Ethans Story

By horney rouge

Published on Mar 11, 2003


Ethan's Story; Chapter 7; Dreams and Revelations

Dreams: Ethan lay restless in bed as he tried to get comfortable. His mind visualised Tim, Russell, Stuart and Elliot - and he replayed the sight of them standing in their underwear in the gym hall and began to fantasise about the 4 boys coming towards him. Stuart pulled at Ethan's dick as Tim and Russell pulled off their boxers. Stuart continued to rub Ethan's cock head and as Elliot removed Stuart's underwear his dick sprang up - brushing Ethan's stomach. Ethan slumped to his knees and slipped Stuart's cock into his mouth, he licked the long shaft and gently kissed the tip of Stuart's dick. Then reaching out with one hand he grabbed Tim's penis and pulled the boy towards himself. Ethan turned to sucked on Tim's pulsing dick as one hand manipulated his balls and the other now stroked Stuart's dick. Tim moaned and came into Ethan's mouth as Ethan greedily swallowed it all. He then turned to face Stuart as Elliot and Russell came into view, his hand still gripped Stuart's hard swollen dick and gently rolled his balls between two fingers. Elliot and Russell picked up speed on their masturbation while Stuart slipped his fingers into Elliot's ass-hole. The 3 boys came all at once all over Ethan; cum splattered into his hair and down his back and chest - the thick, sticky liquid gathered in Ethan's bellybutton. Ethan then adjusted his fantasy - boys were now fully clothed. Tim took Ethan by the hand as he stood up and they walked out the gym hall, he shuddered a little as his bare feet touched the cold floor of the locker room and they walked into the hall and past the coach's office. Ethan's heart pounded as he walked through the populated halls of the school, completely naked - the boy's and girls stared and Ethan's hard cock which stood out straight in front of him. Some of the boys' (mostly guys Ethan found attractive) passed by gently stroking his ass, balls or dick. Ethan's breathing was heavy as he was led out of the school and into the streets across from the school - he was followed by the entire male population of the school who looked at him with a horney gaze. Tim, Stuart, Elliot and Russell stopped Ethan as they crossed the main road in the town centre and Ethan began to stroke his throbbing cock...

Ethan shook as he woke and instantly hit his alarm clock off. He lay back recalling what he realised was a dream and as he got out of bed he discover just how good it had been; his boxers were stuck to his legs with cum and his sheet's were wet where the excess had gathered. Ethan showered quickly and ran out the house to get to school. The day flew by and he talked to Tim about his dream. "Don't get any idea's though - I'm not gonna walk through the town centre naked!" Ethan spoke quietly to avoid attracting attention. "Sounds like a great dream though - I may just use that one when I get home, I've been so horney all damn day." Tim smiled as he spoke, clearly fixated with the fantasy. "Hey 'E' how was Maths?" asked Stuart. "The usual!" Ethan replied. "Mr Green talked about his car again." "Oh did he use that joke about going off at a tangent?" said Russell, who seemed a little uncomfortable, but no one else seemed to notice. "Yea, he did!" Ethan said, smiling. "Well, See you later!" said Russell as Elliot came to join the group. Elliot smiled naughty at Stuart as he approached. "Hey, how are you all?" Elliot asked looking around the group. There was a resinous groan and a round of "Ok's" and Elliot laughed a little. School inevitably brought out the bordum and depression in people. "Are you coming then? We need to hurry if we wanna do that thing!" said Elliot looking at Stuart intensely. "Oh, right! Um... That thing! That thing we have to do!" replied Stuart turning to Ethan and Tim. "There's this thing we have to do!" he said and hurried away with Elliot. Ethan and Tim looked at each other and laughed. "Maybe you could tell me more about your dream's and fantasies. Do you wanna come to my house?" asked Tim "Sure" Ethan replied. In no time at all Ethan was again at Tim's house, they went to his room and Tim locked the door. "It's only 4:20, my parents won't be back for a while." He said clearly 'excited'. "Why don't you tell me about your fantasies?" he asked. "Well there is one... I'm on stage at school and I do a strip tease." Ethan said smiling. Every year the school would hold a talent competition, Ethan fantasised about participating but some how he doubted that the school would let him do "The Full Monty." "Do you wanna pretend you are doing it now?" Tim said trying to hide his erection. Ethan nodded and closed his eyes.

