Ethans Story

By horney rouge

Published on Feb 6, 2003


Ethan's Story; Chapter 3; Tim's Neighbourhood, part 1

After the incident at P.E. Ethan did his best to avoid, Russell, Stuart, Tim and the others but that wasn't going to be easy - he had managed it for a week before Tim finally caught him (most of the other boys wanted to leave him alone). "Hey you!" said Tim as he sneaked-up on Ethan. "Oh, hi!" Ethan replied, turning to face him. "What do you want!" he said simply. "Heh - well I want you..." Tim smiled, a little cruelly and led Ethan to a nearby quiet corridor. "Never got to tell you how impressed I was with you last week. If you had fun then, your gonna love Thursday." Thursday and Friday were a mid-term holiday and Ethan had a feeling he'd be spending a lot of time with Tim, whether he wanted to or not. "Come by my place around 10:30 on Thursday - I'll explain some things then." Tim handed Ethan a piece of paper with his address on it, from the address he could tell it was quite a bit away and he knew that very few pupils at the school came from that community. He folded it and placed it in his pocket. "Hi 'E'" said Stuart, "How's it... hanging." He said with a smirk. "Fine. How are you" Ethan spoke in an insincere tone - he didn't care how Stuart was. Stuart was ok but he could be very crude. Luckily his looks made up for it. Stuart was about 6ft tall, blonde hair and green eyes. Strangely the boy Ethan found most attractive was Tim - who is some ways was his 'arch nemesis' -Tim was tall, dark hair and very dark, cute eyes. His lips were sweet and Ethan, despite what Tim did to him, melted whenever Tim smiled at him. "I'm good." Stuart replied. "Would you like a re-match against Russell?" he jested. "No!" Replied Ethan, not even humouring the notion. "I gotta go 'E', see ya..." As Stuart left Ethan was sure he heard a continuation of Stuart's last sentence... "Hopefully all of you!" Ethan smiled and went to his last class, which was entirely uneventful and un-stimulating. The bell rang and the students sleepwalked out the classrooms as groups of friends gathered and clogged the hallway's, complaining about their day.

On Thursday morning Ethan woke and carefully changed into clean clothes, it was Thursday morning and to save time he had showered the night before. Ethan had no intention of hurrying himself to get to Tim's house - he boarded a bus at 10:00 and by 10:30 he was strolling down the near-empty street. Tim's neighbourhood looked dead during the day. Ethan knocked the door and Tim answered a little too quickly. "You're late!" he said at once. "Uh, yea." Ethan said not caring. "Come in," Tim motioned him to enter and he stepped in wiping his shoes on the doormat. "Glad you found the place ok though." Ethan just nodded. "So! Why am I here? What is it you are going to explain?" "Glad you asked, Ethan. Sit down." Ethan sat as Tim paced and began to speak again. "My neighbourhood rules, Ethan. It really does. There are never any adults around during a weekday. Without exception every adult is gone from this street by 9:30 and are not back until at least 5:00" Tim smiled at Ethan, who was beginning to feel uncomfortable. "I figured since you like exposing yourself so much, we could have some fun. Plus there is the thing where I've been black-mailing you into doing what I say" Tim was often untactful but Ethan also noticed how Tim never called him 'E'. "Great, so no adults. What about kids - it's a holiday." Ethan pointed out. "Yea well there are kids around but most know that anything which goes on during 'the hush' is to be kept quiet. They would get in as much trouble from their parents as the would form us if they talked about the things they saw... 'The hush' is what we call the time while all the adults are away." Tim explained. "Great!" Ethan spoke sarcastically "Most kids will be thrilled to see a growing boy like you - tall, dark haired, fair skin... and may I say an incredible ass." Tim had actually flattered Ethan; Ethan was a little shocked by that. "The kids could learn something from you." Ethan sat uncomfortably, every time in anticipation of people seeing him nude, Ethan got nervous. 'It might not be so bad' he told him self 'who am I kidding' he concluded. "Take off all your clothes!" Tim said "No arguments!"

