
By Big D

Published on Oct 13, 2018


DISCLAIMER: This story will include scenes involving sex between young men and adult language. If you do not like or are offended by such things or are under age wherever you are reading this then please leave now.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission.

This is pure fiction. No one in this story is a real person, living or deceased, and any resemblance as such is purely coincidental.

Characters in this story may partake in bareback sex, please remember that this is fiction and in the real world precautions should be taken to ensure everyone's safety. Please use protection.

If you want to contact the author with any comments please do so at: storiesbybigd@hotmail.co.uk

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Tyler – Part 18

  • The Next Day *

Joe was waiting impatiently at his bedroom window, his foot tapping against the floor as he looked out at the street, eager for Tyler to pull up in front of his house. It had only been about eight minutes since Tyler had sent the text saying that he was on his way but it seemed like so much longer as Joe waited, every second that ticked by brought them closer and closer to his parents getting back from their grocery shop.

"Come on," Joe whispered, closing his eyes and praying that Tyler got there soon.

Tyler had been to Joe's house thousands of times over the years and got on so well with his parents it was like he was their fifth child, but Tyler wasn't just coming for a visit, he wasn't coming to hang out, he was bringing footage of their actual son sucking his cock before he came all over their son's face. Joe had never been more nervous about anything before, fearing the worst, fearing being found out and exposed. It made him feel sick.

Joe began to pace back and forth, his breathing coming in panted gasps as sweat began to run down his forehead. He had to calm himself and breathe deeply because he couldn't afford to have a panic attack. He had overcome them as a child and didn't ever want to suffer them again. He could still remember the crushing fear that had pressed down on his chest like a huge weight and that had made him want to shrink into the foetal position on the floor wishing he would stop breathing because it was preferable to what he was feeling. Tyler had helped him through that, had helped him gain control of both his body and his fears, and Tyler had been there every day for him since, always by his side. He trusted Tyler and felt safe with him, knowing that Tyler wouldn't do anything to hurt him or jeopardise the futures they had envisioned for themselves, but some things were out of even Tyler's control and if his parents confronted him over what they were doing he wasn't sure he could lie to them.

When the sound of the car door slamming made him turn his head, his eyes instantly falling on Tyler as he climbed out of his car and shut the door, Joe sprinted out of his room and down the stairs, pulling open the front door before Tyler had even reached it.

"Hey," Tyler smiled, greeting Joe like he always did.

Joe looked around, checking to see that no one in the street was watching them, even though the sight of Tyler arriving at the house was nothing unusual, and then quickly beckoned Tyler inside, closing the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked. "Have you been working out?"

"No," Joe snapped, a little too abruptly.

"Woah, dude, what the hell is going on?" Tyler asked. "You're all sweaty and tense."

"Have you brought it?" Joe asked, ignoring Tyler's question.

"The video?" Tyler replied, completely confused by how Joe was acting.

"Of course the fucking video!" Joe barked.

"Okay..." Tyler said, holding up his hands in a gesture of surrender. "You need to calm the fuck down."

"Tyler..." Joe began.

"No," Tyler interrupted. "Listen to me. You have nothing to worry about. Stop pissing your pants and relax. No one knows what we did or have been doing for the past few months. No one knows that we filmed you sucking my dick yesterday or that I fucked your brains out while we watched it back. None of your family, friends or neighbors know that I'm bringing you a copy right now, so just relax, okay?"

Joe closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He felt Tyler's hands on his shoulders, giving them a comforting squeeze. When he opened his eyes again he was looking straight into Tyler's, who smiled at him warmly.

"I'm not going to do anything that could expose us, Joe," Tyler said, softly. "Why do you think I didn't send it online? I didn't want to risk uploading it to my Skydrive or Dropbox because that would mean putting it on the internet in one form or another and that could mean someone accessing it or hacking it. I put it on a pen drive so it can be stored somewhere safe, so you can view it whenever you want or delete it if you want to get rid of it."

"Okay," Joe nodded.

Tyler reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black and red pen drive, he held it up. "Make sure you don't lose this or let your brothers watch what's on it."

Joe smirked, "Oh yeah, like I'm going to do that. Those kids look up to me and respect me. What will they think if they see me on my knees sucking your dick?"

"If they're anything like me they'll think you look hot," Tyler winked.

"Give me that," Joe laughed, snatching the pen drive out of Tyler's hand. "You fucking pervert."

Tyler chuckled, "Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes," Joe said with a huge sigh. "I just kept thinking about what would happen if someone saw the video."

"They won't," Tyler said. "Not unless you show it to them or get careless. Besides, that's why I did digital copies. We can delete them whenever we want. We only did it so we could see what we looked like. We have now."

"Are you going to delete your copy?" Joe asked.

"Maybe after I've watched it a few more times," Tyler smiled. "You do look really hot."

Joe blushed and tucked the pen drive into the pocket of his sweatpants, making sure that the zipper was pulled up on the pocket so the drive couldn't slip out.

"Look," Tyler said before Joe could say anything. "If you got this nervous about the blowjob video, maybe we shouldn't film anything else."

"I just get scared," Joe said quietly, looking away.

Tyler smiled sadly and reached up, taking Joe's chin in his hand and turning his head so their eyes met, "You think I don't? How I feel about you terrifies me sometimes, Joe. I didn't intend for any of this to happen between us. I didn't plan for it. But now that it has I'm not sure I ever want it to stop. I don't think there will ever be a day when I look at you and don't want you. And I don't know what that means for us or the future."

Joe stared into Tyler's eyes and then their heads moved closer until their lips met in a soft kiss.

"If you don't want to film anything else I'm okay with that," Tyler said as they pulled apart. He turned away from Joe and started walking toward the door.

"And what if I do?" Joe asked, stopping Tyler in his tracks.

Tyler turned around. "Do you?"

Joe thought for a moment before replying. "Yes. I want to watch you fuck me."

Tyler's mouth dropped open before it curled up in a smile. He walked back towards Joe until they were face to face and then he whispered, "Oh you're going to watch me fuck you. You're going to see the look of pleasure on your face when I put my dick in you. You're going to watch yourself writhe and moan and beg for my cock."

"Oh fuck..." Joe gasped. "Come upstairs."

"What?" Tyler asked, surprised, the look of lust in Joe's eyes shocked him.

"Let's go up and watch the video again while you fuck me," Joe pleaded.

Tyler grabbed Joe's head and kissed him hard. When he pulled away he started to back off, heading towards the door.

"What are you doing?" Joe asked.

"I've got to go," Tyler said the words like he couldn't believe them himself.

"What?" Joe exclaimed.

"My dad is waiting for me," Tyler explained. "It's one of the few nights he actually has free and he wants to do something with me. I only came over to give you the pen drive. Besides, your parents will be home soon."

"Fuck!" Joe screamed.

"I'm sorry," Tyler apologised. "You know how much I want to go upstairs with you right now, but I can't. Save it for our next video. My dad goes away again tomorrow. Come round the night after that, my mom is still on the late shift."

"Okay," Joe said, reluctantly.

Tyler quickly waved goodbye and pulled open the front door, shutting it behind him.

Joe sighed and stared at the door, willing Tyler to come back through it, even after he heard Tyler's car door slam and the engine roar to life as Tyler drove away. He reached down to reposition his cock in his sweatpants, having to lift it up and tuck it into the waistband to stop it from creating a tent as he headed toward the stairs.

When he got to his room he sank down into the chair at his desk and closed his eyes, trying to get his mind off of his hard cock, which was now pumping out precum against his belly. He was so horny he almost couldn't stand it.

After another moment of trying to fight it, Joe pulled the pen drive out of his pocket and inserted it into the USB slot in the laptop that Tyler had given him after he had got a new one for Christmas. He opened the lid of the laptop and pressed the power button, waiting for it to boot up as he stood from the chair, stripped off his sweatpants and shirt and then sat down again, tucking the waistband of his boxers beneath his balls, letting his throbbing eight inch cock spring up and slap against his stomach.

He held his breath as he typed in the password and watched the screen come to life, popping up with a little window asking if he wanted to view the files on the pen drive. He clicked yes and felt his heart jump into his throat when he saw the video file there, ready to view. He double clicked the icon and almost came instantly as Tyler's hard cock filled his computer screen.

"Fuck..." Joe breathed, reaching down to stroke his own dick as the video begin to play.

He watched his hand come onto the screen, followed shortly by his face, the camera focusing on his lips as they parted to let Tyler's dick slip between them. He ran his hand up and down his hard shaft in perfect sync with the movements of his head on the video, jerking his cock in time with him sucking Tyler's dick. Unconsciously he also started bobbing his head a little as he watched, not just observing but almost reliving the moment as if Tyler's cock were in front of his face again and he was pleasuring it now rather than watching a replay.

Joe was mesmerised by what he saw on the screen. He had watched the video back with Tyler and they had both got so turned on that they had fallen into a 69 and then flipped over, with Tyler fucking him while they watched themselves on screen. But he had failed to really watch it because of what Tyler had been doing to him.

Now, alone in his bedroom, he saw the expression on his face as he sucked Tyler's dick, the look of pure lust and hunger and desire. The way his head moved, the way his mouth was constantly curled into a smile filled with pleasure, the way his eyes stared up at Tyler, burning into him, wanting him, before closing or even rolling back into his head. It was the closest thing to pure ecstasy that Joe could imagine being caught in a physical form. He loved sucking that cock.

Seeing how into the blowjob he was, how much he wanted Tyler's dick, how he lost himself in what they were doing, both terrified and excited him at the same time. It was like he was watching someone else on that screen and not himself. He couldn't be that person, the one who was going to town on Tyler's dick, sucking him so powerfully, wanting to taste his load. He wasn't gay. That couldn't be him. Straight guys didn't do that kind of thing. And yet he knew it was him, caught up in a moment of sheer physical bliss.

