
By Big D

Published on Jun 17, 2017


DISCLAIMER: This story will include scenes involving sex between young men and adult language. If you do not like or are offended by such things or are under age wherever you are reading this then please leave now.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission.

This is pure fiction. No one in this story is a real person, living or deceased, and any resemblance as such is purely coincidental.

Characters in this story partake in bareback sex, please remember that this is fiction and in the real world precautions should be taken to ensure everyone's safety. Please use protection.

If you want to contact me with any comments please do so at: storiesbybigd@hotmail.co.uk

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Tyler – Part 8

"What do you mean we don't need her?" Joe asked with his brow furrowed, staring at Tyler.

A thousand different things went through Tyler's mind, trying to decide what he should say, but in the end it was his hand that did the talking.

The next two seconds seemed to go by so slowly it felt like an eternity. Tyler's breath was caught in his throat and his heart pounded so hard he feared that blood would start gushing from his temples. His eyes followed his hand as he watched it move across the gap between the beds, the fingers opening and then closing around the shaft of Joe's big dick.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Joe screamed, jumping up off the bed, pulling his dick out of Tyler's hand.

Tyler expected to feel a punch connect with his jaw or to see Joe fleeing like he had that morning, but when Joe just stood there, panting heavily, glaring at him instead of running for the door, his cock still hard and throbbing, bobbing up and down in the air in front of him, glistening with precum, still begging for relief, Tyler knew there could be a chance to get what he wanted and he had to take it.

"We can take care of each other," Tyler said.

Rising slowly, he kept his eyes locked with Joe's as he eased his way around the bed and closed the gap between them. He was still on guard, thinking that at any moment Joe would charge at him and tackle him or do something to repel his advance.

A look of fear washed over Joe's face as Tyler moved closer but he didn't launch himself at Tyler, he didn't attack like an animal that had been backed into a corner, he simple began to move backwards, trying to put more distance between them.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Joe asked, still backing away.

"I can give you what you want..." Tyler whispered softly as the distance between him and Joe narrowed.

"What I want?" Joe screamed. "Are you on drugs?"

"No..." Tyler shook his head.

"Then what the fuck is this?" Joe demanded. "You just grabbed my dick, Ty. What the fuck?"

Tyler held Joe's gaze and stood tall, happy that his body wasn't quivering like his insides were.

"I thought I'd help you out," Tyler said.

"By jerking me off?" Joe shrieked. "What are you? Some kind of queer?"

"If I am then so are you," Tyler said boldly.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Joe exclaimed, stepping up to Tyler for the first time, getting ready to fight.

"It means you came just as hard as I did when our dicks were rubbing together last night," Tyler asserted.

"Because we were fucking a girl together!" Joe protested.

"Bullshit," Tyler spat. "Where was the girl when you kissed me?"

Joe's eyes went wide. "I didn't fucking kiss you!"

"Yes, you did," Tyler replied. "Your lips were on mine, Joe. Your tongue was in my mouth."

"Because you kissed me!"

"No, we both leaned in. We kissed each other," Tyler said. "You wanted it just as much as I did."

"Shut the fuck up!" Joe commanded.

"Why? Because you don't like the truth?" Tyler asked.

Joe took a swing at Tyler, but he saw it coming, ducked out of the way and quickly grabbed Joe's arms, pressing him back against the wall, pinning him against it.

"Get the fuck off me!" Joe screamed, trying to yank his arms from Tyler's grip.

"Not until you admit you liked it," Tyler said, calmly.

"Why are you doing this?" Joe asked, a little hint of weakness creeping into his voice.

"Because I know you felt the same thing I did last night," Tyler said.

Joe closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the wall. "Ty, please..."

"It felt so good, Joe," Tyler continued, his face just inches from Joe's. "We don't need a girl to feel that again. We can do that for each other. Two buddies helping each other out."

"Ty, stop," Joe said, opening his eyes to look into Tyler's. "We're not gay. We can't do this."

Tyler held Joe's gaze. "Yes, we can. This doesn't make us gay, Joe. It won't change the way we feel about girls."

"But it's wrong," Joe said. "Everything about it is wrong."

"I don't care," Tyler replied. "I don't care what anyone else thinks; what the church thinks, what my parents think, what Coach thinks. None of them ever have to know about this. This is between me and you. And fuck what's right. I know what feels good and what we did felt amazing. I want to do it again."


"Tell me you don't want to," Tyler said. "Tell me you don't want to cum like that again. Tell me you don't want me to kiss you right now like I did last night. It made your knees weak, just like it did mine."

"Fuck..." Joe gasped.

Tyler took that as an answer and pressed his lips against Joe's, forcing his head back against the wall, holding Joe's wrists firmly in his hands.

Joe didn't kiss back. His eyes were scrunched up and he weakly tried to pull his hands from Tyler's grip or turn his head away. He didn't want to be kissed, not by a guy, but the memories of the night before flashed in his mind and he couldn't deny that it felt good. His lips slowly opened, letting Tyler's tongue slip inside.

When Tyler's thick tongue slid against his own, caressing it, owning his mouth, a shiver went down Joe's spine that shot straight up his cock, making it twitch and jerk, pumping out a huge bead of precum. He moaned and gave in, accepting Tyler's kiss and reciprocating with all the heat he felt building inside him. It was so different kissing a guy, so hot.

Tyler's dick throbbed, standing up against his belly, when he felt Joe stop fighting, giving himself over to the feelings. The kiss became hard and passionate as Joe's lips attacked his with equal ferocity and they began to make out. With Joe's tongue moving, not just letting Tyler's take over but battling it, swirling around it, refusing to be submissive in the duel, Tyler felt a rush unlike any other and moved his hands up from Joe's wrists until his fingers slid between Joe's and they held hands, their fingers interlinked and pinned against the wall as they continued to kiss.

Only when they both needed to breathe did they break the kiss to come up for air. Tyler placed his forehead against Joe's and looked into his eyes. They were both panting hard, their hands still clasped together.

"Tell me that wasn't good," Tyler whispered, still feeling the tingle on his lips.

The words snapped Joe out of his horny daze and he quickly pulled his hands from Tyler's, catching Tyler off guard as he put his hands against Tyler's chest and pushed hard, sending him stumbling backwards.

"I told you I didn't want to do this," Joe screamed, wiping the spit off his lips with the back of his hand.

"Yeah, and you're a fucking liar," Tyler responded as he found his feet and stood upright again. "You kissed me back, Joe. You could have pushed me away but you didn't."

