Eta Theta Nu Omega

By Jonathan

Published on Oct 10, 2006


Well guys, sorry that this has taken so long. It's been a hellish couple of weeks at work, and home. But, I've finally completed three chapters. Because I write without any outlines, I let the story go where it wants, and chapters 8 and 9 certainly took a wander. I tried to keep it as real as I could, but somehow it didn't quite make it.

Anyway, even with the slight change in direction, I hope that you enjoy it. Also, thanks to those that have e-mailed me. I hope that you don't mind the change, but it gives me some more work room for future scenes.


Chapter 7 - From Four to Two and Two

The four of us scrambled out of the changing room, flushed and laughing. I had been so involved making out with the three of them, I had almost forgotten that this was actually a test. I didn't know if the fire alarm was part of it, or if it was a real alarm. The four of us were standing outside the doorway, as the team was heading back in. We joined them by the door.

"Hey, Robbie!"

"Chuck, what the fuck is going on?"

Robbie was number 00, and by the look of him, was probably their designated kicker. He had similar features to Tommy, but his long blonde hair brushed the top of his shoulders. Most of the guys were holding their pads and helmets. Seeing that they were going to be sitting outside for a while, a couple of them sat on their helmets, and just chatted. Robbie joined us, and smiled at Tommy. He returned the grin, and walked over.

"Jayce, this is my brother, Robbie. He's a senior, and leaves at the end of the year."

"He getting you into trouble?" Robbie asked, as he shook my hand.

"No more so than I would have if I was by myself."

"Hey! Weren't you in the quad yesterday?"

"Oh boy. Yeah. That was me."

"Fucking hott!"

"Thanks man."

"So what's up with this alarm?"

"Fuck if I know," said Chuck walking up behind me. "Just started as we were changing."

I blushed slightly, but no one seemed to notice. "Hey, Jayce. What you doing tonight?" asked Robbie.

"No plans."

"Tommy and I are having a party for the freshmen players, you want to join us?"

I looked from Robbie, to Chuck and Shawn, then to Tommy. "Sure. Where?"

"The gym."

"The gym?"

"Yeah. It's a club on 22nd near Maitland. Around 10 then."


"Nice. Hey, I'm gonna see if I can find out when we can get back in. Hang around with the guys. Get to know them."


Robbie walked in the direction of the security guard, and I watched him as he walked away. "Nice ass isn't it?" said Tommy.

"I like yours too."

"Hey, Chuck."


"Your dorm room free?"

"Yeah, why?"

"'cause I thought we could head back there. We sure as hell won't get back in to the centre for a while."

"Cool with me. Come on Jayce, you can see how the other half live."

Because Chuck was a senior, he had his choice of dorms, and rooms. What I didn't understand though, was that if this was all part of the test, wouldn't they have been members of ETNU? I didn't dwell on the thought, and followed the three of them into Dorm W, Room 1581. You knew that it was a jocks room, the walls were plastered with posters of footballers, and games. There was king-sized bed shoved into a corner, a couch along the wall next to it, a huge screen TV, Playstation2 and a pile of DVD's.


"Thanks. I don't spend much time in here anymore. I'm usually out on the field or in the halls but it's home, I guess. Grab a seat. You want something to drink?"

"What you got?"

"Nothing that's non-alcoholic."

"Anything then," I laughed, dropping onto the couch. Tommy dropped down beside me, Shawn climbed up onto the bed, and Chuck handed out the drinks, before leaning up against the TV. I took a drink from the Smirnoff Ice, and rested my head on the back of the sofa. "So. Guys. I'm pretty sure that this test isn't over."

Tommy laughed. "You are right. But there's no more right least no more of 'that'."

I tilted my head sideways, and squinted an eye, and smiled, "Oh...and what 'that' are you referring...?"

He laughed again. "Your cousin was right. You are a horny little fucker."

"It runs in the family."

"Listen, Jayce," said Chuck, very seriously. So much so that both Tommy and Shawn sat up. "You are in a strange position. It's never happened before that a test was interrupted. We've had to scramble to prepare a, so called, make-up test for you."

"The fire alarm wasn't planned."

"No. Usually things like that we can keep under control, but today, no. The party tonight, you must attend."

"I was going to anyway. Besides, the way I see it, not counting the fire alarm. I got to be fucked by some of the hottest footballers I've ever seen."

"Even more so than number 13 at Texas Tech?"

