
By Rachel Lewis

Published on Mar 13, 2000


Hey guys and gals. How's everyone today? I'm taking five from studying for my bio exam actually. Well this is gonna' be short. I gotta' get back to studying. Talk to y'all later. :-)

Disclaimer: blah blah blah


Chapter 38

AJ stared at the ceiling, trying to fall back asleep. As usual of late, sleep was not easily obtained. Kevin's arm was thrown over his chest as he lay on his stomach snoring away. The snoring wasn't bothering AJ; he had grown used to that a long time ago. AJ knew that Ben was fast asleep on Kevin's other side. He slept with them every night now. That didn't upset AJ. Actually he liked having Ben there.

Sighing heavily, he slipped out from under Kevin's arm. AJ knew he couldn't stay in bed any longer. He was starting to feel claustrophobic. The red numbers on the alarm clock mocked him. 3am. Again.

He opened the closet and pulled out a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. AJ quickly got dressed and grabbed his shoes. Looking back at Kevin and Ben fast asleep in the bed, AJ smiled. They were what kept him together.

Leaving the bedroom, AJ walked down the hall. Morpheus lifted his head and looked up at AJ.

"I'm going running. Do you want to come with me?" Morpheus got up slowly, stretching before following AJ down the steps.

The two of them left the house, locking it behind them. AJ took off down the steps with Morpheus following close behind. They ran through the streets of the development at a leisurely pace.

AJ looked up at the night sky as he ran. It was beautiful. He loved the neighborhood that he and Kevin bought their home in. The neighbors left them alone and didn't fuss over who they were.

Stopping at one of the corners, AJ sat down. Morpheus stopped as well, looking expectantly at AJ. He had grown used to their night runs the past few weeks. Morpheus knew the routine. He sat next to AJ and waited for him to speak.

AJ had taken to spilling his heart out to Morpheus late at night on this corner. They were about a block from their house under an old elm tree.

"Today really was better Morpheus. Despite breaking down at Brian's. I think I needed that." Morpheus let out a short bark. AJ sighed.

"You're right. I didn't need that. I wish I hadn't done that okay. I feel like I'm out of control. One moment I can handle anything and nothing bothers me. Then I find myself locked in the bathroom crying."

Morpheus pushed his head against AJ's hand, rubbing his own head, letting AJ know he was there.

"I don't want to go on the medication. If I'm on something that controls my emotions for me, I'm still not in control. I need to learn how to control this...whatever is happening to me." AJ was quiet. "I want to run some more Morph."

AJ stood up and took off down the block before Morpheus could react. Morpheus got up slowly and began to chase him down. AJ had to admit that the dog was more than growing on him. He loved having Morpheus around for just this.

"Maybe I just need to get laid Morpheus. God knows that hasn't happened in a while." AJ grinned at the dog that was loping alongside of him.

AJ ran, his mind swirling around. The development that they lived in was gated so he couldn't go too far and he couldn't get too lost. Howie lived at the other end of the development about a mile from him and Kevin.

If he could just get past whatever was blocking him he would be fine. Pushing himself like this, running, even though he wasn't supposed to, helped AJ to clear his mind.

The generalized depression about his life was not as obvious to the rest of the world as he thought. When he had broken down to Brian, it had been a complete surprise to Brian. AJ had been amazed that Brian had lived with him for almost a month and never noticed the depression and crying fits.

No one noticed except Kevin and Howie. His own mother couldn't see it. Of course they weren't as close as they used to be. Time and life had separated the strong mother/son bond that they had with each other. He didn't know who to blame for that. Was it his fault? Was he too wrapped up in his life with Kevin and his life in the Backstreet Boys? Or was it her fault being caught up in her new marriage and her new husband?

And Ben. What was he trying to prove there? He loved Ben and he loved Kevin. He couldn't imagine his life without the two of them, but he had never imagined being who he was. AJ had never in his life imagined that he would be doing grocery shopping and cooking dinner, driving a child to dance lessons, and ironing shirts. AJ had never thought about the responsibility that he would have to take on someday. And that someday was now.

He was 24 years old and he had a 10-year-old son. He was getting married to the man he had been with since he was 19. He had fame, fortune, and everything he had always wanted. He was an alcoholic and he smoked too much. He went to therapy three times a week and tried to hide his feelings from everyone. He cried too much. He had so many friends but only two that really noticed him.

AJ stopped running. He looked up at the sky, staring at the stars in the inky blackness. Mesmerized, he stood in the middle of the empty street Morpheus standing by his side. He opened his mouth and began to sing quietly to the stars.

So much stays unknown till the time has come

Did you imagine you could ever be so strong

Then watch your fear just turn into relief?

Your sea of doubt become your own belief?

Though tears don't come to cry some grief away

The tears will help to keep your need at bay

So come on now, come on now, child

You're here just a while

Come on now, come on now, child

You're here just a while

A mother told me just before she died

My mother told me just before she died

"Oh darling, darling, don't you be like me.

You will fall in love with the very first man you meet."

But mama, mama, some will never know;

The love that you have is still holding my soul

So come on now, come on now, child

You're here just a little while

Come on now, come on now, child

You're here just a while

So much stays unknown till the time you are strong

Did you imagine you could ever feel so strong

And all your pain just turns into relief?

All your doubt becomes your own belief?

Though tears don't come to cry some grief away

The years will help to keep your need at bay

So come on now, come on now, child

You're here just a while

Come on now, come on now, child

You're here just a while

So come on now, come on now, child

You're here just a while

Come on now, come on now, child

You're here just a while

You might as well smile

'Cause tomorrow, you just don't know

It will pass. It's gonna pass

It will pass in time

It will pass in time

It will pass

It will pass in time

It will pass in time

It will pass

AJ began to laugh when he finished singing the song. Something snapped inside of him as he sung those words. He jumped up and down in place, hugging himself with his arms.

"That's it Morpheus! It'll all pass in time. I've just got to enjoy what I have."

For the first time in months, AJ was looking out at the world through his own eyes. The strange haze that had covered his vision was gone. Everything was clearer and brighter.

AJ began to spin around in the middle of the street, laughing and crying at the same time. Lights came on in the houses around him.

Howie looked out his window wondering what the hell the commotion was about.

"Oh shit." Howie grabbed his robe and tied it tightly around his waist. Slipping on his shoes, he ran down the steps and out the door.

"AJ! What are you doing?" Howie shouted at him, trying to get his attention. AJ grabbed Howie and spun him around.

"I'm okay Howie. I figured it out. I'm going to be fine." Howie grabbed AJ's arms and stopped him.

"That's great. Why don't we go inside and talk about it? You're waking people up. It's 4 in the morning AJ."

AJ looked around seemingly noticing where he was for the first time. "Oh my god. I'm sorry. I guess I forgot where I was. I should go home."

Howie looked at him quizzically. Something was different in AJ's eyes. "Do you want me to drive you back?"