"Yes I did!" Joe protested.

"Only after two minutes of sucking my fucking lips off," Tyler exclaimed. "You loved it."

"No I fucking didn't!" Joe screamed.

"Then why is your dick still rock hard?" Tyler asked, looking at Joe's throbbing erection that bobbed up and down in the air, looking huge.

Joe gasped when he looked down and saw his dick glistening from all of the precum that had been leaking out of it. Tyler was right. He was as hard as he had ever been and he felt a churning in his balls that made him feel light-headed.

"I'm not gay," Joe whimpered, sounding half amazed and half terrified.

"I never said you were," Tyler replied, hoping to ease Joe's panic. He closed the gap between them. "But why fight it when it feels so good?"

"Because we're both guys," Joe said.

"Do your lips care?" Tyler asked.

He put his hands on the sides of Joe's face and pulled him into another kiss. Joe's arms remained at his side until Tyler's tongue brushed against his lips and he moaned. As he opened his mouth to let Tyler's tongue back inside he moved his arms up and put his hands on Tyler's forearms, holding him in place as they kissed.

"Fuck..." Joe gasped when Tyler pulled back with a loud pop as their suctioning lips parted.

While Joe was still recovering, Tyler said, "Do your nipples care?"

Joe was confused by the words and he was still trying to process them when Tyler's head dipped down and his lips closed around Joe's nipple, sucking gently on it as he teased the nub with the tip of his tongue.

"HOLY SHIT!" Joe screamed, as his body shuddered and he grabbed onto the back of Tyler's head, holding him against his pec. "Oh Jesus, Ty, what the fuck are you doing?"

"Did that feel good?" Tyler asked, rising up with a smile on his face.

"Oh fuck... you know it did... but..." Joe panted.

"No buts," Tyler interrupted. "Don't think about what we're doing. Focus on how good it feels."

Tyler tweaked Joe's moist nipple with his fingers and quickly took the other one in his mouth, giving it the same treatment.

Joe shuddered, his back arching, "Oh god..."

"And what about this?" Tyler asked as he kissed his way up Joe's chest until he was looking into Joe's eyes.

Holding Joe's gaze, Tyler reached down to wrap his fingers around the shaft of Joe's slick cock. He loved the expression of surprise and pleasure that washed over Joe's face.

Joe whimpered and shuddered at the contact and clung to Tyler's broad shoulders as Tyler moved his hand up and down the stiff shaft, his fingers circling the head, slowly jerking Joe's big dick.

"How does that feel?" Tyler asked.

Joe buried his head in Tyler's shoulder and bit at the skin to try to stifle the moan that still escaped. Feeling Tyler's hand on his dick was incredible. Unlike the girls he had been with, Tyler's hand was strong, the fingers were thick and long and powerful, wrapping around his shaft like a sheath custom built to fit around his dick, and yet at the same time they were still soft and gentle. He knew the hand wouldn't hurt him but he also knew it could milk his cock dry.

"Oh fuck... It's amazing!" Joe moaned.

"Yeah?" Tyler asked, still stroking Joe at the same pace, loving the feeling of Joe's big eight inch cock finally being in his hand; the warmth, the hard yet soft flesh, the weight of it against his palm, the slick precum leaking from the head that coated his fingers as he spread it up and down the long, thick shaft. "You want me to keep going?"

"Yes..." Joe panted, his eyes closed but his head nodding. He couldn't believe what he was saying but it felt too good to tell Tyler to stop. He was so turned on he thought his cock would rocket off his body when he finally shot his load.

Tyler kept his hand on Joe's dick, never letting the rhythm falter, while he used his other hand to push Joe back against the wall. When they could go no further, Tyler bent his head forward and ran his tongue over the lobe of Joe's ear. Joe moaned and threw his head back from the joint sensations, giving Tyler the opportunity he wanted to nuzzle into Joe's neck, licking and kissing the skin while his hand continued to slide up and down Joe's cock.

"Fuck... Fuck... Oh God..." Joe moaned, feeling Tyler's lip kissing a sweet spot just under his chin. He placed his hand on the back of Tyler's head and ran his fingers through Tyler's hair.

As Tyler's tongue traced the line of his jaw, Joe felt the brush of Tyler's facial hair against his instead of the usual soft skin of whatever girl he was kissing. He thought it would disgust him and that he would hate it but it only turned him on more, feeling the difference, knowing he shouldn't be doing it but unable to ignore how good it felt. His cock jerked in Tyler's hand and he started moving his hips, trying to fuck Tyler's fist.

Tyler licked his way over Joe's jaw from his neck and up his chin until he parted Joe's lips and drove it inside for another passionate, tongue-filled kiss. Joe kept his hand on the back of Tyler's head and kissed him hard.

Breaking the kiss, Tyler let go of Joe's cock and looked into his eyes. "Are you ready?"

"For what?" Joe gasped, sucking in a deep breath.

Tyler answered by placing both of his big hands on Joe's hips. He looked into Joe's eyes and then looked down, glancing up only briefly to check that Joe had followed his gaze. He had.

The distance between their dicks closed as Tyler guided his and Joe's hips together. Both of them sucked in air and held their breath, their stomachs tightening, as they watched their throbbing cocks approach each other, Joe's dick slightly bigger but Tyler's still impressive and glistening with precum.

The moment their cocks touched, Tyler's shaft brushing against Joe's and running up the length, they both moaned. When the heads slid together, sending shockwaves surging through their bodies they stared into each other's eyes and lunged forward, their mouths crashing together in the most desperate kiss either had ever experienced.

With their lips still connected, their mouths almost devouring each other, Tyler pressed Joe's back against the wall and really started to hump against him, thrusting back and forth, rubbing their dicks together, one moment side by side, and the next one on top of the other. They moaned into each other's mouths and Joe drove his hips forward, fucking his dick against Tyler's so they were working together, humping each other, their constantly leaking precum acting as lube as their cocks battled just like their tongues were.

Joe was overwhelmed by sensations, not only from his mouth and dick, where his and Tyler's bodies connected, but from the difference in Tyler's body to all those girls he had slept with. Instead of being small and petite, Tyler was tall and broad with muscles almost popping out of his skin and strength that could probably overwhelm him. Instead of smooth flesh, Tyler had little hairs on his arms and legs, a small patch on his chest and a trail between his abs. Instead of being submissive and letting him take the lead, Tyler was more dominant, not forceful but confident, giving as good as he was receiving. It gave Joe a high better than any alcohol or weed, and he liked it.

