
By Big D

Published on Dec 25, 2017


DISCLAIMER: This story will include scenes involving sex between young men and adult language. If you do not like or are offended by such things or are under age wherever you are reading this then please leave now.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission.

This is pure fiction. No one in this story is a real person, living or deceased, and any resemblance as such is purely coincidental.

Characters in this story may partake in bareback sex, please remember that this is fiction and in the real world precautions should be taken to ensure everyone's safety. Please use protection.

If you want to contact me with any comments please do so at: storiesbybigd@hotmail.co.uk

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Tyler – Part 11

Tyler pulled into what had become his regular parking space in the school lot and turned off the car's engine. Instead of moving to get out he just sat staring through the windshield at the wall in front of him. The last three days had been the longest of his life. He had spent most of the time staring at his phone, waiting for Joe to call or text like he always did, but all Tyler saw on the screen was the slow passage of time displayed in four cruelly mocking digits.

He had spent the weekend going over everything in his head. He thought about the conversation that him and Joe had, wondering if it was the end of their friendship. He thought of all of the great times they had together since they were little boys and of possibly facing a life without his best friend. But above all else, he remembered the heated embrace of sex, their lips caressing each other, their tongues battling, Joe's hard dick rubbing all over his body and pushing into his mouth, his own tongue pressed between Joe's firm ass cheeks and then his bare, pulsing dick sliding into that perfect, tight, virgin hole, fucking him until they both came. He had shot more loads than he could count thinking about their night together and of all the possibilities if he could persuade Joe to do it again.

As he reached for the handle on the car door, Tyler felt a twitch in his pants and looked down to see that his dick was hard and pitching a tent. He had been springing random boners all weekend whenever he thought of Joe and now he was worried that he wouldn't be able to keep his cock under control. He might get hard every time he saw him and then everyone would know.

He glanced up at his own eyes in the rear-view mirror and immediately turned away. His heart leapt into his throat and he felt like he couldn't breathe. He knew it was his imagination but he was sure he saw the image of his and Joe's sweaty bodies writhing around together displayed on his eyeballs like two digital photo displays. Anyone who looked at him would be able to see what had happened, they would know the truth and what he was thinking. He wouldn't be able to hide it.

His first instinct was to flee, to turn the car back on, pull out of the parking space and drive away. As long as he was away from Joe and as long as no one saw him he would be okay, his secret would still be safe. But he couldn't run. His mind wouldn't allow him to admit defeat of any kind and he knew deep down that he was overreacting.

He reached for the door handle again and paused once more. Sitting on the seat beside him was a shirt that Joe had left behind in the room. Tyler had shoved it into his bag when he went around collecting the rest of their things after Joe left. He reached over to pick it up, wanting Joe to have it back, but as he lifted it closer to his face he could smell Joe's scent rising from it and his whole body shivered. He buried his nose in the fabric and took a deep breath, inhaling an aroma that unmistakably belonged to Joe. Without even thinking about it, he stuffed the shirt under his seat, out of sight, knowing he would make good use of it later when he was back in his bedroom.

When his dick was finally under control and his heart was beating at a normal rate, Tyler stepped out of the car and closed the door behind him. He held his breath as he looked around the parking lot, half expecting all eyes to be on him, the rumours of his and Joe's hook-up spreading through the school like a wildfire, but no one was looking, they barely even noticed he was there.

Tyler didn't know whether to be relieved or offended. He was happy that everything appeared normal and that his life could continue without any major disruptions. But he also felt slighted because people should notice him, they should take a second look at him, even going so far as to stare. He was their top football player now, the new starting Quarterback, the guy with all the potential and he knew he looked good too. He didn't expect fanfare but he hoped for some reaction beyond indifference.

