Eta Theta Nu Omega

By Jonathan

Published on Sep 19, 2006


Ok guys. I'm on the road for work (unexpectedly) so it's a bit short, as this is as much as I wrote before I'm off to catch my flight. Sorry for the lengthy span between chapters. Seven will be up by Wednesday.

Chapter 6 - Tongues

After I pulled my tongue from Tommy's throat, he smiled. "What?"

"I'm practically ready to give you a hundred just for the kiss..."

"Not without us..." said Shawn, as he and Chuck moved forward. I noticed then that Chuck still had on his helmet, and both Shawn and Tommy were both still in their uniforms. I wrapped my bare arm around Tommy's sweaty waist, as the guys moved in.

It was the first time I'd seen Shawn without his helmet. He had scruffy jet black hair, with red highlights. I wouldn't have normally thought that it would look good, but on him, it looked damn good. He'd also not shaved for a day or two (or three) and had quite a nice bit of stubble going on. It made him look older than he was, but it worked. Tommy was still as hott as he was on the field, but had a wonderful tongue...

My hand slid down to Tommy's ass, as Chuck came up around my other side, and standing behind me wrapped his arms around my chest. I could smell his sweat, and I let my head fall back against his shoulder pads. "Damn, Jayce," he whispered into my ear; I turned my head slightly against the helmet, so I could see him out of the corner of my eyes. "You're cousin was right. You are a horny little pledge."

"You ain't seen nothing yet," I said as I spun round (keeping his arms wrapped around me), and in a single movement pulled Shawn up against my right side, and Tommy up to my left.

Running my tongue along the face guard of the helmet, I stared right into Chuck's eyes. There was a passion in them that had been there since he first tossed me the ball. Only, I just realized it now. Chuck's arms slid down my shirt and had no problem finding my skin below. I shivered slightly as the cold from his gloves made their way up my sweaty spine. I tilted back my head, as his hands reached the spot on my spine, just below my shoulders.

It didn't help that Tommy's hand had worked its way down the back of my shorts. Or the fact that Shawn's tongue was doing some very interesting explorations on my neck, and that his hand had also worked its way down the back of my shorts. Between Shawn, Tommy and Chuck's hands it's a wonder that I didn't melt. My head tilted back even further, and even though my eyes were closed, I'm sure that I could see the ceiling.

If my eyes had been open I would have seen Chuck smile. He slide a hand back down my spine, and pulled my lower back towards him, pressing our stomachs together. I started to grind my (now fully hard) cock against his crotch. I couldn't tell if he was hard, or what, because he was wearing his cup. I grabbed his ass, and pulled closer, grinding harder. I heard a moan come from his mouth, and I opened my eyes.

My chin was resting on the face guard of the helmet, which put my eyes in almost perfect alignment with his. I opened mine to the most beautiful sight. His violet eyes, were wide and wanting. I realized that he wanted to do this as much as I did. I looked to my right, and saw the lust in Shawn's eyes. Rolling to the other side, Tommy was no different.

Fuck, I'd known these three guys for only a couple of hours, and I wanted to do whatever I could to stay with them. It was now more than a score of one-hundred, these guys were so fucking hott, I didn't know when I'd get another chance like this; and they wanted to be with me, too.

I slid my hands from Chuck's ass, to his helmet in one smooth motion. His helmet hit the ground with a resounding thud, but he didn't care, because my tongue was foremost on his mind, as it slipped through his lips, and started to explore his mouth. Shawn must have been feeling left out, having been the only one not to have been kissed, because his tongue slid into my mouth from the side.

If you've never French kissed two guys at once, I fully recommend it. As your tongue explores the mouth of one guy, there are two tongues exploring yours. Shawn had his tongue working its way under mine, while inside Chuck's mouth. Chuck was working his tongue around mine, like it was an ice cream cone.

Tommy had been forgotten, but I still felt his hand under my shorts. His hand slid along my ass, as he moved my left hand down to his abs, and rested it there. Even while I was working my tongue (now somewhere between Chuck and Shawn's mouths), I slid my hand up underneath Tommy's pads chest plate. He was sweaty, and I could slide up without any problems. He exhaled to allow my hand to move up further, and as I felt his muscular chest, my cock jumped.

Tommy must have realized, that even though I was exploring him, I was too involved in Shawn and Chuck (whose tongue had somehow made it almost down my throat) to give him the attention he wanted.

