
By Rachel Lewis

Published on May 14, 2000


Author's notes follow at the end of the story. Well except for this one.

For those of you who follow both 'Escape' and 'Forever' you are going to be reading similar endings. DJ and I didn't mean for that to happen. It just kind of did. To quote him 'Great minds think alike, I guess.' So both of us are now absolved of any sort of responsibility for similar endings.

Disclaimer: Usual vault rules apply. Touch not lest ye be touched.


End of Chapter 46

Three hours later the rehearsal was over and everyone had gone his or her separate ways until dinnertime.

AJ and Kevin had offered to watch the kids as they went swimming. Ben, Tommy, Brielle, and Leslie had become virtually inseparable even though Tommy and Leslie were younger then Ben and Brielle.

Most people had decided to catch naps or go exploring in town. Vermont was absolutely gorgeous this time of year. AJ had overheard Marilyn planning a hike with Nick, Jerald, Harold, Leighanne, and JC. They had left about 20 minutes ago, promising to be back in plenty of time for dinner.

AJ closed his eyes, letting himself drift off. Kevin was reading a book and soaking up some of the late afternoon sun. It wasn't very hot, but it was warm enough for them to be in the water at least for a little bit.

"AJ?" Kevin asked tentatively. "Yeah Kev?" AJ asked opening one eye to look at him.

"You wanna' elope?" Kevin asked only half-joking.

"And spoil everyone's fun? Sure." AJ grinned back. "It's going to cost a hell of a lot to get plane tickets to Vegas for everyone though. You know they won't let us elope without everyone."

"That's true. We might as well go through with it here then."

"Works for me." AJ grinned, looking down at the kids in the water.

"It's getting a little colder." Kevin said. "We should get them out."

AJ nodded. "You want kids or Morpheus?" Kevin thought it over. "I'll take Morpheus today. You always get stuck with him."


They got up and walked to the edge of the pool.

"Okay everyone out!" Kevin shouted, signing at the same time for Tommy.

Groans were heard all around as the kids got out of the water. AJ called them over and began to hand out towels. They dried themselves as AJ went down the line drying hair.


AJ froze in place the towel over Brielle's head. Brielle pushed it off her face. Kevin turned around slowly vaguely recognizing the voice. Morpheus woofed softly.

The kids turned and looked at the man who was speaking. He was about 45 and had dark brown hair. He was thin, wearing a pair of navy blue pants and a white button-down shirt. He had on a blue and gray tie. The man stood nervously under the gaze of everyone but the person he had spoken too.

AJ turned slowly, praying that it wasn't the person it sounded like. His heart sank when the man came into view.


And now...Chapter 47

Kevin let go of Morpheus and walked over to AJ, putting his arms around him protectively. The man standing in front of them had caused AJ more pain of the years then anything else.

"It's me Alexander." The man said softly, looking at the kids and Kevin. Morpheus let out a low growl as the man stepped forward.

"What the hell are you doing here Bob?" AJ asked angrily. AJ pulled Kevin's arms off of him and walked towards his father, anger filling his face.

"My son is getting married." Bob said simply.

"I haven't seen you in eight years! What gives you the right to show up here much less call me your son?"

Kevin gestured for the kids to follow him inside. AJ motioned for him to stay.

"Ben come here for a second." AJ waved for him to come over. Ben came over and stood next to his father.

"Can you take everyone inside and go get Grandmom please?" AJ asked him.

"Okay Papa." Ben said softly, grabbing Morpheus by the collar and pulling him along with him. Morpheus was stubborn and Ben couldn't budge him. He gave up and left him outside. Kevin walked over to where AJ and Bob were standing.

"Is that my grandson?" Bob asked.

"No!" AJ shouted. "He is not your grandson. You stay away from him."

Kevin took AJ's hand in his own. Immediately AJ's hand began to tighten around his own as AJ tried to contain his anger.

"What are you doing here Bob? And don't give me that fucking excuse of me getting married."

Bob sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Your grandmother told me that you were getting married. I know I haven't been there for you the past few years."

"Try my whole life Bob." AJ said through gritted teeth.

Bob relented. "Your whole life. I know I can't repair that in a few words. I would just like to be included in your life. I want to see you get married."

"Well I don't want you in my life. Every time I've given you another chance you've broken my heart. I'm not doing it anymore." AJ said, squeezing Kevin's hand even tighter.

"I've changed Alexander. I swear to you I've changed." Bob pleaded with him.

"Yeah so have I." AJ walked towards him. "I grew up and realized that I don't need you in my life. I don't need someone there to make promises they can't keep. To pretend to love me until something better comes along. To break my heart. I don't need you."

"Robert." Denise said firmly as she walked outside. "Get out of here."

"Denise stay out of this. This is between me and my son." Bob said looking at the woman he had once loved.

"I'm sorry I don't see anyone who is your son here. I see my son and his fiancé. And I see a lying sack of shit trying to pose as a father, but no one who is your son."

Denise slipped her arm around AJ's waist, holding her son tightly.

"I will call the police if you don't leave right now Robert." Denise said menacingly.

Tears pricked at AJ's eyes as he looked at his father. All he had ever wanted was to make his dad proud, to somehow make him stay and love him, but he had never succeeded. Now after he had given up caring, Bob shows back up to see him get married.

The tears began to fall down AJ's face. Kevin pulled him to his shoulder, holding him tightly as AJ cried.

Bob tried to walk towards them again, but Morpheus let out a loud growl stopping him in his tracks. The dog didn't want this strange man getting near his family. He didn't like the smell of him.

"Alexander can we please talk alone for a few minutes? Five minutes please?" Bob begged, trying to get his son alone.

"Don't call me Alexander." AJ said softly. "You can call me Mr. McLean if you want to call me anything."

"Alexander please don't say that. Please." Bob's voice was full of hurt.

