
By Big D

Published on Mar 20, 2018


DISCLAIMER: This story will include scenes involving sex between young men and adult language. If you do not like or are offended by such things or are under age wherever you are reading this then please leave now.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission.

This is pure fiction. No one in this story is a real person, living or deceased, and any resemblance as such is purely coincidental.

Characters in this story may partake in bareback sex, please remember that this is fiction and in the real world precautions should be taken to ensure everyone's safety. Please use protection.

If you want to contact the author with any comments please do so at: storiesbybigd@hotmail.co.uk

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** This chapter contains scenes of straight sex in the second half after the marker "MEANWHILE". Anyone who doesn't like such acts can choose not to read this chapter after that point. **

Tyler – Part 13

Tyler was still sitting on the bench when the rest of the class came into the locker room. He had heard the water turn on as Joe began to shower and had thought about joining him straight away, taking the opportunity for the two of them to be alone under the hot spray for a few moments while the rest of the boys stripped off and gathered their things.

He wanted to see Joe naked, to see his body as the water cascaded down his tight muscles, to see him rubbing soap all over himself, but it wasn't just Joe's reaction he was unsure of if he headed into that shower alone with him, he didn't know how his own body would respond. What if he got hard? What if he couldn't control himself and had to have Joe right there whether everyone saw them or not, pushing him up against the tiles, lifting him up and sinking him down onto his cock to fuck him again?

Okay, he knew he wouldn't actually do that, not in a locker room full of people, but it was the image that he saw in his mind when he thought about joining Joe. He wanted him too much to keep his dick in check and, while he had nothing to be ashamed of, getting hard in the showers with a bunch of guys was something he wouldn't live down easily. It was better to hang back.

Tyler stripped off and wrapped his towel around his waist as Toby entered and quickly did the same.

"I thought you'd have been showered and gone by now?" Toby said, looking over his shoulder at Tyler.

Unsure of what to say, Tyler simply laughed and said the first thing that came to mind, "I thought so too, but Joe and I got talking about this hot girl we met last week and he needed some time alone in the shower, if you know what I mean..."

"Oh dude, that's nasty," Toby laughed. "Is he still in there?"

"As far as I know," Tyler replied.

"I hope to God he's finished, that's the last damn thing I want to see," Toby smiled as he started walking toward the showers with Tyler following close behind.

Just as they made it to the wall that separated the showers from the locker room, Joe emerged with his towel wrapped around his slim waist. His whole body was flushed from the heat of the water.

Toby stopped and looked Joe in the eyes. "Shit man, I didn't think Tyler was really telling the truth but it's written all over your face. I hope you enjoyed it, but if I step in any of your cum I'm gonna come back out here and make you lick it off my feet."

Toby laughed and walked past Joe into the showers. Joe turned to Tyler with a look that was a mixture of both confusion and anger.

"What the fuck was that about?" Joe seethed. "What did you fucking tell him?"

Tyler held his hands up as he leaned in to whisper, "Relax, I never said anything about us. He asked why I hadn't showered yet and I just said you needed some time alone in there."

"Why the hell did you say that?" Joe growled.

"Because it was better than the truth," Tyler countered. "I'm sorry, okay? It was the first thing I thought of."

"Whatever..." Joe snorted, turning away from Tyler to walk back into the locker room to get dried and changed.

Tyler's eyes followed Joe for a moment but his body went in the opposite direction, stepping into the showers so he could wash the sweat off his skin and out of his hair.

When he was done, Tyler headed back out into the locker room to see that Joe was fully dressed and ready to go home. He quickly stepped up to him and put his hand on Joe's arm.

"Don't leave," Tyler pleaded in a quiet voice. "We still need to talk."

"About what?" Joe asked, pulling his arm away from Tyler. "You said everything you needed to."

"I just want us to go back to normal," Tyler sighed.

"No, you want us to go back to bed," Joe whispered, emphasising the last word.

Before Tyler could reply, Toby emerged from the shower and walked over to his locker on the other side of the aisle. Kyle quickly followed him, even though Tyler hadn't seen him in the shower and wondered where he had been. They pulled open their lockers and took out their clothes, neither caring to cover up as they started to dry themselves with their towels.

"I'm gonna head out, guys," Joe announced. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Kyle asked.

"I told my mom I'd get her some things from the store on my way home," Joe lied.

"Aww, such a good boy," Kyle laughed.

"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what he did before we got here," Toby grinned.

"Why? What did he do?" Kyle asked.

Joe went bright red even though he hadn't done anything. He looked away but that only made Toby laugh harder.

"Fuck you!" Joe smiled. "I'm going now."

