
By Rachel Lewis

Published on Oct 12, 1999


Here it is..the long-awaited Chapter 20 of Escape. I'm not going to talk much now. Just know that I really like writing this chapter and it has restored my faith in the story. In other words, no more fears about it ending anytime soon. After this chapter, Escape and Choices will be coincding with each other. Enjoy!!

Disclaimer: It's a story. Fiction and all. Not true. Blah blah blah

Chapter 20

Kevin stood in front of the door to his own house and paused. He had his key out, about to open the door, but he stopped. Having not been here for a week, he felt the need to knock. Just walking in seemed rude. This was AJ's house.

Kevin knocked twice, loud enough for AJ to hear.

AJ stood at the door, his hand shaking. He was fighting with himself to open the door. He wanted to open the door, he really did. His hand touched the doorknob, slowly turning it. He pulled the door open and saw the man he loved standing there.

Kevin smiled when he saw AJ peek around the door. AJ smiled happily when he saw Kevin and opened the door all the way. Neither of them made any movement towards each other.

AJ looked at Kevin standing there. He was wearing a ratty old sweater and old jeans. His hair was all messed up and he hadn't shaved yet today. He looked all goofy and cute, his hands shoved into his pockets and his sneakers untied. AJ wanted to grab him and hug him and kiss him all over. But he held back.

Kevin watched AJ study him. He knew he was being watched, but he stood there and let AJ look at him, he just took the same liberty with AJ. AJ was still in his boxers. His hair was wet and standing up, so Kevin knew he had showered. AJ's T-shirt was sticking to his chest in certain areas. AJ looked so incredibly sexy at that moment.

"Can I come in?"

AJ reached his hand out towards Kevin tentatively. Kevin took it, holding AJ's hand for the first time in days. AJ pulled him forward, leading him into the house.

"Have you eaten yet?" AJ asked, leading Kevin towards the kitchen.

"Nope. Have you?"

AJ shook his head.

"I did make some food though. I've been making breakfast for Jessie everyday for when she gets back from her first rehearsal."

AJ led Kevin towards the kitchen, his fingers intertwined tightly with Kevin's. That felt good. Holding Kevin's hand had always felt good, even before they started dating. Something about Kevin's hand had always comforted him. AJ's fear of being alone with Kevin subsided and he relaxed.

Kevin could feel AJ relax. Until he had taken AJ's hand, Kevin had no idea how tense AJ really was. He knew he was the cause of that. Kevin felt so guilty for being the cause of that tension and fear. Would things ever be normal again?

"Of course they will be Kevin. It's just going to take some time."

"Reading my thoughts again AJ?" He smiled as AJ guided him towards the kitchen table.

"I always could. Do you want eggs or pancakes?"

"Either. After a week at Nick's, you could feed me sawdust and I wouldn't complain."

AJ laughed and reached for the plate of eggs on the counter.

"So I take it Nick still can't cook."

"No, he can cook. Unfortunately, he can only cook grilled cheese, macaroni and cheese, and soup with cheese. But he makes those really well."

"Well here is some real food then, AJ style."

AJ placed a plate of food in front of Kevin. Piled high on the plate was eggs, home fries, bacon, and fruit. AJ put a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee down next. He smiled and sat down in front of his plate of food.

"Wow AJ. Is there enough left for Jessie?" AJ nodded, his mouth full of food.

"She eats very little. Most likely she'll eat a small plate of eggs and fruit. As long as there is coffee, she's a happy girl."

AJ watched as Kevin dug into the pile of food. They both ate, trying to pretend they weren't watching the other person. Kevin caught AJ's eye, causing him to blush. Kevin just smiled at him.

"I can't seem to get used to making smaller portions. I'm so used to cooking for two people with healthy appetites. I have so many leftovers in the fridge."

"I can always take some back to Nick's with me. We'll eat them for sure."

"I'll make sure to wrap some up for you before you leave."

Kevin took a long sip of his coffee and smiled. Coffee always made him feel better.

"What were you going to do today AJ?"

AJ swallowed his bite of pancake.

