Eta Theta Nu Omega

By Jonathan

Published on Sep 3, 2006


This is my first attempt so please be kind. I do have a direction in mind as to where this is going, but suggestions are always welcome. With that said, enjoy.



Eta Theta Nu Omega wasn't the type of fraternity that you would tell your mother you were accepted into. Actually, you wouldn't tell your father either. Or your grandparents, or...well, let's just say that you wouldn't tell anyone who wasn't a brother, or a gay-horny-as-hell-gym-bound-binging-sex-freak. And that's putting it mildly.

So thus begins my story. I 'graduated' from the University of Southern California in 2004, and I was the only two-term president of ETNU, as well as the only brother in the 74 year history of the frat that scored 479 out of 500 while rushing. Because of all this, I've been allowed to bring you into the fraternity of Eta Theta Nu Omega, which until now has been unknown to anyone who isn't a brother.

Chapter 1 - Breaking the Silence

Considering that I had never been a gym rat, I was always surprised at how good I looked when I didn't have anything on. Since I was 10, I could always remember being horny, and when you're 10, you can jack off without cumming. If that was a course at school, my grades would have been in the A range, rather than the low B's. It was when I was 15, I walked in on my cousin, he was 19, while he was changing after a pick-up basketball game. That was the first time I even became aware of Eta Theta Nu Omega.

"Hey, CJ. What's the tat across your back?" "Hey there's my buddy! How's it goin' Jayce?" "Horned up as's that girl of yours?" "She left me for some fuckin MBA student." "Shit. Sorry man." "Eh. No worries. Anyway, I get a good suck anytime anyway." "Fuckin nice." "Oh yeah! South Cal is sweet. Oh hey! What's it that you asked me? About my tat?" "Yeah? You didn't have that when you were here last summer. You get it at South Cal?" "Sort of..." said CJ, as he quickly pulled his hoodie back up over his head.

Now, what has to be understood is that CJ and I had always had a very close relationship. We had been arrested together, for public fornication (I was 12 and CJ was 16) for 69-ing in the high school parking lot. To say that our families were 'put out' (my father was English) would be an understatement. We were forbidden to see each other, or speak to each other for the remainder of the year.

Though, as most teenagers do, we found a way. It was particularly difficult to keep us away from each other, since we attended schools side-by-side. It was CJ's older sister, Rhianna, that was our accomplice. Rhianna had always thought I was cute, and so she always helped me out when she could. When she found out that the two of us had been blowing each other, she grinned from ear-to-ear, and had been the one to bail us out of the local jail.

So keeping this in mind, I was surprised when CJ pulled his hoodie on so quickly to hide the tattoo. And then for the next five minutes was being very evasive about the entire subject. It wasn't until I had CJ cornered in the kitchen, between the fridge and the counter, that I managed to get an answer.

"CJ, you've never kept secrets from me. Shit! You let me watch you fuck Diane. What's up with the tattoo?" CJ sighed, and slid down the fridge to sit on the floor. He rested his chin on his knees, and motioned for me to join him. "You can't tell anyone. If anybody finds out that I told you I could be ejected." "Fuck, CJ. All this because of four symbols on your shoulder?" "Yeah. Okay. You remember you're uncle Richard?" "Your mother's brother?" "Yeah." "Yeah. Why?" "Well, he has the same tattoo." "Yeah, so...fuck, CJ." "Okay, okay. Eta Theta Nu Omega." "Eta Theta what?" "Eta Theta Nu Omega. It's a fraternity, or rather the only fraternity for horny men." "Shit. CJ, any fraternity is for horny men." "Horny gay men." I smiled. I'd been jacking off to images of guys since age 10, then when we had 69-ed I knew I was gay. CJ had never admitted it, which is why I always asked about his girl. Finally he admitted that he was gay. I leaned in and kissed CJ on the lips. "Fuck, Jayce." "Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it," and I ran my left hand down my chest and grabbed my crotch. "Damn, boy!" I laughed. "Okay, so, Eta Theta Nu Omega. A fraternity for horny gay men. What's so fucking secretive about that?" "Oh, Jayce. It's not the fraternity that's secret. It's what it's for, that's secret. Each year only ten pledges are selected out of the new intake of freshmen. Of those ten, only one...just one, is initiated into ETNU." "Okay, CJ. But why so much secrecy around this. It's not like it's that strange. Albeit that it's very exclusive, and there can't be that many members if they only accept one each year, and that you need to meet certain criteria. What is the fucking problem with talking about it??!"

CJ smiled, and put his hands on my shoulders. Suddenly, a wave of nausea crept over me, and it was all I could do to keep from throwing up. Then, as suddenly as it crept in, it was gone. But in its place was the most incredible sense of confidence. Without debating, I leant forward and started to French kiss with CJ. Looking back, he didn't seem at all surprised. The kissing was so sensual. His tongue ran along the top of my mouth, as mine explored every inch of his cheek.

Then, suddenly it was gone. I broke it off, and fell backwards onto my elbows, my NY cap coming off, sending my hair spilling out across my shoulders. I looked up at CJ, and he had this small little smile on his face. "What the fuck was that!?" "That," he said, "is what they would kill me over, and is part of being a member of ETNU entails." "And what exactly is that?" "For that answer, Jayce, you'll have to go to South Cal, and be invited to join ETNU."