"Our next performer is Ethan Santiago!" said Mr Walsh, who always introduced the talent-show contestants. "Put your hands together for...The Full Monty" The crowed screamed and shouted and clapped as Ethan stood in the centre of the stage. The noise died-down and Ethan looked around the hall filled with hundreds of students and teachers. He unbuckled and unzipped his jeans first and then slipped off his shoes. Ethan danced slightly to the music as he unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off his shoulders then pulled up his t-shirt, exposing to the crowed his flat stomach. Ethan pulled the t-shirt slowly up and over his head and threw it aside. The audience gasped and clapped as they examined his gorgeous chest, nipples and bellybutton. Ethan slowly slipped down his jeans and pulled each leg out, one at a time. Ethan turned and pulled the back of his boxers down, exposing the g-string of a thong and his cute, small ass. He slipped down the boxers and kicked them aside. Ethan stood before the entire population of the school wearing only a thong that he slowly slipped down, as he did his short pubic hair became visible. The thong at last came off and Ethan's dick was exposed. The ecstasy of his fantasy caused Ethan to cum, he had been stroking his dick as he described the fantasy to Tim who stood watching Ethan. Tim handed Ethan a towel and wiped the globs of cum from the floor and Ethan he looked at Tim for a moment as the orgasm faded. Ethan sat naked in Tim's room then he decided it was time to ask Tim a question. "How did you know about me at Doctor Blake's office?"

Revelation: Tim was stunned for a moment. He hesitated before finally speaking. "It was a year and a half ago!" Tim paused. "I had gone to Dr Blake's office for a check up. He asked me to take off my underwear and I stood naked in front of him, embarrassed and getting hard." Ethan nodded his support for Tim to continue. "He opened the door and 2 boy's came in. You know them, I think. Eddie and Mark?" Tim continued as Ethan nodded again. "Dr Blake left the room and they shaved me... I was so embarrassed but I was really turned on. They had recorded every thing and before I knew what I was going I had even jacked off for them." Tim paused again as if mentally retracing the story. "Once the boy's had left I was alone with Dr Blake. I told him how unsure I was now - before I hadn't even considered that I might be gay, I had never really thought about it, but after... I just didn't know. Dr Blake was compassionate and showed me to a secret little room where he kept dozens of tapes. He said how he had recorded Eddie and Mark and was... blackmailing them I guess... to do the same to other's." "He has recorded dozens of boys? Doesn't that make him a paedo(phile)?" "I dunno. Maybe. I don't think it's quite like that... but I guess he is... I didn't ask. When I left I later caught up to Eddie and Mark and convinced them to help me steal the video of me, they agreed but only because they wanted to destroy their own exposures." Ethan smiled as Tim continued to talk and began to explain about their endeavour to break into Dr Blake's office. "The next day Mark - he's the quiet sweet boy - went to talk to Dr Blake. While he was out the room he stole a set of keys and left after finishing his talk with the Doctor. That night we sneaked into the office and searched for our tape's... but..." Tim paused and displayed a worried look. "What happened?" asked Ethan. "Doc. Blake hadn't left. He caught us and said we could have out tapes back as long as we kept silent. While I had been looking I had seen your name. Doctor Blake told us all to leave and handed us our tapes." "Is that how you knew about me... did you take my tape too?" asked Ethan hopefully. "No, I didn't. I asked Eddie and Mark about you and they told me everything." "I see!" Ethan replied. "I guess that explains everything." "You can put your clothes back on if you want!" Tim told Ethan. Ethan gathered his clothes and started to dress. "There's more if you wanna hear it!" said Tim as Ethan pulled on his briefs. "Sure!" Ethan replied and he sat back on the bed, wearing his underwear. "After we took the tapes we went back to Eddie's house"...

"I'd love to see you strip again!" Eddie said addressing Tim. "Dream on... I'm not taking my clothes off!" Tim replied. "No, I mean the tape... I'd love to watch it!" Eddie said smiling as both he and Mark looked hopefully at Tim. "Ok... on one condition... I get to see you too." Mark and Eddie hesitated and looked at each other but finally agreed. Tim wondered why they were so hesitant. Tim slipped the tape into the video recorder and Mark pushed play. Tim watched the image of himself come up on screen. The camera wobbled for a moment as Mark positioned it. Eddie held Tim down as Mark took out the shaver and began to shave the pubes above Tim's dick. Tim's penis came alive as it rose to full attention. Mark took his time and finally Tim was bald. Tim stood as Eddie let him up and then commanded the naked boy to jerk-off. "I'm really not sure why I did... I guess I was just really horney!" Tim added, interrupting his narrative. Then he continued again... Tim stood and squeezed his dick, which leaked pre-cum, his grip remained tight as he stroked his shaft and manipulated his balls. "In no time at all I had cum. I watched Eddie and Mark who were both still fixed on the images on the screen - I don't think either one was gay... just horney boys... we know what that's like!" Tim said wide-eyed as he looked at Ethan. Ethan smiled in return. "What happened next... did they show you their tape?" "Oh, yes. They did! I still use it when I jerk-off. I'll never forget what I saw!" Tim replied and once again began to describe the events.

