
By Big D

Published on Apr 29, 2017


Evan: Tyler 5


DISCLAIMER: This story will include scenes involving sex between young men and adult language. If you do not like or are offended by such things or are under age wherever you are reading this then please leave now.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission.

This is pure fiction. No one in this story is a real person, living or deceased, and any resemblance as such is purely coincidental.

If you want to contact me with any comments please do so at:  storiesbybigd@hotmail.co.uk

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** This chapter contains scenes of straight sex. Anyone who doesn't like such acts can choose not to read this chapter although it is key to the progression of the story. **

Tyler – Part 5

What the fuck is going on?

Tyler stood staring at Jackson and Joe in shock. Everything seemed to slow down almost to a stop when in reality it all happened in a split second.

Jackson had Joe pinned against the wall, using his muscular body to press Joe against it, keeping him in place as he reached up to run his fingers through Joe's hair. The thick, soft, shiny locks danced around Jackson's fingers.

Tyler had so many things rushing through his head it was difficult to think. His emotions were surging like never before. He wanted to kill Jackson. He wanted to walk over there and rip him away from Joe, to punch him in the face. What Tyler couldn't figure out was whether he wanted to do that out of anger at Jackson for hitting on Joe, clearly knowing how Tyler felt for him, or because he was jealous that he wasn't the one getting to play with Joe's hair, getting to press his body against Joe's, getting to do anything that even brought them anywhere near as close as that.

He also felt angry at Joe. He was Joe's best friend, the guy who was closer to him than any other, and yet Joe had never let Tyler touch him the way Jackson was. If he wasn't as straight as Tyler thought he was, and if he was interested in doing something with a guy, why hadn't he chosen Tyler to do it with?

Tyler was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the voice of the young blond with the Mohawk. "Damn, I wish that was me."

The glare Tyler shot at the boy made him quickly scurry away. Tyler didn't know if the guy was expecting a more extreme reaction out of him but he couldn't think about that, he had to deal with what was going on across the room.

His eyes were fixed on Joe and Jackson as he moved in their direction. Jackson's hands were still in Joe's hair. Joe was laughing and moving his head from side to side, almost like he was trying to get Jackson to stop without actually doing anything to make him.

As Tyler walked toward them he saw Jackson turn his head in his direction. A smirk slid onto Jackson's face when their eyes met and he moved his hands down from Joe's hair to his chest, running them over the muscles through the tight red shirt.

Almost as soon as Jackson's hands started moving down Joe's body, Joe used his arms to push them away, careful not to spill his beer.

"Knock it off, man," Joe slurred with a chuckle.

"Sorry," Jackson smiled, looking at Tyler but talking to Joe. "You're just too hot. I can't keep my hands off you."

Joe giggled and took a long swig of his drink, draining the cup. "I've never met a gay like you before. You're not like those queer ones."

"I guess I should say thank you," Jackson frowned as Tyler finally reached them.

"Oh hey, Ty," Joe smiled, noticing him. "You were right. The guys like me almost as much as the girls."

Joe laughed again like it was the funniest thing he had ever said or heard. Tyler glared at Jackson but didn't want to give himself away to Joe so he stayed silent.

"Damn, I really need to piss," Joe said, immediately pushing himself away from the wall. He stumbled off toward the bathrooms.

Tyler waited until he was gone and looked around to check that they were alone. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Jackson stared at him hard. "I'm just having fun. You should try it."

"Try it with someone else," Tyler commanded. "You can see he's drunk."

"That makes it even better. You'd be amazed how many straight guys lose their inhibitions when they've had a few beers."

"Stay away from him," Tyler demanded.

Jackson laughed. "Why? Because you want him all to yourself?"

Tyler knew he shouldn't have been surprised that Jackson knew what he was thinking but hearing it still floored him.

"Look, I get what you see in him. He's hot as hell," Jackson continued. "I'd love to run my fingers through that hair while he fucks me."

Tyler's eyes went wide. He couldn't believe this guy. "You're unbelievable."

"And you're jealous," Jackson smiled. "Deny it. Say you don't want him."

Tyler knew he should have said something, should have denied it, but the words wouldn't come. He stood silently.

"See!" Jackson laughed. "I can see it on your face, in your eyes almost every time you look at him. You think you hide it well, but you don't. The eyes are the windows to the soul, Tyler, and your soul wants him."