AJ shook his head. "Thanks but no. I feel like I could run a marathon right now. Morph and I will be fine."

He pulled Howie into a tight hug. "I'll call you tomorrow D."

"Okay. Goodnight AJ."

AJ turned and ran backward, waving to Howie as he went. Howie watched as the two of them turned the corner and ran down the street. He turned and headed back inside. He needed to call Kevin now.

Opening the door, he could hear Luna crying. He grabbed the cordless phone off the charger and ran back up the stairs dialing on the way. He picked Luna up and rocked her slowly.

"Come on Kev pick up the phone." He listened to the ringing as he comforted Luna.

"Mmmphf." Kevin said into the phone. Howie almost wanted to laugh, but now wasn't the time.

"Kevin wake up!" He said loudly into the phone.

"Howie? Why are you in my dream?" Kevin asked sleepily.

"You're not dreaming Kevin. Open your eyes and look for AJ." Howie heard him gasp.

"He's not here!" Howie could hear Kevin running out of the bedroom and heading down the hall. "Where is he?"

"Kev relax. He just left here."

Kevin sat down on the steps heavily. "Was he out running again?"

"Yeah. Morpheus is with him. Kevin he was acting really strange."

"What was he doing?" This was the second call today he had gotten from someone who had just had a strange experience with AJ.

"Well he was laughing and crying in the middle of the street and he was spinning around. He woke me up. He woke a lot of people up."

"God. What did he say?"

"He said he was okay and he figured everything out. Something was different Kev. I don't know what it was, but there was just this general...lightness to his eyes that hasn't been there in a very long time."

"Well I guess I'll just have to wait until he comes home and talk to him then. He is heading home right?"

"That's what he said to me."

"Okay. Thanks for calling Howie. I appreciate it."

"No problem Kevin. I thought you needed to know what was happening."

"Thanks. Go back to bed Howie. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Night Kev."

"Night Howie."

Kevin hung up the phone and sighed sadly. AJ had been slowly getting worse the past few days no matter how much he tried to help him. Kevin knew that he wasn't sleeping. And he knew that AJ was going running. He woke up every time AJ got back and turned on the shower.

Well he was going to wake back up then anyway. He didn't know when AJ was going to get back so for now he might as well go back to bed. Kevin climbed back up the steps slowly, feeling like he was a hundred years old. He wanted to collapse back in bed and sleep forever.

Kevin slid back in bed, pulling the covers over him and Ben. Thankfully Ben hadn't woken up during any of the commotion he had just caused. The boy still wasn't sleeping that well and he needed to get as much rest as possible.

Kevin closed his eyes and fell right back to sleep.

AJ ran up the steps, his energy finally beginning to wane. Morpheus hung his head, exhausted. AJ opened the door and the two of them walked inside. Morpheus immediately went into the living room and slowly eased himself onto the couch. AJ shrugged. Usually they went into the kitchen, had a drink of water and a biscuit, then he went on the couch. He must have worn the poor dog out.

AJ crept into the bedroom quietly. He stripped off his sweaty clothes and went into the bathroom. Turning the hot water on, he looked into the mirror at the face staring back at him. AJ grinned, recognizing the person staring back at him.

He stepped into the hot water, letting it run all over his body. A feeling of extreme relaxation passed over him. AJ stood under the water, letting it splash off his face. He opened his mouth and caught the hot water in his mouth.

Running his hands through his hair, he smiled happily. He reached for the shampoo and began to wash his hair. He ran his hands through the silky shampoo and bubbles, feeling each strand of hair and the texture of it.

Everything seemed so intense and real. The warm water on his skin, the bubbles in his hands and Kevin staring at him half- asleep.

He jumped slightly, blinking. Kevin really was standing there half-asleep. He hadn't even heard him come in.

"You scared me." AJ pressed his hand to his chest, breathing heavily, but smiling at the same time.

"How was your run?" Kevin asked, his voice thick with exhaustion.

"Exhilarating and wonderful. Howie called you didn't he?" AJ said, watching as Kevin yawned and scratched his chest. Kevin's hair was all messed up and his eyes were only half-open.

"Yeah he did. Is everything okay?"

AJ opened the shower door and reached for Kevin's hand, pulling him in the shower with him. Kevin's eyes opened all the way when the hot water hit his still-clothed body.

AJ pulled Kevin's already soaked shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor. He put his hand under the waistband of Kevin's boxers and pushed them down to the floor. Kevin stepped out of them, letting AJ do what he wanted.

AJ pulled him into a tight hug, letting himself get lost in the feeling of Kevin's wet skin against his own and the strong arms holding him so tightly.

"Everything is great Kevin. I think I'm going to be okay. I had an epiphany out there."

"Really. Tell me about it." Kevin mumbled into AJ's wet hair. He didn't want to let him go.

"I was running and I was thinking about everything. Then I just stopped. I stared up at the stars and began to sing. Have I ever played any Beth Orton for you?"

Kevin shook his head. "That's an oversight on my part. You'll love her. She has this song called 'Pass in Time' and I began to sing it. At some point while singing the lyrics just became real and it broke something in me."

He rested his head on Kevin's shoulder and began to sing again.

So much stays unknown till the time has come

Did you imagine you could ever be so strong

Then watch your fear just turn into relief?

Your sea of doubt become your own belief?

Though tears don't come to cry some grief away

The tears will help to keep your need at bay

"That's what did it. Your sea of doubt becomes your own belief. Whatever I'm afraid of is what is keeping me strong so I should just let it be there."

Kevin kissed him on the forehead. "I love you AJ." AJ turned his head to face Kevin. "I love you Kevin."

They both leaned in slowly, their lips meeting in a soft kiss. The hunger between them was evident. It had been weeks since they had made love. Life kept getting in the way.

Kevin pulled away from AJ's mouth, much to his own disappointment. "I'll be right back." He stepped out of the shower and went over to the bathroom door. Opening it, he peeked out and saw that Ben was still fast asleep. He shut the door and locked it from the inside.

Kevin stepped back into the shower, immediately being engulfed in AJ's arms. "We have to be quiet." AJ said into the kiss. Kevin nodded, pushing him against the wall as he hungrily kissed him.

Kevin ran his hands over AJ's body, feeling every muscle in his hard body. AJ moaned softly pushing himself against Kevin. AJ squeezed Kevin's ass tightly, kneading it in his hands as they kissed frantically.

They slid to the ground, wrapping their arms and legs around each other, grinding their hips together. The hot water splashed over their already wet bodies as they lay on the shower floor.

Kevin rolled onto his back, positioning his head so the water wasn't hitting his face. AJ lifted Kevin's legs and positioned himself with his cock against Kevin's hole.

Pushing slowly, they both groaned at the feeling of AJ entering Kevin's ass. He let Kevin's legs drop when he was fully inside, resting his head on Kevin's chest as they hugged each other. It had been so long.

