
By Big D

Published on Feb 10, 2018


DISCLAIMER: This story will include scenes involving sex between young men and adult language. If you do not like or are offended by such things or are under age wherever you are reading this then please leave now.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission.

This is pure fiction. No one in this story is a real person, living or deceased, and any resemblance as such is purely coincidental.

Characters in this story may partake in bareback sex, please remember that this is fiction and in the real world precautions should be taken to ensure everyone's safety. Please use protection.

If you want to contact me with any comments please do so at: storiesbybigd@hotmail.co.uk

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Tyler – Part 12

Tyler burst through the doors of the cafeteria into the hallway, almost knocking someone off their feet. He didn't take the time to see who it was because he didn't really care. He needed to get as far away from that room of squealing girls as possible. He still couldn't believe that he had agreed to attend their party just because he'd heard that Jake was going. Was their budding game of one-upmanship worth it? Probably not. But at least he would be able to drag his friends along to lessen the pain of spending an evening with a group of girls who could probably spread more disease than an Ebola-riddled monkey if they managed to get into his pants.

He headed straight for the parking lot, knowing that's where Joe had said he was going, but as he reached the door to the lot he paused. Did he want to see Joe flirting with girls? It might have all been an act and nothing but a show he was putting on, probably for Tyler's own benefit, but it would still hurt to see him giving his attention to someone else.

Tyler bit his bottom lip, thinking about what he should do. Any chance he had to be around Joe he wanted to take, but he also feared that if he pushed too hard too fast it would cause a negative reaction and an even bigger display from Joe, when giving him some space might get the result he hoped for quicker.

He was just about to push the door open when he heard a deep voice curse behind him, followed immediately by a loud bang. He jumped at the noise and spun around to see what had happened.

The first thing his eyes saw were the eight textbooks that were scattered across the floor in all directions, some with their covers and at least a few pages bent in ways that would forever be visible. Tyler cringed, hating when books got creased, but he couldn't focus on that for long because his attention was drawn to something else, a familiar pair of brown shoes.

His breath caught in his throat as his eyes lingered on the shoes for just a moment before travelling up the length of the thick, jeans-covered legs, settling finally on the mounds of an ass he had dreamed about more than a few times. The way the fabric cupped and caressed those two muscular cheeks, clinging to each one like the material had been painted on made Tyler have to fight hard to suppress a gasp and a moan. His hands tingled, wanting to reach out to touch that ass, to grab it and feel it, to run his fingers over every inch of it and get to know it before he pulled down those jeans and let his tongue taste it until he couldn't take any more, parting those two firm cheeks and devouring that manly hole.

"Damn," Mr Brown cursed, looking around at the books he had dropped, still cradling half a dozen in his big arms, while a bag that had been on his shoulder now hung draped over his elbow.

Tyler was about to step forward to offer his help when Mr Brown started to bend over and Tyler froze in place. He stopped breathing. He felt like maybe even his heart stopped beating in that moment as Mr Brown's ass pushed against his jeans, the fabric tightening around each cheek, gripping them so close he could not only make out the shape of each muscle but could also see where the material disappeared between them, clenched in that tight muscular ass, the definition of his crack clearly visible.

Tyler's cock was rock hard in his pants in seconds. He felt it spring up like someone had been holding it down. His eyes were glued to Mr Brown's ass, thinking about all of the things he wanted to do to it. He had to bite his lip again as he imagined closing the gap between them, moving in behind the older man and pressing his covered dick against that ass. He wanted to slide his cock back and forth, up and down, along the length of Mr Brown's crack, letting him feel the leaking, seven-inch cock that could barely be contained in his pants. He wanted to reach around and pop open the jeans, letting them fall to the floor as he pressed his cock between those gorgeous cheeks, his slick tip kissing the hole, getting it nice and wet so it was easy to push inside, moving all the way until it was completely buried, those twin mounds pressed against his hips as he held the hot stud in place on his cock.

The sound of a kid crying out playfully somewhere down the hall pulled Tyler out of his thoughts and he realized he had taken a few steps closer to Mr Brown, unaware that his body was moving, ready to live out his fantasy. He panicked and jumped back, his dick instantly deflating, and he took in the rest of Mr Brown for the first time as he struggled to pick up each of the textbooks without dropping the ones he already held in his arms.

