exhausted, not caring that he was lying in a pool of his own cum. Instead of pulling out, Tyler went with him, resting his chest on Joe's back with his dick still inside him.

"Fuck, Ty..." Joe moaned after a minute of silence, his breath was still ragged. "I don't think I've ever cum that hard before."

"Yeah, it was something else," Tyler agreed, kissing Joe's shoulder. "I didn't think I'd make you cum just from fucking you."

Tyler's dick, which had never fully softened began to harden again in Joe's ass as they talked, causing the taller boy to moan.

"Oh fuck, not again, Ty. I can't take it," Joe protested.

"I just love being inside you," Tyler smiled, thrusting gently.

"Ty please, we can't," Joe said, even though he wanted it.

"Tell me you love having my dick in you. Fucking the cum out of you," Tyler whispered in Joe's ear.

Joe groaned and his ass tightened around Tyler's cock. "Oh fuck. Yeah, I love it. I love it when you fuck me."

"Yeah, you do," Tyler smiled, pushing in deep and grinding his hips against Joe's ass.

Joe whimpered and closed his eyes. His body was yelling at him, begging him to plead with Tyler to fuck him again, but his mind won out.

"Ty, please, they'll be home soon," Joe said.

Tyler groaned because he knew that Joe was right. They were at Joe's house, not his, so Joe's family would be back soon. They couldn't risk being caught.

Reluctantly he withdrew from Joe's ass, although he did enjoy the sound of Joe's moan as he slipped out and the sight of him trembling as he tried to adjust to feeling so empty.

"You know that's two you owe me now," Tyler said, sitting on the bed beside Joe, his dick still hard and coated in a mixture of lube and cum.

"What are you talking about? What two?" Joe asked, sitting up to look in Tyler's eyes.

"One from just now... and one from my birthday last week," Tyler grinned.

"That's not fair," Joe protested. "I was still sore from when you talked me into staying the night."

"It was my birthday!" Tyler said.

"Yeah, and you got to blow more than just the candles," Joe replied.

Tyler laughed. He pushed Joe's shoulder. "I still get to choose a time and a place. You have to do whatever I want."

Joe sighed and shook his head. "Okay. Fine. But right now you have to do what I want."

"And what's that?" Tyler asked, leaning in like he was waiting for a kiss.

Joe put his hand down into the puddle of his cum that was still on the bed. He leaned in like he was going to meet Tyler's lips with his own, but just before they touched he pulled away and slapped Tyler playfully across the face, smearing the cum across his cheek

Joe burst out laughing and jumped from the bed as Tyler made a lunge for him. He only just managed to avoid Tyler's big sweeping arm and quickly ran out of the room.

Tyler smiled as he gave chase, finally catching up to Joe in the bathroom where he pinned him against the shower wall. They stared into each other's eyes for a long moment, their faces inching closer together, much like they had on the bed, and then Tyler flicked on the shower and jumped back, making Joe scream as the first blast of near freezing water hit him before it began to heat up.

"Now we're even for the slap," Tyler smiled, stepping closer again. "But I still get to drop two extra loads in your ass."

Joe smiled. "All you get to do right now is WASH my ass."

He turned around, pointing his perfect, tight muscular butt right at Tyler, who looked down at it, wishing he could sink his dick back inside it, but he knew they didn't have time. Reluctantly he picked up the shower gel, poured some into his hands and went to work, washing the sweat and cum from Joe's body.

They had only just dried off and put their clothes back on when Joe's family came in through the front door. Tyler was about to open his mouth to greet Joe's parents when he was interrupted.

"TYLER!" Joe's four-year-old brother, Phillip, screamed as he ran across the hall and threw his arms around the quarterback's big legs.

"Hey little buddy," Tyler chuckled, ruffling his hair.

"You've come to play with me!" Phillip squealed.

Before Tyler could reply, Phillip let go and ran into the next room. Seconds later he was back with the ball that Tyler had given to him for his birthday cradled under one arm. With the other arm he reached up and took Tyler's hand, pulling on it until Tyler gave in and let himself be led through the house to the back yard. Little Trevor toddled right behind them.

"Will you be okay looking after those two for a bit, honey?" Joe's mom asked him. "We have to pop out with Kevin."

"Yeah, sure," Joe smiled. "Tyler will keep them occupied for a while."

After Joe had watched his family leave he wandered back through the house and stood in the doorway to the back yard, watching Tyler on his knees, tossing the ball to his little brother, all the while pretending that Phillip was the toughest opponent he had ever faced. Trevor had climbed up onto Tyler's back and had his arms wrapped around Tyler's neck and shoulders, getting a piggyback ride as he joined in, pretending that Tyler was a robot that he was controlling in the fight against his evil older brother. Joe smiled and felt warm inside watching the interaction.

Almost an hour later, exhausted from the constant play of the two energetic little boys, Tyler and Joe lay side by side on the grass as the two youngsters continued to play around them. They stared up at the blue sky in silence until Tyler felt Joe's little finger brush gently against his. He turned his head and looked straight into Joe's eyes. The two smiled softly and neither pulled their hand away.

