
By Rachel Lewis

Published on Feb 3, 2000


Hi everyone! I wanted to get something out quick because I kind of left the last section at an awkward point and people seemed a little concerned about one big thing. Let me put a fear to rest: YES KEVIN AND AJ WILL BE GETTING MARRIED! Sorry just had to clarify that. So if you email me and ask that I will personally go to where ever you live and kick your butt. Sorry I had a chem exam at 8am this morning and my body decided to play a mean trick on me and not let me go back to sleep.

This is going to be a short beginning. I'm supposed to be getting in my car and driving to my parents house as I type. That's obviously not happening. I need to get out of my PJ's before I do that. Okay talk to you guys soon. Oh and email me! I really want opinions of this part of the story. It's a big change and I need to know what people think.

Disclaimer: blah blah gay yadda yadda fiction blah blah Backstreet Boys

Prologue to Chapter 35

Kevin pushed the bedroom door open. He peeked inside, only to see that Ben was asleep. His guilt for getting angry at Ben was tearing him up inside. It wasn't as easy to distance his emotions when dealing with Ben. It had always been easy to punish Nick because of that.

Kevin vacillated over whether to shut the door and go to bed or to walk inside. Ben was curled up in a ball with his thumb in his mouth. Kevin's heart melted as he watched his son sleep.

He quietly walked across the room and sat on the bed next to Ben. Kevin looked at the tear stains on his face, knowing that Ben had cried himself to sleep. He felt horrible for doing that to him.

"I'm so sorry Ben." Kevin whispered softly. He didn't want to wake him, but he had to say this. He smoothed Ben's red hair with his hand.

"I never expected this Ben. I really have no idea what I'm doing here. I always thought I would get plenty of time to prepare for parenthood."

Ben kept his eyes tightly shut and his breathing even. He had woken up as soon as Kevin had sat on the bed. He wanted to hear what Kevin had to say without Kevin thinking he was listening.

"I want to tell you how much I love you Ben. From the moment your mother told me about you, I knew that I loved you and I always would. You answered my prayers for a son. I'm going to try my best to be a good father to you. I don't really know how to do that, so I am going to screw up again like I did tonight, but I'm going to keep trying. I won't ever let you be alone."

Kevin brushed Ben's hair away from his face. He leaned over and kissed Ben softly on the forehead. "Goodnight Ben. I love you." Kevin pulled the blanket over Ben before he left the room.

Ben sat up as soon as the door shut behind Kevin. He had never seen his father show that much emotion. Ben almost wished he had responded to it.

Kevin slipped into bed, trying not to disturb AJ who he thought was already asleep.

"I'm not asleep yet Kev." AJ rolled over to face him. "Was Ben awake?" Kevin shook his head.

"I talked to him though. I said everything I've wanted to say to him when he's awake, but can't."

AJ smiled sleepily at Kevin. "That's a start sweetie. The two of you need to talk before we go to Brian's tomorrow. I need to talk to him too."

Kevin wrapped his arms around AJ, pulling him close to him. He could feel AJ's warm breath on his neck. Kevin rolled onto his back, bringing AJ with him.

AJ propped himself up on Kevin's chest using his elbows. He rested his chin on his hands. Kevin and AJ stared at each other, looking deep into their eyes.

"I love you Alexander." Kevin said softly. "I don't think I've told you that enough lately. I'm sorry."

"I love you Kevin." AJ brushed a lock of Kevin's hair away from his eyes. "Neither of us has said it lately. I'm sorry too."

AJ rested his head on Kevin's chest, listening to Kevin's heart beat softly under his ear. Kevin wrapped his arms around AJ, closing his eyes and letting himself enjoy the weight of AJ on top of him.

They were both drifting off to sleep when AJ heard a soft knock on the door. He lifted his head up, slightly confused.

"Did you hear that Kevin?" Kevin grunted and opened his eyes halfway. There was another knock. Kevin opened his eyes all the way.