Ethan stood up and untied his shoes and removed his socks. Then he pulled off his jacket and un-tucked his t-shirt from his jeans. Ethan watched Tim bring out a camcorder to record his strip tease and Ethan felt his dick stir violently. He pulled his t-shirt off over his head and then carefully unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. Ethan felt ready to explode, but compared to Tim Ethan's emotions were subtle. Tim's hands shook slightly as he watched Ethan pull his jeans down exposing a pair of dark-purple briefs. Tim was enthralled. Ethan stopped a moment as he looked Tim in the eye and slipped is thumbs under the waistband of his tight briefs. Ethan slowly slipped them down and let them fall as they reached his knees, then he stepped out of them. Ethan caressed his cock bringing it to attention and stopped to await instruction. "Good!" Tim said in a shaky voice. Tim cleared his throat and told Ethan to start stroking his dick. Ethan complied but seconds later the doorbell rang. Ethan stopped and for a moment Tim seemed to be calculating something - probably trying to guess who was at the door. "That- that'll be the paper boy!" Tim said as brain and cock clearly were still recovering from the strip tease. "Go get it will you." Ethan was stunned and not sure whether to so what he was told. "Go!" Tim said sternly Ethan walked to the door - completely naked and braced himself. He opened the door and was face to face with a boy one-year younger than him - 15-years old. The boys jaw dropped as he looked at Ethan's 16-year-old body - his hard stomach and muscles glistened with sweat. "Well?" Ethan said after a few seconds. "Oh, here!" The boy said still in a daze of awe. Ethan took the paper and began to close the door. "Wait!" The boy said "I- um... paper money is due." Ethan walked into the living room and handed Tim the paper. "The kid wants paid" Ethan told him. "Of course." Ethan stepped aside as Tim lifted the money form a table, but he didn't walk to the door - he walked back to Ethan. "Here, you can pay him," said Tim handing Ethan some money. Ethan groaned slightly and walked to the door again. "Here you go." Ethan said politely. Tim was now filming Ethan from behind and examined the boys face with the camera. "Have a nice day." As Ethan closed the door he noticed a few other kids gathering outside in the street watching his naked body, which he hoped was blocked from view by the paperboy. The door was almost closed when the paperboy spoke again. "This isn't enough!" he said and Ethan's heart sank. "Oh Ethan!" Tim said in a mock-disappointed tone. "Come in Chris and we will sort this thing out." Chris entered and Ethan closed the door. Tim put down the camera and spoke to Chris "How would you like to have some fun?" Tim said and both he and Chris looked around at Ethan.

"Sure!" the boy said excitedly. "You ever had a blowjob Chris?" Tim asked him without even looking at Ethan. "No!" Chris smiled and his eyes were wide with excitement. "Take off your shorts and Ethan will be right with you. Oh, remember you know the rule-" "...No telling" Chris interrupted Tim. Tim approached Ethan and spoke softly. "I know your gay so you won't mind - but if this isn't exposing you enough - I could gather an audience." "That's ok. It's fine." Ethan spoke quickly. Ethan walked towards the boy whose shorts were now around his ankles. Tim picked up the camera and told Chris his face would be excluded - he made no such promise to Ethan. Ethan dropped to his knees and with his right hand began to massage Chris' balls, then his hand moved and gripped the stiff shaft which grew to just over 6 inches. Assuming the boy was now fully erect Ethan placed his lips around the boy's cock head and sucked gently licking-up the pre-cum. Then he began to deep-throat the boys' dick - Ethan pulled him forward with his hands on the boy's ass. Chris groaned and Ethan could sense the orgasm building. He was hardly aware that Tim was recording everything on tape - he didn't care. Chris began to jerk a little - forcing his dick into Ethan's mouth and then exploding with a huge spurt of cum into the back of Ethan's mouth. Ethan swallowed - without command from Tim, but then he knew what would be expected of him. Ethan licked the remaining cum from the boys' dick and then fell back, a little exhausted. Tim brought Ethan a glass of water and gave Chris the correct payment. Chris lifted his bag and quickly left the house.