Tyler quickly rushed to his side and bent down to pick up a book. "Let me help you, Mr Brown."

Mr Brown stiffened, not realizing someone was near him, but he relaxed when he saw it was Tyler and gave him an appreciative smile. "Thank you, Tyler. Are you sure you want to help?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Tyler asked.

Mr Brown stood up, arranging the books he was still carrying into a pile. "What would your friends say if they saw you helping a teacher?"

"They'd probably call me a teacher's pet or say that I love you or something," Tyler smiled, adding the two books he held to the top of Mr Brown's pile as he tried to keep his hand steady in spite of the electric bolt that shot through him when he said the words `I love you'.

"That wouldn't be very good for your reputation," Mr Brown said, watching Tyler bend over for two more of the books. "You're the star of the football team."

Tyler came up smiling, "So that means I have to be an asshole?"

Mr Brown smiled back as Tyler again added to his pile. "Well, maybe just act like one. But we both know that's not really you."

"Do we?" Tyler asked, looking into Mr Brown's bright eyes, a smile spread across his face.

"Yes," Mr Brown grinned. "You can act tough all you want, Tyler, but I've taught you for two years. I can see through all of those walls you put up. I know who you really are."

Tyler held Mr Brown's gaze and they stared at each other. Neither one moved or said a word. Something passed between them, a silent communication that left Tyler feeling open and exposed, like Mr Brown had seen into his soul.

"I... erm... I should probably get going," Tyler stuttered. "I need to get my things for my next class."

Mr Brown still didn't break the eye contact. "I guess you should. You don't want to be late. Thanks for the help. I suppose I shouldn't be so eager to get out of here. I'll have to make two trips next time."

"You're leaving?" Tyler asked, surprised.

"Yes," Mr Brown replied. "I don't have any classes this afternoon and I'm not needed for any cover. That means I can go home, get my marking done and maybe head into my yard to enjoy the sun for a few hours."

Tyler stared at the man, letting his eyes move over the clothed torso. Even though his eyes registered the big biceps wrapped around the textbooks, bulging in the tight shirt, his mind was already in that back yard imagining what it would be like to watch as the shirt slipped from the man's broad shoulders, exposing his big, muscular chest, covered in a spattering of hair that made the mounds look even manlier. He wanted to skip his next class so he could follow Mr Brown home and hide in the next door neighbor's garden, watching that scene play out for real through whatever gap he could find in their fence.

It was only when he heard Mr Brown calling his name, at first mistaking it for a moan in his daydream, when Tyler was brought back to reality, quickly realizing that Mr Brown had been talking to him and he hadn't heard a word of it, he had just continued to stare.

"I'm sorry, what?" Tyler asked, flustered, looking in all directions before settling on Mr Brown's eyes.

A huge smirk spread across the teacher's face at Tyler's reaction and he let out a soft chuckle. "Never mind. It wasn't important. I'll see you in class on Wednesday. And don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

Tyler gasped before his breath caught in his throat at those words. What did that mean? He began to panic as Mr Brown turned to walk away. He felt like he could throw up. Had he been too obvious? Did the man know what he was thinking?

"My secret?" Tyler squeaked, hating how high his voice sounded.

Mr Brown twisted his upper body so he could look at Tyler without actually turning around. He smiled as they made eye contact. "That you're a nice guy."

Mr Brown winked and then he was gone, stepping through the door to the parking lot as he headed toward his car. Tyler was left speechless, staring after him, trying to decipher what the wink meant, if anything.

Before he could get too caught up in his thoughts the bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. Suddenly there were people everywhere, on every side of him, rushing toward their next class and he felt lost in the crowd.

"Hey, Ty, come on man, let's get to Gym class before Coach makes us do another twenty laps in our boxers," a voice came from behind, followed by a hard slap on the back. It was Toby, coming in from outside with Joe and Kyle behind him.

Tyler let himself be ushered toward his locker and the gym by Toby as he remembered having to run around the outside track in his boxers when they had been horsing around in the locker room instead of getting changed and Coach had punished them by saying that time was up and they had to complete the class dressed as they were. It would have been humiliating if Tyler wasn't proud of his body and loved the looks he got from those admiring him. Still, he wasn't in a hurry to have to do that again, especially since he discovered that he can't always keep things in check around guys anymore.