Joe turned to head out of the locker room, but Tyler stopped him momentarily, this time with his words.

"Hold on, I'll come with you," Tyler said.

He threw down his towel and quickly pulled on a pair of grey sweatpants, not bothering to put his underwear on underneath. He slipped his bare feet into his sneakers, tossed his socks into his bag alongside his boxers, and pulled on a red t-shirt that fit like a second skin, clinging to each of the muscles in his upper body. He grabbed his bag, stuffed the rest of his things inside and all but chased after Joe as he headed out of the door.

"What do you want now?" Joe asked as Tyler caught up to him half way down the corridor.

"My parents are going to be out all night," Tyler said after a brief hesitation. "Like all night. So... if you want to come over later it would just be the two of us."

Joe stopped walking and turned his head so his eyes met Tyler's. They held each other's gaze just long enough for Joe to fully take in all of the implications of that invitation. He swallowed hard and tried to speak but no words came out of his mouth. Instead he just shook his head and turned his back on Tyler, walking away.

Tyler called out to him but Joe didn't reply, he didn't stop or look back over his shoulder he just kept walking until he was out of sight, heading straight out into the parking lot and into his car. Tyler didn't know if he had made a mistake with his proposition but he was more focused on the fact that Joe hadn't said no. He hadn't refused the invitation. Did that mean there was a chance he might show up?

Clinging on to that hope, Tyler made his way home and found a note from his mother on the kitchen counter explaining that she and his father had left earlier than planned but that she had made dinner for him and had left it in the refrigerator. He sighed with relief, knowing he had the freedom to get things ready for Joe coming over without having to answer twenty questions.

He opened the refrigerator and saw a freshly made chicken pot pie, one of his favourite dishes when his mom made it, but, instead of looking forward to eating it, all he could think about was that Joe would prefer something else. He wanted the night to be perfect. He wanted to make Joe feel comfortable so he would relax and be more open to his feelings. The pot pie would taste just as good the next day so Tyler left it where it was.

Closing the refrigerator door he headed over to the pantry cupboard where his mom kept most of her ingredients and cook books. He found the recipe for Joe's favourite dish, macaroni cheese with little smoked bacon bits cut up into it, a breadcrumb crust and fresh tomatoes on top. He knew it was the right recipe because his mother had folded the corner of the page and had put a little post-it note sticking out of the top with `Joe's favorite' written on it alongside a smiley face.

He went around the kitchen collecting the ingredients, happy that he had everything he needed so he didn't have to go to the grocery store. He was also pleased that it seemed simple enough to make. Cooking was one of the few things he felt like he had yet to master, something he would have to tackle over summer when he had some free time.

For the next twenty minutes he followed the instructions and put the meal together, feeling a great sense of pride and satisfaction when it was finished and sitting in the pot in front of him looking delicious. He checked his watch for the time and put the dish into oven, making a note to himself of how long it should take to cook.

With the first job done, Tyler headed toward the bathroom, pulling his clothes off as he went and dropping them into the hamper as he entered the room. He went straight to the shower and turned it on, wanting the water to be nice and hot so he could truly get clean. He had showered after gym class but that was just quick and he couldn't really be thorough with all the other guys there. For Joe, he wanted to be as clean as he could possibly get, especially if they did have sex.

He stepped under the hot water and jumped at the sudden heat, thinking he might have to step back out, but his body quickly adjusted and he actually found himself relaxing as the warmth eased an ache in his shoulders he didn't even know he had.

After a few minutes of just enjoying the spray, with the water cascading down his back, Tyler dipped his head under it to wet his hair and picked up the shampoo. With his hair washed he focused on his upper body, wanting to wash away any residual sweat that still lingered. While he liked the smell of a man and found it to be a turn on, he wasn't sure Joe would feel the same, so he washed his armpits carefully, running his fingers through the hairs. He then moved on to his chest, spreading soap all over his pecs, making sure he got into the trench between them and down and round the undersides. He brushed over his nipples, each one becoming hard in an instant, and then he slid his hands down to his abs, caressing each one before he slowly dipped his finger into his belly button and moaned at the shockwave that shot through his body.

Finally he got to what could make the real difference. Pouring liquid soap onto his hands and lathering them up, he reached down and wrapped them around his hard cock, stroking the soap up and down the throbbing seven inch shaft. It felt so good, but that wasn't the purpose of the shower so he tried to ignore the little tremors that passed through him and instead focused on cleaning every inch of his throbbing dick, sliding down to the base, coming all the way back up and carefully circling the head, his thumb brushing over his slit as it added precum to the soap.