AJ braced his arms against the shower floor and raised himself up slightly so he could look down at Kevin. The water hit his back and ran down his sides, spraying against the walls. Kevin ran his hand down AJ's chest, tracing the heaving abdominal muscles with one finger.

AJ began to slowly move, small thrusts in and out of Kevin. He moaned softly as he felt Kevin's ass clench around his cock, holding him inside.

"You feel so good Kev." AJ said softly, keeping his voice down.

"So do you Alex. You have no idea how good." Kevin answered just as softly.

AJ moved again, this time almost withdrawing all the way before thrusting back in. Kevin let out a loud moan accidentally, before clapping his hand over his mouth.

AJ leaned over and removed Kevin's hand, replacing it with his lips. He continued to thrust in and out, bringing the both of them closer and closer to orgasm. AJ's mouth hovered over Kevin's as they both began to moan softly.

AJ's hand grasped Kevin's hard cock in between them, squeezing gently as he began to thrust harder. Kevin's breathing quickened and he bit his lip to keep from crying out.

AJ's body tensed and he made one more hard thrust into Kevin's body, cumming at the same time. He relaxed, still squeezing Kevin's cock. Kevin's body tensed a moment later and with a soft groan he came between them.

AJ slid out and rested on Kevin's chest. They curled up on the hard shower floor, intertwining their arms and legs together.

"Now I remember why we have such a large shower." Kevin said softly, placing a kiss on AJ's cheek. AJ laughed, tightening his grip on Kevin's body,

"I love you."

"I love you."

Chapter 39

Ben craned his neck over the crowd of people milling by the door. "I can't see anything Dad." He whined to Kevin. "Well let's fix that then." Kevin grabbed Ben and helped him onto his shoulders.

"Can you see now?" Kevin asked. AJ laughed at the two of them. "Yup. I don't see Brielle though."

"She probably hasn't gotten off the plane yet honey. Just give her a moment."

Ben frowned jokingly. He was really excited about seeing Brielle. He had missed her so much over the past two months. Plus he couldn't wait to see her face when she met his family.

AJ looked around nervously. There still had been no real press coverage of the fact that Ben had joined their family. It was better that way, but AJ was constantly afraid that someone was going to notice that he and Kevin were always with a little boy who looked a lot like Kevin.

Kevin took his hand and squeezed it tightly. AJ smiled at him and returned his attention to his family.

"I see her. Put me down Dad." Ben tried to slide off, but Kevin caught him, putting him on the ground. No sooner did Ben's feet touch the ground did he take off towards the door.

"Brielle! Over here!" He waved to the girl walking off the plane. Spotting him, she waved back, letting the flight attendant who walked her out that she was okay now.

"Ben!" The two of them hugged tightly.

"Well at least he doesn't think girls are icky. I did when I was 10." AJ said. "Yeah but you're gay AJ." AJ grinned. "Oh right."

Ben and Brielle were talking a mile a minute, still hugging each other. She was a cute little thing, shorter then Ben and tiny. She had long wavy brown hair and big blue eyes.

"Brielle lets go meet my parents." Ben tried to drag Brielle forward, but she didn't move. "Ben I'm nervous."

"Why? It's just Dad and Papa." Brielle shook her head. "They're Dad and Papa to you, but to me they're Kevin Richardson and AJ McLean of the Backstreet Boys."

Ben rolled his eyes. "Come on Brielle. Just meet them. You'll forget who they are really quickly." Brielle let herself get pulled forward by her best friend.

"Dad, Papa. I want you to meet Brielle Solomon. Brielle these are my parents."

"Hi Brielle. How was your flight?" AJ knelt down and stuck his hand out to her. Brielle gulped but forced herself to act maturely.

"It was fine. It's nice to meet you." She shook AJ's hand softly, barely able to keep herself from shouting.

Kevin held his hand out. "Hello Brielle. It's good to finally hear you talk instead of the dial tone I've grown to know as you." Kevin teased the girl, hoping to make her comfortable.

Brielle turned bright red. "Sorry about that Mr. Richardson. I just get flustered whenever I hear your voice on the other end." Kevin winced.

"Before we go any further. I'm Kevin. He's AJ. None of this Mr. Richardson or Mr. McLean stuff. You're making me feel old Brielle." He smiled warmly at her. She laughed, breaking the nervousness that she felt.

Ben took Brielle's hand in his own. "Let's go get your luggage. I want to show you my room!" Ben started to walk away dragging Brielle with him.

"Hold up you two." Kevin stopped them in their tracks. "Everyone hold hands. You're not wandering around the airport alone. Brielle's parents would kill me if I lost her on the first day."

Kevin reached for Brielle's hand taking her backpack for her. AJ took Ben's hand and the four of them headed towards baggage claim.

"Nick come on. We have to have a short meeting that's all. Bring Allie and your suits. We'll throw some food on the grill. It'll be fun." Kevin tried to convince Nick.

"If we weren't waiting for a call from our real estate agent I would say sure. We'll be right over. We have to be here though. Hold on a sec Kev."

Kevin could hear Nick and Allie talking quietly.

"Why don't you guys come over here? I'll even supply the food and a gorgeous chef."

"Let me check with AJ and Howie. Hold on." Kevin covered the phone with his hand. "Nick can't come over but he said we can do it over there. You two cool with that?"

"What about Brielle and Ben?" AJ asked. Kevin looked over at the two kids splashing in the pool with the dog. "We'll wrap 'em up in towels and stick 'em in the car. They can swim more at Nick's." AJ nodded and Howie gave him a thumbs up.

"All right Nick. We'll leave in a few minutes. See you in about half an hour."

"Okay bye Kevin."

Brian walked on the deck, his face a picture of his 'sunny' disposition of late. Kevin stood up, stretching.

"Hey Bri. We're packing up shop and heading to Nick's for this little impromptu meeting. He and Allie can't leave."

Brian sighed. "All right but I don't feel like driving." Howie stood up, stretching and yawning. "You can ride with me Brian."

"Where's Luna at?"

"Mother-in-law's." Howie grinned. "She's always good for baby-sitting."

AJ watched as Kevin walked down to the pool. "We'll meet you guys over there. I have a feeling we might be a while." AJ said watching as two dripping wet kids and a dripping wet dog climbed out of the pool.

"Want us to stay and help dry Morpheus off?"

AJ shook his head. "Nah. Kevin's not as anal about him being totally dry anymore. As long as he's not dripping wet he's allowed on his tarp in the back."

Howie squeezed AJ's shoulder as he walked by. "See you at Nick's. Bye Kev!" Kevin waved.

"Bye Uncle Howie!" Ben shouted to him as he waved to him.

"See you at Nick's Ben. Bye Brielle." Brielle waved at him and began to dry off.

"Morpheus come over here!" AJ called to him, holding a towel ready. Morpheus shook himself, getting Kevin, Ben and Brielle wet in the process before running up to AJ. He began to dry the longhaired dog.

