
By Rachel Lewis

Published on Sep 1, 1999


Hi everyone! I just want to say "WOW"! I have gotten so many e-mails about this story. I want to thank everyone who took the time to tell me they like "Escape". It means a lot to hear that.

So here are Chapters 4-6 of Escape.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It in no way implies that the people mentioned in the story are actually gay in reality.


Chapter 4

"Nick! Get away from my pizza!" AJ smacked Nick's hand as he tried to swipe a piece of pepperoni.

"Ouch AJ! That hurt."

"You had five slices before I even got out of the booth from mixing your song. Let me have one untouched piece!"

Kevin reached over and swiped a piece of pepperoni from AJ's pizza while he was arguing with Nick. He smirked at his slyness. Out of nowhere, he felt a smack on the back of his head. He spit the pepperoni out and handed it back to AJ.

"Thank you." AJ popped it in his mouth. "Now does anyone else want to steal my food?" The sound guys in the room shook their heads "no."

Brian wandered into the room with an absent-minded expression on his face. He jumped back into focus when he saw the food.

"Cool pizza! Hey you guys ate all the pepperoni. AJ can I have a few slices from your piece?" AJ nodded and handed him a few slices. Kevin and Nick stared at him in disbelief. AJ just shrugged.

"He asked."

"Hey Kev, when is Howie getting here?" Brian asked as he inhaled a slice of pizza.

AJ and Kevin exchanged glances. They had left Howie at home to let him sleep off his hangover. They just hoped he woke up soon and found the note AJ left about the group meeting at 2.

"Howie's here now. Hi guys." Howie walked into the room slowly. He was wearing the same clothes as yesterday and dark sunglasses. He sat down next to Brian and laid his head back.

AJ looked closely at his face. "Are those my sunglasses Howie?"

Howie nodded.

"Ameena said I couldn't come home until dinner so I didn't have any of my own. I just went into the bedroom and grabbed a pair. I'll give 'em back."

AJ sighed. Yet again he was being taken for granted. Of course AJ won't mind if you go into his bedroom and take a pair of sunglasses. At least Howie hadn't taken any clothes. Kevin reached over and squeezed AJ's hand tightly.

"Hey Howie, how's the hangover?" Brian began to bounce on the couch and shout in Howie's ear. Howie's hand shot out and grabbed Brian by the shirt.

"If you don't stop I will personally castrate you on the spot."

Brian shut up and went to sit next to Nick on the floor. He turned the Nintendo on and handed the other controller to Nick. Kevin poked AJ.

"If they start playing, we will never get a chance to talk to them. It's now or never." He whispered into AJ's ear.

AJ cleared his throat. No one responded. He decided to go to his back-up plan and opened his mouth. He let out the shriek from the beginning of Larger then Life. Even Kevin jumped. They all turned to look at him.

"Brian can you start by turning off the Nintendo? Kevin and I really need your attention for this conversation. And can everyone else leave? It's time for a group meeting."

Brian leaned forward and turned off the Nintendo. He, Nick, and Howie looked at AJ and Kevin with the same worried expression on their faces. Everyone else filed out holding as much food as possible.

"You guys aren't leaving the group are you?" Brian's voice shook as he asked them, fearful of the answer.

"No Brian, never." Kevin answered him quickly, putting his fears to rest. "But we are taking a break from saving your asses all the time."

"What do you mean by that Kevin?"

"Nick, let me give you an example of what I am talking about. Let's use yesterday. AJ go ahead."

All three of them dropped their heads and looked at the ground. They all felt guilty about yesterday already. They knew what was coming before AJ even opened his mouth.

"Kevin arranged for the two of us to get the day off totally so we could have time alone. The managers were nice enough to give everyone the day off. We managed to get through breakfast without being interrupted, but that was it. First Brian came over because he was bored, followed closely by Nick. They then proceeded to tell us that they weren't going to bother Howie because Howie and Ameena needed alone time. Kevin and I apparently don't anymore. So on our day to just be together, we ended up shopping with Nick and Brian until 6. We finally got rid of them and decided to go out to dinner by ourselves to try and salvage a little time for each other. So we go inside and who is there but Howie, drunk and crying because he got into a fight with his wife. So we talk to him, put him to bed, and I call his wife. Our plans are screwed because we need to stay at home to keep an eye on Howie. We are just so fed up with being reliable old Kevin and AJ."

Howie recognized the words he used to describe Kevin and AJ last night. AJ pushed on.

"Kevin has always been looked at as the father of the group, the protector. I began dating Kevin and all of a sudden, your attitudes toward me changed. Suddenly I wasn't AJ, the fun guy to spend time with. I was AJ, Kevin's boyfriend therefore our new protector. Did any of you ever think how that made me feel? To be suddenly left out of the fun because I was Kevin's boyfriend?"

