Escaping a Rut

By Sophia Teran

Published on May 9, 2010


This is part two of a three part story called Escaping a Rut. I will answer all unanswered questions in part three, no need to worry. Again, I would like to bring up that I am new to writing stories, so any feedback is greatly appreciated. Please email me at

Thank you and I hope you enjoy my story.

It had been one month. One incredibly long month since that fateful night. The night when I thought I needed some change. Looking back I would have been happy staying in the same rut I had been for 10 years. Instead, I decided to tempt fate. Take a chance on something new.

Here I sit now, at an airport on my way to New York. Why New York? Nobody will know me there. It'll be a great place to start anew. It is the perfect place to achieve my dream. Allow me to rephrase. Nobody will know the old me. The me that was a man. I sit here, completely alone in the world. Nobody knows who I am. According to the government I don't even exist anymore. I have no identification, no passports. I threw those all out when I realized that I would never be able to go back to the way things were. No matter what I tried. I am, and for all I know always will be, a woman.

And so here I sit, alone in this airport. A young, my guess would be around 19 or 20 year old girl, with long flowing wavy blonde hair that reaches down to my ass, and a face that could start wars. Only 5' 2'' with a body to die for. Long, slender, sexy legs covered only by a short mini skirt, and topped off with D cup breasts covered

by a low cut top. Why was I dressed like this? Because I wanted nothing more than to feel pretty. To feel sexy. my mind was changing. I knew it was, but I could do nothing to stop it.

When the transformation first took place, I was lost, confused, scared, and most of all, insecure. I stayed in my house alone for the first few weeks, closing off all contact to the outside world. I would wear my male clothes since they were the only clothes I had, but every time I would see myself in the mirror I would become sad. Something in my head, despite everything my male brain was telling me, wanted to feel pretty. Wanted to have some real woman's clothing. Not only that, but my new breasts were becoming very sore. My nipples would become irritated

very quickly as I walked around the house in my old clothes. I would quickly snap out of it. "I am not a woman" I would tell myself "And I will not subject myself to wearing woman's clothes!" However the urges grew as my... condition we'll call it, worsened. I bartered with myself, pleaded with myself. There was a war going on in my head between a man and a woman, and the woman was winning. One day I finally snapped. I took my credit card and purchased approximately $10,000 worth of woman's clothing. Bras, panties, jeans, skirts, shorts, tops, dresses, everything a normal woman would have in her wardrobe. I realized I wouldn't have to worry about my credit cards, considering the old me no longer existed. When the new clothes arrived I could not have been happier! I ran to the door with excitement, waited for the delivery man to leave, then quickly snatched the boxes and locked the door.

I tried everything on in every combination, and I felt wonderful. Hell, I felt fantastic! My male mind screamed at me to stop, but I couldn't. Every fiber of my being wanted to be pretty. Wanted to be a real woman.

I began having other urges as well. Sexual urges. These were the most troubling of all. Physically I was a woman, there was no denying that, but mentally I was still a man. Or was I? I don't know anymore, there are too many conflicting thoughts in my head right now. During the first week of my condition, these thoughts rarely occurred to me. It took about three days before I had my first real sexual fantasy since that night. I dozed off one day on the couch, and I had a dream similar to the one I had had that night. The same man from that dream; a large, muscular, tan man, stood over me as I lay naked on my bead. I looked past my large breasts to see him standing there, completely naked as his massive 8in penis throbbed in front of me. I saw it and moaned in my soft sexy voice. I wanted it so badly. I would have given anything to have it inside of me. However I could not move. Every part of my body was stuck in place as I lay motionless, waiting for my man to fuck me. I felt my vagina getting wetter and wetter and all I could do was wimper as I watched the muscular man stand in front of me, now massaging his own dick. Finally, after waiting for what seemed like forever, he started to approach me. I wanted to scream, I wanted his dick inside me so badly. He climbed on top of me and started kissing my breasts. I moaned, it felt so amazing I could hardly stand it. My breasts had become so sensitive, even the slightest touch would make me dizzy with pleasure. He kissed up my body, across my neck, and finally to my lips. He kissed me hard and passionately. I loved every second of it, but wanted so much more. Finally, he reached down and moved his dick into

place outside of my vagina. Just feeling it touch my new slit made me scream. With one hard thrust, he pushed himself into me. I screamed at the top of my lungs. It was the most incredible feeling I had ever felt. He rammed himself in and out of me, faster and faster. I started to rock back and forth with him, feeling the weight of my large breasts swaying back and forth as he fucked me harder and harder. I could hardly stand it as I screamed in pure extacy. He started to move faster and grunt and I knew what was about to happen. I felt his dick start to expand inside me, but before he came I woke up with a start. I was sweating and panting. I wanted him so badly. I wanted more. I quickly reached my hand down in between my legs and started rubbing my incredibly wet pussy. My other hand shot up to play with my breasts. I shoved three fingers inside myself. Faster and faster, harder I went as I moaned with every breath. In a matter of seconds I exploded in orgasmic pleasure. I screamed out as wave after wave or pleasure coursed through every vein in my body. I slowed down and eventually stopped, making a feeble attempt to catch my breath as I lay there in a pile of post masturbatory pleasure.

