Ethan and Angelo

By JJ Rockwood

Published on Jun 21, 2020


Ethan and Angelo Chapter 5 By JJ [ ]


Chapter 5

Halloween and Thanksgiving flew by. This is a busy time of year for both of us. In fact I worked Thanksgiving morning, Friday and the rest of the weekend. I made mucho $$$$$. Angelo had his boys for the holiday and Friday. We did see each other for a few hot sweaty hours on Saturday night as his parents took them to the movies. I was going to be working every weekend till Christmas and was scheduled to work a few days during Christmas week. Angelo was overseeing two jobs that had to be finished before the end of the year. He worked every weekend except one where he had the boys. Seeing that Christmas Day was a Friday this year, his wife said the boys could stay till Sunday seeing how she would have the complete following week with them not having school.

I thought that was pretty cool of her. Angelo told me she hasn't been bad but she also has a boyfriend now. So she isn't going to be alone, but to her credit this guy has not spent the night only because the boys say he has never been there in the morning. The boys say he is alright, that he isn't mean, in fact he is a jokester and they all gang up on the wife at times. Once while we were sitting on the couch together Angelo told me he had a cop friend check him out and that he is a widower, and doesn't have a record. I looked at him and asked "did he have his friend check me out"? Without missing a beat he said "of course I had to see if you had changed your ways after spending 3 summers with me or if you were still on the path of a criminal". I kissed him and said "well what did he uncover"? Angelo all serious says "you have no outstanding warrants, even the thing you did at 11 was gone. But it did say you were a big flirt and had a thing for older Italian guys". I couldn't help but laugh; I said I knew when we all went before the judge that time we were all told if we didn't get in trouble, at 16 this would all go away. I said I had 4 years to sweat, some had 2 years and a couple had 6-7 years to watch themselves. Angelo asked if we all made it and I said yeah, we all stayed friends till we graduated from high school and went our own way. When we still see each it is like we weren't apart.

I explained to him, "even though it wasn't in the papers when anything happened in the neighborhood we were the first ones questioned by the cops. There were the original 8, then after three sets of parents had to pay for damages which were thousands!! Three of the guys were not allowed to hang out with us out the 8 so now we were down to 5. Then as the older guys went into high school it got smaller till finally there was only two of us. By that time things were quiet again. In fact you were the alibi a few times we were questioned by the cops". Angelo cocked his head and said "how"? I told him I think it was my 2nd summer working him and someone had put putty and cement in all the locks at our grammar school assuming that would stop from starting in a few days and I was working that weekend with you". He said "you still could have done it if you had gotten up earlier". I just looked at him and said you will never know will you". He laughed and says "there is a dark side to you". I just shrugged.

We did get to spend some time on Christmas Eve after everyone went to sleep. We got each other things we needed work clothes etc. New Year's Eve on the other hand was something else, we had ordered all kinds of take-out neither one of us were great cooks. After the meal we went for a walk it was snowing and kind of romantic, there were still some people that still had there decorations up and lit. When we got back he opened a bottle of champagne, neither of us were big drinkers. I surprised him with the fact that my dad and I have been looking at houses. He was surprised and happy. I had narrowed it down to four houses. He said "four"; I said yeah each one was different. I got out the realtor book; remember back then nothing was really on line. They ranged from brand new yet to be built and the rest between 40-50 years old. Angelo said right off forget the new, one builder was shady and the other the houses were well worth the money and well-built but what Angelo knew was that they were going to squeeze as many houses on the street as possible. He said to concentrate on the two older houses and wanted me to take him to see them.