Tyler slid one of his hands up Joe's body, feeling his abs and pecs while he still held their thrusting bodies together. His hand continued up until it was on the back of Joe's head, holding it, cradling it, running his fingers through Joe's thick, floppy hair as they kissed, feeling what he had wanted to ever since he saw Jackson doing the same thing.

Joe loved the way Tyler was treating him, feeling his body with what Joe thought was admiration, Tyler's cock twitched and jerked against Joe's own in excitement. It made him feel so hot and sexy and turned him on even more, knowing how much Tyler was responding. He ran his own hand over Tyler's back, sliding it down until it was on the firm mound of Tyler's ass cheek. He squeezed it tight, feeling the muscles beneath the skin, which gave him an adrenaline rush from the feeling of such power as the cheeks clenched with every thrust. Joe used his grip to pull Tyler even tighter against his body.

Finally breaking the kiss, their lips starting to swell from the intensity, Tyler held onto the back of Joe's head and pressed his cheek against Joe's so their mouths were next to each other's ear. Their hips still moved, sliding the solid rods of their dicks together.

"Fuck... Your dick feels so good against mine," Tyler moaned.

"So good..." Joe agreed, wrapping his free arm around Tyler's back, the other hand still on his ass.

"Do you still think we need a girl between us?" Tyler asked.

"No, fuck no," Joe panted. "Oh God, this is amazing. I need to cum, Ty."

"Yeah?" Tyler asked. "You want me to make you cum?"

"Yes... Please... Make me cum," Joe begged.

Tyler smiled and bit Joe's ear. Before Joe knew what was happening, Tyler had wrapped his arms around him and lifted him up. Joe had no choice but to grab on, putting his arms around Tyler's neck and his legs around his waist.

In this new position their dicks still rubbed together, but Tyler had all the control. He slammed Joe back against the wall, pressing him against it as he pumped his hips harder and faster, thrusting his cock against Joe's.

Joe groaned from the impact against the wall but that was quickly replaced by screams of pleasure as Tyler manhandled him and drove their dicks harder together. He clung to Tyler's shoulders and held on, essentially letting Tyler take him on a ride as he was bounced up and down against Tyler's hips, the length of his rock hard seven inch cock travelling up along the shaft of Joe's own from the base right the way to the tip, where, when the heads brushed together, they both screamed all manner of expletives.

The feelings surging through Joe's body were almost overwhelming, not only the physical things that were causing little tremors all over his body, but the heat he felt inside at not just being with another man, something he never thought would happen, but in letting that man take control, in not fighting him and giving himself over to him, he didn't feel feminine or less of a man because it was his choice and it was so hot it made his cock throb.

With Tyler holding him under his legs, Joe was able to push his shoulders back against the wall, giving him leverage as he pumped his hips forward in Tyler's hands, thrusting against him so they were really sliding against each other.

"Oh fuck..." Tyler moaned from the exquisite friction.

Since Tyler's arms were supporting his weight and his back against the wall provided even more stability, Joe's arms were free. He ran his hand up Tyler's big, pumped chest, feeling the muscles of his pecs and then touched his fingers to Tyler's lips. Tyler sucked one of Joe's fingers into his mouth and ran his tongue along the length, their eyes connected the entire time and their hips still moved. Joe moaned, gripped the sides of Tyler's head and immediately replaced his fingers with his tongue in a demanding kiss.

Tyler kissed back, moaning into Joe's mouth. He was so turned on, getting to be with Joe like this, feeling him thrusting and kissing back, wanting it as much as he did. He shifted his stance and Joe's body weight without breaking the kiss and moved away from the wall. The thrusting stopped momentarily as Tyler turned them around and walked the few steps to the bed. He held Joe, making out with him, pressing as much of their bodies together as he could, and then gently lowered him down onto the bed, following him so their lips didn't separate.

Joe's arms and legs were still wrapped around Tyler, only now that he was on his back Tyler was on top of him, his big body hovering over Joe's, spreading his legs wide to make room for Tyler, who kept thrusting down against him, pressing their bodies so close Joe could feel Tyler's hard abs rubbing against his cock, feeling the ridges caressing his dick as they slid together, their cocks pressed between their bellies.

For Tyler it was incredible, feeling Joe's big, hard muscled body beneath his. It was what he had wanted before when the girl was between them but he never thought it would happen with just the two of them. Now that it was he feared it was all just in his head.

Pulling back from the kiss, Tyler looked down at Joe and smiled. "Damn, this is even better than last night."

Joe thrust up against him, driving their dicks together. "Oh fuck yeah. Oh God. So good..."

Tyler pushed himself up, forcing Joe to let his arms fall from around his neck. Using his hands, Tyler pulled Joe's legs from around his waist and lowered them to the bed so they were on either side of him. He sat back, looking down at the incredible body laid out beneath him, the pecs small but firm, the abs like carved monuments on his stomach, and the big eight inch dick resting in the valley between them, with Tyler's own seven inch cock lying on top of it.

While he knew he could have kept humping his cock against Joe's and they would have likely shot their loads before long, Tyler wanted to see how far things would go so he had to take the chance to push it further. He reached across the bed, grabbed the bottle of lube Joe had used earlier and poured some into his hand.

Joe stared up at Tyler, watching the awesome body move between his legs as his best friend sat back, pouring lube into his hands, which he then rubbed together. He had no idea what Tyler had in mind, but the devilish look in his eyes and the twitching of his cock against Joe's own, excited him. Whatever came next he was happy to experience.

Making eye contact again, Tyler watched Joe's breath get caught in his throat as he reached down and wrapped a hand around each of their cocks, his long fingers encircling the shafts, running up from the bases to the heads and back again.

"Oh fuck!" Joe screamed, throwing his head back against the mattress as Tyler spread the lube all over his cock, squeezing it with just the right amount of force to send shivers through every part of his body as a huge drop of precum was forced out of his slit.

Tyler's other hand was busy on his own cock, stroking the lube up and down, getting it nice and slick. It felt good, but not as good as rubbing his dick against Joe's had felt. After another few seconds of jerking the cocks in perfect rhythm with each other, he shifted his position slightly, pressed their dicks together again and used both of his hands to create a tunnel that they were both trapped inside.

With their dicks encased, Tyler shifted his hips back and forth, fucking his dick against Joe's through his slippery fists, which he pulled back in the opposite direction to heighten the sensations. Tyler's grip as so much tighter than the girl had been when they were both inside her, squeezing and stroking their cocks.