When he was half way across the parking lot he spotted his friends, buddies from the football team, gathered around by the trunk of a car, talking animatedly. He picked up his pace as he approached, wanting to greet them and to see what they were so excited about. It was only when he was maybe thirty feet away that two of the huge bodies moved far enough apart for him to see Joe standing in the middle of their huddle. His stomach tightened and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He had wanted to see Joe all weekend, to just be near him, but now that he was within throwing distance he started to have doubts. What if Joe didn't want to be near him? What if their friendship really had come to an end and he was about to be snubbed, everyone deciding to take Joe's side over his? What if Joe was telling them all about Tyler liking dick and fucking guys? What if that's what they were all laughing about?

Before he could think of what to do or say he heard his name being called and looked up to see one of his buddies waving him over.

"Yo, there he is guys. Hey Tyler, over here, we want to hear more about your trip, bro."

Tyler saw his friends coming closer before he realized that it was his feet that were moving toward them. He took another deep breath, though the air seemed to ignite in his lungs, and plastered the biggest smile he could conjure across his face to hide what he was really feeling.

"Hey dudes, what's up?" Tyler asked, trying to sound casual as he reached the group, which parted to let him in so he was standing directly in front of Joe with nothing between them but the warm spring air.

Joe had shaved the hair off his face so he looked younger than he had the week before but he was still as incredible as ever. Tyler had to look away for fear his mind would wander.

"We were talking about what we did over the break," one of his friends replied. It was Toby, the 6 foot 3 linebacker, who had white skin paired with a huge brown afro that was a throwback to his ancestors and was partially held back by an Alice band. "I had to work on my uncle's farm for most of it `cause it's his calving season."

"And you still couldn't catch a tan?" Tyler joked.

"Fuck you," Toby smiled. "Have you looked in a mirror? Is that actually your tan or are you just covered in the shit that spews from your mouth?"

Tyler laughed and bumped his fist with Toby's. "What about the rest of you?"

"I had the house to myself all week," another friend, Luke replied. Luke was smaller than the others, barely 5 foot 10, with olive skin from his latino parents, but he was one of the fastest on the team to make up for his lack of size.

"You mean while your parents were at work?" Toby asked. "No way would they leave you alone for a week. Your mom still dresses you in the morning."

"She does not!" Luke squealed, which had the others bent over with laughter. "Shut up! Come on Joe, tell us more about all the pussy you two got down at the beach."

Tyler stopped laughing and his eyes immediately went to Joe's, holding his gaze for the first time. He didn't know why he was surprised to hear that Joe had told them about the girls they had fucked; it was what he would have done too under normal circumstances, but somehow it felt like a slap in the face, like Joe was purposefully trying to show off how straight he was. Tyler wanted to call him out on it but he knew he had to play along to protect his own reputation, and Joe's eyes were begging him to keep their secret.

"It was awesome," Tyler smiled, not having to lie. He saw Joe sigh with relief. "Did Joe tell you about the girl I picked up at the party?"

"The one you tag-teamed back in your room?" Luke asked, excitedly.

"Yeah," Tyler chuckled, trying hard not to laugh at how enthusiastic Luke was; a clear indication to Tyler that he was probably still a virgin. "We fucked her from both ends. One in her mouth and one in her pussy..."

"And we kept switching," Joe added to the story. "When we pulled out of one hole we went around and stuffed the other. You should have heard her scream. Right, Ty?"

Once again Tyler looked right into Joe's eyes, this time with one of his eyebrows raised, after hearing Joe's embellishment and his friendly tone. He wondered what was going on inside Joe's head and decided to play a game of his own to see how he would react.

"Yes," Tyler agreed. "She was pretty loud. Although... she wasn't as loud as the one I fucked the next night."

Joe's was about to protest but he was interrupted.

"Tell us about it!" Luke pleaded.

"Yeah, tell us," Toby encouraged.

Tyler held Joe's gaze as he spoke, "The hottest piece of ass I've ever had. Light brown hair, amazing body, and the sweetest, tightest hole I've ever fucked. Oh man, it was awesome."

"What did you do with her?" a third friend, Kyle, asked. He was about two years and twenty pounds short of being a fitness model with his blond hair and green eyes.