"Who is it?" Kevin called out to their unknown visitor. The door opened quietly.

"It's me Dad. Can I sleep with you guys tonight?" Ben asked softly, holding his teddy bear and sucking his thumb.

AJ rolled off of Kevin and turned the light on. All three of them winced at the bright light. Ben looked at his fathers and waited for an answer.

"Of course you can Ben." Kevin sat up and held his arms out to Ben. He didn't expect Ben to hug him, so he was surprised when Ben flew into his arms, hugging him tightly.

"I heard everything you said." Ben whispered into Kevin's ear. Kevin nodded as he continued to hug his son. "I love you too Dad."

Tears pricked at AJ's eyes as he watched them hug each other. He had waited all week to see the two of them actually show affection towards each other.

Kevin and Ben let go of each other. Ben smiled at his father shyly. Kevin pulled the blanket down and Ben climbed into bed in between Kevin and AJ. He curled back up, sucking his thumb. AJ turned the light off and they all settled down.

Kevin and AJ smiled happily at each other and watched as their son slept. Maybe everything would be okay after all.

Chapter 35

"Let go Morpheus!" AJ shouted as he pulled on the towel Morpheus had in his mouth. Unfortunately, Morpheus thought it was a big game and just tugged harder.

"Morpheus, drop it." Ben said as he walked onto the deck carrying his backpack. Morpheus dropped the towel and padded over to Ben. He woofed happily at the sight of his master.

AJ sat on the deck, breathing heavily. "Why doesn't he listen to me?" AJ asked Ben, keeping an eye on the dog. All AJ wanted was for Morpheus not to jump back in the pool.

"I guess he's not used to you yet. He'll listen eventually." Morpheus looked longingly at the pool. AJ caught his gaze.

"Oh no you don't. Kevin won't let you in the car if you're wet. There's a pool at Brian's. Swim all you want when we get there." Morpheus whined slightly but headed back inside.

AJ stood up, still a little worn out from his tug-of-war with Morpheus. "So are you ready to go?"

Ben nodded. "Did you say goodbye to your mom?"

Ben nodded again, his face falling slightly. He still didn't want to leave her. The nurse that Kevin and AJ had hired had come over about an hour ago. Kevin had explained to the nurse that the person to talk to about Beth was Ben. Luckily she took it well, listening to Ben and promising to take good care of her.

"Come on Squirt. Let's roll." AJ scooped Ben up in his arms and tossed him over his shoulder. Ben laughed happily and squirmed in AJ's arms.

"Don't call me Squirt Bone Daddy." Ben shot back at him.

AJ put Ben back down. "Hey where did you hear that one?" No one called him Bone Daddy anymore. Ben rolled his eyes.

"I'm 10. All the girls my age want to marry you guys and have like a million of your babies. My best friend Brielle used to tell me everything about you guys. She's going to die when she finally meets you and Dad." Ben grinned at AJ, squinting slightly in the sun.

"So are we anything like you expected?" AJ asked as they walked inside. Ben shook his head.

"You and Dad are a lot different then what people think. Like you are fun and goofy, but not all the time. You're really a pretty smart guy."

"People think I'm stupid?" AJ asked, surprised at that. "Not really. They just don't think that you're responsible. I guess people think you are a total goof-off. And they think Dad is ultra-responsible and serious. He is a lot of the time, but he's also a pretty relaxed guy too."

AJ nodded slowly, pondering the idea of being the stupid one. He had always thought Nick held that distinguished honor in the public's view.

"I haven't met Brian, Nick and Howie yet so all I can say is what Brielle told me. Is Nick really an idiot?"

AJ laughed. "I guess Nick is the one people think is stupid. Actually Nick is a great guy. He's anything but stupid."

Kevin stood in the living room, looking at his watch and back at Morpheus. Iya wandered across the floor, trying to appear unconcerned with Morpheus. He immediately noticed her and walked over to say hi. Morpheus found Iya extremely interesting and wanted to play with her. She on the other hand, considered him a huge bother.