"You have five minutes to convince me that I shouldn't call the police and have you arrested." AJ said lifting his head from Kevin's shoulder and staring at him.

"Mom can you and Kevin wait inside? I'll be inside in five minutes alone." AJ said firmly, staring at his father.

Kevin took Denise's arm and tried to lead her inside. She whirled around and faced Bob.

"If you hurt him again I swear I will hunt you down and kill you like the dog you are."

Denise let Kevin lead her inside after that.

"Can you call off your guard dog?" Bob asked looking at Morpheus nervously.

"No. I think I'll keep Morpheus with me. You better start talking. You've only got 4 minutes and 45 seconds left."

"Alex it's never been easy for me to be a father to you. I never knew how to relate to you. I never had anything in common with you. It was just too hard."

"Being a parent isn't easy. Everyday I learn something new about my son. It's very hard but I'm not walking away from him like you walked away from me."

"When your grandmother told me that you were getting married I realized how much a mistake I made with you. I never gave myself the chance to be a father to you. I know I can't make up for the past 23 years but I would like to try and be part of your life from now on."

"I'm 24 Bob." AJ said ignoring the rest of his words.

"I was there for your first year Alex. I do know how old you are." Bob said softly.

"So you were there for the part I can't remember. Smooth." AJ's voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Why won't you just give me another chance? If I fuck this one up I promise I will never try to talk to you again."

"Bob you've never done anything to show me that you deserve a second chance."

"I'm here aren't I? Doesn't that prove I want to try and repair this rift between us?"

"Not really. Frankly I see this as another opportunity for you to hurt me. I won't let you do this during my wedding."

"I never wanted to hurt you Alex."

"Well you did. All the time."

"Please Alexander." Bob's voice was soft. His eyes were staring at his feet and he didn't even attempt to look at his son.

"Bob. Get out now. Don't ever try and contact me again." AJ said turning and walking away from his father for the last time.

"Alex. Wait!" Bob called after him. AJ turned to look at him.

"You are a pathetic old man and I feel sorry for you. I hope that one day you realize exactly what you gave up."

"Alex do you want to know the rest of your family?" Bob tossed out his last hope.

"What rest of my family? I don't have any other family."

"You have a sister who is 9 and a brother who is 6. You have aunts, uncles, and cousins. Do you want to know them at all?"

"You have other kids?" AJ's voice trembled.

"Yeah. Do you want to see a picture of them?" Bob took out his wallet and pulled out a photo. He held it out to AJ.

AJ stared at the photo in his father's hand. Walking back over, he took it with trembling fingers.

There were two little kids staring back at him. The little boy looked a lot like him.

"What are their names?"

"Your sister's name is Shawn and your brother's name is Adam."

"Do they know about me?"

Bob nodded. "I've told them about you before. They know I have another son."

AJ handed the picture back to him. "Well you can tell them that their brother knows about them now and he wishes them luck living with you. They're going to need it."

AJ turned and walked away again. "Is this good-bye Alex?"

AJ looked at him again. "I don't recall saying good-bye." His voice was cold.

Kevin and Denise watched from right inside the door. AJ turned away from his father, leaving him standing there.

AJ opened the door and saw his mother and Kevin standing there. "I told him to leave. I never want to see him again." As soon as the words were out of his mouth, AJ began to cry.

Denise pulled her son into a hug, rubbing his back softly. Kevin wrapped his arms around both of them.

"Let's go get ready for dinner."

Chapter 48

The day dawned clear and slightly on the cool side. The temperature was supposed to reach 60 today and the sun was supposed to be shining all day.

Ann walked down the path behind the hotel to the pond out back. She hadn't been able to sleep the night before. Today her baby boy was getting married. The last of her children were leaving her.

She sat down next to the pond and hugged her knees to her chest, shivering slightly in the sweater and jeans she had on.

"You look cold."

Ann smiled and turned to look at the man sitting next to her. "I was hoping you would stop by at some point today."

"Of course I'm here. Our son is getting married."

"Are you going to go to see Kevin today?"

Jerald sighed. "You know that you're the only one who still sees me Annie."

"I know."

"I'm going to watch the ceremony."

"That's good. Kevin will know that you're there."

Jerald put his arms around his wife's shoulders warming her up. "You look so beautiful Annie. The years have treated you well."

Ann looked at her husband lovingly. "It hasn't been the same without you though Jerald." She reached up and touched his cheek softly, feeling the flesh and stubble there.

"I keep telling myself that you aren't really here, that you're a figment of my imagination, but then I touch you and I can feel you. I can feel the warmth of your body and the movement as you breath."

"I am here Annie. I'm here in your heart. I'm never going to leave you."

Ann settled back into her husband, enjoying the feeling of his arms around her. After he had first died, she had spent most of her time imagining him there. As the years went by she realized how wrong it was to do that. She rarely allowed herself the luxury of imagining her husband with her anymore.

Jerald stroked her cheek gently. "Is AJ good to my boy?"

"Very good. They both love each other so much."

"And my grandson Ben. Is he okay?"

Ann nodded. "Ben is part of the family now."

"Beth spends a lot of time watching him. We've talked a lot since she got here. Beth is still as sweet and caring as ever."

"Kevin wishes so much that you could have met AJ. He wants you to be happy for him so badly."

"I'm very happy for him. I've watched the two of them together. I know AJ is a good man. Tell Kevin that he has my support in this union of souls."

"Are they meant to be together Jerry?"

"Annie you know I can't tell you that." He said softly.

"Just tell me this one thing. I promise I will never ask again."

Jerald sighed. "I'm breaking a lot of rules by doing this." He stopped and looked around. "If I do this I can't come back."

Ann turned to face him. "You will always be with me." Jerald nodded.

"Kevin and AJ are soul mates. They fit together perfectly. I haven't seen anyone's spirits intertwined so tightly before. This is meant to be."

"Thank you." Ann whispered. Jerald began to fade. "Goodbye Annie. I have to go now."