They reached their lockers and quickly pulled out their gym clothes before heading to the locker room attached to the sports auditorium. The guys were chatting away and he joined in as best he could, trying to go along with the conversation. His eyes kept drifting to Joe, but Joe never looked his way or got too close to him. To the outside world everything looked normal between them, but Joe never directly addressed Tyler, not even once, and he always walked either in front or behind so they would never look each other in the face.

Once they reached the locker room Tyler excused himself to go to the bathroom while the others continued chatting and took up their regular places, finding their favoured lockers and benches as they began to strip down.

When Tyler emerged he went into the now familiar routine of changing for gym class. It wasn't until he was half way across the locker room that he realized he usually got changed next to Joe. He couldn't change that habit now, which would be the clearest sign to everyone that something was wrong between them. He continued on and was relieved to see that Joe was facing away from him. He approached his usual locker and opened it, placing some of his things inside. He was just about to pull off his top when he turned his head and looked in Joe's direction. What he saw made him freeze.

Joe had just pulled off his shirt, tossing it into the locker in front of him. He was talking with Kyle, who was getting changed across the aisle, facing away from him. As he picked up his shirt he glanced to the side to see Tyler staring at his bare chest and abs, his mouth hanging open a little. He immediately tensed up, a scowl darkening his face, knowing what Tyler was probably thinking. He began to back away, but before he could get more than a couple of feet, Tyler reached out and grabbed him by the wrist to stop him. Joe's entire body shuddered as an electric shock shot up his arm from where Tyler had touched him, travelling all over before running up his spine straight to his brain.

"Don't," Tyler whispered, looking into Joe's eyes and still holding his wrist, feeling the shiver as it shook his own arm.

Joe was confused. He looked up at Tyler, his breathing suddenly erratic, his body still tingling from the touch. Every instinct he had was telling him to get away from Tyler.

"Don't do anything stupid. You can't go anywhere. They'll know something happened. We can't act differently in here," Tyler whispered, finally letting go and stepping back.

"Then don't look at me like that," Joe whispered back, while Kyle was still speaking across the aisle and Toby was oblivious to their exchange.

"Like what?" Tyler replied, pretending that he didn't know Joe had caught him staring, had caught him reliving their night together, thinking about how that body had felt, how it had tasted on his tongue and how much he wanted to reach out to touch it right now, how he wanted to press Joe up against the lockers, every inch of their bodies touching as his cock pushed its way back inside Joe's tight ass.

Joe stepped in as close to Tyler's ear as he could, his voice barely audible, "Like you want to fuck me again."

When Joe stepped back their eyes connected and he was surprised to see the same burning desire in Tyler's eyes as he had seen the week before when he had given in to him and had done the one thing he never thought he would. He panicked, feeling vulnerable; not knowing what would happen if Tyler made another pass at him. He quickly pulled his shirt over his head, dropped his pants and pulled on his shorts and sneakers in record time before challenging the others to a race to see who could get to the hall first.

"What's gotten in to him?" Toby asked as Joe disappeared out of sight.

Tyler had to bite his tongue so he didn't say it was his dick that had quite literally gotten into Joe and fucked him out of his mind. Instead he just said, "I don't know," as they continued to change.

Kyle was the first to be ready, heading off to see where Joe had gone. Toby was more casual, trying to talk to Tyler as they dressed, but getting little in the way of a response. When his shoes were tied he stood up, saw that Tyler was taking his time doing up his own laces, and decided to head out, not wanting to suffer one of Coach's punishments.

Tyler had heard Toby talking to him and had tried to reply when he could with what he thought was a good answer but his mind wasn't focused on the conversation, instead thinking about what he had felt when he touched Joe's arm. It wasn't just the heat that passed through him when his fingers touched the soft skin around Joe's wrist, which he had never felt before, it was also the quiver he felt in Joe's arm at the touch and the scared look etched on Joe's face. It had done something to him too and Tyler knew he wouldn't be able to let go of the idea of them having sex again. He needed to make it happen somehow.