He wanted to cry from the realization that he had fallen far deeper into things with Tyler than he could ever have imagined, but he never once stopped stroking his cock or looking at the screen. He didn't want to be on his knees sucking another guy's cock or bent over ready to take it up his ass, but he knew he would never say no to Tyler and it was because he didn't want to. He had come to crave the way Tyler made him feel, not just when he was inside him but from them simply being together, from the touch of a strong hand to those muscular arms enveloping him, from the power behind the kisses to the feeling of safety as they lay together, nothing outside the room mattered or was able to hurt them in those moments. How could he not want that?

"Fuck!" Joe screamed, partly in frustration and partly because his dick jumped in his hand, sending a shiver through his body that culminated in a huge bead of precum pulsing up out of the slit.

Joe closed his eyes, panting for breath. When he opened them he gasped at the image on the screen and felt his dick jerk again. There he was, with Tyler's hand on the back of his head, a fistful of hair, pulling it backwards so that his mouth hung open as he stared up at Tyler through hungry eyes, wanting more as Tyler's cock rested on his tongue.

That image was so hot, almost enough to make him cum, but that wasn't what shocked him the most. He stared at the screen for a few moments as the video continued to play and then he reached forward to pause it, stopping it right at the moment when Tyler raised his dick off his tongue, momentarily disappearing from the shot while Joe still stared up at the camera. Apart from Tyler's hand, the look of lust in his eyes and the fact that he was naked, that shot was almost a mirror image of the photo Donte had captured on his phone.

Joe stared at the still image on the screen, his heart beating so hard he felt like it might hammer its way through his chest. If anyone saw the picture Donte had taken they would immediately think of the image on the computer screen, of Joe on his knees, ready to take Donte's dick into his mouth.

Closing his eyes and biting his lip, Joe felt a surge of panic rush through his body thinking about Donte still having that picture on his phone. He had heard nothing from the college jock since that day despite them swapping phone numbers, but that didn't stop the fear creeping in that one day the phone would ring and it would be Donte on the other end of the line.

Suddenly Joe's eyes snapped open and he stared at the computer screen panting for breath, sweat dripping down his face. The picture on the screen hadn't changed but the image that Joe had seen in his head when he had his eyes closed had. He was still on his knees with his head tilted back, mouth open, staring up, waiting for a cock to fill his mouth, only instead of Tyler's hot, white dick it was Donte's big black cock that soared past his lips and sank into his throat as he began to suck wildly, working for that load of cum.

Joe shivered and gasped. He looked down at his own throbbing, rock hard eight inch cock just in time to see it explode, firing out a shot that hit him square in the face, landing just beneath his left eye. A second shot painted his chin before he had time to react to pull his head back, the rest of his load spurting out across his chest as he came without touching himself.

His body was still in spasm as he tried to regain control, looking all over his room, searching for some kind of explanation as to what had just happened. He was dazed and confused. He had never so much as looked at another guy besides Tyler and he definitely didn't want to suck anyone else's dick, so why had that image of Donte fucking his face caused such a reaction? What did it mean?

  • Across Town *

Tyler put his key into the lock and opened his front door. So many times when he had come home the house would be quiet and unoccupied with no sounds or smells, just vast empty space. Today as soon as the door swung open and he stepped into the house the aroma of freshly brewed coffee drifted into the hallway from the kitchen making the tiny hairs in his nose tingle. He felt warm inside just from knowing that he wasn't alone. The sounds of heated debate coming from the lounge where his father was watching a sports show only heightened the feeling of comfort and safety that caused a smile to rise up onto his face.

Walking into the lounge he saw his father sitting on the sofa with one of his arms draped across the back and one foot up on the cushions while the other remained on the floor. A cup of coffee was in the hand that was lying on the arm rest. As soon as Tyler entered the room his father looked up and smiled.

"Hey kid, how's your day been?" Tyler's father asked.

"It was good, Dad," Tyler smiled, sitting in the chair opposite him.

"Do you think you're ready for your finals?" Tyler's dad questioned.

"I think so," Tyler nodded. "I'm pretty confident. I've understood everything we've been taught so as long as there are no real surprises I should do well. They're still two weeks away."

"I'm glad to hear that," Tyler's dad said. "I'm sorry I haven't been around to help more. Work has been pretty insane recently. I think your grandpa is getting ready to retire and while he hasn't actually said the words yet I think he's hoping I'll take over to keep his company in the family."

Tyler chuckled, "I bet you didn't think that was part of the deal when you married Mom."

Tyler's dad smiled, "Not on your life. He expected her to go into the business not me, but you know how stubborn your mom is. She had her heart set on going into medicine and she wouldn't take no for an answer until that doctorate was in her hand and those letters were after her name."

"What about you?" Tyler asked. "What did you want to do?"

"I didn't know what I wanted to do," Tyler's dad smiled, sadly. "My dad was a farmer but I hated that life. I think it crushed him when I didn't want to work on the farm but he put on a brave face and sent me to college. Even when I graduated I still had no clear idea of what I wanted to do, I just kind of fell into working for your grandpa. That's part of why I envy you so much. You've got your dreams laid out in front of you and you have a real chance of achieving them. I'll do whatever I can to make your dreams come true, Ty."

Tyler said nothing for a moment, thinking over his father's words. He had always seen his father as a driven career business man who flew all over the country to conferences and meetings simply because he lived for the work, but to hear his dad speak now he couldn't help but wonder if he was really just doing it to try to make everyone around him happy, from his wife to his father-in-law to his son, the feeling of disappointing his own father weighing heavily on his mind.

Before Tyler could say anything his father broke the silence, "So, your mom said you and Joe went out with your new camera. Did you film anything interesting?"

Tyler's mind immediately pictured the image of Joe on his knees sucking his cock while he filmed him but he pushed that vision aside and replied, "Yeah, we drove out to the west of town a little. I had no idea there was a waterfall in the woods there."

"Really?" his dad asked, sounding surprised.

"Yeah, it's only small but it's really beautiful," Tyler said.

"I'd love to see it," his father said.

"I'll run up and get my camera," Tyler smiled, jumping to his feet. He loved that he and his father were actually talking and bonding. He felt like a little boy wanting to show his dad that he could go to the toilet all by himself but he didn't care, he was just glad his father was there wanting to spend time with him.

Tyler ran into his bedroom and grabbed his camera case off his desk. He turned around and quickly headed back downstairs, pulling the camera out of the pouch as he went. As he re-entered the lounge his father was getting up from the sofa.

"I'm gonna quickly go pee, you get it set up and I'll be back in a minute," his dad said, leaving the room.

Tyler smiled and picked up the television remote. He turned the TV onto the channel for viewing photos and videos and then pulled open the cover on the camera, extracting the memory card from its slot. It took a moment to find the space on the TV where the SD card could be inserted. When he found it he pushed the card into the slot and waited for the video files to load.

As soon as the television pinged with a message telling him that media had been found he pressed the OK button and watched as three little thumbnails appeared on the big screen. His heart nearly exploded when the image for the third file loaded. It was the first still of the video, a picture of his hard cock waiting for Joe to suck it.

"Holy fuck!" Tyler screamed inside his head as his eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open. It was the wrong SD card. All that this one contained were videos of him jerking off and of Joe sucking his dick.

The toilet flushed down the hall and Tyler panicked, throwing himself across the room to extract the SD card before his father could see what was displayed on the screen. He barely had it out of the TV and stuffed into his pocket when his father walked back into the room.

"Haven't you got it set up yet?" his father asked.

Tyler's heart was pounding and he felt like he was going to throw up. He had come so close to blowing everything and his entire body trembled, including his voice as he replied, "I couldn't find the slot the card goes into."

"Oh, here, I can show you," Tyler's dad offered.

"No!" Tyler protested a little too strongly, hoping his dad couldn't see how flustered he was. "I've found it now."

He pulled the second SD card out of the camera case, cursing himself for ever having put the card with the blowjob video on it back in the camera instead of hiding it somewhere safe, and pushed it into the slot, seeing eight images appear on screen this time, each one showing the green of grass or trees or the blues of water or sky.

Tyler sat down, feeling the remote slip through his sweaty palm as it dropped to the floor. He bent over to pick it up and looked over at his father who seemed oblivious to anything that had happened; he was simply looking at the TV waiting for Tyler to press play.

Trying to steady his breathing, Tyler hit the OK button, selecting the first file, and watched as a line of trees appeared on the huge 48 inch screen, the image as clear as if they were actually there.

The first video showed Joe and Tyler walking through the woods until they came to a clearing. The second video picked up a short while later, moving over long grass, focusing on the colourful blooms all around, capturing the moment that a bee descended into one particular flower to do its work.

"Wow, that's quite a shot," Tyler's dad smiled, impressed.

They continued watching, now on the third video, this one followed what was a tiny trickle of water as it slowly widened into a small stream and grew even bigger until it merged with the pool at the bottom of a small but spectacular waterfall that cascaded down over a twenty foot high rocky ledge.

Tyler paused the video just as the fourth one was beginning to play. "That waterfall was amazing. Joe and I stopped filming there and took off our shoes so we could wade into the water. We only got as far as our clothes would allow but it looked like you could swim at the bottom of it."

"You'll have to take me there one day to check it out," Tyler's dad said; a comment that made Tyler feel like he had just been told that they were going to Disney World.

The fourth, fifth and sixth videos played out, showing various different features of the landscape, including little animals scurrying away from them or dashing through the long grass.

"This one is my favourite," Tyler said, pointing at the screen as the seventh video began to play.

