Eros on a Mission

By Rob Lucario

Published on Jun 8, 2009



Standard Disclaimer stuff - This story involves sexual and sensual relations between males of various ages, both mortal and immortal. If this is not your cup 'o tea, STOP READING!!!

This is my first attempt at writing a Nifty story so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Email me at or look me up if you are in the Nifty chat room. My nick is Lucario.

Chapter 28

"Alex....Alex" he heard whispering. He was lying on his side with his head resting on Marcus's chest, their legs intertwined. A slight pre-dawn light was coming in the window and when he opened his eyes he saw Hyacinth kneeling by the bed. "Hyacinth...what is it?"

Hyacinth put his finger to his lips and motioned for him to follow.

Alex slowly slid out from under Marcus's arm and got up from the bed. He then walked over to his chiton still laying on the floor and put it on. He started looking for his sandals but was interrupted by Hyacinth taking his hand, slowly leading him toward the door. He noticed then that Hyacinth was also barefoot, dressed only in his tunic. Slowly and quietly they walked out of the door, carefully closing it.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked, still holding Hyacinth's hand.

He didn't answer but instead led Alex down the dark corridor and up a flight of steps. Eventually they came to a spiral staircase, Hyacinth leading the way up. At the top, Alex found that they were in a small room surrounded on all four sides by large windows. There were comfortable chairs and a couch located in the middle of the room.

"Hyacinth...where are we?" Alex asked turning around in the middle of the room.

"This is our observation tower. From up here we can see the entire city." Hyacinth responded quietly as he walked over to one of the windows. "Come here."

Alex approached the window and stood next to him. He then looked out upon the city. There were a few pinpoints of light as the townspeople were starting to wake. Beyond the city laid a ridge of mountains behind which was the morning light.

"This tower is the first to receive the morning sun." Hyacinth said staring out at the city. "I come up here a lot to watch it rise." he then looked at Alex. "It's the most beautiful thing you will ever see."

The two stood there, side by side, and waited. Eventually a pinpoint speck of light appeared atop the mountains. Alex gasped slightly as he and Hyacinth were bathed in the first rays of the morning sun. The sun slowly rose and eventually the boys had to turn away from the brilliance. Alex looked at Hyacinth. "Thank you for showing me this. I don't think I will ever forget it."

Hyacinth looked at him. "You are the only person I have ever brought up here." he said quietly.

"You have never brought any of your friends up here?" asked a surprised Alex.

"I don't have any friends." he replied, tears in his eyes. "I am too busy with tutoring, training, and forced to follow my father around to learn the protocol of being king. You are the only friend I have...and I only met you yesterday." A tear ran down his face and his lower lip quivered. He quickly turned away so Alex couldn't see his face.

"Hyacinth..." he said softly. "I am happy that I am your friend." Putting a hand on the back of Hyacinth's shoulder, he heard a quiet sob from the youth. "I will always be your friend." he said as he slowly embraced him from behind.

Hyacinth lowered his hands so they were resting on Alex's. "Do you love him?" he asked quietly.

"Do I love who?"

"General you love him?" Hyacinth asked.

"Hyacinth, I love a lot of people. Of course I love him. I also love the high priest at the temple, I love my fellow acolytes...and I love you."

Hyacinth slowly turned around, still in Alex's embrace. "You do?"

Alex looked him in the eyes. "You know the god I follow, he teaches that love is the most powerful force there is. To love another person is to see his face and be in his presence." He reached up and wiped away a tear from Hyacinth's face.

A small smile crept across Hyacinth's face. "Is it true that you met him?"

"Years ago I did...he saved my life." replied Alex smiling, arms still around Hyacinth, hardly believing that he was holding him.

"And this" Hyacinth said holding up the pendant, "he gave this to you?"

Alex simply nodded, still staring into Hyacinth's eyes. His eyes then slowly closed. He took a breath, leaned in and lightly touched his lips to Hyacinth's.

Hyacinth didn't pull away, but instead leaned slightly forward, increasing the pressure on their lips.