She touched his cheek one more time. "Goodbye Jerry." He pressed his lips to hers as he faded away for good.

Ann opened her eyes and looked around the pond. The sun was glinting off it. She looked at her reflection and smiled.

"Can't I please see him?" AJ begged Howie. Grinning Howie shook his head.

"I'm sorry Alex, but it's the rules. No seeing the groom until the ceremony. You're lucky I didn't make the two of you sleep in separate rooms."

"Yeah but you dragged me out of the bedroom at 6am wearing a blindfold so I wouldn't see him. That scared the shit out of me."

"The blindfold was my idea." Nick said with a smile. "Yeah I was just going to make you keep your eyes shut." Howie said to him.

"Thanks Nicky. I'll remember that on your wedding day." AJ mumbled.

"Did you develop a way to travel back in time AJ?" Nick asked him.

AJ realized what he had said. "Oops. You're already married."

"Don't worry about it. You're just a little scatterbrained right now. I understand. I've done this remember."

"I do now."

"Let me fix your hair AJ." Denise said taking a brush to her son's unruly hair.

"Mom I spent 20 minutes getting it to look like that." AJ whined. "You spent 20 minutes to make your hair look like you slept on it wrong?"

"It doesn't look like that."

"Yes it does honey." She said, trying to fix it. AJ kept pushing her hands away.

"Denise let him wear his hair anyway he wants to." Dan said, taking the hairbrush from her.

"Thanks Dan." AJ grinned at his stepfather. Dan smiled back. "No problem Alex. I'm married to her. I know how pushy she can be."

Denise smacked him lightly in jest. "I could use a hand with my hair Mom." Justine said from where she was sitting.

Madeline was braiding one side as fast as she could. Denise smiled and hit her son lightly in the shoulder.

"See my daughter wants my help." Denise walked over and Madeline quickly showed her what she was doing with Justine's hair.

"Hey no stealing my Momma." AJ joked with her. Justine grinned and stuck her tongue out at AJ, waving her tongue ring at him.

"She's been my Momma almost as long as she's been yours Alex."

"You got your own parents Justine."

"Yeah and you have them too. I'm sure Momma and Poppa Graham are sitting outside proud as can be because their little Alex is getting married today."

"Dad your tie is crooked." Ben said reaching up to straighten Kevin's tie for him.

"Too tight Ben." Kevin managed to choke out. He reached up and loosened the tie, breathing comfortably again.

"Sorry Dad." Ben mumbled sitting back down.

"Don't worry about it kiddo." Kevin hugged him tightly. Brian walked over to the two of them.

"Kev, it's almost time." He spoke softly. Kevin turned to look at his brothers.

"Come on Kev. We'll have you back in about ten minutes. You know the tradition." Jerald said reaching for his little brother's hand. Kevin took his brother's hand tentatively.

The Richardson wedding tradition had been in place for generations. All the men in the family took the groom out to the back of the church and said a prayer together. Then they smoked one final cigar together before the groom entered the church.

"Ben. You're a Richardson now and you can join us if you so choose." Tim said to his nephew. Tommy smiled at Ben from behind his father.

Ben looked up at his father. Kevin nodded, reaching for his son's hand. "I'd like you to be there Ben."

Tim put his hand on his brother's back as the five of them walked outside. Jerald led them to the back of the church to a small clearing he had found earlier.

"I found this place earlier and it reminded me so much of Potter's Pond that I had to bring you here Kevin." Jerald pointed in front of him to the clearing.

"I haven't been to Potter's Pond in years." Kevin said softly as he looked at the small creek flowing through the woods around them. The trees formed a canopy above them and rays of sunlight sliced through the trees.

Tim took Ben's hand in his own. He took Tommy's hand in his other hand and Tommy took Jerald's.

"Jerald as the oldest it falls on you to lead the prayer." Tim said softly. Ben just watched his uncles and father closely.

Jerald let go of Kevin's hand and reached up, brushing his cheek gently. "I'd be honored to."

Tim, Jerald, and Kevin closed their eyes. Ben quickly closed his as well. Tommy left his open, watching his uncle's lips closely.

Jerald Sr. watched from the tree. Only Ann could ever see him so he knew he was in no danger watching his sons and grandsons. He had always wanted to lead the prayer on all three of his sons wedding days. He hadn't lived long enough to lead any of them.

"We are placed on this Earth with one goal in mind. To find the person who completes us. Once we find that other person we hold onto them."

Jerald paused to collect his thoughts.

"Today we join together to welcome another Richardson into the family. Kevin has found his soul mate. Later, when he promises to love, honor, and obey Alexander we gain another Richardson man to add to the family. We as a family are honored to have Alexander as one of our own."

Kevin squeezed Jerald's hand at his words. Jerald squeezed back, letting Kevin know that he understood.

"We pray as a family that Kevin and Alexander always have happiness and love in their hearts for each other and for the world. We pray that they have many years together as a family."

Tim lifted his head towards the sun. As tradition went it was his turn to say something.

"May you keep them warm and safe in their love for each other."

Tim squeezed Tommy's hand gently, letting him know it was his turn. He opened his eyes to translate what Tommy signed.

'I want you to be happy forever Uncle Kevin. I want you to always love Uncle AJ for as long as you live.'

Kevin smiled at Tommy.

"Ben it's your turn. Just say what you feel." Jerald said softly.

Ben nodded. "Dad I can't imagine what either you or Papa would be like without each other. I don't want to ever have to find out. I knew from the moment I met the two of you that you were in love. I hope that I can someday learn from your example and find the person I love."

"Together as a family we raise our voices and thank God for his infinite grace in allowing this union to take place. We praise you. Amen." Jerald finished with the traditional ending.

The others echoed his Amen and opened their eyes. Jerald Sr. watched them, tears pricking at his eyes. He jumped down and joined his family in the clearing.