"AJ! Ben! Come on. We're going to be late."

Ben and AJ walked into the living room a moment after Kevin shouted to them.

"We were on our way Dad." Ben said to his father. He looked over at Morpheus who was whining pathetically at Iya. She batted at his nose with her paw. He barked loudly and she skittered away. Morpheus turned to look at Ben with a confused expression on his face. Ben just laughed at him.

"Well what do you expect you big bozo? You barked at her. Of course she's going to run. Next time don't bark and maybe she'll play with you."

"Okay troops. We've got to haul ass to Brian's. So let's head out." AJ said, snatching the car keys from Kevin's hand. "Haha! I'm driving."

Kevin shrugged. "My plan worked. I didn't want to drive anyway." He grinned at AJ, who stuck his tongue out back at Kevin. Ben laughed at the two of them. They didn't usually act so silly around him. He kind of liked it.

Brian kissed Shelley on the cheek. "I'm so glad you took the day off."

"Me too. I can't wait to meet the newest Richardson." Shelley smiled as she walked over to the kitchen table. Brian frowned. That wasn't why he was happy. Yes he wanted to meet his cousin's son, but he was happier to be able to spend the day with Shelley.

Shelley picked up her phone and hit a few buttons. "What are you doing?" Brian asked, his voice a little more bitter then he meant it to be. "I'm checking my messages. It'll just be a minute."

Brian sighed and left the room. Their relationship was just so blah lately. He felt like he was the only one who really cared. He looked out to the backyard to check on the dogs. He had taken Lance and Jean-Michel's dogs in while 'Nsync was on tour again. They were out back playing with Tyke.

Nick and Allie were sitting on the couch feeding each other potato chips. They were giggling and smiling at each other happily. Brian wanted that.

"Hey kids. Can you stop being so gosh darn cute for a minute?" Brian grinned at them. Nick and Allie separated for a moment and smiled at Brian.

"When's Howie getting here?" Nick asked as he stared at his bride. "Howie should be here anytime now. He's had his hands full the past few weeks since Ameena headed back out on tour again."

Nick and Allie had started kissing again. Brian found himself wishing for a bucket of ice cold water to toss on them. He shouldn't be so jealous but he couldn't help it. He had never had a love so great that he didn't want to stop touching the person.

"Allie?" She broke away from Nick, pushing him away so she could concentrate on Brian. "Yeah Bri?"

"Why do you love Nick?"

Allie shrugged. "It's hard to explain. There's just something about him that makes me feel complete. I know that no one else in the world can make me feel as happy and as loved as he does. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering. I mean I've shared a room with that boy for years and he snores and drools like a madman. How can you sleep with him and still love him?" Nick tossed a pillow at Brian as the three of them laughed.

"Who said anything about sleeping?" Allie said slyly. Nick blushed a deep red color and Brian practically fell off the couch laughing.

"What's so funny?" Howie asked as he walked in holding his daughter and carrying a huge diaper bag.

"Nothing Howie. You had to be here." Howie pouted. "I always miss the funny stuff. So are Kevin and AJ here yet?"

"Nope. They're running late. Again."

Shelley walked out of the kitchen with a frown on her face. "Brian can I talk to you for a moment?"

Brian knew what was coming. She had to leave and go to work. It was an important case. She'd be back soon. Promise.

"I have to go to work for a few hours. I'll be back soon. I promise."

"Whatever." Brian said bitterly. He had heard this all before. He knew that she wouldn't be back in a few hours. He would be lucky if she got home before he went to bed.

"Brian don't do this to me. I have to go take care of this. It's a very important case."

"I know. It's always a very important case. And whatever case it may be, it's always more important then me."

"I'm not discussing this now Brian. We'll talk when I get home."

"Sure." He'd heard that before too. "Bye Shelley."