"OH FUCK!" Joe screamed, his head thrown against the bed, his back arched, his hips humping up trying to fuck Tyler's gripping hands.

"FUCK YEAH!" Tyler screamed in reply, his eyes in the back of his head, which was rolled back against his shoulder, his mouth hanging open. He bucked his hips hard, up and down, like he was riding Joe, thrusting against Joe's cock and into his own fist.

Joe was panting so hard, his body almost convulsing with every breath, that he thought he might pass out. Even the harshest training session Coach had put them through couldn't compare to what he was feeling now, his body completely overwhelmed, barely able to respond.

But he could move. His feet were planted on the mattress on either side of Tyler's body, giving him a base from which to push up on, thrusting against Tyler. And his arms were free, no longer clutching at the sheets beneath him from the pure ecstasy he felt coursing through his body. He reached out and ran them up Tyler's strong thighs, over his hard abs, across his firm pecs and up, having to bend his body upwards as he grabbed onto the back of Tyler's head and pulled him down until their lips met and they were kissing once again.

Tyler had to let the two throbbing cocks fall from his hands as he braced himself against the bed. He lowered his body onto Joe's as the kiss deepened, pressing not only their dicks together, but their stomachs and chests too, rubbing as much of himself as he could against Joe.

Feeling Tyler's weight on top of him, feeling the hard body, the pumped muscles and the insanely stiff dick against his, sent a thrill though Joe he hadn't expected and he found his legs opening, pulling up toward his chest to let Tyler get between them, giving him access as they clawed at each other and continued to kiss.

"Fuck..." Tyler gasped when they broke the kiss. "No girl has ever been as good as this."

"Oh man, not even close," Joe moaned.

With Tyler leaning back away from him, Joe took the time to admire his form, the huge arms with their bulging biceps holding him up, the big chest heaving with his unsteady breaths, and the rock hard abs that had danced across his dick when they thrust together. It was so different and yet so hot to be with a guy. A surge of adrenaline shot through him and before he knew what he was doing he grabbed Tyler by his sides and flipped him over onto his back so Tyler was on the bottom with Joe sitting astride him.

"What are you doing?" Tyler asked with a smile, lying back against the bed, looking up into Joe's eyes.

"I'm taking charge," Joe grinned, moving in over Tyler. He grabbed Tyler by the wrists and pinned his arms to the bed, even though Tyler wasn't fighting him, as he brought their hips together and slid his hard cock slowly up and down the length of Tyler's own throbbing erection.

"Oh God, Joe!" Tyler moaned as the incredible sensations, chills rushing through him, made his body quiver.

"You like that?" Joe asked, loving Tyler's reaction, feeling such power at being able to reduce a huge guy like Tyler to a whimpering mass of muscle by using nothing but his cock.

"Fuck yeah!" Tyler groaned, arching his back. He felt like he was floating outside of his body, looking down on them as he lay on his back beneath Joe with Joe taking the lead, not just going along with it now but actively participating. He couldn't believe Joe was holding him down against the bed while he used his cock to drive him wild.

"Tell me what you want," Joe said, dragging his dick along the length of Tyler's shaft until it was poking at his balls.

"I want you to stop playing around," Tyler moaned. "Rub that fucking big dick against mine."

Joe groaned at the desperation in Tyler's voice. "Like this?"

He slid his hips forward, letting the head of his cock glide over Tyler's balls and then up from the base, along the shaft, until it was brushing back and forth against the head.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" Tyler screamed, writhing around beneath Joe, almost pulling his arms from Joe's grip. "Harder. Faster."

Joe smiled and repositioned himself. He slid his hands up so he was now pinning Tyler down by his hands instead of his wrists. Tyler opened his fingers and linked them with Joe's again, like they had when they were against the wall. They looked into each other's eyes, and then with a smile, Joe drove his hips hard against Tyler's, pushing their dicks together, humping against him, giving Tyler what he wanted.

"Yes! Yes!" Tyler panted, spreading his legs wider, wanting Joe to have as much access to him as he wanted. He would have let Joe do anything to him.

Feeling Tyler's body beginning to tense, Joe figured he was getting close, and as much as he wanted to cum himself, he was having too much fun to let things end so soon by letting Tyler shoot his load. Instead, he slowed down his movements, not quite coming to a stop, but rather than thrusting against Tyler, he simply rotated his hips, grinding himself against his best friend. If it was possible that was even hotter; their dicks still slid together but the movements were less sexual and more sensual.

"I still can't believe we're doing this," Joe groaned, slowing almost to a stop.

Tyler was scared Joe was about to have second thoughts and pull away so he gripped his hands tighter and threw his legs up, wrapping them around Joe's waist. "Me neither, but it feels too good to stop."

The corner of Joe's mouth curled up into a smile. "Yes, it does."

Joe thrust down against Tyler, but wrapping his legs around Joe's waist had changed Tyler's position and instead of rubbing his dick against Tyler's own it slid into the crack of his ass and brushed against his tight virgin hole.

"HOLY SHIT!" Tyler screamed, shuddering from the contact and bucking his hips, pushing his ass harder against Joe's cock.

"Oh God..." Joe moaned, feeling the hard muscles of Tyler's ass clench around his cock. He pulled back and pushed forward again, letting his dick slide up and down in Tyler's crack.

Tyler had no words. He wanted to scream and shout, to tell Joe how good it felt to have his big, thick dick gliding back and forth between his ass cheeks, to beg, to plead with him to line it up with his hole and push it in, to fuck him, but the words just wouldn't come.

Gasping for breath, his hole twitching, wanting to be filled, Tyler turned his head and looked at his and Joe's hands, their fingers still entwined, and he carefully pulled them toward him, careful not to make Joe fall.

Joe continued to rub his dick against Tyler's ass, shifting his weight so he could still hold himself up with one hand while he watched Tyler pull the other one towards his face. He had no idea what Tyler was thinking but if everything so far was any indication it was going to feel good.

Bringing their hands to his mouth, Tyler first kissed the back of Joe's hand and then ran his tongue up the index finger before sucking it into his mouth, wanting to get it wet. He bobbed his head up and down on the finger for a moment only to have Joe pull it from between his lips.

Tyler's legs were quickly pushed from around Joe's waist and the dick that had come so tantalisingly close to entering his ass sprung up to hit Joe's abs. Tyler wanted to moan and protest, to tell Joe to put it back and keep going, but he didn't have time before Joe began to move.

