
By Rachel Lewis

Published on Nov 16, 1999


Wow! Guess ya'll didn't expect to see a story from me now did ya. I have been promising a tour for some time and it is starting in this one I swear it is. I apologize for the very, very long delay for this section. I have possibly the most stressful biology class that occupies nearly every thought and waking moment of my day. It's nuts. One of my lab partners has an ulcer because of this class. So please, if you yell, understand that I am looking to vent my anger and you might just get an e-mail full of it. :) But other then that! Enjoy the story! And for once I have the two stories out at the same time. Read Choices as well because that's new too! Yay!

When I actually get a chance to read other stories, I read 'Brian and Me' by the incredible DLS, 'Separate Lives', and 'Search and Rescue'. Go check them out because they have a tendency to get updated more often then my story does. Well read mine too, but read theirs when mine isn't updated that often.

PS: Hey DJ!

Disclaimer: blah blah should really be able to recite this by now...if you can I'll give you a cookie

Chapter 24

Kevin rolled over in his sleep, pulling AJ closer to him. He smiled, so warm and cozy in his bed.

"Uncle Kevin! Wake up! Uncle AJ! C'mon wake up!"

Kevin opened one eye and saw his niece staring down at him. She began to bounce in the bed. Her brother was poking AJ to get him up.

"Okay we're up. What's the fuss about?" He smiled at them knowingly. It was Christmas morning. Of course the kids were going to be excited.

"Grandma said we can't open presents until everyone is up. So get up!"

"It's still dark out." AJ groaned from his side of the bed.

"Santa came though! It's okay to get up and open presents."

Kevin sat up, sending Leslie on her back. She giggled and sat back up again. Kevin waved his hand in front of Tommy's face to get his attention. He hated to do that because it was so rude, but sometimes that was the easiest way to get his attention.

"Tommy stop poking Uncle AJ. He's awake. I won't let him fall asleep again."

Tommy sat back, resting on AJ's stomach. AJ groaned again as the wind was knocked out of him by Tommy.

"Tommy can you get off me so I can sit up?"

He looked over at his sister, having missed what AJ had said. She quickly signed to him and he climbed off of AJ.

"Did you two wake everyone else up?"

Leslie nodded frantically, looking like she was ready to burst from excitement.

"Uncle Brian and his family are here. You two are the only slow ones!"

Kevin threw the blankets off, covering Leslie and Tommy with them. AJ groaned again as the cold air hit his skin.

Kevin grabbed his bathrobe and tied it tightly around his waist, covering up his pajamas. He tossed AJ his bathrobe and picked up both kids in the blanket.

AJ watched as Kevin spun the blanketed kids around. He loved to watch Kevin play with Leslie and Tommy. Kevin was so good with them. AJ tightened his bathrobe and motioned to Kevin to put them down on the bed.

AJ pulled the blanket off of them and began to tickle Tommy. Kevin tickled Leslie. Soon all four of them were laughing as the kids fought back.

"C'mon lets go get our presents."

AJ turned around and let Tommy jump on his back. Leslie did the same to Kevin. They headed down the steps to the living room. Kevin could hear his mother and his aunt laughing together. His brothers Jerald and Tim were here with their families. Brian's parents and his brother were here as well.

The living room was lit up with lights. The tree was huge. Kevin and AJ had gone all out this year. Tim and Jerald were sitting by the fire, trying to get it going. Jerald's wife, Julia, was talking with Harold Sr. She was holding their two month old baby, Joe.

Kevin and AJ let Leslie and Tommy slid down to the ground. They ran over to their mother who was sitting next to Brian on the couch.

"Uncle Kevin said we can open presents now."

Tommy quickly signed to his mother that he was thirsty. May got up and took his hand. She led him into the kitchen and poured him a glass of orange juice.

Everyone sat in a circle, Kevin closest to the tree. Richardson family tradition was that whoever's house they were at handed out the presents. Kevin and AJ were ready to go.

Kevin pulled the closest gift off the pile. He read the tag on it with a smile.

"This one is for Mom. It's from May, Tim and the kids." Leslie signed everything Kevin said for her brother.

Kevin read the next label and slowly signed to Tommy to come over to him. Kevin's sign language was pretty good but he still had to go slowly for Tommy to understand it, mostly because he messed up the order of the signs. He handed him a box and signed that it was from him and AJ. Tommy grinned and ripped the paper off of it.

He began to laugh silently as he opened his new video game system. Tommy hugged Kevin tightly and then hugged AJ. He began to sign quickly.

"Tommy says thank you and he challenges both of you to a game after breakfast."

Kevin and AJ quickly handed gifts out to everyone before anyone got too antsy. Kevin watched as AJ opened up a present from his mother. In the past year, AJ and his mother had gotten a lot closer then they had been before.

AJ carefully opened the box. He gasped as he lifted the book out.

"Oh Ann. Thank you."

He hugged his future mother-in-law tightly, trying to hold back tears.

"Don't cry Alexander. You are my son too. As a future Richardson, you are passed your own copy of the Richardson family album. We all have one. Every time something major happens in the family, a page is added to the book. Look at the last page AJ."

AJ turned to the last page. He was unable to hold back the tears this time. The last page had a picture of Kevin and him kissing. Over top were the words: Mr. and Mr. Kevin Scott Richardson, a blessing from God.

"Oh Ann." AJ was speechless. Ann smiled happily. She had wanted to make AJ feel loved and part of the family. She hadn't always treated him that well over the years he and Kevin had been together. Ann regretted that.

"I know it hasn't really happened yet, but I know it will. It is a blessing from God to have you in our family AJ."

Kevin smiled as he watched his mother hugging his future husband. Her approval meant so much to him. He looked down at the box he was holding from Uncle Harold and Aunt Jackie.

"Open it Kev. It won't bite, hard." Jackie grinned as the box in Kevin's lap moved. He jumped slightly as everyone laughed.

Kevin undid the wrapping and opened the box.

"Oh! Look at you." Kevin reached into the box and gently lifted out the tiny kitten. He cradled the kitten in his arms. He had missed having a cat around.

AJ scooted over to Kevin and stroked the kitten softly. A new cat for Kevin was something he had been meaning to get.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" AJ asked Jackie.

"She's a baby girl. You and Kev have your first daughter."

He blushed deeply. It was common knowledge that they both wanted a daughter.

"What should we name her AJ?" Kevin smiled happily down at his kitten. She was so beautiful. He smoothed her smoky gray fur. She yawned and stretched, closing her pale blue eyes to take a nap in Kevin's arms.

"What about Iya? I love that name."

Kevin looked down at the sleeping kitten. Iya. He liked it. Somehow it fit her.

"Iya. It's perfect for her AJ."

Kevin looked around at the rest of the family. Tommy and Leslie were jumping on the couch, playing with the Nerf guns Tommy had gotten from Brian and Shelley. Kevin was so happy to be with his family.

Soon the pile of gifts had been demolished by everyone. Tommy and Leslie were so exhausted, they fell asleep in the pile of wrapping paper. May and Tim decided it was just easier to leave them there.

AJ, May, Ann, Jackie, and Julia headed into the kitchen to start breakfast. Cooking for this clan took all of them. Breakfast was always a big deal on Christmas morning. AJ had always gravitated towards the kitchen with the women instead of to the cigars and sports with the men. The women were happy to have him since he was such an excellent cook.

Ann began to pull out pans and bowls, setting them on the counter. May pulled out the extra coffeepot and put on a second pot of coffee. AJ pulled food out of the fridge and handed it to Jackie, who quickly organized everything into piles. Julia began work on the orange juice. The five of them chatted about the wedding as they worked.

Kevin, Tim, Jerald, Brian, Harold Jr., and Harold Sr. headed out back to sit on the deck. The six of them were very rarely in the same place at the same time.

Harold pulled out cigars and handed them around. Another Christmas tradition.

"Well guys, how long has it been?"

"Christmas last year. It's been too long boys." Tim lit his cigar and passed the lighter to Kevin.

"So baby brother how are the wedding plans going?"

Kevin smiled as he puffed on his cigar. It had taken Tim about five minutes to get over Kevin being gay. Jerald on the other hand still got uncomfortable about it.