It was over in the blink of an eye. Alex's mouth slowly transformed into a smile, Hyacinth was smiling too.

"Wow. You are the first person to kiss me like that." he said softly.

"How did it feel?" asked Alex.

"Wonderful" said Hyacinth reaching up and lightly touching his own lips.

"Hyacinth!!" came a voice from the base of the staircase, startling both youths. "Are you up there?" It was Queen Diomede.

"Yes mother" replied Hyacinth looking over the railing. "I brought Alex up here to watch the sun rise."

"You need to get down and get your breakfast. Your tutor will be here shortly." she said.

Hyacinth looked crestfallen. "But mother, I was planning on going into town this morning."

"You can go into town after he leaves this afternoon, but for now you need to come on down and get your breakfast." she said with a tone of finality.

"Yes mother" Hyacinth said sadly.

"It's ok Hyacinth, we can meet up this afternoon after lunch. Besides, you have more training tomorrow and I would love to help out again." he said as he started down the stairs.

"Yeah, there is always that." he said sighing. They reached the bottom where Diomede was waiting for them.

"And where are your sandals?" she asked noticing that both boys were barefoot.

"I was in a rush and forgot them....sorry." Hyacinth answered meekly.

"Go to your room, get your sandals and then get to the dining hall. Your tutor will be here shortly." she said, again with that no-argue tone. She then looked at Alex. "Your master was in the dining hall looking for you. You are young so I can understand the mistake, but a good servant never leaves his master waiting."

"Yes ma'am" Alex said seriously while bowing slightly. He turned and walked toward his room while the queen led Hyacinth off in another direction.

Chapter 29

Alex walked to his room to retrieve his sandals and then made his way to the dining hall, there he saw Marcus and Amyclas talking over breakfast.

"Where did you go?" whispered Marcus as Alex took his seat.

"Hyacinth woke me up and we went to watch the sun rise." answered Alex as he took a biscuit from a plate. "Do you have any plans this morning?"

"I was going to accompany the captain of the royal guard to the nearby armory. After that I was going to look up an old friend or two."

"Would it be alright if I were to go to the local temple?" Alex asked.

"Of course. Remember, you're on vacation, you can pretty much do anything." Marcus answered smiling.

"Marcus, are you still searching for a god to call your own?" asked Amyclas from across the table.

Marcus chuckled. "Yes I am. I still haven't felt compelled to solely worship a single god, though I seem to mostly find myself praying to Athena."

Queen Diomede and Hyacinth walked into the dining hall, the prince still looking a little sad. Hyacinth took his seat across from Alex and managed to smile at him.

"I'm sorry about forgetting that I have my teachings this morning." Hyacinth said to Alex. "This afternoon I definitely want to take you into town. There are a whole bunch of wonderful shops at the markets."

"I can't wait" replied Alex. "I am going to spend the morning at the temple but will be back in time for lunch."

Everybody ate their breakfasts and eventually went their own way. Alex took off for the main entrance of the palace and walked across the courtyard. He got directions from the guard at the front gate and walked out onto the streets of Sparta. The walk was pleasant as he made his way down various side streets, seeing the town as it woke. The temple was on the outskirts of town and was unlike any that he had ever seen. Instead of being a large, imposing building as temples usually were, this one was smaller and surrounded by trees and bushes, it had a very natural feel to it.

Alex slowly walked up to the front door and stopped in shock. The door was covered with ornate carvings of birds, in the middle of which was a winged figure in flight. "Amazing" he said to himself. "The detail is wonderful." He slowly pulled the door open and walked into a sizable room with a life-size statue of Eros at the opposite end. The room was illuminated by countless small windows circling the tops of the walls. Walking across the empty room he noticed that it didn't have the rows or benches normally found in temples. He made it to the statue and was surprised to find that it was made of wood and looked extremely lifelike.

"What do you think of our new statue?" a voice came from the side.

Alex immediately recognized it. Turning he saw a tall, beautiful woman walking from a side entrance.