"Shit, Shawn. How the fuck did you know that I want to fuck him?"


"No. Never mind. I think I know...but my comment still stands. You three are some of the hottest footballers I've seen."

"Next to number 13," said Shawn.

"Including number 13." I finished the Ice smiling, as Tommy ran his hand along the inside of my leg. "I thought I'd have to wait until the party?"

"You do. But this isn't part of the test."


"What, Chuck? I'm still allowed to have my own fun."

"Not with the pledges."

"Chuck..." said Shawn.

"Oh fuck, Shawn. Do you have any idea how har-difficult it is to do a four day initiation? Coordinating football teams, security guards, police? Shit!"

"No, Chuck. I don't. Which, considering that it didn't seem to go so well today, you didn't. But if you don't loosen up, and get that dick down my throat, in the next ten seconds, you're going to lose your best players."

"What do you mean players?" asked Chuck, running a hand down his stomach.

"I'll walk too."

"Shit Tommy. It's just...just...oh screw it."

Tommy climbed on top of me, straddling my legs, as he slid his tongue deep down my throat. I ran my hands up along his back, and pulled down on his shoulders, forcing him deeper into my mouth. As our tongues resumed their exploration of each other's mouth, I opened my eyes. Tommy had his open, and as I stared into them, there was something there, that I didn't expect. Something more than the lust you would expect, almost....

"Argh!" grunted Shawn from the bed. Chuck had decided that he would forego the mouth entirely, and had begun fucking Shawn without even removing his pants. He just pulled them down far enough to get access. Listening to the motion of them fucking, along with Tommy's mouth on mine, and his eyes glinting, I started to hump his ass.

I could hear a slight moan from Tommy as I humped him. He didn't let up on my mouth, but his hand did start to explore my crotch for the strings on the football pants. I felt his hand find its mark, and slowed my humping just enough, so that he could loosen up the pants with one hand. Still keeping his mouth on mine (and his tongue finding parts of my mouth, I didn't know could trigger feelings of pleasure) I lifted my ass from the couch, and he pushed down the pants.

In one smooth motion, his hand started to stroke my dick. I ran my hands down along his back, and along his waist to his own pants, but slid my hand inside and started to rub his dick under the pants. He broke off the kiss, but kept his tongue out, and licked his way along my lips. Then he worked his way down my neck, pausing a moment at the side. He moved around the base of my neck before working down into my armpit. He pushed up the arm that wasn't massaging his cock, and began to lick.

"Ugh!" I managed to get out, as I opened my eyes to look down at Tommy, whose hair was just touching his eyes, looked up and met my gaze. He smiled that smile, and moved away from the pit, and across my chest, pausing a moment on my nipple before tracing the line down to my cock. Because of his position, my hand slid out of his pants, and so I rested it on his shoulder.

As Tommy worked his magic on my cock, I looked over to Shawn and Chuck. Somehow, Chuck managed to keep fucking Shawn, and suck Shawn's cock. "Damn!" Chuck looked up, and Tommy looked over, still sucking my cock. Shawn kept his head back against the wall. Watching them, I didn't know which position I'd have rather been in, Chuck's or Shawn's. Tommy brought my thoughts back to him, with a strategic move, taking in my entire cock, and pulling my balls into his mouth at the same time.


"Damn sweet move Tommy. Get him to cum."

I grinned, and even though my eyes were closed, I could see exactly what was going on. Tommy's mouth continued its work down my cock; Shawn was in a natural high, not saying a word; and Chuck was watching Tommy suck me off, while sucking and fucking Shawn.

Tommy worked his tongue along the head of my cock, finding the pre-cum that had been slowly seeping out since he started his lick down my chest. He ran his tongue along the head, and swallowed deeply, rubbing his nose into the base of it. Keeping his mouth wrapped around my cock, he managed to slide his tongue out, and began to lick around my balls.

I couldn't take much more, and I knew that Tommy knew it. I slid my left hand along his arm, and rested it on his head, grabbing hold of his hair. My right arm slid along his, and I locked my fingers with his.

"Oh shit!" I heard Shawn scream out from across the room. That was all I needed.

"Dammit all to Hell," I screamed as I pushed Tommy's head down onto my cock, and sprayed the back of his mouth with my cum. As I opened my eyes, I looked over at Chuck and Shawn, who was still being fucked.