"Great Tim. We have the location, the church, the caterer, and the minister. We had to get the big stuff out of the way before we leave next week."

"Did you decide on your best man yet?"

Kevin looked around at the men in his family. Time to tell them.

"Yeah I have. Tim I want you to be my best man. Will you do that for me?

Tim threw his arms around his little brother.

"Kevin I would be honored to be your best man."

Brian watched as his cousins hugged. He puffed on his cigar happily. Christmas morning was great. Everyone put aside their petty arguments and just concentrated on family. He was glad Kevin had finally decided on Tim. Brian and Kevin had talked about who Kevin should pick numerous times. He knew Kevin had been stressing over whether to pick Tim or Jerald. Brian though Tim was the right choice personally.

"AJ and I want all of you in the wedding. And we want Leslie to be the flower girl and Tommy to be the ring bearer."

"As if any of us would say no. My little bro is marrying the greatest man on earth. We want to be there for you." Jerald threw his arm around Kevin.

"That means a lot coming from you Jerry."

Jerald sighed. "I know I have been a real bitch in the past about you and AJ. I've been a real bitch about you being gay in general. I watched all the shit that happened to you guys in May. That convinced me that nothing mattered except that my little brother was happy. And AJ makes you happy."

"Kevin, we've all been uncomfortable at some point with the idea of you begin gay. I would like to think that all of us have grown up enough that we can all support you and love you no matter what." Harold Sr. put his hand on Kevin's shoulder when he was done talking. He squeezed it forcefully.

"Plus AJ is such a fucking great cook. Not to mention a hell of a nice guy." They all laughed at Harold's comment.

"You guys are great. I'm so lucky to have you for my family."

"Well you're not so bad yourself Kev. Though you are an ogre in the morning still."

Brian ruffled his cousin's hair. This was so great, all of them being open and honest with each other. Usually they all got out on the patio, smoked their cigars, and talked about sports. This honesty was nice.

AJ whistled as he kept flipping pancakes. The stack next to him looked like it would feed an army. He knew better having cooked for the two families before.

"Where are the bagels at AJ?" Julia asked as she rummaged through the cabinets.

"In the freezer. They are all sliced and ready to go. Just stick them in the defroster for a minute and they will be fine."

Ann picked up the bowl of eggs. It was just easier to put the mountain of scrambled eggs she made in a bowl instead of on plates.

"AJ where is your mother at this year? I was looking forward to seeing her again." Ann asked him.

AJ was quiet for a moment. He was upset that his mom wasn't here, but part of him understood. She had gotten married last January and she was spending this Christmas at his step-father's parents home. AJ liked Dan, but he had really wanted her with him.

"She went to Dan's family's this year. She sends her love to everyone though."

Tommy began to stir. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. No one was around and Leslie was still asleep. He hated to wake her, but he wanted to know where everyone was. He could smell food and coffee, so he decided against waking Leslie and headed into the kitchen.

He ran into the kitchen, smiling when he saw his mother. Tommy tugged on her bathrobe. She wiped her hands and they began to talk. AJ watched in fascination, wishing he knew what they were saying, as their hands flew in the air. He could never follow them when they talked in normal speed.

"AJ Tommy wants to know if he can hook up his new video system?"

AJ wiped his hands off and slowly signed to Tommy.

'After breakfast.'

Tommy nodded and signed quickly again. AJ missed it so he turned to May for translation.

"He said that's fine, but breakfast better be soon or else he's going to burst." Ann and AJ both laughed. AJ held up ten fingers. '10 minutes. I promise.'

May signed to him quickly and he ran out of the room.

"I told him to go out back and spend time with his father and uncles. I can't let the bacon burn."

May turned back to the stove and flipped the bacon.

"Have you decided what you are going to do when Tommy is ready to start school in the fall?"

May sighed heavily and turned to look at everyone. She hated to talk about this, but an unspoken rule in the Richardson family was total honesty on Christmas.

"Tim and I are weighing the options. The best option for Tommy is to go to a school for hearing impaired children. Tim and I don't want to lose him though. Most of the schools want the children to live on campus so they are completely immersed in deaf culture and ASL."

"But don't you do that for him already? I know all of you speak ASL to him. The rest of us even know a little so we can talk to him."

"I wish it was that easy AJ. He is losing out by not being around other hearing impaired children. I know he gets frustrated easily because he can't always understand us."

Julia began to arrange the bagels and croissants on a plate. She looked over at May, who looked upset just talking about this.

"May, what if he went to public school?" AJ kept pushing her. Julia glared over at him.

"He would have to have a translator with him at all time. It would be really tough on him. He would really lose out on the whole concept of schooling. We want him to have the best education he can get."

AJ nodded and went back to the pancakes. Jackie decided to chime in her opinion.

"You could always have him get the implants. He would be able to go to public schools that way. And he would be able to hear like normal children."

AJ, Ann, and Julia froze waiting for May to flip on Jackie. Any suggestion that Tommy wasn't a normal child made May crazy. Jackie had no clue what she was in for.

"Tommy is normal Jackie. The implants are not an option. Tommy's being deaf is not a disease. He doesn't need a cure. It's just who he is."

Jackie started to open her mouth, but May beat her to it.

"It's like saying that Kevin and AJ are diseased and they need a cure. They both were born gay, just like Tommy was born deaf. It's bullshit."

AJ looked up from the stove. He wished May hadn't said that. Both Ann and Jackie had pushed Kevin to get 'cured' when he had first come out. They had believed that Kevin's homosexuality was a disease that could be cured.

"Well Kevin and AJ are perfectly normal and so is Tommy. So let's just drop it." Ann glared at her sister for mentioning that her grandson might be sick.

"Let's set the table." AJ tried to dispel the tension in the room.

Tommy sat on his father's lap and watched his uncles talking. He was having trouble following what was being said and he was getting frustrated. He reached up and turned his father's face to him to get his attention.

'I can't understand. Too many people.'

'Sorry. Go sit across from me. I will sign for you.'

Tommy scrambled onto Kevin's lap, moving the kitten out of the way. He let her curl up on his lap and continue her nap. Kevin wrapped his arms around the small boy and smiled.

"Harold if you don't e-mail me daily with stats I'm going to leave the tour to kill you. I need to know the Kentucky scores." Brian joked with his brother.

Kevin heard Tommy's stomach growl. He tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. Tommy turned to face him.

"Hungry?" Tommy nodded. "Your stomach is growling." Tommy giggled silently. "Want to go check when we eat with me?" Tommy nodded again. He held onto Iya as he slid off Kevin's lap.

"We are going to go check on breakfast."

Tommy held Kevin's hand tightly as they walked inside. He really loved spending time with his Uncle Kevin. Kevin had always been so quick to spend time with him. He also had learned the most sign language besides his parents. And he really loved his Uncle AJ as well. He liked to watch the two of them together when they thought no one was watching. They were so happy together.

Kevin looked down at his nephew. Tommy smiled up at him. He let go of Kevin's hand.

'Uncle Kevin? When are you marrying Uncle AJ?'

'September. We want you to be in the wedding.'

Tommy wrinkled his nose slightly.

'Do I have to wear a suit?'

Kevin laughed.


Tommy shrugged.

'I guess I will do it, even though I have to wear a suit.'

'Aw...thanks. I appreciate it Tommy.' Kevin grinned at him. Tommy stuck his tongue out. Sometimes it amazed him how well Tommy picked up on sarcasm.

'C'mon kiddo. Let's find the food.'

Kevin swung Tommy over his shoulders, carefully cradling Iya in his other arm at the same time. They walked into the kitchen and looked around. No one was in the room anymore.

Kevin looked around, noticing that the door to the dining room was ajar. He could hear the women talking softly.

"Are you spying on us?"

Kevin jumped slightly. He turned to look at AJ.

'Hi Tommy'

'Hi Uncle AJ'

Kevin leaned forward and gave AJ a kiss on the cheek.

"We weren't spying. Tommy and I were hungry, so we wanted to see when breakfast was going to be ready."

AJ lifted Tommy off of Kevin's back and set him on the ground. He spoke to both of them, Kevin signing so Tommy could understand.

"Breakfast is ready. Why don't you go tell everyone?"