"Welcome to the temple of Eros." she said smiling, walking up to him. "My name is Eutropia, I am one of the priestesses here."

Alex couldn't help but stare at her. As Eros he had visited her many times, but that was in Messonea. "Hi, my name is Alex, I love it." He said turning back to the statue, lightly touching the statue's face.

"We have an extremely skilled woodcarver living with us. Poor thing is old and blind, but he is magical with anything wooden." she said. "He carved the main doors as well."

"He is truly gifted" Alex said as he turned to face her again. "I heard that this temple was new and beautiful, I had no idea that it was this wonderful." He looked up at the ceiling and slowly turned around.

"Are you new to Sparta, and are your parent's followers of Eros as well?" she asked.

Alex looked at her, "I am actually visiting Sparta with my master, General Marcus. I am his page and also an acolyte at the temple in Corinth. As for my parents, they died some years ago. I was actually rescued from what would have been a certain death by Eros himself. He gave me this..." he said lifting his pendant, "and asked me to follow him. From that moment on I have been a faithful follower."

"You are most fortunate to have met him." she said smiling, examining the pendant. "I too have met him on a few occasions. He is truly a wonderful god."

Alex smiled at her, remembering the last time he had met with her. She was very knowledgeable of the erotic arts and they had made love well into the night. He even rewarded her the next morning with a single, white feather on her pillow. Just thinking about that last night started to have an affect on him so he quickly changed the subject. "Are there any celebrations or services planned for this morning? I would love to attend if I could." he asked, folding his hands in front of his waist to conceal his growing erection.

"You are more than welcome here Alex." She said with a smile. "We are actually getting ready to have a morning service. I am sure it will be unlike any that you have attended before. Leonidas is the high priest here and is a wonderful speaker, among other things." she said winking at him.

They walked out of the building and down an open colonnade. "I have never seen a temple like this before." said Alex as he looked around the plots of flowers on both sides of the walkway.

"I would be surprised if you had." replied Eutropia. "This used to be an old marketplace that was taken over by the previous king and fell into disrepair. Leonidas petitioned King Amyclas for ownership after a small earthquake a few years ago caused the old temple in town to loose its roof. I was still living in Messonea then."

It wasn't a long walk from the building and they reached a small amphitheater set into a small depression into the ground. Surrounding it were numerous trees and hedges, below which were countless colorful and fragrant flowers. A tall and handsome man was there talking with a young couple and an old man was sitting on a rock whittling on a small piece of wood.

"This is beautiful!" exclaimed Alex as he walked ahead of her, looking around. "Is this where your celebrations and services are held?" he asked turning to look at her.

"Weather permitting, yes." she said smiling at him. "We like to be out in the fresh air and walk among the soft grass. Speaking of which..." she pointed down at her feet.

Alex looked down and noticed that she, along with everyone else, was barefoot. "Nice! I am not that fond of wearing these anyways." he said as he quickly removed his sandals and placed them beside the last column of the colonnade.

"Follow me, I will introduce you to Leonidas." she said holding out her hand.

Eutropia introduced him to the high priest and then to the old blind man who had been busy sculpting a small flower made of wood.

"If you wouldn't mind, I could use some help in the library." said Eutropia after she had introduced Alex to the couple, who were in their late teens and had just recently been married.

"Sure, I would love to help." he said smiling, following her back down the colonnade. Together they collected certain scrolls that Leonidas was going to be referencing during the service. Alex also found that Eutropia had moved to Sparta a little over a year ago and was instrumental in petitioning the king to have the rights to the grounds. They walked back out to the amphitheater, which now had about thirty to forty people sitting down and talking. The grounds allowed people lie back in the grass or lean against the trees at the back. Alex decided to take a seat with the worshipers as Leonidas was getting ready to start. Walking toward the back he recognized a beautiful young maiden looking down reading from a small scroll.

"Princess Hypatia, would it be alright if I were to sit next to you?" he asked slightly bowing.