Brian shook his head and walked back into the living room. Allie was on the floor, playing peek-a-boo with Luna. The two of them had bonded in California. Allie had missed having the baby around actually.

"Everything okay Brian?" Nick asked him noticing the upset look on his face.

"Shelley had to go to work. I'm so tired of this. I'm so tired of this whole relationship. I'm not happy."

"We know. You haven't been happy for a long time Brian. When are you going to do what you need to do to make yourself happy again?" Howie asked him.

"Soon. I think." Brian said, twisting his beer in his hands. "We are all here for you Brian. Every last one of us."

"Yeah, even the in-laws like you. Just think the Manson's are on your side." Nick grinned trying to lighten the mood. Allie poked him in the side.

"Quit using my parents as weapons." She grinned at him. Brian cracked a smile which made Nick happy. He had succeeded.

"Anyone want to move out back? I'm dying to hop into the pool." Allie asked them with a grin on her face. Nick's face lit up.

"Of course. Let's go." He grabbed her hand and pulled her out back. Howie and Brian looked at each other.

"Wanna bet Allie's wearing a bikini and Nick can't wait to stare at her in it?" Howie asked Brian.

"Nah, I'd be a fool to bet against that one."

Ben held Morpheus' leash as they walked up the steps to Brian's house. He was more then a little nervous about meeting the other guys.

"Dad?" He said quietly. Kevin turned to look at him. "Yeah Ben?"

"I'm scared." Kevin turned and knelt in front of Ben. AJ stopped as well when he realized they weren't behind him anymore.

"There's no reason to be scared. Trust me." Kevin looked deep into Ben's eyes. Ben nodded slowly, still a little scared.

"Here, take Morpheus for me AJ." Kevin said to him. AJ came and took Morpheus' leash from Ben, giving the dog a stern look.

"Hop on up." Kevin said, turning so his back was to Ben.

Ben hesitated for a moment and then decided to just go for it. This way he could hide behind Kevin if he needed to.

AJ punched in Brian's security code and opened the door. They walked in, Morpheus' claws tapped against the wood floors.

"I'm going to guess that they're out back." AJ said leading Morpheus forward. He got to the backdoor and stopped. Eve was lying by the door.

"Kevin, who took Adam and Eve while Lance is on tour?"

"I think Bri...oh no. Maybe we shouldn't have brought Morph." Kevin said, looking down at the big dog.

"It's too late now. Hopefully they will all get along." AJ opened the back door and walked outside.

Allie and Nick were splashing around in the pool, laughing happily. Brian and Howie were sitting on the deck drinking beer and talking. Luna was on the ground, playing with Adam.

Eve let out a low growl when she saw Morpheus. He just wagged his tail happily and pulled at the leash. AJ glared at him briefly and Morpheus settled down.

"So is this a private party or can anyone join?" Kevin said jokingly, walking over to Brian and Howie.

Brian looked up with a huge smile on his face. "Kevin I think you've grown an extra set of legs and arms."

Kevin grinned. "Uh oh. That's not good." AJ walked over, still holding Morpheus. He began to tickle Ben to get him to lift his head. He was hiding as much of himself as possible behind Kevin.

Ben's head popped up. Brian and Howie did a double take. If it wasn't for the red hair, Ben would look exactly like a miniature version of Kevin.

"Okay kiddo. Slid down." Ben pressed his head against Kevin's back again. He shook it, not wanting to let go.

Kevin sighed. "Fine you can stay there."

"So Brian where are the kids at?" Brian pointed at the pool. Kevin could see Allie and Nick splashing each other. "Want me to get them out of there?" Kevin asked him slyly.

"I know that glint in your eyes. What do you have in mind?" Brian grinned. Howie's eyes were staring at Morpheus in barely hidden fear. He had enough trouble with Adam and Eve. Morpheus looked at least 3 times bigger then them.