With Tyler flat on his back, Joe climbed up over him and straddled his waist. He was so hard now his dick was actually aching. He took it in his hand and stroked it up and down, spreading the mixture of lube and precum all over the eight inch shaft. Staring down into Tyler's eyes he then gripped his dick by the base and slapped it down against Tyler's abs.

Tyler shuddered and whimpered at the contact of Joe's hard, heavy dick striking his abs. It made his own cock twitch and jump, rising up and landing against Joe's ass.

Joe hunkered forward, pushing his cock down so he could run it in the crevice between Tyler's abs, sliding it back and forth in the trench, fucking his stomach muscles. With each move backwards he also pushed his ass against Tyler's pulsing cock, letting it slip into his own crack, rubbing back and forth. The incredible feelings in his cock were heightened by the pleasure radiating from his ass and he understood what had made Tyler moan so loudly when Joe's dick was in his crack.

Instead of pushing further back, Joe moved forward, letting Tyler's dick slip from between his ass cheeks as he slid his own up over Tyler's chest, running his dick up and down between the twin mounds, fucking his firm pecs.

"Damn..." Tyler moaned, remembering the time he had put his dick between a girl's breasts. He never thought the same thing would be happening to him, but it was so hot, especially when he felt Joe's precum leaking out onto his chest.

Just when Tyler felt like Joe was going to go for broke, fucking his chest until he came, probably shooting all over his face, Joe shifted again, pressing his knees up under Tyler's armpits and sitting back on Tyler's chest.

Tyler stared up at Joe, wondering what he was going to do, when he saw that smile return to Joe's face and watched as Joe reached down, wrapped his fingers around the base of his dick and lowered it toward Tyler's face.

The dream was about to come true.

The moment seemed to take forever to happen but when Joe finally ran the soft, spongy head of his dick over Tyler's lips, they both moaned and closed their eyes in pleasure.

Tyler let Joe coat his lips with the precum dripping from the tip of his cock and then he slid the tip of his tongue just beyond his lips so he could finally taste Joe's juices straight from the source. The hint of lube didn't distract from the distinct flavour and Tyler quickly lifted his head, sucking the tip of Joe's dick into his mouth.

Even after everything they had done so far, Joe couldn't believe that Tyler would suck his dick, but there he was, the big, strong soon-to-be starting quarterback, with Joe's hard cock slipping between his lips, running his tongue around the head, lapping up as much of the precum as he could, before raising his head to suckle on it.

"Oh fuck, Ty," Joe moaned, reaching down to run his hand through Tyler's hair. "Suck my dick, man."

Those words unleashed a beast inside Tyler and his hunger for Joe became ferocious. Having Joe sitting on his chest restricted his access and he didn't just want the tip of Joe's dick in his mouth, he wanted the whole thing. He let Joe's cock slip from between his lips and reached up, grabbing Joe's arms.

Joe was surprised as Tyler flipped them back over, planting Joe on his back on the bed. The look in Tyler's eyes scared him a little as the huge stud stared down at him, but that fear soon disappeared when Tyler dove between his legs and ran his tongue from the base of his dick all the way to the very tip.

Spreading his legs wide to give Tyler full access to his cock, Joe looked down over his body in amazement as Tyler took his dick by the base and pulled it up so he could slide his lips down over the head, taking at least three inches of his cock into his mouth.

"Oh fuck, Ty!" Joe panted as Tyler began sucking his dick.

Tasting Joe's salty juices and feeling the soft head of his dick on his tongue made Tyler feel fulfilled in a way he hadn't ever felt before. No sporting achievement so far came close to how it felt to have Joe in his mouth, getting to feast on that beautiful pole of meat, pumping his mouth up and down, letting his lips and tongue caress every inch of it with each motion.

The way Joe's body moved, writhing beneath him, his back arching, his hands once again clutching at the sheets, balling them up in his fists, made Tyler warm inside, knowing he was giving his best friend the most incredible sensations the human body could feel.

Joe still clutched the sheets in one hand, biting his lip so he didn't scream as loud as he wanted to, but his other hand moved to the back of Tyler's head, urging him on without pressing down on him, letting Tyler go at his own pace.

"I can't believe you're sucking my cock," Joe gasped between panted breaths as Tyler swallowed almost six inches of him now.

"Does it feel good?" Tyler asked, pulling off only briefly, kissing the tip as he waited for Joe's reply.

"It's incredible, Ty," Joe groaned.

Tyler swirled his tongue around the head of Joe's cock. "The best you've ever had?"

"Oh fuck yeah!" Joe moaned. "No one even comes close."

Tyler kept his eyes on Joe as he stroked his saliva up and down the length of Joe's shaft. "That's because we're both guys. We know what feels good."

"Uh huh," Joe whimpered as Tyler pressed his tongue into the slit of his dick, still stroking him at a steady pace.

"Do you want me to show you what else feels good?" Tyler asked.

"Fuck yes..." Joe moaned, humping up into Tyler's fist. "Do whatever you want to me. It all feels so fucking good."

Tyler smiled at that. He knew Joe probably didn't mean he could do whatever he wanted but he was certainly going to test the possibilities.

With his hand still stroking Joe's cock, he ducked his head down, lying almost flat on the bed, and ran his tongue over Joe's balls, smiling at Joe's squeal of delight.

"Oh my God!" Joe gasped, sounding like he was about to pass out.

Tyler opened his mouth and sucked Joe's balls inside, feeling the weight against his tongue before he started rolling them around, curling his tongue around each testicle, teasing the delicate skin of the sack, and actually sucking on them, tugging on them with his lips suctioned tight.

Joe whimpered and writhed on the bed, first grabbing onto the sheets and then bringing his fist to his mouth to bite on it as he spread his legs wider and then brought them down, trying to wrap them around Tyler's head to pull him closer.

"Did that feel good like I said?" Tyler asked, popping the balls out of his mouth and removing his hand from Joe's cock, letting it slap against his abs.

"Oh man, no one has ever sucked my balls like that," Joe groaned.

Tyler smiled and pulled Joe's balls down, lifting his cock away from his belly in the process. He rose up and ran his tongue around the tip of Joe's dick, lapping at the precum, before he sucked the tip back into his mouth.

"Can I show you something else?" Tyler asked after he traced around the ridge of Joe's dick head with his tongue.

"Yes... Yes..." Joe panted.

Tyler knew it was now or never if he was going to make a move. "I need you to turn over."

Joe looked up, making eye contact with Tyler, wanting to make sure he heard him right. "Why?"

"Do you trust me?" Tyler asked.

"Yes," Joe nodded.

"Then turn over," Tyler commanded.