When Tyler laid his head back on the ground a sense of calm and belonging came over him that he had never felt before. He closed his eyes and suddenly pictured an older version of himself in the very same situation, lying beside Joe in a garden, only it wasn't Joe's brothers running around them, it was their own kids; three of them. The house was theirs.

For the first time Tyler saw a vision of his future that involved something other than football. He liked it. If he couldn't have the life he had always dreamed of, as a big NFL star, a life with Joe wouldn't be a bad alternative.

With the memory of the previous afternoon still fresh in his mind, Tyler smiled when he saw Joe standing by their lockers talking to a couple of the guys from the football team.

Damn he looked good.

Tyler quickly let his eyes take in the sight of Joe's body, hugged tightly by the red shirt he wore, the fabric clinging to every muscle, from his abs to his pecs to his biceps. But it wasn't just the body that made Tyler get that warm tingly feeling inside. He looked up at Joe's face, the smooth handsome, cute yet manly face with its clear cheekbones and strong jaw. He was beautiful.

Catching himself before his thoughts went too far, Tyler walked the final few feet to his locker and opened it. He greeted Joe and the guys casually as he transferred his books from his bag onto the little shelf inside and tried to join in the conversation where he could.

A minute or so later they were joined by Kyle and Toby and the conversation shifted over towards their lockers on the opposite side of the hallway. Tyler put his hand on Joe's arm and held him back so they could talk.

Keeping his voice low, Tyler said, "Do you want to come over to mine tonight? My mom and dad don't get back `til tomorrow."

"Oh yeah?" Joe smiled.

"Yeah," Tyler smirked. "We can watch a movie and get something to eat."

Joe's body immediately stiffened and the smile dropped from his face. "Just the two of us?"

"Of course just the two of us," Tyler said. He didn't like the way Joe was looking at him. "Why? What's wrong with that?"

Joe leaned in close and whispered through clenched teeth. "You want me to come over for dinner and a movie... What the fuck, Ty? That's a date."

"No, it's not," Tyler protested, suddenly feeling like he had to go on the defensive.

"Yes, it is," Joe stated. He leaned in even closer. "You want to wine and dine me before you fuck me. Jesus, Ty, I thought we were good. Then you pull this shit. No, I'm sorry. I can't do it."

Tyler tried to say something, to call Joe back to him but he couldn't form the words. All he could do was watch as Joe turned his back and walked over to their friends, completely ignoring him as he re-joined the conversation as if he had never left it.

Tyler wanted to scream. He was so angry. Not with Joe, with himself. He knew Joe didn't want to date or to think of what they were doing as being gay and yet he had let himself get carried away in his little fantasy of them being together and it could have ruined everything.

He slammed his locker shut and stormed off down the hallway, pushing people out of his way. When he got to the door and a kid was blocking his path he growled and shoved him aside. He heard some people laugh, a few more gasp, but they all took a step back, giving him space to get through.

Needing some fresh air and somewhere to stop and think, Tyler headed out into the parking lot, moving around towards the side of the building. When he felt like he was far enough away from everyone else he stopped and settled back against the wall, letting his head fall back against the cold brick. He was concentrating on taking deep breaths when he heard a voice.

"Oh come on, Em, that's not funny," a familiar voice whined.

Tyler opened his eyes and peered around. When he didn't see anyone close enough to have said those words and he thought he must have been hearing things.

"I bet you got hard," another voice, a girl's voice, teased and he knew he wasn't imagining it.

"Oh my god!" the first voice replied as Tyler crept slowly toward the very edge of the wall and glanced around it to see who was speaking.

When his eyes fell upon the speaker he felt the breath get sucked out of his chest and he thought his heart might have stopped.

It was Evan... but... wow...

He looked different. Taller maybe? A new hairstyle?

His arms actually bulged, showing off small yet impressive biceps as they peeked out from beneath the arms of his t-shirt. His developing pecs pressed against the material, the shape of each muscle clear even through the fabric. His neck... how had Tyler not noticed his neck before... long and kind of thick, the Adam's apple clear, the skin soft, smooth, kissable. And holy fuck was he cute, with his little nose and his dimples, each cheek flushed a gentle pink as he blushed and laughed; his smile lighting up his face.

Tyler gasped and quickly retreated back around the wall. What the fuck was he thinking? His heart was pounding in his chest now and he could feel some kind of adrenaline pumping through his veins.

"God, you can be such a girl sometimes," he heard Emily say having barely registered that she was the person Evan was talking to.

"Don't say that," Evan snapped. "You know I hate that. I'm gay. I'm not a girl."

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry," Emily apologized. "I just think you're missing out, that's all."

"Because I'm not having sex?" Evan asked. Tyler's ears perked up.

"Yes," Emily replied. "We're in the prime of life, Ev. We might never look better than we do now. Strike while we're hot, that's what I say."