Jerald picked up Ben and Tim picked up Tommy. The five of them joined in a hug. Jerald Sr. put his arms around Kevin, wishing that Kevin knew that he was there with him.

The hug broke apart slowly. Kevin reached for Ben, taking him from Jerald. He wrapped his arms around his son, holding him tightly.

"I love you Dad." Ben whispered in his ear.

"Kevin you ready for your last cigar as a single man?" Jerald asked, holding it out to him.

Kevin put Ben on the ground and took his cigar. Tim had taken Tommy aside to talk to him about the cigars. Kevin realized he had to give Ben his choice in the matter.

"Ben you do have a choice. This is a special occasion and you are allowed to have a cigar if you want one." Kevin said, kneeling down and holding a cigar out to him.

Ben took it and just looked at it. "Do I have to smoke it?"

"Of course not. It's your cigar. You can do whatever you want with it."

"I think I'll just keep it to remind me of this day." He put it in his tuxedo pocket and smiled at his father. Tommy had done the same thing, much to the relief of his father.

"Give me a hug Alex." Madeline said with a smile. AJ wrapped his arms around Madeline, hugging her tightly.

"I'm so happy for you and Kevin." She whispered into his ear. "Thanks Maddie. I'm so glad you're here today."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

The doors to the church stood open letting the warm breeze in. The guests had packed in, taking up every possible seat in the church. Marilyn, Mikel, and Jean-Michel stood at the back of the church, waiting for the stragglers before taking their seats up front. AJ had finally relented and allowed his father to come to the wedding ceremony. Bob was sitting in the back.

The wedding party waited outside around the side of the church. Since Kevin and AJ had never been traditional, the ceremony they had planned was a combination of traditional and unique. It was designed to fit their situation.

Ben was walking both of them down the aisle at the same time. He was going to stand in front of the priest with them when they said their vows to each other.

Jerald reached for Kevin's hand, pulling him towards him. Their hands connected.

Kevin stood in the doorway of the porch listening to his brothers argue. Neither of them were paying any attention to anything but each other so he could listen all he wanted. Part of him wanted to hear what was being said, but part of him was also scared.

"How could you treat Kevin like that? He's your brother Jerald. You don't call members of your family names like that." Tim glared at his older brother.

"So what? He's a disgrace to the family being," Jerald paused mulling over what to say. "That way."

"Just say it. Kevin is gay. And he's not a disgrace to the family. He's my brother too and I don't think he's a disgrace."

"I'm not going to say it because I don't think he is."

"You don't think he is gay?" Tim said in disbelief

"No, I don't think he is. He dated Beth for so long. He was going to marry her. How can he suddenly be gay?"

"I don't think Kevin suddenly became gay. He's been gay his whole life. Don't tell me that it came as a total shock for you?"

"Well I've never sat down and thought hmm...I think my baby brother is gay. It's not something I tend to dwell on. Those people are sick. They need help."

"Your little brother is one of 'those people' as you so beautifully put it. Do you think he needs help?"

"Yes! I think Kevin needs to be cured. It's like a disease you know. We should all pray for his soul."

Kevin breathed in deeply. That was the one thing he didn't want to hear. Kevin had hoped that his family could look beyond their religion and see him. Apparently Jerald couldn't.

"I can't believe that you are so ignorant that you would totally disregard the fact that Kevin is still your brother! Nothing has changed. He's still the same person he was yesterday. The only difference is that he is being completely honest with all of us."

"He is not the same person! Every time I look at him or think about him I feel sick. I feel ashamed to say that Kevin is my brother." Jerald's voice was filled with disgust as he spoke about his brother.

"Just like I'm ashamed to say that you're mine." Tim stared at his brother, not knowing who he was talking to anymore. This was not the same person he had grown up with.

"This is sick Jerald. I can't believe that you are ranting and raving about your brother being gay. We've all been through so much the past year with Dad dying."

"And then there's that! What would Dad have said? I think Kevin purposely waited until he was dead to spring this on us."

"Oh yes, Kevin knew that Dad was going to die." Tim's voice dripped with sarcasm. He looked away from Jerald, staring at the night sky.

"Don't take that tone with me Tim. That's not what I meant. All I meant was that Kevin never would have told us if Dad was still alive because he knew Dad would have flipped on him." Jerald was positive that his father would support him not Kevin in this argument.

"Actually Dad knew. I told him before he died. He was okay with it."

Both Tim and Jerald spun around at the sound of Kevin's voice. He stood in the doorway staring at them, his face clouded with anger. Kevin had heard enough. It was time to make himself known.

"Kevin! How long have you been listening?" Tim's voice shook, betraying the fear he felt, afraid for what was going to happen now that Kevin knew Jerald's true feelings.

"Long enough to hear exactly how you feel Jerald. Thanks for your support by the way."

"Kevin just...never mind, forget it." Jerald turned away from him, gripping the porch railing until his knuckles turned white. He didn't want to do this now.

Kevin grabbed Jerald roughly and spun him around.

"No I want to hear what you have to say to me Jerald. I'm sure Tim is dying to hear as well aren't you Tim?"

"I think I've heard enough. He hasn't made any sense yet." Tim's voice was desperate as he tried to prevent this fight.

"I'd like you to stay and listen though. Go on Jerald. Tell me exactly how you feel."

Kevin rested against the railing, crossed his arms and waited for Jerald to speak. Jerald looked at him and then over at Tim whose entire body was pleading with him not to answer. He was momentarily unsure of what to do, but the look of challenge on Kevin's face pushed him to speak. If Kevin wanted to hear how he felt, then he was going to hear all of it.

"Fine. I think you are a sinner, a sick, depraved human being who is confused and needs help. I think what you do is dirty and shameful. You make me ashamed to call you my brother. You are a disgrace to our family and I don't ever want to see you again!"

Kevin winced but he didn't back down. He just stared at Jerald.