"How come you get the easy job Kevin?" AJ shouted down as he wrestled with the dog.

"Easy job? Who says this is easy?" Kevin said as he grabbed Ben and turned him upside down. He shook him as Ben laughed. Brielle was bent over laughing at Ben as he turned bright red from laughing.

Kevin put Ben back down and turned to look at AJ fighting with Morpheus. It was kind of amusing actually. AJ still hadn't gained back all the weight he lost. Morpheus was only about 15lbs lighter then him.

"Honey just get the dampness off. He can sit on the tarp. Or we can leave him at home."

"No!" Ben shouted. Kevin turned to look at him. "Okay no problem." Kevin had finally realized that Morpheus was almost always wet so he just got past the fact that his car was not going to be clean.

Ben and Brielle were pushing each other back and forth when Kevin turned around,

"Hey you two. No pushing around the pool!" Kevin shouted at them. Ben and Brielle stopped, both of their faces wearing similar guilty expressions. They began to dry off again.

AJ put the now-soaked towel down and looked at Morpheus. "Good enough. Just don't jump on our furniture or Nick's furniture." He walked down the steps to the pool.

"Let's do a suit check." He walked over to Ben first.

Ben held up his arms and AJ patted down his bathing suit. "You're good. Go grab a couple towels and your clothes. Just put a towel on the seat of the car."

He turned to Brielle, uncertain whether he should check her or not. Brielle raised her arms and AJ smiled. He quickly checked her. "You're good too. The towels are in the laundry room. Grab a couple and your clothes then head for the car." Brielle followed Ben inside.

Kevin pulled AJ into a hug. "I love you." Kevin kissed his neck. AJ laughed. "I love you too you big lug. Come on. We've got to get going." AJ pulled him forward.

Brian stared glumly out the window. Howie was talking to him, but he wasn't paying any attention anymore. His mind was far away from that car.

"Brian!" Brian snapped out of his trance and looked over at Howie. "Hmm?"

"What's wrong Bri? Will you please talk to me?" Brian shook his head. "Sorry Howie. I'm not ready to talk yet."

Howie looked over at him for a moment. He decided to just ask it. How often were he and Brian alone anymore? Now was the only time really.

"You were in love with her weren't you?"

"Since I was 17 years old. Is it that obvious?" Brian looked at him, trying to hold himself together.

"Yeah it is. You've been a zombie the past few weeks. It takes a lot for us to get you out of that house."

Brian nodded. "I really don't want to talk about this anymore Howie. Please." He pleaded with him, trying to make him shut up. Howie caught on quick.

"No problem."

Kevin took one last look at the kids before sitting back down. Ben and Brielle had jumped right into Nick's pool. Allie had joined them at Nick's insistence. He didn't want them playing alone.

"Kev, you called this meeting. What's it about?" Nick asked, running his hand through his now re-grown mop of blond hair.

"Well I was talking to JC the other day about their concert in Orlando on Friday. He asked us to perform a song with them. What do you guys think?"

No one answered for a moment, instead looking back at him with concern. They all loved to perform, but Kevin still hadn't done anything since March.

"I guess you are looking at me for a reason." Kevin sighed. "I think we should go for it. I need to get back onstage and prove that I'm still Kevin Richardson."

Nick grinned. "Super. So what are we performing with the boys?"

"It's a song called 'The River' that they all wrote. They get in on Tuesday and we meet them later that day with Fatima to go over choreography."

"Orlando's their last show on this tour right?" Brian asked dully. "Yeah. They are back home for a while. You can finally get rid of those dogs." Kevin grinned. Brian just nodded, retreating back into his mind.

Kevin frowned but let Brian go. He had been this way since Beth had died. He couldn't figure out why. AJ said he didn't have a clue, but Kevin suspected he did. It probably had something to do with the fact that Brian had been in love with Beth. He would have to talk to him about that later.

"So did you figure out what house you wanted on your last trip to Philadelphia Nick?"

Nick nodded. "There's this beautiful 8 bedroom Victorian about 10 minutes from Allie's college. We're going for that one but we aren't the only people who want it."

Howie's eyes bugged out. "Eight bedrooms! What are the two of you going to do with eight bedrooms?"

"Well Allie wants Kate, Cody, and Jeff to live with us, so there are three bedrooms. Us in one other. Then she said that we might want to rent out the other 4 rooms cheap. Affordable housing in the area is hard to find off campus."

"Are you cool with that Nick?" AJ asked. Nick shrugged. "Truthfully I would rather it be just me and Allie, but I can understand. I'm not always going to be there with her. I'm going to be flying back and forth between there and here. She's going to want to have people there."

"Are Kate, Cody, and Jeff paying rent to live there?"

Nick shook his head. "Allie said that the three of them can't afford it."

"How do you know they can't afford it? Allie could just be saying that." Howie said, hoping Nick wouldn't take offense at that.

"I talked to their parents. After explaining the situation, I got honest answers. Cody's mother can barely cover the little she's paying. Cutting out his housing costs would really help. Jeff is paying for everything himself. Kate's parents are putting three kids through college at the same time. I have no qualms about offering the three of them free housing."

"What did they say about it?"

"Actually they all protested, saying it wasn't fair for me to put them up for nothing. They don't want to lean on me and Allie."

"I thought you said they were living with you." Kevin said, a little confused.

"They are. We're hammered out a deal. In exchange for free housing, they split up the housework and laundry duties between the three of them. I think it's a fair trade."

Brian stood up suddenly and walked inside. The other four guys exchanged glances waiting to see who was going to follow. Slowly all eyes fell on Nick, who nodded and got up.

"Just flip the burgers for me when they need it okay."

Nick walked inside after Brian, hoping that Brian would actually talk to him for once. Brian had been extremely close- mouthed the past few weeks.

"Brian?" Nick walked into the dark den. Brian flipped a light on. "Yeah Nick?"

Nick sat down next to him. " you want to tell me why you walked out?" Brian shook his head.

"Okay. Do you want to tell me why you walked out?" Nick asked again. Brian just shook his head again. Nick sighed.

"Fine. This time I'm not asking whether or not you want to tell me this time. Brian, tell me why you walked out just now."

Brian was quiet. "Sorry." He whispered.

"Brian I don't want you to apologize. I'm worried about you." Nick squeezed Brian's shoulder.

"I'm okay."

Nick took Brian's face in his hand, looking him directly in the eyes. "Brian it's me, Nicky. Don't lie to me. Please." Brian closed his eyes, squeezing Nick's wrist tightly. Nick let go of him.

"I miss her." Brian whispered. "Oh honey Shelly wasn't right for you." Nick said sure that was who Brian was talking about. Brian shook his head.

"Not Shelley. Beth. I miss Beth." Nick was taken aback. "Beth? Why do you miss her?"

Brian let out a sob, finally letting the tears come. "I lied Nick. I lied to everyone." He wrapped his arms around Nick, crying on Nick's bare chest. Nick stroked his hair.