The following May we were moving into a 7 room colonial. Everything was in my name to protect me from the ex-wife in case she came looking for anything from Angelo. His brother is a lawyer and was looking out for both our interests. Neither one of us had anything other than clothes. All the furniture I had was a hand me down. Of course my Italian mother got into what I needed and should have. She basically set up our kitchen. Angelo and I went out and had to buy furniture for 3 bedrooms, living room and den. This sounds bad we were holding off on the dining room figuring we would have to entertain which we didn't want to. Of course we were sleeping in the same room but we had to play the game. So he and the kids had to have beds for their rooms. We moved in Memorial Day weekend or I should say he moved us in. I had to work the whole weekend but it was triple time and you can't give that up. To be honest all he had to move in was our clothes, everything else was delivered and my clothes were all packed. The temp was in the 90's for the entire weekend. I was glad I talked him into central air. Something happened that night that changed the dynamics in our relationship. We had taken a shower together and were in bed. The sex between us was pretty vanilla and satisfying. First off we both got off by kissing and he is a great kisser. Basically it was a lot of frottage and usually a sixty-nine. Tonight this tough construction dude wanted to be topped; I was turned on by that big time. We usually had sex in his bed and then slept in mine, he was all prepared lube, towel what not. I kept asking are you sure? Angelo nodded. I kissed my way down from his lips to his nipples, to his stomach. I took his massive cock in my mouth as much as I could. I licked his balls and inner thighs then headed for the target. I licked and chewed at his ass till he was begging me to put something in it other than my tongue. I wet my index finger and inserted it, it drove him wild. After a time I removed it and replaced it my middle finger rotating and licking his ass at the same time. Angelo didn't want me to stop I pulled out and then inserted both the index and middle fingers using the lube he handed me. I never heard him moan like that before. He told me he wanted by dick inside him. I lubed myself and slowly pushed myself against his ring, after some trying the head started to enter. I rested a minute or two till I felt him relax and actually start to suck me into him. I actually started doing times tables not to come the feeling was so intense. It was tight and smooth and slick. Angelo shot his load between our stomachs. I was afraid to move not that I was hurting him, but I knew one or two pumps and I was done. Which did happen. We got up and showered and went into the other bed. I had to ask, he said he always wanted to and he was glad he did, because it was great. Now this might have changed our sex lives (I could have done a handstand I was so happy). But he was still the older brother or father figure in the relationship which was okay by me.

His sons came every other weekend and actually they stayed here only one weekend a month. The other weekend they stayed at Angelo's parents for the fact there was a strong bond with them. I got along with them fine and when they were here I usually worked and they went and did their thing and I would play a game with them or went out to eat with them. This was his time with his boys it didn't bother me. I use to hang out with Derrick at times when the boys were here. It was our chance to catch up even though we emailed from work every day. Derrick didn't mind he was like a bee going from one flower to another having the time of his life. I would try to get all of us together but Angelo wasn't comfortable. The only one he seemed to like was Leo. The biggest player I knew. I think it was the fact that he was a truck driver and Angelo could kind of associate with that (or the fact he liked them young like he did).

Life was good for us we had a schedule no one looked at us other than roommates helping each other out financially. Both our families stopped by now and then but that was to borrow something or to have a beer. We still didn't have a dining room yet. (ha-ha-ha). We were like a married in a sense. We each shopped, cooked, did household chores inside and out. We hired a lawn guy neither one of us were into yard work other than the garden. It has been 5 years since we moved in Angelo's oldest is graduating high school and the youngest is finishing his 3rd year. They are close with their father but the sleepovers are far and few only for the fact they are teenagers. Now he goes to their games and does dinner 2-3 times a week. This means we have more time together on weekends to do things. We have even gone away a few times.

In all the years we were together there was only one huge argument and it kind of cleared the air between us. It had been building for a few months. It was coming up on 7 years we were together and Angelo's 49th birthday, I had turned 35 the past February and his birthday was in July. In the May of that year Angelo's company hired a young day laborer, he was the nephew of one of his bosses. The guy was just 19 and a hottie. The guy was an ass kisser, and played up to all the foremen. Angelo knew this but was also sucked in by the guy's attention. He asked Angelo to teach him how to shoot, the kid joined the bowling league and needed help with that. He would show up at the house every so often with beer. I admit I didn't know how to handle this. I would look at Angelo and he wasn't happy but what could he say. In hindsight without us coming out what could he say? I thought the kid was gay that he was trying to make the moves on Angelo, but he was oblivious.


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