Tommy nodded and ran off. Kevin wrapped his arms around AJ, pulling him close.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Do we have to go eat with everyone or can we just go back to bed?"

AJ pushed Kevin away, grinning at him. "And miss the great breakfast we cooked. I think not."

Tommy peeked around the corner, smiling as he watched the two of them hug each other. Satisfied that everything was okay, he ran into the living room to jump on Leslie. Waking her up was always so much fun.

"Hey pass me the bacon." Brian reached across the table towards the bacon, stretching. Kevin laughed holding it just out of his reach. Ann smacked Kevin lightly and he passed the bacon to Brian.

"Mom, I like teasing Brian. He doesn't mind." Brian scowled over at Kevin as he popped a piece of bacon in his mouth.

"Brian do you mind if Kevin teases you?" Ann asked him, smiling over at her nephew. Brian swallowed quickly.

"Oh of course not. Kevin making fun of me and teasing me is a part of life. If I didn't have that, I would be lost." Brian grinned over at Kevin.

"Hey you two grow up." Harold grabbed a piece of bacon off Brian's plate and quickly stuck it in his mouth. He grinned at his little brother with half the piece sticking out of his mouth. Brian reached over and grabbed what he could. In retaliation, he grabbed a piece of sausage off Harold's plate.

"Speaking of growing up Harold." Jackie glared at her two boys. Sometimes she was so amazed that they could act like two year olds even though they were in their late 20s.

"Sorry mom."

AJ watched as the families laughed and joked with each other. Holidays were never like this with his family. Part of him regretted being an only child in a single parent family. He loved his mom, but he knew he had missed out on a lot of fun. Kevin reached over and gave him a hug. AJ hugged back, happy that his fiancé's family was so great.

Tommy clapped his hands loudly. All eyes turned to him and he began to blush.

'Can I have the eggs?'

Julia passed him the eggs and the conversation continued all around him. Tommy spooned out his eggs, lost in his own little world. May watched her son, wondering what was going on in his mind. She wished she knew what he was thinking.

Kevin put his arms around his mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Ann laughed and ruffled his hair.

"I'm so glad you are here mom. I miss you."

"I miss you too baby boy. You and AJ need to come visit more often. You know you are always welcome to stay with me.

"Kev finally announced his best man." Jerald nonchalantly said as he passed Harold Sr. the syrup. AJ looked at Kevin in surprise. He hadn't told him that he had decided.

"Oh who is it baby boy?" Ann clasped her hands together, smiling in anticipation.

"Yes who is it Kevin? We are all dying to know." AJ's voice dripped with sarcasm. Kevin knew he had fucked up. He should have told AJ in private.

"I asked Tim to be my best man. And he accepted." Kevin smiled over his coffee.

"So Tim and Howie should get together and chat so they can divide up best man duties. Tell me who else is going to be in the wedding?" Ann was so excited that her baby boy was getting married.

"Well I have Nick, Howie, Justine, Madeline, Dan, and my Mom standing with me."

"And I have Tim, Jerald, Brian, Harold, Harold Sr. and hopefully, if you will accept, you Mom. Will you stand with me when I marry AJ?"

"Of course I will baby."

Kevin hugged his mother tightly. AJ watched the two of them, slightly upset that he hadn't told him first.

"I'm going to go get more orange juice." AJ grabbed the pitcher and walked into the kitchen. Kevin watched him walk away, reading his body language. He exchanged glances with Brian, who nodded at him. Kevin grabbed the coffeepot and followed AJ into the kitchen.

AJ stood with his back to the door, staring at the wall. Kevin slipped up behind him and wrapped his arms around AJ's waist.

"That better be you Kevin. I told you many times that I just don't like you that way Brian."

AJ turned around and looked Kevin in the eye. Kevin reached up and brushed AJ's hair back. He kissed him on the forehead.

"I'm sorry. I should have told you the moment I decided. Forgive me?"

AJ stared into Kevin's eyes. He loved him so much, but sometimes he was such a jerk.

"Okay it's a Richardson family tradition to be honest on Christmas and as a future member of the Richardson family, I must be honest."

Kevin nodded and rested his head on AJ's shoulder.

"You are a jerk Kevin. I can't believe you didn't tell me that you picked Tim. I should have been told immediately."

Kevin hugged him tighter. "I know and I'm sorry. They asked me and I told them. Christmas is so annoying sometimes. I almost wish that the whole honesty policy had never been started by Ena."

"It's okay Kevin. I guess you should know that I told the women that we are going to look into adoption once we finish this tour."

Kevin pulled away from AJ slightly, just enough so he could look him in the eye.

"I thought we said that was between the two of us at least for now."

AJ nodded. "They asked." Kevin rested his head on AJ's shoulder again. "Can we keep some things between us from now on? Between our families and the guys, I swear we have nothing private anymore."

"We have something private Kevin."


"Showering. Sleeping. Hugging each other. Kissing each other. Loving each other."

Kevin pulled AJ closer and kissed his neck softly. "I love you." They held each other, feeling the other's body pressed up his own.

"Ahem...I hate to break this up, but can I have the orange juice and coffee?" Jerald shifted uncomfortably in the doorway. Kevin and AJ broke apart, embarrassed at being caught, especially by Jerald.

"Actually we were just heading back out." AJ grabbed the full pitcher of orange juice and swept past Jerald quickly. Jerald still made him slightly uncomfortable.

Kevin grabbed another pot of coffee and tried to walk past Jerald. He was stopped.

"Can we talk for a sec little brother?"

Kevin nodded and put the coffee down. He and Jerald walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. Kevin waited expectantly for him to speak.

"It's weird Kev. To see you hugging AJ, holding him like I hold Julia and knowing that you love him the way I love her. When you sat all of us down and told us that you were gay, that blew my mind. Totally. My little brother who I used to beat-up and play with. Who I used to talk about girls with. Gay. You dated Beth for so long. You were even going to marry her. I remember thinking thank god Pop isn't alive to hear this load of shit Kevin is dealing us."

Kevin looked over at his brother in surprise. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I have been holding this in for way too long. Hear me out Kevin. I hated you. I was ashamed to say I was your brother. And for so long, watching you in the public eye hiding the person you really were, I wanted to throw up at the site of you. It went on for years. And AJ. AJ just added to my disgust because you loved him so much. But you refused to be honest with everyone about who you loved. Mom would tell me that God was punishing us. And then Tim got her to change her views. And suddenly God had changed his opinion of you and AJ. I swear I thought I was the only sane one in the family. Did you know how hard it was for me to hug you each time I saw you? To be pleasant and brotherly when we were alone? Kevin, I used to pray that your soul be saved and you find your way back from this hell."

Kevin tried to stand up but Jerald held up his hand. "Please let me finish. Please if you have ever loved me, let me finish."

Kevin sat back down, more then a little confused about where this was going.

"Last May, I turned on the TV and sat down the watch the news with my wife and I saw you on it. You and AJ kissing each other on TV. And my heart broke. I wanted to rush to your side and protect my baby brother from everything. I couldn't stand to see everyone treating you like shit because of who you loved. And I found myself worried about AJ as well. When Mom got back, she and I had a long talk. Through her, I began to realize that you being gay is not the end of the world. It's just who you are. I also began to realize that AJ made you happy and all I have ever wanted for you was happiness. I know why you didn't confide in me when you and AJ were having problems. I know why you talked to Tim instead or to Mom. I've been an asshole about this. They told me everything and everyday I prayed that you and AJ would be okay. I don't want you to lose the happiness he brings to you. And just know in your heart, that I love you and I am okay with everything. I am so glad you are my brother Kevin."

Kevin was silent. Jerald waited nervously for him to say something. Kevin stood up and grabbed Jerald's hand. He pulled him out of the chair and hugged him tightly.

"I'm glad you are my brother too Jerry. I wish you could have told me how you felt before. I'm really glad you did though."

Ann watched her boys hug with satisfaction. She looked up and smiled.

"See I told you he would finally come around Jerry. Just like I know you would have too."

Chapter 25

"Come on Lance boy. Time to jump onboard."

Lance yawned and stretched. Everyone else had left the room and gotten on the plane. Only he and Brian were left in the room.