Mark took the video out the machine and handed it to Tim. Then he slipped his tape in and looked at Eddie, who nodded his consent. Mark pushed play and Tim watched the tape that showed Eddie and Mark, full clothed in Dr. Blake's office. Dr Blake came into view and directed the two boys. Eddie began by unbuttoning Marks shirt and slipping it off his shoulders, Marks chest was gorgeous and tanned. The boy slipped off his own shoes and socks while Eddie unbuckled Mark's belt - he pulled it off and unbuttoned the jeans then unzipped them to reveal tight red briefs. Eddie stopped as he removed his own shoes and socks then Mark pulled Eddie's sweatshirt off. Eddie was wearing shorts and Mark pulled the drawstrings and slipped the shorts down to expose loose boxers. Dr Blake directed the boys and Eddie pulled down Mark's jeans, finally Mark stepped out them. "He was wearing the tightest briefs I have ever seen... except for when you wore those Speedo maybe." Tim said grinning and staring at Ethan's tenting briefs. Mark and Eddie bent over as Dr Blake smacked their covered butt's with Mark's belt. After 10 whacks each Dr Blake dropped the belt and rubbed their bottoms with his hand. Then he instructed Eddie to remove Marks briefs. As he did so a hard cock sprang up and hit Eddie in the face. "Put it in your mouth, Eddie." Dr Blake instructed. Eddie slipped the nearly 7-inch cock into his mouth and sucked. Mark threw his head back and gripped tightly on the edge of the examination table as the sensation's overwhelmed him. Dr Blake rubbed Marks balls until he shot into Eddie's mouth, Eddie began to pull away but the doctor instructed him to swallow. Dr Blake slipped his hand into the leg-hole of Eddie's boxers and rubbed his balls and cock-head. Mark then pulled down the boxers and sucked Eddie. He too was told to swallow all the cum...

"Whoa!" Ethan managed after a moment. Ethan had often imagined Mark and Eddie nude and fooling around, but that was only in his fantasies - now that he knew they had, it was even hotter and Ethan looked forward to his next wank. "I know - it was an awesome show!" Tim said then he paused. "You better go... my parents will be back soon." Tim told Ethan - sounding disappointed "What's wrong?" Ethan asked Tim. "I was looking forward to rewarding you for being so good." Tim said in a naughty tone. "So was I." Ethan told him. "Maybe next time?" Ethan put his arms around Tim. "I know something that'll cheer you up." Tim looked up at Ethan. "It's your birthday on Sunday! I promise to do whatever you tell me." Ethan gave a wicked smile.

Tim's dick was clearly hard and Ethan looked at the time, it was 5:00pm. "I think we have time!" Ethan said as he slipped off the bed and onto the floor. He undid Tim's school trousers and pulled his shirt out of the waistband. He slipped the trousers and boxers down in one go and placed the entire cock in his mouth. Tim shuddered as his dick was stimulated by Ethan's warm mouth. Tim thrust his dick in and out of Ethan's mouth and smeared pre-cum on his lips. Ethan sucked Tim's cock for several minutes - each time Tim was ready to cum he would stop for a few moments, to postpone the orgasm, before starting up again. "I'm gonna cum!" Tim said at last and Ethan knew the orgasm couldn't be held any longer. Tim came into Ethan mouth but then pulled away and used a towel to catch the cum still pulsing from his cock. "That was... unbelievable." Said Tim catching his breath. "You liked it then?" Ethan asked. "Fuck yes." Tim said still breathing heavily. Ethan dressed quickly as Tim lay on his bed still assimilating the sensation. "First blow-job?" Ethan asked! "Yea! Thanks - I thought I was supposed to pleasure you!" Tim said pulling up his boxers and trousers. "Yea... maybe!" Ethan replied. "I better go!" "Yea." Tim replied. Tim leaned in and the boys locked lips. Ethan prolonged the kiss as they both stood with eyes closed appreciating the sentiment. "I..." Tim began. "I'll see you tomorrow!" He said. Ethan began his walk home but paused as he looked back at Tim's house. "I love you too." He said fondly...

Comments to: I hope you like this chapter, I know it's a little shorter that others. I hope you will be patient in waiting for chapters 8 and 9 - I'm having trouble writing them and I have a lot of work to do right now. It will be several weeks before I finish them, until then - enjoy!

Oh and many thanks to those who have sent their complements - knowing the story is appreciated makes writing it a whole lot easier.

Next: Chapter 8

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