On screen there appeared to be nothing but trees in the shot as it moved forward, Tyler walking through the wood. Suddenly there was a jerking motion to the camera and it swung around to capture Joe's face as he held a finger to his mouth, telling Tyler to be quiet as he pointed at something. The camera then followed the direction Joe's arm was pointed in until it fell upon a deer and her roe fawn grazing in a small clearing. Neither boy, nor the camera moved for about five minutes until the deer decided to head on somewhere else, disappearing into the trees with the fawn behind her.

"Wow," Tyler's dad said again, echoing his earlier thoughts. "That was amazing, Ty. You really did get some awesome footage."

"Thanks Dad," Tyler beamed. "Joe is to thank for that last one. I would have missed those deer if it hadn't been for him."

"Or your big ass would have scared them off," Tyler's dad laughed. "Are you going to put the last video on?"

"No," Tyler shook his head. "There's no way to top that one and the last one is just me filming us walking back toward the car, scanning around for something else and not finding anything."

"Okay," Tyler's dad nodded. "Well, I'm impressed. I didn't expect that kind of thing when you asked for the camera. I thought it might have just been one of those impulse buys that you wanted but then never used like when I got you the violin."

Tyler rolled his eyes, "I love the sound of the violin and I wanted to learn how to play it but it just never took with me."

"You mean there's something you're not good at?" Tyler's dad smiled, feigning shock.

Tyler smirked and then laughed genuinely. His father did the same.

"Well, I hope you continue with the filming even if it's just a hobby," Tyler's dad said.

"Don't worry, there are still a few things I want to film," Tyler said, his mind immediately picturing Joe's ass before he pushed the image aside and looked at his father.

"If that's the last of the videos, what do you say we head out?" Tyler's dad asked. "I've got a few things planned for us tonight. We can make up for lost time."

"That sounds great," Tyler smiled.

"Oh and bring the camera with you just in case we see anything worth filming."

  • Two Days Later *

Joe walked out of the bathroom into Tyler's bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Droplets of water still clung to his muscular chest. He was freshly showered, taking extra time under the hot spray to make sure that he was clean and ready to be fucked on camera.

The mixture of nerves and excitement he felt in the pit of his stomach made him feel like he could throw up at any moment but he wasn't going to back out. He wanted to get fucked so badly, he craved it even after what felt like too many days without having Tyler inside him. He wanted to film it, to watch himself get fucked. The image of their session in front of the motel mirror was still burnt into his memory and he had jerked off to the video of him sucking Tyler's cock four times in the last two days. But still there was a little fear over the fact that by simply recording it they were keeping a record, they were keeping something that anyone else could find and view, and after Tyler's near miss with his father and the first video, the idea of filming an even more incriminating one seemed idiotic; a bigger risk than they should be willing to take.

With the doubts creeping into his mind, Joe thought about saying something to Tyler but then Tyler stood up, his dick already hard and ready to fuck. The instant Joe saw that stiff cock he knew he needed to feel it inside him before he left that bedroom and he committed himself to the moment.

Tyler saw him and smiled. His eyes took in how incredible Joe looked in just the towel before settling on his face, seeing the flash of apprehension that had crossed it before disappearing. "Are you sure you want to do this? We don't have to film it if you don't want to."

Joe took a moment before answering, "No, I'm okay."

"Really?" Tyler asked, wanting to be certain that Joe wanted it as much as he did. "We can just fuck if you don't want to record it."

"No," Joe shook his head. "I've been thinking about this the past couple of days and as fucking stupid as I know it is, as dangerous as it is, I want to film it."

Tyler smiled and stepped up to Joe, placing his hands on Joe's hips as he looked into his best friend's eyes. "You want to see me fuck you?"

Joe bit his lip and then smiled back, nodding, "Fuck... Yes. God help me but yes I do."

Tyler's voice was soft and seductive as he continued to stare into Joe's eyes, "You want to see what your ass looks like when my dick is sliding in and out of it?"

"Oh fuck..." Joe moaned as Tyler moved his hands around so they were on Joe's ass, pulling their bodies closer together.

"You want to see how amazing your body looks when it's covered in sweat, writhing around on my cock?" Tyler continued. Joe's eyes burned into his. Joe simply nodded, unable to speak, so Tyler continued, "Do you know what I want you to see?"

"What?" Joe gasped.

"I want you to see the look on your face when I make your big dick shoot a load as I fuck the cum out of you," Tyler growled.

Joe's whole body quivered and he lunged forward, attacking Tyler's mouth with his own, kissing him hard, using his tongue to pry open Tyler's lips, slipping his tongue into his mouth as their bodies pressed against one another, Joe's hard dick, still trapped beneath the towel, rubbing against Tyler's bare cock.

"Fuck, Ty, I want you so bad," Joe moaned as they broke apart. "Even if we don't film it I want you to fuck the cum out of me."

It was Tyler's turn to kiss Joe, plunging his tongue into Joe's mouth as his hands moved around Joe's waist, finding the two ends of the towel. He pulled them apart so the towel fell to the floor leaving Joe naked in front of him.

"I can't wait to film myself inside this incredible ass," Tyler groaned as he gripped Joe's ass cheeks in his hands and squeezed them.

"Just don't show your damn dad the video this time," Joe smirked.

Tyler chuckled, "Fuck, you can't imagine how scared I was that he nearly saw that."

"Oh I can," Joe said. "We need to be more careful, Ty. We can't risk being caught. It could ruin everything."

"I know," Tyler said, sadly. "Sometimes I just wish we didn't have to hide what we're doing."

"What do you mean?" Joe stiffened, pulling back from Tyler to get a better look at his face. "You want people to know that we're fucking?"

"No," Tyler said. "I wish people didn't care that we are."

"But they would care, Ty," Joe said. "Some people would kill us if they knew."

"I know," Tyler replied. "I just... I'm not ashamed that I love being with you."

"I get that, Ty, but that's different to people knowing about us. I don't want anyone to know that I like having your dick up my ass," Joe said.

Tyler chuckled, "As long as you keep taking it up your ass that's fine with me."

Joe grinned and leaned in so his nose was almost touching Tyler's, "Are you going to make me take it now?"

"No," Tyler shook his head. "I'd never have to MAKE you take it. Any time I want your ass, you'll willingly give it to me. I've got you hooked, Joe. From now until the day we die you'll always want my cock inside you."

Joe's entire body quivered with Tyler's words. His dick jerked and pulsed. His asshole twitched and puckered. He wanted to tell Tyler that he was wrong but at that moment in time he knew Tyler was probably right and as terrifying as that thought was it made him ache for Tyler's cock that much more.

"How are we going to do this?" Joe managed to ask after a moment.

"This might be the only time we have the balls to film ourselves," Tyler said. "I want to capture everything; right from the beginning, from when we just kiss. I've been thinking about it for the past two days. I've been practicing with the camera, finding all of the best angles in the room."

Joe noticed for the first time that Tyler's desk had been moved about a foot away from the wall and two feet to the side so that it was directly in front of the bed with the camera perched on top, able to film not just the bed but the area around it. He smiled, seeing how much thought Tyler had put into the video and wondering if he might be a film maker one day when his football career came to an end.

Tyler approached the desk and turned the camera on, rotating the little screen so that they could both see what was about to be filmed. Joe was already in the shot, Tyler was just off screen.

"Are you ready?" Tyler asked, looking at Joe for confirmation. Joe nodded his head so Tyler pressed record.

Joe saw himself on the tiny screen, which now showed a small flashing red dot to indicate that it was recording. He took a deep breath, knowing that it was really happening, he was going to be filmed getting fucked by his best friend and it wasn't a jerkoff fantasy.

Tyler waited for a moment, wanting to see what Joe would do when he pressed record. When Joe didn't run from the room or protest he took it as a good sign but continued to stand still, admiring Joe's amazing body which would be the first thing the camera captured; the thin waist, the hard abs, the firm pecs and the throbbing eight inch cock that stood straight up pointing towards the ceiling.

Feeling that he had given the camera enough time to capture Joe in all of his naked glory, Tyler slowly walked into the shot, approaching his best friend. In reality it was only a few steps but it seemed much more than that on the camera as Tyler's broad shoulders, muscular back and finally his firm, round muscular bubble butt came into view, moving and tensing with every step he made towards Joe.

When he reached him, Tyler lifted his hand and gently placed it on Joe's chest, caressing his pec as they stared into each other's eyes. Tyler felt Joe's heart pounding beneath the muscle but he knew from the look in Joe's eyes that he was ready for whatever Tyler was about to do. He wanted it.

Tyler moved his hand to Joe's shoulder and then slid it down his big arm, his fingers tracing the contours of the bicep before sliding over his forearm and down his hand until he could thread them through Joe's, linking their fingers together.

Holding Joe's hand and rubbing the back of it softly with his thumb, Tyler leaned in and pressed his lips against Joe's, making the first move since Joe likely wouldn't. He immediately felt Joe's body stiffen at the contact and he was still worried that Joe would change his mind. That was until Tyler opened his mouth and gently flicked his tongue across Joe's lips. Joe moaned and his body relaxed, almost falling into Tyler's arms as he began to kiss back, accepting Tyler's tongue into his mouth.

The camera's microphone was good enough to pick up the sounds of their moans mingled with the smacking of their lips as they made out, their tongues battling, moving from one mouth to the other. Those sounds were paired with the visual of Tyler and Joe tilting their heads to different sides so their noses didn't collide and running their hands all over each other's bodies, caressing the hard muscles that were covered by smooth youthful skin.

Tyler moved his hand down to Joe's ass and squeezed the mound of flesh, making Joe's body spasm, shooting forward so his chest crashed into Tyler's and their hard cocks brushed against each other. Joe threw his arms around Tyler's shoulders and buried his face in Tyler's neck as Tyler grabbed on to Joe's ass with both hands and brought them together while he pumped his hips forward, thrusting his cock against Joe's.