"I wanted to head back to the studio to finish mixing Carefree. I'm having problems with Howie's vocals on that one. I can't seem to make them work with the rest. I think they might be pitched a little too high. If that's the case, I have to get him in the studio this afternoon to do them again."

"Before you re-record them, have you tried masking Howie's vocals and playing them as an echo to ours?"

AJ was silent, playing the changes in his head. He slowly nodded.

"That might just work. Thanks Kev."

"Hey I may not be as good as you when it comes to producing, but I occasionally come up with good suggestions."

"Do you want to come with me? Unless of course you had other plans."

Kevin smiled brightly.

"I would love to. Plus I can play you the finished mix of Dreaming of You. Just put the finishing touches on that baby yesterday."

"All we have left to finish is Far Away right?"

"Yup, and we can't do that until Nick gets back. I refuse to let anyone take his baby away just because he is out of town. Nick started that one and he will finish that one. Plus it's his song to Allie."

AJ looked down at his plate and moved some eggs around.

"We all had our songs this time. Our own babies."

"Do you ever get worried about the album Kevin? Worried that no one will like it?"

"I worry about that everyday. I even talked to Karen about that. What we have to understand is we can't control that, so we should stop trying. This album is the best one we have ever done. We are going to show the world that we are talented not just as dancers and singers, but also as musicians and songwriters. We made this album ourselves AJ. There's no way it's going to flop."

AJ smiled happily. Kevin had just echoed every thought he had about the new album. AJ was so proud of the work they had all done for this album. Truthfully, he was more worried then the others. He was the producer for all but two of the songs.

"Is it okay if I shower AJ? I'll use one of the guest bathrooms."

AJ shook his head.

"That's stupid Kevin. This is your house too. Shower in our shower."

Kevin got up and put his plate in the sink. He picked up AJ's as well. He watched as AJ's mind went to a far away land. Kevin knew he was thinking about the music and what he was going to do with it once he got to the studio.

Kevin couldn't resist planting a kiss on AJ's cheek. AJ broke out of his trance and looked back at Kevin.

"I'm sorry. You looked so adorable sitting there, I just had to kiss you. I'm so sorry AJ."

AJ took Kevin's hand and kissed each of his fingers.

"Don't be. Just make sure you get my lips the next time."

Shocked, Kevin let himself be pulled down by AJ. His lips touched AJ's for the first time since that horrible night.

Softly, AJ pressed his lips to Kevin's, enjoying the feeling of his lover's mouth. Kevin parted his lips slightly, allowing AJ's tongue to enter. AJ touched the tip of his tongue to Kevin's, pulling him closer at the same time.

Kevin felt electricity pass through AJ's lips, infusing his body with a sense of warmth and calmness. This is what he had been missing for so long, this love, this passion.

AJ's mind was focused on one thought. 'I've missed him so much.' Nothing else seemed to matter, this is what he wanted to happen. AJ had wanted to hold Kevin so bad it hurt. Now he was.

AJ backed away, leaving Kevin slightly reaching for his lips.

"See, that's why you have to kiss my lips. Now go shower. We have work to do beautiful."

Kevin began to walk away. Smirking, AJ reached out and smacked Kevin lightly on the ass. He turned to look at him.

"Sorry, I've been wanting to do that."

Kevin smiled and headed upstairs.

AJ watched him leave. Whatever had happened in the last hour had completely washed all fears AJ had away. Now AJ knew he couldn't stand to have Kevin go back to Nick's. He had to have him at home with him.

Kevin walked into their bedroom and flopped on the bed. He rolled over, letting his head rest on AJ's pillow. He could smell AJ and that made him feel so secure and safe. This is where he wanted to be. But he wouldn't push it. That was up to AJ.

He quickly stripped down, leaving his clothing in a small pile on the bed. Kevin walked into the bathroom and flipped on the light switch. On the counter was a picture of him and AJ from the Rolling Stone shoot. It was the one when Kevin winked at AJ and AJ began to laugh. They looked so happy together. He wanted that moment back.

AJ picked up the phone and dialed quickly.


"Hey Howie, it's AJ. Are you free to talk for a moment?"