"Jerald don't say that. You don't mean it." Tim grabbed his brother's arm. Jerald shook his hand off, his eyes filled with anger.

"The hell I don't Tim! I never want to see you again Kevin. Unless you change I don't want you as my brother."

"You can't always get what you want Jerald. I'm afraid you're not going to get either of those. I am still your brother and you will still see me." Kevin said evenly.

"How could you do this to us?"

"Oh yeah I chose this. I chose to be discriminated against, hated, reviled. Please, please let me be a shameful minority. I really wanted this!"

"Mom will never accept this."

"Mom already said she hasn't accepted it but she will still love me. She didn't say that I wasn't her son and I couldn't be a part of this family."

Kevin moved closer to Jerald, getting in his face. Jerald tried to back away, but Kevin grabbed his shoulders and held him still.

"You're alone in this Jerald. How does it feel to be alone? Because I've been alone my whole life! I've been surrounded by people but I've been alone because none of you knew the real me. For the first time in my life I am being completely honest with you and all you've done is hold it against me. Thank you. I feel so very loved by you."

Kevin let Jerald go, turning away and biting his lip to keep the tears from coming.

"I'm not alone in this. You forget that the rest of the family still has to be told about your little...deviancy. There is no way that they are going to accept this."

Jerald was getting desperate as he listened to his little brother speak. Kevin was making too much sense and he didn't want to lose this fight.

"I don't care. Mom and Dad were the most important people. Dad accepted it before he died. Mom hasn't but she still loves me and will still treat me the same as she always did. The rest of you are just accessories. Your acceptance is desired but not necessary."

"Good because you aren't going to get it anytime soon."

"That's fine. I don't need acceptance from you Jerald."

"I'm leaving guys. I don't want to listen to this anymore."

"I'll go with you Tim. I'll see you at dinner Jerald."

"Running away again? How typical of you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You always run away from your problems. You ran to Florida when Dad was dying, only returning right at the end. Now you're running from me because I don't agree with you. It's just like when you were a kid and one of us would take your toy. You never fought back Kevin. You always ran away."

"I'm not running anymore Jerald. I'm choosing to leave a conversation that I thought was finished. I'm sorry you thought differently."

"Forget it. Just leave. I don't want to look at your face anymore." Jerald turned away, hiding the tears filling his eyes.

Kevin stared at his brother's back, wondering what happened to make Jerald hate him so much. Tim touched Kevin's shoulder, getting his attention.

"Let's go." Kevin nodded, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He turned away, letting Tim lead him inside.

Jerald turned, tears running down his face and watched as his brothers walked away. He wanted to run after Kevin and hug him tightly. Tell him that he didn't mean any of it and he still loved him. Jerald just couldn't do it though. He couldn't look past the fact that Kevin was gay.

He looked back at the sky, staring at the stars twinkling in the darkness. Jerald took a deep breath, feeling the crisp air enter his lungs. The tears had stopped and he had regained control of his emotions. He was right.

"God Kevin." Jerald whispered softly while he hugged his baby brother. "I almost lost you because of my stupidity."

"But you didn't lose me. You're here today with me, which is more important then anything you may have said when you were younger."

Neither of them had to say what they were thinking of. It was a common memory that pained both of them.

Tim put his arms around his brothers. "No sad memories today. This is a happy day."

AJ reached for Kevin's hand, clutching it tightly as the wedding party lined up to enter the church.

"I love you Alex."

"I love you Kevin."

Ben moved in between them breaking the contact they had. He held both of their hands in his own, joining the family together.

AJ looked over at Kevin quickly. His mind flashed back to that night on the beach.

"Where the hell am I?" AJ shouted loudly, pulling at the blindfold with his hands. It loosened enough that AJ didn't feel so trapped.

"AJ? Is that you?" Kevin asked his eyes also covered by a blindfold.

"Kevin?" AJ took off the blindfold and turned around. Kevin took off the blindfold over his eyes and looked at AJ.

"Why are we here?" AJ asked, walking towards the man of his dreams.

"I don't know. Howie told me he was going to take me out tonight. He put me in a limo and told me he would meet me there. Before I got out the driver put a blindfold on me and led me here."

"Howie told me the same thing."

It dawned on both of them at the same time that Howie had arranged for them to meet here.

"So why did Howie bring us to a beach in the middle of California?" AJ asked, walking down the beach slowly. He turned and walked backwards, watching as Kevin followed him.

"I guess he wanted us to talk or something." Kevin spoke quietly, wondering if AJ knew how he felt about him.

"There's a blanket over here." AJ said, reaching for Kevin's hand and pulling him forward.

Kevin allowed the exuberant 19 year-old to pull him forward, happy to be feeling AJ's hand in his own. AJ's heart was beating fast as he saw the blanket set out with champagne and flowers.

"Is this for us?" Kevin asked, sitting down.

"There's a note addressed to us." AJ reached for the note opening it up.

"You read it." Kevin said, looking out at the waves as they crashed on the beach.

"Just ask him already. You both are retarded for each other. Love Howie."

AJ's mind raced. Did this mean that Kevin felt the same way about him that he felt about Kevin?

AJ turned to look at Kevin at the same time Kevin turned to look at him.

"Alex." Kevin whispered. "Kevin." He whispered back.

Kevin leaned in and kissed AJ softly on the lips. AJ's heart soared as he felt Kevin's lips on his own. He gently pressed back, reaching for Kevin's hand.

They held hands tightly as they kissed in the moonlight. Finally breaking apart, Kevin stared into AJ's eyes. He slid over to AJ and pulled him into a hug.

"I guess Howie has been talking to both of us lately." Kevin said softly.

AJ took a deep breath and started to walk down the aisle holding his son's hand tightly. Kevin was on the other side, squeezing Ben's hand as well. They followed the wedding party down the aisle, barely noticing the people in the church. All they saw was the priest at the end of the aisle.