"Fuck Ty..." Joe moaned as he pushed back against Tyler, grinding their hips together, sliding their dicks back and forth across the other's length.

Tyler responded by kissing Joe again, harder this time, the hands that were on Joe's ass moved toward the centre until his fingers slipped down into the crack between the two cheeks, the tip of his middle finger grazing Joe's hole.

"FMUNCK MTE" Joe moaned into Tyler's mouth, clinging to Tyler's big body, needing it to steady himself as his own body heaved, trying to suck in air.

They broke apart, both gasping as they took a step back, putting almost a foot between their bodies and yet still their cocks almost touched, the tips glistening with the precum that was bubbling up out of them.

Tyler glanced sideways momentarily to check that the red dot was still flashing on the little screen of the camera. When he was satisfied that it was he turned his attention back to Joe, thinking only momentarily of what they would look like when they watched it back before refocusing on Joe as he reached down and wrapped his fingers around Joe's stiff dick.

"Oh God!" Joe moaned, throwing his head back.

"Yeah..." Tyler smiled as he stroked his hand up and down Joe's shaft. "I love your big dick."

Joe moaned again as Tyler moved his hand to the tip of Joe's cock, using the palm to scoop up as much precum as he could. With the other hand he reached down and stroked his own throbbing cock, gathering what he could from the tip of his dick until his hand was slick.

Tyler then let go of both cocks and waited until Joe looked back down. He made a show of rubbing his hands together, mixing their precum with a loud squelching sound, and then he stepped closer to Joe so their dicks were side by side and their foreheads rested against each other as they looked down at their cocks.

Moving his hands together, Tyler wrapped them around both of their dicks, linking his fingers together to create a tight tunnel, pressing their shafts together inside it. They both watched as Tyler began to move his hands up and down, pumping the two cocks, smearing the precum over the shafts and squeezing every few strokes to heighten the pleasure, making them tremble against each other.

After letting Tyler just stroke him and enjoying the sensations, Joe pushed his hips forward, driving his dick into Tyler's hand, sliding his cock all the way along the length of Tyler's dick until the heads crashed together and they both moaned. Tyler quickly began moving his hips, almost in time with Joe's so that they were fucking his hands together, humping their hard cocks through the gripping fingers, the pleasure unreal.

Part of Tyler wanted to continue on like that until they both shot their loads, spraying it all over their bodies, but they were filming and there were other things he wanted to do so he made a mental note to come back to it another time and let his hands fall from their cocks.

Joe looked up at him, wondering why he had stopped. Tyler smiled and took Joe's cock back in his hand, stroking it a few times before he wrapped his fingers around the base and used Joe's dick to pull him closer so their bodies were almost touching.

Tyler continued to stroke up and down the length, feeling his arm brush against Joe's stomach, and then he leaned in, kissing Joe on the neck just beneath his jaw. Joe whimpered and put his hands on Tyler's shoulders to steady himself as Tyler's lips and tongue went to work on his neck and his hand still moved slowly over his cock.

"Oh God, Ty..." Joe whispered. "So good..."

Tyler smiled as he pulled back and pecked Joe on the lips. He still had Joe's cock in his hand and once again used it to move Joe's body, this time leading him closer to the camera, watching the picture on the small screen until he was sure they were in the right position.

Making sure that his body was turned sideways so that it didn't obscure the view of Joe's big throbbing dick on the little camera screen, Tyler resumed stroking up and down the shaft as he leaned back in to run his tongue along Joe's collar bone.

Joe threw his head back and closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations of Tyler's strong hand gripping his dick as Tyler kissed and licked his way down Joe's chest, sliding his tongue between Joe's pecs and along the curve of the muscle until he was teasing the nipple with his tongue, making sure that the camera could see the tip flicking out from between his lips to brush the hard nub over and over until Joe was moaning and panting.

When Tyler was satisfied by the pitch of Joe's moans he gave Joe's nipple one last kiss and then trailed his tongue down across Joe's abs, snaking it between each hard muscle, making a show of dipping the tip into Joe's belly button a couple of times before he licked back up and did the same on the other side of his stomach.

As Tyler made his way down to what he felt were the seventh and eighth and final abs he felt Joe's hard cock slide against his cheek and turned his head slightly, swiping his tongue across the tip, tasting his delicious salted precum. He then licked up and down the length of the trail of hair on Joe's stomach, occasionally catching the shaft of Joe's eight inch cock with his tongue as it rubbed against his cheek.

"Suck me, Tyler," Joe begged.

Tyler looked up at Joe with a smile and shook his head, no. He reached up with his hand and took Joe's dick by the base, pushing it to one side as he leaned in to lick Joe's stomach again, which glistened with the precum that had been leaking onto it.

Keeping Joe's dick in his hand, Tyler slowly stroked up and down while his tongue moved into Joe's pubes, past the base of his dick and on further until it was lapping at Joe's heavy balls, filled with a load of cum that Tyler knew would be painting one of their bodies before the night was over.

Focusing first on one ball, Tyler extended his tongue as far as he could, letting the sack rest completely on it as he licked, running his tongue from the back of the balls near the taint to the front near the base of Joe's cock. Then glancing sideways to get a look at himself, he took the ball into his mouth and actually sucked on it, pulling on it with his lips and flicking it with his tongue.

Joe's eyes were wide, his jaw hanging open and his body visibly shivered on the camera as Tyler bathed his balls in spit, his cock pulsing as it rested against Tyler's face, almost blocking it from view his dick was so big, leaking precum into Tyler's hair like extra gel.

"Oh fuck... Oh fuck..." Joe moaned, grinding his crotch against Tyler's face.

Tyler smiled and pulled back. A loud popping sound accompanied Joe's balls falling from his mouth. He sat back on his haunches and looked up at the incredible sight of Joe's abs tensing with every panted breath, his cock bouncing around in the air, the tip covered in precum.

Instead of leaning in to lick it off like he wanted to, Tyler wrapped his fingers back around the base of Joe's dick and then slid them up the shaft until they were about halfway up before he pulled the cock down to a ninety degree angle and then let go, watching as it sprung back up to slap against Joe's abs, a drop of the precum flying off the tip, landing right in the middle of Joe's pecs.

Joe's whole body trembled and he screamed out as his toes curled. Tyler just smiled and repeated the move three more times, feeling Joe's dick get a little harder every time, if that was possible, until he thought it might explode, the head changing colour to a deep pink that was almost purple.

"Just fucking suck my cock! Please, Tyler," Joe begged.

The sound of Joe pleading with him turned Tyler on so much it made him quiver from his head to his toes into his dick and even to his asshole, while clenched as his dick jumped. He wanted Joe in the worst way and was so ready to mount him and take him but he still wanted to do more for the camera.

With Joe's cock standing back up against his abs, Tyler leaned in, placing his tongue right next to the base of Joe's cock without actually licking it. He then ran it up long the entire eight inches and continued on, licking the drops of precum from around Joe's torso.

Satisfied that he had every trace of it, he licked his way back down until he felt the head of Joe's dick against the underside of his tongue. His taste buds exploded with the flavour of his favourite snack that he now got to suck straight from the source, wrapping his lips around the tip and swirling his tongue over the head to collect as much as he could.

Tyler glanced at the camera once again, wanting to make sure they were capturing the moment. He kept the tip of Joe's dick in his mouth but placed his hands on Joe's hips, turning him slightly until he was happy, the whole length of Joe's cock visible with only the first inch between his lips.

The excitement of seeing himself on his knees with Joe's dick in his mouth was almost too much for him. He felt his balls jerk and pull up closer to his body and he feared he was going to cum without even touching himself. It was such a hot sight.

Not wanting to waste a moment, Tyler went to work, opening his lips to draw more of Joe's big dick into his mouth, going almost half way down before moving back up, trailing his tongue along the underside of Joe's dick and then plunging down again, bobbing his head up and down, using his lips and tongue to suck Joe's cock as well as he could.

Joe moaned and placed his hand on the side of Tyler's head not facing the camera. He too had seen the image being captured by the camera and he was leaking even more precum than before straight into Tyler's mouth as the huge muscular stud bobbed up and down, taking more and more of the cock into his mouth.

After a moment the sensations in his dick caused Joe's eyes to roll up into his head and the hand that had been on the side of Tyler's face moved up into his hair to grab on, hoping to steady himself in case his legs went weak. Tyler was so good at sucking his cock he wondered why he hadn't been letting him do it as often in the past couple of weeks, preferring to be the one servicing the guy who was going to fuck him.

Managing to hold back from cumming too soon in Tyler's mouth, Joe planted his legs on either side of Tyler and began to thrust forward, burying his big cock deeper in Tyler's mouth, not quite making him deep-throat but coming very close. Tyler tried hard not to gag, the feeling of getting his face fucked by Joe's eight inch cock so hot that he could have suffocated or choked on the big piece of meat and he would have died happy.

Letting up on the hard pummelling of Tyler's mouth for a moment, Joe looked down to see Tyler staring up at him with a mouth full of cock and he knew he had to film it from his perspective. He bent down and took hold of Tyler's chin, gently easing him off his cock.

When the tip of Joe's dick left his mouth, a string of saliva dangling between the head and his bottom lip, Tyler looked up to see what Joe was doing. He was on such a high from Joe taking control that he would have done anything that Joe asked him to do; he would have even bent over and let Joe fuck him if Joe had wanted to.

Joe quickly moved to take the camera in his hands and stepped back to stand in front of Tyler, turning it, pointing it down at Tyler's lust-filled face.

"Do you like sucking my dick?" Joe asked, filming Tyler.

Tyler's lips curled in a smile as he stared up at Joe and the camera, "I love it. Now give it to me."