Tyler closed his eyes and turned his head away. Jackson was preying on his biggest fear. He could put on more muscle. He could try to act more macho. But he was always scared that his eyes told the real tale, that anyone looking into them would see his true feelings. He couldn't change that. Everyone would see it, know it.

"You don't know what you're talking about," Tyler tried a denial, but the way his voice shook, higher in pitch than normal, gave him away.

Jackson stepped even closer so his lips were by Tyler's ear. "I know exactly what I'm talking about. I've met dozens of guys like you. Guys who try to pretend, who lie to themselves and everyone else instead of embracing who they are, who choose to live a life they're not happy with. I don't have time for that bullshit. I like guys. I like fucking guys. And I don't want you or Joe to waste your life not being honest with yourselves."

"Joe's not gay," Tyler protested.

That just brought a smile to Jackson's face. "But you are."

"That's not what I said," Tyler barked.

"But it's the truth," Jackson grinned. "Come on, admit it. It's just the two of us here."

Tyler turned his head and found some courage from deep inside to look Jackson in the eye. "I'm not gay."

"Stop lying," Jackson snorted.

That pissed Tyler off. "I'm not gay. And I'm not fucking lying."

"Whatever," Jackson sighed, turning away from Tyler.

Tyler grabbed Jackson by the arm and pulled him back to him. He spun them around and slammed Jackson against the wall, getting right in his face, glaring into his eyes.

"I'm not gay and I'm not lying to you or myself, okay?" Tyler growled through clenched teeth.

Jackson shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"You know what?" Tyler asked, backing off a little, loosening his grip on Jackson even though the fire still burned in his eyes. "You're the kind of gay guy that society hates, the kind that makes it so much harder for the rest of us."

Jackson stared up at Tyler. He had no idea what to say. He knew he'd pissed Tyler off and it was better to stay silent than anger him more.

"You have to push and push, don't you?" Tyler continued. "You want everything to be your way, for everyone to have the same opinion. You'll be the first to cry and moan about inequality and people treating you differently, but you're just the same as they are."

"What?" Jackson asked, genuinely confused.

"I know who I am," Tyler said. "I don't lie to myself or pretend to be anything I'm not. I like men. I'll admit that. I love sucking a cock and fucking an ass. And yeah, I got jealous because I want to fuck Joe so bad I almost can't contain myself. But I also like girls. They turn me on. I want to hold them, eat them, fuck them... That means I'm not gay. But liking guys means I'm not straight either. I'm somewhere in between. I know that. I accept that. It's people like you who need to get that too."

Tyler let go of Jackson completely and stepped away from him, backing up.

"You know it's funny," Tyler chuckled. "I came here thinking about you. Thinking about how if I couldn't have Joe tonight I really wanted to have sex with you."

Jackson's eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open slightly. "Really?"

"Yeah," Tyler nodded. "I thought you were smoking hot. The problem is, now I don't. I might be bi, or whatever other label you want to put on it, but I won't just sleep with anyone. I have to actually like someone to want to put my dick in them and I don't like you anymore."

Tyler turned and walked away. He heard Jackson calling out to him and he was tempted to turn back, to give him a chance to explain himself or to turn things around so they could go off somewhere to have sex, but he couldn't be a hypocrite and he couldn't take the chance that he would give in if Jackson put the moves on him.

He headed straight for the kitchen, needing a stiff drink to try to forget all of the thoughts running through his mind. The party was supposed to have been fun. He was meant to have the time of his life and find someone to have sex with. But it wasn't fun anymore and sex didn't seem exciting.

In the kitchen he poured himself a double shot of JD before topping the cup up with coke. He was just about to screw the cap back on the bottle when he thought to hell with it and turned the bottle up to his lips, gulping down hard as the liquid poured down his throat, burning as it went down but lighting a fire inside him.

Feeling a little lighter on his feet, Tyler grabbed his cup and went back out into the living room. It didn't take him long to spot Joe, sitting on one of the sofas with a girl on his knee, making out with her as his hands felt up her body.

Tyler hated that it made him want to scream, that he wanted to be that girl so bad. He spun around so he didn't have to look at them and spotted the door to the back yard. He suddenly thought of Nikki and looked down at the dark patch that was still on his shirt from the spilled drink.

"Why not?" he said aloud to himself as he walked toward the door and went out into the yard.

