
By Rachel Lewis

Published on Aug 26, 1999


Please Read This Before Reading this Story!!

This is not your usual BSB story. No one is just discovering their sexuality or starting a relationship with another man. There will be no high drama of cheating lovers or homophobic bandmates. This story is set about two years in the future and deals with a continuing relationship between Kevin and AJ. This story ties loosely into a story written by a friend of mine for the Nifty Archive titled Man(son) of my Dreams, which is in the gay/celebrity section. A few of the characters cross back and forth.

Also I am a woman. So the sex scenes are not something I have first hand knowledge of. I have helped to write stories for the Nifty Archive in the past and wanted to try one on my own. I have read a lot of the Boy Band stories and found a number of them that are extremely well written and interesting. I decided to try my hand at one of them using my two favorite Backstreet Boys members'. So please read and hopefully enjoy my story! Send comments. I want to know what you think!

Disclaimer: This in no way implies that any person in this story that is mentioned as gay is actually gay. It's fiction and should not reflect on the character of the people mentioned within.

Escape Prologue

Happy images. Loving images. Tender images.

AJ asleep in Kevin's lap, content with Kevin stroking his hair. Sitting alone on the beach watching the sunrise, holding each other closely. Laughing, while eating dinner together. Practical jokes while on tour. Soft kisses when no one is looking. Curled up in bed together. Kevin and AJ, AJ and Kevin. The beautiful couple. It will never end?

Chapter 1

Kevin sighed as he climbed into bed. It had been a very long day and he was tired. AJ was already sleep. He toyed briefly with the idea of waking him up to say "hi". They hadn't seen each other since breakfast. AJ had been in the studio all day with Howie, Nick, and Brian. Kevin had gotten stuck in meetings all day. Sometimes he really hated being the one supposedly in `charge' of the groups decisions.

Kevin decided against waking AJ and just cuddled up against him instead. Things had been a little tense between the two of them recently. For the first time in almost seven years they all had a real vacation from being the Backstreet Boys. They were going to the studio occasionally and Kevin still had his meetings, but for all intents and purposes, they had almost six months off. Another tour was at least a year away. Next week, all the guys were splitting up and going on separate vacations. Well except for Kevin and AJ. They were vacationing together.

It had been so long since they had an extended period of time off that Kevin and AJ had forgotten how to act around each other outside of a work/tour situation. They had been used to the life they led on the road. Now that they were living in their house instead of hotel rooms, they were having trouble with the transition. All of a sudden they had to cook and clean for themselves. Kevin quickly found out that AJ could not be trusted doing the wash. He had shrunk a number of his clothes the first time he did it. And AJ found out that Kevin was totally unable to go grocery shopping and bring home food they actually needed. Neither of them were at all handy when something broke and they usually ended up calling Howie over so he could fix it.

Yet, they pushed on. They had been together for too long to let the little things get in the way. Now all that was getting in the way was each other. Maybe they needed some Kevin and AJ time before they even went on vacation.

Kevin held AJ close and thought about the past and the future. His mind was racing and despite his exhaustion, he could not fall asleep.

He let go of AJ and climbed out of bed. He stretched and walked over to the window. He pulled back the curtains and stared out into the darkness, losing himself in his thoughts again. He was jolted back into reality when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist.

"Are you okay Kev?"

"I couldn't sleep that's all." He turned to face AJ.

"Want to talk about it?" Kevin shook his head and broke away from AJ. He sat down on the bed and rested his chin in his hand.

"Do you know how cute you look when you do that Kev?" AJ sat next to him and rested hid head on Kevin's shoulder. "I've missed you the last few days. I can't wait until we leave for vacation and can just be alone together."

"Me either AJ, me either."

Kevin stared off into space, seeing right through the walls it seemed. AJ frowned. Despite his protestations, he knew something was wrong with Kevin. He had known him for 8 years and had been his boyfriend for 4 of them. He could telling when something was up. He could also tell that pushing Kevin to tell him would just make things worse. If he did, Kevin would eventually storm off and never tell AJ. So he decided to just drop it for now.