Evan chuckled. "You say it like it's easy."

"It is," Emily said.

"For you, maybe," Evan replied. "But while you can assume that every guy is into you, I have to assume that they're not. I don't know who might be an option for me."

"You could download an app," Emily suggested.

"For what?" Evan asked. "I don't just want a random hook-up with some creepy older guy. I want someone our age, someone I have something in common with, who I can talk to and chill out with. I want more than just a fuck."

Tyler felt something twist in his stomach and thought he was going to throw up. He pushed himself away from the wall and stumbled across the parking lot. He was out of breath and his palms were sweating.

Tyler sat back against the sofa and cradled the bucket of popcorn in his arms like it would offer him some form of comfort. The film he had wanted to see for weeks was playing on the TV screen but he wasn't paying attention to it, instead looking at the empty space beside him, thinking that Joe should have been sitting there.

He had waited for him to turn up, had prepared the food and had it warming, had the drinks chilling in the refrigerator and the popcorn ready for a treat once the movie started to play, but as the sky outside turned dark and his stomach let out a rumble, he began to realize that Joe wasn't coming.

After eating the food alone in the kitchen he grabbed the popcorn and made his way into the lounge where he set the movie up on the big TV. Instead of pressing play he waited, sitting in the dark, glancing back at the open door to the hallway, hoping that Joe might still walk through it.

When he didn't, Tyler reluctantly started the film and sat back to watch it, wanting to get lost in the action and forget about everything else for the next two hours. He managed almost ten minutes before he looked at the empty sofa beside him and punched the cushion in frustration.

"FUCK!" he screamed, burying his face in his hands.

When he came back up he reached forward and grabbed the bucket of popcorn, tearing off the lid and shoving a handful of the sweet yet salty snack into his mouth. He sat back, cradling the bucket to his chest and tried to focus on the explosion that lit up the screen, but it didn't excite him the way it usually would have.

If Joe had been there they would have been watching together, talking, giving a commentary of the action, saying how cool this scene was and how amazing the effects in that scene were. Viewing the movie without him just wasn't as much fun and it made him miss his best friend even more.

"Where are you, Joe?" Tyler whispered to himself.

He thought back to the day before when they were lying in Joe's yard and everything had seemed so perfect. He had seen a glimpse of their future together and it had excited him. Sadly, the reality of their present was completely different.

While Tyler wanted to be snuggled up on the sofa, their arms around each other or even just touching, spending time together, enjoying life together, Joe was more reserved, more conscious of what doing any of that might mean. Getting fucked didn't seem to bother him, it was a physical feeling he could somehow categorize and file away. Doing things that stirred up his emotions, that made him feel something for Tyler beyond what he thought was acceptable for a guy, caused him to freak out and to back away, not willing to open the drawer where those thoughts were kept.

Tyler had hoped that Joe would come around, that he would embrace his feelings and that the two could be together even if it was only ever behind closed doors. But that wasn't going to happen. He could see that now. Joe was too caught up in the image of what he thought his life was going to be, of who he thought he should be, to let anything change that, even Tyler. He could fuck and fuck and fuck Joe's brains out until there was nothing left and it still wouldn't change anything. Joe's mind was set, his future was clear in his head, and Tyler wasn't in it.

Shoving another fistful of popcorn in his mouth, Tyler leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes. The movie continued to play in the background but he wasn't paying attention to the sounds, drifting off somewhere inside his own mind.

It wasn't until sometime later that he felt the sofa cushion dip beside him. An arm fell across his waist and a head snuggled up against his shoulder. Instinctively he smiled and put his arm around the warm body.

He opened his eyes and glanced down at the familiar brown hair, waiting until the head turned and that beautiful face came into view, the eyes looking up into his.

He smiled at Joe and pulled him closer, leaning his cheek down until it was resting on the top of Joe's head. They continued to watch the movie, cuddled together, Tyler so glad that Joe had finally changed his mind and was there with him.

As the movie ended and the credits rolled Tyler pulled his head back and looked down at Joe again.

He gasped. It wasn't Joe looking up at him. It was Evan.

Tyler jumped to his feet, the popcorn flying everywhere.

He stared at the sofa wondering how the hell Evan had got in but there was no one there.

He glanced around at the dark room, the TV screen blank.

He was alone.

Had he dreamt the whole thing? Was that possible?

It had felt real. It had felt like Evan had been there, with him, looking up at him.

His heart was beating fast and his skin tingled. Seeing that cute face staring up at him had made him feel strange. For the briefest of moments he had wanted to lean down and meet those lips with his.

"Oh shit..." he mumbled.

Tyler woke up the next morning having barely slept. He couldn't turn his mind off, couldn't stop thinking. He had lain awake, staring up at his ceiling through the darkness, trying to make sense of his thoughts. Why had Evan started creeping in to the fantasies that were usually reserved only for Joe?