"Welcome everyone." The priest said to the crowd. He smiled warmly at Kevin and AJ.

"I'm happy to be here to perform this particular marriage ceremony today. I first met Kevin and Alexander two and a half years ago when Alexander's mother got married. Since then I have watched the two of them fight to keep themselves together. The love between them is an inspiration for all of us. No matter what was thrown at them, they handled it together."

AJ squeezed Ben's hand tightly. Kevin did the same on Ben's other side.

"So before we start, I want to do something a little unorthodox, but hey, look around. Are any of us really that stuck on a traditional ceremony?"

The crowd laughed politely. The priest stepped forward to Kevin and AJ.

"I would like to introduce the people standing up here to everyone in the audience."

Kevin nodded his approval and the priest turned to Kevin's party first.

"Kevin chose his brother Timothy Richardson as his best man. Standing with him is Kevin's other brother Jerald Richardson Jr., Brian Littrell, Harold Littrell Sr., Harold Littrell Jr., and his mother Ann Richardson."

"Alexander chose his friend and band mate Howard Dorough as his best man. Standing with him are Nikolas Carter, Justine Graham, Madeline Perkins, Daniel Haynes, and his mother Denise Haynes."

"Our ring bearer is Thomas Richardson. The flower girls are Leslie Richardson, and Kira and Haley Kirkpatrick. Our ushers who seated you today are Brian Warner-Vasquez, Mikel Warner-Vasquez, and Jean-Michel Garvonne. The lovely voices you heard as the wedding party walked down the aisle were the members of 'Nsync."

"And standing between Kevin and Alexander is their son, Benjamin."

The priest stepped back up in front of them. "My name is Richard just so everyone knows." He waved to the crowd.

"Hi. I'm Kevin Richardson. This is Brian Littrell. You must be Nick, Howie, and AJ."

Kevin held his hand out, hoping someone would shake his hand back. One of them, a young boy with blond hair, shook his hand back.

"I'm Nick. Wow you're a lot older then all of us."

Kevin blushed, not knowing what to say. One of the other boys smacked Nick in the arm.

"Shut up dimwit. Just because you're a little kid doesn't mean we all are. Kevin is only a year older then me anyway. I'm Howie by the way. Ignore this pain in the ass."

AJ hung back, surprisingly shy. He just stared at the man standing in front of him. AJ had never felt this way before in all his fifteen years of life. Just looking at Kevin turned him to jelly.

Brian threw his arm around Nick.

"I'm Brian. Do you play Nintendo?" Nick beamed up at Brian with a look of admiration.

Kevin chuckled. "They are going to get along fine." He turned to look back at Howie and AJ.

"Do you talk AJ? Or do you just stand there?"

Howie poked AJ in the side. By order of management, Howie had spent the last three days with Nick and AJ and he knew that AJ was not quiet.

"Ummm...hi Kevin."

AJ stuck his hand out, hoping Kevin wouldn't notice how clammy it was. He felt Kevin's hand wrap around his tightly. AJ's voice caught in his throat and his mind went blank. All he could see or feel was Kevin's hand in his. What the hell was going on?

"Nice to meet you AJ."

Kevin smiled warmly at the boy in front of him. He liked the look of him, despite how incredibly frightened AJ looked at the moment. Was he that intimidating of a person? He had tried to work on that.

"We are supposed to go pick up your luggage and then go to the home all five of us are sharing for right now. Management decided the best way for us to get to know each other."

Howie took charge of the situation. He loved to be the one giving the orders. Besides, he had actually paid attention at the meetings he, Nick, and AJ had been forced to go to.

Howie led the group of hopeful singers to a large van. They threw the luggage in and climbed inside. Howie climbed behind the wheel, with Kevin sitting next to him.

"So Kevin, what did they tell you and Brian about the three of us?"

"Just the basics. Age, vocal range, dancing ability, previous entertainment history. Stuff like that. They did give us pictures."

"Same here. I've actually known AJ for sometime. We ran into each other at auditions and stuff. Same with Nick and AJ. They know each other as well."

Kevin nodded.

"Actually I was home on vacation when I went to the audition in Lexington. I've lived in Orlando since I turned 19. Brian begged me to go with him and I ended up auditioning as well. Little did we know we would both be picked."

"You guys are cousins right?"

Kevin nodded.

"I can tell. You look alike."

AJ sat in the back listening to Brian and Nick chatter on. His mind was far away. AJ's eyes, however, focused on Kevin's profile. He memorized every inch of it. It was perfect. Everything about Kevin seemed perfect.

Nick looked over at the goofy grin on AJ's face. He followed AJ's gaze and saw him staring at Kevin. Nick's mind worked quickly and decided that AJ really needed a wet willy right then and there. He stuck his index finger in his mouth and winked at Brian, who covered his mouth so he wouldn't laugh. Nick stuck his finger in AJ's ear, laughing hysterically as AJ shouted and rubbed his ear.

AJ jumped on top of Nick, tickling him mercilessly. Brian laughed so hard tears began to fall. Kevin turned to look at the three of them and frowned slightly.

"Hey you two! I'm driving here. Save it until we get home."

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of two souls in the union of holy matrimony. Kevin and Alexander wrote their own vows for today, so I'm just going to stand back and let them speak."

Kevin turned to look at AJ. Ben decided it was time for them to be alone. He took Kevin's hand and placed it in AJ's stepping out from in between them. Ben went over to Denise and stood in front of her. She wrapped her arms around him.

"Alex, I never knew how much I could love someone until the day I let myself love you. I love you more then I thought possible. Everything about you makes me happy." Kevin paused, squeezing AJ's hands tightly.

"The past year hasn't been an easy one by any means. Our relationship was tested repeatedly and we had more then our fair share of fights. I've learned one very important thing from all of it. I never want to let you go."

"So today in front of all the people that mean the most to me, I promise to give you my heart and my soul for eternity."