He found Nikki almost immediately, playing a game with her friends he wasn't familiar with. She ushered him over and kissed his cheek, sitting him down to explain to rules to him before he officially became her partner. They played three or four games, laughing at how bad he was before he finally got the hang of it, his competitiveness coming out then as they went on a winning streak.

When that was done they sat around and talked. Tyler put his arm around Nikki's shoulder and listened to her friend's tell stories of their lives at college, each one making Tyler more excited for when his journey would begin the following year.

Two or three more drinks followed and he wasn't quite sure how it happened but he was soon making out with Nikki, first in front of her friends and then against the side of the house, getting a little more privacy as their hands explored each other's body.

Nikki's hand massaged his throbbing cock through his pants and she kissed him hard, asking if he had a room they could go to. With almost no hesitation he took her by the hand, led her through a side gate onto the street, not even thinking about where Joe was or Jackson. His dick was leading the way now.

Entering the motel room he was relieved to find it empty. Joe was still at the party, or somewhere else. He wanted to say he didn't care where but he did. The idea that Joe could be off somewhere having sex with someone else still hurt him, even though he didn't really believe there was any chance it would ever happen with him.

He pulled Nikki against him and kissed her hard. He ran his hand down to the small of her back to hold them close and started walking with her toward his bed, pausing for only a second before he changed his mind and eased her past it, continuing the few feet until he lowered her down onto Joe's bed.

He looked down at her and admired her beauty and how sexy she was. A smile spread across his face as he reached down and pulled his polo shirt off over his head, tossing it to one side.

"Oh wow," Nikki gasped, propped up on her elbows looking at him. "Your body is even better than I thought it would be. Flex for me."

Tyler smiled, hearing the lust in Nikki's voice. Her eyes were staring at him and he had never felt hotter or sexier than he did with her eyes on him.

He lifted his big arms up, putting his hands behind his head so his biceps bulged and he tensed his abs, each one hard and defined. He moved his hands and really flexed his biceps, swinging his hips from side to side so she got the full view. Then he ran his hands down over his pecs, continued on past his abs and hooked his thumbs into the top of his pants, pushing them down just enough to show the cuts at his waist as he tightened his abs again.

The whole time he had been intently watching Nikki. By the second pose she had slid her hand down into her panties and was touching herself while she watched him, moaning quietly.

"You are so hot," she sighed. "I can get a little crazy when I'm this turned on."

Tyler laughed, "I like crazy. It makes it more exciting. Do you really think my body is hot?"

"Oh yeah," Nikki smiled.

"Good. Now let me see if yours is," Tyler smiled, playfully, reaching out to pull at her blouse.

Unlike at the party, Nikki lifted her arms and let him pull it off. After he had tossed it to one side she unhooked her bra, not wanting to waste time, and grabbed his wrist, pulling him down on top of her. His big body covered her's almost entirely and she knew she was going to enjoy being fucked by someone so much bigger than her.

Tyler let Nikki lead him onto the bed and quickly embraced her, bringing their lips back together. As his tongue slipped into her mouth and he pressed her back against the mattress he breathed in deep through his nose and was almost overcome by the scent.


When Tyler's whole body shook, when his dick throbbed harder than it ever had before, and when he moaned into Nikki's mouth, she thought it was all because of her and how much Tyler wanted her. She didn't realise it was because Tyler's eyes were now closed and his lips were on autopilot. He was breathing in Joe's familiar scent, picturing his best friend under him, their lips together, making out passionately.

Tyler was so turned on by the overload to his senses that he pushed Nikki further up onto the bed and dove down for her neck, kissing along the soft skin at the same time as he buried his nose in the pillow beneath her head, inhaling deep. It was like a drug rush. A heat sucked down into his lungs, expanding his chest, rushing through each of his arteries, along every limb, through every pour; a full body experience.

Biting his lip was the only way for Tyler to stop himself from screaming Joe's name. He ground his hard dick against Nikki's hip as he heard her whimper from what his lips were doing to her neck.

Trying to push Joe out of his mind, Tyler moved down Nikki's body with his lips, kissing across the curve of her breast before taking her nipple into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue as he sucked gently on it. He loved the feeling of her soft body beneath him, of her fleshy breast against his lips. It was so different to the firm hardness of a man's chest, exciting, and his lust for her returned, pushing Joe out of his thoughts as he moved south, kissing along her flat stomach, unzipping and pulling down her pants and panties.