"I'm scum Brian. Total scum."

Brian put his arm around Lance. How come he got stuck with Lance on the plane? What had he done to deserve this? First he had to deal with Kevin and AJ early in the morning, and then he had to pull Howie away from his family. As if that wasn't enough he had to deal with the three jokers, Nick, Allie, and Casey. Now he got to fly to Europe with Lance as his seat partner.

"No you aren't. You made a mistake that's all. We'll talk more on the plane. C'mon we're going to be late."

Lance let Brian led him out of the room. His mind was all fuzzy and all he wanted to do was go back to sleep. How did Brian know?

"Wait a moment. Who told you?"

Brian sighed and turned to Lance. "Justin did. He thought I should know since we are sitting together and we have a tendency to talk to each other. I like you Lance. But right now we have to get on the plane and fast."

AJ ran his fingers through Kevin's hair sleepily. It had taken Kevin about a minute to fall asleep again. Tim, May, and the kids had only left last night. Once they left, Kevin and AJ ran around like crazy trying to close the house up. They had just laid down to sleep when Brian showed up to get them. Luckily they had packed ahead of time due to Kevin's anal-retentiveness. On the downside it had taken 15 minutes to catch Iya and put her in the carrier.

"AJ?" AJ opened his eyes and looked at the speaker.

"Hi Casey. How are you?" She smiled happily and sat down next to him. "Is Kev asleep?" AJ nodded. "I'll keep my voice down then."

AJ smiled back, wondering what the girl wanted. "So what's up Casey?"

"Justin and I were wondering if we could play with Iya for a bit. You looked sleepy and we thought we would take her for a bit so you can sleep."

AJ looked down at the kitten. She was sitting on Kevin's chest, batting his hand with her paw. She was obviously not tired like her fathers.

"Sure. Just be really careful with her. She's still a baby and needs lots of attention. And make sure she is no where near Busta. They haven't met yet."

Casey picked up the small kitten and tickled her stomach. "Thanks AJ. We'll be careful with her. I promise."

Casey carried the kitten back over to Justin. AJ watched the two of them play with her for a moment. Casey was a sweet girl. She and Allie had been best friends since they were five, so Casey had frequently joined Allie when she visited Nick. And Justin seemed happier around her then he had been in a long time.

AJ looked back down at Kevin. He was so peaceful looking as he slept. AJ brushed his hair back from his face. Looking closely, he saw a gray hair hidden amongst the dark hair. Gray hair? Kevin was too young to have gray hair. He began to study Kevin's hair intently.

"What does he have dandruff or something?" Howie asked AJ as he walked by. AJ shook his head.

"Come look at this Howie."

Howie leaned over and looked at Kevin's head. "What am I looking at?" AJ pointed at the gray hair. Howie began to laugh. "Is that what you were looking at? Kev's gray hair?" AJ nodded. "Don't worry about it. I've got some too. It just shows up easier in dark hair. The hair and makeup people will dye it for him."

"Kevin's too young to have gray hair." AJ protested. Howie sat down next to him. He put his arm around AJ.

"Don't worry about it AJ. Kevin's got gray hair. So what. It's not the end of the world. No one is too young to have gray hair. It doesn't mean Kev's old or anything."

A camera flash went off, blinding AJ and Howie. They heard a familiar giggling as someone ran away.

"Nikolas Gene Carter! You promised not to do that this tour!" Howie jumped up and chased after Nick. AJ just laughed. He leaned over and gave Kevin a kiss on the forehead. He leaned back and closed his eyes.

"Come on Brian. Ease up a bit please." Lance tried to calm Brian down enough that he wouldn't crush his hand. Brian opened his eyes slightly.

"Are we still ascending?" Lance looked out the window. "I can't see the ground anymore." Brian opened his eyes all the way and breathed a sigh of relief. He let go of Lance's hand. Lance flexed his hand trying to get the feeling back into it.

"Sorry about that Lance." Brian apologized. He knew that most people purposely picked him as a seat partner last. Lance had gotten stuck with him.

"It's cool Brian. I don't mind." Neither of them said anything. Finally Brian broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Want to talk about it Lance?" Lance looked over at Brian, trying to determine whether he was just being polite or if he actually was concerned. The two of them were friends. They weren't especially close, but Lance knew that Brian was pretty easy to talk to. He was a surprisingly good listener.

"What did Justin tell you already?"

"Just that Jean-Michel found out that you cheated on him with Seth in LA. Justin also said that you and him made up finally." Lance nodded.

"I really fucked up. I don't know what I did to deserve Jean-Michel though. He didn't leave me Brian. I was sure he would have. He told me that our relationship together meant more to him then he thought possible. And he wanted to work this out."

"Why did you do it Lance?" Lance shrugged. "I didn't mean to Brian. I was drunk. I know it's not an excuse so you don't have to say it. I've heard the lecture many, many times since that night from the other guys."

"I'm not going to lecture you Lance. That's not what I am here to do. I asked if you wanted to talk about it. I'm hear to listen."

"I really love him Brian. He means everything to me."

"How come you didn't tell Jean-Michel right away?"

"Fear I guess. I didn't want to lose him. But in the end I guess I almost did. He won't talk to me and he won't sit with me on the plane. He said I have to wait until he feels like talking. Don't fuck it up with Shelley Brian."

"I certainly try my best not to."

"Where is Shelley anyway?" Brian looked away for a moment. He turned back to Lance. "She got called to New York three days before Christmas to argue a case she has been working on for months. She's going to be there until at least March. The trial starts in a week. It's going to be crazy."

"I'm sorry Brian." Brian nodded slowly, trying to smile at Lance. "It's okay. It would be a lot worse if I wasn't away too. Then I would probably end up in New York bothering her."

Allie flipped through a magazine, trying to pick out a wedding dress. She just hadn't had time to do it. Nick tripped and rolled head over heels. Howie stood over him menacingly. Nick took a picture of him. Howie began to laugh. Allie chuckled to herself as she watched the two of them. Nick was such a kid sometimes.

"Okay Nicky boy! You asked for it. It's tickle time!"

Howie began to tickle Nick. Justin jumped up from his seat. "Hey I want in too!" Nick began to beg them to stop as he laughed. The camera dropped out of his hand and landed near Allie. She picked it up and began to snap pictures of the three of them rolling on the ground. Casey slid into the seat next to her, holding Iya in her arms.

"Hey sweetie. Did you find anything yet?" Allie snapped a picture of a smiling Casey before putting the camera down.

"I kind of like this one, but I don't know if it will look right on me since I am so short."

Casey looked at the picture of the dress. It was a plain ivory sheath with a very low draped back and a scoop neck. Allie was right. She was too short to wear something like that. Plus it was too plain in Casey's opinion. Allie had a flair for the dramatic when she dressed up and Casey thought she should use that in the wedding as well.

"I've got an idea. We are going to be in France for a week right?" Allie nodded. "Then let's look around. You know Brian will buy any dress you want. Make the ghoul spend a little money on you. He told you that the dress was on him and to get whatever you wanted." Allie shrugged. "I hate to do that though. He and dad are already spending a lot."

Casey sighed. She really loved Allie, but sometimes she forgot how much money was at her disposal for this wedding.

"Honey, your dad's last book has been on the best seller list for the past six months. Your step-dad is one of the biggest rock stars around right now. Your grandparents are loaded beyond belief and your fiancé is one of the most sought after men in the country not to mention fabulously rich too. Don't stress over money."

Allie loved Casey like a sister. However, she still couldn't see money the way Casey did. It was a trivial issue to Casey. Money wasn't tangible. If she ever needed anything either of her parents would get it for her. That was the only thing about Casey that bothered Allie.

Casey saw that Allie wasn't going to talk about money so she let it drop.

"So what did Dad say about your choice?"

"You mean about not having Brian in the wedding?" Casey nodded. Allie shrugged and stroked Iya's head.

"He understood. And so did Brian. I was a little surprised since I do consider Brian a parent. I figured he would almost expect to be in the wedding. His exact words were 'I never thought you would want me to be in the wedding anyway. I was looking forward to crying from the front row when you said I do.' Ever since they got married and we had our little fight, neither of them have been that pushy about any of my decisions. As horrible as it sounds, a lot of what was said needed to be said."