"Sure, Luna is asleep and Ameena is out doing the grocery shopping. I'm totally yours."

"When Ameena gets back, can you do me a favor?"

"Sure what's up?"

Howie listened quietly as AJ outlined his plan. He wrote down everything AJ said, making sure to get everything right.

AJ hung up the phone and headed up to the bedroom. He pushed open the door, his mind still on the plans he and Howie had just gone over. The shower was still running, so he knew he had time to jump into the bathroom and shave. He took his shirt off and tossed it on the bed with Kevin's stuff.


"Yeah AJ?"

"Is it cool if I come in and shave?"


AJ opened the bathroom door and walked in. He lathered up his face and moved over to the steam-free mirror and began to shave. He could just barely see Kevin's silhouette from where he was.

Kevin could see AJ perfectly. Watching him shave, his shirt off, Kevin fell in love again.



"Do you realize that this past week was the first time in a few years that we haven't showered together in the morning?"

"I know. It was weird. It's also been the first time since we began sharing a room on tour that we haven't slept in the same bed for at least part of the night."

"I've missed having you next to me."

"I've had so much trouble sleeping that I've ended up in Jessie's bed almost every night."

Kevin stuck his head out of the shower.

"I've ended up in Nick's bed a few times, but that's a little weird for both of us."

"Did he let you stay though?"

"Yeah. AJ, Nick is really the greatest friend I think I have ever had. This past week, he has been a lifesaver. I never knew how much he valued our friendship until all of this began."

"Nick has been involved in this since the beginning. Since that day at Marilyn's. Much more so then the other two. I don't think we will ever be able to repay him for all he's done these past six months."

AJ and Kevin were both silent as they finished up their respective bathroom duties. Kevin reached out for a towel and pulled it into the shower with him, slightly self-conscious in front of AJ for some reason.

AJ recognized that and left the bathroom. He quickly threw on a pair of white pants and a green and blue sweater. AJ grabbed his black and white leopard print shoes and headed out the door before Kevin was done in the bathroom.

Kevin heard the bedroom door shut, signaling that AJ was finished and it was his turn in the bedroom. He opened the door and headed over to their closet. Most of his clothes were still here, so he had quite a choice of clothing to wear. Settling on his favorite black sweater (the one AJ hadn't shrunk) and a pair of yellow pants that AJ had bought for him as a joke years ago, he dropped the towel and laid the clothes on the bed.

He rummaged through his underwear drawer, pulling out a pair of yellow boxers. Kevin quickly got dressed, hurrying because he knew AJ was anxious to get to the studio. He needed to do something first though.

Kevin picked up the phone and dialed quickly.


"Hey Howie. It's Kevin. You free to talk?"

Howie tried to stifle a laugh. These two were a riot sometimes.

"Yeah what's up?"

"Can you do me a favor while I'm out with AJ today?"

Howie was really having to fight the urge not to laugh. This was too funny. He knew what Kevin was going to ask him to do for him.

Kevin outlined his plan to Howie. Just like Howie did with AJ, he wrote everything down so not to mess up. After he hung up with Kevin, he compared the lists. Howie fell over laughing as he realized that they were identical, right down to the lighting.

AJ sat at the foot of the steps waiting for Kevin. He had his coat on and was holding the car keys in his hand. AJ was anxious to get to the studio, partially because he wanted to work on the song, but also because the sooner they left, the sooner they would be back and he could surprise Kevin.

Kevin walked down the steps, seeing AJ at the bottom. AJ jumped up with a huge grin on his face.

"You're wearing the pants and you're actually leaving the house in them!"

AJ pulled Kevin in for a quick hug. The brief moment they were in each other's arms, everything fell into place for both of them. AJ grabbed Kevin's hand and pulled him towards the door.

Kevin laughed.

"A little anxious aren't we Alexander."

"Come on old man. You are so slow sometimes."

"If you would just get me that electric wheelchair I've been angling for, I could keep up with you youngsters."

Kevin closed his eyes and listened closely to the changes AJ was making to Carefree. They had been at the studio for two hours already. So far, AJ had masked Howie's vocals and echoed them. He liked that change enough that he decided to echo Kevin's as well.