"'s okay Brian."

Kevin shifted in his chair. Nick and Brian hadn't returned yet. Howie and AJ were talking to each other about a band called Meteor. Having never heard anything by them, Kevin couldn't join in.

He looked over at the pool and saw that Allie had climbed out and was sitting with her legs in the water. Ben and Brielle were still playing.

"AJ can you watch the food? I think I'm going to take a swim."

"You didn't bring a bathing suit honey." AJ said turning to look at him. Kevin sighed. "I guess I'll just stick my feet in the water and talk to Allie then."

"Okay honey. Kiss?" AJ said with a smile. Kevin leaned over and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Hey Allie." Kevin sat down next to her, slipping his bare feet into the water.

"Hey Kev. What's up?" Allie asked, tying her long hair back into a loose knot.

"How do you do that without making your hair all knotted up?" Kevin asked. He had seen her do that before and she could always untie it later.

Allie shrugged. "It's just something I've picked up over the years. My hair's been this long since I was 10."

"But other people with really long hair get it all knotted. AJ's best friend Justine has hair just as long as yours but hers gets all knotted."

"Feel my hair Kevin." Kevin reached out and felt Allie's hair. "It's really soft."

"I take really good care of my hair and I was lucky enough to get my father's hair. It'll do anything I want."

Kevin nodded. She looked over at him. "You didn't come down here to ask about my hair Kevin. What's up?"

"Am I that obvious?" He asked, squinting in the sun. Allie smiled. "Only to me and everyone else who loves you."

"Did you talk to Marilyn recently?"

"Ah okay. Is this about the VMA's?" Allie asked. Kevin nodded. "He asked if you would perform with him since they are performing Cannibal's Dance. I got asked the same thing."

"Why would they do one of the songs that I worked on? Marilyn knows I can't perform with him."

Allie put her arms around Kevin's shoulders. "Why can't you?" Kevin looked at her, opening his mouth to speak. He couldn't come up with a good reason and shut his mouth.

"What if we put a mask on you or something to hide your identity? Your piano playing is needed in that song. I don't think MW could play it even if he wanted to."

"Who's going to play when they are on tour then?" Kevin said watching as Ben dunked Brielle.

Allie shrugged. "I think they are going to have to hire someone new."

"It's not so much that I can't play with him. I haven't been onstage in months. I don't know if I still can do it." Kevin said softly so Ben wouldn't be able to hear him.

"Well are you going to perform with 'Nsync on Friday?" Kevin looked up at her in shock. "How did you know about that?"

"Casey and Justin still talk a lot. He told her that JC was going to ask and she told me. I didn't tell Nick though."

Kevin nodded. "I guess I forgot she and Justin were dating." Allie shook her head. "They aren't dating anymore but they're really good friends now."

"What happened?" Allie grinned. "Everyone knew it was coming. Their relationship really was more a friendship then a boyfriend/girlfriend thing. Casey met someone this summer and wants to give that relationship a chance. Justin was cool with it. But you still haven't answered my question Kev."

Kevin grinned. "I was hoping you hadn't noticed that." He sighed. "Yeah we're going to do it. I'm really nervous though."

"Just get your son to help you with the dancing. I hear he can dance Brian into the ground."

Kevin laughed. "He even wants to take lessons with Fatima now. Talk about a death wish."

"How did you lie to everyone Brian?" Nick asked tentatively. Brian had finally stopped crying and he didn't want to set him off again.

Brian sniffled. "I knew about Ben all along. I found out Beth was pregnant about 5 months after they broke up and I kept it a secret all this time."

Nick took in a sharp breath. "God Brian. How could you?"

"That's not the bad part. I kept in touch with her the whole time. I fell in love with her Nick."

"Oh Bri." Nick said softly finally understanding why Brian had been so upset lately. Nick hugged him tightly. "I wish you had told me."

"I can't let Kevin find out. AJ knows and I think Howie knows. I don't want Kevin to know. He'll flip." Nick nodded.

"I won't say anything. I promise."

Chapter 40

"Nick will you get that please?" Allie asked. She was talking on the phone with her father.

"Aww Allie, I'm right in the middle of a game here." Nick whined from the living room.

"Nick please I'm on the phone." Allie asked again. She got no answer. "Fine I'll get it."

Allie walked to the front door still on the phone. She flung it open and rolled her eyes. Standing on the front steps was Tom, Mark, and Travis. Super. Three of her all time favorite people.

"Nick it's for you." She motioned for them to come in and pointed to the living room.

"Nick. Turn off the Nintendo. Nick!" Allie just shook her head and walked away. She was fed up with him. He had been sitting in front of that Nintendo since he had woken up.

"Nicky my boy! Come on. We're going out." Mark grabbed Nick and pushed him backwards. Tom looked down at him with a grin.

"Hey guys! How are you?"

"Great and we're going to be even better once you drag your sorry ass away from the Nintendo to join us." Tom turned the TV off and crossed his arms.

"Um...well I want to, but I should probably ask Allie first." Nick blushed.

"Nicky come on. Who wears the pants in this family? You or that gorgeous raven-haired vixen you get to call your wife?" Travis egged him on, waggling his eyebrows at him.

Nick sensed the challenge. He got up and grabbed his sneakers. "Okay. Where're we goin'?" Nick grinned at Travis.

"All right!! Let's roll." Mark grabbed Nicky and began jumping up and down as he hugged him.

"Let me go ya' big oaf! I don't swing that way." Nick joked with Mark.

Mark put him down with a hurt look on his face. "Oh Nicky how could you say something so mean? This is 'cause your married now isn't it? Before I was you're big teddybear. Now I'm a big oaf. You're so cruel!" Mark even managed to squeeze out a couple of fake tears.

"Quit it Mark. You're gonna get tears on my new rug." Allie said as she walked into the living room.

"Hey Allie." Tom grinned at her. "Hi guys. What brings you to town?"

"Boredom." Tom answered with a straight face.

"So the three of you flew in from California because you were bored?"

"Uh well...actually we have to go take see a friend of ours." Mark said with a smile, glad he had thought of something.

Allie narrowed her eyes. "So you guys are stealing my husband and leaving? Were you going to tell me that Nick?"

"Of course I was sweetie. The guys and I are going to go visit their friend Jack. He lives in..." Nick trailed off looking at Mark with a panicked expression.

"Tampa." Mark said. "Fort Lauderdale." Tom said at the same time. Travis shook his head.

"You'll have to excuse them Allie. They're morons. Jack lives across town. He's a really great guy. He's gonna' take us scuba diving."

"Yeah that's what we're doing." Mark said jumping in. Tom smacked him. "Shut up dickweed." Tom mumbled.

"Nick can I talk to you alone for a moment?" Her voice was firm and Nick nodded, hanging his head as he followed his wife out of the living room.

"So where are those three troublemakers taking you for real?"

Nick shrugged. "I honestly don't know. They wouldn't tell me."