Before he started stroking himself to a climax he let his dick go and poured more soap into his hands. He then reached down past his cock to his balls, rolling them around in his hands. He slid his fingers around, making sure to get them really clean, and then he wrapped his hand around them and tugged downwards, pulling his cock with them. When he let go his dick sprang up and slapped against his abs causing his whole body to tremble.

Taking the shower head off the wall, Tyler made sure every sud of soap had been rinsed from his body before he returned it to its holder. He was about to turn the shower off when he remembered his offer to Joe and realized that if Joe did show up he might be expecting Tyler to be the one on the bottom.

A different kind of shudder passed through Tyler's body as he thought about getting fucked for the first time. He hadn't even thought about that until now, that he might lose his cherry instead of getting to fuck Joe again. But instead of the idea terrifying him or filling him with fear it actually excited him.

He poured more soap into his hand and reached back, slipping his finger into the crack of his muscular ass. When the slick tip brushed against his hole he felt a jolt that tightened his stomach and his ass cheeks and made him reach out to steady himself against the wall so he didn't fall over. He was suddenly panting for breath and he could feel his hole twitching and puckering.

"Oh God..." Tyler moaned.

He had touched his ass before, had even pushed a finger inside and tried to find the button that had driven Alex and Joe wild, but there was something different now. He wasn't just playing with the idea that one day he might bottom for someone, no, now there was a real possibility that within the next few hours there would be a cock where that finger was, that Joe would be pushing his dick inside him, opening him up to fuck him.

With one hand pressed firmly against the wall, he reached back and slid his finger over his hole again, throwing his head back and moaning as his eyes rolled up and his tongue lolled out. Back and forth he brushed the finger, circling the opening and then pushing gently, almost breaking through, feeling the tight ring snap around his fingertip, imagining it was the head of Joe's cock kissing his hole, asking for entry.

Tyler's chest was heaving and his head felt like it was in a spin. Was this what Joe had felt in that motel room when Tyler had been playing with his ass? Had his breath been taken away? Had his body been overcome with sensations he didn't know he could experience and could never have prepared for?

Knowing that he would cum if he kept playing with his ass, Tyler cleaned himself as best he could, trying to ignore his cock, which was throbbing so hard he thought it might shoot off at any moment even though he wasn't touching it, and turned the water off. He grabbed a towel and carefully dried himself. His dick was still hard so he dabbed gently at it with the towel and tried to think of other things but it just wouldn't go down.

He walked through the house naked, letting the air dry the droplets of water that still clung to his skin. He loved the feeling of being free and thought about staying that way until Joe arrived, and hopefully long afterwards, but as he headed toward the kitchen to check on the food he glanced down at his erection and thought better of it. He didn't want an accident to ruin his night.

After quickly pulling on a pair of shorts, using the waistband to hold his dick against his body so it wasn't flopping around, the head and top two inches still rising above the material, Tyler went back to the kitchen and checked on the food. It was ready to eat and looked so good he was tempted to eat his portion now, but he wanted to wait for Joe so they could eat it together. He turned the oven off, leaving the food inside, which he had seen his mother do on occasion, saying it was easier to reheat it that way when they wanted some, and headed back to his bedroom to get ready for Joe.

As he entered his room he realized that he was suddenly feeling nervous. He wanted the night to go perfectly so that any doubts Joe might have about them getting together again would be erased when it was so easy and felt so natural for them to extend their friendship into the bedroom. He needed to make it perfect. One wrong move could ruin everything. It was a lot of pressure.

Tyler used the breathing exercises Coach had taught him to keep his body and emotions under control. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, holding the air in momentarily before letting it out in a long exhale. He could do this.

The first thing he needed to do was to pick out some nice clothes. They weren't going anywhere so they didn't have to be fancy, it wasn't the prom, but he still wanted to look good. As much as he would have liked to have stayed dressed in nothing but the shorts so he could be ready quickly if Joe did want to have sex again, he also wanted Joe to see that they hadn't changed, that their friendship hadn't changed just because of what had happened between them. He had to dress normally but in a way that showed off his body. He wanted to draw Joe's eyes to him without scaring him off by being too forward.

He pulled open the door to his closet and started looking through his clothes, trying to decide what to wear. He was just about to pick out a pair of pants when he realized he wasn't wearing any underwear. He dropped his shorts to the floor, kicked them into the bottom of the closet and walked over to his chest of drawers, pulling open the middle one that contained an array of different briefs, boxers, boxer-briefs and jockstraps.