"That's it guys, you have two minutes," Coach's booming voice called from the doorway to the locker room. "Anyone who isn't in the hall by then will have to do ten laps of the track carrying someone on their back."

A couple of the guys nearest to Tyler scrambled around, pulling on shirts and shorts or just tucking their laces into their sneakers without actually fastening them before rushing out of the door. Tyler was more relaxed, knowing that two minutes was plenty of time for him to get ready.

He stood up once his laces were fastened and looked down at himself as he tried to brush a few creases out of his top with his hand. He was just about to head out when he saw someone move behind him and turned to see who was arriving late. It was Jake's little friend, Evan, looking flustered.

Tyler didn't know why but the sight of the smaller dark-haired guy did something to him. It was a feeling he was unfamiliar with. It wasn't hate, it was something else, and something he couldn't quite put his finger on. It wasn't really anything Evan had done himself but more about what he represented. It was because Evan was the embodiment of the school's admiration for Jake, his number one fan, his biggest cheerleader. It was because of the way he looked at Jake, like he was some kind of god who should be prayed to. But most of all, it was because he didn't just look at Jake with admiration and respect, he looked at him with lust, with longing and yearning in his eyes. Others might not see it, but Tyler knew, Tyler recognised the signs, and it drove him crazy. He was just as hot as Jake, hotter even, and yet he didn't get those looks, he didn't get the attention. Why didn't Evan look at him that same way? Why didn't he want him?

Tyler watched as Evan threw his things into a locker and hurriedly pulled off his clothes, revealing a slim yet surprisingly toned body that caught Tyler off-guard. He wasn't expecting Evan to have such a tight little physique, clearly the result of some time in the gym. He stared at his cut abs and his small yet defined pecs and for the first time thought about what it would be like to fuck him just for him and how nice he looked. That thought shocked him.

Evan still hadn't noticed Tyler watching him, too preoccupied with changing in a hurry, and he had no idea about what Tyler was thinking or where his mind was going.

Tyler's eyes continued to watch Evan's body as his muscles popped and flexed with each movement, but his mind was drifting once again. He wanted Evan to look at him the same way he looks at Jake, with that same hunger and desire. He wanted to give Evan what he needed, to make him forget about Jake, to show him that he's better than Jake, hotter than Jake, can fuck him better than Jake ever could. He wanted to be able to look into Jake's eyes and watch his expression as he told him that he fucked his little buddy and made him cum while he was screaming Tyler's name.

Suddenly Evan turned, fully dressed and ready, with about twenty seconds to spare before Coach's deadline. He stopped when he saw Tyler watching him and looked up until their eyes met.

Tyler didn't know what to do. He had been caught staring at Evan, thinking about fucking him for reasons other than just wanting his body, and the look on Evan's face told him that he knew exactly what Tyler was thinking. He panicked and did the only thing he could think of, flipping it around on Evan.

"What the fuck are you looking at, homo?" Tyler snapped.

Evan's eyes went wide and he quickly broke off the eye contact He ran around the other side of the bench and out of the locker room, looking like he was about to cry. Tyler silently cursed himself for resorting to calling him names, especially that one, because it made him feel like a hypocritical asshole, but he knew he couldn't apologize. It was better having Evan think he hated him than knowing what he was really thinking.

Realizing that he was alone in the locker room, Tyler remembered Coach's deadline and sprinted to the gym, just making it inside the door before Coach slammed it shut. He always did that to make sure that anyone who was late couldn't sneak in and had to push the door open, drawing everyone's attention as it creaked on its hinges.

Coach glared at Tyler, "Cutting it a bit close there, Goodwin. That would have been the third time this semester. I know this isn't practice but if you want to be my team captain next season you need to lead by example. I expect you to be the first one here and the last one to leave."

Tyler nodded his head in respect and understanding and quickly jogged the few feet to where his friends were standing as Coach took up his position in front of a big white board on the wall.

"Okay boys, today is going to be a mixed class. We're going to do some drills and exercises to get you warmed up a little and to see what you can do. I suspect some of you relaxed a little too much over the spring break and need to be eased back in before I make you run a half marathon next week," Coach said. He noticed the horrified looks on the boys' faces and began to chuckle. "Relax, that was a joke. For the second half of this class we will be doing a round robin basketball game. No teams, no favourites, and everyone will get a chance to play. I will be assessing you all individually to understand what your current abilities are so I can better pair you in future to draw the best out of each other."