"Nick I don't like you hanging out with them. They're trouble. The last time the four of you hung out Brian had to bail you out of jail."

"Please Allie. They're my friends. I'll take my cell phone and you can call me whenever you want. Can I please go?" Nick looked at her pleadingly like a little kid.

Allie sighed heavily. She hated the fact that she wanted to deny him the pleasure of having fun with his friends, but she didn't like to be alone. Besides the guys, there wasn't anyone else she knew in Orlando. If Nick wasn't around, she was lonely.

"Fine. I'll just call Brian or something." She said softly.

"Oh thank you sweetie." Nick kissed her cheek and went running off. Allie walked into the kitchen and sat down in one of the chairs.

She heard the door slam as the four guys left, leaving her to sit alone in their big, empty house. Allie looked around the kitchen at the dishes from breakfast.

She sighed, grabbing the headset for the phone and walked over to the sink.

"Call Brian Littrell." She spoke firmly into the headset as she began to wash the dishes. The phone dialed for her.

"Hello?" Brian's soft voice came through clearly.

"Hi Brian."

"Allie! How are you?" Brian was excited to hear from her.

"I'm okay. Nick was just dragged out of here by Tom, Mark, and Travis against my wishes."

"So what did the guys have planned for Nick this time? Should I keep my assets liquid to bail him out again?" Brian joked.

"I say we let him stay in jail if that happens. Do you want to do something today, just you and me?"

Brian was quiet. He loved hanging out with Allie, but he felt weird because she was Nick's wife now.

"Yeah sure. What did you want to do?"

"Something silly. Wanna' go to Disney?" Brian began to laugh at her.

"Hey what's so funny?"

"Nothing. I guess I forget that you're just a kid. Wanna' see if Ben and Brielle are up for a day 'o' fun at Disney?"

"Yeah. I love spending time with that little booger. And Brielle is so cute. Kinda reminds me of myself at the age. Did you ever notice that Ben has a tendency to stare at me when I'm wearing a bathing suit?"

"Yeah. The kid's got a little bit of a crush on you. It's kinda cute actually. He's so jealous of Nick."

Allie blushed. She put the coffee mugs in the drainboard. "You want to call them or should I?"

"I'll do it. We may have to sweet talk the 'rents to let them out. I think Brielle's parents have pretty much made Kev and AJ promise not to let her out of their sight."

"Aww...we're trustworthy. I'm sure Kev and AJ will relent and enjoy some time alone if you know what I mean."

"Oh Allie. Gross. That's my cousin and my best friend you're talkin' about." Brian said jokingly his voice taking on a slightly disgusted tone.

"And they've been havin' time alone for five years now. I would've thought you'd be used to them by now. Lord knows you've heard them during 'alone time' enough."

"Ugghh....don't remind me."

"Whatever ya' bum. Give Ben and Brielle their invite. I'll pick 'em up on my way to your place."

"Deal. See ya' in a bit Allie."

"Thank you so much Allie. AJ and I really appreciate this. They've been drivin' us nuts. They both want to do something but neither of them know what they want to do."

Kevin handed Allie some money for Ben and Brielle's tickets and a little extra for spending. Allie shook her head and gave him the money back.

"Kev, Brian and I invited the kids. We got 'em."

Kevin shook his head and pushed the money back towards her. "Take it with you. It'll make me feel better."

"Kevin Richardson. Put the money away."

Ben reached up and took the money from his father. "I'll take it." He grinned.

"Oh no you don't. Give me that." Kevin laughed at him, holding his hand out to Ben. Ben pouted but gave the money back to his father.

"Where's Brielle at?" Allie asked Ben and Kevin. They both rolled their eyes at each other.

"AJ's fixing her hair. They'll be finished in a minute."

"AJ's doing Brielle's hair? Why?"

Kevin shook his head. "He's in love with her hair. I swear once he has a daughter he's going to just be a total pushover. Even more then he is with Ben."

Ben frowned slightly and looked at the ground. He got a little uncomfortable whenever either of his parents mentioned him getting a brother or sister.

Allie looked up at the steps when she heard scuffling. AJ, Brielle, and Morpheus were heading down the steps. AJ had put Brielle's hair back into a tight French braid so nothing would escape. Or so he thought. Allie knew better. That French braid would be out in a few hours of hard playing.

"Okay you two. Ready to go pick up Brian?"

Ben slipped his hand into Allie's. "Where's Uncle Nick at?"

"Uncle Nick went out with some friends of his for the day and night most likely. But if you guys really want, you can stay over and wake him up bright and early so you spend time with him tomorrow."

Kevin winced at the thought. Nick was going to be in pain tomorrow.

"Can we stay over Dad?" Ben asked excitedly. "What do you think Kev? Should we let them spend the night at the Carter household?" AJ winked at him.

"I think it's a great idea personally."

"Super. We'll pick up clothes on the way home from Disney." Allie took Brielle's hand and the three of them left. Kevin and AJ waved from the steps as Allie drove away in Nick's Durango.

Kevin turned to AJ and raised his eyebrows. "The kids are gone." AJ nodded. "Let's go." Kevin grabbed AJ's hand and dragged him back inside.

Kevin pulled his T-shirt off and took his jeans off while he and AJ ran through the house. AJ tossed his shorts in the air, grabbing Kevin's hand, pulling him out back.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" Kevin shouted as he and AJ streaked their way to the pool.

There was a huge splash as both of them hit the water at the same time. AJ came up for air and looked around for Kevin. All of a sudden there was a tug on his leg and he was pulled back under. As the water closed around him, AJ decided this was war. The two of them wrestled around underneath the water coming up for air every so often until AJ had Kevin pinned by standing on his chest.

"Give up?" AJ mouthed to him. Kevin nodded. AJ let him up and the two of them swam to the surface to get some air. They broke the surface rubbing the chlorine out of their eyes before they looked around.

"Ummm...guys? Can you put some clothes on please?" Howie asked as he stood by the pool.

AJ blushed and dove back under the water. "Nah. Why don't you strip down and join us Howie? We're just swimming."

"Well as tempting as it is to get naked in the pool with my two gay best friends, I'll pass. It's not you guys. It's because AJ's mother, your brother, and my daughter are in the living room waiting for the two of you."

"Aww shit. That's today isn't it?"

"Yup. Now drag you're naked asses out of the pool. We got work to do. You're getting married in a couple weeks."

"It's a month and a half Howie. Don't rush it." AJ said from the deep end.

"Whatever. Let's go you two."

"Uh Howie? Can you grab our clothes for us?"

Howie pointed at one of the lounge chairs. Their clothes along with a couple of towels were there. "I kinda followed the trail of clothing out here."

"Thanks." Kevin said blushing. Howie nodded and went back inside.

AJ turned to look at him. "We gotta' change that security code again." Kevin nodded.

"Give me your popcorn Ben." Brian said, holding his hand out to him.