Hypatia looked up at him slightly startled and then relaxed into a smile. "Of course you can sit next to me, but I have a favor to ask."

"Anything, what is it?" Alex asked as he sat down on the cool grass. He stretched his legs out in front of him and leaned back on his hands.

"Please, don't let my mother know I was here. You see, she doesn't place much faith in the lesser gods, such as Eros, and wouldn't want me to be wasting my time here."

"Lesser God?!" Alex exclaimed slightly angry.

"No, I don't think that, just my mother. I have been praying to Eros for a few weeks and hope that he can grant me what I desire." she said quietly.

Alex was about to say something when Leonidas started talking. Everyone got quiet and listened as he welcomed everyone to the temple. Alex closed his eyes and opened up his senses, feeling the worship and prayers around him. He then picked up on Hypatia's. She was imploring Eros to have General Marcus fall in love with her for she had admired him for years now and for the past few days couldn't get him off of her mind. Alex slowly opened his eyes and did a sideways glance at the princess. Her eyes were still closed in prayer. Smiling he closed his eyes again and again felt the prayers all directed toward him.

Leonidas was an exceptional speaker. He led the group in worship and ended up delivering a good teaching about the vast differences between lust and love.

Alex remained sitting silently next to Hypatia throughout the service. Others had moved around a bit, couples nuzzling closer to one another. The atmosphere was thick with a feeling of love. When Eutropia stood and asked for others to come forward and give testimonial or worship, Alex moved over slightly, turned and laid his head in Hypatia's lap. She didn't say anything or even flinch, but simply ran her fingers through his hair. He eventually closed his eyes, enjoying the tingling down his spine from all the energy his followers her sending out.

A couple started talking about how both of their prayers had been answered by Eros. While they were talking, Alex heard Hypatia give a quiet, startled gasp. He opened his eyes to see General Marcus had walked in from the side, looking around. When he saw them he started walking to them.

Alex sat up and signaled to Marcus who stopped. He pointed down to his bare feet making Marcus look around. When he realized what he was supposed to do he awkwardly pulled off his boots and walked up to them.

"This is the most unusual temple I have ever been in" he whispered as he sat on the other side of Alex. "Good morning Hypatia. We missed you at breakfast this morning."

"Good morning Marcus" she replied smiling. "I was getting ready for the day and the time got away from me.

Alex stood and stretched. "I'll be right back." He walked down to where Leonidas was sitting. "Excuse me sir, I was wondering if I can deliver a testimonial." he whispered as the couple was still talking.

Leonidas looked at him and smiled. "That would be wonderful Alex. You can go up after this couple here."

Alex sat next to Leonidas and waited until the couple was done. When they were finished and the light applause died down he stood and walked to the small stage area. Turning around he saw Marcus and Hypatia talking quietly amongst themselves.

Smiling, Alex introduced himself and proceeded to tell the story of how he was rescued from near certain death by Eros. He told of the pendant and the task given to him by Eros to go to the temple and follow him. Then, after flashing a wicked grin, he proceeded to tell everyone of the happenings at the Festival of Eros just a little over a week ago. He ended it with a small prayer of devotion, thanking Eros for everything he has in his life. Everyone applauded him as he walked back up to where Marcus and Hypatia were sitting, Marcus staring at him with astonishment.

"You never told me that you had sex with a god." he said quietly.

Alex sat down with Marcus in the middle. "You never asked. Besides, it is bad form to brag about one's sexual exploits." he replied smiling.

"You have had quite a busy life thus far." said Hypatia with a slightly astonished look. "I would do almost anything to meet him right now."

Marcus turned and looked at her. "What would you ask him?"

Alex laid back down with his head in Marcus's lap. "Yeah, what would you do if you met him?"

She looked down at him and then back at Marcus. "I..." she started to say something, "I would just love to be in his company."

Alex did an empathy probe on her and found that she was overwhelming with desire. Smiling to himself he had an idea. He reached up and took his pendant in his hand and held it so the little golden arrow was point-out. Then, focusing his will upon the arrow he stuck Marcus in the side of his leg.

