Ethan and Jason

By Jim Sampson

Published on Dec 4, 2020


***Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

Sorry for the delay getting this chapter out. The holidays got me busy. I appreciate any and all constructive feedback, so please email me at Enjoy the story!

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When Jason woke up the next day, Ethan was already gone. Probably out for a jog, he thought to himself as he wandered into the kitchen and made himself a bowl of cereal. The events of the last night kept running through his head as he ate. Ethan fucking his girlfriend while Jason jerked off in the living room. His friend leaving him condoms filled with cum as a "present."Jerking off again after he tasted his friend's load and gave himself a mock facial with the cum from one of the condoms. The little comments that he and Ethan had made afterward that could be innocent but could hint at something more. And then Ethan's promise to get Jason laid today.

Jason could feel his cock stirring in his boxer briefs as he ate his breakfast in the living room. As he contemplated whether he should jerk off, the door opened and in walked Ethan. Jason had been right; his friend had been out for a morning run. He was wearing short running shorts that he still had from his cross country days in high school and a loose fitting tank top with wide arm holes that left much of his skin exposed. Fuck he was sexy, Jason thought as his friend came through the door, a thin sheet of sweat from his run making him glow in the morning sun coming through their windows. Jason wasn't going to lie to himself -- he loved how Ethan looked fresh from a workout, breathing heavy from a good run, his body sweaty and masculine. And he loved how he smelled! Jason had sniffed his friend's dirty workout clothes a few times in the past, and the musky smell of Ethan's manly sweat always made his cock spring to attention. Jason tried to hide his growing cock as he watched his friend crossing the living room.

"I see you're up," Ethan said as he crossed the living rooms, shedding his shirt as he did.. "In more ways than one, it appears. Morning wood or do you like what you see?"

Apparently he hadn't done a very good job hiding his arousal, Jason thought.

"Don't flatter yourself. I woke up like this," he lied. "Wasn't anything to do with your sweaty ass."

"It's not my sweaty ass you want," Ethan said as he paused next to the couch Jason was sitting on. "It's the rest of my sweaty body, isn't it?"

"Fuck you," Jason shot back.

"That'd be a dream come true for you," Ethan said cockily as he tossed his tank top at Jason. "Here. You can jerk off with this while I take a shower."

The shirt landed on Jason's face, and he was instantly surrounded by his friend's scent. His cock throbbed in his underwear, the head oozing precum as he inhaled Ethan's manly odor. Fuck, this was going to drive him mad, he thought. All these games his friend was playing were great, and Jason was definitely enjoying the payoffs, but did they mean more? Was Ethan hinting at something? Or was it just wishful thinking on Jason's part?

He'd figure that out later, he thought as he heard the shower start in the bathroom. Right now, he had to do something to get rid of his hard cock. He set his cereal bowl aside and pulled Ethan's tank top from his face. WIth Ethan's shirt in one hand, he used his other to free his cock from its confinement and started jerking off madly. He held the discarded, sweaty shirt back up to his face and inhaled deeply, his cock oozing out another load of precum as he stroked himself. He knew it wouldn't take long, not with the sexual tension that had built up even in that short interaction. And within a few minutes, he felt his orgasm nearing. As his cock began to explode, without thinking he covered it in Ethan's sweaty shirt to catch his load. He could feel his balls emptying onto Ethan's tank top, his head rolling back on the couch as he was cumming.

When he was done, he wiped his cock off with the shirt that was now soaked in sweat and cum. Jason figured he'd have to wash the shirt now, and as he took it to his room to add to his laundry pile, he decided to try something and tossed the soiled shirt onto his friend's bed from the hallway. As Jason entered his own room, he heard the shower turn off. He took a seat on his bed and started looking over some homework from his Women in Government class. A couple of minutes later, he heard the door open and Ethan emerged. Jason heard Ethan's footfalls moving down the short hall and into his room. Not even a minute later, he heard Ethan in the hall again and then saw his friend standing at the doorway to Jason's room, holding a towel around his waist with one hand and the cum-stained shirt in his other.

