Escort for a Favour

By tina foster

Published on Oct 8, 2014


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Escort, For A Favour Part 2


The weekend has cum and gone: and, though still tired from Saturday night Sunday morning, I thought I'd write to finish the story, about an 'Escort For A Favour.' I'd met John, my 'John' for the evening through Lucie, who had set-up the meet for her boyfriend Darren. It had turned out that John's connections would be useful to the bands success, so that's why Lucie had phoned me, after all that time, to ask me: "Do you still go with men?"

Well I hadn't, not for quite awhile. But, the offer of an interesting evening and a bit of coin seemed a good one.

So, when she'd called round, to give me the hug I'd requested a payment and, I'd taken advantage of her need for an escort, to satisfy my curiosity, by discovering just how submissive Lucie could be.

Yet, I've told that tale. This was meant to be about my evening as a paid escort, wasn't it?


The Meeting

My appointment was for seven thirty. The room had been booked for me, at a country hotel, near where I live: and, by six in the evening and having shaved fully, I had been getting dressed in the outfit John had wanted me in.

I'd not been trying to look passable, just sexy, for this fella I'd been assured would enjoy my company. And, that'd almost reason enough: except, I would get paid as well. Bonus.

And, having got the outfit on, and then tied the pinny in place, I'd stretched my hole with a glob of Vaseline on two fingers, prior to pulling up the white nylon panties that had a delightful satin feel to them.

I had lubed myself well, as I'd already been clued-in, as to one of the thing's John would require from his escort. And, even now I recall well, how much I was looking forward to that part of the evening.

I mean, I hadn't been with anyone, let alone a man, for absolutely ages; well in the Biblical sense that is. And, what was planned for Saturday just gone had nothing to do with the Bible. Ah, that is, unless you count Sodom!

Anyways I distract myself, again.

I'd been describing the wait for John, my intended 'John' for the evening: he had arrived just after seven and those few minutes extra I'd waited had seemed interminably long. And, I'd been ever-so pleased when the main desk had rung, to tell me he was on the way up to see me.

Minutes later, I'd walked to the door at his knock, opened it and curtsied at his entrance.

"Good evening," I'd greeted him as I rose, "I'm here to serve, what can I do for you?"

Closing the door behind him, John had looked me up and down, as I did him, only surreptitiously; after all, I wasn't there for my pleasure, was I? [Laughs]

The fellow had been as Lucie described, in his late thirties, well-dressed and quite slim with thick brown hair, that was kinda wavy, with a Mediterranean tan.

And, I couldn't help notice his gold rings and cufflinks, as he stared at me with a leer on his face: "You look pretty good," he told me; simply oozing money, I had felt.

I remember well how he had stared at me with blue eyes and, I'd felt pretty good, in the maid's outfit. My only regret with the outfit was that I hadn't a better pair of heels to wear than the one's I'd brought. But, shiny black always looked alright, it just didn't suit the outfit. Although, one thing had pleased me: I'd never worn crotchless tights before then and boy, did I like the look and feel of them on me.

"Crawl to the bureau and pour us drinks," my 'John' had instructed. Well, there was something I was ready for, so did as bid, crawling to the other side of the room, aware of his eyes on my legs, thighs and butt as I'd made my way there.

Kneeling I'd poured us a whiskey each, then waited for his to enter the lounge proper. "Nice," he muttered, removing his jacket, which he threw over a nearby armchair back: "Obedient as well, just as a sissy slut should be."

I'd chosen the name 'Tina' and wondered if he'd use it, or would I just be his 'sissy slut', which had seemed to be the way it was going. Either way, the fellow seemed to be well aware of what he wanted from me, to judge by the look in his eyes, as he had approached me. And truth be told, I'd enjoyed seeing that look on his face.

It had been a look of desire, for me and made the encounter all the more arousing. "You know I can be quite demanding, don't you?"

I had nodded.

"Speak up slut!" He had snapped.

"I did not want to speak first sir. But yes, I was told that you are? did my friend speak of my small requests?" I'd enquired in as feminine a voice as I could manage.