AJ sniffled, reaching up to wipe the stray tear that had traveled down Kevin's cheek as he spoke. Kevin smiled at him, reaching up to stroke AJ's cheek softly.

"When I was 15 years old, this man came into my life that completely changed the way the world looked to me. Suddenly everything seemed possible. When I was 19 years old, this same man changed my life again when he kissed me. I had to turn Howie down however, since I was in love with Kevin."

AJ flashed a smile at Howie, which caused everyone to laugh at his joke. Howie shook his head, grinning at them both.

"Since the first I told you that, I have always meant it. Through good times and bad times, through arguments and jokes I have always loved you. I'm anticipating our future with happiness. I can't wait to grow old with you and complain about 'them kids' and all the noise they make. I can't wait to fuss over our grandkids together."

"Kevin I can't imagine my life without you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Alex." Kevin whispered softly. Everyone disappeared as they stared into each other's eyes.

"I never want to be without you. Always in my heart you will stay. Together we will fight the world as one soul." Kevin and AJ whispered together, softly so no one else could hear them.

Kevin closed his eyes and listened to AJ's steady breathing next to him. He rolled over and rested his head on AJ's chest. He could feel the steady beat of AJ's heart under his head.

He never felt more alive then when he held AJ. Tomorrow they were going to be married. After tomorrow, he was never going to have to worry about losing him again.

This was forever.

"If anyone has a reason why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."

The priest paused for a moment before breaking into a smile. "Okay looks like we're good to continue."

"Alexander James McLean do you take Kevin to be your lawfully wedded husband for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health until death do you part?"

"I do." AJ said softly.

"Kevin Scott Richardson do you take Alexander to be your lawfully wedded husband for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health until death do you part?"

"I do." Kevin's voice shook as he stared into AJ's eyes.

"May I have the rings please?" The priest turned to Tommy. Tim quickly signed to him to step forward.

Tommy stood in front of Kevin and AJ, holding up the wedding bands on a little blue satin pillow.

"Alexander please pick up the ring and repeat after me."

AJ picked up the ring and held Kevin's hand in his own.

"With this ring I thee wed." The priest said.

"With this ring I thee wed." AJ's hand shook as he slid the narrow silver and gold band on Kevin's left ring finger.

"Kevin please pick up the other ring and repeat after me."

Kevin picked up the other ring and reached for AJ's hand.

"With this ring I thee wed." The priest said again.

"With this ring I thee wed." Kevin slid the band on AJ's finger.

"With the power vested in me by the state of Vermont, in front of God, family, and friends I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss each other."

Kevin and AJ stared into each other's eyes, unable to believe that they were actually married now.

Kevin leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against his husband's. AJ's hand came up to Kevin's neck and pulled him closer, slipping his tongue into Kevin's mouth at the same time.

The sound grew dim. The crowd was still cheering, but Kevin and AJ couldn't hear them anymore. All they could hear was each other's breathing and their hearts beating. The world disappeared as they lost themselves in each other's lips and souls. AJ broke away and stared into Kevin's eyes, searching for the answer to his unspoken question.

Kevin whispered, barely moving his lips, inaudible to anyone but AJ. "Forever Alexander." They both let the tears slip out, crying for the sheer happiness of the moment and for the love that they had for each other.

"I am proud to present to you Mr. and Mr. Kevin Scott Richardson."

Chapter 49

"Hey guys! Come over here for a second!" Nick waved to Kevin and AJ from across the room.

Kevin and AJ wove their way through the crowd of people to get to Nick.

"Hey Nicky." Kevin threw his arm around Nick, his other hand still holding onto AJ's tightly.

"Hey Mr. Richardson." Nick pulled AJ into the hug as well.

"It's time for your first dance as a married couple. 'Nsync is ready so we want to announce it."

"Okay Nick. Thanks." Kevin said, pulling AJ into another hug.

Nick walked over to the front of the room and took the microphone from the DJ.

"Hey everyone! How are all of you today?"

The crowd clapped in response.

"I'd like the happy couple to come to the center of the dance floor to dance their first dance together as a married couple."

The crowd cleared the floor and Kevin and AJ walked to the center of the floor, smiling at each other happily.

"Originally 'Nsync was supposed to perform the song for us, but we decided that Kevin and AJ need to be serenaded by as many people as possible. So I want 'Nsync to step forward along with the other people I talked to earlier."

'Nsync stepped up, followed by the members of the Backstreet Boys. Britney and Daniel walked up to the group. Allie and Marilyn joined hands and came out from the crowd. Trent Reznor followed them. Janet Jackson stood next to Justin, putting her arm around him. She rested her head on his shoulder. The guys from 98§ joined the group. Ben walked over holding Fatima's hand. Brian picked him up and put him on his shoulders.

Kevin and AJ both started to cry when they saw the group of people assembled together.

"Don't cry you two. This is a happy moment."

Nick stood in front of the group and raised his arms. "Everyone ready?"

Kevin and AJ moved together to dance. AJ rested his head on Kevin's shoulder, holding him close. Everyone began to sing together their voices meshing in a indescribable way.

Maybe its intuition But some things you just don't question Like in your eyes I see my future in an instant And there it goes I think I found my best friend I know that might sound more than a little crazy But I believe...

I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life I knew I loved you before I met you I have been waiting all my life

There's just no rhyme or reason Only this sense of completion And in your eyes I see the missing pieces I'm searching for I think I have found my way home

I know that may sound more than a little crazy but I believe...

I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life I knew I loved you before I met you I have been waiting all my life

A thousand angels dance around you I am complete now that I have found you

I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life I knew I loved you before I met you I have been waiting all my life

Kevin held his husband closely, breathing in AJ's scent.

"Hey Boo. We did it." AJ whispered.

"Yeah we did."

"I want one more picture." The photographer said to Kevin and AJ. "Okay. No problem."