"Morph, remember the pool AJ told you about." Morpheus panted heavily, drooling all over the porch. "It's right over there. Have fun. Make sure to say hi to Allie and Nick."

AJ unclipped Morpheus' leash and he took off like a flash. Adam and Eve jumped up and chased after him. A moment later, all three dogs had jumped into the pool joining Nick and Allie. Tyke came bounding down the steps, trying to keep up with the bigger dogs. He tumbled down the steps, bounced up and kept running to the pool.

Allie screamed a moment later when she realized that a huge black dog that she had never seen before was swimming towards her. She hopped out of the pool, closely followed by Nick.

"Christ! You could've just asked us to get out of the pool. Whose monster is that?" Nick asked as he wrapped a towel around his wife.

Ben peeked his head over Kevin's shoulder. "He's mine. His name is Morpheus." Kevin grinned. He knew that would work. He killed two birds with one stone. Allie and Nick were out of the pool and Ben was talking.

Nick and Allie climbed the steps, rejoining the others. "So he's your dog is he? I'm Nick."

Ben slipped off Kevin's back and stood in front of Nick. "I'm Ben. Do you want to meet him?"

Nick looked back at the pool. The four dogs were swimming around and playing with each other. Somehow, Tyke had ended up standing on Morpheus as he was chasing Adam in the water.

"They look like their having fun. I'll meet him later." Nick grinned at the boy. His mind couldn't believe how much like Kevin he looked. If he squinted he would swear it was Kevin, just a lot smaller.

"Since you're down, do you want to meet everyone else?" AJ asked Ben, wrapping Morpheus' leash around the railing. Ben nodded, slipping his hand into AJ's for comfort.

"This short guy right here is Brian. You're unfortunately related to him because he's your Dad's cousin. But don't worry. He's harmless. Unless you tell him that he is singing off-key. He refuses to believe it actually happens."

AJ ducked behind Kevin as Brian's hand shot out to smack him upside the head. "He's lying Ben. I never sing off-key." Brian grinned at him. "Seriously though, it's great to meet you. Welcome to the family as crazy as we all are."

Ben shook his hand, not really sure of what to make of him. Brian looked a lot like his father, just shorter and with blond-red hair. His mom had told him about Brian. The two of them had known each other years ago.

"You met Nick already. So next up is Mr. Howard Dorough aka Howie."

Ben held his hand out to Howie. "Hola Howie. Bueno a quedar tú." Howie looked a little shocked, but shook his hand. "Tú hablar español?"

"No muy bein." Ben smiled at him. "I'm a lot better at English." Howie smiled back. "So am I."

"Nick's wife Allie is playing with Howie's daughter Luna." AJ said. Ben turned to look at the two of them and darted behind AJ quickly. Allie looked slightly confused, but just figured he was nervous.

AJ walked Ben over to Allie and Luna. "Hello Ben. It's nice to meet you." Ben peeked out from behind AJ and reached for Allie's hand.

"Hello." He managed to squeak out. Allie was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was gorgeous. He looked over at Nick. He seemed to be nothing special. How did he end up marrying an angel?

Ben sat down next to Allie, trying not to stare at her. He reached over and touched Luna's cheek softly. She was a cute baby. "Nick hand me my clip." Allie said, pointing to her hair clip on the table. He handed it to her and she quickly twisted her wet hair up.

Ben gulped, trying not to be too obvious as he watched her body move. Allie turned to look at him with a smile on her face. She lifted Luna onto her lap and reached for Ben's hand.

"Luna meet Ben Richardson. Are you going by Richardson?" She asked, suddenly worried that she had messed up.

Kevin cleared his throat. Allie looked up at him. "For now we are using Williams-Richardson. It's Ben's choice whose name he wants to use. Mine or his mother's."

Allie nodded and smiled at Ben again. He couldn't stop blushing when she looked at him. AJ watched in amusement. Ben quite obviously had developed a quick crush on Allie. He'd have to talk to him about that later.