Holding the camera still with one hand, Joe took his cock in the other and slapped the long, hard shaft against Tyler's face, the thud of the contact echoing around the room. When Tyler stared up at him open mouthed Joe took the opportunity and shoved his dick through Tyler's lips and into the back of his mouth, pushing almost all the way in before pulling back.

Tyler had been caught by surprise, first by the slaps and then by the deep penetration, but as Joe's dick slid back over his tongue, pulling out, he surged forward to capture it again, not wanting to let it fall from his mouth as he went to work, sucking hard on Joe's cock, closing his eyes to focus on what he was doing and on the sounds of pleasure escaping Joe's mouth, knowing all the while that they were being filmed.

The sight of his big dick sliding in and out of Tyler's lips, almost the full eight inches disappearing and then reappearing, his hips pushing forward until Tyler's nose almost touched his belly and then pulling back until just the head of his cock still remained in Tyler's mouth was something Joe would never forget, able to recall it at any moment in the future like he could with some of his cherished childhood memories.

"God, you're so good at that," Joe moaned, fighting hard not to drop the camera or turn it away from the action.

Tyler had found a rhythm that felt almost effortless even though it was a lot of work and would probably give him a bad neck in the morning. He plunged Joe's dick into his mouth and felt a sense of pride that he was able to take so much of it, knowing how big Joe was and how much some people would struggle. He had only managed to deep-throat it a few times so far and he wanted to prove that he was a man who could take the whole of that big cock into his mouth and down his throat. The longer he went the further he got to achieving that goal.

Joe shivered when he saw what Tyler was doing, his nose getting closer and closer to his trimmed pubes on every journey down toward the base of his cock. He felt like not only were his legs going to buckle but his entire body was going to go limp and he would crumple to the floor, unable to control himself. He held the camera as steady as he could, filming for about twenty more seconds before Tyler finally lunged forward, shoving all eight inches down his throat, his nose touching Joe's skin, moving from side to side for a moment before he pulled back with a gasp, the biggest smile Joe had ever seen plastered across Tyler's face.

"Fuck, I did it," Tyler panted.

"Damn, bro..." Joe sighed, placing his hand down on the bed to steady himself, "It feels so good when you do that."

Tyler reached up and took the camera from Joe's hand. He placed it back on the desk and then stood up, using Joe's hard, saliva covered cock to pull their bodies together as he wrapped his arms around Joe's shoulders and shoved his tongue into Joe's mouth, letting him taste his own precum as they made out.

With Joe at his mercy, Tyler eased him back toward the bed and pushed him down onto the mattress so he was lying on his back, looking up at his best friend, wondering what was coming next. Tyler slowly moved towards him, never breaking the eye contact, and quickly crawled up on top of Joe until their whole bodies were pressed together, from their thighs to their chests and from their arms to their dicks. Tyler laced his fingers between Joe's and brought their mouths together so that they were kissing as their hips began to move, grinding their dicks together.

The muffled sound of the moans, lost in each other's mouths, was still audible to the camera as Tyler and Joe humped against each other, the length of their slick dicks sliding against one another, the heads occasionally brushing together causing a tremor to pass through both boys' bodies.

Tyler felt Joe's cock begin to twitch against his own and he knew that if he didn't stop Joe would unload so he pulled away and pushed up onto his hands and knees, still looking down at Joe. He then spun around almost too quickly for Joe to realize what was happening as he put his legs on either side of Joe's head and bent down to suck Joe's dick back into his mouth.

Joe moaned and bucked up, burying more of his cock in Tyler's mouth than the hot quarterback was expecting. Tyler gasped when he came up off Joe's cock but then he licked his lips and went back down again, sucking that big cock from a different angle, able to keep Joe on edge without getting too close to his climax.

When Joe became used to the sensation of Tyler's mouth on his cock, stroking his shaft with his tongue, he looked up and saw Tyler's own throbbing cock just inches away from his face. It looked so hard and delicious. He closed his eyes and lunged upwards, his tongue extending out of his mouth until he felt the tip of Tyler's cock against it and used the tongue to pull the dick into his mouth.

The suction of Joe's lips as they wrapped around his dick made Tyler moan and his dick pulse, expelling a huge drop of precum that bathed Joe's tongue. He also felt his asshole twitch and wondered if Joe could see it from his position beneath him.

Joe did. He had rimmed Tyler before, hearing him scream and beg, but he had never really taken the time to look at the hole up-close. It was kind of beautiful and he wanted to lick it but he was too preoccupied by the seven inch steel hard pipe that filled his mouth so perfectly.

Bobbing up and down and back and forth, Tyler and Joe sucked each other with all the technique they had developed in their time together, knowing every inch of each other's dicks but still loving the moment of rediscovery when a familiar spot ran across their tongues.

Tyler could feel himself rapidly heading towards his orgasm so he pulled back, letting Joe's dick fall from between his lips as he extracted his own from Joe's mouth. Without thinking, his chest heaving as he panted for breaths, Tyler sat back slightly, putting his ass directly over Joe's face. Joe could stand the temptation no longer. He swiped his tongue across Tyler's tight little virgin hole and then pushed it right into the centre at the entrance to Tyler's body. Tyler screamed and unconsciously sat back, driving the tip of Joe's tongue into his ass. His dick jolted up and slapped against his abs and he felt like he was about to erupt so he jumped up and hopped off the bed, barely able to believe how good that felt or how close he came to begging Joe to fuck him.

"Fuck!" Tyler gasped, reaching back to touch his delicate hole with his finger, finding it slick with Joe's saliva.

Taking a moment to regain his composure and come down from the edge, Tyler reached up and took Joe by the arm, pulling him around until Joe was positioned with his feet up on Tyler's pillows and his head dangling over the foot of the bed, able to see the camera through his upside down perspective.

Joe appeared to look into his own eyes as he glanced at the camera screen, reminding him of how Tyler had fucked him across the drawers in the bathroom of the motel. He smiled thinking that would happen again but then his eyes went wide as he saw Tyler step towards his face.

The shot on camera was now almost exclusively of Tyler's muscular bubble butt, flexing as he walked the few steps towards Joe's head. When he got into position he checked over his shoulder to make sure the view was right and then he opened his legs, knowing that the camera would now be able to see Joe's face along with his own dangling balls.

"Open wide," Tyler said.

Joe looked up, unsure, but did what Tyler said. His mouth was immediately filled by Tyler's cock as it was pushed inside, Tyler feeding most of the length into Joe's mouth as the camera filmed every moment, watching the shaft plunge in and then glide out, the first four inches of Tyler's cock sheathed between Joe's lips.

Tyler continued to pump his hips gently back and forth, glancing over his shoulder when he could to see that the camera was capturing the scene, watching his tight ass cheeks clench with every thrust he made into Joe's mouth, seeing Joe's plump lips wrapped tight around his shaft, sucking on the cock, lathering it in spit.

Satisfied that they had enough footage of that moment, Tyler shifted his body slightly so that he was almost side on to Joe's head with Joe in the same position. Still, he didn't take his dick out of Joe's mouth and instead kept thrusting, his cock pushing at Joe's cheek, making it bulge.

"Fuck..." Tyler moaned, pulling his dick out of Joe's mouth. He threw his head back, once again close, not seeing Joe staring at his cock with utter hunger in his eyes, wanting the beautiful dick back between his lips.

"I want your ass," Tyler stated as he bent over to move Joe into a different position.

Joe thought that meant he was about to get fucked and was expecting Tyler to climb up on the bed, so it was a huge surprise when Tyler pulled him into a standing position on the floor and then put his hands between Joe's shoulder blades to push him forward so he had to brace himself on the bed, bending over, opening his ass up to Tyler and the camera.

Instead of diving straight in, Tyler reached out and picked up the camera, having practiced for this very moment. He dropped to his knees behind Joe's ass and turned the camera so it could see Joe's tight, firm buttocks and the winking hole between them. He then placed the camera down on the floor and propped it up with a rubber doorstop so the lens was pointing upwards, directed right at Joe's ass.

Knowing that the angle was right from a quick glimpse at the tiny screen, Tyler moved his hands up and gently caressed Joe's ass, loving it so much. With one hand he cupped the left cheek and with the other he gently slapped the right, watching it jiggle from the impact. He used both hands to pull apart Joe's ass, making sure the camera could view it. Not only could the camera see Joe's tiny winking hole but it could also see his big hard dick swinging between his legs, glistening with spit and precum while he waited for Tyler to work his magic on his ass.

Tyler didn't disappoint. He held Joe's cheeks apart and buried his face between them, using his lips and tongue immediately as he began to eat out Joe's hole, making the taller boy scream, his arms on the bed the only things stopping him from falling over completely.

Joe's moans filled the room, each one growing higher in pitch, recorded by the camera's microphone as Tyler literally shoved his face into Joe's crack, trying to get as deep as possible, moving his head from side to side, wanting to dig in deeper as he probed Joe's hole.

With Joe panting and moaning almost constantly, Tyler pulled back and turned his body slightly, flicking his tongue out of his mouth, brushing it against Joe's hole in full view of the camera so it could see exactly what he was doing. At the same time he also reached up between Joe's legs and took his big dick in his hand, giving the long shaft a few full strokes from the base to the very tip.

As Joe's precum began to make his fingers wet Tyler got an idea. He pulled his face out of Joe's ass and gripped hold of Joe's cock, collecting as much of the sticky fluid as he could from the tip. He then ran his fingers over Joe's hole, coating the opening in Joe's own juice, before he leaned in to lick it off.

"Oh God! Fuck me, Ty!" Joe screamed after Tyler did that for a third time. "Just fuck me already."

Tyler smiled at how desperate Joe sounded. "Do you like it when I eat your ass?"