AJ ran his hand down Kevin's chest, pausing to tweak one of his exposed nipples. Kevin returned to reality and looked at AJ with a smile.

"I knew that would work. Come on, let's go to sleep. I'm exhausted."

Kevin nodded and let AJ pull him down. AJ rested his head on Kevin's strong chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"I love you Kevin."

"I love you too AJ."

Chapter 2

The sun streaming through the windows woke AJ up. He rolled over to wake Kevin, but he was gone. Worried, AJ climbed out of bed. He pulled a robe over his boxers and headed downstairs. As he got closer to the kitchen, he could hear music playing softly and Kevin singing along. He admired Kevin's body from the doorway as he swayed along to the music. His hair was all mussed up still and he was only wearing boxers and a T-shirt, but to AJ, he looked as sexy as ever.

AJ walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Kevin didn't even notice. AJ just sat back and listened to Kevin's voice blend with Ella Fitzgerald's. Kevin loved to listen to Ella in the morning. AJ had gotten used to it a long time ago.

Kevin turned around and almost dropped the plate he was carrying when he saw AJ sitting there.

"Morning sexy." AJ stood up and gave Kevin a kiss. He went over to fix his coffee while Kevin pouted.

"You better pull that lip in young man. What are you pouting about anyway?"

"I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed."

AJ wrapped his arms around Kevin. "Thank you for the thought. Everything looks great. Let's just go out onto the patio and eat together."

Kevin nodded and picked up the tray of food he had made. He followed AJ outside, staring at his cute ass the whole way.

AJ pulled Kevin's chair out and put the food in front of them. They both began to eat.

"So what is the schedule today? Do I get to see you at all or am I just going to have to wake up like last night?"

Kevin shook his head as he swallowed his food.

"Actually we got the day off. I told the managers we had stuff to take care of before we left on vacation. So they decided to just give everyone the day off."

AJ smiled. "That's great, but what do we have to get done though? I thought we already took care of everything."

"We did. I figured we could use some Kevin and AJ time. So tell me what the rest of the guys are up to since I have been stuck in meetings for the past few days and haven't seen anyone."

"Well, Howie and Ameena found a house they both like. It's only a few blocks away actually. Howie joked that he couldn't move far or else it would be too long a drive to come over and fix whatever we broke. And Brian finally decided what to do for his vacation."

"What's he going to do?"

"He is going to go back to Australia and New Zealand for a few weeks. He said he never really got the chance to explore those countries like he wanted to when we were on tour there."

"Is Nick going to go with him?"

"Nope. Brian invited him, but he said he just wants to stay home and veg. Plus he wants to master the new Street Fighter so he can kick Twiggy's ass the next time he's down this way."

Kevin laughed at that. Nick was 21 years old now, but he still acted like a kid. AJ played with his fork for a moment and then looked back up.

"Speaking of Twiggy, Marilyn called yesterday. He and I chatted for a bit. He invited us to the opening show for the new tour. He also wanted to know what you thought of the new album since he hadn't heard from you since he sent it to you."

"When is it and where?"

"It's in LA and it's during the time we were going to be in LA anyway. He also said that Mikel invited us to stay with them while we were in the area. If we wanted to that is."

Kevin shrugged, looking down at his plate.

"We should go. He comes to our shows and he hates our music. I'll call him later. Plus it would be nice to see Mikel and Allie. We haven't seen them in months."

They finished eating in silence and sat back sipping their coffee. AJ stared at Kevin while Kevin stared into space with a worried expression on his face. AJ frowned as well. He put his coffee mug down and walked over to Kevin. He sat on his lap and gave him a kiss.

"What are you thinking about?"

Kevin smiled, wrapping his arms around AJ, pulling him closer.

"You and how sexy you look in the morning. How did I get so lucky?"

AJ kissed Kevin again, this time letting his lips linger and his tongue trace Kevin's lips. He dropped his voice low and whispered in Kevin's ear.

"Hey sexy man. I think I know how to spend the day." He lightly brushed Kevin's earlobe with his lips. Kevin shuddered. "I think we should go back to bed Kevin."