AJ felt tears begin to form and buried his head in Kevin's shoulder. Kevin held him close and took over.

"We aren't asking you to completely stop looking to us for support. We just want our privacy to be respected. We need time for ourselves. We've spent four years traveling with you three, building a relationship surrounded by people. We have time off for once in our lives. We just want to spend it together, without having to worry about what happens to the three of you and how we have to fix it."

Nick climbed onto the couch and began to run AJ's back. "Can I say something now?" He asked Kevin.

"The floor is yours Nick."

"Kevin, AJ I think I speak for the rest of us when I say we are sorry for all the times we have taken advantage of you. I know this is serious because AJ is crying and in all the years I've known AJ, he has never cried in front of me more then once. So I don't want to say anything to make him more upset. But I want to tell you how we feel. And I can definitly say Howie and Brian feel the same way because we have talked about it."

Howie and Brian climbed on the couch as well, Brian next to Kevin and Howie next to Nick.

"We are brothers. All of us. Kevin, you were always our father figure. Mine especially. AJ was the joker. I never saw him be serious until he started dating you. And when he did, we felt we didn't know AJ anymore. We started distancing ourselves from him and you Kevin. Not because we didn't love you, but because we were trying in our own pathetic and inept way to give you two space. And as for relying on you, it was just so easy. If we came to you with our problems, you two could always fix them. No questions asked. It was just so nice. I guess we kind of forgot how not to rely on you. We'll try harder from now on."

AJ turned and grabbed Nick in a tight hug. The two of them clutched each other, AJ crying still and Nick just holding on for dear life.

"AJ and I are leaving in three days on our vacation. You guys know our plans and you know the itinerary. I am asking as a friend and brother, for you not to get in touch with us. Do not call us. Do not ask management to call us for you. You are all capable of taking care of yourselves."

Brian sat back and crossed his arms. Howie and Nick locked eyes with each other as Nick continued to hold AJ.

"So you don't want us to talk to you for three and a half weeks. Are you going to at least let us know you two are alive?" Brian shot back at him.

"Of course we will. And we will see Nick and Howie if they go to Marilyn's show. We just want time together without worrying about anyone else but each other."

Brian hugged Kevin tightly.

"Ok cuz, for you and AJ, we'll do it."

AJ finally let go of Nick. He stood up and went to the food table. They all watched as AJ poured a glass of water and turned to face them. He gave everyone a weak smile. It wasn't like AJ to break down and whenever he did, he felt bad.

"Well, I'm kind of changing my vacation plans a bit guys." Nick looked down at his lap.

"What are you doing then Nick?"

"I'm going to LA for a few weeks to keep Allie company. And I'm also going to her prom with her."

"Nicholas Gene Carter. Do you really think that's a good idea? How do Mikel and Marilyn feel about this decision?"

Nick continued to stare at his lap. "She hasn't told them yet, but they shouldn't mind. No one is going to be home with her because Mikel is going with Marilyn for the first leg of the tour. And I mean Twiggy is in the band, so even he won't be there for her."

Kevin grabbed Nick's jaw and looked him in the eyes.

"Nick promise me that you will respect Mikel's wishes. I know you love Allie. He knows you love Allie. But not until she is 18."

Nick nodded. "I know Kevin. I promise I won't touch Allie. Once she is 18 I can date her all I want. But for now, nothing but friends."

Brian gave Nick a hug. "Don't worry Nicky, she'll still marry you someday. She's just a kid." Nick smiled at the thought of one day marrying Allie.

Kevin got up from the couch and joined AJ by the table. He squeezed his hand tightly, giving him a supportive smile. AJ rested his head on Kevin's shoulder and waited for the group meeting to continue.

Brian stood up. "Well my plans are simple. I leave in three days for Australia. I'm driving around there for a bit. Then I am heading to New Zealand for a week. And I might swing by Japan for a couple of days. I haven't decided yet."

"So did you find anyone to go with you yet Brian?" Kevin asked.

Brian blushed momentarily. "Yeah, I'm taking Shelley with me. She wasn't sure if she could get the time off, but she did."

Nick jumped on top of Brian. "Yeah Brian!" The two of them wrestled around, until Nick got Brian in a headlock. With as much energy as they started, they stopped suddenly and sat back on the couch calmly. Nick turned to Howie who was laying on the couch with his eyes closed.

"Howie, what are you and Ameena planning for the vacation?"

Howie jolted upright. "What?! Oh vacation." He calmed down and settled back into the couch.

"Umm...well house stuff. And we were going to go to Puerto Rico to visit her family. Marilyn's concert I guess. And we have to shop for the nursery."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at Howie. He smiled.

"So Kevin, we are still off in October right?"