Reaching into the drawer, Tyler pulled out his favourite jockstrap, one that he didn't wear for practice because it had been a gift from Alex and wasn't really appropriate in the locker room. The straps framed his muscular ass and put it on full display, but it was the pouch that was the most revealing, being made from mesh instead of solid fabric so his whole package was visible before he ever took it off. He contemplated wearing that for a moment and then put it back into the drawer, tucking it down beneath his regular jockstraps. He wanted to look sexy but he also wanted to look normal and that jock wasn't really something you wore with other clothes on top.

Instead, Tyler settled for a red pair of Calvin Klein boxer-briefs with a black waistband that were perhaps a size too small, but he thought that only made them look better on his muscular frame. The fabric stretched around his big thighs, clung to his ass cheeks so tight they showed the line of his crack and cupped his dick in a way that made it look even bigger than his seven inches, letting anyone who looked know that he was cut.

After admiring himself in the mirror and snapping a quick photo with his phone, possibly for social media, possibly just to send someone later to show them what they were missing, he picked out a pair of blue denim jeans that weren't actually skinny jeans but on his muscular legs wrapped around his big calves and thick thighs like they had been painted on. They also showed off his big bubble butt, the material pulled tight across the globes of his ass and cut low enough that the waistband of his boxers was still visible.

He paired that with a plain white t-shirt with a round-necked collar that wasn't a muscle shirt but that still clung to every muscle in his upper body, bulging in the sleeves with his big biceps and hugging his pecs, showing their size and definition without actually being skin-tight. He looked at himself in the full-length mirror again, seeing his nipples just pointing out through the material, and decided to add a light grey casual shirt on top of it that he left unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled part way up his muscular forearms.

When he was happy, taking another photo for his own records, he snapped his watch back onto his wrist and slipped his feet into a pair of socks and white sneakers. As he bent down to tie the laces he felt some of his hair fall across his forehead and despite it looking fine he still wanted everything to be perfect so he grabbed a brush and his styling gel and headed over to the mirror for a closer look. He ran the brush through his hair and then scooped out some of the gel onto his fingers, rubbing it across both hands before he slid the fingers into his hair, pushing it up away from his face without really styling it. He wanted it to look good without seeming too groomed.

Smiling to himself with a slight nod of his head, Tyler stepped back from the mirror and turned to look at the rest of the room. There were things on the floor and out of place where they shouldn't be. He picked up the few clothes that were scattered around and took them to the hamper in the bathroom. He then gathered the books and the game and dvd cases and slipped them back into their slots on his shelf. Finally he saw that his bed wasn't made, his sheets had just been tossed back so he could get out from beneath them that morning. Part of him didn't see the point in remaking it since he would just throw the sheets aside before him and Joe had sex again, but he still wanted it to look good so he made the bed anyway.

Lastly, before heading back out of the door, Tyler reached into his bedside drawers and pulled out a small towel and his bottle of lube, placing them on top next to his lamp. He was hoping he would need them later and didn't want to be fooling around trying to find them during the heat of passion.

Going downstairs into the living room, Tyler opened the drawer in the TV cabinet and found two of Joe's favourite DVDs, placing them on top of the player so they could watch them together when he arrived. He went into the kitchen to get two glasses and placed them on the coffee table beside a bottle of chilled water. They could get alcohol from his parents' cabinet if they needed to but Tyler hoped Joe would stay sober and would give himself willingly with no excuses.

With everything ready and nothing left for Tyler to do but wait for Joe he sat down on the sofa and let his head fall back against the cushions, closing his eyes to think about how the rest of the night was going to play out. When he started to feel himself getting hard he quickly got to his feet, needing to do something to distract himself

He walked to the bay window and looked out through the glass over his freshly cut lawn toward the street. His car was parked on the drive but there was enough room for another car to pull in behind it. He watched that empty space for the next five minutes praying that Joe's car would pull into it. When it didn't, he decided to check his phone to see if he had received any messages. When he couldn't find it he headed upstairs to the last place he remembered using it and found it on top of his desk.

Using his finger to light up the screen, Tyler saw that he had one message so he quickly entered his password to unlock the phone and opened his messages, feeling the anticipation building as he waited to read Joe's words, only for his whole body to feel like it had deflated when the message that appeared was from his service provider offering him a deal he wasn't interested in. He wanted to throw the phone out of the window in frustration but instead he pulled up Joe's conversation history and debated whether or not he should send him a message before deciding not to. He put his phone on the desk and turned it over so it was face down.

His attention turned to the view out of the window and he realized he could see more of the street than he had been able to from the downstairs window. He could see far past the lawn to the path that ran in front of the house and out into the road as cars drove by. Every time he saw a car the same factory colour as Joe's he took a deep breath, waiting for it to turn into his driveway, but each time the car continued on and he felt a tiny bit of the hope he still held inside slipping away.