"Did you tell them that Twiggy is going to be in the wedding?"

Allie shook her head. "No. I'm a little scared too. I hope they take it well though. He's been one of my closest friends right from the moment I met him. And he and Nick have been close for years. It's not too far-fetched an idea for him to be in the wedding party."

"Is Kate going to be okay walking with Twiggy? She seemed a little freaked that time he and I came to visit you at college."

"Remember how freaked you were the first time you met Twiggy?" Casey began to laugh. She had stayed with Allie for a few days right after she and Mikel had moved in. Twiggy had made it his personal goal to torture her once he found out that she hated video games. Now the two of them were great friends once she had thrown him in the pool in retaliation.

"She'll be okay. I'll prepare her. Plus Nick and I already made Twiggy promise to be sober at least for the ceremony."

"Hey Allie a little help here." Howie and Justin had Nick trapped. Justin was sitting on his legs and Howie had his arms above his head.

"We need someone to tickle now that he's trapped. Come on, you know you wanna'."

Allie looked down at her red-faced, laughing fiancé. Nick was trying to twist away from Justin and Howie's tight hold on him. He looked like he was ready to pee himself. She took pity on him. Allie and Casey exchanged glances. Casey put Iya on the chair and they walked over to the three guys.

Casey grabbed Justin and pulled him backwards just as Allie pulled Howie over. Nick sat up and jumped on Howie since Allie had him pinned. Soon all five of them were laughing on the ground.

AJ's dream was full of this incessant ringing noise. If he could only figure out why that tree was ringing everything would make sense. His eyes popped open and he shook himself awake. Looking around for his bag, he lifted Kevin's head off his lap and stood up shakily. Finally finding it, he pulled Kevin's phone out and answered it.

"Hello?" He must sound so groggy right now.

"Is this Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys?" A female voice asked him nervously. AJ didn't recognize her and he sighed heavily. Every so often fans found out one of their cell phone numbers.

"How did you get this number?"

"That's not important. Please let me talk to Kevin. It's very urgent."

"Whatever. Don't call this number again."

AJ hung up the phone as he heard the woman shout 'please wait.'. He turned off the phone and put it back in the bag. He turned back to the seats and saw Kevin watching him.

"Who called sexy?" AJ shrugged. "Unidentified female asking for Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys. She wouldn't say where she got the number, so I hung up on her." Kevin nodded sleepily. "Thank you honey. You're so good at protecting me. You're really good at being a pillow too." Kevin batted his eyes at AJ. Laughing, AJ sat back down and let Kevin get comfortable again.

"I love you old man." Kevin opened one eye.

"I love you too munchkin." AJ leaned over and kissed Kevin softly. Kevin's lips parted, allowing AJ to slip his tongue inside. The two of them kissed softly, forgetting where they were at the time. Kevin's hand began to stroke AJ's neck and he slowly sat up, never breaking contact with AJ lips. Kevin swiveled his body so he was straddling AJ's lap. They began to kiss more passionately, occasionally grinding their hips together. Suddenly there was a flash of light and they broke apart.

Nick stood behind them holding his camera and smiling. "Did I tell you my goal for this tour's photo album?"

AJ and Kevin just glared at him. Nick ignored them and continued talking.

"I want to see how many times I can catch the two of you hooking up. Well that and how many times I can catch Justin in the morning sporting nasty bed head."

"Go away Nick." Smiling Nick turned away. "Oh before I go, I should be nice and let you know that there is a little office in the back. See those doors back there." AJ nodded. "There's plenty of space in there. So knock off the public foreplay." Nick began to laugh and went to go bother someone else.

"He's such a mature adult one minute and such a kid the next." Kevin snuggled against AJ more. "It's the plane. He's still scared of flying but he doesn't want to show that he's scared in front of Allie, Casey, and Justin. It's a macho thing."

AJ's fingers played with Kevin's short hair. "Did you want to go in the back?" Kevin shook his head. "Not really. I'd rather just sit here and hold you if that's okay." AJ kissed his head lightly. "That sounds perfect to me."

Chris handed Howie another tissue. The two of them were hiding in the bathroom so no one would see them crying. Howie took the tissue and blew his nose loudly.

"Do we have any scotch Chris?" Chris looked through the little bottles of liquor they had liberated from the small kitchen.

"Yeah, but only one so we have to split it." Howie nodded and held out his hand. Chris put the little bottle in his hand and watched as Howie tipped it back.

Howie sighed as the warm liquid flowed down his throat. He knew that drinking was not the right answer. Howie didn't want to become an alcoholic like AJ, but right now all he wanted to do was drink. He handed the rest of the bottle to his new tour drinking partner and watched as he finished it off.

"Is Danielle going to bring the girls if she comes to visit?" Chris shook his head. "We decided that they are still too young to fly. Is Luna going to come with Ameena when she joins the tour next week?"

"No. Both of us are really pissed that Jive threw her contract at us. They said that she agreed to be the lighting specialist and safety coordinator for at least the next three tours should they happen. They refuse to let her have maternity leave, saying that she has basically been on it since August. The only reason I didn't quit was they would have done the same thing to me."

"Damn I never thought our record company would be so cold to its talent. Just because she works for them too." Chris shook his head in sympathy.

"They told us we should be grateful that they aren't assigning her to another tour since she works for them not us. Sons of bitches."

Howie grabbed a random bottle of liquor and downed it. He began to cough and sputter. Chris took the bottle from his hand and read the label.

"Oh just drank vermouth!" Chris was shocked. Howie turned green and groaned. Chris grabbed his arm and pulled him to the toilet. Howie began to violently empty the contents of his stomach while Chris held his hair back and rubbed his neck.

"It's okay Howie. Get it all up." Chris knew Howie hated vermouth and always got sick when he drank it.

"Excuse me please." Jean-Michel stood next to Lance and Brian and softly interrupted them. The conversation stopped immediately.

"Could you please excuse us Brian? I would like to talk to Lance for a moment in private." Brian nodded and grabbed his bag containing his laptop. He squeezed Lance's shoulder reassuringly, leaving the two of them alone.

Brian wandered up the aisle looking for someone else to talk to. Kevin and AJ were both lying down, talking softly. He didn't want to bother them. Joey was sleeping on JC's lap and JC was engrossed in a book. Justin, Casey, Nick, and Allie were watching a movie in the main room. Brian contemplated joining them, but both couches were taken by the happy couples.

He sighed heavily. As usual of late, Brian was left alone. When it was just the one band, he and Howie ended up spending a lot of time together. Nick, Kevin, and AJ were pretty inseparable lately. For some reason though, when the two bands got together, he was the odd man out. He opened the door to the office and sat down at the desk. Brian's solace lately had been his writings.

Brian began the complicated logon procedure to start his laptop. He knew he was overly paranoid, but his laptop contained his most intimate thoughts and he didn't want anyone to read them.

Once he was in, Brian scanned his music library, searching for something suitable to write to. Soon the strains of Mozart's The Magic Flute began.

Brian smiled and opened up a file titled Passages. He scrolled to the bottom of the document and began to type.

Chris threw Howie's arm around his shoulder. Howie looked terrible and Chris wanted to get him somewhere he could sleep. He dragged him out of the bathroom, practically carrying the dazed Howie. He hoped fervently that they wouldn't attract any attention. He passed Justin, Nick, Casey, and Allie without them noticing.

Chris helped Howie lay down across their seats. Howie groaned loudly. Chris threw a blanket over him and a pillow under his head. Hopefully Howie would just sleep it off. Chris walked over to an empty row of seats and laid down himself.

Brian tore himself from his laptop and stretched. The Magic Flute was finished and he had lost steam with his writing. He knew better then to force it. Looking at the clock, Brian was shocked to see that they were supposed to land in about 45 minutes.

He packed up his laptop and walked back out in the main cabin of the plane. It was eerily silent. The TV was off and the four movie-watchers were fast asleep. Soon Brian realized everyone was asleep but him.