"Oh God, you're so good," Nikki moaned. "Most guys just want to fuck."

"Oh I'm gonna fuck you," Tyler replied as he pulled her panties off from around her ankles. "But I'm going to make you beg me first."

Nikki screamed, her back arching, her head thrown back and her hands clutching at the sheets as Tyler went down between her legs and used his tongue to make her whole body shake. Her breaths were little more than desperate pants, barely enough to keep her alive.

She reached down and put a hand on the back of his head, pulling him closer, wanting him inside her but unable to actually form the words to say it.

Tyler pulled back momentarily to take a breath. Nikki fell back limp against the bed, her chest heaving as she tried to suck air into her lungs. Tyler took a moment, kissing her inner thigh and then up toward her belly button before making his way down again. This time when his tongue connected with her clit she squealed so loud he wondered for a second if he'd hurt her.

"Oh God! Oh God! I'm gonna cum!" Nikki panted at the exact same moment the motel room door opened.

The sound of the door flying open and the gasp that followed it made Tyler pull away instantly, lifting his head up from between Nikki's legs. He looked at the door to see Joe with a shocked look on his face and the girl he had been making out with on the sofa at the party with a look of disgust on hers.

Tyler knew they must be a sight to see. He had pulled back just in time to prevent Nikki's orgasm, leaving her a naked quivering mess on the bed. And Tyler himself, still perched between her legs, had spit and juices glistening from his lips chin in the light of the room.

Joe and Tyler stared at each other for what seemed like minutes but was just a matter of seconds. Tyler wondered what Joe was thinking. Was he embarrassed at finding them? Was he angry they were using his bed? Was he turned on seeing the live porno before his eyes?

Before he even knew what he was doing, Tyler nodded at Joe and motioned him into the room, looking at his own bed. He didn't want Joe to feel like he had to leave just because Tyler got there first. Hell, he didn't want Joe to leave at all. He wanted to see him in action. He wanted to see him hard and naked, fucking the girl just a few feet from him. Just thinking about it made his dick leak. If he couldn't fuck Joe, the next best thing was getting to watch Joe's body at work, his muscles flexing and tensing as he drove his dick into the girl at the same time as Tyler pounded Nikki.

Joe was about to step into the room when his girl spoke.

"I... I have to go..." the girl said, backing away from the door.

"What? Wait!" Joe said, putting a hand on her arm. His dick was so hard in his pants he knew if he didn't have sex with her he was going to have to beat off alone later, finding something else to do while Tyler was finishing off his girl. Fucking someone in the room at the same time was okay, sitting back and watching someone else fuck was just weird. "Come on. They don't mind us using the other bed."

"What?!" the girl screamed, pulling her arm out of Joe's grip. "I'm not doing that."

"Why not?" Joe asked.

"Are you serious?" the girl shrieked.

"You want to act shy now?" Joe asked, amazed. "It's just the two of them in there. You sucked my dick an hour ago at that party and there were a lot more people there."

The girl slapped Joe hard in the face and ran off.

"What the fuck?!" Joe shouted, putting his hand up to his stinging cheek.

"Sorry, bro," Tyler said, looking at Joe from between Nikki's legs.

"Erm... I... I think I better..." Joe started to say, backing out of the room. He reached for the door. "I'll leave you to it."

"Why don't you stay?"

It was Nikki who spoke the words Tyler was thinking.

Tyler quickly looked down at Nikki, shocked. Her eyes were on Joe, so Tyler quickly turned his head to look at his best friend. Joe was looking quickly from one to the other, not sure what to think, say or do.

"What?" Joe finally managed to squeak, barely more than a whisper.

"Join us," Nikki said clearly with her hand on her chest, touching her nipple.

Tyler's heart jumped into his throat, pounding so hard. He was trying to control his breathing but he could feel himself on the verge of hyperventilating. This couldn't be happening. It was like a dream; a fantasy. This girl was not just suggesting Joe stick around to watch, she wanted him to join in, to have Tyler and Joe fuck her together. Tyler had never wanted anything more. Well, maybe having Joe to himself.

Please say yes. Please say yes, Joe.

"Erm... I... Huh?" Joe finally stammered, still stunned.

"Come in, I'd hate to see that bulge go to waste," Nikki smiled, beckoning Joe into the room.

Damn, I picked up a slut. Awesome!

"No... I... I..." Joe was stuttering again, but he wasn't moving. His eyes stayed locked on Tyler's.