Suddenly something snapped in my brain. What the hell was that? What did I just do?? I am a man damn it, I am attracted to women! My mind raced as I tried to comprehend what had happened. I just had a sex dream about a man. Was my new body affecting my desires as well? I quickly ran to the shower, undressed, and washed myself off. I felt so disgusting. But then, as I was washing myself, my hands ran over my breasts and a jolt of pleasure shot through me. I moaned in my high voice, which still caught me off guard. Slowly, and carefully, I moved my hands up to my breasts. Merely touching my new nipples was enough to turn me on like never before. I slowly started to rub them and play with them, the pleasure increasing as I did so. I slapped myself in the face to snap myself out of it. As I did so, one of my fingernails broke off. I held my hand in front of my face and looked at it, saddened.

I started to cry. My nails were so perfect, but now they were ruined. I stood in the shower as the hot water ran down my naked body and I cried. Over a broken nail. I couldn't help it. For whatever reason, this was a very traumatic experience for me. I got out of the shower, still sobbing, and dried myself off. It took me until I got up to my bedroom to realize how completely stupid it was for me to be so upset over something that doesn't even matter. A broken nail? Something was changing in my head, I knew it. I layed down, waiting for my incredibly long hair to dry as I tried to comprehend everything that was happening.

As the days went by, my mind began to change even more. I started to have dreams about men more and more. I even started daydreaming about men. I couldn't stop myself, I wanted them inside of me. Every time I had these dreams, they would always lead to a masturbatory frenzy, then eventual disgust. However, I noticed that with each masturbation session, the disgust lessened. I actually started to pine for more, instead of rejecting these thoughts. Just thinking about a man made my vagina wet. There was no denying it anymore, I was attracted to men now, and I was okay with this. I even tried looking at pornography to convince myself that I was still a man mentally, and that I still liked women, but in the end my eyes would always be directed to the man and his massive penis, which would then lead to me masturbating ferociously as I awed at the man's penis, wishing it could be inside of me.

The changes became much more prevalent as my condition worsened. I felt the urge to keep my entire house as tidy as possible, I started baking and cooking, and worst of all I even bought makeup and started wearing it daily. I had no idea why I was doing these thing. My mind kept telling me not to, but I could not fight these urges I had to be more womanly. I wanted to be the best woman I could be. This is when I decided to go to New York. I wanted to show myself off to the world, and what better way to do that than to become a model? A Lingerie model. The mere thought of it made me squeal with excitement. I knew I had the looks to pull it off, and with credit cards belonging to a man that does not exist, getting to New York would be obviously affordable.

So here I am today. Waiting for my plane to arrive as I sit alone in the airport, getting constant looks and stares from every man who walks by. I love the attention. What woman wouldn't? Maybe one of them will get the courage to walk up and talk to me. There is a very attractive 20 something man off in the distance looking at me and smiling. I smile back and cross my legs very femininely, making sure he's not looking up my skirt, then I look

away again. Teasing him. Eventually he walks over to me. I try to make it seem like I don't notice him coming towards me, waiting for him to make his move.

"Excuse me miss, is this seat taken?" He says to me. His voice is very inviting. I look up at him and smile sweetly. I giggle at his use of such a cliché line.

"Not at all, please, sit down." I say in my high soprano voice, a voice that I am now completely accustomed to.

He sits down next to me and introduces himself.

"My name is Dave. Are you heading to New York too?"

I just realized I hadn't thought of a name for my new self yet! I quickly said the first name that came into my head. "It's nice to meet you Dave, my name is Marie. And yes I am heading to New York. I'm going there in hopes of becoming a model."

"A model?" He asks. "Well, I definitely think you have what it takes."

I blush at his compliment and giggle slightly, also getting slightly turned on by his presence.

"Thank you, I'm flattered." I managed to get out.

We sat there in the terminal and talked back and forth for about an hour before the plane arrived. I really felt as though we had made a real connection. We found out that we were sitting next to each other on the plane as fate would have it, and we talked for the entire plane ride. When the plane finally landed, we got our luggage and finally said goodbye.

"Wait!" I said, as he was walking out the door. I realized then and there that I wanted more from this man that a simple conversation. My new mind had urges and desires that needed to be fulfilled. I took out a piece of paper and wrote down the address of the hotel I was staying in that night.

"Come over tomorrow night around 8 and we can continue our conversation." I said in a very sensual manner, hoping he would catch on to my hint.

"I'll be looking forward to it." He said, reassuring that he knew what I was after. He then hugged me and left to catch his taxi. The hug felt like an eternity. I felt so warm and safe in his arms, and I never wanted him to let go. I watched as he left, then gathered up my bags and hailed a taxi. My new life in New York had begun. As I got into the taxi, I saw a piece of paper folded up on the seat. Curious, I unfolded it and read it.

"I'm glad to see you're finally out of that rut you were in for so long. I'm happy to have helped. Enjoy your new life Marie.

P.S. You're sure to get the job with a body like that."

My hands shook as I read the note, and everything came back to me in a rush. I used to be a man. What the hell am I doing? How the hell did this happen?! Who the fuck did this to me?! I tried to think rationally, but my mind began to fog over. The two halves of my brain were competing for dominance. I was a man. I am a woman. Eventually, the woman half took complete control, and all I could think about was tomorrow night with Dave and my new life as a lingerie model. I dropped the note, not even giving it a second glance.

----- To be continued in pt. 3, the final chapter.

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