He passed Chris and Howie sleeping on separate rows of seats. Joey and JC were sleeping soundly too. JC was sleeping basically on top of Joey, his head resting on Joey's chest. Joey's arms were wrapped around JC tightly. Brian looked at the two of them for a moment. What was that about? He knew JC was into guys as well as girls, but Joey? Joey was definitely straight. Brian shrugged and continued walking.

Busta and Iya were curled up together on Kevin's chest. AJ's arm was draped across Kevin's waist and his head was resting on Busta's butt and Kevin's chest. Brian smiled at the sight. How could Kevin sleep comfortably with all of them on him?

He finally got back to his seat and found Lance and Jean-Michel sleeping as well. They were holding each other tightly and there was no way Brian was going to interrupt them for anything.

Brian decided the best thing to do was go to sleep as well. Of course he had to get pictures first. Now where was Nick's camera at?

Chapter 26

"Allison! Get back in here now!" Nick screamed from the door to his hotel room. Allie stomped down the hall, ignoring his yells. Doors all the way up and down the hallway opened up. Heads poked out, trying not to appear nosy, but still curious at the same time. Allie continued walking down the hall away from Nick. He ran after her, grabbing her arm.

"Let go of me if you know what is good for you Nikolas."

Her eyes flashed defiantly at him as he held onto her arm tightly. "Come back into the room Allie. You're making a scene."

"I'm making a scene! All I did was leave a room. You're the one who shouted out the door and then ran down the hall after me. I think you are the one making the scene."

Kevin watched from his doorway nervously. He wanted to interrupt the arguing couple, but he knew that they would just get angrier if it was implied they couldn't handle their own problems.

"Allie I'm sorry I said that okay. I had no idea you were going to react the way you did. Will you please come back into the bedroom and talk about it with me?"

"Nick I can't believe that you would say something like that about my father. He may be a jerk sometimes and he may be caught up in his own life, but he is still my father. You can't say something like that."

Allie's voice began to waver. Her façade of anger was slipping and the cracks were starting to show through. Nick almost took pleasure in the fact that he had broken her. He shook his head, clearing his head of that horrible thought.

Nick reached his hand out to Allie. She turned her head away, but the tears were already falling from her eyes. She let Nick pull her to his chest and she buried her face, crying hard. Nick picked her up and cradled her in his arms. He carried her back into the bedroom, leaving the rest of the guys alone, peeking their heads out of the door.

Chris and Joey exchanged glances from across the hall. Neither of them wanted to get involved in Nick and Allie's business. Chris yawned and shut the door. He was exhausted.

Joey shut the door behind him as well. JC was stretched out on the bed, half asleep.

"What was it Joey?" JC asked sleepily. "Nick and Allie are having a fight." He crawled into bed next to JC. Joey didn't mind that JC was spending so much time with him. He understood why he was doing it. Besides, it wasn't the first time Joey had shared a bed with one of his band mates. Justin used to do it a lot when he was younger.

Joey began to drift off to sleep. He felt JC roll over and cuddle up to him. Joey began to stroke JC's hair sleepily, comforting his friend. "Go to sleep Josh."

"I love you Joey." JC muttered softly. Joey heard him as he fell asleep, but it didn't register in his mind.

Brian listened to the phone ring over and over again. He sighed as he hung up the phone. He didn't want to leave another message on Shelley's machine. That would just seem too pathetic. Still he hadn't talked to her in three days. She was never home and she never seemed to answer her cell phone.

He wondered if maybe he was the only one who was missing the other person. Shelley just didn't seem to make the effort on her end.

Brian wandered around his small hotel room. He wished he could have gotten a bigger room, but that wasn't possible. Kevin and AJ got a big room. Nick and Allie had a big room and so did Lance and Jean-Michel.

The phone next to his bed began to ring. Excitedly, he grabbed it.


"Hey sweetie. I'm glad your still up."

"Oh Shelley it's so good to hear your voice." He could hear her chewing on the other end. She must have taken the time to call while eating.

"I know Brian. I've missed you so much. I'm sorry I haven't called you. The past few days have been hell. I've slept maybe five hours in the last 48. And it's just going to get worse. Enough of that though, how are you doing?"

"I'm really lonely. Everyone has paired up with someone already. I feel like I am the only person here without someone to talk to."

"Hold on one moment honey." Brian heard a click as she put him on hold. He began to wander around the room, waiting for her to click back over to him. He plopped down onto the couch and turned on the TV.

With a sigh, Brian hung up the phone. If she got off the phone, she'll call him back. At least he hoped so.

Brian stayed up as long as he could. He reached up and turned the light off. Brian rolled over and hugged the pillow to him, crying softly. The tour was just beginning and he was already this lonely.

"Will you please lie down Kevin?" AJ groaned in exasperation. Somehow he had blocked out how Kevin was while touring. Kevin's exercise routine alone drove AJ nuts.

Kevin stopped mid push-up and looked over at AJ. "I only have 10 more reps to do and then I will get in bed. I promise. Just go to sleep AJ."

"Fine. Just shower first okay. Your all smelly." AJ turned off the light and settled into bed. He could hear Kevin doing the push-ups, humming quietly as he exercised. AJ started to drift off as the shower began.

Kevin soaped up his body, still humming quietly. He really wasn't tired. He had slept for almost all of the plane trip. AJ hadn't slept as much as him, but he had slept a lot too. Unlike Kevin though, AJ could always sleep more.

The crowd at the airport had been a lot smaller then expected. Apparently the word had not gotten out until late that their plane was getting in tonight. Tomorrow, they were all heading over to the arena to run-thru the show in a stadium before the first concert. Kevin was actually pretty excited about touring again. Despite all his reluctance to tour again, he had fallen right back into the groove of things the moment he set his bags in the hotel room.

He dried off quickly and ran into the bedroom. He hopped into bed, opting to go without boxers. Kevin snuggled up against AJ's back, feeling the warmth radiating off of his body. With a sigh, Kevin kissed the back of his neck and closed his eyes.

"I love you Alex."

"I love you too Kevin." AJ murmured in his sleep.

The alarm went off, ringing incessantly. Kevin sat up quickly and turned it off. Momentarily disoriented, he remembered he was on tour. He reached for the phone ready to order breakfast for everyone, when something stopped him. Kevin reached over and shook AJ lightly.

"AJ wake up." AJ just groaned in response. Kevin shook him harder. "Get up lazy ass." AJ opened one eye to look at him. "What time is it?" Kevin grinned "Time to get up." AJ groaned again, rolling back over.

"AJ do I order breakfast still or does Brian do that now too?"

AJ opened his eyes and rolled over to face Kevin. He knew Kevin was having a hard time dealing with not being in charge. He was honestly confused about what to do.

"Simple logic. We're the only ones with a living room. I would conclude we are holding court for breakfast." AJ sat up and gave Kevin a kiss. "Eww...morning breath." He wrinkled his nose, causing Kevin to start to laugh. Kevin leaned over and kissed him again. "Yours isn't that hot either bitch."

"Just order breakfast. I want eggs." Kevin stuck his tongue out at AJ who reached over and tweaked a nipple in retaliation. AJ climbed out of bed and stretched out his body while Kevin ordered a ton of food to be delivered to their room in an hour.

"Should we call everyone before or after we shower?"

"Who else would be up already?" Kevin shrugged. "Howie would be my only guess. He's the only morning person in the whole group."

"Call him up and tell him to call everyone. Get them over here to eat in an hour." Kevin nodded and dialed Howie, all the while watching as AJ wandered towards the bathroom, absent-mindedly scratching his chest.

"Hello?" Howie's voice was muffled and quiet. Kevin could barely hear him. Chris had told him last night that Howie was not going to be that great this morning because they had drunk a lot on the plane. Kevin knew what was up. Howie had done this before.

"Howie, turn the receiver around!" He shouted, knowing that Howie could barely hear him as well. Kevin heard muffled bumps and thuds as Howie dropped the receiver in the process.

"Kevin? Is that you?"

"Morning Howie. You up?"

"I am now. What's up?"

"Can you call everyone and tell them breakfast is in our room in an hour?"

"Sure Kev. See you in an hour."

Kevin hopped out of bed, shivering as the cool air hit his bare skin. Maybe he should have put pajamas on last night. He heard the shower running already. He hopped in behind AJ, who was standing under the water, letting it run over his face and body.