As the sun started to rise and the light began to seep in through the window, Tyler decided that there was no use staying in bed any longer. He got up and looked at his alarm clock. There were still hours before he needed to be at school so instead of stepping into the shower or heading downstairs for breakfast he changed into his running gear and hit the streets.

Because it was so early there was almost no one around and the roads were clear. Tyler felt like he had the streets to himself. He took advantage of the quiet, running down the middle of the road, gaining more speed than he usually could when restricted to the footpath.

Sweat was dripping off his body in the heat of the early fall sun but it felt so good as he shook his head and felt the droplets flying in every direction. He loved the feeling that working out and running gave him. The rest of the world, all of his problems, everything slipped away giving him the peace he needed to lose himself in the exercise. His limbs burned with that pleasant, almost pleasurable internal heat, telling him that he was doing well, that he was making progress.

He continued on until he reached a familiar street and then he had to pause. He hadn't paid attention to where he was going, just letting his feet and the wind carry him, but now that he realized where he was his heart beat even faster than it did from the running. Fifty feet down the road was Evan's house. He had run past it countless times, had seen Evan and Jake coming and going, but it had never made him stop, had never made him feel nervous. Just knowing that Evan was inside sent a flutter through his stomach and he had to quickly turn and run in the opposite direction, scared of what it all meant.

When he finished his run, having pushed himself harder than ever, trying to punish himself for his thoughts, he went straight to the shower and turned the water on, stepping in under the spray. The heat felt good on his aching body and he braced himself against the wall, letting the water crash down on his back and run in streams over his muscles until it cascaded into the crack of his ass and rushed across his hole, sending a shiver up his spine.

"Fuck..." Tyler moaned, biting his lip.

He fought the urge he had to reach back and touch himself, to push his finger inside his twitching hole, to imagine that Joe had spent the night and was stood behind him, stroking his cock, getting ready to fuck him.

Tyler hit the wall with the palm of his hand in frustration. His cock was rock hard but he didn't want it to be. He knew that it was never going to happen with Joe, not the way he wanted, not as long as they both had aspirations of playing professional football. Spending the previous night alone had driven that point home and so he ignored his throbbing cock, quickly washed the sweat from his body and stepped out, trying to psyche himself up for the day ahead.

When he got to school it was unusually quiet. He looked at the clock on his phone to make sure that he wasn't either ridiculously early or late but he was right on time. Something felt off and it gave him an ominous feeling as he began to walk toward the school building; no cheering, no fanfare, just silence.

He glanced around trying to spot any of his friends or teammates but again there was no one. He started to think that it might have been the weekend and he had his days mixed up, but everyone's cars were in the parking lot and there were still enough people around to tell him otherwise.

Upon entering the school building he was greeted by a similar atmosphere. The halls were half empty and the noise that usually filled them was little more than a murmur. What the hell was going on?

He continued on down the hall towards his locker, only coming to a stop when he saw Joe standing in front of it. He paused, suddenly feeling nervous. He remembered the expression on Joe's face when he had asked him over to watch the movie. He had looked terrified, maybe even disgusted. Would he run away like he had before? Would he stop talking to him completely like he had after they had been caught by Michael?

"Fuck..." Tyler thought to himself. "Things were going okay. Why did I have to say anything?"

When he couldn't put it off any longer he started walking again and found himself holding his breath the closer he got. He was almost at his locker when he heard...

"Hey bro," Joe greeted him.

Tyler's head snapped around to look at Joe's face, his mind still trying to figure out if he had heard the words correctly and in the right tone. The smile on Joe's face told him that he had.

"Hey," Tyler said, uncertainly.

Joe held out his hand in their usual fist bump greeting. Tyler looked down at the hand, then back up at Joe's face, before he finally met the hand with his own.

"Man, it feels so weird that we don't have a game tomorrow," Joe said, pulling open his own locker.

"Yeah..." Tyler replied. He couldn't take his eyes off Joe. He was waiting for something to happen, for the big reaction or rejection to come but there was nothing. He opened his own locker and started to arrange his books.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for the week off, but we were really on a roll, you know? I hope we don't lose our momentum," Joe continued.

Tyler nodded. He felt like he was in some weird alternate reality. Was Joe really stood there talking to him like nothing had happened?

Then it dawned on him. That's exactly what Joe was doing. He was pretending that the words had never been spoken, that Tyler hadn't asked him out. His defence mechanism this time wasn't silence, it was denial.

Tyler bit his tongue to stop himself from saying something he might regret. He turned his attention back to the contents of his locker, using the door to hide the look of disappointment on his face. Whatever reaction he had expected that certainly wasn't it. Could they really go on like nothing had been said?

Before he had time to think about it, or to say anything, they were interrupted.

"Hey guys, how come you're not in the hall with everyone else?" Luke asked, excited and panting.

"What's in the hall?" Tyler asked, turning to look at his friend.

"You haven't seen?" Luke replied. "There's a reporter and a photographer and a whole film crew."

"What for?" Tyler asked, intrigued.