"At first we just kissed," Tyler said, his own eyes still locked with Joe's. "But it wasn't like any kiss I'd ever had with a girl before. It was harder, deeper, we couldn't get enough of each other."

"Then what?" Luke urged.

"I backed her up against the wall," Tyler continued, his eyes burning into Joe's now. "I licked my way down her body and used my tongue until she was begging for my cock."

"Oh fuck, man..." Toby gasped, reaching down to adjust the bulge growing in his pants.

"Yeah," Tyler agreed. "I've never heard anyone so desperate before. It was like she'd die if she didn't get my dick."

"Damn, that's hot," Kyle whispered, biting his bottom lip.

"You have no idea," Tyler said. "I wish we'd have been there another week. I know she'd have come back for more."

Joe looked like he wanted to kill Tyler. He knew the guys had no idea that Tyler was talking about him but even the fact that Tyler was describing their night together made his blood boil. He had told Tyler he wanted to forget about it, and he did, but he also had a sinking feeling that Tyler wasn't going to let it drop that easily, he wanted more, and that made Joe nervous.

Before any more questions could be asked the school bell rang out across the lot, signalling the beginning of the day. The guys all parted, with their friends patting Tyler and Joe on the backs and congratulating them. Tyler's wide smile and nods of appreciation sent them on their way toward the school building but Joe remained, glaring at Tyler with clenched fists.

The intensity behind Joe's eyes and the tension in his body had Tyler prepared to dodge a punch, but it never came. Instead Joe turned and walked quickly into the school building, leaving Tyler alone, unable to do anything but watch him walk away, cursing himself for somehow making things even worse than they had been before.

"Hey, Goodwin, get to class," a loud voice called.

Tyler spun around to see his football coach approaching from the staff side of the parking lot.

"Yes, Coach," Tyler nodded, immediately obeying, a mixture of intimidation and respect compelling him to do as the older man said.

His first two classes were interesting enough to keep his mind occupied on the subjects he was being taught. Despite common misconceptions about football players, Tyler wasn't a dumb jock who wasn't interested in anything else; he was intelligent, highly inquisitive and always strived to be the best. He couldn't accept defeat on the football field and he wouldn't accept anything but good grades in the classroom. If he didn't get into college on a scholarship he would still get in on his own merits.

The second lesson ended about three minutes before the bell, with the teacher letting them go early. Tyler walked out of the classroom and headed down the hall toward his locker to change out the books in his bag for the ones he would need for his next two classes. He rounded the final corner and froze, his breath catching in his throat. The locker beside his was open and there stood Joe, swapping his own books as the two did every day. Tyler hesitated momentarily, but when he looked around him and realized the hallway was empty except for the two of them he knew there might be no better chance for them to talk and his feet went into motion, closing the gap between them in a time that would have made Coach proud.

"Hey," Tyler smiled, opening his locker, not sure how else to start the conversation.

Joe turned his head away, refusing to look at Tyler. He shoved the last of his books in his bag and went to close his locker but Tyler stopped it from shutting. Joe didn't look at him but he sighed and stared in the opposite direction, his shoulders drooping.

Tyler still didn't know what to say. There were so many things he wanted to ask and to talk about but he couldn't just come out with them. Finally he settled on, "How was your weekend?"

Joe rolled his eyes, looking at Tyler for the briefest of moments before he turned his back on him. He didn't want to be anywhere near Tyler right now and had hoped to get his books and be gone before Tyler showed up. Being so close to him, hearing his breaths, feeling the warmth of his body, brought back too many memories of the night they shared together. He felt vulnerable; scared.

Wanting to get away, Joe tried to close his locker again but Tyler's grip only tightened on the door, wrenching it open, almost ripping it from its hinges.

"For fucks sake, Joe," Tyler growled through clenched teeth, the frustration building inside him. "Look at me. Talk to me."

Joe turned his body further away from Tyler and looked down at the floor. He didn't try to walk away, he just stood with his bag in his hand, wishing he was anywhere else.