Tommy pulled his head off my cock, and slid up me, to meet my mouth giving me a light kiss, before we both watched the two of them 'bond'. Chuck had stopped sucking off Shawn, and I could see the reason was because he'd shot all over Chuck's face, and chest. Even from across the room, I could see the cum on his cheek as it mixed with his sweat, forming long glistening lines of white making its way down his face, ending with a long slow fall from his chin to his chest. Then it mixed with the sweat and cum already there, and continued down towards his dick, still rock hard, and ramming Shawn's ass.

I wrapped my arm under Tommy's arm, and around his chest. Tommy rested his head on my shoulder, and I rested my head on his, as we watched the two of them fuck. Chuck leaned forward, and licked between Shawn's pecs on his way up to his mouth. As they locked mouth's, Tommy's hand found its way back down to my cock. I was still sensitive, and jerked a little, causing Tommy to nuzzle closer, and squeeze harder. I didn't argue.

"FUCK!!" screamed Chuck as he suddenly broke of the kiss, and sat bolt upright. He did it so fast that his cock pulled out of Shawn's ass, and his cum hit everything between it, and the wall. This included Shawn, the sheets, and a football.

Chuck fell backwards onto his feet, causing his legs to spread wide at the knees, and his dick to point straight up in the air. A bit of cum still worked its way out, but gravity just pulled it down the slowly softening cock, to the base. I suddenly had an evil urge, and broke away from Tommy, who at first was confused, then realized what I was going to do, and grinned an eviler grin, and followed.

I leant over Chuck, and started to lick the cum from his face. Chuck's eyes had been closed, and he opened them in surprise not knowing who it was. The surprise changed to pleasure, as I licked the cum from his lips. He shuddered a bit, as Tommy started to clean up the cum from around his cock. I slowly worked my way down Shawn's chest, with his neck and pecs, heading for his abs. While Tommy worked his way up from his cock, working on his belly button and his abs, meeting at the top of Shawn's abs.

Tommy and I slid our tongues into each other's mouths, tasting each other, and the mixture of cum and sweat from both Shawn and Chuck, and ourselves. We broke it off reluctantly, as Shawn began to sit up. He rested himself on his elbows, and looked down at us. I pushed back to the floor, and kneeled next to the bed, resting my chin on the mattress; Tommy sat up, and still in his football pants, crossed his legs, and leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees, and his chin in his hands. Chuck didn't move, he just looked up at the three of us.

"You know you don't get points for this," he said to me.

"Yeah. I know."

"Good. But if you ever want to join us for practice again, regardless of if you become a member of ETNU, you're quite welcome to."

"Thanks QB."

"Tommy," said Shawn, seeing that he was the only one still wearing clothes, "you alright? Did you cum?"

Tommy grinned. "Oh yeah."

"What?" I said. "And you didn't let me taste you?"

"Tonight. Dear boy. Tonight."

"Yeah, alright, but you came?"



"About the time your hand gripped mine."

"Oh shit," said Chuck.

"What?" I asked, as both Shawn and Chuck's looks changed.

"How much did your cousin show you?"

"What? When?"

"Back in your kitchen."

"Oh. He just put his hands on my shoulders and...why?"

"That's it?"

"Yeah, Chuck. That's it. What's the big fuckin deal?"

"You made him cum, just by holding his hand."

"I was jacking him off first."

"Yeah he was," countered Tommy, realizing what Shawn and Chuck were thinking.

"Shit, Tommy. It doesn't matter. What did you think when you came?"

"Just that I wanted to do whatever I could to make Jayce cum."

"Oh fuck."

"Dammit," seconded Shawn. "I think he should meet them tonight."


"But, you're thinking what I'm thinking."

"Shawn! No!"

"What the FUCK are you going on about? All I did was hold his hand. I've done it before with guys while being sucked off. WHAT IS THE BIG FUCKING DEAL??"

"Jayce, please. Calm down," said Tommy, placing his hand on my shoulder. I calmed down, feeling his touch, and returned my chin to the mattress.


"Oh give it a rest Chuck. Let him finish his testing, then see them. They won't stop the testing now anyway."

Chuck opened his mouth about to say something, looked at Tommy, then to Shawn, and then to me, before closing it and sitting back down. "Ok. We wait. But I will let them know."

"Let who know what?"

Chuck looked to the other two before answering my question. "That you are already exhibiting signs of being a member of ETNU."