"I've gotten that question before too." Ben looked at her quizzically. "Why?"

"Well my dad dated a famous person for a long time. They got married last fall. All of a sudden people started asking if I was using my step-father's name."

Brian and Kevin watched Allie and Ben for a moment. Nick was joking with AJ about the size of their new pet. Howie was listening to the two of them.

"So can I get you a drink Kev? I have Corona's if you want one." Kevin pondered the idea. A beer would taste pretty good right now. "Sure, I'll have a beer."

"AJ, want a drink?" AJ nodded. "Do you have any Cherry Coke?" Brian nodded. "Would I really invite you over and not have Cherry Coke?" Since AJ had stopped drinking, he had been going through a Cherry Coke phase.

"Your dad is gay? So you know what it's like." Allie nodded. "If you ever need to talk to someone whose been there, let me know. I'd be glad to offer my words of wisdom."

Ben smiled happily. "Cool." He blushed again. "You're cute when you blush. The red hair makes your face turn bright red. My friend Kate's the same way." Ben just blushed deeper.

Brian walked over to the two of them. "I'm doing a beverage run. What can I get you Ben?"

Ben glanced over at Kevin who was talking to Howie now. "Can I have a Pepsi?" He said it quietly, knowing that he wasn't supposed to have soda.

"Are you allowed to have Pepsi?" Brian asked, noticing that Ben had gotten really quiet and kept his eye on Kevin while he asked.

"Mom doesn't really like me to drink soda and Dad kind of goes along with it. Can you ask him if it's okay?" Ben said, raising his eyebrows to give himself a very innocent look. Brian melted.

"Sure." Brian walked back over to Kevin. "Is Ben allowed to have soda? He said to ask to make sure."

Kevin nodded. "Yeah, but only one. I'm not to big on the idea of him drinking too much. It rots your teeth." Brian rolled his eyes. He had heard that before many, many times from Kevin. He left to go get the drinks.

"You will never change will you Kev. You used to say the same thing to me all the time." Nick said smiling at him with his perfect white teeth.

"And look at your smile Nicky. Most people have to pay to have a smile that white. If it's because I didn't let you have soda then I'm glad to take credit."

Nick stuck his tongue out at Kevin. "Daddy Kevin always took such good care of all of us didn't he AJ?"

"Yes he did." AJ smiled lovingly at Kevin who just smiled back at him.

Nick walked over to his wife and Ben. Plopping himself down next to Ben, he smiled at both of them. "So you guys getting along okay?"

Allie nodded and leaned over for a kiss from Nick. Ben's stomach jumped. He was so jealous of Nick and he barely knew the guy.

"Ben I was wondering if you wanted to go scuba diving with me tomorrow?" Nick asked him.

"I don't know how to scuba dive." Ben said quietly, letting his gaze drop to his lap.

"I can teach you. It'll be a lot of fun. Allie's coming and so are her parents. It'll be fun." Nick said trying to convince the boy.

"I have to ask my dad first. But if he says yes, I'll come with you. I'd like to try it."

Nick grinned. "Great! I also wanted to know if you've been testing out the Playstation or not."

Ben nodded. "Yeah but I need a few more games. I beat all the ones you got me. Thank you by the way."

"Oh your welcome. I wanted to get you something fun for when you got here." Nick gulped. This kid had beaten all the games he had gotten him in a week? He was in for a battle.

"Well I really appreciate it. I've never had one before. I always used to play games on my friend Brielle's until her brother broke it."

"Brian's got one in his den. Play you in Street Fighter?" Nick had an ulterior motive for suggesting that game. He knew Brian had it and he hadn't gotten it for Ben.

"Sure. Dad got me that one a few days ago when we went shopping." Nick's face fell. Allie tried not to laugh at him. She knew what he was trying to do and he was failing miserably. He was just going to have to resign himself to getting his butt kicked for once.