Everyone piled on top of Howie, hugging him and screaming, Howie the loudest.

"Get off of me! I still have a hangover."

The guys climbed off of Howie, still congratulating him.

"So a little Howie is going to be running around. That's so cool. When did you find out?"

"This morning when I called to grovel. Which AJ, you didn't have to tell me to grovel in the note. I was planning on it anyway."

AJ grinned and shrugged.

There was a knock on the door and someone poked their head in.

"Guys, you were supposed to be back in the booth 20 minutes ago. Get your asses in gear or vacations will start later then you thought."

AJ grabbed Kevin and Howie's hands. He pulled them out the door, Nick and Brian following close behind. No one wanted their vacation to start late.

Chapter 5

Kevin leaned back in his seat and watched as AJ looked out the window. AJ loved to fly and despite the fact he had flown hundreds of times, he still got excited during take-off. Kevin hadn't gotten a window seat in four years.

When the take-off was finished and AJ couldn't see the ground, he sat back and grabbed Kevin's hand.

"So Justine is meeting us at the airport right?" AJ began to rub his thumb in a circle on Kevin's hand.

"Yeah. Then she said she'll take us to the hotel and give us time to relax. But we have to join her and Madeline for dinner and whatever else she has planned."

"Did you get her to tell you what the surprise was?"

"Nope, how about you?" AJ shook his head. He moved his other hand to Kevin's leg and began to rub his thigh. Kevin squirmed in his seat. He knew where this was heading. He and AJ were already members of the Mile-High club, but never on a commercial flight.

AJ's hand moved higher as he continued to talk to Kevin. He brushed up against Kevin's already hard cock. He drew in a breath and stopped hearing anything AJ was saying. AJ leaned forward and kissed him hard.

"Switch seats with me." AJ undid his seatbelt. He reached over and undid Kevin's as well. AJ slid across Kevin's lap, teasing him and guiding Kevin into his seat at the same time. Once in Kevin's seat, AJ turned sideways, blocking the view from the aisle.

AJ reached over and placed his hand on Kevin's chest. He felt Kevin's heartbeat, strong and steady, under his palm. He slowly dragged his hand down Kevin's stomach, coming to rest on his crotch. Kevin bit his lip, holding back a moan. AJ quickly looked around to see if anyone was around. First-class was practically empty.

He unzipped Kevin's pants and slipped his hand into Kevin's boxers, searching for his prize. Kevin inhaled quickly as AJ's warm hand found his stiff cock. They shouldn't be doing this here. Kevin shifted in his seat, making more room for AJ's wandering hand.

AJ smiled at the expression of fear and excitement on Kevin's face. He leaned over and kissed Kevin softly. AJ dragged his tongue across Kevin's jaw, ending near his ear. He sucked gently on Kevin's earlobe as he continued moving up and down Kevin's cock with his hand.

Kevin began to squirm, his breathing getting heavier. AJ was getting him so hot. AJ's pace quickened, sending Kevin into a spiral of delight. He lost touch with reality as his world centered around his cock, ear, and AJ's hand and tongue.

Kevin grunted softly as he came in AJ's hand. AJ leaned forward and kissed him softly. He withdrew his hand and began to lick up Kevin's cum. Kevin began to breath slower, his chest stopped heaving. He turned to AJ who was still cleaning his hand.

Kevin grabbed AJ's hand and began to suck on his fingers, savoring the taste of his cum. AJ smiled happily.

"I love you Kevin." Kevin smiled right back at him. "I love you too Alexander." He leaned over and kissed AJ.

AJ unbuckled his seatbelt and started to get up. Kevin grabbed his arm. "Where are you going?"

"I need to go wash my hand. I got something gooey on it." AJ grinned at Kevin and headed to the bathroom. Kevin zipped his pants back up and climbed back into his seat, leaving the window open for AJ. He leaned back, suddenly very tired.

AJ stared at his reflection in the mirror. He ran his hands through his hair and looked at the reflection staring back at him. The face was so familiar, but it wasn't the AJ he knew. The past month had gotten to him. He looked almost sick. Hopefully this vacation would erase these lines and circles.

AJ looked down at Kevin, sleeping. He sighed and squeezed past him to sit by the window. He stared out at the clouds. That was the real reason he loved to fly. He loved to be among the clouds. Kevin used to fly. Sometimes he would take AJ with him, but they didn't do that anymore.

So much had changed. Kevin had changed so much. He wasn't the same Kevin he fell in love with. AJ did love this Kevin, but it wasn't the same. He had fallen in love with the Kevin that was fun and outgoing. This Kevin was quiet. He never socialized outside the group. AJ felt like he needed to keep himself in check too. He knew what Nick meant when he said he had changed when he started dating Kevin four years ago. AJ liked some of the changes, but others made him truly disgusted with himself.