People were passing by on foot too and his eyes quickly shot to each one, thinking that maybe Joe would walk over, needing the extra time to think things through. Most of the passers-by were older people, likely on their way home from work, making Tyler realize how much time had passed since he had finished school and arrived home. He continued to watch as more and more people went by but none of them were Joe.

He was just about to turn away when someone caught his eye. It wasn't Joe but his breath caught in his throat and he pushed himself up so he was leaning over his desk to get a better look out of the window. The man he saw had a muscular upper body that was glistening with sweat from his evening run. He was wearing a black tank top that barely covered his impressive physique and running shorts that left little to the imagination. Tyler gasped, biting his lip, as he felt his cock twitch at the sight of Mr Brown running past his house. What was he doing there? Did he live close by?

Tyler was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of his phone ringing. He almost fell over as he scrambled to answer it, pressing the accept button without looking to see who it was.

"Hello!" Tyler said enthusiastically.

"Tyler, honey, how are you?" It was his mom.

Tyler tried to hide the disappointment in his voice as he replied, going through the motions as she checked up on him, asked about his day, told him of their plans and made sure to remind him to eat and to set his alarm for school the next morning. Tyler closed his eyes, feeling like there was nothing less sexy or less adult than being told what to do by your Mom. He kept willing her to hang up in case Joe was trying to call but he didn't want to be rude so he continued listening until she had to go, only hanging up at his dad's insistence.

When the call ended Tyler stared at the screen of his phone for a few moments, never more disappointed to see no new notifications. He had been so sure Joe would come or at least call. He had felt Joe's reaction as his body trembled when they touched. He had seen his feelings displayed on his face, in his nervous and confused eyes. He knew there was something there and he hoped Joe was ready to admit it, would at least take up the offer to fuck his ass, but maybe he wasn't ready.

Still not wanting to admit defeat, Tyler sank back into his chair to gaze out of the window once more. The street was a lot quieter now and the sky was just starting to show the first signs of the sun beginning to set. Every slight bit of movement made Tyler's head snap in its direction, his eyes frantically searching for whatever had drawn his attention. Twice it was a neighbour's cat, another time it was a young mother with a stroller and one time it was simply a piece of discarded trash blowing on the slight breeze.

Rather than continuing to just watch time pass by through the window, Tyler reached over and picked up his 3DS, powering it up and selecting the latest game he had downloaded from the e-shop. It was a simple game, a virtual version of one that had been released before he was even born, and though the nostalgia was lost on him he still felt the same simplistic joy as those who had played it two decades before.

He was so caught up in the game that he didn't realise how much time had passed until the red LED started flashing, telling him that the battery was about to run out on the device. He saved his game, switched the handheld off and glanced at his watch, gasping at the time.

His stomach grumbled loudly, sounding like his mom when she disapproved of something. He needed to eat, and judging by the time even if Joe did still come over he would already have had his dinner.

Tyler pushed himself up and went downstairs, turning the oven on to reheat the food. While it was warming back up he walked over to the living room window and looked out, hoping that the feeling in his gut was wrong and that Joe might still show up; after all he had told him his parents would be out all night, maybe Joe didn't see that as an invitation to come over straight away and he would still turn up before it was time for bed.

When the food was hot, Tyler pulled the dish out of the oven and simply set it on a heat-resistant mat on the kitchen table. He grabbed a fork from the drawer and started eating, shovelling forkful after forkful into his mouth.

He stared across at the empty chair that Joe should have been sat in. Everything about the meal that he was eating reminded him of Joe; the smell, the taste. It had become his ultimate comfort food. Why wasn't Joe there sharing it with him?

When he finished the final mouthful he gasped and couldn't believe he had eaten the whole dish. There was probably enough there for three or four people and he had just continued to eat it, thinking about Joe. He had seen TV shows where women ate whole tubs of ice cream after a hard break-up but he had just eaten a week's worth of pasta in one sitting and he felt disgusted with himself.

He threw the dishes into the sink, telling himself he would wash them later as he headed toward the garage where his home gym was. The gym contained various machines his parents had bought him for his last birthday and some weights that his father had also started to use.

He threw his shirt and tee aside as he entered and looked down at his bloated stomach, seeing no evidence of the abs he worked so hard to get and maintain. He pulled his jeans off but slipped his sneakers back on as he began his workout, hitting the machines hard, pushing his body, wanting to work off every calorie he had just consumed, even if he knew that was virtually impossible.

The harder he went, the better he felt. As the burn rose in his muscles it somehow eased his frustrations over what had happened with Joe; he didn't feel as angry or as weak. It was exhilarating and he kept pushing, working and working until he was dripping with sweat, every inch of his body covered, his boxer-briefs soaked through so it looked like he had been swimming in them.