"They're interviewing Jake for the local news and paper. Everyone's talking about it," Luke explained. "Come on."

Tyler stood motionless as Luke turned around and ran off. He slowly closed his locker and then tilted his head back, looking up at the ceiling.

"Ty..." Joe said with a hint of concern in his voice.

Tyler clenched his teeth, balled up his fist and punched the locker beside his, dinting the door.

"Why the fuck are they interviewing him?" Tyler seethed.

Joe had no answer.

"He's not even wrestling yet. We're the ones on a winning streak. We're undefeated this season," Tyler reasoned. "We're top of the division. Why aren't they interviewing us? Me?"

"Ty..." Joe said again, reaching out to touch Tyler's arm.

"Don't fucking touch me," Tyler spat, slapping Joe's hand away. "It's never going to change is it? No matter what I do he's always gonna go one better, isn't he? I could become the fucking president and people would still be talking about him."

"Calm down, Ty," Joe said, trying to put his hand on Tyler's shoulder.

"Oh fuck you," Tyler snapped. "I don't need to calm down. Why don't you just leave me alone like you did last night?"

Tyler slammed his locker shut and stormed off before Joe could reply. He might regret saying those words later but he was so wound up in that moment, his blood close to boiling, that he didn't care.

As he marched down the hall, needing some space, he heard a kid passing by mention Jake's name and he reacted before he thought about what he was doing, shoving the kid into the side of a trash can.

He wanted to keep walking, to head straight out of the door and keep going, but he remembered Coach's words about skipping class and knew he couldn't let Jake get to him like that; he wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

Instead he decided to climb the stairs, to head up to his first class even though there was another ten minutes or so before the bell would ring and he had to be there.

When he made it to the third floor and stepped out into the long corridor the place was deserted. There was literally no one in sight up or down the hall. He sighed with relief, needing the time to just be alone with his thoughts so he could collect himself, and began the slow walk down to room 314.

He was almost at the door when he heard a voice and quickly stopped, looking around to find who had spoken. It was only when he saw that he was still alone in the hallway that he realized it must have come from inside the room itself. He crept closer.

"Are you crazy?" It was Mr Brown's voice. He was already inside his classroom. The door was almost closed but it was still open just a crack so that Tyler could hear his words clearly.

When he didn't hear another voice answering the question, Tyler eased his head around the corner of the doorframe until he could see through the gap into the room. Mr Brown was on his phone with his back to the door, looking out of the window.

"Why would I invite him?" Mr Brown asked whoever was on the other end.

He turned around slightly and Tyler panicked, ducking back but staying close enough to still listen in. There was silence as the person on the phone replied.

"Because he wouldn't want to come," Mr Brown said, pausing for only a moment. "Because he's straight. And married."

Now Tyler's interest was really piqued. He listened intently, waiting for the next snippet of conversation. What he heard was Mr Brown's deep chuckle.

"Yeah, I know I've been with guys who have said that before, but this is one time when I actually believe it," Mr Brown replied.

Another pause.

"No, because we work together," Mr Brown said.

Tyler's heart jumped into his throat. Was Mr Brown talking about Coach?

"You know I don't like to mix business and pleasure," Mr Brown continued.

Another laugh then filled the room.

"Okay, that was different. I was younger then," Mr Brown chuckled. "Just trust me, okay? He's not going to want to come out with us."

Tyler found himself almost clinging to the wall, listening in.

"It's not even a big deal, I'm only 29. Who celebrates that?" Mr Brown asked.

All Tyler could hear was his own heavy breathing in the silence that followed.

"Seriously, he's not going to agree to come to a gay bar with us," Mr Brown said.

Tyler's eyes nearly popped out of his head. Holy shit. Was Mr Brown's buddy trying to get him to invite Coach to go with them to a gay bar? No fucking way.

"Oh for fucks sake, okay, I'll ask him alright?" Mr Brown sighed, giving in. "But I'm telling you, he won't come."

The next time Mr Brown spoke his voice was at least two octaves higher, "Oh Jesus... not in my ass or anywhere else, okay? Will you stop it?"

Another silence followed.

"I'm hanging up now," Mr Brown said like he was trying to be serious while holding back a laugh.

There was no other sound so Tyler peered around the door again to see that Mr Brown had actually ended the call and had placed his phone on the desk so he could get the room ready for his first class.

Tyler's mind raced from everything that he had just heard and it was enough to take his mind off Jake and Joe and everything else that was happening. Would Mr Brown really ask Coach to go out to a gay bar with him? What would Coach say to that? Holy shit, if he said yes what would happen?

It was only when the bell rang that Tyler was pulled out of his daze and he turned just in time to see Mr Brown open the door. Tyler stiffened up and the two looked into each other's eyes for a long moment.

Mr Brown broke the tension. "Hey Tyler, how are you today?"

Tyler tried to speak but his throat was dry. He nodded and finally managed to say, "Good."

Mr Brown smiled and patted Tyler on the back, "We've got a great class today. I think you'll enjoy it."