Could he and Kevin really be together forever? AJ shuddered at the thought and pushed it far from his mind. He was just reacting to the past month of not seeing Kevin as much. Of course they would be together forever. They had made that promise to each other. AJ twisted the thin silver ring of Kevin's he wore. A ring never breaks, an eternal circle. Just like him and Kevin.

AJ continued to stare out the window until he was interrupted by the stewardess. "Excuse me sir, but would you care for a beverage?"

"Scotch please." Suddenly AJ wanted a drink so bad it hurt. The stewardess poured him a scotch and he paid her. AJ knew drinking wasn't the answer, but sometimes it really helped. That was the one way he and Howie were the most alike. Stress made them both drink. Countless nights on tour he and Howie would get blitzed and he would pass out on the floor, not even able to make it to the bed. Every morning he would wake up in bed. Kevin would wake up during the night and put him in bed. AJ downed his drink at the thought of Kevin's love.

Why was he getting so stressed about loving Kevin and having Kevin love him? He slowed his breathing down, concentrating on every breath trying to get himself calm. Justine would help him figure it out. She always helped him figure it out.

AJ closed his eyes, letting his head fall onto Kevin's shoulder. He knew he should move it, but the part of him that cared about his image had stayed in Florida. He just wanted to be Kevin and AJ for whomever cared to watch.

Kevin woke up suddenly, momentarily disoriented. He leaned over AJ and saw the ground. They were about to land. He shook AJ lightly, knowing he would want to watch. Then he noticed the cup next to him. Kevin picked it up and sniffed it. Scotch again. AJ had tried to hide the fact he was drinking again from Kevin, but Kevin knew he had started drinking again. He sighed, worried about AJ and wondering what was wrong. AJ stretched and smiled at Kevin sleepily.

"Hey beautiful. We're going to land soon. I figured you would want to watch."

"Thanks Kev." He looked at Kevin's hand and saw his cup. Kevin knew he saw it. He just smiled at him. Kevin grabbed the nearest stewardess and gave her the cup.

"It's okay AJ. Sometimes you need a drink." He held AJ's hand tightly and the two of them watched the landing in silence. They put on baseball caps and sunglasses before exiting the plane. The two of them walked barely touching, but still close, up the long walkway to the terminal.

"Alexander!" They heard a shriek and AJ ran into a young woman's arms. He hugged her tightly, lifting her in the air and spinning her around. She laughed and told him to put her down. She ran over to Kevin and hugged him tightly.

"Justine, it's so good to see you." Kevin hugged the petite woman to him, wrapping her in his long arms. He lifted her up off the ground. The three of them hugged each other, unable to let go of each other. Finally Justine broke free.

"Okay you two goofballs, enough touchy-feely crap. People are going to start thinking I'm straight or something. Let's go get your luggage."

"Form a line, I get to hold Justine's hair!" AJ joked, laughing hard. Justine's hair was way past her waist and falling loose today. "No we both get to hold her hair. There's enough to go around." She spun around to face them.

"No touching the hair. Do you have any idea how long it took Madeline to brush out the tangles this morning?" Justine grabbed AJ's hand in one of her hands and Kevin's in the other. The three of them headed to baggage claim arm-in-arm. They talked about skipping, but too much attention would have been drawn to Kevin and AJ and neither of them felt like signing autographs.

"So tell me how everyone is." They were all safely in the car and heading away from the airport. "I haven't seen or talked to any of them since Howie's wedding."

"Ameena's pregnant! Howie's going to be a father." AJ practically bounced up and down in the car seat. "That's great. When is she due?"

"October. We are still supposed to be recording then, so Howie will actually be around when the baby is born." Kevin stared out the window at the highway around him as AJ and Justine talked.

"So is Nick still pining for Allie Vasquez or has he gotten passed that little girl?" AJ shook his head. "Actually he is spending his vacation with her. Her father is going with Marilyn so she is going to be alone. Nick is keeping her company." Justine sighed and looked at Kevin.

"You let him do that Kev? I don't think that's a good idea." Kevin shrugged. "That's for Nick to deal with. Me and AJ have resigned from our roles as problem-solver and decision-makers for everyone else. Her father said it was okay, so I guess it's okay." Justine looked at him in the rearview mirror. She couldn't read his expression so she let it drop.

"How's Brian?"

"He's the same as ever. He's been pretty serious with that girl Shelley you met at Howie's wedding. She is even going to Australia with him for a vacation."

"Wow, Brian is serious about someone. That hasn't happened for a long time. Hold on."

Justine stuck her head out the window.

"Yo, Elrey baby! Get your black ass in the car! Hey Kev, hop over."

The car door flung open and this tall black man climbed into the car.

