Erotic Escapades in Oz

By moc.loa@75YENOHAMPILS

Published on May 10, 2003


NOTE: this story, (fiction, of course!), is the third chapter of the erotic adventures of the Wizard of Oz, the Scarecrow, and Nick Chopper (the Tin Man), all characters created by the late L. Frank Baum. So, guys, unzip, get comfortable, and enjoy yet another erotic journey down the Yellow Prick Road.........!! Some days later, The Wizard announced to the Scarecrow and the Tin Man that they would journey to the underground Kingdom of the Nomes. As the three journeyed down the gleaming Yellow Brick Road in the Wizard's fine carriage, the three discussed thier past erotic adventures, as well as those they would would experience in the future. All during the ride, the Wizard, with his thick, stocky legs spread wide as he drove on the horses, kept massaging the aching bulge in his pinstripe trousers, thinking...................... In due time, they arrived at the entrance to the underground dominion of the great Nome King. As they alighted from the carriage, an opening suddenly appeared in the rocky wall of the cliff before them. Nick Chopper's tin joints clattered, echoing off the rock walls of the tunnel, dully lit by huge jewels in the ceiling overhead. As the three friends entered the throne room of the Nome King, they found themselves in a vast underground cavern, the floor a highly-polished marble, the rock walls agleam with large and magnificent gemstones. The Nome King himself sat on his rock throne, an evil smile on his stone face, as he puffed on his pipe. The Nome King was barely larger than a life-size man, but he seemed to tower above the three male companions from the Emerald City...............even his thick beard was of rock. "WELL, " the Nome King's voice echoed mightily, "I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU...........AS YOU KNOW, I KNOW ALL THAT HAPPENS IN OZ, AND I KNOW OF YOUR EROTIC ADVENTURES OF THESE PAST DAYS.......VERY INTERESTING INDEED!!" At that, the Wizard took off his top hat, and made a sweeping bow to the stone monarch before him. "Yes, Your Majesty, " the Wizard replied, a sly smile on his face, "And, indeed, that is the very reason my friends and I have made this journey......................" The Wizard got no further, as the Nome King boomed his hearty, evil laugh. "I KNOW WHY YOU MADE THIS JOURNEY, OZ! AND THAT THE REASON YOU ARE HERE IS TO SEEK FURTHER EROTIC PLEASURES AT MY POWERFUL HANDS!!" All this time, the Scarecrow and Nick Chopper were silent, but were listening intently, thier hands rubbing and squeezing the Wizard's plump, well-rounded buttocks through his tight striped trousers.The Nome King saw this, and laughed again ."I SEE YOUR FRIENDS ARE ANXIOUS TO BEGIN!!" Without further words, the Nome King swept his mighty stone arm, and a loud thunderous boom shook the stone cavern walls. The great hall went dark, and slowly the lights came back on...............................................................The Scarecrow and Nick Chopper now saw the Wizard was lying face down on a stone altar of sorts, his wrists and ankles bound with leather straps that were attatched to the altar. The Wizard's trousers and drawers were pulled down to his ankles, his bare, plump, hairy backside vunerable...and waiting. The Scarecrow nudged Nick Chopper, and pointed to the Wizard's thick, hard shaft, hanging down pointing towards the marble floor, sticking through an opening in the stone altar. "ALL RIGHT, SCARECROW," the Nome King boomed, "WHY DON'T YOU SHOW ME JUST HOW WELL YOU CAN PLEASURE OZ WITH YOUR MOUTH??" The Scarecrow needed no urging, and got on his straw knees underneath the altar, and his soft, warm mouth wrapped itself around the Wizard's throbbing member. "GREAT JUMPIN' JEHOSEPHAT!!" Oz growled, as the Scarecrow's talented mouth began working over his steel-hard shaft. The Nome King watched Nick Chopper's staring eyes. "BEHOLD THIS WONDER OF EROTIC MAGIC, NICK CHOPPER!!" "HIPPOKALORICK!!" The Nome King roared, and Nick Chopper stood spellbound as two stone arms emerged from the floor on either side of the stone altar, each stone hand clutching a stone paddle. Though the arms were stone, thier movements were totally fluid. WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP Again and again, the stone paddles made sharp, stinging contact with the Wizard's round, furry backside, the plump moons of man-flesh quivering and bouncing with each stern blow from the stone paddles. The Wizard yelped and moaned as the stone paddles walloped his round, plump moons, and Nick Chopper's breathing was becoming heavier as he watched the Wizard's plump backside nearly flatten out from from the vicious blows of the stone paddles, only to bounce back again to full shape. Soon, the Wizard's chubby, hairy rump was a blazing mass of quivering, red flesh, and tears coursed freely down his sly face. Every blow of the paddles to the Wizard's sore man-globes caused the Wizard's cock to slide deeper into the Scarecrow's warm, moist mouth. The Scarecrow was highly aroused by this time, and he had his patched trousers open and was sliding his gloved hand up and down the rigid length of the thick straw shaft that had been nearly ripping a hole in his trousers. "NICK CHOPPER!!", the Nome King growled "I HAVE HEARD THAT YOU HAVE PLEASURED THE WIZARD ALSO WITH YOUR MOUTH......NOW I WANT YOU TO SHOW ME JUST HOW GOOD YOU ARE!!" ...........................Nick Chopper stared in awe as the Nome King pushed aside his royal robes, and, from the opening in front of his stone trousers, a VERY large elongated man-shaft of stone jutted out, looking like it had been carved by the finest craftsman .....perfect in every detail. Sitting on his throne, the great Nome King spread his powerful stone legs apart as Nick Chopper approached. His tin knees clattered as he knelt between the Nome King's spread legs, and his tin fist clamped around the stone shaft, slowly pumping it up and down. "SMUDGE AND BLAZES!!" the Nome King boomed, as Nick Chopper's tin mouth enclosed on his massive stone organ . "AAAHHH, YES, NICK CHOPPER, YOU ARE INDEED TALENTED!!" ...... All this while, the stone arms were still paddling the Wizard's round backside; the two hairy man-moons by this time twin mounds of blistered, fiery, red-hot man-flesh. The Wizard sobbed and whimpered, his senses reeling, as the Scarecrow continued to suck and nibble his throbbing organ from underneath the stone altar. The Nome King's huge stone hands throttled Nick Chopper's tin head back in forth, his massive stone organ sliding in and out of the Tin Man's expert mouth. The Wizard could no longer hold back his long pent-up load. His bloated, hairy testicles smacked the table as the stone paddles assaulted his flaming rear. The Scarecrow's warm mouth still wrapped around his throbbing organ.........................."AAUUGHHHHHHHNNNHHHHHHUUGHNNNNNNNNNN........GRE