Tyler headed on inside and took his seat. He arranged his books and paper on the desk in front of him but his eyes kept drifting over to his hot teacher, thinking about what he had heard Mr Brown say the day he had snuck into his back yard. He wanted Coach, had role-played being with him. What would happen if he actually got the chance to experience it for real?

A little moan escaped Tyler's lips despite his best efforts as he imagined what the two men might do together. He was getting hard in his pants.

Just then the first of his classmates walked into the room and he quickly sat upright, covering his crotch with his bag. He busied himself trying to think of anything but the scene he had created in his mind but it was no use. If anything his dick continued to grow.

It was only when Evan walked through the door, a beautiful smile on his cute face as he lifted a hand in greeting to Mr Brown, that all of the blood drained from his face and his dick, leaving him limp and feeling a little queasy.

"Hey, Tyler, are you okay?" Mr Brown asked, noticing the colour disappear from Tyler's cheeks. "Do you need to go see the nurse?"

"Huh? What? Oh no, I'm fine..." Tyler stammered.

"Are you sure?" Mr Brown asked.

"Yes," Tyler nodded, even though he felt like he was going to throw up. His stomach was in knots and every time he looked at Evan his body tingled as he pictured them together on his sofa like they had been in his dream, arm in arm, snuggled up together, staring at each other; cosy, comfortable, perfect.

"Fuck..." Tyler cursed under his breath. He closed his eyes and bit his lip, trying to in vain to push that image aside. When he couldn't he simply told himself he was transferring his feelings for Joe on to someone else because he couldn't want to be with Evan. That was stupid.

But when he opened his eyes and glanced across the classroom, he took one look at Evan's smooth face and felt a tremble somewhere deep inside him.

Oh fuck... Was this really happening?

When Mr Brown signalled the end of the class, Tyler threw his things into his bag and raced out of the room, pushing the other students aside and barging them out of the way.

Once he was stood out in the hall he let out a long sigh, feeling like he could finally relax and breathe again, only to realize that Evan would be coming out behind him at any moment. Fuck. He needed to get away.

Hurrying off down the hall, trying to shake his thoughts loose, Tyler closed his eyes for just a second and felt the collision before he could see it coming. His chest crashed into another and he immediately knew who it was. He had felt that chest against his before.

His eyes snapped open to confirm his assumption. Jake.

"Do you ever look where you're going?" Jake asked with a slight smirk.

"Yes," Tyler snapped, looking into Jake's eyes. "You're just always in the way."

"Oh I'm sorry," Jake said, sarcastically, "I guess it is hard to miss me. Maybe you'll understand if you ever get this big."

Jake flexed his bicep, which almost caused the sleeve of his shirt to rip. He held his arm right in front of Tyler's face so he could see how big the muscle was and then lowered his arm, meeting Tyler's gaze again.

Tyler had to bite his tongue to stop himself from saying what was really on his mind. His hand had clenched into a fist. He wanted to knock the smile off of Jake's face, wanted to prove that his arms were just as big, that his body was just as good.

Fuck! He hated that Jake could get under his skin so easily but his comments really hit a nerve. Just looking at that damn bicep made him wonder if his really was that big, if he measured up to Jake or if Jake was bigger, stronger, better, like everyone seemed to think.

The only thing that stopped him from launching his fist at Jake's face was the thought of how disappointed Coach would be in him if he did, of how he would probably be benched as punishment and wouldn't get to play out the rest of the season. He couldn't let Jake take that away from him. He had to prove to Jake and everyone else that he was everything he said he was and more.

He turned and began to walk away.

"Don't forget to catch me on the Six O'clock news, Tyler. Everyone else will be watching," Jake called out.

Tyler hesitated only briefly, fighting the urge to turn around and charge the arrogant wrestler, but he held his anger inside, almost biting through his bottom lip, and continued on to his next class.

The cafeteria was packed when Tyler finally got there after fourth period. He looked at the long line waiting for food and was about to push his way through to the front when he heard Jake's name being mentioned by at least three of the kids in front of him.

He was about to scream at them, to tell them all to shut up, but he fell silent when he spotted Joe across the room. He wasn't seated at their usual table with the rest of the football players. He was sitting beside a girl, their arms touching, their faces close, laughing and chatting with each other.

When Joe looked up and their eyes met, Tyler glared back at him in disgust. He didn't know exactly what was going through his best friend's mind but he had a pretty good idea. He wasn't going to sit down and watch the display they were putting on. If Joe wanted to prove a point he had done it.

Without a word, Tyler backed out of the cafeteria, no longer hungry. He could feel his body trembling, knowing there was so much pent up anger and frustration inside him that it would probably explode out of him the next time someone provoked him. There was only one thing to do. He headed for the gym.

He had almost made it to the athletics department when he saw Evan walking towards him. His stomach gave a lurch as the butterflies began to flutter inside it. Even with fury and hatred coursing through his veins he still thought the little fucker was cute. Goddamnit.