"Justine girl, I just called you. Maddie said you was out. Bitch we have a show to go to tonight. I had to promise my first-born to get those tickets. Who are your friends?"

"Elrey these are my friends Kevin and Alex. This is Elrey and he really isn't as bad as he seems. Speak nice baby."

Elrey rolled his eyes. "It's nice to meet you Kevin." He shook Kevin's hand. "And it is a pleasure to meet you as well Alex." He leaned forward and shook AJ's hand.

"Okay, so Brian is finally dating someone for the first time in 3 years. Shelley was nice if I remember. Not my type, but he seemed to like her. Elrey, we have to drop these guys off a hotel. You working this afternoon?"

"Yeah can you just drop me at the Attic? You coming in tonight or am I just meeting you at your place?"

"My place. Kev and Alex are coming over for dinner tonight so we'll jet after that."

Elrey looked at her quizzically. "You had me get six tickets for tonight. They aren't the friends from out of town who you are bringing?"

Justine shot him a look. "Why do I tell you secrets Elrey? It was supposed to be a surprise."

"Oops, sorry Just." He gave her a kiss on the cheek and batted his eyes at her. "Still love me?"

"I have to. It's in my contract. Kari would fire me if I didn't love you. Speaking of which, we are here. We'll see you and Juan tonight."

"Okay, okay. It was very nice to meet the two of you. I will see you tonight. Oh and Justine, Kari said if you didn't bring these two over to say hi, she is never going to pay you again."

Elrey jumped out of the car and Justine continued on.

"Sorry about that. And I guess you know what the suprise is now."

AJ shook his head. "Not really. Just that it's a show and you have six tickets for it. Whose going besides you, Madeline, me, Kev, and Elrey?"

"Elrey's boyfriend is coming to. You'll like Juan. And since you don't know, I won't tell you."

"I know how to make her talk." Kevin winked at AJ, who nodded knowingly. At the next red light, Kevin leaned forward and began to suck on her ear. AJ leaned over and kissed her. She began to shriek as best she could with AJ's tongue in her mouth.

"Ewww! Boy germs! Get off me!" Kevin and AJ backed off laughing as Justine spit out the window and rubbed her ear. "You guys are gross. And just for that, I'm definitely not telling you now. Ha, your plan failed."

"Oh no Kev, hold me. I feel sick." AJ jumped into the backseat and laid his head on Kevin's lap. "It's growing dark. Can't focus. All I taste is Justine. Save me Kev." Kevin began to laugh. He leaned over and kissed AJ, running his tongue all around. AJ put his hand behind Kevin's head, pulling his closer. Kevin ran his hand over AJ's chest.

"Hey you two, none of that in my car. Get back up front Alexander James McLean. We'll be at the hotel in a minute and then you can fuck Kev's brains out all day long for all I care." AJ climbed back up front with a sad expression on his face. "Nice language for a lady Justine Eliza Graham."

"Since when have I ever been a lady except that one Halloween when we dressed up as Lady and the Tramp."

"Where's your brain girl? I was Lady. You were the Tramp. Just like real life." AJ began to laugh. Justine smacked the back of his head which shut him up quick. "Yeah right. You slept with more girls then I did in high school AJ."

"And you slept with more guys then me sweet pea." She stuck her tongue out at him again. Kevin began to laugh at both of them. Justine turned and looked at him.

"What's so funny Ninja Turtle?"

AJ walked into the hotel room and dropped the bags on the floor. He immediately began to jump on the bed. Kevin picked up the bags AJ dropped and walked over to the drawers. AJ always did this in any hotel room. It was his way of testing the bed.

AJ flopped down on the bed and watched as Kevin began to unpack. Just like Kevin. He always unpacked right away. Even if they were only staying one night, he always unpacked his clothes. AJ rolled his eyes.

"Kev, come here." He turned to face AJ. "Let me finish. It will only be a second." "No Kev, come here now. I want you to stop putting your clothes away and come over to me."

Kevin turned back around and continued to put his clothes away. "God Kevin you are so anal-retentive sometimes." AJ saw Kevin tense up. He knew he had pushed Kevin's buttons. He hated being called anal-retentive.

Kevin turned and walked over to the bed. He sat down next to AJ and raised his eyebrows at him. "What did you say AJ?"

"I said you are anal-retentive, but I love you anyway." AJ rolled over to face the wall. Kevin sighed, knowing that this was not going to be easy. He laid down and pulled AJ close to him.

"I'm sorry Alexander, but it is just routine. Just like you jumping on the bed." He kissed AJ's neck softly. AJ turned to face him.

"I know, but all of a sudden it was like we were back on tour. The natural pattern of things was beginning again and I wanted to stop it before we fell back into them."