"You're really not going to say anything?" Tyler asked, gripping the door of Joe's locker tight in his fist. One of his worst fears was becoming a reality, things between them had changed and he had no idea how to make things better.

Suddenly Joe swirled around, his hand moving up toward Tyler's face. Tyler closed his eyes, thinking that a punch or a slap was coming, but instead, Joe's hand landed in the middle of his chest, pushing him back against his open locker and he started laughing like Tyler had just told the funniest joke he had ever heard.

Tyler stood staring, baffled by what was happening until he heard footsteps and looked up to see Toby and Kyle heading their way, with a few other students drifting down the hall behind them.

"What's up, guys?" Kyle asked.

"What's so funny?" Todd added, stopping beside Joe.

"Oh, we were just talking about this guy we saw on the beach," Joe said, his voice a little too high pitched to be genuine. "He fell asleep and got real bad sunburn, like all over. When he got up to walk away it looked like he'd crapped himself."

The guys chuckled at the image but Tyler just continued to stare at Joe, not knowing how to process what was happening. He couldn't believe Joe could blank him one moment and then pretend like they were best friends again the next just because their buddies showed up. He didn't want to have to put on an act for anyone.

"Well, we'll see you at lunch," Toby said, patting Tyler's shoulder as they continued on toward their next class, leaving Tyler and Joe alone again, everyone else seemingly disappearing.

When they were out of sight, Joe slammed his locker shut and tried to walk away but Tyler reached out, grabbed his arm and yanked him backwards so hard he almost fell over.

"Get the fuck off me," Joe spat, pulling his arm free of Tyler's grip as he fought to maintain his balance.

"Not unless you talk to me," Tyler exclaimed, looking around as more people entered the hallway. He closed his own locker, pushed Joe across the hall into a bathroom and locked the door behind them.

"I don't want to talk to you," Joe spat, spinning around to face Tyler. "I thought I made that clear."

"No, you didn't," Tyler almost screamed. He took a step forward, his eyes boring into Joe's "You said you didn't want to talk about us having sex, not that you didn't want to talk at all."

"And I meant that until this morning but you just couldn't stop yourself, could you?" Joe seethed.

"When?" Tyler asked.

"Don't give me that bullshit, you know exactly what I mean," Joe snapped. "Telling the guys about us, about what you did to me."

"They didn't know I was talking about you," Tyler objected.

"No, but I did," Joe snarled. "What were you trying to do? Bait me into telling them?"

"No," Tyler said.

"Then what?" Joe asked. "What were you trying to achieve? I tell you I don't want to talk about it yet the first chance you get you're rubbing it my face, talking about how I begged for it, saying if we'd been there a few more days I would have come back for more."

Tyler actually looked away this time, needing a second to think. "It was my defence mechanism kicking in."

"What?" Joe asked, confused.

Tyler sighed and looked at Joe again. "You think I've got all this figured out in my head, don't you? I don't. I'm as confused as you are. I never expected this to happen with us, Joe. I didn't plan it. I'm not scheming now to get you back into bed with me. I just want my best friend back."

"Then what was that shit out there?" Joe asked. "That's not giving us time to deal with it."

"I don't know," Tyler admitted. "It's stupid."

"What is?" Joe asked.

Tyler held his gaze, "I felt like you were dissing me by telling them about the girls we fucked."

"What the hell?" Joe exclaimed. "What else was I supposed to tell them? `Oh, hey guys, yeah we fucked a couple of girls but the best sex we've ever had was when Tyler stuck his dick up my ass'?"

Suddenly it felt like all of the air had been sucked out of the room. Tyler's eyes were fixed on Joe's and Joe was staring back. They inched closer, neither even blinking, until they were nose to nose. It was only when he felt Tyler's breath on his lips that Joe pulled away.

"Fuck!" Joe screamed. "No."

"Joe..." Tyler whispered.

"No! Don't..." Joe demanded.