He pulled up, panting, and gripped onto the handlebar of the exercise bike to steady himself, his lungs burning now just like his entire body was. He knew he would hurt in the morning but he also knew it would be worth it and a feeling of satisfaction passed through him like a wave of pleasure that almost had him reaching for his cock.

When he walked back out of the garage into the main house he glanced out of the window and saw that it was totally dark outside now; night had come. Even though technically there was still time he knew that was it. Joe wasn't coming. He had offered him the chance to relive their night together and maybe take things even further but Joe had made his decision and it was a no.

He had really thought making the offer would convince Joe to come over but it became clear that Joe's internal struggle with his feelings and what had happened between them was much bigger than he first thought. Joe's mind had more control over his body than Tyler's had. Joe didn't want to be gay, he didn't want to be feeling what he was, and he was trying hard to deny those urges ever existed. Tyler on the other hand had given in almost instantly and let his dick do the thinking when he first realized that he liked men after he saw his mentor Alex getting his ass drilled on top of a washing machine by a college buddy and then again against a wall by the same guy. Within two weeks Tyler was fucking Alex's ass and he never looked back, still loving sex with girls but admitting to himself that guys were where he got the most pleasure.

Joe was different though and if they did have sex again, Tyler knew it probably wasn't going to be in the near future. He needed to give Joe space and time to figure out his feelings and to hopefully come to the same conclusions that Tyler had so they could be together and form a bond stronger than most friends ever get to experience. He also needed to use that time to come to terms with the fact that it may never happen again, that it really might have been a one-time thing and he would have to settle for Joe just being his best friend or risk losing him completely and he didn't want that.

Sighing again, this time in resignation, Tyler went to the refrigerator, grabbed a bottle of ice-cold water, and headed to his room, taking a long gulp and turning off all of the lights in the house on his way.

Seeing his bed, he just wanted to collapse into it, to curl up into a ball and go to sleep, but the image he had carried in his head for the past week of Joe lying across his mattress, naked and hard, waiting for him to climb on to join him so they could pick up where they left off and fuck until the sheets were wet with sweat and cum, was one that just wouldn't go away. It almost felt wrong to get into that bed alone.

Tyler tried to ignore the image, to push it out of his mind, but it wasn't working. His dick rose steadily until it was rock hard and throbbing in his boxer-briefs which were struggling to contain it. He turned to look in the mirror and bit his lip. Damn he looked good. The sweat that still covered his body made his muscles look like they were glowing and the added pump from the extra hard workout made them look as defined as they ever had, his abs not only back and visible but cut as hell when he tensed them.

He ran his hand down his body, letting his fingers graze his nipples and then travel down his abs, caressing each one before he slid his hand across his cock, still covered by the material of the boxer-briefs. The tip was pulsating, radiating heat, and pumped out enough precum to leave a very dark patch on his already moist underwear.

It took effort to pull them down because his cock was so hard and rigid that the material couldn't stretch far enough to let it spring free. When he finally got them down, peeling them off his big thighs and kicking them across the floor, he turned to the mirror again and stared at his seven-inch cut cock, bobbing up and down in the air, glistening with precum. If that dick had been on someone else standing in front of him he would have dropped to his knees to devour it, but since it was attached to his own body he just continued to watch as he reached down and let his fingers trail up and down the length, gently stroking his shaft before he took in into his hand and started jerking it, thinking about how he wished Joe was there and was the one with his hand or even his ass wrapped around his cock.

He was building up a rhythm, pumping his hand faster and harder and driving his hips forward to fuck up into his fist, closing his eyes so he could pretend he was back in that motel room thrusting into Joe, when he remembered something and let go of his dick, grunting when it sprung up and slapped against his abs again.

Quickly dropping to his knees, Tyler reached under his bed and found what he was looking for. The material felt so soft against his palm as he pulled it out of the shadows, seeing the light blue that had quickly become his favourite colour. But it wasn't the touch or the sight of the blue shirt that excited him, it was the fact that it belonged to Joe, that it had been draped across his body, wrapped around his muscles, so close to his skin that it had picked up his scent, which still lingered almost a week later.

He should have given the shirt back to Joe, he only had it because Joe had left it behind, but he couldn't part with it and he didn't care if that made him weird, he just loved to have something of Joe's, something that smelled like Joe so close to him.

Rising to his feet, Tyler stood up straight, his dick as hard as it had ever been, and slowly he lifted the shirt toward his face. He took a deep breath as the fabric brushed against his cheeks, letting out a huge moan as the aromas filled his nose, sending chills up and down his body and a tremor shooting from his balls up the shaft of his cock to the tip where a surge of precum shot out, landing on the mirror.