"Well you stopped it. So I guess we can't go shower now like we usually do. Whatever are we going to do?" Kevin slid his hand down to AJ's crotch and gave it a squeeze. AJ giggled and pushed Kevin onto his back.

"Hmm...I have an idea."

They began to kiss each other softly, little pecks really, laughing and giggling at the same time. AJ pulled Kevin's shirt off and began to kiss his chest, working his way down to his stomach.

AJ stopped and looked deep in Kevin's eyes, searching for something. He didn't know what, but when he saw it he smiled. Maybe he was blowing everything out of proportion.

Kevin couldn't break AJ's gaze. It was mesmerizing him, holding him captive. He felt like AJ was boring into his soul, trying to find something to hold on to.

Kevin pulled him close, holding him tightly. They wrapped their arms around each other, clutching each other for dear life. Neither of them moved a muscle, lost in their own thoughts, content to hold each other, feeling the security of their love.

Chapter 6

AJ grabbed Justine's hand and dragged her out back.

"Kevin is going to help Madeline with dinner, so you and I get to talk."

They sat down in a patch of grass surrounded by wildflowers. Justine reached into her pocket and pulled a joint out. She lit it and took a pull before handing it to AJ. He took a drag and handed it back.

"What's wrong AJ?"

"I don't know. I feel so lost and confused. I don't know what is happening in my life right now. And a lot of it has to do with Kevin. I love him, but we seem to be growing apart. He's not the same guy I fell in love with." He took another pull on the joint.

"When is the last time you and Kevin actually lived in a house just with each other?" AJ thought hard.

"We never really have. Whenever we were home, Nick would stay with us because his mother trusted me and Kevin more then Brian and Howie."

Justine nodded her head. "See. You and Kevin don't know how to react to each other one-on-one in a normal living situation. Me and Maddie had the same problem. The road is basically all you know. And when you weren't on the road, you still had people telling you what you had to do, when you had to get up, and where you were going. Nick was also always there, so you both just stayed in your assigned Backstreet Boys roles. Now you are living alone, allowed to make decisions on your own. The two of you will learn. Plus you and Kevin can't do too much with each other outside the house. Despite the fact you aren't in the public eye as much as you were while on tour, you still are both extremely recognizable. It'll get easier."

AJ looked away from her, staring off into space.

"Do you remember when we used to sit outside talking for hours when we were younger?"

Justine nodded.

"God we were always high then. Kind of like now. I guess that's how this little tradition of smoking started." She giggled. "Everyone thought I was dating goofy little AJ McLean, even your mother. Well until we both told her we didn't bat for the same team."

"I don't know if I want to stay with Kevin."

Justine pulled him close to her, wrapping her arms around him as he began to cry.

"AJ honey. Do you love him?" AJ nodded. "Can you imagine not being with him? Not waking up in his arms? Not kissing him goodnight?" AJ shook his head. "Then sweetie, just talk to him. Tell him how you feel. That always works for me and Maddie when we are shaky. You never know, he might feel the same way."

AJ nodded again. She lifted his face and wiped the tears away. "If you promise to stop crying I'll tell you who we are seeing tonight. You just can't tell Kevin."

AJ perked up and sniffled a little.


"The divine Miss Tori."

AJ smiled happily. "Kevin is going to flip. Where is she playing tonight?"

"The E-Center in Camden. I believe you are familiar with it." She and AJ laughed. "Yeah, but we've never seen it from the seats."

"Seats? Who said anything about seats? We're sitting on the lawn baby. But thanks to Elrey's connections, Kevin is going to get to meet Tori." AJ hugged Justine.

"I'm just surprised you have never met her or seen her in concert. You both are such big fans. I mean you are in the same business."

"We don't exactly have similar styles. Hell remember that song "Bubblegum Pop" on her last album?"

Justine started to laugh. AJ sang the chorus.

"Bubblegum pop is tryin' to rule the world. Kill the BSB before they succeed. Leave Britney to me."

"That's actually a pretty good song AJ, but Tori sings it better."

"I know. We used to play it before shows so we didn't get to serious about ourselves. It helped us remember that it was all just a big game."

Justine stood up and reached her hand down to AJ. He grabbed it and stood up.

"Let's go see if Maddie and Kevin have finished cooking yet. I'm starving."

"Uh oh, someone's got the munchies."

Kevin handed Madeline the butter. He looked at the pretty woman next to him. She and Justine were such an odd match. Madeline was a successful businesswoman who wore suits and never grew her hair past her shoulders. Justine was a grungy peace love girl who had never worked a steady job in her life. They made such a beautiful couple though. He loved being able to get away and spend time with the two of them. Plus being around Justine always made AJ happy. She was able to relax him and make him happy like no one else could, even him.

"So what's on your mind Kevin?" Madeline continued to stir the pasta as she looked at Kevin.