Chapter 8 - The Committee

As I left the Chuck's dorms (wearing the football pants, and Tommy's bandana and jersey), I was totally confused. It must have still shown on my face when I arrived at my own room to find CJ there.

"Oh boy."

"Hey, CJ."

"Yeah. We got a bit of a problem."

"Oh fuck. It's something that I did, not knowing I did it. Right?"

"Yeah. Chuck called TJ, and TJ called me."

"If you tell me that they aren't letting me continue, I'll shoot myself."

"Jayce! Shit. Don't say things like that."

"Well. What then. Am I supposed to explain what I did, when I don't even know what I did?"

"No. Just, calm down and sit down."

I pulled off the jersey, and slid down the wall at the end of my bed to sit on the floor. CJ caught the jersey as I threw it at him, and sat on the end of the bed. He leaned forward onto his knees, and looked over at me. "Oh, Jayce. I wish I knew what was going to happen."

"What do you mean?"

"You've been called before the committee."

The way CJ said it, I knew that wasn't a good thing. "That's not good, is it?"

"Not at this stage, no. Usually, if the committee wants to meet with a potential, they meet after the conclusion of the third test. Never before, I just learned, is a potential called before the committee before the conclusion of the second test."

"Hey," I said defending myself. "The fire alarm wasn't my fault."

CJ looked at me with worried eyes. I hadn't seen him look like that since his parents divorced.

"What? Ceej? What? Tell me something!" The desperation in my voice was self evident, and the panic, which I'd not realized I was keeping in check, started to take over.

"Jayce, I don't know. There's nothing I can tell you. You are a unique problem for the committee. Even TJ says so, and he's seen his fair share. You need to be at 349 West Hartford Street at 9 tonight. Buzz unit 381."


CJ didn't smile. He just stood up, dropping the jersey on my bed, and pulled the door closed behind him. I slammed my head a few times against the wall. I don't know if I was there for an hour or a minute, but eventually I stood up, and saw that it was 8:25. I pulled off the pants, folded them up (something I rarely did) and selected a pair of khaki pants, boxer briefs, and a Hollister sleeveless T. I stood in front of the mirror. Shook my head, before grabbing my high school football jacket, car keys and phone.

I opened the door just as Donald's brother, BJ, was about to knock. "Hey! Jayce, right?"

"Hey, BJ. He's not here right now. I haven't seen him since I saw you earlier."

"Nah, that's cool. I actually came to see you."


"Yeah. I'm supposed to make sure you arrive at 249 West Hartford in one piece."

I stopped in mid stride, my feet remaining where they were, and turned towards this 'kid'. He had his arms crossed against his chest, and a smile. "What?"

"Your cousin was concerned that you might 'do mischief upon yourself' and so I'm supposed to escort you."

"What in the..."

"Don't ask, Jayce. Just come on."

Sitting behind the wheel of the Camero, I kept looking over at BJ sitting in the seat next to me. Confused, and perplexed, I had no idea where I was going, but he kept telling me to turn, or stop, or go. At 8:59 we arrived at the destination, and got out.

"Are you sure this is the right place?"

"'Course. Come on."

I looked up at the four story building, not thinking that there could be more than 10 units per floor, let alone 81. I walked up to the door, and there was a button labelled 'Unit 381'. I pressed it, and almost immediately, the door was buzzed open. BJ pulled on the handle, and pushed me inside. He was a step behind me as I walked along the corridor. I reached the end of the hallway, and saw a door marked '381'. I knocked.

The door was opened by a young man, not much older than myself. He was dressed in a pair of jeans, and a shirt with an open collar and a loose fitting tie. He nodded to BJ, who followed me in, and they walked on either side of me into the middle of the room.

I stared into darkness.

"Jayce. Please take a step forward," came the, now, familiar voice of TJ MacLeish.

As I stepped forward, the darkness faded away, and before me was a long table. Seated at the centre of the table was TJ, he was flanked on his right by my cousin and Bobby. On his left was Tommy and his brother Robbie. On both sides, were another three chairs. All five were wearing fitted black short sleeve shirts.

"Thank you, BJ. Thank you Chris." At the thanks, the two of them left, pulling the door closed behind them. I stood facing the table, in silence, until TJ spoke. "Oh, Jayce. We have a very strange problem with you. Once, I'm sure your cousin has already mentioned, we have never had before."