"Morning sexy." AJ turned to Kevin, smiling. "I see someone is awake now. Good morning to you too." Kevin leaned in for a quick kiss.

He handed AJ the shampoo and he grabbed the soap. Quickly falling back into familiar patterns, they showered, finishing up in ten minutes.

"Shave?" Kevin rubbed his hand over his stubble. He probably should, but he didn't feel like it. "Nah. I'll shave later if they make me." AJ nodded as he lathered up his own face. Kevin wandered back into the bedroom and opened the closet.

"I want to wear something silly today Kev!" AJ shouted from the bathroom. Kevin sighed as he rifled through AJ's clothes. He finally decided on a pair of tight plaid pants that showed off AJ's ass really well. He grinned. If AJ had to dress strange, Kevin might as well get some pleasure from it. He paired that with a tight black shirt and a green and yellow button up shirt to wear over-top. Finally he grabbed AJ's black boots. He tossed everything on the bed.

Kevin shook his head. AJ had him trained well. These were outfits Kevin never would have imagined picking out. He tossed a pair of boxers and socks on top of the clothing before pulling on a pair of his own boxers. He turned back to the closet to pick out his own clothes.

"Damn you already have boxers on. I was hoping to violate you." AJ grinned as he walked out of the bathroom. Kevin looked over his shoulder. "They can be removed you know."

"Nah. I'm lazy. That's a lot of work just to violate you." AJ began to get dressed as he watched Kevin look through his clothes. It took Kevin forever some days to decide on clothing. Finally he settled on a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans. He also took out a pair of sneakers and walked over to the bed, laying his clothes down.

"You are so boring sometimes." Kevin zipped up his jeans before answering.

"If we both had your 'flair', the world would go blind. One of us has to be normal."

"Thanks honey."

"Your welcome sweetie. Come on. Let's get some work done before the guys get here."

Nick stood under the shower, still half-asleep. He didn't know how he had gotten in the shower, but he was here. He willed his arms to pick up the shampoo and wash his hair.

He could hear music coming from the bedroom. Loud music. How can anyone listen to something so loud in the morning? Somehow he had managed to find a morning person. It made him sick. Allie was always so awake and chipper in the morning. And they hadn't gotten to sleep until really late because of Nick's stupidity.

Nick thought back to what he had said. What made him say to Allie that her father was acting like a child about the wedding? He shook his head. That was so stupid. What was he thinking?

Regretfully, Nick realized he wasn't thinking; that was the problem. He finished up his shower and grabbed a towel. His mind was still fuzzy, but he was awake. The fuzziness would disappear after a cup of coffee. He tied his robe around himself tightly and walked back into the bedroom.

"Morning sunshine. I see you are at least conscious now." Allie grinned at him. She was sitting Indian-style on the bed, brushing her hair. Nick took in the sight of his pretty fiancée. She was so beautiful in her sweatshirt and boxers, still unshowered and all messy.

"Do you have any idea how beautiful you look right now?" Allie blushed deeply.

"Flattery will get you everywhere Nikolas, but not right now. I need to shower and then we have to get down to Kevin and AJ's room for breakfast."

"Is that why I am awake?" She nodded. "How did I get in the shower? I don't remember getting out of bed."

"I kind of pulled you out of bed and directed you in the general direction of the shower. You did the rest yourself."

"Thanks dear." He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled brightly and hopped off the bed.

"What are we listening to?"

"Jeez, you don't even recognize your future father-in-law's music? I'm going to have to let Brian know. He'll be very disappointed."

"This isn't Marilyn." Allie laughed as she shook her head. "Of course it is. It's just not anything that's been released. These are the studio cuts for the new album. He wants me to do some vocals again and wanted me to hear the early cuts."

"He's doing another album already?" Allie quickly undressed and threw her robe on. Nick tried not to watch, but it was tough knowing she was naked under that little silk robe.

"Brian said he was inspired. Plus MW has some great keyboard stuff he came up with on tour. They all wanted to get back in the studio right away since the tour was cut short."

"Go get in the shower. You're driving me crazy standing there in that skimpy robe." Allie grinned and spun around quickly. She grabbed the tie and pulled it, letting the robe fall open slightly as she turned back to Nick.

"I'm going to get in the shower." She turned away, letting the robe fall open all the way. As she walked it flowed behind her, causing Nick to groan in frustration.

Lance looked over at Jean-Michel who was sleeping peacefully in the bed. Lance had slept on the couch last night at Jean-Michel's request. It was time to wake him up though. Howie had called and told him breakfast was in Kevin and AJ's room.

Lance shook Jean lightly, saying his name softly at the same time. Jean-Michel opened his eyes and looked up at Lance.

"Morning James." He mumbled softly, still half-asleep. Lance's heart soared. He had called him James!

"Good morning Jean. Howie called and said breakfast is in Kevin and AJ's room. Do you want first shower?"

Jean-Michel shook his head. "I will shower after breakfast. Can I sleep a little longer? Will you wake me when you are finished showering?"

"Of course I will sweetie. Go back to sleep." Lance smiled. Jean-Michel was asleep again before he had finished the sentence.

Howie and Brian walked down the hall to Kevin and AJ's room together. They both had gotten ready quickly and wanted out of their rooms. Chris joined them as they wandered down the hall.

"Hey where are JC and Joey at?" Chris asked Howie.

"I called Joey and told him. I got no answer at JC's room. I assumed he was just in the shower. It doesn't really matter anyway. Breakfast isn't for another 20 minutes."

Chris looked towards Joey's door, wondering if maybe JC was in there. The two of them had been inseparable lately. JC wouldn't sleep in Joey's bed though. They weren't that close.

Joey pulled JC closer, ignoring the fact that Howie had told him to get up. He couldn't imagine moving from this comfortable position. He had never thought that he would be so comfortable and happy holding JC in his arms all night long.

JC stretched slightly, lifting his head from Joey's chest. He could feel arms around him, but he couldn't fathom whose arms he was in. He opened his eyes and saw Joey. JC was shocked, but not upset at all.

He smiled at Joey when he opened his eyes.

"Morning Joey."

"Morning Josh."

Joey leaned forward and gave JC a kiss on the lips. JC jumped backwards slightly. Joey looked away from him in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry. I...god I'm stupid."

JC put his arms around Joey and pulled him into a hug. "Your not stupid. I just wasn't expecting it." Joey smiled back at JC.

JC leaned in and kissed Joey on the lips softly. Joey's arms wrapped around JC's waist, pulling him closer. JC slipped his tongue into Joey's mouth, running his hands over Joey's bald head.

Joey sat up, sweating. What the hell was that? JC was on the other side of the bed, still asleep. Had he really just had a dream where he was kissing JC?

Joey reached over and shook JC lightly. "Come on get up. We have to get to breakfast. We're going to be late."

JC rolled over and put the pillow over his head. With a sigh, Joey pulled the pillow off JC's head and began to tickle him.

"Okay I'm up. I'm up." JC sat up and rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry about last night Joey. I didn't mean to fall asleep in here." Joey dismissed his apology with a wave.

"That's silly Josh. I don't mind at all. It was kind of nice actually. I've gotten so used to someone sleeping in bed with me since Kimmie stays with me most nights."

JC nodded. He looked around the room, looking a little lost. "Come here Josh. Give me a hug." JC climbed out of bed and walked over to Joey.

Joey folded JC into his arms, holding him tightly. The urge to kiss him was overwhelming Joey. He let go of JC quickly and went to his closet. JC was confused by Joey's mood swings. What was going on?

"I'm going to go shower and get changed."

"No time. Just grab something out of my closet. I kind of didn't wake up when Howie called me."

JC looked through Joey's closet and grabbed a pair of warm-up pants and a t-shirt. "Thanks Joey." He headed towards the bathroom, feeling slightly self-conscious in front of Joey.

"You don't have to change in the bathroom. It's cool."

JC turned around and smiled at Joey. He dropped the clothes on the bed and pulled his shirt off. "Do you need boxers or anything Josh?"

"Nah, I'll just wear the dirty ones until after breakfast."

Joey tried not to watch as JC changed. He caught glimpses of JC's well-formed body. Joey looked away. JC finished getting changed and went into the bathroom.