"You don't mind, do you Tyler?" Nikki asked

Tyler quickly glanced down at the bulge Nikki mentioned and his dick almost burst through his pants. He needed to see that cock. Now.

"It's okay," Tyler smiled. "Stay. Join us."

Joe's eyes were wide with shock, his eyebrows half way up his forehead. "Are you serious?"

"Why not? You're hard and she's willing. Do you really want to have to use your hand to get off when there's someone here who'd love to take care of you?" Tyler asked, thinking that person was him but motioning to Nikki. He could see the uncertainty in Joe's eyes, so he added, "I think he needs some convincing."

Nikki smiled and pulled herself up from the bed. She slowly approached Joe, swinging her hips from side to side. Tyler smiled seeing Joe's eyes focus in on her chest and then dip south until he got a good look at her shaved pussy. Joe bit his lip and Tyler knew they had him.

"She's got more than one hole, bro. We can take her from both ends. I've always wanted to spit-roast a chick," Tyler said.

Joe stared at Tyler. He was still pretty buzzed from how much he drank at the party and the idea was starting to sound good to him. Still, his body wouldn't move and he just continued staring at Tyler.

Nikki put her hand on Joe's chest. "You can take turns."

"Fuck..." Joe muttered.

Tyler couldn't believe it himself. He was expecting to just have an average everyday fuck with this girl, doubting she would do much more than lay there while he fucked her, but she was full of surprises and much dirtier than he ever thought she would be, wanting to get fucked by two guys.

Joe was still hesitating and Tyler was worried he was about to say no so he quickly stepped up and placed a hand on his best friend's shoulder, leaning in close.

"Do you want to fuck her?" Tyler asked.

Joe nodded. "Yes."

"Then what's the problem, bro?" Tyler replied. "Let's share her."

Joe turned his head to look into Tyler's eyes. "For real?"

"Hell, yeah," Tyler smiled. "Let's fuck her and show her just how good we are."

A smile broke out on Joe's face. "Okay, you're on."

Tyler held up a hand and Joe high fived it. He pushed Joe further into the room and closed the door behind him, making sure to flick the lock into place.

"Where do we start?" Joe asked.

Tyler stepped up behind Joe and reached his arms around his chest, finding the buttons of Joe's shirt. "Well she's naked and I'm about to be so I think we need to get you up to speed."

Joe stood still as Tyler undid the top two buttons of his shirt while Nikki went to work on the bottom four. When the shirt was unbuttoned Tyler pulled it off Joe's shoulders and arms, throwing it onto the back of the nearby chair, while Nikki pulled Joe into a hot kiss, reaching down to cup his bulge.

Tyler, not wanting to be left out as Joe's hands started moving over Nikki's body, moved in behind her and kissed her neck, causing her to moan in Joe's mouth. He nuzzled into the side of her neck and was so close to Joe's neck he wondered what would happen if he quickly kissed it, but he didn't want to ruin what was happening by making it awkward.

Nikki was the first to break the kiss, pushing Joe and Tyler away from her as she dropped to her knees and looked up at them. Both boys stared down at her in amazement, neither of them actually believing the situation they were in.

Their pants were open and around their ankles in seconds. Tyler kicked his off first, quickly followed by Joe. They were completely naked, both throbbing hard, their cocks pointing at the ceiling, facing each other with a hot girl between them, first admiring their cocks and then reaching up to stroke them, one in each hand.

They moaned as Nikki's delicate fingers wrapped around their thick shafts, sliding up and down, using the precum that was leaking from the heads to coat them up and down, making the movements of her hands easier.

Tyler took the time to admire their cocks, first looking at his own seven and a half inch erection that rose from his neatly trimmed pubes, looking huge in her small hand. A dark blue vein ran up the entire length of his shaft, only disappearing when it reached the beautiful pink, spongy head that glistened with the precum that was leaking constantly from the tip.

Joe's dick was more beautiful than he could have imagined. He had never seen it so close or so hard. He committed it to memory, wanting to be able to see it any time he closed his eyes. It was huge. Even bigger than his own; longer, thicker, eight inches of sheer cut perfection. The shaft curved slightly inward but remained straight until it reached the large pink mushroom shaped head.

Tyler licked his lips while he stared at Joe's cock. He wanted to drop to his knees to help Nikki worship it, licking and sucking it until Joe shot his load in his mouth. He wanted to taste it so bad.