"We need to talk," Tyler said, "Please. We can't just keep avoiding this and hope it goes away."

"Why can't we?" Joe asked. "Everything was great until last week, now it's all fucked up."

"It was just one night..." Tyler started to say, but Joe interrupted.

"That's not what this is about," Joe protested.

"Huh?" Tyler said.

"You think this is just about that night?" Joe asked. "No. I could deal with it if we just fucked, Tyler. We could write it off as an experiment, a one night thing where we got carried away and did something we'll never do again, but that's not all it was for you. You think I'm hot. You said that. You're actually attracted to me. I wasn't just someone who was there to help you get off that night, you wanted me, and right here right now you still want me."

Tyler didn't know what to say. He stood in silence, unable to find any words to reply to Joe with.

"That's what I can't forget," Joe continued. "I can't look at you the same way I did before because I know what you're thinking, I know what you want to do. This, right now, you getting so close to me, wanting to kiss me or do whatever else to me, we can't do this. I can't be alone with you. I just can't."

Tyler stood in shock as Joe rushed past him to the bathroom door, unlocked it and ran out into the hall. Joe's words were swimming around in his head, going in circles while he tried to make sense of them. Did he really just hear what he thought he did? Joe said it's not the sex he has the problem with but Tyler's feelings. What about not being able to be alone with him? Is that really because of Tyler's attraction or because of Joe's fear of what might happen if they are alone again?

He was pulled out of his thoughts by someone entering the bathroom and quickly headed back out into the hall to get the books he hadn't managed to swap the first time. He slid them into his bag and fastened the zipper, glancing around to see if anyone was looking at him, thinking they might have noticed him and Joe in the bathroom, but once again no one paid him any attention, simply going on about their day like any other.

His mind would probably have stayed on Joe if it wasn't for his third class being biology; his favourite academic subject. He loved living things and had great interest in anatomy, going way beyond his appreciation of the male form. It coupled perfectly with his fascination of fitness and sports and he hoped he might combine them into a career if a life in college and pro football wasn't in his future.

The other thing Tyler loved about biology was the teacher. Mr Brown was everything Tyler thought a man should be. He was in his late twenties, tall and handsome with his black hair cut short and styled up away from his face. He had a beard that was neatly trimmed, creating great contrast between his solid jaw and his thick neck. His shirts were tight and body-hugging so his firm pecs and bulging biceps almost burst through the fabric that was tucked into a pair of blue jeans tight enough to show his round ass and a very prominent bulge, accentuated all the more by the black leather belt tied around his thin waist. No eyes ever wandered when he was in the room and all ears listened to every word he said in his deep yet soft voice that could inform and arouse simultaneously.

Tyler hung on every word the man said, taking every fact and figure on board and making notes on his pad, positioned in a way so he could write without ever having to take his eyes off the stud at the front of the room. He would probably get straight A's without even trying but sometimes he still feigned confusion and asked for an explanation just so Mr Brown would lean over the desk from behind, his hard chest pressed against Tyler's shoulder, his big arm coming around Tyler's body as he used his strong, thick fingers to point out a passage or diagram in a textbook, going over the information again while Tyler basked in the closeness, the heat from the man's body, the feeling of the muscles pressed against him and the smell of the man's beard oil. He wanted Mr Brown to teach him about a different aspect of biology, one they wouldn't approve of in schools.

Mr Brown was the kind of man Tyler wanted to be when he got older; maintaining both a career and his body and doing it well. He was also the kind of man he wanted to be with. He could imagine having long, deep, meaningful conversations with him for hours before they headed into the bedroom to fuck each other's brains out.

The older man was a fantasy, someone he knew he'd never really get to be with. Then again, he had thought that about Joe until just a few days ago when they were locked alone in that motel room and he shot his load deep into Joe's ass after the most amazing sex of his short life. Who knows what the future holds?