Kevin nodded and ran his hand down AJ's back. AJ took his hand and led him back inside. Once in the bedroom, Kevin untied AJ's robe and let it fall to the ground. He began to kiss down AJ's neck.

AJ broke away from him and lifted Kevin's shirt over his head. They pressed their bodies together and kissed passionately. AJ ran his hands down Kevin's back and slipped them in between his skin and waistband of his boxers. He pushed the boxers down, letting them fall to the ground.

Kevin ground his hips against AJ's. He groaned loudly and let AJ guide him to the bed. AJ pushed him backwards and climbed on top of him. AJ kissed Kevin fiercely, eating out his mouth. He sat up and looked at his sexy boyfriend. He paused to take in Kevin's beautiful body, those hard abs, taunt chest, gorgeous legs. He had almost begun to take him for granted the last few months.

AJ went lower and took Kevin's hard cock in his hand. Kevin drew a breath in sharply at the sudden pressure on his cock. AJ smiled and took him in his mouth. Kevin sat back and let himself enjoy the sensations AJ's mouth was creating.

The phone next to the bed began to ring. Kevin sighed and opened his eyes. AJ came up off of Kevin's cock and sat back. He just nodded to Kevin.


"Kev, it's Brian. What are you doing today?"

Before Kevin could open his mouth to answer, AJ had engulfed his cock again. He groaned softly, trying to answer Brian.

"Umm.nothing really Brian. Can you call back later?"

"Actually I'm on the intercom. Can I come in?"

Kevin groaned out loud, partially because Brian was outside and partially because AJ was giving him an incredible blowjob.

"" Kevin could not suppress a loud moan.

"No problem, I'll just use my key. You and AJ finish having sex. I'll play Nintendo."

Brian hung up and Kevin dropped the phone. He began to moan louder, writhing under AJ's mouth.

"Oh god AJ! That feels great. Oh, Brian's downstairs." AJ pulled off Kevin's cock when he heard Brian was downstairs. "Don't stop!"

"But Brian's downstairs."

Kevin sat up breathing heavily.

"He told us to finish. He'll wait."

Kevin guided AJ back down to his cock so he could finish him off. AJ began to suck him again, but he could not recapture the rhythm he had before. Kevin grunted and pulled AJ off. He began to kiss him softly, stroking AJ's cock through his boxers. He rolled AJ over and pulled his boxers off, kissing him at the same time.

"I love you Alexander." Kevin whispered before he took AJ's cock in his mouth. AJ began to groan as Kevin teased the head of his inflamed cock with his tongue. He slowly took AJ into his mouth, increasing the suction as he went down on him. Soon he had all of AJ's cock buried in his mouth.

"Oh Kevin! Kevin!" AJ moaned louder and louder, calling out Kevin's name as he brought him closer and closer to orgasm.

"'t stop...mmm." Kevin moved up and down AJ's shaft faster and faster. He felt AJ's balls tighten up and began to shoot his load into Kevin's waiting mouth. Kevin swallowed AJ's cum as fast as he could. He moved up and kissed AJ, sharing the cum in his mouth with him.

AJ greedily ate the cum Kevin offered him. He reached down and stroked Kevin's cock while they kissed. Kevin was already breathing heavily and AJ could tell he was close. Kevin moaned loudly and came in AJ's hand. He collapsed on top of AJ, hugging him close to him.

The phone rang again. AJ answered it this time.

"Hey AJ, it's Brian again. Did I wait long enough? I heard you scream Kev's name and then waited another 10 minutes like you told us."

"Yeah Brian. What do you want?"

"Do you guys want to go out?"

"I don't know. We're kind of tired."

Kevin rolled off of AJ and stood up. He walked into the bathroom, motioning for AJ to follow him.

"Well why don't you two shower and come downstairs. We'll talk about it after your decent. Also Nick is outside. Can I let him in?"

"Yeah let Nick in, but tell him not to eat my chips. He can have the bag in the cabinet labeled Nick."