"It is unprecedented that we subject a prospect in such a way, before you have completed your training."

"Training? I thought it was testing?"

"It's both," said Bobby. "We've just not expected that you would react the way you did."

"Like what? I still don't know what I did!"

TJ stood up, and walked around the back of the table to stand in front of me. He put his hands on my shoulders. "Look at me," he said. "Look me in the eyes."

As I looked into his eyes, I felt the same wave of nausea that I had felt that day in the kitchen. But this time it was different, this time my mind started to reel. Thoughts began to flash through my mind, and I didn't know what was happening.

"TJ!" I heard my cousin yell.

"No! Ceej," he yelled back.

I dropped to my knees, and brought my hands up to cover my eyes. TJ dropped to his as well, and kept a firm grip on my shoulders. "TJ! He's not ready!" I think it was Tommy who yelled that, but I wasn't sure. I saw the afternoon session with Chuck, Shawn and Tommy flash in front of my eyes. Then I saw CJ in the shower, and Bobby in the lecture hall. Then I saw myself walking through the quad.

"Yes he is!"

My mind kept going backwards, I saw my high school graduation, and the blowjob I got from the head of phys-ed. Then I blacked out.

I was in my tuxedo. Well, sort of. The tie was loose, and the top four buttons of the shirt were open. I wasn't wearing anything underneath, and my necklace rested between my pecs, and was in full view. My hair was pulled back into a tail, but by now strands had pulled out of the band, and were clinging to my sweaty face.

I had blown, at least half, of my senior class - and graduation prom was only two hours old. I joined a bunch of the 'prepsters' - as they were called - by the punch bowl. Richie and Chris had already lost their ties somewhere (probably when I pulled them off an hour earlier making out in the hallway) and had voluntarily gotten rid of their jackets. Richie had pulled his shirt out of his pants, and had only two buttons still done up. George and Donnie, who had spent hours spiking their hair, and bleaching the ends of the half-inch spikes, still wore their ties, shirts and jackets, but the ties were on the inside of their shirts which were completely unbuttoned. Sadly, they both hand on undershirts...but they were still both hott with just the open shirt and ties.

Donnie was adjusting himself (I'd sucked him off twenty-minutes ago), as Phil had his hand down the back of his pants. I grinned as I grabbed a glass of punch. It had been spiked (no surprise), but that was good for me, I needed something.

"Mr Taylor!"

"Oh fuck." I turned around to see Mr Randy Thomas approaching. Mr Thomas was hott. He was the head of phys ed, and by far the youngest member of the staff at 29. With ten years between us, I couldn't see any reason why we couldn't be lovers. Problem was, he was a tight ass (by reputation, no actual verification was available), and married.

I was always up to a challenge. In fact, I had taken on the challenge all year. I was in grade 13, but took a grade 10 phys ed class, because I knew he would teach it. He was also a very hands on kind of teacher.

He would play basketball, baseball, football, soccer. He would join us in the weight room, and when we had swimming classes, he would join us there too; in the pool, in a Speedo. Damn was he hott. No fat, just toned muscle. He also had a military cropped hair style, while, not normally something that got me going, it really worked on him.

Tonight he was wearing a form fitting white shirt, with a navy tie and suit. He'd even spiked his hair up a bit. "Mr Taylor!"

"Yes sir!"

"Follow me."

I walked across the gym, out the side door and past the change rooms to the office. He led the way in, and pushed the door closed behind me. I knew enough about the school offices that, when the door closes, it locks. So, there I stood with my back to the inside of the phys ed office door, as Mr Thomas settled into his desk chair. "You've been having fun, tonight?"


"I asked if you have been having fun tonight? I keep seeing you slip out, and back in every few minutes."

I suppressed a grin. "Yes sir. I am having fun tonight. Yourself?"

He wasn't so good at suppressing a grin. "Not yet."

Without prompting, I took two steps forward, and leaned across his desk. I pulled on his tie, and lifted him up out of his chair. Planting my lips on his, I could taste a familiar salty taste. "I thought you said you hadn't had any fun tonight."

"I should have quantified my answer, by saying, not as much fun as you."

"So how much cum did Richie feed you?"

"Damn! How'd you know that."

"I know the taste of almost every senior in the school. I could taste him still in your mouth. You want some more?"

"I've wanted you every day since you set foot in the grade 10 class. I just didn't have a chance."

