Ethan meets Julie - TG

By Julie Lewis

Published on Mar 2, 2004




By Julie Lewis Copyright 2004

Ethan had contacted me in one of my chat room excursions. First, I was put off by his brusqueness. He wanted me to meet him right away! I wanted nothing of the kind. Let me explain about myself.

I am a married male. However I have a secret. Ever since I was a child, I have had a strong female drive. I love to dress up in beautiful dresses and gowns, and I love to have a secret boyfriend who would date me when we could get together, and eventually make love to me as a woman. Then I would be whole!

When I get the chance -- like this evening -- I bathe and shave my body. After applying body lotion, it's heaven to do my makeup and dress up. Tonight, I'm in a hotel room somewhere, and I'm in a little black dress over my bra and pantyhose- yes I like them!

I look pretty good I must say! Anyway I digress.

On nights where I'm home and my wife is busy or when I can't dress (she doesn't permit me), I sometimes log into AOL and either chat with girlfriends or visit a chat room.

Most often, I'm totally bored in these rooms, I just like to see people's profiles and maybe chat with someone interesting.

That first night Ethan contacted me, I was, as I said, a bit intimidated by him. He wanted me dressed and wanted me now. Often of course, I go with the flow, and the guy enjoys me electronically and then leaves, but there was something different about this man!

He backed off a little but pushed me to arrange a rendezvous a week later. I agreed, knowing full well that one or the other of us would cancel it!

The next morning, I was surprised to find a nice email from this man -- usually, they don't follow up!! So I wrote him back. I was honest -- and I told him I didn't want to meet a man I didn't know well.

He came online at that moment, and we talked some more. He was a lawyer who loved T-girls like me. He had had one girlfriend before but she had moved from our area (Washington DC) to California. It had been more than a year for him and he wanted a new girlfriend. He had seen my picture in my profile and was taken with me. This line was of course, what I love to hear. A handsome man (he sent me a picture) who was attracted to me.

We talked about what he wanted -- a very feminine t-girl to love as a woman -- just my dream too, and he wanted a monogamous relationship just like me, rather than a 1 night stand.

He pushed all of my right buttons. I agreed to meet him the following week at a local -- nice -- hotel.

We agreed that I would reserve the place and pay and he would reimburse me when he saw me. To be honest, I didn't like that arrangement -- but I agreed.

The wait from that Thursday till the following Monday was endless, although I did plan what to wear! I would start in another of my black dresses, that time over a lovely and sexy waist cincher -- and later change into a satin black nightie.

Monday arrived and I gathered my clothes. My wife would be home late and so would I!

I arrived at the hotel at 3pm (taking off the day from work). Ethan was to arrive at 5 and we would spend the evening meeting and whatever else happened..

Arriving when I did gave me time to settle down and get ready.

I bathed -- my usual -- and shaved all over. In the bath, I took out my lovely rubber cock dildo and after using vaselline, gently inserted it. I wanted to be quite ready incase things with Ethan turned that way -- they would!!

I lay in the bath for half an hour gently inserting and removing my toy, till my boy pussy was fully dilated and I knew (hoped) my man would fit there pleasureably.

Emerging from the bath, I towel dried my now sensuous body, and started my make up. First, a nice foundation and then my eyes -- with deep dark eye shadow and black mascara -- to look more slinky than ever. Finally, I used my new Clinique lipstick and as carefully as I could in my growing excitement, I applied it.

Then I put on my bustier, and fixed my seamed stockings. Now into my black pumps and then again to fix my makeup. A little more mascara, a little more shadow, and a lot more lipstick.

It was now 4:40 and when I realized the time, I almost jumped out of my skin. Ethan would be here soon. Would he like me? What would happen? Will he want me or would we just talk? My emotions were all over the place. It had been two years since I had seen Randy, my last boyfriend, and I had just about forgotten what a man would be like!

I tried to control myself, slipped into my dress and pulled on my hair- what a mess!!!

I gently started to brush out my hair, and Julie slowly came into focus. As my hair started to look good, the rest of me did too, and that inner peace that comes to me when I am Julie emerged.

My cell phone hummed, and it was Ethan asking me my room number. He was here! Yikes!

I told him the room and made a final inspection of my girl self. The door bell rang, and my heart in my mouth, I opened it.

"Hello!!!" he said and I knew immediately that he liked what he saw. I did too. An amerasian about the same age and height as me (5'10 in my heels), he was HANDSOME, slightly graying and quite distinguished.

He entered the room, and I scurried to tidy up (I'd forgotten), but he grabbed me, held my hands and said "don't worry sweetheart". He kissed me gently.

I was happy.

We sat on the sofa in the room and looked at each other, smiling.

Ethan had brought a bottle of wine for us, and one of us, me I think, got two glasses and he poured for both of us.