He was just about to turn into the hallway that lead to the locker room when he saw Jake step out of one of the classrooms, greeting Evan with a hug. He stopped as he watched them embrace. Even when they pulled apart Jake kept one arm around Evan's shoulder and Evan kind of settled under Jake's arm, almost snuggling up to him.

Immediately Tyler was taken back to his dream and he pictured himself where Jake was. They were so close and comfortable with each other. He wanted that.

He wondered if they ever cuddled while they were watching a movie; Jake's arm around Evan's shoulder while Evan had his head on Jake's chest, or even Evan lying down with his head in Jake's lap.


Evan then started to bend down and Tyler's breath escaped him. It was all innocent. Evan had dropped to one knee to tie his shoelace, but his head was directly in front of Jake's crotch, and as they continued talking, Evan looking down to his hands and then up at Jake. Tyler couldn't help but think that it was a position they had probably been in before, only naked, with Jake's hard cock just inches from Evan's lips.


Quickly he ducked into the hallway and walked forward; ignoring Jake's smiling face as it stared down at him from the poster on the wall. He kept going until he was in the locker room, pulling his workout gear from the bag he always kept in his locker. He pulled on his shorts and t-shirt and was about to head for the work-out room when he heard a voice.

"You don't have to." It was Mr Brown.

"I didn't say I would," Coach replied as the two men emerged from Coach's office. "Besides, I'd have to clear it with the boss first."

"Principal Williams?" Mr Brown asked.

"No, my wife, you idiot," Coach laughed. That's when he spotted Tyler. "Hey Goodwin, what are you doing here?"

"I just thought I'd get in a quick workout before next period," Tyler replied, although he really wanted to ask if they were talking about going out for Mr Brown's birthday.

"I'm glad to hear it," Coach smiled. "We might not have a game tomorrow but you still need to stay in top shape. And don't forget we've still got practice after school."

"I know," Tyler nodded.

"Just be careful if you're working out alone," Coach warned. "We're going out for something to eat but I'll check up on you when I get back."

"Okay Coach," Tyler agreed.

He watched the two men leave and then headed to the gym, hoping it would clear his mind and let him think about something other than guys for once.

Even though he had worked out through most of lunch and then attended a practice that was far more intense than it probably should have been given that it was just the team playing against each other, Tyler still felt like he had energy bottled up inside him that he needed to get out.

He went up to his room and pulled out his workout clothes. He was just about to pull them on but then he looked over at his bed and dropped them to the floor. He didn't want to lift more weights. What he wanted was Joe on his hands and knees on that mattress so he could pound the holy hell out that tight, sexy ass, using every bit of frustration and energy he had to give him the fuck of a lifetime and make him forget that other people even exist.

Knowing that wasn't an option, Tyler slapped his semi-hard cock with the back of his hand and then took out a jockstrap, pulling it on and trapping his dick beneath the material. It throbbed, trying to get out, but he ignored it and changed into his running gear.

With a couple of bottles of water in the small bag he carried on his back, Tyler set off onto the streets, running in the opposite direction to his normal routes, wanting to change things up and really challenge himself.

He started off slowly, trying to decide where he wanted to go, but as his legs warmed up and he felt looser and freer he decided to just go wherever his legs carried him so he started kicking hard and picked up the pace.

As he ran he imagined a crowd around him, gathered in the streets to cheer him on, seated in stands screaming as they watched him go by, taking pictures and recording videos, even if they only got to see him for a brief moment before he was gone. He smiled, feeling as if those people really were there to see him, and he wanted to show every single one of them what he could do.

"Watch this," he said out loud as he broke out into an even faster run.

It was only when he reached a part of the town that he didn't recognize, that he wasn't sure he had ever been to before, that he stopped and decided to find out where he was. He pulled out his phone and checked the GPS, seeing that he was almost three miles from home, almost at the outskirts of town where the roads would soon disappear into the countryside.

He used the app on his phone to plot a route back to his house that he could follow without fear of getting lost or going too far out of his way and pulled a bottle of water out of his bag, taking a long drink before he set off again.

He was still only running slowly, checking his phone to make sure he was going in the right direction, when he saw something in his peripheral vision that made him stop and turn his head.

He was stood in front of a nice two-storey townhouse with a well maintained lawn, but it wasn't the house that caught his attention, it was something inside. Through the clear windows he could see straight into the living room, and there, on a big 55 inch TV screen, was Jake.

The sight of the wrestler's face, appearing there, larger than life, smiling out at him as he was interviewed in the school hall made Tyler want to scream and to hurl something through the window to smash that TV.

He had known that Jake was being interviewed, had heard about it all day, even from Jake himself, but to actually see him on TV, to know his face and his words were being seen and heard by people all over town, that there would be little kids watching who thought of him as a hero, who wanted to grow up to be like him, made Tyler feel an anger he hadn't experienced before and it scared him a little. He didn't just want to beat Jake, he wanted to hurt him.