Marcus didn't flinch as he didn't feel the arrow point touch him. He didn't feel the point make its way under his skin; victims of these arrows never did. However, he did feel an overwhelming feeling of...something. He couldn't quite make it out, but staring into Hypatia's eyes, he felt his skin flush, his heart beat a little faster.

Alex looked at the pendant in his hand, the silver feather wrapping around a now-silver arrow. Smiling he closed his eyes and listened to another person give testimonial and noticed the silence between Hypatia and Marcus as they continued to stare into each others' eyes.

Chapter 30

Alex walked up to Leonidas as he stood by the colonnade, wishing people well as they left. "This was a wonderful service. Thank you for allowing me to speak."

"Alex, your's was a wonderful testimonial of our god's love. You are truly privileged to have met him and his brother. Although those who meet Anteros are usually a little less than fortunate." he replied putting an arm around him. "There is going to be little celebration tomorrow night. A beautiful youth and devout follower such as yourself would be a wonderful addition."

Alex smiled as he glanced at Eutropia. "I can check with my master to see if I am available. It has been a while since I have joined in an evening celebration, I would love to be a part of yours." He looked out onto the amphitheater to see Marcus and Hypatia still sitting under a tree talking.

"That would truly be a match that only Eros could make, the princess and General Marcus." Leonidas said noticing where Alex was looking. "Can you imagine the significance?"

Alex chuckled. "I am sure that Eros does." He then looked back at Leonidas. "I am going to head back to the palace. If General Marcus asks for me could you please let him know where I went?"

"Of course Alex." Leonidas replied. "I hope to see you tomorrow night. If the weather permits, we will hold it out here at the theater."

Alex gave him a quick hug. "I hope to be here."

He walked down the colonnade and out of the temple. Looking back he again marveled at the layout, small and simple on the outside, but large and complex on the inside. He walked back into town and made his way back to the palace. There the guard recognized him and let him back onto the grounds. Walking back up to the main building he noticed Hyacinth sitting under a tree, reading from a small scroll. He turned and walked up to the prince as he read.

"Good afternoon Hyacinth, how were your studies?" he asked as he sat down beside him.

Hyacinth looked up at him. "Thank the gods you are here. I just finished and I was afraid that you would get busy at the temple and forget all about me."

Alex laughed. "Are you kidding me? I have been looking forward to our trip into town since this morning."

"Great! Lets go then." he said standing, letting the scroll fall to the ground.

"Um, you might want to put that away before it gets damaged. I wouldn't want you to get into trouble." Alex said pointing to the ground.

"Yeah, my mother would definitely have words for me." he said as he bent down to pick up the scroll. He then turned to look at Alex. "I want to apologize about what she said this morning. You are more than just a servant."

"You have no idea" Alex said winking. "Lets get to the market, I am starving."

"We need to get a guard first. I am not allowed out without one." Hyacinth said as he walked toward the main gate.

"Let me guess, your mother's idea?" Alex said smiling.

"Yeah." replied Hyacinth as they reached the guardhouse. "How did you know?"

"Just a guess" replied Alex smiling.

Hyacinth asked one of the guards to return the scroll to the main library while another, a young corporal, was assigned to guard them. They made their way out the main gate on foot and walked down the main avenue.

Alex noticed that Hyacinth was a very open and talkative youth, a total opposite of how he acted around his overbearing mother. He kept glancing at the handsome prince, watching him as he walked. He couldn't get over how handsome and beautiful he was.

The boys and their guard walked down the main street and into the large central market of Sparta. It was about the same size as the one in Corinth and full of vendors and buyers alike.

Alex noticed a few people recognizing Hyacinth, some even said hello or wished him a good day. He loved how the prince would blush when a particularly beautiful maiden would say hello to him.

"I know a wonderful place to eat, follow me" Hyacinth said as he walked toward a building on one of the sides of the market. They ended up at a small building filled with people sitting around numerous tables.