"You get to wash this," Ethan said as he threw the shirt at Jason. "I'm not cleaning up after your fun time."

Later that afternoon, Jason and Ethan were playing video games in the living room. Madden 2008. Ethan was schooling Jason, but Jason was barely paying attention to the game. His mind was still trying to figure out what the new dynamic to his relationship with Ethan meant.

"So, what're the plans for tonight?" Ethan asked as he sacked Jason's quarterback again.

"Figured we'd hang out here and play games if you weren't hanging out with your woman."

"No way. Remember, I said I was getting you laid. We're going out. And Stephanie may not be able to go out for a while. Her dad caught her sneaking back in last night. She was already in trouble for not studying enough. Now she's grounded until she graduates pretty much."

"That's what you get for dating a girl in high school," Jason teased.

"Hey, she's legal and gives great head," Ethan replied. "And she's hot."

"You just think she gives great head because you've only had head from girls," Jason said. "Guys do it way better."

"Oh, they do?" Ethan asked. "So how many guys have sucked your dick if you're such an expert?"

"Well, none, but they say guys know what they're doing better than any girl."

"Please, like you've had a ton of girls suck your dick."

"Two. Well, two and your mom? But she doesn't count. She sucks everyone."

"Fuck you," Ethan said, punching his friend in the arm. "You know your mom has sucked way more cock than mine. She's got those dick-sucking lips. She tried to suck me once, but I turned her down."

"Bullshit," Jason shot back. "You'd never turn down head."

"I haven't let you suck my dick yet," Ethan said.

Yet? Jason thought. Had his friend just opened a door to the possibility of it happening?

"Anyhow," Ethan continued, "enough about how much your mom wants me. Where are we going to get you laid tonight?"

"You really don't have to," Jason said. "We can stay home. I can do fine on my own."

"Fuck that. You need to get laid. Have you even done anything with another man?"

"Made out some at a couple of parties, but never got past that. But that's not the point.I'm not good at picking up guys," Jason said.

"That's why I'll be there. I'm your wing-man. I'll make sure you get some."

Jason knew it was no use fighting. Ethan wanted to go out, so they were going to end up going out He doubted he'd get any action from it, but if Ethan wanted to help Jason pick up guys, he might as well see what happens.

"Well, there's this one club I've been wanting to check out. It's called Pressure."

"The dance club?" Ethan asked. "You know I love dance clubs."

"Yeah, but this one will be almost all guys," Jason said. "You won't get laid like normal."

"But you will," Ethan said, elbowing his friend in the arm as he scored on the game. "I'm going to make sure of it,"

That night, Ethan drove to Pressure so Jason could drink if he wanted in case he needed some "liquid courage." They were both dressed in the "clubbing" clothes, Ethan in a tight black t-shirt and jeans that made his ass look even sexier than normal, Jason in a plaid button-up that he thought made him look somewhat attractive, or at least more than the comic book and cartoon t-shirts he wore most of the time.

The music was deafening as they entered the dark club. They headed to the bar to get drinks first as Jason's eyes took in the room. It was a Saturday night, so the dance floor was full and the bar crowded. Men of all ages, shapes and sizes were everywhere. Some were sexy as fuck, a few even dancing without a shirt on They were the types of guys Jason knew he didn't have a shot with. Most of the men here were hot in some way or another to Jason -- a nice ass, great arms, sexy face. Jason felt he was in a different category -- guys who looked like they had no business here.

At the bar, Jason couldn't get a bartender's attention as they served hot guy after hot guy. Noticing his friend struggling to get their drinks, Ethan leaned over the bar, and he immediately drew a sexy blonde bartender's attention.

"Two Budweisers," Ethan asked.

"Two Buds?" the bartender asked as he grabbed the beers and opened them. "Sexy, you must be straight. Only straight boys order Budweiser."