When his thoughts started to get too dark and he didn't like where they were going he tried to shake them off and started to run again before the family inside saw him staring through their window and called the police.

He had almost made it to the end of the street when he saw Jake's face again through another window. He turned away from it only to be greeted the by same sight from the opposite side of the street.

He screamed at the top of his lungs and then sprinted away harder than he ever had before, not stopping until he collapsed on his bed, utterly exhausted.

When Tyler opened his eyes his room was dark. He didn't know how long he had been asleep for but he knew what had woken him. There was a mouth wrapped around his hard cock, bobbing up and down.

"Oh God..." he moaned as a tremor passed through him.

Joe must have let himself in with his key and decided to just take what he wanted while Tyler was sleeping.

Tyler closed his eyes and threw his head back. He ran his hands down over his body, feeling his own muscles, until he got to the base of his dick and then he slid his hands up into Joe's hair.

Wait. When had Joe gotten a haircut?

Tyler sat bolt upright and looked down, gasping when he saw that it wasn't Joe looking up at him with his cock resting against his tongue; it was Evan.

"What the fuck?!" Tyler cried, pulling his dick out of Evan's mouth and scrambling away up the bed.

Evan didn't say anything in reply he just kept looking at Tyler with that cute smile on his face, his eyes glistening with lust.

"How did you get in here?" Tyler asked.

Again no response came. Instead Evan slowly crawled forward across the mattress on his knees until he was positioned in front of him just like he had been in front of Jake in the school hallway.

"Oh fuck... This is a dream," Tyler said to himself.

He was expecting himself to wake up, to gasp for air as he was jolted back to reality, but it didn't happen. He remained there on his bed, standing up, his head almost reaching the ceiling, and Evan was still kneeling in front of him, looking up at him expectantly, waiting for his hard dick.

Tyler couldn't resist the look on Evan's face. He reached down and gripped his leaking cock by the base, pushing it down until it met Evan's lips, brushing the tip across them, coating them with his precum like he was applying lip balm.

When Evan opened his mouth and sucked the dick back inside, Tyler howled and grabbed onto the back of Evan's head, guiding him down until his nose was buried in his trimmed pubes.

Holy fuck. It was amazing.

"He's good at that, isn't he?"

Tyler jumped at the sound of another voice next to him and he almost fell off the bed when he saw Jake beside him, not a stitch of clothing covering his incredible, ripped body, his dick rock hard and standing to attention.

"Sweet Jesus, look at that cock," Tyler thought. "It might not be as big as Joe's but it's just as beautiful."

As he was thinking that, Evan somehow picked up the pace, increased the suction, sucking him better than anyone ever had. He felt his toes curl, his ball begin to draw up closer to his body, and his knees were starting to weaken.

"Okay, that's enough," Jake said, pulling Evan's mouth off Tyler's cock. "Time for the real prize."

Tyler watched as Jake guided Evan's lips around his own cock and Evan went to work, nursing that dick like it would give him life.

"Yeah, look at that," Jake said, looking straight into Tyler's eyes and then down at Evan. "Do you see how much he loves my cock? He can't get enough. Isn't that right, baby?"

Evan nodded in response, not wanting to let Jake slip from his lips for even a moment.

Jake reached down and put his hand under Evan's chin, slowly pulling his cock out of Evan's mouth. "Tell him who's got the nicer dick."

"You do, Jake," Evan said almost in awe. "You do."

"Whose is bigger?" Jake asked.

"Yours," Evan replied, trying to get it back in his mouth.

"Which one do you want more?" Jake teased.

"Yours, Jake, please," Evan begged.

Jake laughed and let go of Evan's chin, chuckling when Evan dove back in and devoured his cock.

"You see Tyler, no matter how hard you try you'll never be me," Jake grinned. "Guys and girls might trip over each other trying to get to you, but they'd KILL for a night with me. Evan is no different. He'll never want you more than he wants me. And I'll prove it."

Jake's words cut straight through to all of Tyler's insecurities and he stood frozen, watching as Jake pulled his cock out of Evan's mouth, threw Evan down on the bed and mounted him, pushing his cock balls deep into Evan's ass in one thrust.

After a moment Tyler sank down to the bed, watching the spectacle that was Jake's awesome body moving, his muscles flexing as he pounded Evan's ass, making the bottom boy scream his name over and over. He couldn't help himself, the sight was too hot. He reached down and began to stroke himself, trying to match the rhythm of Jake's thrusts.

"Oh fuck!!" Tyler screamed.

He awoke suddenly on his bed. He had sweat all over his body and his dick was still twitching as the last drop of cum fell from it, joining the rest of his load as it formed a reservoir in the valley of his abs.

What the fuck was that? Why would he dream something like that? Why had it been so hot?

"FUCK!" he screamed, slamming his fists down against the mattress on either side of him.

He stared up at the ceiling and said through panted breaths, "I fucking hate you, Jake. You think I can't get Evan? Just watch me."


Next: Chapter 59: Tyler 29

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