"Oh fuck, you know I love it," Joe moaned, still bent over the bed.

"Do you want me to do it some more?" Tyler asked.

"No," Joe squealed.

"But you said you liked it," Tyler continued. "Don't you want my tongue back in your ass?"

"No," Joe growled, twisting his body around so he was looking down at Tyler. "I want your dick in my ass. Now fuck me!"

With a wicked grin Tyler put both of his hands on Joe's ass and pushed him up onto the bed, making him scramble forward on all fours. He then picked the camera up off the floor, put it back onto the desk and climbed onto the bed, turning Joe so they were side on to the camera. When he was sure the angle was right he used his hands to separate Joe's ass cheeks and buried his face between the two mounds.

In the new position it looked like half of Tyler's face was shoved up Joe's ass, his nose completely hidden in the deep valley. While his lips and tongue went to work, digging into Joe's hole, he couldn't see what the camera was recording but later when he watched it back he would think it was one of the hottest sights they had captured.

Joe was on the bed on his hands and knees. He had been almost relaxed when he had first been pushed onto the bed but as soon as he felt Tyler's face between his cheeks once more, the tongue dancing around his hole, his body went stiff and he tossed his head back, his mouth lolling open. His arms were straight and rigid, holding his body up, but they visibly trembled every few seconds as the movements of Tyler's tongue sent shockwaves of pleasure surging through his body. His back arched and he pushed himself backwards, grinding his ass on Tyler's face. Soon the two developed a rhythm where Joe would rock back just as Tyler thrust forward with his tongue, driving the tip into Joe's hole as Joe moaned and squealed, his hands that had once been flat now curling into fists clutching at Tyler's sheets. Then when Tyler stopped, pulling Joe's butt cheeks as far apart as he could get them, exposing Joe's hole completely and diving back in for more, Joe screamed, his arms gave way and he collapsed to the mattress, his eyes wide, his chest heaving, panting for breath as he stuffed the sheet in his hand into his mouth and bit down on it, praying that he didn't cum but enjoying the feelings too much to tell Tyler to stop.

Tyler then pulled his face out of Joe's ass and gave it a solid slap as he jumped off the bed to get the lube from the nightstand. Joe's whole body jumped and his scream was muffled by the sheet, the camera didn't see that his huge dick jolted upwards, spraying out what Joe was happy to see was just a large drop of precum as he tried to push himself back up off the mattress.

"Stay there, baby," Tyler said, placing his hands on Joe's hips.

He ran his hands up and down over Joe's beautiful ass cheeks and slid his finger down into the slick crack, thinking to himself that there might be enough saliva there to just push his dick inside Joe's ass and fuck him raw. That idea was so hot that Tyler left the bottle of lube on the bed where he had dropped it and instead spat onto his fingers, rubbing them together to make sure they were nice and wet.

Gathering saliva in his mouth, Tyler then bent forward and opened his mouth, tipping his head forward slightly so it dripped from his mouth directly into the crack of Joe's ass, aiming for his hole. He placed his fingers just underneath near Joe's balls so he could catch any drop that tried to get away, running his fingers upwards to smear the spit over Joe's still tight hole.

"Fuck your ass is so hot," Tyler moaned as he took his middle finger and gently eased it into Joe's ass.

"Oh fuck!" Joe whimpered, feeling the thick digit penetrate him.

Tyler then pulled out, placed his index finger beside the middle one and put them in his mouth, using his tongue to really get them wet before he moved them down to Joe's ass and pushed back in. Slowly he began to slide the fingers in and out of Joe's ass, the spit coating the entrance. Still feeling the slightest bit of friction, Tyler made sure his fingers were pressed together and he turned them around so they were palm side up. He then dribbled some more saliva onto the fingers and eased them inside Joe's ass, pushing the spit up into Joe's hole, working the fingers around in circles before repeating the process until the movements were almost effortless.

"Oh God, Ty," Joe moaned as Tyler fingered his ass. His fists were still clenched in the sheets even tighter, his back was arched almost painfully and his toes now curled. "Fuck me. Give me that fucking dick already."

Tyler's whole body quivered hearing the desperation in Joe's voice and he knew that the time had come. They had fooled around for long enough.

Sliding his fingers out of Joe's ass, Tyler reached down to spread the spit that was left on his hand up and down the length of his cock. He then let more saliva fall from his mouth, directly onto his dick, stroking it up and down until it was shiny and wet.

With his cock hard and ready, Tyler pushed Joe a little further onto the bed and climbed up behind him, glancing to the side to see that the camera was capturing the moment. The image of Joe on his hands and knees looking back over his shoulder in anticipation at Tyler who was also on his knees but upright, his shiny dick pointing straight at Joe's ass, only eight or nine inches between them, was incredible even on the tiny camera screen.

Keeping his eyes on the display, Tyler shuffled forward, watching as his dick got closer and closer to Joe's ass before it disappeared between his big bubble butt cheeks. Instead of going right for the goal, Tyler slid his dick up the length of Joe's crack, just grazing the hole, which made Joe scream. He then grabbed onto Joe's cheeks and pushed them together around his cock, creating a tight, gripping tunnel that he thrust his cock through.

Finally, Tyler let go of Joe's ass and let his dick fall into the crack, the head resting directly on the twitching hole. He looked down as he took his dick in his hand, ready to push it inside Joe's ass, and then he thought of something else and jumped off the bed.

Even though he wanted to fuck Joe bare and raw Tyler still wanted them both to enjoy it so he quickly grabbed the bottle of lube, popped the cap and poured some onto his dick, making sure the entire shaft was coated. He scooped a towel up from the floor and used it to wipe some of the lube off his fingers. He then reached up and pulled Joe toward him, positioning him right on the edge of the bed, still on his hands and knees, or rather his forearms and knees, his ass now hanging over the edge of the bed, ready to be fucked.

Instead of fucking Joe, Tyler walked to the desk, retrieved the camera again and moved in behind his friend, pointing it at the back of Joe's head before he started moving down. The camera moved down over Joe's body, starting at his broad shoulders, following the line of his spine into the dip of his arched back and on until the two firm mounds of his bubble butt came into the shot, the cheeks parting slightly to give a glimpse of his tight pink hole that was still coated in Tyler's saliva.

Tyler gasped and shivered as he zoomed in on the opening, using his free hand to pull Joe's cheeks apart. It looked beautiful on the little camera screen and even better in person as he glanced up over the top of the camera, leaning in slightly to blow on the delicate skin, causing the hole to twitch and clench as moans escaped Joe's mouth and his toes curled.

Holding the camera still, keeping its focus fixed firmly on Joe's entrance, Tyler raised his long, thick index finger, letting it slowly come into the shot as it approached the deep trench in Joe's ass. He started at the top, pressing his finger against the small of Joe's back before he began to trail it down into the crack, just the tip of the finger brushing lightly against Joe's hole as it passed it and continued on down over his taint and on to his balls.

"Oh fuck!" Joe cried out, his body visibly trembling.

A smile curled Tyler's lips as he pulled the camera back, not zooming out but simply moving his arm to its full extension to best capture the view as he leaned his face in close to Joe's ass and slid his tongue into the crack, his left eye watching the camera while his tongue went to work on Joe's hole.

Joe's moans became whimpers as Tyler continued to eat his ass, forgetting about the camera and where it was pointing for a moment as he buried his face between the cheeks and lost himself in the pleasure of feasting on Joe's most private delicacy.

With a final, audible kiss to Joe's pucker, Tyler stood back up and retrained the camera on Joe's hole, filming it as it pulsed from his latest assault.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Joe?" Tyler asked, speaking louder than normal to make sure the camera would pick up his voice. He wanted that question to be recorded so there was no doubt about what was about to happen.

He quickly panned the camera up over Joe's back until it was zoomed in on his face, looking back over his shoulder, the unmistakable glint of lust in his eyes as he stared directly into the lens.

"Yes," Joe nodded, "Fuck me! Fuck me, Tyler!"

Tyler's moan could be heard as he bit his lip and lowered the camera back down to film Joe's ass. The time for teasing was over. He was ready. Joe was ready. The camera was ready.

Trying to keep his excitement under control, Tyler watched the image that was being captured on film and replayed to him on the little screen, looking on as the head of his hard, shiny, lubricated seven-inch cock approached Joe's hole and kissed it softly. His dick looked huge as it filled the screen, eclipsing Joe's tiny opening, making it seem impossible that the throbbing shaft would ever fit inside.

"Oh..." Joe moaned as Tyler began to press forward, his ass opening almost immediately to accept Tyler's cock, wrapping itself around Tyler's dick as it slowly began to disappear inside.

Tyler tried to hold the camera steady but his body was trembling as he filmed his cock sinking into Joe's hole, watching as more and more of it was enveloped by the gripping sphincter that seemed to squeeze and tighten every time another inch slipped inside.

He had watched the moment of penetration almost every time they had been together, always amazed that Joe was actually letting him put his cock inside his body, but seeing it captured on the little camera screen and being able to zoom in on the exact spot where their bodies come together was something else. Everything was magnified and up close. The little wrinkles around Joe's hole as it stretched around the girth of Tyler's shaft, the shape morphing and moulding to the contours of his cock. The vein on Tyler's dick that slowly seemed to snake its way inside until it vanished only to reappear again as he began to pull back. The way the hole gripped to Tyler's shaft, pushed inwards as Tyler's cock sank through it back into Joe's body and then dragged out, visibly clinging to the shaft, not wanting to let it go as Tyler withdrew again.