AJ hung up the phone and followed Kevin into the bathroom. The bathroom was already beginning to steam up. AJ slipped into the shower and wrapped his arms around Kevin.

"Nick is here too."

"Did you tell him to only eat the food labeled Nick?"

AJ nodded and began to wash Kevin's back while Kevin was washing his hair. The two of them had a shower routine that made it possible for the two of them to shower in the same amount of time that it took one of them to shower. It had been developed while on tour after people had complained how long it took the two of them to get ready.

Kevin finished his hair just as AJ was finishing washing his body. AJ handed the washcloth to Kevin and took the shampoo from him. He began to wash his hair while Kevin went to work washing his body.

They were finished in no time and they hopped out of the shower. AJ wiped the steam off the mirror and set up the shaving stuff while Kevin took clean clothes out for them.

"What did you pick out for me?" AJ asked as he handed Kevin his razor.

"Your brown cords and a yellow t-shirt. I figured that was good for knocking around for a bit in. Since Nick is here the two of them are playing Nintendo. It'll take a while to drag them away from it."

AJ nodded and quickly touched up around his facial hair. Kevin watched him in the mirror with admiration. AJ was always so fast with shaving despite the fact he had the hardest facial hair to keep up. All Kevin had to do was shave around his goatee and that took him forever. AJ had already put the finishing touches on his hair by the time Kevin was done shaving.

AJ gave Kevin a kiss and went back into the bedroom. He grabbed the clothes Kevin picked out for him and threw them on. He decided against shoes and headed downstairs.

AJ could hear Nick and Brian arguing way before he got near the living room. He walked in and the two of them were wrestling with each other. AJ jumped on top of them and pulled them apart.

"Okay you two how many times do I have to tell you two no wrestling in the living room. Kevin and I like to keep it neat."

Brian sat back on the couch and glared at Nick.

"Nick started it. He cheated."

AJ rolled his eyes.

"Frankly Brian I don't care. The two of you can be such kids sometimes. It's just a game."

Nick decided to change the subject and looked behind AJ.

"Where's Kevin at?"

"He'll be down in a minute. He was shaving when I came down."

Nick reached for a bag of chips on the table and popped one in his mouth. AJ looked at the bag and saw it was labeled Nick. Nick noticed AJ looking and stuck his tongue out at him.

"Yes, I took the bag with my name on it. I have learned finally."

Brian laughed and took a swig of his soda. The three of them talked about a song they were working on while waiting for Kevin. He walked into the room a few minutes later wearing blue jeans and a black t-shirt. He leaned over and gave AJ a kiss. He plopped down on the couch and reached for the bag of chips on the table.

"Hey those are mine. They even have my name on them." Nick tried to grab them away from Kevin who just looked at him. Nick sat back and pouted. Kevin shook his finger at Nick.

"Just remember who bought them okay."

"Yeah AJ!" Nick and Brian both busted out laughing. It had been a big joke for all of them, including AJ when it was discovered that the great Kevin was unable to go grocery shopping.

"Can't you two just stay at your own homes? Or go bother Howie. He would love to be bothered by you."

"Nah, he and Ameena need alone time."

"And AJ and I don't huh?"

Brian realized he had slipped up. "That's not what I meant Kev. He and Ameena just got married a few months ago. You and AJ have been together for four years. They need time alone to get to know each other."

Kevin sighed. He knew Brian was right. He and AJ were the long standing relationship in the group. None of them had even come close to the longevity that Kevin and AJ had. And none of them thought about Kevin and AJ needing private time. That's part of the reason why he couldn't wait to get away alone with AJ.

"Okay, what did you guys want to do today?"

"Shopping!" Nick bounced up and down on the couch with glee.

"Yeah I need to get stuff for my trip and I'm sure you guys could use some stuff for your trip as well." Brian gave Kevin puppy dog eyes. Kevin groaned and looked at AJ.

AJ looked right back at Kevin with puppy-dog eyes. Kevin began to laugh.

"I knew you would agree once Nick said shopping. Your incorrigable Alexander James McLean." He leaned over and planted a kiss on AJ's soft lips.