"You had plenty of chances, you were just worried your wife would find out."

I dragged him along his desk, and he dropped to his knees. "Yes. I was afraid that she'd find out."

"What's changed?"

"She's pregnant with my brother's child."

I grinned, and pushed his face into my crotch. I started to dry hump his face to the rhythm of the dance music. His hands worked their way up my legs, and grabbed hold of my ass. "All that basketball you made me play, in those tight shorts..." I muttered as I pushed his face harder into my crotch. He responded by grabbing my ass tighter.

I released my hold on his head, and his hands worked their way around to my fly. My cock, held in place only by a jockstrap, was quickly released, and hit Mr Thomas full on the face. He swallowed it right down his mouth, and I felt my head hit the roof of his mouth. He was new at this. I pulled out a little, and redirected my cock down his mouth.

He began to run his tongue along the head of my cock, and along the slit, wiping away all of the pre-cum. I pulled my dick out, just as he was about to swallow it down. I took hold of his tie again, and I stood him up.

Moving to kiss me, I pushed him away, and steered him towards his desk. I forced him back down to his knees, and slapped my dick across his face a couple of times, before I sat down in his chair. I pushed away from him, and sat directly behind the desk. I spread my legs, and crossed my arms. He got the idea, and crawled forward, and knelt in the knee hole under his desk. I rolled in, and he went back to work on my cock.

I rested my hands on the arms of the chair, and tilted my head back slightly as he worked away on my dick. Sliding his mouth along the shaft, he was getting the hang of it, and was learning what I liked. Cupping my balls in his hand, he swallowed my dick as far as he could. I leaned back grinning, as he pulled off my cock, and started to lick my balls.

Taking one in the mouth first, and then switching for the other, while continuously jacking me off was just what I'd wanted. Then he took both in his mouth, and sped his hand up. He let my balls drop down, and then moved back to my dick. Still jacking me off, he ran his tongue around the head, and then along the shaft and down to the base.

I moaned as I knew I was getting close. He knew too, and licked his way back up the shaft and over the head. The sensation of him licking up the shaft, then sucking on the head, while still jacking me off, and cupping my balls was all I needed.

"Shii-" I nearly screamed, but clamped my mouth shut, instead grabbing the arms of the chair so hard, I tore the foam away.

I shot my load into the back of his mouth, and he swallowed almost every drop. Sucking his way up my dick, to get everything he could, he then planted his mouth on mine, and let my own cum run back into my mouth. I licked the inside of his mouth clean, and as we frenched, my cum flowing back and forth between our mouths, he came in his suit.

I swallowed my cum as we broke of the kiss. "You've got to change sir. Everyone will see that." I said as I stood up, tucking my dick back into my jock, and zipping up.

Randy Thomas was still kneeling on the floor under his desk, as he grinned and looked up. "You pass."


"You pass, Jayce. You're ready."

Confused, but satisfied, I walked out of the office, into darkness.

It was warm when I woke up. And it was bright. "Oh, fuck! Somebody close the blinds!"

"Oh thank god!"

It was CJ's voice. I then saw his face appear in front of my eyes. "What happened?"

"TJ decided to give you the final test."

"Was I ready?"


Chapter 9 - Explanations

As I lay in a bed (it wasn't my bed, nor was it my room) recovering, I could hear people excitedly rushing around constantly outside the room. I was staring at the ceiling for a while, before I decided that I had the strength to get out of the bed. As I rotated from under the sheets, the door opened, and TJ stood there, in a tank top and shorts. He was smiling, and held an envelope in his hands.

"You're not ready yet to leave the room, Jayce." TJ closed the door, and came to sit beside me on the bed. "You are one of the most remarkable prospective's I've ever come across."

"You can't be much older than I am. How many could you have seen?"

"Nine thousand, two-hundred and sixty-three."


"Yeah. That includes you."

"Uh huh," I said, now knowing enough not to question things surrounding ETNU.

He handed me the envelope. "What's this?"

" what you wanted since you sat on the floor of the kitchen. You just didn't know what 'it' was then." I looked down at the envelope, then up to TJ. "When you've read it, come and join us downstairs. We have a lot to discuss."

Dear Jayce,

It's been an interesting few years, since you first came to our attention. Though, the speed of your development has surprised us, the development itself, was expected.