The boys listened to Coach giving his orders and then lined up along the side line of the indoor basketball court. After some stretches and jogging they had to run from one side and back as quickly as possible to assess their sprinting speeds. Then they had to go back and forth ten times to see who could keep up the pace and who flagged or slowed to a walk. After that they had to drop to do push-ups, sit-ups and various other exercises for whatever number of reps Coach felt was enough to gain the information he needed.

When Coach was satisfied with what he'd seen he dismissed the boys for a quick break, letting them catch their breaths or get a drink from the fountain outside in the hall. When everyone was back he split the class in half and had them line up on opposite sides of the court, him taking one half, his assistant leading the other.

The five chosen starter players for each team took their positions on the court and play began until the first point was scored. Since Coach's team had scored the point his team was the first to have a player substituted, switching out for the next guy in line as the player leaving the court headed over to the other team and joined the back of their line where they would eventually play for the opposite team. Play continued with goals being scored and balls being dunked as some of the boys tried to show off or out-do each other.

After fifteen minutes of play Tyler jogged onto the court for the second time, having started off on Coach's team, being the third man replaced. Now on the assistant's side he stepped up to take the lead but he hadn't been paying attention to who was on the other team, spending the time waiting for his call up talking with Toby who had been sitting next to him.

The first set of eyes he met belonged to Evan, who was standing directly across from him with a terrified look in his eyes like Tyler was about to eat him rather than just trying to stop him from getting the ball. Tyler felt the urge to say something to Evan, to apologise even for his earlier words since he knew how he must have felt, but he couldn't think of what to say and he felt like everyone's eyes were on him so instead he simply glared at Evan, causing him to flinch.

With a smile on his face from Evan's reaction - he loved the fact that he had Evan's attention and was clearly getting to him - Tyler turned his head and felt his stomach lurch when his eyes settled on Joe's determined face. There was a bead of sweat running down Joe's forehead and his hair was a little dishevelled. It was exactly how he looked when he was lying on his back on the bed staring up at Tyler as he fucked him. Tyler was immediately transported back to that room and didn't even hear Coach's whistle blow because he was so deep in his thoughts.

Before he knew it the other team had scored a point and one of his team was being changed out for another player as Coach screamed out Tyler's name.

"What?" Tyler asked, snapping back into the room where he met Coach's glowering eyes.

"Where the hell did your head just go, Goodwin? I blew my whistle and you stood there like you had your pants around your ankles waiting for your mom to come wipe your sorry ass," Coach bellowed as the guys in the class chuckled. "If you're not gonna concentrate you can get off my court and out of my class. What's wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry, Coach," Tyler muttered, looking at the floor.

"Get your head back in the game or you know where the showers are," Coach said as he sat back down and lifted his whistle to his lips.

Tyler was glad that the thickening of his cock had stopped when Coach yelled at him or he might have been even more embarrassed than he was right now with everyone staring at him.

He made eye contact with Joe, who was looking at him with intrigue before looking away. Tyler wondered if Joe knew what he was thinking, if he could read it in his expression. If he could, did that mean others could too? There were plenty of eyes on him. What if someone realized he was thinking about holding a different kind of ball while he focused on a much smaller target?

The panic led to paranoia which in turn led to anger. Tyler was pissed off with himself for letting his emotions get the better of him and for making him a worse player on the court. Basketball might not have been his specialty but he took pride in doing everything well and the idea that someone else might beat him because he couldn't keep his mind on the game infuriated him. He need to prove to everyone watching him right now that he was the best in that class, in that room, and yes, in the school. He needed them to know he was the alpha male and his sexual preferences played no part in that.

Coach's whistle blew and Tyler darted forward, snatching the ball out of the hands of the player who had possession of it. He dodged away from another player and managed to weave his way around Evan before he was presented with the challenge of getting past Joe and another guy who Tyler recognized but couldn't give a name to. He quickly looked around for anyone on his team he could pass to but they were all now blocked by one of the other players and he had only one option: shoot.