"I was just thinking about Justine and AJ. They went outside to talk."

"You mean smoke a joint together." Madeline corrected him. Kevin nodded. "Yeah, smoke a joint together. I wish I could have known the two of them as kids. They must have been a handful."

"I'm sure they were. They are both a handful now. Just this morning, I had to convince Justine not to quit her job at the Attic to start doing mime on the street." She and Kevin laughed.

"At least AJ doesn't do that to me. He likes his job. I wish I knew what was going on in his head though. He started drinking again. And he's hiding it from me. Like I don't know when my boyfriend is drunk by now."

"Kevin, don't be too hard on the boy. He's just a kid. Alcohol is the only way he knows how to deal with everything. Justine is the same way. They are only 23 years old. We know how to deal better then them because we are older."

Kevin shook his head. "I don't think it's an age thing. AJ's drinking comes and goes. It's directly proportional to the amount of stress in his life. Usually he tells me what is wrong though."

Madeline shrugged her shoulders and changed the subject. "Justine told me that Nick was visiting Allie Vasquez for his vacation. He still serious about marrying that girl?" Kevin nodded.

"He's proposed to her three times. The first was when she was 15. She said yes the last time which was at Howie's reception, but Mikel won't let them be together until she's 18. Nick agreed because both Marilyn and Mikel threatened him. He's going to her prom with her though."

"Tell him that Justine and I better get a prom picture of the two of them. They do make a really cute couple."

Kevin laughed and gave Madeline a hug. AJ and Justine came running into the kitchen giggling like mad. Justine came up behind Madeline and began to tickle her.

"Is dinner ready? I'm starvin' baby!" Madeline turned and popped a carrot into Justine's mouth. "Got the munchies cutie?" Justine nodded. "Dinner will be in ten minutes. You and AJ set the table and get the drinks."

Justine clapped her hands together and pulled AJ into the dining room, giggling the whole way. Kevin and Madeline looked at each other and sighed.

"So where is Justine getting her pot these days?"

"The Attic. So many of those kids deal and Justine is a friend to them. Half the time she doesn't even have to pay."

Kevin shook his head. "Does it ever bother you?" Madeline shook her head. "Not anymore. That's just how Justine is. If I ask her to not smoke, she won't smoke. Does it bother you when AJ smokes?"

"AJ smokes so rarely because of his voice. The last time he smoked was the last time he saw Justine."

They finished up dinner quickly and took it into the dining room. Justine was sitting on AJ's lap, playing with his hair and giggling. She hopped off and sat next to Madeline.

"So what exactly are the vacation plans? You never told us all the details." Madeline asked once everyone had started eating. AJ was too busy shoving food down his throat to answer so Kevin did.

"Well on Tuesday we are flying to LA and staying at Marilyn and Mikel's. He's kicking off another tour in support of his new album, so we are going to the opening show. Nick is there already and Howie and Ameena are flying out as well."

"I really like his new stuff a lot. We definitely have to go see his show when he comes to town." Madeline nodded in agreement.

"What's after LA?"

"Kevin and I are renting a car and driving back home. We've never really had the chance to explore while on the road. This gives us a chance to. Also, the guys think we are getting back a week after we actually are. We kind of tricked them into getting some time alone."

Justine and Madeline laughed. "You guys are terrible, but it works."

They were just finishing up dinner when there was a knock on the door.

"Hey kids! We are here."

Elrey came in followed by a young Hispanic man.

"Come on. We have to leave really soon. Kevin, Alex good to see you again. This is my boyfriend Juan. Juan these are Maddie and Justine's friends Kevin and Alex. They are here for a visit from Orlando."

Juan shook their hands and sat next to Justine. The two of them began to talk in Spanish leaving everyone else out of the conversation. Justine began to laugh, but shook her head at the same time.

"So Kevin Alex, Juan here thinks you two are in a band. He says you look kind of familiar. Care to answer him?"

"Actually Juan we are. Kevin and I are in the Backstreet Boys. But don't tell anyone okay. No one knows we are on vacation."

Juan and Elrey nodded, not really getting too excited over the news. AJ was relieved about that. Elrey grabbed Justine's arm and pulled her out of the chair.

"Come on we have to go catch the train. Let's go." Elrey pulled Madeline up as well. Kevin and AJ stood up.

"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Kevin gave AJ a peck on the cheek and walked out of the room. Justine turned to everyone. "Okay, AJ knows the plan for the evening. Kev's the only one in the dark. And he is a huge Tori fan, so this should be great. Do you have the passes and the tickets Elrey?"

Elrey rolled his eyes and whipped the passes out of his pocket. "Great, so once Kev's done, we are out of here."