"Guilty as charged," Ethan said as he handed Jason a beer. "But my friend here loves the cock."

Jason turned a bright shade of red.

"He's cute," the bartender replied, flattering Jason and making him blush more. "Too bad you're straight. Could've been a fun night for us after work."

With that the bartender disappeared taking more orders, and Ethan and Jason stepped away from the bar to clear space for the next guys in line after Ethan dropped a tip into the nearest tip jar.

"So, see anyone you like?" Ethan leaned in to ask his friend over the music. The scent of Obsession rose up off Ethan and hit Jason as his friend leaned close to talk. Fuck, Jason loved that smell.

"A few. But they won't want me," Jason said.

"Whatever. I've already seen guys checking you out," Ethan said.

"Bullshit. Who?"

"Well, there's that guy in the blue polo over there for one." Ethan said, pointing toward a guy who looked to be a little older than them who was at a table just off the dance floor.

Jason looked over at the man in blue, who at that instant looked up and caught Jason's eye. Jason saw a smile cross the man's face as he turned back to the conversation with his friends.

"He smiled at you," Ethan said. "He's so down to fuck."

"Fuck you," Jason said. "He was probably checking you out and wondering how a chubby guy like me was hanging out with a sexy guy like you."

Ethan leaned in closer as he replied, so close Jason could feel his friend's breath on his ear as he spoke.

"I'm not gonna lie, I love it when you call me sexy, but you're way hotter than you think you are."

Fuck, Ethan had just called him hot. Jason's cock immediately sprang to full attention from it's already semi-aroused state.

As they were talking, the friends of the guy in the blue shirt went back out on the dance floor. He glanced back over at Jason and Ethan.

"Now's your chance," Ethan said. "Go talk to him."

"No way. I'll say something stupid and look like an idiot."

"Dude, you're staring at him from across the club. If you don't go talk to him, you'll look like an idiot, Come on."

With that, Ethan nudged his friend by the elbow and headed across the room to the table where Blue Shirt Guy was standing.

"What's up," Ethan said as they approached. "I'm Ethan. This is Jason."

"Hi, guys," the man in blue said, his eyes looking more at Jason than Ethan. "I'm Kyle."

"Hi, Kyle," Ethan said. "Jason here was wondering if you'd want to dance."

Jason was again turning red in embarrassment. He made a mental note to kill Ethan when they got home.

"Does Jason not talk?" Kyle asked.

"He does," Jason said. "I mean, I do. I just have a very pushy friend who likes to make me uncomfortable."

Kyle grabbed Jason by the hand and started pulling him onto the dance floor. "Then maybe we should get out here where he's not with us."

Jason followed Kyle out to the floor, and their bodies began gyrating to the pulsing house music. Kyle pressed close to Jason, not against him at first, but as they continued to dance, they drew closer together until their bodies were against each other.

"You're a good dancer," Kyle said into Jason's ear as he moved closer behind him, his hands on Jason's hips as their bodies ground together. Kyle matched Jason's height, and Jason could feel Kyle's crotch pressing against his ass as they moved.

"Thanks. You too." Jason pressed his ass back into Kyle, and as they moved against each other, he could feel Kyle's hard cock pressing against him from behind. Fuck, Jason thought, that was another man's cock against his ass. He had never felt that before. The thought was so arousing he knew he was leaking precum in his jeans as they danced.

At one point, he noticed Ian dancing with a girl (leave it to him to find one of the only girls in a gay club), and at another point he could swear he saw his friend dancing with another guy, but that was only a second before Kyle pulled his attention back to their own sweaty, sexual movements.They continued dancing for what Jason thought was just a few minutes before taking a break. Kyle went to the bar to get them some more drinks as Jason headed back to Ethan.

"Looks like you're having fun," Ethan said, handing Jason a drink. "You've been out there almost an hour. Here, I got us some more drinks."