Taking a step forward, Tyler leaned back, bending his knees slightly and then sprung up with the ball in hand ready to take his shot. Joe read the move and jumped up to intercept him, hoping to slap the ball down to his teammate before it could get past him. What neither was expecting was that as they both jumped up, raising their arms above their heads, their t-shirts slid up their bodies exposing their skin and as they came together their bare stomachs touched. Waves of electricity surged through their bodies as they crashed into each other and landed in a tangled heap on the floor.

Coach blew the whistle and demanded, "What the hell was that?"

Tyler was still twitching as little spasms continued to shake his limbs, but he managed to pull himself off the floor and saw that Joe was doing the same, although there was a different look on his face, a different kind of fear than that which Tyler felt around Coach.

"I'm sorry, Coach, I must have lost my footing," Tyler tried to explain.

"And I must have lost my mind if you expect me to believe that," Coach replied. "I don't know what you've done in the past week to mess with your head but you need to deal with it and put it behind you. If you turn up for one of our practices like this I won't hesitate to bench you. You're done for the day. Go take an early shower. You too Joe."

"What?" Joe protested. "I didn't do anything."

Coach closed the distance between himself and Joe and leaned down to whisper in his ear. "I've been watching you all class. Your drills were great and your ball skills were excellent, until those last two points. As soon as Tyler stepped onto the court something changed in you, and it changed in him too. You're two of my most valued players. Whatever happened... sort it out."

Coach stepped back and called for a replacement for each team before dismissing Tyler and Joe with a stern look. Tyler walked out with his head down, ashamed with himself. Joe on the other hand couldn't stop replaying Coach's words over in his head and he felt ill. Coach couldn't know what had happened between him and Tyler but he knew something was up and it was only a matter of time before others saw it too and started asking questions. It was his worst fear starting to be realized.

Joe darted out of the auditorium, running straight past Tyler and into the locker room. He went straight to his locker and took out his clothes before he started to pull off his gym gear to change. He was stripped to the waist and was just about to pull off his shorts when Tyler entered.

"What are you doing?" Tyler asked.

Instead of replying to him, Joe turned away and rather than letting his shorts fall to the floor he pulled them back up and began to put his pants on over the top of them.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Tyler asked, staring at the back of Joe's head.

When he didn't get a reply, Tyler walked the few feet to where Joe was standing and pushed him forward so Joe's shins crashed into the bench in the middle of the aisle between the lockers and he fell forward onto it on his hands on knees. With Joe momentarily stunned, Tyler grabbed the pants and pulled them off Joe's legs, tossing them aside.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Joe spat, pushing himself up and turning around, ready to fight Tyler if he had to.

"I asked you first," Tyler said, standing his ground.

Joe stared at him like he wanted to punch him. Tyler looked around quickly and stepped away, checking the locker room to make sure they were alone. When he knew they were he turned his attention back to Joe.

"This bullshit has to stop," Tyler said. "Coach figured out something's wrong and others will too. Were you really going to run in here, get dressed and leave without showering just to avoid me?"

"I'm not avoiding you. I've got somewhere to be," Joe protested.

"Really?" Tyler asked. "And where's that? Because we still have fifteen minutes of class left that you should be in right now so there's nowhere you need to be in such a hurry."

Joe looked away again, not wanting to make eye contact with Tyler, his stomach still tingling from where their skin touched.

"For fucks sake, you're covered in sweat. At least take a God damn shower," Tyler shouted.

"Not with you here," Joe snapped.

Tyler's eyebrows rose. "Why not?"

"I can't trust you," Joe said, looking away.

"More like you can't trust yourself," Tyler said. "I felt how you reacted when I touched you earlier. I saw the scared look in your eyes when our stomachs touched out there. You felt same thing I did."

"And what was that?" Joe scoffed.

"Electricity. Chemistry," Tyler stated. "There's something between us. Whether you want to admit it or not your body loves mine. It feels good when I touch you."

Tyler reached out to put his hand on Joe's chest but Joe caught Tyler's arm before it made contact, holding him by the wrist as he looked into his friend's eyes.

"I don't care how my body feels," Joe declared. "I don't care what it wants. My mind controls my body, not the other way around. I'm not gay. Nothing you can do or say will change that."