It was the same scent he had breathed in when he held on to Joe, kissing his neck as he pushed his cock in and out of his tight ass. It was the same fragrance he was surrounded by as they lay in bed afterwards, his dick still inside Joe, holding him close as they came down from their orgasms and drifted off to sleep. It was the culmination of their time together, from the saltiness of the sea breeze to the mild coconut of their sun cream to the slightest hint of sweat that was both tangy and sweet at the same time. It was everything.

Tyler held the shirt to his face with one hand and took his dick in the other. Just the touch of his fingers against the hot skin on his cock was almost enough to make him shoot. Heat radiated through his body, starting at his lungs, as he continued to breathe deeply. He picked the pace back up, jerking his cock hard. There was no need for lube because he was pumping out so much precum his shaft was slick enough for his hand to glide back and forth with no resistance, just sheer unadulterated pleasure.

Somehow, Tyler felt his orgasm building from somewhere deep inside him. It started in the pit of his stomach as it tightened and a spasm passed through him. The wave moved down, churning in his balls like a tornado looking for a clear path to escape before racing up the shaft, the load so big he felt it stretching his slit as it exploded out, spraying in every direction as Tyler let go and struggled to keep his balance as his whole body quivered and jerked.

When his cock finally stopped shooting, a trickle of cum still leaking from the tip, he managed to walk the few steps to his bed and fell down onto it, still gasping for breath. He barely had enough energy to pull the t-shirt from across his face so he didn't suffocate before he passed out.


Joe panted and moaned as he thrust his hips forward, driving his dick into the girl in front of him. She was on her hands and knees, pushing herself back onto his big eight-inch cock, wanting as much of it inside her as she could get.

The girl's moans were music to his ears and the feeling of her tight, wet pussy wrapped around his cock, stroking it as he pushed into her and then pulled out again, using his whole dick to fuck her, was exactly what he needed.

He had spent the whole afternoon locked in his bedroom with thoughts that just wouldn't go away. Tyler's words had been replaying over and over in his head, issuing the invitation to spend the night with him again and again and again, each time making Joe feel weaker, bringing him closer to giving in and letting it happen again.

He felt sick. He was straight. He shouldn't even be thinking about it, let alone actually contemplating going over to another guy's house to get his ass fucked. And that is what he was thinking about, getting fucked. As tempting as Tyler's offer was to be the one to bottom, to let Joe slide his dick up his ass and fuck him until they both came, it was the memory of Tyler's cock pushing its way inside him, stretching him, filling him, rubbing against the walls of his ass and pressing on that magic spot inside him that sent little electric shocks through his body and made him want to feel that again, that made him actually want to get fucked again.

The pillows on his bed were the only way he could muffle his screams so his parents wouldn't know anything was wrong. He was disgusted with himself so he could only imagine what they would think if they found out he had jerked off more than once in the last few days thinking about having Tyler's dick up his ass again, reliving the moment when he lost his cherry to his best friend, knowing that no matter how hard he jerked his cock, no matter how hard he came, it still wouldn't compare to the feeling of blowing his load with Tyler's cock inside him, pushing on that button. He wasn't sure anything ever would.

Just thinking about the feelings he experienced had his dick hard in his pants, begging for release and relief. Why was this happening to him? What had he done to deserve it? Before last week he was just like any other straight guy, loving life, playing sports and thinking about girls. Now he was thinking about a guy, about a cock, and as hard as he tried he couldn't get it off his mind.

With frustration getting the better of him, Joe picked up his car keys and was ready to march down to the drive, get in his car and go over to Tyler's so he could get fucked in the hope that doing it again would get it out of his system and he would be able to forget about it and move on.

He thought that might actually work until he reached for the handle on his door and started to have what he recognised as a panic attack. He hadn't had one of those since he was a little boy but he was having one again now and he sank to the floor to stop himself from falling. He couldn't do it. He couldn't willingly go over to Tyler's to get fucked. It was one thing to let Tyler lead him into it last time and not say no but it was a completely different thing to actually seek it out, to go looking for it, to ask for it. No, he wouldn't let himself do that.

When he had his breathing back under control, his body and forehead covered in sweat, he pulled himself up off the floor and reached for his phone. Opening the Facebook app he pulled up his friends list and scrolled through various profiles of hot girls, feeling something stir inside him just at the sight of them. He smiled knowing he was still attracted to them, that he still wanted to fuck them. Then he decided to pull up a picture of Tyler to see what he felt.