The effect was very good. Carefree was a surprisingly dark song considering it's name. The echo of voices added to the ominous undertones of the words they were singing.

AJ pushed up one of the controls, adding a slightly metallic edge to Kevin's voice. He hated to produce the voices too much because it was so hard to reproduce the effects live. He took another puff on his cigarette and concentrated on Brian's voice.

Kevin opened his eyes again, watching as AJ worked. He had taken off his shoes and was wearing only his socks. His favorite baseball cap was on backwards and he was smoking a Marlboro. AJ didn't really smoke anymore, only when he was mixing the final cut of a song, did he light one up.

"That's it! Right there!" AJ jumped up and stopped the tape.

"Listen Kevin. Just sit back and listen."

AJ began to play the music for Kevin. A strong bass beat began, quickly followed by a cello. The mixing of the two at the beginning gave the song a hard edge. Brian's voice began to slowly appear over the instruments.

Did you really know what I said?

Did you really care what I said?

I let you go

I let you go

All the guys voices rose over the instruments, which were still just a bass and cello beat.

I used to be carefree

I used to be carefree

Dreaming of the future

Of you and me

Until the day it went away

The next stanza was AJ's. Before it began though, the rest of the orchestra joined in. A weird guitar sound also began along with the orchestra.

I watched you walk away

Unable to say a thing

My heart broke in two

As I stood there missing you

I used to be carefree

I used to be carefree

Dreaming of the future

Of you and me

Until the day it went away

Kevin listened closely to the echo effect on that chorus. AJ hadn't used it on the first chorus. It sounded really good.

Nick and Kevin were sharing the next verse. The music was built to a crescendo, spinning around their voices as they sang, Kevin's voice just slightly echoing Nick's.

No more no less

I can't stand the rest of this test

It's over between you and me

You left me there

Scared and alone

Now I'm moving ahead

Passing you by

As you stand forlorn

I let you go

I let you go

I used to be carefree

I used to be carefree

Dreaming of a future

That could never be

Now the future's here

Can't you see

I'm carefree


Howie had taken over at the end, his voice pitched high, soaring over the other four on the last note. As Howie's voice slowly faded out, the rest of the orchestra did as well, leaving only the cello and bass from the beginning.

"Wow AJ. That turned out great."

Kevin put his arms around AJ, holding him tightly. AJ looked up and planted a kiss on Kevin's lips.

Brian peeked around the corner. Howie had sent him to spy on Kevin and AJ to make sure that everything was done in time. Brian's heart soared when he saw the two of them hold each other.

Kevin and AJ were meant to be together. It had taken so long for Brian to accept that Kevin was gay. Now he refused to accept Kevin and AJ apart.

"Hey Howie. They're kissing each other." Brian whispered into his phone. Howie giggled on the other end.

"I think everything is going to be okay. Did you get the stuff I asked you to get?"

"Yeah. I had some trouble finding the particular brand of non- alcoholic champagne AJ likes. But I found it."

Kevin didn't want to let go of AJ. He had wanted to feel AJ's body pressing against his all week. He had missed it so much.

AJ looked up at Kevin's serious face. He removed himself from Kevin's arms and stood up.

"Are you hungry?"


AJ threw his cap on the soundboard and grabbed his shoes. After he put them on, he grabbed Kevin's hand and pulled him along. He flung the door, causing Brian to fall forward into the room. He stood up quickly, looking extremely guilty.

"Okay mom bye." Brian hung up his cell phone quickly, still looking guilty.

"Hi Brian."

"Hi AJ."

Kevin narrowed his eyes. If that had really been his aunt Jackie, Brian never would have hung up on her like that. What was Brian doing here?

"What are you doing here today? I thought you had off."

"I am. Well I was. I got a call from Mike saying he needed me to look over some stuff. So here I am." Brian hoped they would believe that lie as pathetic as it was.

"Okay. Well Kevin and I are going to go grab some lunch and then head back here. I just finished mixing Carefree if you want to hear it. Just hit play on the soundboard."