"Joey, does anyone know that I slept in here?" JC asked from the bathroom while he peed.

"No. Does it matter?"

"I don't want people to talk. It might be weird for you. They know about me and they might talk about you."

"Get out here Josh."

JC washed his hands quickly and went into the bedroom. Joey was standing with his hands on his hips.

"I don't care what anyone says Josh. It's none of their business what you and I do together."

"But we aren't doing anything together Joey. We just shared a bed."

Joey made his decision in his mind. Kimmie and him had talked about the relationship they had. When he had left, they both had decided to make it into an open relationship.

Joey reached his hand out to JC. Confused JC took it. Joey pulled him into another hug. JC started to rest his head on Joey's shoulder, but Joey lifted his head and looked into his eyes. Joey leaned in and pressed his lips against JC's. JC let himself get swept away. He returned the kiss and let himself melt into Joey's body. The kiss picked up passion that was previously unknown between the two of them.

They broke apart, panting slightly, neither of them sure what had just happened.

"We should go to eat." Joey took JC's hand and led him out of the bedroom. He squeezed JC's hand tightly, enjoying the feeling.

Kevin opened the door a little and went back into the bedroom. AJ had magazines strewn on the bed, looking at flower arrangements and tuxedos. Kevin was trying to start an invitation list. Howie, Chris, and Brian wandered into the living room, talking loudly.

"Hey guys. We're in the bedroom if you want to join us." AJ shouted out to them. Howie poked his head in the room. "What are you guys doing?"

AJ held up a picture. "Flower arrangements. Did you wake everyone else up?"

"Of course I did. I couldn't find JC or Casey, but that doesn't worry me much. I think Casey is in Nick and Allie's room. And I'm pretty sure JC was in the shower when I called."

Howie sat down on the bed next to AJ. He looked over the magazines strewn on the bed. "I like that one." Howie pointed at a simple flower arrangement of roses, lilies, and tulips.

"Too plain. At least in my opinion. It is just in Kev's range of taste though."

"Just because I don't want our colors to be magenta and fluorescent green, he gives me shit about being boring Howie."

Kevin walked over to the bed and looked at the flowers Howie pointed out. "I like that one actually. I think it's nice AJ." AJ groaned. "I need coffee before we do more of this. When is breakfast getting here?"

The three of them walked back into the living room, where everyone but Joey and JC had joined them. Various stages of waking up could be seen through the room. Both Justin and Jean-Michel looked like they had just rolled out of bed. Neither of them were out of their pajamas. Everyone else was doing a little better. Except for the non-existent Joey and JC.

There was a knock on the door. Brian answered it and let room service in. Brian held the door open for them. He looked down the hall and saw Joey and JC heading towards the room. He was about to say hello when they stopped. JC leaned over and kissed Joey on the lips while Brian watched in shock. Joey giggled and intertwined his fingers with JC's. Brian shut the door, leaving them a little privacy.

Everyone attacked the food and coffee, loading up plates and claiming spots to sit. JC and Joey slipped in unnoticed by everyone but Brian. He watched the two of them get food, standing close to each other and giggling. Joey's hand brushed JC's as they both reached for the bacon.

Howie followed Brian's line of vision. JC and Joey. Nothig strange there. What was Brian watching? Howie shrugged and continued his conversation with Chris.

"So Kevin, what's up for today?" Justin asked as he sipped his coffee. Kevin was silent. He put down his coffee and walked out of the room. AJ followed right behind him. Everyone else glared at Justin.


"Justin, Kevin is no longer in charge remember. He's having some problems dealing with it and the best way to help him is to not ask him what's up for the day." Justin's face fell as he realized what he had done.

"I'm sorry I forgot. Should I go apologize?" Howie shook his head. "Let AJ take care of it. None of us, besides AJ, have figured out how to talk to him about it without him blowing up at us."

Brian tuned back in, breaking his gaze from JC and Joey. They were sitting on the floor across from each other, their knees barely touching, as they ate.

"Well today we check out the arena at 9. Then at 11, 'Nsync has an interview with a local TV station. BSB is off until 3 when we have a quick photo shoot for tour promotion. Then it's back to the arena for the opening concert of the tour tonight. Everyone ready?"

Joey raised his hand.

"I think I forgot my favorite Superman shirt. But just in case, did anyone find it packed among their stuff?" He grinned at everyone as they just laughed at him.

"Ah well. I guess I'll just have Kimmie send it to me."

"Hey Kev, it's okay. Justin was half-asleep and he forgot. That's all. So don't get all crazy about it okay love?" AJ rubbed Kevin's back. Kevin had flung himself face down on the bed, burying his head in the pillow. AJ could tell by the way his body was shaking that he was crying.

"It's so hard AJ. I want to know. I want to be in charge. I feel so out of control."

"Kev, then why aren't you? I don't want to be mean or anything, but your acting like a complete ass about this. If you want your job back, go ask Brian if you can have it back. I seriously doubt he will say no."

Kevin rolled over and looked at AJ with tear-stained eyes. "Really? If I do, promise to tell me if I am neglecting you. I feel so bad when I don't pay attention to you."

"Oh Kev, don't worry about it. You have never, ever neglected me for work. I have never felt abandoned because you are at a meeting."

"Thanks." AJ stood up and held his hand out to Kevin. "Come on. Your coffee is going to get cold and lord knows how bad you are when you don't get enough coffee."

Kevin swatted AJ's hand away, laughing at the same time. "I am not that bad."

"Okay honey. Your not that bad. Sure thing." AJ sprinted out of the room before Kevin could catch him. Kevin chased after him into the living room and pulled him onto a couch, tickling him horribly.

Everyone was glad that they were happy and Kevin wasn't upset except for Nick. They were on top of Nick at the moment and a few stray tickles were hitting his side. Plus the orange juice he had been holding, he was now wearing.

Kevin let AJ up, noticing that Nick was on the bottom of the pile. Nick had orange juice down the front of his shirt, egg on his face, and syrup in his hair.

"Oops. Sorry Nick." Nick just grinned as he jumped up, catching Kevin off-guard. Kevin landed on the ground with Nick on top of him. In a few moves, Nick had Kevin pinned.

"Say Uncle old man!" Nick was laughing as he tried to hold the larger man down. "No way kiddo!" Kevin twisted underneath Nick, trying unsuccessfully to get away.

Allie and Casey watched in amazement as the two men fought. No one else looked that shocked. Justin yawned.

"Don't look too shocked. This is what happens when we tour. You get 10 guys trapped in a hotel together and they are bound to let off steam somehow. Just wait until we all get involved." Justin explained to the two girls.

"Okay kids! Enough of that. We have work to do." Brian shouted above the noise. Kevin and Nick broke apart, each breathing heavily from exertion.

"Damn old man. You still got it." Kevin laughed at Nick. "Not really. I need a nap now. That took a lot out of me."

The two of them just stayed where they were as Brian gave out instructions to the two groups. Jean-Michel gave a brief speech about what he needed from each of them while on tour. He was working on a dual tour diary for both websites and needed each of them to write brief entries as often as possible.

"Okay group dismissed. We all meet out here again in 1 hour. Do not be late or else we let Nick have the key to your room one night at a very inopportune moment."

Nick giggled evilly. He loved his role as photographer because he had so much power over people. Plus it was just so amusing.

Everyone scattered, leaving Kevin and AJ with a living room full of dirty dishes and half-eaten food. Kevin laid back down on the ground. AJ came over and sat on his stomach.

"I wasn't joking AJ. Nick wore me out. I don't think I can get up. I'm too old for this."

AJ laughed and leaned over to kiss Kevin.

"It's okay Kev. I won't tell anyone if you just sleep on the floor for a bit. I promise I will wake you."

Kevin nodded and rolled over. AJ handed him a pillow and headed into the bedroom to get more work done while Kevin slept.

---So I finished another section finally. You guys can all yell at me if you wish. I feel bad. I really do. But what can I say. I'm in college. I don't have as much time to write as I used to. But I keep writing when I can. Send all threats, hate mail, love letters, x-rated mail, and praise to I will try really, really hard to e-mail you back.

Next: Chapter 10: Escape 27 29

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