"I got it Uncle Brian. It's cool." Ben said as he tossed a few more pieces in his mouth.

"Ben, you're not going into the bathroom to pee holding your popcorn. I promise I won't eat any."

"Fine." Ben handed him the popcorn and went into the bathroom. So much for a relaxing day with Allie just having fun. Brian was regretting his suggestion to invite Ben and Brielle along. So far they had gone on Space Mountain 5 times and Brielle had puked twice. That was it.

Well they had eaten a lot too. That was the first thing the kids wanted to do when they walked into the Magic Kingdom. Three bowls of ice cream, two hamburger meals, and a bag of popcorn later, Ben was hungry again.

Allie held Brielle's hand tightly as they waited in line for the bathroom.

"You feeling okay Brielle?"

"Yup. I just needed to throw up. I'm all better now." Brielle grinned at Allie, her hair all over the place. Yup a few hours just like Allie had thought.

"Maybe we should sit out a few rides on Space Mountain." Allie suggested to the little girl.

"Nah. Once more. It'll be fun Allie."

"Don't you guys want to go on anything else?" Allie asked as they walked into the bathroom.

Brielle hopped into the stall and Allie waited outside the door for her. "Me and Ben like Space Mountain."

"Why don't we go over to Universal and go see Jaws? That'd be cool."

"Whose Jaws?" Brielle asked.

Allie sighed, wishing she had said no when Brian suggested bringing Ben and Brielle.

"Woohoo!!! You guys gotta' try this!" Nick shouted out the sunroof to the guys in the limo with him.

Mark poked his head up joining Nick as they sped down the freeway towards the Gulf of Mexico. There was a tattoo parlor there that Travis knew of. He felt it was time for Nicky to get another tattoo.

"Hand me another shot guys! I wanna' do one out the roof." Nick shouted down to Tom and Travis who were inside.

"Yeah I want another too!" Mark shouted down as well.

"This is fucking awesome Mark!"

Mark grinned at him. "Aren't you glad we picked you up to visit 'Jack'?"

"Yup! This sure beats sitting around the house with my wife."

Tom tugged on Nick's pants, holding a shot up for him. Travis handed another to Mark. Nick and Mark clinked glasses and tossed the shots back.

"Yeah!! Fuckin' A!!" Nick shouted as he tossed the shot glass back down.

"So we're thinking that the people who haven't RSVP'd by now aren't coming." Denise said as she flipped through her lists.

Kevin and AJ sighed. This was so tedious to them. All they wanted was the wedding to get over with. If only this could all magically appear in the chapel in Vermont without any planning.

"Okay. So who's not coming?"

"Janet Jackson never RSVP'd. Taylor Evans and family. And a Madonna Wayne Gacy?"

"One. Janet is coming to the wedding. I just talked to her the other day Mom. Remember I told you that she forgot to RSVP by mail so she called. Two. I don't even know why you invited Taylor. He and I haven't spoken in years. Three. MW is coming. Marilyn RSVP'd for everyone."

"Fine AJ. I'm sorry for helping." Denise said curtly. "Mom that's not what I meant. This is just really boring for me. I just want the wedding to happen. I don't care if people aren't there."

Tim and Howie exchanged glances. They had been talking earlier about taking away some of the responsibilities Denise had taken on, mainly because she was driving everyone nuts.

"Denise. Tim and I will handle the guests okay. Why don't you just relax for a bit?"

Denise shot a deadly look at Howie. He shrunk back in his seat shooting a helpless gaze over to Kevin.

"On another note, the guys from 'Nsync agreed to sing at the wedding." Tim jumped in to change the subject.

"Really? They're going to do it? That's great." AJ grinned at him.

"What's the song again?" Denise asked, flipping through her papers to find it.

"I knew I loved you by Savage Garden." AJ answered softly, looking over at Kevin with a small smile.

"So if we want to be honest with ourselves, everything is pretty much done now right?" Kevin asked, looking at his mother- in-law and the best men.

"Well...yes. It is." Denise said looking down the checklist. "Everything is ready to go."

"So for the next month and a half we can relax and not stress over this." Kevin looked over at Denise during that statement.

"I want that." Nick pointed somewhat drunkenly at a large dragon on the wall.

"Are you sure Nicky? That's pretty big. It's gonna' hurt a lot." Travis warned him.

"Well maybe the butterfly over there. It's kinda pretty."

Travis, Tom, and Mark exchanged glances. Nick began to laugh. "I'm just fucking with you guys. I want the Celtic cross next to it."

Tom examined it closely in his drunken state. "I agree. It'll look good on you Nicky."

"Where you getting it?" Mark asked.

"Oh jeez. I don't know. What'ya guys think?"

"Ankle." Tom said.

"Noo. Calf man. Make it nice and big." Mark pointed to the tattoo on his own calf.

"Get it on your ass." Travis laughed. "That way you get to sit on a cross all the time."

"I think'll go with the calf." Nick slurred to the tattoo artist.

"You're very drunk sir. I usually don't tattoo people who are under the influence of any substances."

Nick pulled out a piece of paper. "Don't worry about it. When I was sober I had the limo driver witness me writing this. It says I really want a tattoo and it's cool if you do it while I'm drunk. He'll tell ya'."

The tattoo artist read the paper and shrugged. "Works for me. Let's get you prepped."

"Sweet." Nick gave the guys a thumbs up and followed the tattoo artist into the back.

Allie took Brielle from Brian and put her in the seat. The kids had finally been worn out. Brielle had taken up Brian on his offer of a piggyback ride and had fallen asleep on the way back to the car. Ben was practically asleep walking.

It was finally over. Both Allie and Brian had sworn never to do it again. Those two kids were nuts.

"I am going to die tomorrow during our rehearsal with 'Nsync." Brian groaned as he climbed into the driver's seat. Allie had begged him to drive home so she could just sit back and relax.

"Oh god that is tomorrow isn't it. I'm gonna' have to wake a very hungover Nick up aren't I?"

"Unfortunately. Do you really want to keep the kids tonight or do want to take them home?"

Allie turned to look at the sleeping children in the backseat.

"See that's the problem. When they are asleep they're fine. But once they wake up, watch out. Let's take them home instead. I'm not up for them anymore today."

"Agreed." Brian turned on the radio, flipping through the stations until he landed on the Rolling Stones.

"This work for you?" He looked over at Allie. She nodded. "It's not 'Nsync and not you guys. I'm a happy girl."

Brian grinned, shaking his head. "You really can't stand the music we do can you?"

"It's not really that. A lot of the songs you guys write are very good lyrically and musically. It's just not what I want to listen to."

"So you do like our stuff?" Brian grinned at her again.

"Is that what you want me to say?"

"No. I want you to tell me the truth."

"I really hate your music. I really hate 'Nsync's. I can respect that you guys like it and millions of people like it. I just don't at all."

"Ouch. Honesty hurts. Could you lie instead?" Brian joked.