"Cool. I'll see you two later."

Brian brushed past Kevin, who gave him a knowing look. Brian groaned inwardly. Kevin wasn't stupid. He knew that Brian didn't have any sort of meeting and Mike would never just call and tell him to come over. Oh well. He shut the door and dialed Howie back up.

"So where are we getting food?" Kevin asked as AJ continued to pull him down the hall.

"The Golden Arches. Where else?"

Kevin couldn't stifle the groan that came out of his mouth. He clapped his hand over his mouth and looked at AJ.

"What's wrong? Not in the mood for a greasy burger and fries sexy man?"

"No it's cool. I guess I wanted something a little more..nourishing."

"McDonalds is nourishing. It fulfills all of your daily grease, salt, and fat requirements for the day."

AJ grinned at Kevin who couldn't help but smile back.

"I guess a Big Mac would taste pretty good."

"See. Now hurry up. I really want to hear what you did to Dreaming of You."

AJ closed his eyes to fully appreciate the music to Dreaming of You. Kevin had not only written and produced this song, but he also wrote all the music to it as well. AJ had watched as Kevin had slaved over this song. It was his baby and he hadn't let anyone hear it since the day they had done the vocals for it.

This was incredible. Kevin had done such a fantastic job on this song. AJ was in awe of him.

"Kevin, oh wow."

AJ reached up and wiped away the tears he didn't even know had fallen from his eyes.

"Why are you crying?"

"That was beautiful Kevin. I couldn't help it."

"Did you like the last line?"

AJ nodded.

"I didn't even know that you had sung that line when we recorded the song."

Kevin put his arms around AJ, kissing his nose softly.

"That's because I recorded that later."

AJ hugged him tightly.

"I love you too."

AJ sneaked a peek at his watch.

"Do you want to come back to the house for dinner?"

Kevin nodded, trying his hardest not to smile, knowing what he had waiting for AJ back at the house.

AJ took Kevin's hand in his, intertwining his fingers in Kevin's. He couldn't wait to surprise Kevin.

"Let me go to the bathroom first okay."

Kevin ducked into the bathroom and dialed Howie's cell phone.


"Howie its Kevin. Are you done?"

"Almost. Oh hold on one sec. I got another call."

Howie pushed the call-waiting button.


"Howie its AJ. Is everything ready?"

Howie tried to stop his laughter, but he couldn't help it.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Oh nothing. I'm just looking at a funny picture."

"Okay, so are you ready?"

Howie looked around the living room. Brian gave him a thumbs up from the kitchen. He looked up and saw Lance and Jean-Michel giving him the okay sign from upstairs. Jessie was standing in the dining room, lighting the last of the candles.

"Yeah. It's all ready. I have someone on the other line okay. I'll see you guys tomorrow or whenever."

"Thanks again Howie. I really appreciate it."

"Don't mention it AJ. Bye."

Howie hung up with AJ and returned to his call with Kevin.

"I'm back Kevin. It was Ameena. Everything is all ready. I'll see you guys tomorrow or whenever."

"Thanks so much Howie. I appreciate this so much."

"Don't mention it. Just be prepared to do some more babysitting."

Kevin laughed as he said goodbye. He hung up and walked out to meet AJ.

"Ready honey?"

Kevin took AJ's hand in his.

"I'll drive."

This time, Kevin dragged AJ down the hall.

AJ unlocked the front door, his hands shaking slightly. He was so excited. Tonight was the night he was going to make Kevin his forever.

Kevin couldn't wait for AJ to open the door so he could get inside and see everything Howie had done.

"Kevin before we go inside I want to tell you something."

Kevin squeezed AJ's hand tightly, waiting for him to continue.

"I love you and I want you back here with me. I know that this is the right thing to do for us. Not having you with me this week has been worse then death. Please, come back home."

"I will never leave you again. I promise you that much AJ."

Kevin leaned in, pressing his lips to AJ's, savoring the feeling of his mouth. With a swift movement that caught Kevin off-guard, AJ swept Kevin into his arms, lifting him effortlessly.