After that, he helped me up, and kissed me lightly on the lips, before heading out to his Camero. I leaned on the doorframe of the passenger side, and looked at him very differently. He looked back at me, and smiled again. "Don't tell anyone," he said again. "I won't. But, you have to tell me one thing." "What?" "How does one get to be invited into ETNU?" He laughed as he turned the key in the ignition. "You don't seek them out. They seek out you." "What the fuck..." but I didn't have a chance to finish, CJ had gunned the engine, and screeched down the street. "...does that mean?"

Even though CJ and I never talked about it again, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't find anything about them on the Internet, or in the National Directory, or even on the South Cal website. So for the next three years I progressed through High School, graduated with honours, and was accepted into the psychology program of the University of Southern California. So, at age 18 I stepped foot for the first time on the campus of South Cal not knowing what to expect. My dorm room was shitty, and my roommate was a 240lb-pizza-craving-mama's-boy whose taste in clothes could only be described as a disaster.

By day three, I was almost regretting that my obsession with ETNU had led me to South Cal, rather than the University of Miami. I had just escaped Donald's (my roommate) delivery of Pizza's by grabbing my laptop and heading out to the quad, when my cell rang. "Jayce Taylor?" asked the voice. "Yeah?" "Are you free in say ten minutes?" "What? Who the fuck is this?" "Are you free in ten minutes?" "Yeah, but..." "Good. Meet me at the west doors to the Richview dorms. I'll be wearing surf shorts and a tank top." "Great. That describes almost everyone on campus." "I know. But I'll know who you are." "Fine, but who are you." "Someone that your cousin says you want to meet." Then the line went dead.

I stood in the middle of the quad, wearing cargo shorts, and no shirt. I adjusted my University cap (backwards naturally), threw my phone back into my pocket, and carrying the laptop still, headed in the direction of the Richview dorms. I waited more than ten minutes. Still, it could have been worse. It was a hot day, and almost all the guys that could (and some that shouldn't) were shirtless, so it was a nice view. Suddenly I was tapped on the shoulder.

"Jayce, it's nice to see that you won't need much work." "Much what?" "TJ," he said as he extended his hand. "Jayce," I said extending mine. "But you already knew that." "Yeah. Your Social Security Number is 5555-89-379, born October 14, 1980 to Joseph and Maria Taylor just outside of Boston. Completed elementary school in 1995, and graduated from L. Carlisle Secondary School with an average of 89 last June. No known vices other than fetishes related to the military, football, hockey and skateboarding. Lost virginity at age 11, arrested at age 12. You've had a blowjob from the clerk at the library yesterday afternoon, and jacked off twice in the shower this morning. Never had a steady boyfriend, and never fucked a girl. Has had a fascination with Eta Theta Nu Omega since brother CJ broke silence and told you on July 19, 1995...or rather against protocol, showed you on July 19."

I was stunned, but I didn't have time to recover because he went on to say, "I'm going to be your pledge master this year. The first rush is tonight, 9pm, at 2449 Thompson Valley Road. If you're not there, then you'll never hear from me again. If you are, then you might just get to know more about ETNU than you ever thought possible."

TJ smiled at me, nodded, and then walked down into the quad and disappeared into the sea of people. I don't know how long I sat on those steps, but it was seven-thirty before I realized the time. I rushed back to my dorm, tossed the computer on the bed, and stripped down. I pulled on a pair of grey sweats, and a university hoodie before finding a matching pair of shoes.

I grabbed my keys from my desk, along with my cap, and raced down to the parking lot. CJ's Camero liked the Southern Californian weather, and besides, CJ had a Jag now, and didn't want the car. Flooring it out of the lot, and taking a sharp right, I punched the address into the GPS unit. I made it to 2449 Thompson Valley Road with four minutes to spare. As I got out of the car, I thought that I'd got it wrong. I was standing in front of an abandoned lot. It was pitch black, and I was about to walk into the lot when a spotlight blinded me. Then I knew it was the right address.

"Jayce Taylor. Welcome to the first stage of rushing for Eta Theta Nu Omega. Over the next four days we will know if you will become the newest member. Fortune smiles upon your family, Jayce, you will be the fourteenth person from your bloodline to rush ETNU. All have become brothers. Do your family proud." "What do I need to do?" I shouted into the light, not yet registering the fact that this was a family tradition. "At noon tomorrow you are to walk through the quad wearing a jockstrap." "What?" "After that, if deemed successful, you will be given your next set of instructions." The light went out before I could say anything more. I climbed back into the car, and saw that there was a jockstrap on the passenger seat. Pinned to it was a note.

Hey bro! Glad you're driving the car, now go and do me proud! These were the same ones I wore. Think about that, you horny cock sucker! CJ

I laughed, and was so fucking horned up by the time I got back to the dorm, I jacked off in the car spraying my cum over the dash. I grabbed the jock strap, and headed to my room.

I lay on my bed, lightly stroking my cock, thinking about the quad. Then I thought about CJ, and being in the kitchen, and the experience and feeling of confidence that washed over me when he placed his hands on my shoulder.

That was when I knew that no matter what I had to do, I would become a brother of Eta Theta Nu Omega.

This concludes chapter 1. Jayce will have a bit more fun in chapter 2. Well, I mean, walking around a university quad in nought but a jock strap...there's bound to be some fun in that somewhere, right?



Next: Chapter 2: Eta Theta Nu Omega 2 3

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