As amazed as Tyler was by the sight of those things, Joe actually felt them. He had closed his eyes when the tip of Tyler's cock brushed against his hole but they shot open as he was slowly forced open by the head, stretching to accommodate the invader as it began to push inside. Those eyes then rolled back up into his head as Tyler's cock began to move deeper into him, pushing against the walls of his ass, forcing them outward, filling him up at the same time that he felt his hole clamp down on Tyler's cock. That sensation was intense, feeling himself tighten and loosen at the same time, his insides rearranging themselves to allow Tyler to fit inside him even though his sphincter fought to keep him out.

Joe found it incredible that no matter how many times they had sex he always seemed to tighten back up afterwards and Tyler had to stretch him back open to get inside. Feeling the warm shaft of Tyler's cock fill him, the soft and spongy head push against his chute, grazing the nerve endings along the way until it was lodged deep, pushing that button that only Tyler's cock seemed to be able to reach made Joe feel a kind of contentment he had never found anywhere else except for when Tyler was inside him.

"Fuck me!" Joe moaned as he felt the ridge around the head of Tyler's cock scrape against the walls of his ass on the way out, tugging on his hole trying to escape only to be pushed back inside.

After a few thrusts when Tyler felt that Joe's hole had opened enough he picked up the pace, pumping his hips back and forth, driving his cock in and then pulling back. He did that over and over again until they were both moaning.

Tyler's next move was to plunge his dick in as deep as it could possibly go inside of Joe and grind his hips into Joe's ass, moving in circles, rubbing his dick against Joe's spot. When he saw Joe's toes curl again and felt the hole squeeze down on him he focused the camera in and withdrew completely, watching his dick reappear, a popping sound ringing out as his cock slipped free from Joe's ass.

"HOLY FUCK!" Tyler screamed, looking down.

His cock throbbed, the head almost a deep purple as he felt his heart beat through it, but that wasn't what caused the outburst. He was staring past his cock, looking down at Joe's hole, which was still open, gaping almost, twitching, trying to close but unable to after being spread by the girth of Tyler's dick. It looked stunning, like it was calling out to him, wanting him back inside it.

Not one to deny a hole what it needs, Tyler drove his cock straight back into Joe's ass in one deep thrust. Joe screamed out, his eyes bulging in his head, the breath driven out of him as Tyler's cock was driven in. He collapsed to the bed but Tyler didn't stop as he withdrew completely again, slapped his cock against Joe's ass cheek and then plunged back in.

"Oh fuck, Ty!" Joe screamed. "Fuck!"

"You like that?" Tyler asked.

"Oh Jesus..." Joe mumbled. "I can't... I don't... Oh shit, just fuck me."

Tyler grinned and shoved back in, grabbing on to Joe's hip with his free hand to give him better leverage as he began to fuck Joe harder than he had so far, using hard, quick thrusts, barely reaching bottom before he withdrew to the head and thrust back in, picking up speed until he was hammering Joe's ass, their skin slapping together.

The feelings coursing through Tyler's body weren't just physical. With Alex a fuck had been just that, it was about the pleasure they could create in each other's bodies and nothing more. With Joe it was different. There was a connection beyond attraction and Tyler felt a warmth inside him that wasn't created by what his dick was doing. He bent down to kiss Joe's shoulder and neck, slowing down his thrusts and tossing the camera down onto the bed, not caring that it was still recording as he wrapped his arms around Joe and they turned their heads to kiss each other; Joe too feeling something he didn't want to admit to.

Even though the camera was facing the headboard, filming nothing but the polished wood, the microphone was still working, capturing the sounds of Tyler and Joe's lips as they smacked together, their tongues battling, moaning into each other's mouths as Tyler continued to gently thrust into Joe's ass.

It wasn't until Tyler remembered about the camera that he pulled away from Joe, pushing himself up off of Joe's back so he was kneeling behind him again, his dick never slipping from Joe's ass as he continued to thrust into him. He picked the camera up and resumed filming, starting at Joe's shoulders again, moving down until it was focused on Joe's muscular bubble butt, the firm round cheeks parting in the middle where his cock sliced through them, jiggling slightly every time his hips slammed against them.

"Oh... Oh... Oh..." Joe moaned as Tyler continued to pound into him, the sounds coming every time Tyler bottomed out in his ass.

Tyler wished he had a third hand so he could continue to hold the camera at the same time as he held on to Joe's hips for extra leverage, wanting to fuck Joe hard and fast. Instead he settled for filming the scene as he crossed his arm over his body to Joe's opposite hip and gripped on as he pushed forward, driving his dick into Joe's ass.

Joe's moans quickly became whimpers as Tyler hammered his ass, drilling his cock in, pulling Joe's body back against his so their skin was slapping against each other again. Joe also seemed to realize that Tyler wanted to go harder but couldn't while he held the camera so he decided to help him out and started to push backwards, shoving his ass onto Tyler's cock, plunging it deeper than Tyler would have gone by himself.

"How are you still so tight?" Tyler moaned, feeling Joe hump back against him. "Your ass feels so good."

Joe smiled and answered Tyler by squeezing his ass so it got even tighter around Tyler's cock. The big jock almost fell over and dropped the camera when he felt the ass clamp down on his dick, milking the precum out of him.

As the sensations caused Tyler's rhythm to falter Joe picked up the pace, rocking back and forth, continuing to fuck himself on Tyler's cock even as Tyler slowed to a stop. Tyler then stood still, pointing the camera down to film as Joe thrust his ass back, shoving it onto his dick and then sliding back off as he rocked forward, the hard, stiff shaft of Tyler's cock visible as it withdrew before being quickly swallowed back up.

"Oh fuck!" Tyler gasped, having to quickly step back, ripping his dick out of Joe's ass so he didn't cum.

Joe's whole body recoiled at the sudden feeling of the dick being pulled out of him so rapidly and he fell to the mattress, his chest against the bed, his ass still in the air.

Tyler's cock was jumping and pulsing, waving around in front of him, getting ready to shoot its load. He knew if he so much as touched it that it would go off.

He grabbed the camera, squatted down and zoomed back in on Joe's fully open hole. It was still gaping, even wider than before, and it looked like it had given up the fight to try to close again, expecting Tyler's dick to slide back inside and fill the void that it had left after Joe's insides had rearranged to accept it.

Tyler bit his lip and slowly moved his finger toward the hole, fighting to keep the camera still. He held the finger just in front of Joe's open ass and then slowly eased it forward, staring wide-eyed as he managed to put his finger into Joe's ass without actually touching the pucker or the walls on any side. He had opened Joe up that much.

"Fuck!" Tyler groaned. He was so turned on that he didn't care if he came because he was sure he would stay hard so he could fuck another load into Joe's ass.

He stood up, put the camera on the desk and shoved Joe up onto the bed, immediately climbing up behind him and shoving his dick into Joe's hole. Both of them screamed as he sank back into Joe's depths in a single smooth movement and then went straight to work fucking his ass, gripping his hips and thrusting forward with all the power that he had, ploughing Joe's ass with his cock.

Once again they quickly found a rhythm so that Joe was pushing back at the same time as Tyler pulled on his hips, gaining the maximum amount of momentum they could gather as their hips slapped together and Tyler began to hammer away at Joe's ass, fucking his brains out as they both screamed; Tyler dug his fingers into Joe's side, his nails biting into the skin, while Joe clawed at the sheets and the bed, trying to find something to grab onto so he didn't float away.

It was only when Tyler heard Joe audibly wince and gasp that he looked down and realized that his nails were sinking into Joe's skin, leaving marks that would surely be there for a while after they stopped fucking. He was just glad he hadn't drawn blood. He pulled away and gently rubbed the marks he had left behind, caressing Joe's smooth skin as he continued to fuck him.

Joe was almost purring from the feelings in his body and the soft touch of Tyler's strong hands roaming around it, moving from his hips, over his ass, up his back to his shoulders and back down again.

Tyler then bent down to kiss Joe again, wanting their whole bodies to touch as he pressed the front of his legs against the back of Joe's, rubbed his stomach and chest against Joe's back and let his face fall into the space between Joe's shoulder and neck, kissing whatever skin his lips could find.

They were both covered in sweat so their bodies slid together as they fucked. Tyler still pumped his cock into Joe, even though he was holding him close and had less room to move. He licked some of the sweat off Joe's shoulders and swallowed it down, loving the taste and muffling his moans by biting Joe softly on his impressive traps.

Tyler then remembered what was probably his favourite position and one he definitely wanted to see on film. He ran his hands around the front of Joe's body, feeling his hard pecs and abs, moving down until he took Joe's leaking cock into his hand, stroking it a few times to make sure it was at full mast. When he was satisfied he wrapped one arm around Joe's chest and used the other to push himself up, lifting Joe with him until they were both on their knees, sitting back on the bed, Joe impaled fully on his cock.

Holding Joe close, Tyler gently thrust upwards, pushing in as deep as he could, before letting his ass fall down until it touched his calves, drawing his dick out of Joe's ass, only to be pushed back in again while he caressed Joe's body, taking the time to feel every one of the muscles that he could get his hands on; spending times on his pecs and abs, but also reaching down to stroke Joe's thighs, running his fingers up and down the quadriceps, getting closer and closer to Joe's balls until finally he took them in his hand and pulled on them, which in turn jerked Joe's big dick downwards, only for it to spring back up and slap against his stomach when Tyler let go.

Tyler wrapped his hand around the base of Joe's cock, using the grip to hold on as he humped Joe's ass harder, pulling him back onto his dick. He then began to move his hand, stroking up and down the length of Joe's big cock, taking just a few strokes to find the rhythm to match the thrusts he was making into Joe's ass, sliding his hand to the bottom of Joe's shaft just as he thrust all the way in and then stroking upwards as he pulled out.

Joe threw his head back against Tyler's shoulder and reached his arm up until his hand was on the back of Tyler's head, holding it against his neck as Tyler kissed it and then turning his head so their lips met as they continued to fuck.

