Escaping a Rut

By Sophia Teran

Published on Apr 29, 2010


Disclaimer: This is my first attempt at writing a story. I like to focus mainly on the details of the transformation process, so if you don't like that, then I apologize. Please email me at with feedback. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy my story.

It was a night like any other. I lay awake in my apartment, alone. I had entered a sort of rut recently that I could not seem to escape. Every day the same thing, over and over again. I would wake up, shower, brush my teeth, eat breakfast and go to work. Work was always the same. Just a typical boring office job, doing the same thing day in and day out. When I got done with work, I would make the long drive back to my place, sit down on the couch alone, grab a beer, and watch TV. Then I'd get some dinner, go up to my bedroom and jack off, then lay in my bed motionless until I finally fell asleep. Then the next day I would wake up and do the exact same thing all over again.

Little did I know, the next morning I will have escaped my rut forever.

There I was, laying in bed staring at the ceiling, dreading the next day. Suddenly, I heard a loud crash and jumped up out of bed. Something had just plummeted through my window. I looked around the area for what had just burst into my room. I walked over to the window and saw on the ground a rock with a note tied to it. I quickly looked out the window, but there was no one there. I picked up the rock, untied the string, and read the note.

"I've been watching you closely. You seek change. You desire something new in your life. I come to you tonight with an offer. You have two choices. If you sleep in your own bed tonight, nothing will happen. You will wake up tomorrow forgetting you ever received this note, and your life will continue as normal. However, if you would like to make a change in your life, instead sleep on the fold out couch downstairs. I promise you, the outcome will be... satisfactory.

P.S. Sorry about the window, I'll fix that while you're asleep."

I stared at the note for several more minutes, reading it over and over again.

"This must be some kind of joke!" I thought to myself.

I discarded the note and layed back down in my bed. However, no matter how hard I tried I could not get myself to sleep. All I could think about was that note. Finally, I gave in.

"What's the worst that could happen? Maybe I could use some change." I said out loud.

I grabbed my pillow and a blanket, went downstairs, and folded out the couch. I set myself up and layed down. I had never realized how comfortable this couch was! It was so much more comfortable than my own bed, and within minutes I was fast asleep.

That night I had a very strange dream. In my dream there was a very tall and muscular man. He was standing in front of me as I lie down on the fold out couch, unable to move. He stripped down completely naked, and as he pulled off his boxers a massive erection popped out from underneath. I stared at it; that's all I really could do. I have never been into men. I've always loved women, and other guys' dicks usually gross me out. However, the mere sight of this man's massive member turned me on like never before. I was amazed. I wanted it. He approached me, crawled up onto the bed, and as if they had a mind of their own, my legs spread wide open. He climbed on top of me and kissed me all over. I wimpered as I begged for him to move his penis towards my mouth so I could suck it. He crawled up further, his dick moving closer to my mouth. He moved it right in front of my face. I wanted his cum so badly, but I still couldn't move. I just watched as he dangled it in front of my face. Just as he was about to shove it into my mouth, I awoke. I was so upset that I didn't get to finish the dream.

"Wait a minute." I thought. "Why the hell would I be upset about not getting to suck a dick, that's so disgusting!"

Disgusted with myself for the dream I had just had, I started to get out of bed. Then I realized something. I couldn't move. Just like in my dream. I panicked. It felt as if I had 1000lb weights tied to every part of my body that I tried to move. I was stuck. All of a sudden I gasped and screamed. I was struck with a strange sensation that rippled all throughout my body. It felt like the most incredible orgasm I had ever had, but instead of being centered in my dick, the feeling was everywhere. Coursing through my entire body. It was the most incredible feeling I had ever experienced. The feeling then slowly started to center itself in my throat. As the intensity built, I couldn't help but let out a scream of pure extacy. As I did I could hear my voice changing. The scream went on, and as it did my voice got higher and higher. I panted and screamed and the feeling got more intense, and with every utterance my voice got higher. I let out one final scream of pleasure and my voice was now a high soprano.

The amazing feeling that was centered in my throat began to move again. It shifted itself into my entire head. I let out a moan with every breath in my new high voice. I felt my face changing, and with every change the feeling intensified two fold. My features became softer and my chin rounder. My nose upturned slightly and my lips expanded to give them a slight natural pout. My facial hair completely disappeared. My eyes molded into an almond shape and the color changed from dark brown to light green. My teeth realigned in my mouth, causing my cheeks to be a little chubbier. The hair on my head began to grow very rapidly. It flowed down to my ears, past my shoulders, and eventually all the way down my back to where it finally stopped at my ass. As my hair grew longer, it became very wavy and changed from black to a bright blonde.