"To a new and beautiful girl friend" he toasted and we both sipped. Mmh it was a delicious cabernet, my favorite. He took my glass and put it down on the side table. Then holding my hand, he kissed me again. He told me how long he had been looking for someone like me, a mature and loving t-girl to be his special girlfriend -- and I told him the same for me.

We kissed gently again. He said that he didn't want to force me to anything, and I appreciated that but I knew already that I wanted him to have me.

Kissing and sipping our wine, we talked of our selves, and our hopes that we could see each other exclusively and be safe with each other -- tending to our shared special needs.

Then he kissed me more deeply and with ardor and he didn't let go. I melted into his caresses and found myself exploring his back and his chest. My man, I thought.

I couldn't help myself, my hand dropped to his crotch. He gently smiled and gave out a little murmor. He was hard. I wanted to see it.

He stood up and while I sexily sipped another little wine, he took off his shirt. Then his trousers. In a moment, he was naked, standing in front of me.

His manhood stood erect in front of me. It was long but not terrifyingly thick. It was perfect. I kissed it.

He smiled and sat down again.

He held me once more in his arms and we again kissed deeply, my hands exploring him fully.

He gently pushed me to the carpet while he remained seated and I kneeled between his strong legs. I kissed his cock again, and again. I kissed it all over, and then ran my tongue all over it. He was smiling down at me, and I felt loved.

I took him into my mouth for the first time. He moaned gently and I think I did too.

I held him in my mouth and licked the head. He fit in my mouth perfectly and I gradually started my womanly work -- taking him more and releasing him with suction. I was in heaven.

Our passions rose and in no time, we were working as one, me sucking him and Ethan rising and lowering with my movements. I was hoping this would never end but at the same time, I wanted to be given his man juice.

Just as I thought that, he stiffened and came in torrents. I had it as deep in my mouth as I could and allowed his cum to flow into my mouth, my throat and my belly. It was sweet and musky and I loved it.

I finally left his cock, licked my lips and sat back on the sofa with him. His eyes were teary and I kissed him tenderly. He told me how he had longed for someone like me and didn't want to let me go.

I held him in my arms, and he held me too.

After a few minutes, I thought he would jump up and leave, but instead, he suggested we lay in bed.

I was delighted, but said that I needed to go to the bathroom and fix myself up. In the bathroom I quickly got out of my dress and hung it up. Then I unrolled off my stockings and slipped into my black lace nightgown and negligee. I fixed my lips, looking at myself with a little smile in the mirror.

I returned to our room and he was still naked but sitting up in bed.

He gave out a small whistle when I entered and motioned me to the bed.

I refilled our wine glasses and giving him his, got into bed beside him. After a sip, he put our glasses aside and rolled to his side, looking down at me. I felt like I was loved -- maybe for the first time! He gently came down and kissed my lips and we embraced steadily.

I knew he was getting hard again and I wondered what would happen. We had no protection and I was scared. But also desirous. What would that feel like? Would I be hurt?

Ethan sensed my mixed emotions and smiled at me. "I know we have just met Julie", he said, "but I am very safe. You can trust me darling". I decided then that he would be my man, and with a tear or two in my eyes, I nodded.

He came fully on top of me and we hugged and kissed with a fierceness I had only dreamt about. I lifted my legs in the air, and I felt his manhood near me. Somehow, I grabbed some more lubricant that I had left by the side of the bed and pushed some into myself along with two fingers. I knew that I was still dilated and ready for my man.

He was still kissing my neck and my body as I got myself ready.. I felt for his cock and guided it to me. He took my hands away and leaning on one arm, used the other to guide his manhood to my waiting intimate hole. He pushed and I was his.

It entered me about an inch and he kept it there. He rested on both arms now, pulled out his cock a little then pushed again. It reached my sphincter and he held still. Slowly my anus relaxed and his cock entered. I had never felt so joined.

He lowered himself onto me and I held him in my arms. Slowly at first, he started to move in and out. Soon, his movements increased in speed and we started again to move together both wanting to join the other in our ecstasy. "I love you" he said and I melted.

"Pump me darling" I cried. I felt full for the first time. I held his bottom pulling it into me as he cried with joy. Soon, I felt his cock grow and with a mix of emotion, he came.

I had never felt a man cum inside me before. I only wanted this man and I wasn't disappointed. He came and came and came. I felt the heat of his cum inside my belly and I was filled.

Slowly his orgasm subsided and we rested in each other's arms. He was still inside me and I wanted him never to pull out.

But of course, all beautiful things come to an end, and after a little eternity, he did pull out. Still hugging me, we held each other in our arms.

We sat up in a while and decided that we both urgently wanted to see the other again. I would have my house to myself in a few weeks and Ethan would come over and spend the entire night with me.

That's how our relationship began.

Please write me if you like this story and I will write more. Love Julie

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