"It's a nice day Ethan - let's sit out side." Tim said eventually. "Can I-" Ethan began to ask but received an immediate "No!" Ethan followed Tim into his back garden and Tim said, "You can work on your all over tan Ethan!" Tim spoke with a smug grin, which Ethan truly detested. Tim took out to sun-chairs for them to lie on and Ethan slumped onto it, exhausted from his engagement in the house. Tim could hear quiet giggles and he opened his eyes slowly - he realised that he must have fallen asleep and as his eyes came into focus he saw a crowd of 7 boys; aged between 14 and 17 as well as Tim stood starring at him. "Some of these guys are interested in watching you jerk-off." Tim said, "I knew you would want to!" Ethan looked at Tim angrily for a split second, but his dick had already begun to react the 7 clothed boys. He rubbed his chest and played with is nipples with one hand while the other descended to his dick. His hands were cold whish stimulated his balls.

Ethan was about to start stroking when one boy spoke-up "Can I touch it?" asked the 14-year-old. "Yup!" said Tim. The boy came closer and Ethan again noticed the camera in Tim's hand. The boy's hand trembled as he reached forward with one finger and touched Ethan's swollen cock head. His cock jumped and the boy gained courage, manipulating Ethan's cock head with 3 fingers before wrapping his whole hand round his dick - his hand wouldn't make it all the way around Ethan's big dick however. The boy pulled away and someone else pointed out Ethan's trimmed pubes. "Yea, he's done that ever since-" Tim began, but stopped dead realising a fatal error. 'He's done that ever since when?' thought Ethan, 'Ever since that time at the doctors' he thought but how would Tim know that? "Get on with it!" shouted one of the boys, and with a resinous round of agreement Ethan started-up again and forgot about how Tim could have known about his adventure at the doctor's 2 year's ago. He stroked his aching cock and rubbed his cock head with his thumb. He built up speed again as Tim moved around recording Ethan's masturbation and the crowd's fixation upon him. At last Ethan's cock erupted and cum shot across Tim's garden. Ethan was exhilarated and no sooner had he finished did the boys depart, again leaving Tim and Ethan alone. "That was super! I have another activity for you! You're gonna love this!" Tim said excitedly. Ethan had a feeling that he was not going to like this at all.

After eating lunch - at which Ethan had been very careful as Tim had not allowed him to put clothes on and they were having hot soup - Tim told Ethan what he planned to do. "First we are going to take a walk!" said Tim "Then I'll tell you what happens next." With that Ethan would have given anything to be in school. It was only 13:00 and Ethan knew, from what Tim had told him earlier, no adults would be around for hours. Tim told Ethan to wait and he ran into the street, a few moments later Tim returned and told him it was time to go. Ethan gulped as he was led naked into the street, he looked up and down but was no one, of which he was very grateful "It's ok, Ethan I checked - everyone is probably eating lunch. I didn't want everyone knowing where we were going" Tim said having read the expression on Ethan's face. As Ethan looked up the street he saw a wooded area and guessed that was where they were headed. Then as the reached the end of the road, just before the woods, a car came up the hill and stopped when they saw Ethan. "Look at you!" said the man who was driving - there was 3 people in the car; all in their early 20s and one of them was a girl who bit her lower lip as she stared at Ethan's penis. "Well... see ya!" he said with a sigh after several seconds. The car drove off and Tim led Ethan into the woods - through a hole in the fence. Ethan was led to a small clearing, past a huge hole in the fence (through which a car could nearly pass, or at least spy him clearly through). "Right, it's almost ten past one." Said Tim when they reached a second clearing, which was at the foot of an open field where most boys would play football. "There is a group of guys who always pass here at 3 o'clock, Ethan. I want you to be here for them. Whatever they tell you to do - you do it. Don't disappoint me! If anyone else passes here I want you to service them too!" Ethan was stunned by what Tim was saying, but the icing on the cake came. "I will be back here a 6 o' clock - you're on your own till then. I'll bring your clothes but if you are not here at 6... well you will be sorry!" With that Ethan was alone and naked in the woods, exposed for anyone to see, and they would.


Comments to Continued thanks to those who e-mail me with comments.

I hope you liked this chapter; there will be more to come.

Next: Chapter 4

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