"So is that a yes?" Nick asked Kevin expectantly. Kevin nodded. "Let me get my shoes on. AJ, what shoes do you want?"

"I'm just going to wear my sandals."

Kevin ran upstairs and grabbed a pair of socks and his Doc Marten boots. He quickly laced them up and ran back downstairs. When he got down there, he found Brian, Nick, and AJ rummaging through separate closets.

"What are you guys looking for?"

AJ turned and faced Kevin. He dropped his eyes and scuffed his feet together like a little kid.

"My sandals."

Kevin burst out laughing and held them out to AJ. AJ grabbed them and stuck his tongue out at Kevin.

Chapter 3

"Nick your not even going anywhere and you got the most stuff." Brian chastized Nick as Kevin and AJ tried to shove everything in the trunk of the car.

"Would you guys just shut up and help us cram this shit in?" The four of them folded, stuffed, and crammed everything in the trunk except for a pair of waterski's Nick had to have. Kevin tied them to the roof of the car. The four of them climbed in and Kevin pulled out of the parking lot.

"So what are we doing now?" Nick asked Kevin from the backseat.

"We are not doing anything. AJ and I are going out to dinner alone and you and Brian can amuse yourselves. At your own homes! I don't want to find the two of you in our pool or playing Nintendo or just asleep on the couch when we get back. You will not be there got it."

"Yes Kevin." They both answered him simultaniously.

Nick sat back, thinking about what Kevin had said. Maybe he and Brian did take him and AJ for granted. They didn't really get much time alone. They never had. And the past few days, Kevin had been in meetings and AJ had been in the studio. Nick was sure they had gotten very little time together. Come to think of it, Ameena had been at the studio with Howie the whole time, so Howie and Ameena had plenty of time together. Maybe they had been wrong to assume everything was fine with Kevin and AJ when they didn't get to see each other. Now Nick felt really guilty.

"Hey Brian, do you think we should have left them alone today?" Nick leaned over and whispered in Brian's ear.

"I was just thinking the same thing. I feel like a total ass now."

Kevin and AJ rode in silence in the front seat. AJ reached over and rubbed Kevin's thigh with his palm. Kevin smiled at him and took his hand.

"Put in Marilyn's new CD. We should probably listen to the whole thing before we see the show."

AJ nodded and popped the CD in. He pressed play and this grinding guitar chord rang through the car. AJ quickly turned it down. Brian leaned forward.

"What the hell was that?"

"It's Marilyn's new CD. Kevin and I still haven't heard the whole thing and we figured we should before we saw the show."

"Aww...damn. They're kicking off another tour? I wanted to go visit Twiggy and play some Nintendo with him." Nick whined from the backseat.

Brian turned to face Nick with a look of disgust on his face. "When was the last time you checked your answering machine bozo?" Nick shrugged.

"Allie called me the other day and invited me to the show. She said she called you and Howie as well and left messages on your machine."

"Oh. I guess I should call her back. Hey, Allie will play Nintendo with me!"

Brian and Nick began to argue in the backseat about Allison. AJ faced forward again and just let them. Sometimes it was amazing to him that the two of them were best friends and still fought the way they did.

Kevin pulled into his driveway and parked his car next to Brian's Jeep and Nick's Durango.

"Okay you two out. We will see you tomorrow at the studio."

"Your not in meetings tomorrow Kev, your actually recording? Cool."

Brian and Nick climbed out of the car and grabbed their stuff. AJ and Kevin unloaded their stuff as well and carried it inside. Once inside, they realized that too many lights were on and music was playing.

"Oh great. Who's here now?" Kevin dropped the bag he was carrying and went into the den. He looked inside and saw Howie sitting there. He had a beer in his hand and there were three empty bottles on the table. He was just staring into space. And he was playing Portishead on the CD player. Howie only listened to Portishead when he was really depressed.

"Hey AJ, come here." AJ walked up behind him and saw Howie. "Why did we give everyone keys?" AJ whispered to Kevin. "Temporary insanity." They walked into the den and sat on either side of Howie. He looked at both of them and fell onto Kevin's shoulder crying.