Joe did as Tyler said, slowly turning so he was laid on his stomach, but that wasn't how Tyler wanted him. He felt Tyler put his hands on his hips, pulling him up until he was on his hands and knees, his head down, looking between his legs at the huge, throbbing erection that hung there and just beyond it to the grinning face of his best friend.

Tyler reached between Joe's legs and grabbed his dick, pulling it down so it was pointing at the mattress before releasing it, letting it spring up to slap against Joe's abs. After a few times of watching Joe's body shudder and hearing him moan, Tyler leaned in and licked Joe's balls from behind this time, once again sucking them into his mouth while jerking Joe's cock.

When he let the balls slide from between his lips, Tyler immediately placed his tongue at the base of Joe's cock, but instead of licking down along the shaft, he licked upwards, over Joe's dangling balls, up onto his taint and further still, slipping his tongue into the crack of Joe's ass, going for his true goal, quickly finding Joe's tight hole.

"Oh shit!" Joe screamed at the contact, his body jerking, impulsively trying to pull away from Tyler's probing tongue.

Tyler knew Joe might react like that and he couldn't let him get away, not now he finally had access to that incredible ass, so he put his hands around Joe's waist and held him in place, pulling him back toward him as he sank his face between Joe's firm little butt cheeks and began to rim him with a hunger even a starving man at a feast would envy.

At first he just teased the opening with his tongue, running it around the puckering hole, but as Joe stopped fighting him, still squirming but not trying to get away, Tyler started prodding at it, hoping it would give way so his tongue could slip inside.

The hole was so tight that even the point of Tyler's tongue couldn't penetrate it. He flicked his tongue against it, spreading as much of his saliva over it as possible before diving in again, curling his tongue and jabbing it forward.

Joe buried his face in the crook of his elbow and bit at the skin, not so hard he hurt himself but enough to let him know that this was really happening, Tyler was eating his ass and it was one of the best feelings he had ever experienced.

"Oh fuck, Ty!" Joe moaned, pushing his ass back against Tyler's face. He braced himself with the arm his face had been pressed against and reached back with the other to shove Tyler deeper into his crack.

Tyler clasped Joe's ass cheeks tight and pulled them apart, shoving his face as far as he could between them, wanting to get as deep into Joe's hole as he possibly could. He loved the sounds that were coming from Joe and the way his hole had started twitching against his tongue, slowly opening to accept it inside.

With Joe not fighting him, still holding the back of his head, Tyler moved his hands around Joe's ass, feeling the cheeks, letting them close in around his face. He then ran his hands over Joe's strong back and around his sides, over his hard abs until he was stroking Joe's leaking cock again which was pumping out so much precum Tyler thought he'd run his fingers through an oil slick.

Feeling the juices coating his fingers gave Tyler another idea. He reluctantly pulled his face out of Joe's ass, kissing the cheek and then moving his lips upwards until he was kissing Joe's arched lower back. With Joe focused on Tyler's lips he wasn't paying attention to the finger that moved in behind him, slick with precum, and quickly slipped into his ass.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Joe screamed as he felt himself get penetrated by the long digit. He jumped up from the bed, ripping Tyler's finger out of his hole.

"You told me I could do what I wanted," Tyler explained, repeating Joe's words as he kneeled on the bed facing Joe.

"I didn't mean you could shove your finger up my ass!" Joe protested.

"You didn't mind my tongue being up there," Tyler reasoned.

"That wasn't inside me!" Joe exclaimed.

"It almost was," Tyler stated defiantly. "Come on, Joe, let me show you what's up there."

"What's up there?" Joe asked, incredulously.

"Yes," Tyler said. "There's a little button up there. It's hard wired straight to your cock. If I touch it you'll go off like a rocket."

Joe thought about it for a second and then shook his head, "No, man, I'm not gay. You're not putting anything up my ass."

"Okay, okay," Tyler said, holding up his hands in defeat, trying to hide his disappointment. "I just wanted to give you the best orgasm I could."

"You can do that without fingering my ass," Joe said. "I don't want to get fucked."

"Whatever," Tyler said, climbing down from the bed so he was on his knees in front of Joe. He didn't give Joe time to react before he pulled his dick into his mouth and resumed sucking him.

"Oh yeah, that's it," Joe moaned, rubbing the back of Tyler's head as he bobbed up and down. "Just suck me. Let me cum in your mouth."

As much as Tyler had wanted a shot at Joe's ass, he was more than happy to settle for the amazing cock that was sliding between his lips, pushing toward the back of this throat. He had only ever had Alex's cock in his mouth so he didn't have much to compare it to, but Joe's was by far his favourite, longer and thicker, filling his mouth in a way Alex never did, and he wanted all of it.

Taking a deep breath, filling his lungs with as much air as possible, Tyler plunged his face down onto Joe's dick, going way beyond the first five inches. He felt the tip press against the back of his throat and then it slipped past, easing its way in until he had swallowed all eight inches and his nose was pressed firmly against Joe's trimmed pubes.

"HOLY SHIT!" Joe screamed, pressing Tyler's head against his crotch before letting go. "I can't believe you did that."

"Fuck..." Tyler panted, pulling off and wiping the spit from his mouth with his hand.

"You swallowed the whole thing," Joe said in amazement. "No girl has ever taken all of me."

"I'm not a girl," Tyler stated. "I can take it."

To illustrate his point, Tyler went back down on Joe's cock, taking him in to the hilt before he rose back up and licked the head of Joe's dick.

"I can do things you never dreamed of," Tyler said, "things only a guy can do for another. Let me show you."

Once again, before Joe could react or protest, Tyler acted, grabbing Joe's hips and spinning him around. He then placed his hand in the middle of Joe's back and forced him to bend over, bracing himself against the wall, exposing his ass to Tyler's mouth, which was immediately buried back between the cheeks of his ass.

"No, Ty, no," Joe pleaded as he pounded his fist against the wall but pushed his ass back against Tyler's face and probing tongue. It felt so fucking good.

"Push me away, Joe," Tyler said as he rose up and ran his tongue up through Joe's crack. He kissed Joe's lower back. "Tell me this doesn't feel good."

Instead of waiting for a reply, Tyler buried his face back between the globes of Joe's ass and went to work on devouring it, using every skill he had learnt from Alex to make Joe's hole and body quiver.

"Oh fuck!" Joe screamed as Tyler breached his hole with his tongue. "What the fuck are you doing to me?"