"I'll be right back." She said leaving them standing alone. Ben came running over to them, holding Brielle's hand in his own. He had asked that he be allowed to bring Brielle as his date. Kevin and AJ couldn't refuse his one request.

"Hey guys. How's it going?" AJ asked the two of them, reaching his hand out to Ben.

Ben jumped into AJ's arms, hugging him tightly. Kevin picked up Brielle and hugged her as well. They had grown very close to Brielle during the time she had spent with them over the summer.

"I just danced with Marilyn Manson." Brielle said to Kevin. "And I danced with Janet Jackson." Ben pretended to swoon in AJ's arms. They all laughed him.

"I'm glad you guys are having fun." Kevin said as Brielle shifted herself so she was on Kevin's back. Ben rested his head on AJ's shoulder.

"Hey Papa?"

"Yeah Benji?" Allie had started calling Ben that and it had kind of stuck. AJ found himself using it a lot.

"I'm really happy for you and Dad. I love you guys."

"I love you too Benji." AJ kissed him softly on the forehead, holding him tightly.

The photographer joined them, followed by a bunch of people.

"This is the last posed shot for the day." She said, gesturing to the people behind her.

Chris and Danielle were holding Kira and Haley in their arms. JC and Joey were holding hands tightly. Lance and Jean-Michel were standing with their arms around each other's waist. Justin had his arms wrapped around Sarah who was standing in front of him.

Nick and Allie were standing next to Brian and Leighanne. Howie was holding Luna in his arms while Ameena was straightening Marilyn's tie. Mikel was watching them in amusement.

"I'm glad Ben and Brielle are already over here. That explains why I couldn't find them."

The photographer began to move people around. She placed Kevin and AJ first.

"Ben can you stand in front of your parents? Brielle stand next to him." They moved where they were supposed to go.

"Brian and Leighanne please stand next to Kevin. Howie and Ameena stand next to AJ. Howie can you and Ameena hold Luna between the two of you?"

She watched as they moved into place. Howie and Ameena put Luna between them, holding her carefully.

"Justin and Sarah stand next to Howie and Ameena. Chris and Danielle stand next to Brian and Leighanne. Keep the girls how you have them."

They moved into place. "Joey, JC, Lance, and Jean-Michel stand next to Justin and Sarah. Nick, Allie, Marilyn, and Mikel next to Chris and Danielle. Mikel I want you to stand next to Allie."

The group was set up. "Stand closer to each other please."

Everyone squished together for the picture. Kevin looked up and down the row of people standing with him. Somehow he knew this was going to be one of the last times they were all together like this.


Kevin smiled at the picture in his hand. He put it on the dresser next to a picture of AJ, Ben, and himself.

The smiling faces of his friends and their family members would sit on that dresser forever to remind him of the last time they were all together. In the three years since his and AJ's wedding, they had never been able to get together as a group again.

AJ slid his arms around Kevin who jumped slightly.

"I didn't know you were here." Kevin said, smiling at him happily.

"I just got home from dropping Ben off at soccer practice."

They both stared at the picture in silence. AJ kissed Kevin's neck softly.

"Hey Mr. Richardson, do you want to head out back and catch a swim with me?"

"Well Mr. Richardson I have nothing else to do today except spend it with you, so I'm up for a swim."

"Then let's go." AJ hooked his arm in Kevin's and they walked out of their bedroom together.

Kevin shut off the light, leaving the room in darkness.


Hello everyone. And I guess goodbye everyone. I want to thank everyone for reading this story as long as you did. There are a few people I have to thank so just bear with me. If you really want you can skip over them, but they are all people you know.

Kevin Richardson, AJ McLean, Nick Carter, Brian Littrell, Howie Dorough, JC Chasez, Lance Bass, Justin Timberlake, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone, Justine Graham, Madeline Perkins, Elrey, Juan, Pauli, Tori Amos, Allie Vasquez(Carter), Marilyn Manson, Mikel Vasquez, Twiggy Ramirez, Ameena Dorough, Shelley Madison, Denise McLean Haynes, Steve Hopkins, Ann Richardson, Jessie, Shera Wilson, Carson Daly, Kurt Loder, MW Gacy, Jean-Michel Garvonne, Britney Spears, Karen Dwyer, Diane the secretary, Johnny Wright, Kate, Leslie Richardson, Tommy Richardson, May Richardson, Tim Richardson, Jerald Richardson Jr., Julia Richardson, Joe Richardson, Harold Littrell Sr., Jackie Littrell, Harold Littrell Jr., Casey, Stefan, Dr. Walker, Jeff, Cody, Luna Dorough, Chloe Mains, Lucia Vasquez, Danielle McShane, Kira Kirkpatrick, Haley Kirkpatrick, Aaron Carter, Ginger Fish, John 5, Robert Carter, Tom Mark and Travis from Blink 182, Maria, Becca, BJ Carter, Angel Carter, Leslie Carter, Jane Carter, Rose McGowan, Samantha Vasquez, Evan Vasquez, Beth Williams, Benjamin Jacob Richardson, Mary, Daniel Haynes, Brielle Solomon, Kimmie Harris, Fatima, Drew Justin Nick and Jeff of 98*, Darren and Daniel from Savage Garden, Janet Jackson, Jerald Richardson Sr., Lindsay the nurse, Trent Reznor, Christina Aguleria, Mandy Moore, Leighanne Wallace, Mrs. Phillips, David and Julia, Robert McLean, and finally Richard the Priest.

So to everyone who read 'Escape' thank you for your support and enthusiasm. I'll see everyone again. Hey I still have one more chapter to do of 'Choices' so you aren't getting rid of me that easily.

I also want to thank DJ and Sarah most of all. You guys have been with me since I first started writing this story. Thank you so much for your friendship, support, editing, and character basis. You both have helped me more then you know.

Goodbye for now!


Next: Chapter 19

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