"Looks crowded" Alex said scanning the room for a table.

"I'll take care of it sir" said the guard walking past them. He said a few words to one of the servers who looked their way and almost dropped the plate she was holding. "We will get a table in a few seconds." he said walking back to the youths.

It wasn't long before Alex and Hyacinth were sitting at a table in the corner. The corporal insisted on giving them their privacy and stood guard near the front door. The server quickly brought two plates full of meat and vegetables for the youths who quickly dove in.

"This is great!" said Alex as he chewed a piece of chicken. "I can see why its so packed in here" He had noticed that while at first they had attracted a few stares, everybody in the place was enjoying the food and pretty much ignoring them. The two talked over lunch about pretty much everything. Alex was waiting for Hyacinth to bring up what had happened this morning or what he had seen last night, but it never came up.

After they ate their lunch they walked around the market, the corporal still keeping watch, but letting them have their space. They visited a few tents and tables, sampling different foods and fruits. They walked among the many tables and tents of clothes, jewelry and even weapons. They took their time examining the various bows they saw, but both knew that their bows were far superior. Eventually, after what had seemed hours, they found themselves walking out of the market with the corporal walking a few paces behind.

"That was an amazing market. I am amazed that we didn't buy anything" said Alex. "Where to now?"

"You'll see." said Hyacinth smiling.

They walked down a side street out onto a small field. Across the field was a small, rocky outcropping. "This is one of my favorite places to visit." said Hyacinth as he led Alex across the field. As they neared the outcropping the rocks became larger and larger until they had to walk between them. Eventually they found themselves walking on a large, flat rock. The rock was actually on top of a small cliff, below which was a wide, slow moving river.

"This is beautiful!" exclaimed Alex as he looked over the side of the cliff. The river was about thirty feet below them. "Is there a way to get back up here if we were to jump?"

"Of course! Want to give it a try?" came the reply.

Alex looked at Hyacinth who had already taken off his tunic. "Uh...yeah. I would love to." replied Alex. He removed his sandals and then his chiton. When he did he heard Hyacinth whisper a "wow".

"What?" Alex asked looking at him smiling.

"Oh, nothing. Come on, lets jump!" Hyacinth said walking to the cliff edge.

Alex looked over his shoulder to see the corporal still standing guard. He smiled at him and turned to join Hyacinth. "This is quite a river. Do boats make it up here from the sea?"

"Quite often actually. Look..." he pointed upstream. "There are few up there."

As Alex looked up the river, a blur streaked past him as Hyacinth ran and jumped off the cliff yelling in joy all the way. Alex looked down and saw his splash and then watched him surface.

"What are you waiting for? Come on in, it isn't that cold." Hyacinth called up.

Alex smiled and jumped. For a brief second if almost felt like flying, but he let gravity pull him down and he landed in the water making a large splash.

The two swam for a while and even raced each other to swim across the river and back. They took turns climbing to the top of the cliff just to jump off again. On one of the trips to the top of the cliff Alex noticed that another guard had joined the corporal. He saw the corporal salute and walk off.

"Looks like our guard was replaced." Alex said to Hyacinth who looked over and waved.

"Its ok, we just probably went into the end of his shift or something like that." Hyacinth said right before launching himself from the cliff again. Smiling, Alex followed, yelling all the way down.

Eventually they climbed their way back to the top of the cliff and sat together on the sunwarmed rock.

"Hey Alex..." said Hyacinth after some silence between them. "This morning, what happened in the observation tower, do you think that we can..." he paused as if trying to formulate the words.

"Pick up where we left off?" said Alex, finishing the sentence. He looked over at Hyacinth with a broad grin, "I would love to."

Hyacinth looked at him and smiled. He then looked down at the river below. "Do you think...maybe we could to a little more?"

"What do you mean?" asked Alex.

"You know, I mean." Hyacinth said looking at him, "What you and General Marcus do."

"How do you know what we do?" asked Alex trying to remain serious.

"I...." Hyacinth was about to speak but stopped himself. He looked worried. "I mean, you are more then just a page aren't you?"