That was when my shirt was ripped off. At about the time that Shawn's tongue had worked its way up between my teeth and my upper lip. Tommy had decided that since he couldn't get into the mouths, that he would use his tongue to do other things. Having pulled my hand out from under his pads, and having torn open the shirt (at the back) he ran his tongue down my spine. He had obviously gotten lesson's from Bobby, because he knew exactly how to get a response.

I arched up and my crotch slammed up against Chucks' and my head pulled away in the opposite direction. I had to hold onto Chuck's padding to stop from falling backward. He took full advantage that my head was arched backward, and ripped the remains of my shirt off, and started to nibble on my nipple. Tommy had found his way to the elastic of my boxer-briefs, and pulled them down with my shorts.

Shawn started to lick the sweat off of my arms, but started with my fingers. First he lightly sucked on my middle finger, as though there was nothing sweeter in the world. He then traded it for my pointer, relishing it as much as the middle. Working his way across every finger, there was no sweat left; but there was enough spit to lube up the entire football team. A smile crept across my face, as the thought crossed my mind.

"You like that?" asked Shawn.

"Mmmm. Yeah, but that's not what...Oh!" as Tommy's tongue worked its way into my ass.

"Shit dude!" said Chuck, as he looked down. "You've got a problem there."

"Offering Quarterback?"

Chuck grinned, and dropped to his knees. All the way down, he ran his tongue between my chest, and down my stomach, pausing a minute at my bellybutton, as his chin rested on my dick, before continuing down. As he wrapped his mouth around my dick, and I looked down, I saw how gorgeous he looked in the shoulder pads. Bobbing up and down on my cock; the occasional bead of sweat dropping from his face to further lube my dick; and, his glances upward, that were so sensual, he made me melt.

I recovered from my meltdown, as Shawn's tongue worked its way along my arm. I looked to my right, and met my eyes with his. I didn't wait, I wrapped my arm around his neck and I pulled him in. I slid my tongue between his lips, and continued the exploration, holding onto the scruff of hair, on the back of his head.

Tommy had had enough of my ass, and grabbed hold of my hair. He pulled me away from the other two. My dick slid out of Chuck's mouth, trailing a thin line of spit for a good foot; and, I managed to hold onto Shawn's scruff and pull him with me. Tommy pushed me down onto one of the benches, and laid me down onto my back.

He pulled my shorts and boxers off, bringing my legs up into the air. Shawn was kneeling by my side, and Chuck had stood up, and walked over, unlacing the front of his pants. He looked down at me, and over to Shawn, and then to Tommy. "You know what guys. He's missing something. He has the under-eye black, but he's not a proper member of the team without pads."

I grinned, and Tommy got the message. He rifled through a bin nearby, and pulled out a pair of shoulder pads. Kissing Shawn, he helped me up. Tommy slid the pads over my head, and did up the straps. "How's that QB?"

"Damn fine! Now there's something to hold on to, while he's fucked," said Chuck as he worked his cock out.

I grinned, as he dropped to his knees, and started to rim my ass. I felt his tongue work its way along the crack, and lube up my hole. I wasn't able to watch him, because my attention was elsewhere. Namely Shawn who was one of the most passionate kissers I'd ever met. It never got boring, or tiring kissing him. Our tongues continued to explore the others mouth. I had a hand wrapped around his neck, while my other hand was jerking my cock.

My hand was pulled off, as a mouth wrapped around my cock. I knew that it had to be Tommy, 'cause Shawn's mouth was busy with mine, and Chuck's was busy on my ass. He had a way with dicks that I would never be able to recreate. His tongue guided my cock into his mouth, and down his throat. He began to slide off, as I felt a pressure against my ass.

I pulled Shawn away, and looked down, past Tommy's head bobbing along my dick, and up towards Chuck, who was guiding his dick into my ass. "OH FUCK!"

"You like that, pledge?"

"Oh fuck ya!"

"You want me to fuck your ass, like I fuck my boys?"

"I want you fuck my ass the way you fuck you...your boys!"

And he would have, if the fucking fire alarm hadn't gone off. Chuck pulled up his pants, and Tommy tossed me a pair of the team pants, and a jersey. The four of us left the changing room just as the security guard unlocked the door.

Ok guys, sorry about the abrupt 'pause', but like I said at the beginning, I'm on the road. Chapter 7 will be done by Wednesday, and it'll be better than this.


Next: Chapter 6: Eta Theta Nu Omega 7 9

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