AJ pushed the door open, carrying Kevin inside. The house was lit up with candles all over. Kevin drew in a sharp breath. This was beautiful. Howie had done an incredible job.

AJ carried Kevin to the couch and gently placed him in the middle. He grabbed the bottle on non-alcoholic champagne that he knew was there and popped the cork. He poured them each a glass, handing one to Kevin with a smile.

Kevin was confused. How did AJ know that the champagne was there?

AJ saw a note lying next to the champagne. Why had Howie written him a note? He opened it and read it quickly. He nearly doubled over laughing, holding it out to Kevin.

"What's so funny?"

Kevin read the note and began to laugh as well.

"I guess that explains how you knew the champagne was there. Howie must have been shitting himself all day."

AJ reached over and took the letter out of Kevin's hand. He put the champagne glass on the table and climbed on Kevin's lap.

"If that isn't a signal we should be together, I don't know what else could be."

He leaned over and softly kissed Kevin's lips. AJ ran his hands down Kevin's back, pulling his body close to him. Kevin ran his hands through AJ's soft hair as the kiss continued. He pulled away from AJ, looking at his calm face.

"Well, there should be some dinner on the table. Let me guess what it's going to be. Peanut butter and jelly, ice cream, and potato chips. With two big glasses of milk."

AJ nodded.

"The first meal we had together when we moved in here."

"I don't think we have to worry about Nick, Brian, and Howie showing up this time though."

Kevin kissed him again, smiling at the same time.

"I think you're right."

"Do you want to go eat?"

AJ nodded and climbed off of Kevin, offering his hand to him to help him up.

"Did you have Howie rent.."

Kevin broke in before he could finish.

"Austin Powers? Yes I did. Did you?"

AJ nodded.

"What does the bed look like?"

Kevin shrugged.

"I told Howie to get some black silk sheets and rose petals. Then set up candles all over the room so the only light would be candlelight. I assume that's what he did."

"I told Howie to do the same thing. Except the sheets were supposed to be dark green. I guess we shall have to see how he solved that dilemma."

Kevin pulled AJ's chair out for him before sitting down across from him. The table was covered with a lace tablecloth and there were two candles sitting in the center. The modest dinner was placed on the table ready to go.

Kevin smiled at AJ as he took a bite of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Just like the first time they had done this, AJ started with the ice cream. Kevin opened his sandwich up and put some potato chips on it for some crunch.

They ate in silence, watching each other carefully. AJ couldn't wait for dinner to be done so he could take Kevin upstairs and propose to him.

That was AJ's plan for tonight. He wanted to marry Kevin. He was sure of it. The ring was upstairs waiting for them.

Somehow, Kevin was sure that after tonight, everything would be back to normal. Sort of. Things would never be the same, but he and AJ would be Kevin and AJ again. They way they were months ago.

AJ finished the rest of his milk and watched as Kevin finished his as well. He stood up and walked over to him, holding his hand out. Kevin stood up and allowed AJ to lead him upstairs.

The door to the bedroom was left slightly ajar. AJ pushed it open and led Kevin over to the bed.

"Please sit down."

Kevin sat and watched as AJ went over to the dresser. He couldn't see what he was doing from where he was. AJ turned back towards him.

AJ's face was lit up by the candles, giving him a sexy glow. He had a smile on his face as he walked over to Kevin.

Kevin's breath caught in his chest as AJ took his hand in his and knelt on one knee. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears.

AJ's heart was pounding heavily.

"Kevin. I love you so much."

Tears began to form in Kevin's eyes as he realized what was about to happen.

"Kevin Scott Richardson, will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?"

Tears rolled down Kevin's face as he nodded, unable to form words. AJ slid the ring onto Kevin's hand.

Kevin pulled AJ into a tight hug as he cried on his shoulder. AJ was crying as well. The two of them sat in silence, holding each other lovingly.

This was forver.

---I told ya'll it was going to happen. They were going to get back together and they did. I hope you guys liked the reconciliation chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. E-mail me and I promise I will be better at this replying thing. I know I have been bad lately with that. I'm going to try much, much harder. I promise.

Next: Chapter 8: Escape 21 23

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