"Shh...what's the matter Howie?" AJ rubbed Howie's back while Kevin held him close. Howie just continued to sob.

"Ameena...Ameena...Ameena and I had a big fight. She threw me out. I didn't know where else to go."

"It's okay Howie. You know your always welcome here. What did the two of you fight about?" AJ spoke to Howie in a very soothing voice, calming him down enough to tell them what happened.

"We were just talking about the new house. She said she wanted to get a new couch and I said I liked the couch we had. Then we began to argue because she thinks the couch is a piece of crap and she wants to build a whole new house that expresses both of us and she doesn't want my ratty old furniture in the new house."

Howie began to sob again. "Okay okay, let's get you some food or something. How much have you had to drink?" AJ calmly asked him.

Howie shrugged and waved his hand in the general direction of the room. Besides the beer bottles, Kevin saw an empty scotch bottle.

"He's had plenty. Come on Howie, stand up."

They each grabbed one of his arms and hoisted him up. He sagged in between them, still sobbing.

"You guys are such great friends. I knew I could count on you. Reliable old Kevin and AJ. Always there to pick up the pieces."

With that, Howie proceeded to pass out. Kevin helped AJ lift Howie over his shoulder. Together they carried him up to the guestroom and undressed him.

They left the room and went back downstairs into the kitchen. Kevin poured himself a glass of milk and sat down.

"Should we call Ameena?" Kevin nodded. "I'll call her. Why don't you whip up some pasta or something? We'll just stay in and watch a movie or something. That way we can keep an eye on Howie." Kevin nodded.

AJ left the kitchen to call Howie's wife. Kevin put some water on to boil and picked out some pasta. He thought about what Howie had said. He and AJ always did pick up the pieces for everyone else. They could always be counted on to make the bad good again. They had been doing that for so long. Kevin was so sick of it. Yet he never complained. Neither did AJ. It was just expected of them by now.

AJ wandered back into the kitchen.

"Ameena said she figured he was here and he is welcome to come home tomorrow morning, but for now she thinks he needs to cool off. She said he was acting like a complete fool."

"Sounds like Howie to me. Sit down AJ. I want to talk about something."

AJ sat down and looked at Kevin intently, waiting for whatever was next.

"Are you tired of being reliable old Kevin and AJ?" AJ snorted with forced laughter.

"Yeah, sometimes I just wish that we could run away and never look back. I want to see everyone try to fix their own problems instead of running to us. But then I remember what happened the one time we actually did that."

"You mean when Nick got so drunk he passed out on top of a bar because of some girl and Brian got into a car accident and totaled some guy's car he didn't even know and was only driving because someone told him to. And who can forget when Howie was caught with that girl in the backseat of his car by someone from the National Enquirer."

AJ nodded.

"Who knew so much would happen when we took a little week's vacation alone together? I wonder what's going to happen this time."

"I almost don't even care. We don't have to worry about record sales or selling out a tour for the time being. I want to just be Kevin and AJ. Nothing more. I don't want to fix anyone's problems or keep Nick and Brian occupied and amused. I don't want to keep everyone updated about the schedule. I think they should be late once in a while so they can start relying on themselves."

"Then let's do it Kev. This vacation is just for us. We don't have to worry about any of them. Let Howie deal with Ameena on his own. Let Brian spend time with some other friends. Let Nick think up things to do on his own. Let's just drop of the planet for a few weeks at least for the three of them."

Kevin hugged AJ tight.

"I'm game if you are."

AJ nodded and began to chop some vegetables for a salad. After a minute he went back into the den and changed the CD. The Portishead was getting to him.

"What did you put in?"

AJ gave him a secretive smile. "Just listen."

Kevin began to laugh as he heard the first strains of Wanna Be Startin' Something by Michael Jackson. AJ just shrugged.

"Gotta love the classics."

To Be Continued..

I hope you liked this. It is my first attempt at a Backstreet Boys story. Please e-mail me with your opinions!

Next: Chapter 2: Escape 4 6

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