Alex grinned again "I was wondering if you were going to say something about that."

"What do you mean?" asked Hyacinth confused.

"Did you enjoy the show last night?" Alex asked laughing.

Hyacinth's mouth dropped open. "How did you....?"

"You have a wonderful smelling soap, very floral. I smelled it as Marcus and I made love." Alex replied still laughing slightly.

Hyacinth's lower lip began to quiver. "I'm sorry....I was just...."

"Hey, it's ok" Alex said becoming serious, reaching out and putting a hand on his shoulder. "I don't mind at all, but I want you to know, I am not Marcus's catamite. I am his page and close friend and I love him."

Hyacinth was still fighting back the tears. "I didn't mean to insult you Alex, I just saw you two doing it and I thought..."

Alex shook his head. "He has never forced me to do anything. What we do we do out of love." He glanced at the guard and then back at Hyacinth. "I am not mad or insulted. In fact, it was kind of exciting to know we were being watched." he chuckled.

Hyacinth looked at him with a confused look on his face. Alex looked into his eyes and smiled. Hyacinth eventually smiled too. "Thank you for not being mad. In fact, just thinking about what I saw last night has started to...." He looked down and saw his penis start to awaken.

"I can take care of that whenever you want me too." whispered Alex looking down at Hyacinth's growing erection. He too was starting to get excited as well. "Let me guess, you have never done anything sexual with anyone before."

Hyacinth slowly shook his head.

"Let's take care of that." Alex said as he stood. He walked over to the edge of the cliff and looked down. "Let's do a little more swimming before we head back to the palace." he said looking over his shoulder.

Hyacinth stood and walked to the edge of the cliff and looked at Alex. "Down there?" he whispered.

Alex looked over his shoulder to see the guard leaning by one of the large boulders at the edge of the giant, flat rock looking bored. "Yeah, down there." He then jumped up and out to the river below. Shortly after he landed in the water he heard another splash nearby and saw Hyacinth surface. He swam up to Hyacinth who was looking a little nervous.

"Do you trust me?" Alex asked as he gained a foothold in front of Hyacinth. They were both standing chest deep near the base of the cliff.

Hyacinth looked around and then up. "Yes, I trust you, but what if someone sees us?"

"Then they see us." Alex responded putting a hand on Hyacinth's shoulder. He then moved closer and with the other hand reached out and found Hyacinth's now full erection.

Hyacinth's eyes widened a bit as he felt Alex's fingers wrap around his hard penis.

Alex laid his head down on Hyacinth's shoulder and slowly started to stroke the hard erection in his hand.

Hyacinth hesitantly reached out and found Alex's hard erection and lightly grabbed it. He then slowly started to pump his hand up and down. The feeling of another person stroking his hardness was wonderful. He then mirrored Alex and rested his head on his shoulder. "This feels wonderful" he whispered.

"Yeah...I love how you are just barely holding me." Alex whispered back.

The two continued to slowly stroke each other. Hyacinth started breathing a little faster.

"Almost there?" Alex whispered, breathing hard.

"Yeah...feels so good" Hyacinth whispered back. He closed his eyes and continued to pump his hand back and forth on Alex's hardness.

Alex started whimpering quietly. "Don't stop..." he breathed. He then let go of Hyacinth's penis and tightly wrapped his arms around him. "Please don't stop!"

Hyacinth tightened his grip slightly on Alex and started pumping a little faster. He was enjoying the tight hug Alex was giving him and the feel of his hardness in his hand. He had never been as close to anyone as he was now with Alex.

Alex buried his face into Hyacinth's chest and was whimpering lightly when he let out a quiet cry as he started shooting into the gently flowing water. His body was trembling throughout his orgasm and he continued to whimper and gasp as he felt the waves of pleasure spread throughout his body. Eventually he relaxed and found that Hyacinth was hugging him fiercely. He brought his head up and locked eyes with Hyacinth. "That was wonderful." he sighed.