As the image appeared on screen, one taken just a few days ago at the beach with Tyler wearing nothing but a pair of swim shorts, his muscular body on full display with droplets of water glistening off it from time spent in the water, he sighed with relief. He didn't feel that same stirring. He looked at Tyler's body with admiration, recognising the hard work that went into being built like that. He could see and admit that Tyler was good looking, handsome even. But the picture didn't evoke the same response he felt when he looked at the girls, it didn't excite him the way they did. His first thought wasn't about how badly he wanted to fuck him. He was still straight after all.

A smile spread across Joe's face at the realization but it disappeared almost immediately when he glanced down at the picture of Tyler again and his eyes settled on his best friend's lips; the same lips that had been wrapped around his cock, sucking him off, the same lips that had parted so his tongue could eat his ass until he begged for more.

The memory of having his ass eaten made Joe's hole twitch and his cock hardened in his pants until it was throbbing against his thigh. He threw his head back and bit his lip so he didn't cry out, even though he felt like actual tears were about to fall from his eyes. If he wasn't attracted to Tyler and he didn't have what could be considered gay feelings, why did he want him to suck his cock and eat his ass again? Why did he want to get fucked by him again?

Quickly closing the app to clear the picture of Tyler from his screen, Joe then opened up his phonebook and searched for a number, finding one that he knew would give him what he hoped his mind and body needed before he pressed the dial button.

Thirty minutes later, after sneaking out of his bedroom window and making a quick dash the three blocks to the address that came through in a text, he was in the girl's bed, driving his covered cock into her, feeling her soft skin against his, remembering why he liked fucking women so much.

He kept thrusting back and forth, letting her feel every inch of him, loving the way she moaned and whimpered as he really went deep, punching through to places a lot of other guys could never reach.

They had fucked before, a few months earlier after a party, but that time Joe had only lasted ten minutes before he shot his load and ended up going down on the girl to get her off. This time however, he was at fifteen minutes and counting and yet he felt no closer to his orgasm than he had when he first slipped his dick inside her.

He increased his effort, pounding her hard, hammering his dick into her. The slapping sounds of their flesh meeting mingled with her screams and his grunts as they fucked hard, but still he couldn't cum.

Over the next ten minutes he flipped her into every position he could think of, driving his dick in and out of her, alternating between long, deep strokes and quick, short ones, even changing the angle of entry, before he had her on her back, her legs up on his shoulders, her body almost folded in half as he pounded down into her.

He shifted his positioning on the bed and hunkered forward so he could really give it to her. As he started to hammer away he didn't expect to feel cool air rushing around his asshole, which had been exposed as he pushed his ass into the air, drawing his dick out of her. He shuddered at the sensation and pushed into her harder, fucking her brains out while she clung to him.

He still couldn't cum. He was drilling a nice tight hole that gripped his cock in all the right ways, but he still couldn't get there.

Wanting to scream for a different reason than she did, Joe pulled his cock out of the girl's pussy, flipped her over onto her hands and knees and drove his dick back inside her, pushing her head down into the pillows to muffle her cries.

He climbed up behind her, leaning over to kiss her shoulders and back as he continued to fuck her. Once he had established a rhythm he shifted his weight onto one arm, holding himself up, and with the other he reached back behind himself and slid his finger into the crack of his ass, brushing it against his hole.

A jolt of electricity shot through him at the touch and his cock jerked inside the girl, making her really moan. He was so hard now it hurt. He closed his eyes, wishing that the finger that was now circling his hole, pushing gently on it, trying to penetrate it, didn't feel so good but it did, it felt amazing and he felt his balls beginning to churn.

With one final thrust into the girl, Joe shoved his finger up his ass and exploded inside her, filling the condom full with one of the biggest loads he had ever shot, while she screamed and collapsed beneath him, having what turned out to be her third orgasm of the session.

Joe lay beside her, a sweaty, messy heap, trying to get control of his breathing as he recovered from the amazing orgasm. She snuggled up to him, telling him it was the greatest sex she ever had as she kissed his chest and worked her way up until their lips met.

He held her close, enjoying the feeling of her smaller body pressed against his. But as they made out all he could think about was that it took a finger in his ass to make him cum and his mind drifted to Tyler, wondering what would have happened if it was Tyler's bed he was lying in instead of the girl's.

Damn! He shouldn't have been thinking like that. He was straight. He didn't want to get fucked again no matter what his body was trying to tell him. That wasn't who he was.

Joe knew then that the only way to fight his feelings was to spend as little time with Tyler as possible. It was the only way to get past it and move on. It was the only way to not give in and beg for his cock. He could do it. He just hoped Tyler would give him the space he needed.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 44: Tyler 14

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