Tyler tried to move his hand again but Joe's grip tightened on it, his nails digging into the skin because he was holding on so tight. He held Tyler's arm away from him and then pushed it away, taking a step back so there was more than the arm's length between them.

"I'm not trying to make you gay," Tyler said, softly.

"Then what are you trying to do?" Joe asked.

"I just want to make you feel good," Tyler said.

"You can do that by forgetting that night ever happened," Joe replied.

"What?" Tyler whimpered. "But you said you liked it."

Joe sighed and looked away like he was searching for something on the other side of the room. When he looked back at Tyler there was a look of resignation in his eyes.

"You're not going to let it go, are you?" Joe asked.

"I've tried," Tyler admitted. "I've tried to forget about it but I can't. It was too good. It was amazing. Do you blame me for wanting more?"

"No," Joe stated. "But you can't always get more of what you want. I don't know how to explain it to you in a way that will make you understand."

"Try," Tyler urged.

"What we did," Joe said, looking right into Tyler's eyes, "it did feel good. I won't deny that. But I'm not like you, Ty. You feel something for me, something that's deep inside you. All I felt was physical. You pushed the right buttons and my body responded."

Tyler closed his eyes and felt himself nodding despite how torn up he felt inside. "Okay."

"We can never be what you want us to be," Joe said.

"What do you think I want us to be?" Tyler asked.

Joe paused. He looked like the word he wanted to say was right on the tip of his tongue but he couldn't bring himself to actually say it.

"Boyfriends?" Tyler continued for him. "That's what you think I want us to be?"

"Isn't it?" Joe managed to ask.

"No," Tyler laughed, even if it was only half true. "I don't want a boyfriend. I don't want anything to change between us. I don't want to go out for dinner with you or sit in the back of a movie theatre making out with you or walk through the park holding your hand."

"Then what do you want?" Joe asked.

"I want us to talk like we always have. I want us to play football and hang around with the guys and spend hours kicking each other's asses on video games. I want us to be who we've always been," Tyler said.

"Okay..." Joe said, apprehensively.

"But I want us to fuck," Tyler stated.

Joe's jaw dropped. If he didn't know what to say before he had lost the ability to even form words in his head now.

"We both admit it's the best sex we've ever had," Tyler said. "Why stop?"

Joe shook his head, trying to clear it and make sense of the words that he was hearing but that his mind wasn't processing.

"Are you crazy?" Joe finally muttered.

"Why?" Tyler asked.

"We just... can't," Joe said, still in a daze.

"Why?" Tyler repeated.

"I'm not gay," Joe replied.

"You've said that already," Tyler said. "You weren't gay the first time I fucked you. Why would you be the second, third or fifth time?"

"Are you kidding me?" Joe shrieked. "You think I'm gonna let you keep fucking me? I'm not going to bend over and let you fuck me any time you want. It was a one off. It won't happen again."

Joe turned and started to look for his clothes. Tyler's next words made him freeze until his legs felt weak and he had to brace himself on the bench so he didn't fall over.

"What if I let you fuck me?" Tyler asked.

Joe felt like his mind had exploded. Did he really just hear what he thought he did? Had Tyler, huge muscular Tyler, one of the hottest guys in school, just offered up his ass for him to fuck?

Images of Tyler lying flat on his back beneath Joe, his big legs spread on either side of Joe's body, his firm round ass cheeks parted as Joe's dick disappeared between them, filled Joe's mind and he felt his cock start to thicken.

In a panic at the reaction, Joe jumped up and exclaimed, "No! If I want to fuck someone I'll find a girl to fuck."

He was expecting Tyler to look dejected but instead a huge smile spread across Tyler's face and he took two steps forward until they were almost face to face.

"So if we have sex again you want to be the one getting fucked?" Tyler grinned.

"That's not what I said!" Joe exclaimed.

"No, but it's what you meant," Tyler smiled. "You want to feel my cock inside you again, rubbing that spot, making you cum harder than anything else ever has."

Before Joe could reply they heard shouting from just outside the locker room as the rest of the class were dismissed for the day. Joe panicked, pushing Tyler away from him so hard that the back of his legs hit the bench and he fell back onto it, just managing to catch himself as he watched Joe grab a towel and sprint for the showers. Another smile spread across Tyler's face as he watched Joe disappear.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 43: Tyler 13

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