Brian sat at the kitchen table in the dark, holding a cup of tea in his hands. It was almost 12:30 and Shelley still hadn't come home. He wasn't that surprised. Taking a sip, he steeled his resolve. He knew that he had to end it with her. This relationship wasn't a relationship anymore.

He had talked to Kevin about it for a long time while everyone was over. Kevin had helped him figure out what was going on in his mind. Brian had known what he was going to do all along, but he needed someone else to make him say it.

Brian smiled slightly as he thought about the day. Ben was a great little kid. Kevin and AJ were surprisingly good at being parents. Kevin he was used to acting like a parent, but AJ had surprised him. That kid must have natural parenting genes.

Eve rested her head on Brian's leg and whined softly. Brian reached down and scratched behind her ears absentmindedly. He had grown accustomed to having Adam and Eve at the house with him. Brian was going to miss them when they were gone. Plus Tyke loved both of them.

Glancing at the clock again, Brian sighed heavily. It was late and he was tired. He decided to finish his tea and head to bed. Maybe he would actually catch her tomorrow. He let out a dry laugh at the thought. He knew that would never happen, especially if she thought he wanted to talk to her.

Shelley pulled into the driveway, parking next to Brian's Jeep. She grabbed her briefcase and phone before she got out of the car. She was starving. Hopefully there was still some food left over from the barbeque today.

She felt bad about missing it and she knew that Brian was mad at her. What could she do though? This was her job.

Shelley walked into the house and put her briefcase down on the hall table. Tyke came over to her, barking softly. She leaned over and scooped him into her arms. "Hey little guy. Where are the big kids at?"

Tyke didn't make any sounds so she just carried him into the kitchen with her. "I guess Daddy's asleep isn't he?" Her voice sounded slightly relieved. She wasn't up for a confrontation at the moment.

Shelley flipped the light on and gasped when she saw Brian sitting there. "No Daddy isn't asleep." Brian said, standing up and taking Tyke from her.

Shelley leaned forward to give him a kiss but Brian backed away. She brushed it off and went to the refrigerator to get food.

"So how was the party? Is Ben nice?" Shelley grabbed a plate of macaroni salad and a bottle of beer. She sat down at the table, waiting for Brian to answer her.

"We need to talk Shelley."

She sighed and put her fork down. "Can't we do this later? I'm exhausted, you're tired. We both had long days. I promise I will be home for dinner tomorrow. We'll talk then."

"No. I want to talk now." Brian's voice was firm and emotionless. Shelley had never heard him use that tone of voice on her.

"Fine. Then talk. I'll listen." She took a sip of her beer and waited for Brian to speak. She was expecting him to back down like he usually did. Whenever he tried to confront her, he froze and backed down.

"This relationship isn't a relationship anymore. It hasn't been for a long time."

"And that's my fault somehow? You've been gone for months."

"I called you every single day when I was gone. I spent more time talking to your voicemail then talking to you. And I've been home for almost a month now. You are never here. It takes two people to make a relationship work."

"I'm a lawyer Brian. I work long hours and odd hours. You can't blame me for not being around."

"Your job is not an excuse. I should be more important then your job. Love is more important then money."

"You're one to talk Brian. Am I more important then your job?"

"Yes! You are. I would cut out of rehearsal, leave meetings, even run late for the show when you actually called me back just so I could talk to you."

Shelley was quiet. She didn't know that Brian had done that. He never seemed rushed or busy when they had talked.

"I do love you Brian."

It was Brian's turn to be quiet. He blinked back tears unable to believe that he was about to say this.

"I don't know if I love you anymore."

Shelley let the tears she had been holding back fall. She could see her world crashing down around her. She had everything she had ever wanted. A great job, no money problems, and most importantly someone that she loved with all her heart. She looked up at Brian. He was taking the most important thing away from her.

Brian bit his lip to keep from crying. "I don't want to be in this relationship anymore."

