Ethan and Angelo

By JJ Rockwood

Published on Jun 10, 2020


Ethan and Angelo Chapter 1 By JJ [ ]


Chapter 1

I am 61 years old my name is Ethan. I am named after my godfather. I want to tell you the story how I met the man who was the greatest boyfriend I have ever had. I first met Angelo the summer I was 11 years old. My Dad got him to hire me as his helper. I had gotten myself into trouble with seven of the neighborhood kids, we didn't realize what we were doing was that wrong we were all between the ages of 10 and 14. Luckily I wasn't there the day four of them got caught. I won't go into what we were doing but some damage was done but I wasn't there when it happened. (I won't go into what it was but if anyone is curious, I will tell you if you ask). Any way my Dad being from the old school figured hard work would straighten my ass out.

I was in 6th grade when this all went down and starting a few weeks before school got out I would go to work with Angelo. That meant I would have to be up and ready at 3:15am on a Saturday morning. Angelo would pick me up we would go to a diner he would buy me breakfast then we would head for the dairy. The truck would already be loaded with cases of milk for us and we were off. There was nowhere to sit, so I stood the only seat was the driver's. It was loud all you heard were bottles rattling and clinking.

I was about 4'9" 82lbs. Angelo was 6' about 160lbs he was 27 years old. You're typical Italian dark hair and eyes, where as being Italian also I was light brown hair and blue eyes. Yes he was hot in his dickies pants and t-shirt with the name of the dairy on it. The first few weeks I was quiet and he would try to get to talk and laugh. When school was out I worked 2 days Fridays and Saturdays. I was usually home by 10am maybe the 11am depending on what route we had. My job was delivering milk, we both did the street if there a lot of customers but if it was all here and there houses it was me. Of course if there 2nd and 3rd floor customers yours truly did them. (If you think about it, today it would probably be considered child abuse ha-ha) I got $3.00 a day if there were bills then I got $4.00 because you had to do 2 trips because of the receipts. I did this job for 3 summers by the last summer I was $5.00 and $6.00 a day.

Angelo was the first guy that made me realize I liked men. He was a friend an older brother, a confidant. We laughed and joked and the time flew when we were together. The third summer I was working with him he was getting married Labor Day weekend. It was also going to be the last summer I would be working with him, because the dairy was being sold and he was going to work construction. I savored every time I was with him. That summer he also told me something I would never forget. I could sense him looking at me sometimes whether I was just watching the road or telling him a story or at breakfast. Out of the blue he says to me "with those eyes you don't hear the word no that often do you". At 14 I didn't really get the gist of what that meant. My parents went to his wedding and every so often I would run into him sometimes driving a big dump truck or if he was working a job site near school or something. My dad and he played on a bocce team, but I couldn't go no kids allowed. My dad always said he asked about me.

Fourteen years have gone by. I have a decent job; I have just gotten out of 8 month relationship with someone who will turn out to be the best friend anyone can have. I was feeling really horny and decided to go to one of my favorite cruise areas, a big woodsy park. The place was like 25 or so minutes from where I lived. I wasn't out and the place was known for being filled with a lot of closeted, married or bi- guys. These are the guys who would not be caught dead in a bar. I would go early on a Saturday or Sunday morning to jog or run. Nine out of ten times you could score. This was 1987 and the world was as accepting as it is now. Most of the rangers were cool they never bothered you unless you were having sex in your car or were naked in the woods. I could get there by 7:30am jog a few miles and get off and be home and in the shower by 10:30am. Well one warm September morning I was getting back into my truck and this car goes by which I have seen there almost every time I was there and this was the first time I had seen the driver. The car was always empty it was a Volkswagen GTI they were sharp a very common inconspicuous car. But the driver looked familiar I couldn't place him so the next time he went by I ducked down. It bothered me all the way home then the car zoomed passed me on the parkway and we got off at the same exit. The turned off and went a different way. I was assuming someone from work -- there were a lot of people who worked there. It still bothered me I knew that profile but evidently they didn't recognize me.

I told my buddy Derrick about it. He laughed and said I was being paranoid and he had seen the car himself there and at another cruise area, but never saw the driver the car was always empty. Derrick worked for another big company he was white collar where I was a blue collar worker. His hours were flexible he got out more than I did. Even though we had met in a bar at the end of last year neither of us were crazy about them. The following weekend as Derrick and I are out grabbing a pizza, he says he made it with the VW guy that morning. He says I know you like your O/T but you missed out we both could have had him. I couldn't help but ask for details. Derrick says first off, right up our ally he had a wedding ring on, 6' 180lbs brown eyes and hair. Obviously Italian was wearing a cross and he wasn't short changed in the cock department. Derrick also said he must have just come from work, his clothes were dusty and he could see his tool bag in the back. Derrick asked to exchange numbers the guy said no, they exchanged names but he said the name didn't match the name on the tool bag so he wasn't sure if he was telling the truth. The guy who gave the name Bill said they would probably meet up again there.

There was something about this that still bothered me. Derrick met up with him the following Sunday, he told Bill he lived alone etc. Bill took Derricks number then would stop there at least once a week or so for the following month. One Friday night Derrick and I went out for pizza in little Italy. As we were leaving Derrick went in to piss, I walked out and I look at the people waiting in line to go in and I see a guy looking and smiling at me. He looked familiar and the guy says Ethan I say "hi" and nod. Then it hits me I say "Angelo, I almost didn't recognize you". We hugged he was with his Dad he was taking him out for pizza. Before we got into anything else Derrick comes bopping out of the place. The world stopped both Angelo and his jaws dropped. Derrick goes "Bill how are you"? Angelo/Bill says" fine and you". Derrick looks at me as if to say what is going on and I say Bill just asked me for the time his watch stopped. Angelo smiled and looked relieved and we left. I noticed he was watching as Derrick hugged me like guy friends do as we walked away. I waved as we drove by the place.

Guys sorry no sex this chapter just trying to set up the story.



Next: Chapter 2

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