Ethan and Angelo

By JJ Rockwood

Published on Jun 23, 2020


Ethan and Angelo Chapter 6 By JJ [ ]


Chapter 6

I have to admit I was jealous of Max, and that Angelo did like the attention he was getting from him. But Angelo didn't see the how this guy was imposing himself in our lives (which honestly he was doing intentionally). Other than my few friends and his work friends Angelo had no experience with the devious sides of people. In fact it was Leo who had warned me about Max. I talked to Angelo about my doubts and basically he blew it off. He reasoned that Max was just a kid, his boss's nephew and just needed some guidance just like I did when I was young. I looked at him and laughed and said "hello look at where we are now". He tells me I am over reacting; he isn't into surfer type dudes and he isn't Italian, and most of all he isn't me and that he loves only me. For the next few months they bowled and played softball on the same work teams. Max would come over a few nights a week to sit outside with us. Luckily Angelo stopped going to the shooting range with him and only went with me or other friends. When Max started showing up on the weekends, Angelo told him right up front that the weekends were his kids and family time and not to just show up. Max looked more mad than upset. So now he came over 2-3 nights a week and they sat outside sometimes I did if I didn't have things to do or a game.

It was early August and we decided to have Leo, Derrick, and whoever they were seeing over for a cookout during the week. I told Angelo to invite Max, but he said no if he happens to show up fine, but he wasn't about to extend an invitation to him. Well as usual Max showed up and seemed a little surprised that we had company. Well he fit fight in and started to talk to both Derrick and Leo trying to figure out what was going on. Derrick told him he was my cousin and Leo said he worked with Angelo years ago. Derrick wasn't interested in him, but he was a 100% Leo's type. Angelo didn't seem too happy about it, which didn't make me happy. While we were eating Max says he really wasn't hungry with the big lunch Angelo and he shared. Then saying to Angelo you must have worked it off seeing that you are eating. Derrick kicked me under the table; he could see I was getting agitated. So Leo asked "where did you guys go for lunch"? Max says today we went to the Greek's in Bridgeport and yesterday we ate a place called Jimmies at Savin Rock. At this point I am looking at Angelo and he is avoiding my eyes. Good old Leo then goes things have changed since I worked construction that you can go to these places for lunch. Max says "not usually but Angelo and I have been on a special project the past couple of days". I'm thinking to myself come on Leo don't stop now. Leo asks "what was the special project"? Max says it seems we were running out of some material and Angelo and I went to pick up cement and sheetrock. Max says to Leo "I finally gotten down how to drive a standard, thanks to Angelo. He is such a great teacher". Angelo still is not saying a word just observing me; I think he realizes I'm ready to blow. Derrick is looking at me trying to give me a sign to cool down. I stood up and started cleaning off the table and asked who wanted coffee, Derrick and Leo said yes, Max said no he was going to drink beer. I looked at Angelo and just motioned what did he want? He looked at me with a weak smile and said coffee. Max said "since when do you drink coffee at night"? Angelo looked at him and said "all the time what makes you think you know everything about me". Max looked shocked and didn't answer. Leo just picked up the conservation again. I went inside to start the coffee; Derrick followed me with the rest of the dirty stuff.

Derrick stands beside me at the sink. We are rinsing off stuff and I'm trying not to fling things in the dishwasher. Derrick says to me "bud you have to calm down, you can't let that asshole know you had no clue about the lunches. He was watching you out of the corner of his eye but you have a perfect poker face. Angelo on the other hand looked like he was shitting his pants". I had to laugh at that he was right. Just then Angelo walks in with the grill utensils. Derrick leaves with a tray with cups, etc. for the coffee and out of the corner of my eye I see him motion for him to go to me. Angelo stands behind me and puts his arms around me and says "nothing happened I should have told you about the lunches and what not. I was afraid to, afraid of getting you upset". I was shaking inside and my eyes were filling up, but all I could ask "am I that much of a shrew or is the fact that you shouldn't have put yourself in that situation. Where is the 2 days' worth of lunches that you made."? He said "in the fridge at work he ate for breakfast today and the 2nd one will be tomorrow". He could see my eyes were wet and he held me tight and said please don't cry. The coffee was finished and I said "we can discuss this later please take the coffee out". He looked at me I said I have to go I'm going to barf and hurried out of the room". I'm sure he heard me hurling.