The class ended far too quickly for Tyler's liking and reluctantly he packed up and headed to his next class. The middle aged and slightly frumpy English teacher did nothing for him and her teaching style left a lot to be desired as well. The most enjoyable part of the class was the tally Tyler made in the back of his notebook every time the woman said the word `basically' when she started to explain something. He was hoping she would break her record of forty-seven in one session but she was six short of that target when the bell rang and she finally had to stop talking so the class could go to lunch.

When he finally made it to the cafeteria the queue for food was huge and he groaned with frustration. Looking across the room he could see his friends at their usual table, already half way through their lunch. He stood patiently at the back of the line, waiting for his turn, his body instinctively following the procession as it moved forward while his eyes were glued to the table, watching Toby, Kyle and Luke gathered around Joe, hanging off his every word. Tyler couldn't hear what he was saying but the way he was moving his arms and gesturing made it look like he was putting on a show for them. He needed to hear what they were talking about, especially when the guys all burst out laughing and turned to look at him.

Instead of waiting for his turn, Tyler used his size and strength to push some of the smaller kids out of his way so he could get to the front quicker. He didn't intend to hurt any of them but he also didn't know his own strength so when he grabbed one kid by the collar and pulled him backwards, simply trying to move him, he yanked harder than he realized, knocking the boy off-balance so he fell flat on his ass on the floor. Tyler's buddies roared with laughter and pointed at the boy, who scrambled to his feet, his face bright red. Tyler's instinct was to apologize but with his friends and the other students watching he felt like he had his image to uphold so he just scowled at the kid, whose eyes went wide before he scurried away, wanting to avoid any further confrontation, re-joining the line further back.

Everyone else moved to let Tyler to the front of the queue, worried they might suffer the same fate if they didn't. No one said anything as Tyler hurriedly got his food, not really caring what they served up since he would burn whatever crap it was off in the gym later, and headed over to the table to join his friends.

"We spent the morning on the beach and then I took her back to the room and fucked her twice," Joe was saying as Tyler took his seat.

He wanted to say something. He knew the girl Joe was talking about was the one he fucked in reaction to their own night together, but he also knew Joe was right, they had to be careful, so he simply sat back, spooned some food into his mouth and continued to listen.

"She let you fuck her twice?" Luke asked.

"She didn't let me," Joe grinned. "She begged me. One time wasn't enough."

"That is so hot," Luke sighed.

"Listen to you, gay boy," Kyle laughed. Tyler's eyes immediately met Joe's hearing those words but neither spoke. "You're getting turned on thinking about Joe fucking someone."

"What? No! I'm not!" Luke protested. "I... It's not... Fuck you!"

Kyle and Toby laughed at the panic on Luke's face and in his voice. Joe joined in but Tyler was silent, his eyes still fixed on Joe.

"Where were you when this was happening?" Toby asked, turning his attention to Tyler.

Tyler swallowed his food and looked at his friend. He had to think fast. "He kicked me out of the room so they could be alone," Tyler said. "He didn't want to risk another three-way."

"What do you mean?" Luke asked.

"Well, it's just like football, you never want to be shown up on the playing field," Tyler replied.

Toby laughed and slapped Joe on the back but Joe was not amused. He glared at Tyler and stood up, taking his tray with him.

"I'm gonna go outside," Joe said. "I saw a couple of hot senior girls out by the parking lot and after this past week I'm feeling lucky. You coming?"

He didn't wait for an answer, turning and walking away.

Luke jumped to his feet, ready to follow. "Yeah!"

Kyle rose slower but had a huge smile on his face. "I've got to see this."

Toby glanced over at Tyler, who was only half way through his food. "You coming to see him make an ass out of himself?"

"Nah, you go ahead," Tyler said. "I already saw him do that most of last week."

Toby laughed and got up, clearing his tray away. Tyler spooned more food into his mouth as he watched them leave. He didn't know what to think about what was happening with Joe or how he was acting, but he knew he had to be careful. Things were tense with them but letting the bad feelings simmer could lead to problems in public and they ran the risk of exposing themselves. He would have to bite his tongue.