AT BALLS OF FIRE....UUGHHNNAAUUGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The Wizard's aching cock exploded violently, spewing thick, salty, sticky jets of hot spooge into the Scarecrow's warm mouth. The Scarecrow tried to swallow all of the Wizard's sweet man-nectar, but there was simply too much of it, and gobs of the sticky fluid spilled down into his patched shirtfront. The Scarecrow trembled as his soft gloved hand brought his straw shaft to its climax, his shuddering coursing through his straw body. At the same time, the great Nome King felt his manly fluids boiling up inside his his powerful stone body. "PETRIFIED POLYMORPHS!!" he growled loudly "NICK CHOPPER, YOU ARE A WONDEROUS.......AAUUGGNNNGHHUUHHNNGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

His booming voice echoing off the stone walls of his underground throne room, his big hands throttled Nick Chopper's tin head furiously as his massive stone shaft climaxed. Boiling-hot geysers of molten metal sprang from the Nome King's massive organ, flooding the shaft-hungry tin man's overtaxed mouth. Nick Chopper moaned deep in his throat as he greedily swallowed the Nome King's molten manly load. The Nome King's eyes, which had closed during his powerful molten orgasm, had now opened. As the great stone monarched surveyed the highly erotic scene before him, he chuckled an evil chuckle. "AS YOU KNOW, OZ, I KNOW EVERYTHING, AND I CAN READ YOUR VERY THOUGHTS RIGHT THIS SECOND.........YOU ARE THINKING, 'KANSAS COULD NEVER BE LIKE THIS!!' " The spent Wizard only gave a sly chuckle. And the Scarecrow, with his Highly Superior Brains, could only agree. THE END!!!!

Hope you guys and fellow Oz-philes enjoyed this latest!!

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