Jason downed the rum and Coke his friend handed him in two swallows. He didn't realize how thirsty he was from dancing until he took a drink, and he knew alcohol wasn't the best solution, but he needed a little buzz right now.

Kyle arrived a couple of minutes later with beers and shots for the three of them. Ethan turned down his drinks since he was driving and gave himself a one-beer limit, so Jason ended up doing two shots. The trio found a booth in the corner of the club and sat down with their beers. Jason finished his quickly and started on the extra. Needless to say, he was feeling the effects of the alcohol quickly. He found himself leaning into Kyle, who wrapped his arm around the inebriated younger man. Jason's hands explored Kyle's thigh under the table as they chatted. Through the course of the conversation, they discovered Kyle was 28 and a newspaper photographer.

Ethan excused himself to go take a piss, and as they found themselves alone, Jason looked up at Kyle. "You're so fucking sexy," he said.

"Thanks," Kyle said. "But you're drunk."

"No, just buzzed. A really good buzz. And I thought you were sexy before I started drinking."

Jason's hand moved up Kyle's muscular thigh under the table.

"I think you're pretty sexy, too," Kyle said. Then he leaned forward and kissed Jason. As their lips touched, Jason's hand reached Kyle's hard cock through his jeans. Fuck this guy was thick, Jason thought as Kyle's tongue slid past his lips. Not as long as Ethan but thick as hell. He had an idea from their dancing, but he didn't realize just what Kyle was packing until his hand moved over it.

As they continued to make out at the table, Jason stroked Kyle through his pants. Jason was so aroused feeling that thick cock through the thin material. He was pretty sure Kyle wasn't wearing any underwear. His fingers went to unzip Kyle's pants as Kyle nibbled his lip. And as he started to pull down the zipper, he heard Ethan's voice from behind.

"I see you guys are having fun." Ethan said. "Maybe we should head back to our place before you guys get naked in front of everyone."

Jason looked at Kyle, and Kyle looked at Jason. Both were too turned on to feel embarrassed at this point. "Want to go back to my place?" Jason asked.

"Fuck yes," Kyle said.

Ethan led them to his SUV, and Kyle and Jason had their hands all over each other the entire way. As Ethan got in the driver's seat, Jason pulled Kyle into the back seat so they could make out on the way back to the apartment. He figured they had a 20-minute ride, so they might as well enjoy it.

As Ethan drove them home, Kyle and Jason made out in the back of the SUV like horny teenagers. At first Kyle was hesitant, afraid Ethan would be watching or would be offended seeing them, but Jason told him Ethan wouldn't care, and that was all Kyle needed to hear. Soon, Jason had lifted Kyle's shirt over his head and was sucking his nipples, making Kyle moan despite trying to stifle the sounds he was making. While he kissed and sucked on Kyle's chest, Jason unzipped his pants and reached in for his cock. Sure enough, Jason had been right. Kyle wasn't wearing any underwear, and Jason's fingers wrapped around the thick cock he wanted so badly right now.

As Jason stroked Kyle's cock, he leaned back and Kyle began to suck and nibble on his neck. Jason loved when girls would do that, and now with a man doing it, it was driving him wild. As they pulled up to a stop light, he looked up and saw Ethan watching them in the rearview mirror. His friend winked at him and then his eyes moved back to the road as the light changed. Jason was sure Ethan was watching them as much as he could while he was driving, and at this point, he decided to give him a show.

Jason pushed Kyle back and started kissing down his lover's body. He had fantasized about sucking cock so many times, and he was finally going to get to do it. He moved down to Kyle's throbbing cock, his hand still stroking it as his tongue flicked out to taste the precum oozing from it. He had tasted his own precum, and he had tasted Ethan's cum out of condoms, but this was the first time he tasted another man's sexual fluids straight from the source. And he loved it. He licked all over Kyle's thick cock, savoring all the precum he was cleaning off it. He was nervous about what came next because he didn't want to suck at giving head, but he had been reading about it and watched plenty of porn, so he hoped he would be OK as he took the head of Kyle's dick in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the head as he sucked on it then started sliding his lips down it. He could feel his lips stretched wide, and he tried to keep his teeth off Kyle's thick, veiny shaft as he swallowed him bit by bit, taking more of his cock in his mouth each time his head moved back down on it. Soon, he felt the head pressing against the back of his throat. He relaxed his throat and tried to take it in, but he gagged and ended up having to pull off it.