Tyler pulled his face out of Joe's ass and licked his way up Joe's spine. When he was on his feet, he moved in behind Joe, pressing his hard dick into Joe's crack, coating it with his own spit, and wrapped his arms around Joe's body, one around his chest, the other reaching down to grip Joe's dick.

"I'm gonna make you cum," Tyler whispered in Joe's ear. "I'm gonna make you shoot so hard you'll pass out."

Joe simply moaned in reply, Tyler's strong hand jerking his cock, his lips kissing his neck and his dick rubbing against his ass.

"Do you want that, Joe?" Tyler asked when Joe didn't try to fight him.

"Yes," Joe nodded with his eyes closed.

Tyler pulled their bodies together, pressing his chest against Joe's back and thrusting hard against Joe's ass, pumping his hips so his dick slid back and forth through the deep valley. The whole time he was still stroking Joe's cock, moving his hips and hand in perfect rhythm.

He wanted to reposition his dick so it was pressed against Joe's hole, to push in and fuck him, but he knew Joe wasn't ready and any attempt would ruin the moment. Instead he pulled back, still rubbing Joe's cock with one hand, while he moved the other down to Joe's ass and quickly slid his finger back inside. Joe moaned and arched his back, feeling the invasion, but Tyler's hand on his cock and his lips on his neck kept him from pulling away.

Tyler moved the finger around inside Joe's ass, knowing what he was looking for. At first he couldn't find it so he kept stroking Joe's cock, pushing his finger in and out of the tight, clenching hole.

Joe was groaning quietly, almost delirious from the pleasure that seemed to spread from his ass and cock all over his body. He never thought he would ever have anything in his ass, let alone another guy's finger, but there was no denying that it felt good and his balls were beginning to churn.

When Tyler's finger finally touched Joe's prostate, just brushing against it with the slightest touch, Joe nearly went through the roof, screaming, clawing at the wall in front of him as his legs shook, electricity shot straight up his spine and his dick jumped, splashing a huge drop of precum on the wall.

"I... Ty... Oh fuck, what was that?" Joe asked, when he could finally form words again.

"That's your spot," Tyler grinned. He curled his finger back around and rubbed it harder this time.

Joe pressed his forehead against the wall, his eyes were closed and he was biting his lip so hard his teeth almost went through it.

"Oh God! Please, Ty, don't!" Joe begged.

"Why? Doesn't it feel good?" Tyler asked.

"It feels too good," Joe panted.

"I don't think that's a thing," Tyler laughed. He slid his finger out of Joe completely and then pushed it back in, easing his middle finger in alongside it.

"Oh fuck, no!" Joe moaned, but he was pushing his ass back on Tyler's hand. "Please, Ty, I don't want this."

"You mean you don't want to want it?" Tyler said, pumping the two fingers back and forth in Joe's hole.

"Take them out, Ty," Joe pleaded.

"Do you really want me to?" Tyler asked.

"Yes... No... Fuck, I don't know," Joe groaned. "It feels so good."

"You said you wanted me to make you cum," Tyler said.

"I do," Joe panted. "Make me cum, Ty."

"Do you like having my fingers in your ass?" Tyler whispered, still pushing them in and out.

Joe closed his eyes tight, "Please don't..."

"Please don't what?" Tyler asked.

"Don't make me say it," Joe whimpered.

"You like it," Tyler asserted.

"You've made me like it," Joe finally admitted.

"I can make you feel even better," Tyler teased.

"How?" Joe gasped.

"By using my cock," Tyler stated firmly.

"What?! No!" Joe screamed, trying to pull himself away from Tyler. "I'm not getting fucked!"

Tyler slid his fingers out of Joe's ass and let go of his cock, wrapping his arms around Joe's chest to stop him from getting away. "Relax. I won't do anything you don't want me to. But I think you want me to fuck you."

"No, I don't," Joe whimpered, sounding like a defeated child.

"Just say it," Tyler urged.

"I'm not gay," Joe said.

"This doesn't make you gay, Joe," Tyler said. "Having my fingers inside you didn't make you gay, did it? How is my cock different?"

"Because it's a fucking cock! I'm straight! I can't get fucked!" Joe said, wriggling in Tyler's arms.

Tyler let go and spun Joe around to face him. "My fingers were fucking you. My tongue was fucking you. But they're not my dick, Joe. My dick can get you off like nothing else in the world, rubbing that sweet spot inside you. You want that don't you?"

"No..." Joe said, swallowing hard. He looked like he was about to cry. After a long pause, just staring into Tyler's eyes, he said, "I hate you."

Tyler smiled and reached up to place his hand on the side of Joe's face, brushing his thumb against Joe's cheek. "Why do you hate me?"

"Because you've made me want it," Joe admitted.

Tyler's eyes went wide and his breath caught in his throat. He couldn't believe Joe actually said it.

The next thing he knew they were kissing, hard, and he had Joe pressed up against the wall, attacking his mouth as they made out, their hard, dripping cocks, pressed against each other.

When their lips parted, Tyler kissed his way down Joe's body until he was on his knees again slurping on Joe's cock, collecting as much precum as he could on his tongue. When he was satisfied, he turned Joe around and forced his face back into the crack of his ass, spitting out the mixture of saliva and precum onto Joe's hole, using his tongue to spread it around and push it into the entrance.

He rose back up, pressing his dick against Joe's ass again, but this time, pointing it downwards so the head brushed against Joe's hole. Rather than pushing in, Tyler held it there and wrapped his arms around Joe's body again, placing his chin on Joe's shoulder.

"I need you to say it," Tyler whispered, teasing Joe's hole with the tip of his cock.

"Please don't make me," Joe begged.

"It's the only way," Tyler said.

"Just make me cum, Ty," Joe whined.

"How?" Tyler asked.

"You know how," Joe moaned.

"I need you to tell me," Tyler urged, pressing his dick harder against Joe's ass. He felt it begin to open but he didn't push it in.

"Oh fuck!" Joe cried, feeling his ass starting to give way. He didn't want this but at the same time he needed it more than anything else in his life, that spot inside him was tingling and he needed something to sooth it. "Just do it, Ty."

"Do what?" Tyler pressed.

"Fuck me!" Joe finally relented. "Fuck me!"

Just hearing the words coming out of Joe's mouth was almost enough to make Tyler cum, but he held back, needing to make it last.

Tyler pushed forward, feeling Joe's ass opening even more, getting ready to take his cock, but there was too much friction and he knew it would hurt Joe so he stopped. Reluctantly he pulled away and grabbed the little bottle of lube, pouring it over his cock. When he was satisfied he stepped back up, took Joe in his arms again, wrapped his arms around him, and held onto his chest as he pushed his cock against Joe's hole, feeling it spread open like a blossoming flower, welcoming him inside.