Hyacinth looked into his eyes and giggled, "You really enjoyed that didn't you?"

"I loved it!" replied Alex smiling broadly. "Now, let me show you how good I can make you feel." He reached back down and lightly grabbed Hyacinth's still hard erection.

Hyacinth closed his eyes and sighed, "That feels so good"

Alex reached down with his other hand and found Hyacinth's loosely hanging scrotum. He lightly massaged the smooth sack as he picked up the pace of stroking his hardness. When he felt Hyacinth was close to orgasm he whispered, "watch this..." he then took a deep breath and went underwater. He wrapped his lips around the straining erection and began to quickly bob his head.

Hyacinth let out a gasp as he felt a sudden hotness around his penis. Looking down he saw Alex taking his penis into his mouth, sending wave after wave of pleasure throughout his body.

Alex knew it would be any second as he was tasting a salty/sweet flavor. He reached behind Hyacinth with both hands and grabbed his backside cheeks. They were amazingly soft, yet firm as he squeezed.

Hyacinth couldn't take it any more and he grunted loudly. He stiffened up, supported by Alex's hands on his backside, and began to shoot his seed into Alex's warm mouth. The feeling was unlike any he had felt before, and so much better than he could even think about giving himself.

Alex had stopped his bobbing and continued to massage the hard penis in his mouth with his talented tongue. He felt Hyacinth's muscles tighten and held on to keep him standing as the powerful orgasm rippled throughout his body. When he felt the last few squirts of semen from the erection in his mouth, he slowly pulled off. He then slowly stood up, head coming out of the water allowing him to take a deep breath. Wrapping both arms around the trembling youth, he held him tightly.

"I never knew anything could feel that good" breathed Hyacinth after he calmed down. "You surprised me, I didn't think you would do that."

Alex was still holding him tightly. "I wanted to pleasure you like you had never been before. I am glad I was holding onto your backside or you would have fallen back."

Hyacinth laughed and embraced Alex. "Thank you, that was wonderful!"

Alex chuckled. "If you liked that, you will love what I want to show you next."

"When can we...." Hyacinth was about to ask.

"Tonight..."Alex interrupted smiling at him. "I am sure Marcus wouldn't mind if I were to stay in your room tonight."

Hyacinth's smile grew into a broad grin. "I can't wait."

"I can tell" said Alex lightly running his fingers over Hyacinth's penis which was starting to stir again.

Hyacinth laughed lightly. "Just thinking about it is getting me excited. Maybe we should get out and dry off."

"Good idea" replied Alex looking up at the position of the sun.

The two slowly swam to the bank and up the small path to the top of the cliff again. When they arrived they both laid themselves down on the flat rock to sun-dry themselves. They talked about the training tomorrow and how Alex was going to toughen up on the archery training.

"Excuse me your highness." The guard said standing right beside them, making them jump in surprise.

"I was instructed by your mother to let you play a bit more but to have you back at the palace before dinner." the guard said.

Hyacinth looked over at Alex and slowly shook his head. "Even out here she finds a way to ruin things." he said quietly.

"Don't worry. After supper we can have the entire evening to ourselves." Alex whispered wearing an excited grin.

"I can't wait" Hyacinth whispered back

They stood up and looked for their clothes. "Oh, the corporal put your clothes by where he was keeping watch sir." said the guard walking past them and looking down the cliff.

Hyacinth and Alex walked over to the group of boulder sized rocks where the corporal was watching them to retrieve their clothes. The attack came without warning. In the blink of an eye, a group of men jumped from the tops of the boulders and pulled dark bags over the boys' heads. Alex heard Hyacinth yell out in surprise and instinctively reached up to remove the bag from his head when his arms were grabbed and yanked forcefully behind him. He felt his wrists being bound and struggled to get free. "Stop him before he gets free!" he heard a voice yell. He took in a breath and was about to take off flying when a sharp blow hit him across the back of his head. He saw a flash of light, felt dizzy and the last thing he felt was himself falling to the ground.

End of Part 8

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