"Justine, can I ask you a question?" Juan whispered in her ear in Spanish. She nodded. "Are they gay?" She nodded again. Juan nodded his head in understanding and whispered in Elrey's ear. He looked at AJ and nodded as well.

The six of them headed down the street to the high speed line. Soon they were aboard, heading to their destination.

"Where are we going? I really don't like not knowing where I am being taken." Kevin was starting to get pissed at the situation. He was not used to being the one in the dark.

"Calm down Boo." AJ rubbed his back lightly. "Don't call me Boo." AJ removed his hands and moved to another seat. "Fine Mr. Richardson."

"Will you please tell me before I do something else stupid to piss AJ off?" He got up and moved next to AJ.

Justine sighed. She knew she would have to tell him or he would refuse to get off the train.

"We are going to see Tori Amos tonight. We wanted to surprise you Kev."

"You got tickets to see Tori Amos?! I love you Justine."

"Thank Elrey. He's the one who got them. Why don't you tell him the best part Elrey."

Elrey reached into his pocket and handed Kevin a pass. Kevin's hands shook as he took it. He knew what it was, having seen them numerous times over the years.

"So this is what you meant when you said you had to promise your first-born." Elrey nodded.

"Thank you guys so much. I'm sorry I spoiled the surprise." He got up and hugged everyone, saving AJ for last. He wrapped his arms around AJ and whispered in his ear.

"I'm so sorry for snapping Alexander. You can call me Boo whenever you want to. I love you."

AJ tried to turn his head away, but just gave up. He couldn't stay mad at Kevin.

"I love you too Kevin Scott Richardson."

"Hey AJ, we're going to actually meet Tori Amos. Wonder if she'll sing Bubblegum Pop tonight? I haven't heard that since the tour ended." The two of them laughed.

Kevin dragged Justine forward. "Come on. The entrance is back here."

"Kev, your not performing. We have to use the regular entrance like everyone else."

He laughed and walked over to the guy on duty by the stage entrance. Kevin shook his hand and they talked for a few minutes. Kevin rejoined them shortly.

"Come on. Paulie said he'd let us in and call Tori's people for us."

Everyone, including AJ, just stared at Kevin. He just stared back.

"It pays to get to know the people who work at the venues you play."

They each went up to the guard, who took their tickets for them. Kevin stopped to say good-bye.

"Thanks again Paulie."

"No problem Mr. Richardson. My daughter is still talking about how she got to meet you guys. When are you guys coming around again anyway?"

"In about a year. When we come here, I'll make sure she gets backstage passes like last time. Tell her AJ and I said hi."

"Sure thing. Have a good evening Mr. Richardson."

They were met by one of Tori's people once they got inside. She led them to Tori's dressing room. She knocked softly on the door and stuck her head inside.

"Miss Amos, there are some people here to see you."

She nodded her head and motioned them inside. Kevin held AJ's hand tightly, nervous about meeting Tori. The beautiful redhead was sitting with her back to them when they walked in. She stood up and turned around.

"Hello, what can I do for you tonight?" She looked at the passes hanging around their necks and nodded her head, sending her curly hair bouncing.

"Come sit. Tell me your names." They all sat down on the couches and chairs, each vying to sit next to Tori. AJ won.

"My name is AJ, this is Kevin, Justine, Madeline, Elrey, and Juan. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Amos."

"And it's a pleasure to meet you as well Mr. McLean, but please call me Tori and I'll call you AJ." AJ blushed when he realized she knew who he was.

She laughed softly. "Don't worry. I won't make fun of you to your faces. Just in my music." Everyone laughed along with her.

"So you can laugh at yourselves. That's good."

"We used to play Bubblegum Pop while we were on tour. It made all of us remember that everything we do is just a big game for the fans."

The seven of them talked for the next 20 minutes until it was time for Tori to get ready. The same quiet woman who showed them to Tori's dressing room, showed them to the exit. They went outside and staked out a place for themselves on the lawn. Justine and Madeline spread the quilt out on the ground and they all sat down. Juan and Elrey wrapped their arms around each other, as did Justine and Madeline. Kevin and AJ looked at each other for a moment and looked around at the other concert-goers.

"Don't worry. It's a Tori concert. No one who listens to your music and would admit to being a fan enough so that they would recognize you would be here." Justine laughed and ruffled Kevin's hair.

"Good point." Kevin sat behind AJ, wrapping his arms around AJ's chest and resting his head on AJ's shoulder. They both held each other in public for the first time in their four year relationship. It felt great. Unfortunatly, they didn't notice the young woman with the contraband camera behind them taking pictures.

--Okay I hope you liked this part of Escape. The next section will be out soon. E-mail me at I promise I will answer and I love getting e-mail because I feel special when something is in my in-box. :)

Next: Chapter 3: Escape 7 10

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