"Oh fuck!" Joe and Tyler both screamed together as the head of Tyler's cock slipped past the ring and into Joe's ass, experiencing two completely different sensations. Tyler felt the impossibly tight tunnel of Joe's ass clench and tighten around his dick, threatening to suck him dry, while Joe felt his ass being spread open, the heat of Tyler's invading cock flooding his insides with a feeling unlike anything else as his body moulded and adapted to having someone else inside it.

With his head on Joe's shoulder, Tyler could watch the expressions on his face and to his surprise he could see that Joe wasn't in pain, maybe a bit of discomfort as the walls of his ass were stretched and pushed out to accommodate him, but he wasn't in pain. Seeing that as a positive sign, Tyler eased his cock deeper into Joe's ass until his balls were pressed against Joe's cheeks.

"I'm all in," Tyler moaned, kissing Joe's neck. "You're so big..." Joe panted, feeling Tyler's throbbing cock pulsing inside him. He couldn't believe how good it felt. "So deep..."

"You're so tight, baby," Tyler replied, lost in his euphoria. "Perfect."

Joe gasped when Tyler withdrew. Neither had wanted to move but they also wanted to cum. The ridge around the head of Tyler's cock slid against the walls of Joe's ass on the way out, stimulating every nerve ending inside him. He arched his back and shoved his ass against Tyler, forcing the dick back inside him, slicing through his insides until it was buried deep.

"Oh fuck!" Joe screamed, but it felt good.

Tyler wanted to stay deep inside of Joe forever. He wanted to be connected to him in that same way for the rest of their lives, but he also needed to get off, he needed to fuck him.

Pulling back again, Tyler rotated his hips and drove his cock back into Joe's ass, the head of his dick crashing into Joe's prostate on its way back in.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!" Joe screamed, his legs going weak. Tyler caught him and held him up, speared on his cock, until he could breathe again. "That was it, Ty... You were right... That spot..."

"Yeah?" Tyler smiled. "I told you. Now what?"

"Do it again," Joe moaned. "Hit that spot. Fuck me. Make me cum."

Tyler was only too happy to oblige. He held onto Joe, arms around his chest, and began to pump his hips back and forth, sliding his dick in and out of Joe's ass, first in longer strokes and then in shorter stabs as he picked up the pace as Joe loosened up and he could really start to fuck him.

Joe's ass was on fire but it felt incredible. He couldn't believe he had Tyler's dick inside him but the solid shaft felt at home in his ass, caressing parts of him he didn't even know he had, making his legs weak, and touching that spot, sending little shockwaves through his body, racing up the length of his cock, which was harder than it had ever been and ached for release.

As Tyler picked up the pace a little bit more, fucking his ass harder, Joe braced himself against the wall, pressing his palms flat against it, steadying himself. He had control over his body now and wasn't content to just be a passive participant, he needed to give back to Tyler as good as he was getting and prove that he wasn't some bitch even though he was getting fucked. Planting his feet firmly on the floor, he threw his ass back onto Tyler's cock, impaling himself, driving the dick deep.

"Fuck!" Tyler gasped, not ready for Joe to push back. He almost lost his balance and grabbed onto Joe's hips, just managing to keep his dick from slipping out.

Pushing his dick back in, it took a moment for Joe and Tyler to figure out a rhythm where they could work together but when they did they settled into it at a steady pace, Tyler pumping his hips forward as Joe pushed his ass back and then both pulling away, sliding Tyler's cock out almost to the tip before going back in again, letting Joe feel all seven inches of his cock and it massaged his insides.

Tyler felt his balls tingling as they slapped against Joe's ass and he knew he wouldn't last much longer. As amazing as it was to be holding Joe and fucking him from behind, he had spent the last few days picturing them together in bed, with Joe on his back and him between his legs. He needed that.

Joe groaned when Tyler's dick popped out of his ass and even thrust back hoping Tyler would shove it back in. When he didn't, Joe turned around to see what was happening and was surprised when Tyler picked him up and threw him down on the bed. In seconds, Tyler was on top of him, pushing his legs up and apart as he took up position between them and thrust his cock back into Joe's gaping hole.

"Oh fuck!" Joe moaned at the harsh penetration, his eyes rolling up into his head, which thrilled Tyler, but the pain he felt was somehow exquisite and his whole body tensed, including his ass, squeezing Tyler's invading shaft tight.

"JOE!" Tyler screamed as Joe's ass clutched and grabbed at his dick. He wanted to last another hour, to savour the moment of being in Joe's ass but he couldn't hold on, his fantasy was coming true and it was all too hot.

Driving his dick into Joe, sawing in and out of his body, making sure his dick was catching Joe's prostate with each swing into him, Tyler pushed himself up and reached down between them, touching Joe's dick for the first time since his own had entered Joe's ass. It was so hard that he knew Joe loved it just as much as he did.

"Oh yeah, Ty, stroke my dick. Make me cum," Joe gasped.

The expression on Joe's face was one of pure joy and Tyler thought he had never been more beautiful. His floppy hair was plastered across his forehead from the sweat they were both producing, their bodies glistening with it. Joe's moans as he thrust into him were the sweetest sounds Tyler had ever heard and he tried to commit them to memory, wanting to be able to hear them any time he wanted.

"I'm gonna fuck the cum right out of you," Tyler growled, pounding away on Joe's cock almost as hard as he was drilling Joe's ass now.

The young studs devolved into two screaming animals as their bodies writhed together, Joe trying to hump up onto Tyler's dick, to drive his ass onto Tyler's pistoning cock, while Tyler tried to bury every inch he could as deep inside Joe as he could possibly get. Everything was building to a crescendo and even if they could have formed words none needed to be said.

Their screams and grunts and the slapping of their skin together filled the room as steam rose from their bodies and simultaneously they let out a roar as they exploded; Joe's big dick firing his load across his body, painting his chin, his pecs and his abs with pure white cum, and Tyler erupting deep within Joe's body, covering the walls of his ass with his hot cream, filling him with so much fluid it started to leak out around the base of his cock before he had even finished shooting.

When their orgasms finally subsided they collapsed onto the bed, two panting muscular masses. Neither was able to talk, but they didn't need to. Both had just experienced the greatest, most intense orgasm of their lives and they drifted away into a blissful sleep wrapped in each other's arms.

Next: Chapter 39: Tyler 9

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