"So fucking thick," Jason said as he dove back down on Kyle. Kyle had one hand on Jason's head, running his fingers through his hair as Jason sucked him, and the other was running up and down Jason's back, down to the waist of his jeans, feeling his ass through the jeans and then sliding inside his waistband and under his boxer briefs.Jason pressed his ass back to meet Kyle's exploring hand, loving the eroticism of being felt up as he sucked on Kyle's cock.

After blowing Kyle for a couple of minutes, Jason was ready to try deepthroating again. He licked around the head of Kyle's cock and then wrapped his lips wide around his shaft and began taking it down bit by bit, relaxing himself and feeling it slide past his uvula and into his willing throat. Before he knew it, his face was buried in Kyle's trimmed pubes and Kyle's shaft was stretching his esophagus.

Kyle moaned lustfully and pressed his hand on the back of Kyle's head, holding him there until Kyle pulled up, leaving drool and spit all over Kyle's member. He loved how slutty it made him feel to have another man's cock down his throat, to have Kyle holding him down on it until he couldn't breathe any more. Tears were in his eyes, but he was so fucking turned on. His cock was leaking precum like a faucet in his jeans, and he knew that the slightest touch would make him cum.

He went back down on Kyle enthusiastically, alternating between deepthroating and licking and sucking just the first few inches of the thick, delicious cock in his mouth. He used one hand to massage Kyle's balls, loving the feel of his full sack, wanting to taste every ounce of cum in it. He licked and sucked on Kyle's balls some, stroking his cock as his mouth worked those sexy testicles, tasting the musky sweat from dancing earlier.

"I'm getting close, babe," Kyle whispered just loud enough for Jason to hear. He probably meant it as a warning in case Jason wanted to pull off, but Jason took it as encouragement and began to suck and stroke harder and faster. Within a minute, he could feel Kyle's balls tensing up in his hand, and the thick, rock-hard cock in his mouth began to pulse as Kyle started shooting in his mouth.

The first shot went right down Kyle's throat, and then he pulled up until he was holding just the head in his mouth. He continued to suck on the top of Kyle's cock as he milked the shaft with his hand, trying to squeeze every drop of cum out of his lover. Jason was left with a mouth overflowing with cum, and after he swallowed it, he leaned down to lick the last of it off Kyle's cock.

After he got every drop, he leaned back in his seat and looked up into the rearview mirror. He could feel a little cum running down his face out of the corner of his mouth as he made eye contact with Ethan in the mirror.He used his finger to wipe it up and then licked it off, eyes still locked with his friend as they waited at another light.

Kyle put his cock back into his pants as they pulled into the apartment parking lot. Ethan pulled up to their building but didn't park.

"I'm gonna drop you guys off and run get something to eat," he said. "Don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone."

Kyle got out and Jason slid across to get out the same door. He needed to get inside and get rid of the erection that was starting to get painful in his jeans. As he started out the door, Ethan said to him, "Hey, Jason, have fun. I'll be back in about an hour."

"You don't have to do that," Jason said, leaning back through the open door after he got out. "We can keep things down."

"No, have fun. You can tell me all about it tomorrow."

And with that Jason closed the door and Ethan pulled away. Jason turned to Kyle and grabbed his hand. "Guess we've got the place to ourselves for a bit. Let's see what we can get done before he gets home."


This was a longer chapter. I don't think the next one will be as long. This story may go for a bit, but we're getting close to one of the first big payoffs. Let me know what you think or what you might want to see at Thanks.

Next: Chapter 4

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