When your uncle Richard became a member of ETNU, back in the 1970's, we saw a potential in him that we had also seen in the previous eleven members of the Taylor family. It is unusual for the gay gene to be so frequent in a family, specifically so close together. The first member of the Taylor family in ETNU was in 1927, then in 1945, 1947 and 48. There were twins in 1963 and 1969 (an interesting year for ETNU, as you could probably understand), and then two cousins from different branches of the Taylor family who didn't know they were members of the same Taylor's in 1971. Then there was Richard's uncle in 1974 and Richard himself in 1981.

Then came your cousin in 1995, and you, today.

No double take required. Yes, you are now a member of ETNU, in one of the fastest initiations in the history of the fraternity. Join us downstairs, and most things should become more clear.


I reached the bottom of the stairs a few minutes later. I'd had to dig around in the room to find some clothes, but eventually found a pair of baggy jeans, and a t-shirt. I pulled my hair back as best I could with a shoelace, and had stepped out of the room. The stairs had been interesting, lining the wall all the way down, were pictures of each of the new initiates since 1905, and plaques listing the initiates from 1881 until 1905. I had picked out each of the Taylor's on my way down. I turned when I heard my name.

"Hey, TJ," I said as I walked into the living room of the ETNU house.

"Welcome to your home for the next four years."

"Or longer," said Bobby over in the corner in just a t-shirt and shorts.

"Shush," smiled Tommy. "Let him get used to things before we scare him. He's had a bit of a day. No one's ever gone through the final test before completing all of the tests."

"Hey, Tommy."

"Jayce," he smiled back, as he stood up and walked me over to a seat next to CJ, before returning to his own.

I sat down, and looked around the room. I recognized Bobby, Chuck, Shawn, Robbie, Tommy of course, and CJ. There was also BJ and his brother Donald, who while I knew it was him, certainly wasn't 200 pounds of fat. Muscle by the looks of it, but not fat. There were also some other guys sitting around the room. None of whom I recognized, except the boy sitting on BJ's lap, who was Chris, the boy that had opened the door into the committee room. Then it flashed back to me.

"Okay. What exactly is ETNU?"

"He is certainly direct," came a voice from behind. Everyone stood, and CJ pulled me up to my feet, and turned me around. "Welcome, Jayce."

I stood there, looking over the back of the sofa, and the sofa table at a man. He appeared to be in his mid-twenties. Toned, tanned and wearing a skin tight fitted blue and white sleeveless shirt. He was wearing a string of mini seashells around his neck, and a matching bracelet on his left wrist. His jeans were a dark blue, with patches that seemed almost green. I couldn't tell if he was wearing shoes, but it didn't matter, he was about six foot anyway.

As he looked at me, he uncrossed his arms from his chest, and he tucked them into the pockets of his jeans. Walking around the couch, people moved out of the way, and he stopped about two feet from me. I stood there riveted to the spot. I wasn't sure what to do. I felt as though I should bow or something, but he spoke before I had decided what to do.

"I'm Edward Thomas Nelson Underwood."

"I'm Jason Charles Phillip William Richard Taylor. I go by Jayce."

As we shook hands, I felt a slight wave of nausea again, but nothing nearly as severe as when TJ put his hands on my shoulders. Still, I could tell that Edward was still testing me.

"Edward Thomas Nelson Underwood? ETNU."

"You're right TJ, he is quick. Even you didn't pick up on it that fast."

"Yes, my lord."

"Oh knock it off," said Edward laughing. TJ grinned, and the tension in the room dissipated as people sat back down. "So," he said looking back at me, and motioning for me to sit. "Number fourteen."

"It seems so," I said as he sat down next to me.

"It's interesting, because, when I first had that sense of you a few years ago, I didn't expect you to progress quite so quickly as you did."

"And, what, did I do so quickly? I freaked out Chuck; I was escorted to a committee that is never called after one task; and then I relived getting a blow job at prom. So, since I assume that you are ETNU, what the hell have I done?"

Edward smiled, as he took the seat next to me vacated by CJ, who joined TJ by sitting on his lap. "You've watched Star Wars right?"

"Do I need to answer?"

There was a ripple of laughter from the room. "Not really. Anyway, the Jedi in Star Wars have something in their cells called Miticlorians. It's something similar in 'real life'."

"Oh Christ. Please don't tell me we're out to save the universe."