Shelley was quiet. She wiped her eyes and stood up. "Fine. I'm going to bed. I'll move my stuff out tomorrow. Goodnight Brian." Shelley walked away, trying to hide the fact that her heart was breaking apart. Brian had been the glue that held her together.

Brian couldn't stay in the house anymore. He put Tyke down and grabbed his coat and car keys.

Brian drove unconsciously. Tears were running down his face and he had no idea where he was going. He finally wiped his eyes and looked up at the house he had ended up at. Not surprisingly, he had driven to Kevin's without thinking about it.

Months ago he had promised Kevin that he would deal with his own problems and not run to him or AJ to get them fixed. He needed Kevin now though. He needed him to love him and tell him it was okay.

Brian opened the door and crept into the house quietly. No lights were on and he assumed everyone was asleep. He didn't turn any lights on, he just walked to Kevin and AJ's room automatically.

AJ was having a great dream when Brian's knock woke him up. He sat straight up, wiping the drool from his mouth. Looking down, he noticed a small puddle on Kevin's chest. Damn, he'd drooled on him again.

AJ quickly wiped the drool off and climbed out of bed. He stumbled over to the door and opened it. Brian was standing there in his pajamas and coat with tears running down his face.

Brian threw his arms around AJ, hugging him tightly and sobbing on his shoulder. The sound of crying woke Kevin and he got out of bed to join them.

"Brian what's wrong? Talk to me." Kevin picked his sobbing cousin up and carried him over to the bed, sitting him down. AJ took Brian's coat off and climbed behind him, wrapping his arms around Brian's shoulders to try and comfort him.

Kevin tried to wipe the tears from Brian's face, but they wouldn't stop coming. Instinctively he knew that Brian had broken up with Shelley. He hadn't seen Brian this upset since he finally ended it with Leighanne. Kevin held Brian's face in his hand and kissed his cheek softly.

"It's okay Brian. You did what was right for you."

"Did I Kevin? Did I?" Brian sagged against AJ, who just hugged him tighter. Kevin didn't know what to say. All he could do was try to comfort him as best as possible.

"I love you Brian and what you did was okay. You needed to do it. No one hates you for thinking of yourself for once." Brian nodded, listening to Kevin's words. He yawned, suddenly very tired.

Kevin saw that and looked over at AJ with a question in his eyes. AJ nodded immediately and let go of Brian. He pulled the covers down and went into the closet to grab another pillow.

"Why don't we go to bed now Brian? You look exhausted. We can talk more tomorrow." Brian nodded, his face quivering slightly. He didn't want to be alone, but he also felt like a child if he asked.

"Can I stay in here with you guys? I don't want to be alone." Brian asked quietly, his voice filled with shame for even asking the question.

"We wouldn't have it any other way Brian." AJ said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

AJ and Kevin helped Brian to lie down before lying down themselves. Brian immediately clutched Kevin to him, burying his face in Kevin's shoulder. Kevin let him stay, wrapping his arms around his cousin's back. AJ pressed himself against Brian's back, holding him closely as well. His fingertips rested on Kevin's side as they held Brian tightly between them.

AJ and Kevin couldn't fall back asleep for a while. Brian was out like a light, never relinquishing his grasp on Kevin.

"He broke up with Shelley didn't he?" AJ whispered to Kevin in the dark.

"Yeah. He was talking about it with me this afternoon. How did you know?"

AJ was quiet. "The only other time Brian's ended up in bed with us was when he broke up with Leighanne."

"Do you mind?" Kevin asked him, a little worried that he had done something without thinking about AJ's feelings.

"No, not at all. Brian needs us right now. I was just wondering if we are ever going to sleep in our bed with just each other again."

Kevin chuckled. "I promise we will. I love you AJ."

"I love you too Kevin."

---Damn, I haven't gotten sections out this quick...ever I think! I'm pretty proud of myself---

Next: Chapter 14: Escape 36 37

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