The door to the cafeteria had barely closed behind his friends when he felt someone slide into the chair beside him. A single glance made him have to fight to suppress a groan.

"Hi Tyler," the cheery female voice said.

"Hi Tina," Tyler replied, hoping that was enough and she would go away.

"I've been thinking about you," she said.

"Really?" Tyler asked, feigning interest as he shovelled food into his mouth, now hoping to finish quickly so he could leave.

"Yeah. I'm having a pool party in two weeks and I want you and your friends to come," she smiled.

The last thing Tyler wanted to do was spend time with the girl outside of school. He didn't want to be alone with her now. The guys on the football team called her the `trike' because anyone could ride her no matter how inexperienced. She had had her eye on Tyler for months and every time she made a pass he turned her down.

"What's the occasion?" he asked, trying to be nice.

"It's my birthday and I'd really like you to be there," she said, running a finger down his arm.

Tyler fought the urge to shiver at the touch, praying that she'd washed her hands. He looked into her eyes, which were pleading with him to say yes.

"Who else is going?" he asked.

"Most of the cheerleaders have already said yes. So have some of the senior football players. Then there's you and your friends. And I've asked Jake."

The mention of that name sent a wave of heat running through Tyler's body. "Jake?"

"Yeah, the wrestler," Tina beamed. "I can't believe he said yes. He's like the biggest star in school and he's coming to my party."

"Okay, I'll be there," Tyler accepted the offer before he even knew the words were coming out of his mouth.

"Oh my God! Really? Oh, this is amazing. I have to tell my friends."

Before Tyler could say anything or try to take it back she had jumped up from the table and ran across the room to a group of girls who proceeded to scream when she told them the news. They all turned and waved so Tyler waved back, putting a big smile on his face while silently wishing the ceiling would fall in, killing them all.

Why did he have to let his competitive urges get the better of him? He knew he was a good football player and had the potential to go on to do great things but he wanted some of that recognition now. He had been made starting quarterback and acting captain of the football team during the last game of the season. Yes, they had lost that match in the playoffs, but he was still the star of the team and therefore the biggest star at the school. That was until Jake made the state wrestling finals and almost won. Everything Tyler had accomplished, especially as a junior, was forgotten in favour of Jake, even though he eventually lost too. Jake was the one everyone wanted to talk about or to. He was the one the school paper wanted to interview. He was the one whose photo was taken for the cover of the prospectus the school put together to try to encourage new students to enrol. He was the one all of the girls fawned over, and even some of the guys, especially his little friend, Evan, who looked at Jake like he was some kind of God. Why didn't anyone look at him like that? Why didn't anyone want him that badly? Why couldn't Joe want him like Evan wanted Jake?

Tyler wanted to scream. He hated that his mind worked the way it did. He hated that he could get so insanely jealous of someone when they were probably just as talented in their field as he was in his. But he was busting his ass, on the field, in the gym and in his classes and he felt like he wasn't being given enough credit. He was just as good as Jake, and he was certainly just as hot, even if Jake's body did look incredible in his wrestling singlet, clinging tight to his hard muscles and hugging his amazing bubble butt. Damn, that was an ass Tyler would love to fuck; to make the big wrestling star his bitch and show him who the better man was.

FUCK! Tyler wanted to scream. Just the idea of doing anything with Jake was making his dick plump up. That was the thing he hated the most. He couldn't fight his feelings. He couldn't fight his attractions. He wanted to despise Jake, but he could never truly do that while he wanted to sleep with him, so he acted out to try to make Jake hate him. And then there was Joe. He hadn't been able to fight his feelings there either, seducing his best friend, doing everything he could to get what he wanted with no regard for what might happen afterwards. Maybe it's true. Maybe men do think with their dick. And if they do, Tyler might be in trouble, because his dick knows what it wants and it's usually just a matter of time until it gets it.

To Be Continued?

Next: Chapter 42: Tyler 12

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