"No, Jayce, that's science fiction, this is real life," there were a few snickers from around the room. This speech had obviously been given many times. Edward just looked around the room, and those smirking just smiled, and looked down. "Anyway," he continued, "in every person's DNA there is a single strand that affects your level of sexual experimentation and your sexual orientation. Every person reacts differently to this strand. Some react more prominently, others don't react at all. Then there are the ones that have a reaction that some would classify as 'unnatural hornieness'."

"Such as?" I asked, beginning to understand.

"Such as knowing the taste of two-hundred and fifty-five seniors cum when on the lips of your phys ed instructor."

I smiled, and my cock did a little jump. "He's a member?"

"Yeah. He'll be here for home coming next week. You can say 'hello'."

"You were saying, about this gay strand," I said trying to drag my thoughts back to understanding about ETNU; both the frat and the guy.

"Yeah. Well, my ancestor founded ETNU back in 1881, and at that time, it was called eta theta nu upsilon. But around the turn of the century, it was changed to its present form. Anticipating your question of why - because it sounded snappier, and we could still use the initials because they matched the initials of our names. Over the years, we have managed to locate and cultivate those that have strong gay genes. We are secret for just that reason, and we have gone to a lot of trouble to keep it secret, which is why your cousin was nearly disbanded from the house after the 'kitchen episode', as we have come to call it."

CJ slunk down a little into TJ's lap, as the gaze fell onto him. I looked back to Edward, "It's all fascinating, but I still don't understand what exactly happened with this hands on the shoulder thing."

"Ah. Well, that was actually TJ's discovery, about forty years ago. TJ, you want to explain?"

"You go ahead."

"Okay. Well, forty years ago, TJ found that the gay gene has an electrical frequency. When pressure is applied to certain points on the body-"

"Such as the shoulders," I interrupted.

"Yes. Such as the shoulders, along with a type of psychic energy 'thing'," TJ coughed. "Psychic energy projection," Edward looked to TJ who nodded. "Psychic energy projection 'thing'," I smiled, "you can influence the gene in the person you are touching to do almost anything sexual."


"Yes, you can get them to fuck."

I smiled. "I assumed that. No I meant fuck as in Wow, not fuck as in Oh My Fucking God, Shit Dammit to Hell I'm cumming now!" I cocked my head to the right slightly, and grinned. Edward laughed.

"So, now you know why I couldn't tell you anything," said CJ.

"Yeah, so I see. I guess this means that I can't tell anyone either?"

"No. But, you have one of the highest gay gene factors we've seen-"

"Like Anakin Skywalker."

Edward grinned. "Yes, like Anakin. We want you to learn how to control this 'power' - a little science fictiony I know, but I guess some of the most real things are sometimes - so that you don't freak out Chuck anymore. And besides, Tommy wants to cum on you next time."

I looked over at Tommy, who blushed. I grinned from ear to ear. "Yeah, I'd like that too."

Edward stood. "So. My speech is over, I'm always around, and I'm sure you'll want to make out with me at some point."

"Probably. I do after all have the highest gay gene factors you've seen," I said doing my best impersonation of Edward. "So it's very likely that I won't want to disappoint."

Edward laughed, and leaned in and kissed me. "My room and office is on the top floor. Drop by anytime, you never know if you'll find me alone, or with another brother. Regardless, feel free to join in, or just watch."

I grinned. Edward headed back towards the stairs, ruffling CJ's hair on the way, and giving Tommy a kiss. I then thought of something I wanted to ask. "Hey, Edward."

"Yeah, Jayce?"

"What about the clearing of the quad, and stuff? How'd you do that?"

"Oh that. Well, that was just logistics. Nothing science fictional about it at all."

Edward headed back up the stairs, and I turned my gaze back around the room. "So? Other than learning the limits of the gay gene factors, what do brothers of ETNU do all day other than fuck?"

"Well. First things first. We have to get your stuff out of the dorm," said Donald.


"Well. I've got another six potentials to watch over before the end of October. I need the bed."

I laughed. Then something struck me. "Hey, TJ?"


"What is my final score?"

"Your score?"

"Yeah. Because I didn't finish the second, third or fourth test, I'm wondering what my final score was."


"479 out of?"


"Hey! Why not 500?"

"You didn't stroke your dick for the sorority girl when you said 'guys'."

"Damn. And here I was thinking it's because I made Tommy cum in his pants."

Next: Chapter 7: Eta Theta Nu Omega 10 12

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