Everyone had their coffee and Derrick helped me clean up fast and got ready to leave. Leo and Max were still talking and Leo knowing full well what was going on got up to go. Max wasn't making a move he was going to stay to finish his 6 pack and Leo invited him over to his place. Max accepted and everyone left. I finished cleaning up and went outside to sit on the deck, I was restless and went upstairs to shower. Angelo was already upstairs getting his clothes ready for the next day. He turned to me and said he hoped Leo didn't take advantage of Max. I looked at him and said "advantage are you stupid, I hope Max doesn't take advantage of him". Angelo getting pissed says "don't call me stupid, I know you are upset". I started listen the kid wants you, he knows exactly what he is doing and you are eating it all up, so don't worry about Max". Angelo says "I don't like Leo being with him". I said "because maybe he is going to tap Max"? I turned and walked into the bathroom shutting and locking the door. Angelo tries to come in and finds the door locked. Calmly he asks me to come out, I don't answer now he is banging on the door yelling "Ethan open this fucking door before I take it off the hinges". Secretly I am happy I made him reach this point. I open the door and say "what". Angelo says "take that back, how can you think that I would". I look him straight in the eye, you go bowling, play ball, you took him to lunch not once but twice kept that a secret, he is here 2-3 nights a week. Yet if Derrick is here to often right away you usually get an attitude. Now you don't like Leo, because maybe he is pissing on your property". Angelo pushed me up against the door, I tried to get by him, and he pushed against the wall and put his arm across my throat. I was struggling to get away and couldn't. My glasses fell off and near tears I said "let me go". I was stuck and I spit in his face. Angelo says not till you listen, "what makes you think I would cheat on you, I love you." I screamed "why do you think every time I am with Derrick you assume we are sucking each other off or fucking, I know you do, what reason have I given you that I would cheat". Angelo replies "you told me you love him". I say "yes I did but that love is a brotherly love, it is totally two different things, Derrick has no one I am his family, and all of his family except for his Mom disowned him when he came out". Angelo says "I didn't know that". I answered "maybe if you asked you would have and then again I should have said something when I use to see you get an attitude. I started to tear up and said I thought I was being replaced by a newer model". Angelo's eyes filled up and said "I could never replace you. I will be honest I did like the attention, who wouldn't. (I had to agree) You don't believe me you had me when you were 14 and you were starting to grow up". I rolled my eyes and he laughed and I said "are you going to let me go now". He did and I wiped the spit off of his face and said "Sorry". He shook his head "I deserved it". My glasses were broken, I would have to wear my contacts the next few days or an old pair glasses that I had.

We took a shower together, and had sex in the shower, that is something we don't usually do only for the fact we run out of hot water. We both slept well that night, I think for the first time in a few weeks.

As far as Leo and Max went, evidently he wasn't as innocent as he led on. He kept asking Leo if we were a couple and Leo told him that Angelo and I were cousins and that it was financially beneficial for both of us to live together. He said he was the only gay one in the group. Leo asked why was he gay (Max) and he wouldn't deny or confirm, but said he was experimenting. Leo told Angelo and me "experimenting my ass that his legs went up faster than a baby taking a bottle. And he never scraped him once when he was sucking him off". Leo and Max got together a few more times before he went back to college. Max actually after that stopped coming by the house. He even stopped showing up for the softball games. Angelo couldn't wait till he left for college, the guy ended up being a slug at work. Seeing that he couldn't work his charm anymore with Angelo he basically played the Uncle card. In fact after missing two games Angelo told him not to bother showing up he was off the team and I actually got to take his place. Angelo had enough when the guy would come to work only 3-4 days a week. He asked his boss what he wanted him to do. His boss Max's uncle said only pay him for when he is there and to keep him basically doing the shit jobs. The boss also told Angelo that Max was a spoiled rich kid, and not to take any crap from him. In all our years together I think that summer was the worst patch we ever had, but with the air cleared jealousy was never an issue with us again.


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