Nikki's hands were working in a perfect rhythm on both Tyler and Joe as she slid her hands up and down their shafts, down to grab and cup their balls, even pulling on them slightly, and then up to the tip, running her manicured fingers around the heads, making both boys moan.

Tyler stared at Joe, watching his handsome face and the reactions he was having from getting his dick stroked. He looked so cute as he bit his lip or his eyes rolled slightly back in his head. Tyler wanted to be the one making Joe moan, but he would settle for getting to watch as Joe started to thrust into Nikki's hand, his abs tightening and tensing with the movements. He had never looked hotter.

Keeping his eyes closed, Joe enjoyed the feelings, trying to ignore the fact that Tyler was standing directly in front of him. It wasn't that he didn't want Tyler there with him but somehow, even though he had the bigger dick, Joe still felt inferior to Tyler so it was easier to imagine he wasn't there.

A moment later, Nikki started to feel her leg beginning to cramp so she shifted her position, spinning around to settle into a different spot. Tyler gasped and held his breath when she did. What happened almost made him cum on the spot.

In the new position, Nikki was now facing the opposite direction. She was still between the two, but as she reached up to take hold of their cocks again it was with the opposite hand. Tyler moaned when he felt the slick fingers circling his shaft, gripping it tight, and stroking up and down. She was jerking his cock using Joe's precum for lube and she was spreading his all over Joe's dick.

To stop himself from shooting off and probably covering Nikki and Joe in a massive load, Tyler pushed her hand off his dick and quickly guided her head to Joe's cock, watching as the head and then the first two or three inches of shaft disappeared between her lips.

Joe moaned loudly and tossed his head back, reaching down to put his hand on the back of Nikki's head, helping her along as she bobbed up and down on his cock, quickly finding a rhythm.

Tyler watched closely, beyond jealous of the girl who was getting to suck on Joe's dick, getting to feel it sliding between her lips, rubbing against her tongue, pushing into the back of her mouth and popping into her throat. He felt real envy for the first time, wishing he was in her spot, working Joe's cock with his lips and tongue while he ran his hand over Joe's abs like she was doing now. He wanted to taste Joe more than he had ever wanted anything.

When he came down from the brink of orgasm, Tyler stepped back up to them and Nikki quickly moved in, taking his cock into her mouth. Tyler moaned and quivered as her tongue swirled around the tip of his dick and he quickly fell into a rhythm of gently fucking her face in almost perfect sync to the pace she set as she continued to jerk Joe's cock.

After about a minute of sucking on Tyler, she switched back to Joe, bobbed up and down on his cock and then returned to Tyler, doing the same back and forth for a couple of minutes before taking each cock in her hand and pulling the two boys closer together.

Tyler and Joe looked at each other, confused, Joe a little apprehensive but Tyler secretly excited, as she brought their cocks so close together they were almost touching. She leaned in and ran her tongue first along the head of Joe's cock and then on to Tyler's before moving back, servicing both cocks at the same time, weaving from one to the other and back again.

As she licked her way up Joe's shaft she also tugged on his balls, making his dick jerk. As it jumped, the tip of his cock touched Tyler's, making them both scream as the two sensitive heads brushed against each other.

Joe's legs felt weak at the contact and the electricity running through his body. He quickly put his hands on Tyler's shoulders to keep himself upright and Tyler grabbed onto Joe in kind. They held onto each other, bringing their heads together so their foreheads were touching as they both looked down to see Nikki going back to work.

Just before she did, Tyler stared open mouthed at a string of precum that ran from the tip of his dick to the tip of Joe's, connecting to two. He didn't know whose precum it was, but it didn't matter, it was the hottest thing he had ever seen.

Nikki licked it off and then sucked up the extra juices that were leaking from both boys after the contact. They were still clinging to each other when she brought the tips of their dicks together again, this time in her mouth, running her tongue over both heads as she rubbed them together.

Joe gripped Tyler even tighter as precum pumped out of his cock onto Nikki's tongue. He threw his head back to moan as his whole body quivered and his eyes met Tyler's. They held each other's gaze for a few seconds, staring intently into the other's eyes, both panting for breath. At that exact moment the tips of their cocks slid against each other in Nikki's mouth and the pleasure that surged through their bodies caused an instant reaction. Before either realized what they were doing they both leaned in and their lips met.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 36: Tyler 6

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