"Oh fuck..." Joe moaned, grabbing Tyler's hair in his fist. "I want to ride you."

"Aw fuck yeah," Tyler grinned, shoving hard into Joe one last time before he pulled out completely.

Joe whimpered as the cock left him but quickly spun around, surprising Tyler as he hooked his arms under Tyler's, wrapped them around Tyler's big body, and flipped him over onto the mattress on his back.

Tyler stared up at Joe, having never felt him take such an active and aggressive role in their sex, literally overpowering him and manipulating him into the position he wanted him in, which was right on the edge of the bed with his legs over the edge, his feet almost touching the floor.

"Damn, Joe..." Tyler gasped.

"Shut the fuck up," Joe demanded. His eyes burned with lust.

Tyler didn't know whether to be scared or turned on. He didn't have time to dwell on it though because Joe looked at the camera to see that they were in the right place for what he saw in his mind and then he climbed up onto the bed, straddled Tyler's waist and hovered above Tyler's hard cock.

The camera captured everything; from Tyler's thick thighs to his pulsing seven inch cock standing up away from his body, from Joe's firm ass cheeks, round and poised, parting in the middle where the well-fucked hole was visible and glistening with lube, precum and spit to the look on Tyler's face, on screen for just a moment between Joe's legs, staring up in wonder, mouth wide open, eyes begging Joe for more.

Joe reached down between his legs, took Tyler's cock in his hand and lined it up with his hole. Painfully slowly he eased his way down onto the stiff shaft, letting it re-enter him, wanting the camera to record every inch of that cock as it disappeared inside him until he was sitting on Tyler's pelvis.

Instead of lifting up straight away, Joe ground his hips against Tyler's, moving in circles, the cock brushing against different spots inside him, sending tingles all through the legs that he then used to rise up, the cock gently sliding back out of him until just the tip remained and he sank back down, filling himself again.

Tyler and Joe's eyes connected and they stared at each other as Joe began to ride Tyler's cock, bouncing up and down, plunging himself down on it, both of them knowing that they couldn't see what was being filmed on the camera but that the feelings in their cock and ass respectively was more than worth it.

"I want to try something else," Tyler said. Joe moved to pull off Tyler's cock but Tyler grabbed onto him before he could and shook his head. "No, don't pull off, just turn around."

Joe looked down at Tyler with questioning eyes but he did as Tyler said, carefully spinning his body around, pivoting on Tyler's cock which whirled around inside his ass, brushing against all kinds of nerve endings he didn't even know he had, his eyes rolled back in his head again, only this time he feared he would faint.

With his back now facing Tyler, Joe could see the image on the little camera screen, watching his dick jump at the sight of himself fully sheathed on Tyler's cock. He moved to ride Tyler again but Tyler stopped him and eased him upward, somehow keeping his dick inside Joe's ass as he pushed Joe up until he was supporting himself on his hands and feet, in a crab position, instead of being on his knees.

The new position was incredible. Joe could see what was being filmed and he was amazed by how hot he looked. His biceps looked huge, holding up his body weight as he held himself suspended above Tyler. His thighs looked powerful as they did the same thing. His pecs rose with every breath he took, appearing to grow bigger. His abs were rock hard, tensing as he exhaled. His big eight inch cock stood up proudly from his body, pointing to the heavens. And between his legs the two firm, round cheeks of his ass could be seen, curving in toward each other in perfect symmetry until they met at a deep v-shaped crater that was filled by Tyler's cock.

He continued to watch in awe as he eased himself up and down, the first few strokes almost overwhelming him as Tyler's dick attacked yet more places inside his ass, going in from a completely different angle. His legs quivered.

Tyler planted his feet on the floor, unaware of what Joe was seeing or what the camera was recording, merely losing himself in the feelings caused by Joe's ass on his cock. He planted his feet to give him some leverage and pushed his hips up, driving his cock into Joe's ass, pulling back immediately and plunging back in, fucking up into Joe's ass hard enough to almost lift Joe off his feet.

The image on screen showed the shaft of Tyler's cock emerge from between Joe's ass cheeks, looking so long as it withdrew, only to be pushed back inside, somehow disappearing up into that body.

Joe moaned almost constantly as Tyler humped up into him. His cock was waving around, slapping against his abs, mixing his precum with the sweat that was dripping down his chest. He wanted so desperately to reach for his dick and stroke himself to a roaring climax but he knew he needed both hands for support or he would just collapse.

Mercifully, Tyler was also close and quickly dropped to the bed, pulling his cock out of Joe completely. When Joe fell down against his chest, Tyler caught him and held him close. Joe then spun around, grinding his crotch against Tyler's as they kissed.

Not wanting them to cum that way, Tyler rolled them both over, until they were side on to the camera, and then he pushed Joe's legs apart and sank his cock back inside Joe's ass as he stared into Joe's eyes.

"Oh fuck me," Joe moaned as Tyler penetrated him and immediately began pounding away.

Joe wrapped his arms and legs around Tyler's body, clinging to Tyler's muscular frame as they moved together with the fuck. He wanted to push back but he was so very nearly exhausted that he just let Tyler hammer away at his ass, feeling ecstasy as the head of Tyler's cock pummelled his prostate.

Just when he thought Tyler was going to cum by the way his body tensed, Joe was surprised when Tyler pulled out and jumped off the bed to once again get the camera. When he came back he didn't waste time however, pointing the camera down between Joe's legs as he shoved his cock back up Joe's ass and resumed the fuck.

"FUCK!" Joe screamed, his back arching with the sudden penetration.

"I'm gonna fuck the cum out of you and I want to film the moment you explode," Tyler growled.

"Yes!" Joe screamed again. "Fuck the cum out of me. God, your dick feels so good inside me."

Tyler could feel his orgasm rapidly approaching but he wanted to capture what was happening at that very moment with the camera so that he could show Joe what he saw and why he loved fucking him so much. The muscles all over Joe's body popped and tensed and twitched as Tyler thrust inside him. His long legs were spread wide, almost creating an arrow that guided the camera to the point where Tyler's cock breached his body, which itself was directly below his big balls and the long shaft of his cock that throbbed against his abs, leaking a constant stream of precum to coat the muscles. The sweat on his chest glistened, making the few hairs there stick to his skin. There was even sweat on his neck and across the forehead of his beautiful face, the lips forming a smile as he stared up at Tyler, waiting for the moment one of them would finally reach the point of no return.

Still not quite ready to cum, Tyler reached down and wrapped his fingers around Joe's cock, stroking him up and down slowly. The reaction in Joe's body as his cock was worked over was incredible. His eyes fluttered, his jaw clenched, his teeth bit into his bottom lip, his back ached, tremors passing through him, and his moans became high-pitched whimpers.

Almost delirious from the pleasure surging through his body, Joe's eyes glazed over and he stopped seeing Tyler as his best friend, instead seeing him as a gorgeous muscular hunk who himself was covered in sweat, his big pecs bulging, his abs flexing with every thrust he made, the absolute image of masculinity so that Joe knew he was being fucked by a man. It was so hot.

He pushed Tyler's hand away from his cock and reached up to run his hands over Tyler's body, lifting his head so that he could glance down over his own heaving torso to the point where their two bodies joined.

Joe snatched the camera out of Tyler's hand and turned it around, filming Tyler now, who loomed on top of him, filling the screen.

The first thing the camera saw was Tyler's handsome yet still strangely cute face, the pleasure he was feeling written all over it. It then followed a bead of sweat that ran down Tyler's slightly hairy chest, the dark shade of the hair contracting with the lighter yet still tanned skin. From there it travelled down his abs, following the trail beneath his belly button until the image being recorded was that of Tyler's hips slamming into Joe's ass as he bottomed out, their coupling complete.

For the next sixty seconds Joe continued to film, letting the camera rest on his chest as he watched through the little screen. Every muscle on Tyler's body was working to deliver the best fuck possible; the arms that were now on either side of Joe's body looked enormous up close, his abs seemed to grow even larger as he hunkered over Joe to really drive his cock deep. Then there was Joe's own cock, trapped between his belly and Tyler's, their sweat acting like lube as it rubbed against their abs.

"Oh shit! I'm gonna cum!" Joe screamed, throwing his head back.

Tyler grabbed the camera just in time, turning it to capture the moment when Joe's back arched and his dick exploded with the biggest load of cum he had shot to that point. The first blast hit Joe right under the chin, the second landed on his neck and a third and fourth on his chest. The next two shots filled his belly button and a final drop slowly leaked out of the tip.

What the camera didn't see was that while Joe was spraying his load across his body, painting the tanned skin with his white spunk, his ass tightened around Tyler's dick to set off a chain reaction, ripping the load out of Tyler's balls so it rushed up his shaft and fired out into Joe's ass, coating his insides. The orgasm was so intense that Tyler couldn't speak, he just pushed as deep inside Joe as he could and let go.

Suddenly the camera fell to the bed as Tyler collapsed on top of Joe. It still managed to record a shot of their faces coming together in their post-orgasmic bliss, their lips meeting in a tender kiss, their eyes closed.

After a few moments Tyler pulled back and looked into Joe's eyes with a smile. "Fuck that was incredible."

"The best yet," Joe smiled back.

Tyler pecked at Joe's lips again and then slowly pushed himself up off of Joe's body, his still semi-hard cock inside Joe. Wanting to record the moment of extraction, Tyler picked the camera back up and aimed it down to the place where he was still fully embedded in Joe's. The camera captured every inch of Tyler's cock as it was gently pulled out of the hole, the shaft glistening from the load he had just shot inside it.

Finally Tyler dropped to his knees and zoomed in on Joe's thoroughly fucked hole. It was wide open and visibly pulsed as his cum leaked out of it.

The video faded to black.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 49: Tyler 19

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