"Sure thing. I love your stuff. I listen to it all the time."

"Ouch. Lying hurts. No in between ground?"

"I don't think so."

"Ah well. I still love ya'. Besides most of the stuff you listen to, including your step-dad's stuff, I hate. So we're even since you sing on his albums."


They were quiet as they drove down the freeway home. Brian took the exit for Kevin and AJ's before speaking again.


"Hmm Brian?" She said, pulling herself away from the window.

"Are you happy?"

"I'm lonely Brian. I miss my friends. I miss my parents. I miss California. I moved across the country when Nick and I got married. I left everyone behind."

"But you go to school on the East Coast?"

"Yeah, but I have friends at school. It makes it easier. Down here I just have Nick and the rest of you. I have no women to talk to since Ameena is on tour and you broke up with Shelley. The closest I get to talking to a woman is when I go shopping with AJ."

Brian chuckled at the thought. "Well why don't you go home for a bit? You and Nick fly out to California and chill with the 'rents. You can see them, spend time with your friends, and just enjoy your home."

"We'll see. We have a lot to do with the house in Haverford. I think we're going there next week sometime to start getting furniture and everything."

"Are Kate, Cody, or Jeff coming to help?"

"Yeah I think Jeff is. And Twiggy said he was going to come help set up a smoking room in the attic for himself for when he visits."

"See you'll have fun next week. And this week we get to spend time with all our friends from 'Nsync."

Allie nodded, looking back out the window. "Yay. Nick can spend all his time with Justin and ignore me. Excuse me for not being too excited about it Brian."

"Don't stress Allie. Just relax. It's only been a few months. You guys are still getting used to each other."

"Okay. I'll trust you Bri."

"I don't feel so good guys." Nick moaned from where he was sprawled on the limo floor. Mark was passed out on one whole side of the seats. Tom and Travis were lounging drunkenly on the other.

"Are you gonna' puke Nicky?"

Nick nodded slowly. Tom began to rap on the window between them and the driver. The window opened and the driver looked at them.


"Nicky's gonna' puke."

"Okay. I'll pull over."

"Thanks a bunch George." The driver closed the window. They could feel the limo pulling over.

The driver opened the door and pulled Nick out by his legs. He leaned him up against the limo for a moment and helped Tom out.

Nick leaned over and began to throw up on the grass. Tom rubbed his back for him.

"It's cool Nicky. Get it all up."

Travis poked his head out. "Yo Nicky's cell phone is ringing." He held it out to Tom.

"Shit." Tom handed it to the driver who just looked at it.

"Answer it man. Please. Don't tell her that's drunk. Tell her he's sleeping or something."

The driver nodded, opening the phone to answer it.

"Hello. Nicky's phone?"

"Who is this and why are you answering my husband's phone?"

"Ah...well my name is George Marin. I'm the limo driver. Nicky's sleeping at the moment and I thought I should answer it for him."

"Sleeping as in sleeping or sleeping as in passed out?" Allie asked, getting more and more pissed as she spoke.

"Sleeping ma'am."

"Fine. Let me talk to whoever isn't 'sleeping' out of the four of them. Put Travis on if he's still awake."

"My leg hurts." Nick moaned to Tom. "Shut up Nicky. Allie's on the phone." Tom put his hand over Nick's mouth.

The driver covered the phone. "She wants to talk to you Travis."

Travis nodded, taking the phone from him. He took a deep breath, praying that he wouldn't slur too much.

"Hello Allie."

"Travis, is Nick passed out?"

"No of course not. We're bringin' him home now."

"How are you bringing him home if the driver is busy answering the phone?"

"Ah...we just pulled over 'cause Tom had to take a leak."

"Fine. Nick better be home soon. He has to rehearse tomorrow."

Allie hung up the phone and looked over at Brian with an exasperated look. Brian put her arm around her shoulder and led her out onto the patio. They had dropped the kids off and gone back to Nick and Allie's.

"Don't worry about it. They'll get him home soon."

Allie nodded. "I think I want a glass of wine. Do you want a glass Brian?"

"I should really be getting home."

"I picked you up Bri. Your car isn't here. Just stay the night. I don't feel like being alone right now."

"Okay. Well I guess I'll take a glass of wine then."

"I'll go get us some. Red or white?"

" you have any blush?"

"Actually yeah. It's really good. I'll pop that one open."

"Great." Brian returned his gaze to the stars reflecting off the pool. He loved that view of the sky as it rippled off the still water.

Kevin kissed AJ softly as they lay in bed naked together. They had just finished making love without having to worry about waking the kids. They were both passed out.

"I love you AJ."

"I love you too Kev." AJ snuggled up to Kevin. "That was a lot of fun tonight."

Kevin grinned. "Yes it was."

"I'm tired now."

"Then let's go to bed. Pass me my boxers." AJ leaned over and grabbed the two pairs of boxers on the ground. They both slept in boxers all the time now just in case Ben walked in.

"Good night Kevin."

"Good night AJ."

"Good night Brian." Allie said from the doorway of the guest bedroom.

"Good night Allie." He smiled at her as he stripped off his shirt to get into bed.

"Night Nicky!!" Tom waved from the limo. Nick waved back as the driver guided him into the house.

George definitely earned his money's worth today. He maneuvered Nick into the house and onto the couch.

"G'night George." Nick mumbled as he passed out.

"Good night Nicky."

Howie leaned over Luna's crib, kissing the sleeping baby's forehead softly. He sat down in the chair next to the crib and began to sing to her like he did every night.

Wynken, Blynken and Nod one night

Sailed off in a wooden shoe,

Sailed on a river of crystal light

Into a sea of dew

Where are you going

And what do you wish

The old man asked the three

We've come to fish

For the herring fish

That swim in the beautiful sea

Nets of silver and gold have we

Said Wynken, Blynken and Nod

So all night long

Their nets they threw

To the stars in the twinklin' foam

Then down from the sky

Came the wooden shoe

Bringing the fisherman home

'Twas oh so pretty

A sail it seemed

As if it could not be

And some folks thought

'Twas a dream they'd dreamed

Of sailing the beautiful sea

But I shall name you

The fisherman three

Wynken, Blynken and Nod

Wynken and Blynken

Are two little eyes

And Nod is a weary head

And the wooden shoe

That sailed the skies

Is a wee one's trundle bed

So shut your eyes

While Daddy sings

Of the wonderful sights that be

And you shall see

All the beautiful things

As you rock in that misty sea

Just like the fisherman three

Wynken, Blynken and Nod

Just like the fisherman three

Wynken, Blynken and Nod

"Good night my sweet little girl." Howie left the room, leaving the door open a crack before going down to his bedroom to go to sleep.

----Now I did this with Choices and it was pretty helpful. I'm asking y'all for a little help again. Yup it's survey time. Please tell me who your favorite characters in Escape are and who you think needs more attention. Email me at Thanks all!

Next: Chapter 16: Escape 41 43

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