"Oh I know what you want and, it'll happen?" he had told me in a soft voice, as he caressed my face. And, I recall closing my eyes in pleasure, then opening my mouth when instructed, to suck upon his left middle finger, as the rest of his hand covered my face and his right hand cupped the back of my head. I sucked that finger softly and lovingly and, as its tip reached the back of my throat, I almost relished the gagging, as it made me recall all the men I had pleasured before John, each and every one of them.

I so longed to be a submissive, for a strong man, or woman, that at a moment like that one, I would do whatever was asked of me, no matter what was asked of me. I just needed to be impelled to do so and? coercion was useful. But there was something else and, John had remembered?

He drew his finger from my mouth, then tilted my head with his right hand, so that I'd looked up to his face, as John toyed with my eager right nipple, with the thumb and forefinger of his left hand. Then as he squeezed and twisted my nipple, through the thin bodice, I recall looking to his face as he smiled and tears ran down my face at the pain I felt and, eyes fluttering somewhat I heard John tell me, "Lift your skirt up, I want to see if you're aroused?"

And I did as told, of course. I did not mind him seeing how hard I was, in my pretty panties, my thigh flesh evident in the crotchless tights, that allowed John access to any part of my, that he wanted. I did not mind, if he hurt me, at that moment. All I'd wanted was for him to play with my nipples, as it made me feel ever so sensitive and girly; ever-so, Sissy Slut Tina.

And I'd moaned, as John played with me, I couldn't help it.

"God you are a slut, aren't you Sissy Tina?" He jeered, as I opened my lipstick coated lips wide, at the pain and, the pleasure I found from it.

"Oh yes sir," I'd answered, caressing my right inner thigh, hoping he'd instruct me to pleasure myself. Although, in truth I'd known otherwise, as my reason for being there had been a simple one, to be his plaything. But, it felt good.

"Drink your drink," he told me, standing away from me, ceasing all contact momentarily. And, I'd missed his touch, so drank my drink, then set the glass aside, to stare at John adoringly, as he continued his own drink.

He'd sat on the settee, then said to me, "Undress." Of course I had, doing so slowly, so as to stimulate him, my Master for the evening; for that's what I'd been told he would be. I'd even been told to expect pain.

'Something to look forward to,' I'd thought earlier that evening, as I'd applied my lipstick, my hardon already staining one pair of panties so much with anticipation that I'd ended up changing them before John had arrived.

"Now take off my shoes," he'd told me, once I was down to my pretty lingerie and feeling more naked than naked, with him still being dressed. Then I had knelt before him, just between his legs, then took his right shoe off.

"Now the sock," he told me. So again, I'd done a bid. "Now suck my toes," he added, as he had finished his drink.

I had taken his foot in my hands and lovingly tonguing each inch of flesh, sucking each toe as if it were a small penis, till finally he pulled his foot from me, then snarled, "Now the other one?"

Once again I'd paid homage to him, by obeying his instruction and lavishing his other foot with my oral ministrations, till my jaw was aching andmy tongue felt dry.

Again, he had pushed me away with his foot, this time so hard I ended up on my right side, my skirt panties pulling tight between my shaven buttocks.

"Now stay like that," John had snapped, as he stood. Then he had walked round me, from the settee, round my head and back down toward my feet. Then, suddenly he stopped and turned toward me, looking down and muttering, "Fucking cunt, you goddamn fuckin cunt?"

With the venom in his voice he was thinking of someone specific, as he looked at me and saw them and, he began to kick my left butt cheek and thigh, really hard.

He'd kick, readjust his position, then move round to get a better one, then kick me again and again. And, though the assault on me had been expected, it still hurt and truth me told, even for a submissive, with a liking for some pain, it got to be more than I could take after nearly ten, or fifteen minutes, or so? and, I had begun to cry.

"Aw man," that looks good, he'd muttered, as fished out his phone and filmed me lying there, all-inna-ball, on the thick carpeting, bawling like a small child, at the pain he'd inflicted. And as he'd filmed me, John had noted something of interest, to him; "Well look," he'd exclaimed with delighted surprise, "The sissies still hard and wanting more."