I moaned and screamed again as the feeling intensified. It moved from my head, down my neck, and spread out over my entire body again. It felt so incredible, and I was much too distracted by the pleasure to even care about what was happening to me. I wanted more. The feeling pulsed through my entire body and I screamed again. With each pulse, the feeling became even greater. I couldn't stop screaming and moaning with every breath I took. Eventually the pulses became even stronger and I felt myself move. I was getting shorter. With each pulse my body moved slightly further down the couch. Eventually I stopped moving and had shrunk about a foot down to 5'2''. My arms, legs, feet, and hands had shrunk with me, and my muscle tone had all but disappeared. All of my bodily hair was gone as well.

The feeling then centered itself again. This time, in my legs, hips, and ass. I screamed in pure extacy as my lower body rippled with pleasure. It began to transform. I felt my legs change shape rapidly, my thighs getting much larger as my lower legs got smaller. My hips quickly grew out to match my new legs, and my ass began to stretch and grow. I screamed as I felt myself rise up in the bed, my ass expanding to twice it's original size. Eventually it stopped as another surge of pleasure hit me and I let out a loud moan. I then felt my dick moving between my legs. However, it wasn't getting hard; it was shrinking, and it felt incredible. Better than any orgasm I had ever had before. It shrank down and down until I could no longer feel it. My balls then began to shrink, and the skin in between my legs reformed and reshaped. I felt my bowels shift as my new reproductive parts took shape. My arm then began to move itself down between my legs, and as my hand brushed against my newly formed vagina, I instantly moaned and screamed. It was the most incredible feeling in the world as the strange sensation centered itself between my legs. My fingers then shoved themselves forcibly into my now sopping wet slit. Orgasmic pleasure instantly spread through my entire body once more and I could hardly contain myself.

My fingers pushed themselves in and out of me at full speed as the feeling moved slowly up my body. It ran past my stomach, and as it did my stomach began to transform. I rapidly lost all fat from my belly as the feeling moved up. It eventually stopped itself on my chest. I was hit with another wave of pleasure as my fingers thrusted into my tight, wet, slit.

My chest began to tingle. Slowly, my nipples began to move. They were growing and becoming less defined around the edges. They started to poke up and the skin around them soon followed. My whole chest began to grow and change shape. It felt heavier as my breasts began to weigh down on me. They were expanding at an alarming rate, and as they grew the pleasure only increased. They kept growing, my nipples now four times their original size, and my breasts expanding out past a B cup. As they grew they became much more sensitive, sending a constant stream of orgasmic pleasure through my body that increased as their size increased. Eventually they stopped at a round, perky D cup.

My free hand immediately moved itself onto one of my new breasts, and as soon as my hand touched my new nipple I moaned and screamed and rolled around on my bed. Although I was now in complete control of my body and could move at will, I had no intention of stopping what I was doing. I used one hand to play with my incredibly sensitive nipples while the other hand rapidly fingered my new opening. I screamed at the top of my new soprano voice as a final orgasm hit me and I instantly passed out from exhaustion.

I awoke in the same fold out couch with a massive headache.

"Wow, I must have gotten smashed last night." I thought to myself "And both those weird dreams... Man what a night."

That's when I realized. The second part wasn't a dream. I quickly shot up out of bed, My ass-length hair whipping around and my huge breasts bouncing up and down, almost causing me to fall as I regained my balance. I was not yet accustomed to being this short and having feet this small. I stood up straight and managed to find my way to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and almost fainted. I was beautiful. I had the face of an angel, and beautiful golden hair. I moved over to the full length mirror to examine my body. I was incredibly thin and fit, and topped off with huge breasts. I gasped, and almost screamed, but then I remembered my voice.

I said out loud "Hello?"

The voice that I heard was not my own, but that of a very high pitched woman's. As the voice emitted from my mouth, my hands began to tingle in the same orgasmic sensation I had experienced last night. I held them in front of my face as I watched my fingernails begin to grow. They grew out about a half an inch, and changed color to a beautiful French Manicure. My hands were so dainty and miniscule. They were gorgeous. I was gorgeous.

I was stricken with confusion.

"What the hell happened to me? Am I really a woman now?"

I remembered the note from last night and quickly ran upstairs, stumbling a few times. I looked around, only to realize that my window was fixed, and the note was gone. I panicked and frantically tore apart my room looking for it. Eventually I saw something on my dresser. It was another note. I had difficulty opening it with my new nails. I eventually managed to figure out how to work my dainty hands and read the note out loud, almost enjoying the sound of my new voice.

"You got what you wanted. Your life will surely be different from now on, and you'll certainly escape that rut you've been in for so long. Have fun."

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs

My own voice startled me and I sat down on my bed, in shock. I dropped the note and began to cry. Maybe it was my new womanly hormones kicking in, but I could not stop crying. I didn't want to be a woman. I don't even like men! What was I going to do? How did this even happen?

---To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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