"Please?" I'd whined through the pain in my butt and left thigh, which I knew would show some wonderful deep bruising in hours to follow.

"Please what, slut?" He had responded, just before kicking me hard, between my legs, causing to me to tighten, then unwind and scream with pain, much to Johns delight and amusement.

"Please Sir," I'd moaned, thankful he'd not worn shoes, to hurt me, "Can I go get prettied up for you? so that you can fuck me? May I? Puh-lease? I need it so?" It wasn't a fucking I'd needed, but a break from the pain for a moment. And, I'd figured that if he let me get 'prettied-up' for him, then I'd get that much-needed break. As it was, I'd got what I wanted and, so much more.

"Yes, you do that," he'd told me with a broad grin on his face, "then we'll have some more fun, before I have to get home? Now crawl to the bathroom?"

Moving had not been easy, but I'd got to my fours, then crawled to the bathroom, passing John as I had done so and, got myself several whacks to both buttcheeks, as I'd done so?

"Any favours I give out have to be earned," I had heard him say, as I entered the bathroom, where I'd spent a good ten minutes freshening up, before a hammering on the door reminded me I had a customer, who required my attention.

"There's a drink waiting for you, once you've crawled back here," he'd told me, then added, "So goddamn hurry up, I'm horny as fuck." That'd sounded urgent, to me.

So, looking in the mirror one last time, at my reapplied lipstick and, the bruises already beginning to show, I'd opened the bathroom door and went back onto my hands and knees, to negotiate my way back to the main room, where I'd known John waited, for me and, my ass.

Then, as I entered the room the first thing I'd noticed was that John had been naked and hard; with a body that looked like he cycled or swam, I thought. Then I'd crawled across to him until my face was inches was his steel-hard erection, leaking pre-cum and obviously in need of satisfaction.

"Enjoy your drink," he'd told me, as he passed me what amounted to two double whiskey's, in one glass.

"Thank you," I'd simpered, as I'd gratefully accepted the glass.

"Now sit back and frig yourself, while you drink," John had then told me, grinning: "I want you nice and loose, for the fucking I intend to give you, now and?" He'd watched me make my way to the settee, where I sat with my legs drawn up, the gusset of my panties eased aside and, first one, then two fingers eased into me, as he told me, "Now, drink up?" Of course, I had done as instructed, bolting it down, before offering John the glass back, as I licked my lips and continued to piston fingers in and out of my well-lubricated ass-pussy, so it would be ready, for him to enjoy as he wanted.

After awhile, he had provided me with a second glass, much like the first in content, telling me, "Get that down your neck faggot!"

Again I had drunk fast and was rapidly feeling the effects of the alcohol? as I'd looked to John through glassy eyes and idly toyed with my nipples, as I fingered myself, a tremor beginning in my thighs, at the onset of a powerful orgasm.

"Oh no?" John had snapped, "you're here for my pleasure, not yours?" And, as he'd finished talking, he'd kicked my left thigh hard, again.

"Oh puh-lease?" I'd entreated, not knowing what I wanted; not really.

I'd not be ready for what happened next either. He'd reached down, got hold of my left side should and my ever-so-sore thigh, then turned me, so the top half of me lay over the couch seats.

"Aw, that looks nice," John had exclaimed, standing back, then slapping my left buttock, several times. He'd then knelt between my legs and leaned over me and had whispered into my ear: "You ready, for me to fuck you? You ready, for me to enjoy you?" I'd wanted to tell him 'no', that I knew the pain hadn't ended yet.

But, there was my customer behind me and, I'd been his Escort, for the Night.


And now, as I caress my bruises, prior to donning something pretty before bed, my thoughts go back to then and, his passion for my pain, before finding his own pleasure. I had left the room in time for the last bus back to mine, his seed leaking from me and soaking the panties John had stuffed inside me. I had left with money in my pocket and another appointment with him, for next week.

He tells me that he'll have a friend or two with him next time and, they will want to enjoy me like he does. Well, all I could do was smile sweetly and, remind him that would cost him a little extra. He's willing to pay that extra, of course?

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