Eros on a Mission

By Rob Lucario

Published on May 12, 2009



Standard Disclaimer stuff - This story involves sexual and sensual relations between males of various ages, both mortal and immortal. If this is not your cup 'o tea, STOP READING!!!

This is my first attempt at writing a Nifty story so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Email me at

Chapter 19-

"Alex!" he heard his name. Opening his eyes he sat up and looking down from the wall saw a soldier waving at him. "General Marcus told me to come and get you, its lunch time" he shouted up.

"Thank you, I'll be right down." He called down.

Hopping to his feet he trotted down and ran across the great yard into the great hall. Lunch was just getting served and he swerved around the men in his way and landed before the table where Marcus and Kyros were sitting. "Yes sir? You needed me?" he said out of breath.

Marcus grinned. "I didn't mean for you to run, I just wanted you to come down for lunch. Where were you anyways?"

Alexander sat and took a swig of water. "I was on the wall and got lost in my thoughts."

"Well General Marcus, perhaps you should let your page get more sleep at night. One could only imagine what kept you two awake last night." Kyros chuckled and he opened a scroll.

Marcus looked at him for a second and started laughing. Alexander looked down at the food that was just delivered to him and blushed. He then looked at Marcus. "I'm sorry sir, I shouldn't have let the time get away from me like that."

Marcus looked at him and smiled. "It's alright Alex, I needed to get away for a while myself and think about some things." He then leaned in so only Alexander could hear, "Besides, I have a hard time concentrating about things when you are near."

Alexander looked at him and smiled. "I wish I could kiss you now." he whispered blushing slightly. "What were you thinking about?"

Sitting back up Marcus glanced at Kyros who was reading the scroll and then back at Alexander. "You will see soon enough. Part of it had to do with us leaving tomorrow for Sparta, and I was thinking about your match later on with Parmenion. I could still get you out of it if you need me to."

Alexander shook his head as he munched on his lunch. "Eros will guide my hand, especially if he knows that Parmenion is a student of Apollo." he said after swallowing.

Marcus looked at him. "At least get some practice in before the match." He then looked up and motioned a soldier over to their table.

The solder quickly dropped his lunch onto the table and was before them in an instant. "Yes Sir!" he said sharply.

"After he is done inhaling his lunch, take Alex here to the supply room and get him a bow and a quiver of arrows. Then set up some targets behind the barracks so he may practice in peace." said Marcus.

"Yes sir!" replied the soldier bowing slightly. He then went back to his table and waited for Alexander to finish.

When he was done eating, Alexander rose and was quickly met by the soldier. They walked out onto the field toward a small shed-like building.

"I wish you all the luck in the work Alex" the soldier said as they walked. "Parmenion needs to be taken down a notch or two and I pray that you are the one to do it."

"Thank you." replied Alexander as they walked.

They arrived at the storage room and walked in where countless swords, spears, shields and bows were arranged on the walls and tables.

"Let me see if I can find one your size." the solder said as he made his way across the room to the bows. After checking each of them out, he pulled one down and handed it over. "This one is a very good one. It's one of our new standard bows so you should be able to draw it without any difficulty."

Alexander took the bow and examined it. It was actually pretty well made for a mortal-made bow. He held it and easily drew the string. "I think this one is perfect. Thank you."

"No problem." said the soldier as he got down a quiver and filled it with arrows. "Here you go. Now, follow me to the barracks, I will set you up some targets."

The solder led the way to the barracks and set up the targets. "As much as I wish I could watch you practice, I have to be off. This is a nice out of the way place so you shouldn't be bothered." At that he trotted off around the building.

Alexander pulled the arrows out of the quiver and examined each one. He discarded almost half of them as their shafts weren't perfectly straight or their fletching wasn't right. He put the nine acceptable arrows into the quiver and notched the tenth. Bringing the bow up, he looked down the arrow at the target and let it fly.

Chapter 20

Alexander practiced until he felt that he had a good feel for the bow. It was nothing like his magical, golden bow, but it would have to do. He walked up to the bale of hay and pulled out his selected arrows. Examining them once again he was satisfied that he was ready. Walking from behind the barracks with bow in hand he walked over to the archery range where a large group of soldiers were taking lessons from Parmenion.

"Well, are you ready?" he said looking up at the archer.

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot, I get a new pendant today. Sure thing kid, lets do this." Parmenion replied picking up his bow.

Alexander looked at the bow. It was a beautiful dark brown with ornate carvings and inlays in the handle.

"You like it?" Parmenion said as he noticed Alexander staring at his bow.

"Yes, it's beautiful" admitted Alexander.

"It should be, Apollo himself made it and gave it to my old instructor. When he died he bequeathed it to me." Parmenion said smugly.

"Apollo made that bow?" asked Alexander cautiously. "May I see it?"

"Sure, why not? It is going to be the closest thing you come to seeing a bow of quality." he said as he handed it over.

Alexander took the bow in his hand and closed his eyes. He concentrated to see if there were any traces of powers held within the bow. Opening his eyes he smiled and handed it back, he hadn't detected anything. "Thank you" he said as he picked up his bow. "General Marcus wanted to watch this. I'll be right back." He ran across the yard and into Marcus's office. There he saw Marcus looking out a window deep in thought. He smiled and softly walked up behind him. When he was right behind him he wrapped his arms around him in a hug.

"Hello there!" said Marcus reaching down to lightly stroke Alexander's arms. He then slowly turned around, still in Alexander's embrace.

"Ready to see me win an archery contest?" Alexander asked looking up at Marcus.

Marcus smiled. "I would love to see you win, let's go."

They walked out across the yard back to the archery range. When they arrived they noticed that every soldier seemed to be there. Standing in the middle was Parmenion with his arms crossed, smiling smugly as Alexander walked up to him. Major Kyros approached them both, turned and spoke loudly, "Today we will see a contest of archery between Parmenion, student of Apollo and Alexander, student of Eros. The wager is..." he paused, turned and looked at them both. He then brought them forward and talked softly to them. They both nodded in agreement and took a few steps back. "The wager...if Parmenion is deemed the winner he wins Alexander's pendant which was made by the mighty Eros himself. If Alexander is deemed the winner he wins Parmenion's bow which was made by the mighty Apollo himself. As Parmenion is the challenger he will go first."

Parmenion slowly walked up to a line that was downrange from numerous bales of hay, over each bale a cloth with a bullseye. The crowd went silent as he raised his bow, arrow notched and ready. Meticulously he took aim and fired. It flew and hit within the bullseye. The next four shots were all within the bulleyes as well.

The crowd cheered after his last shot. He arrogantly turned to Alexander and smiled, bowing slightly.

Alexander walked up to the line. He drew an arrow from his quiver and notched it. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He then raised his bow, opened his eyes and took aim. The arrow hit dead center of the bullseye. Like Parmenion's shots, all of his were well within the bullseyes.

The crowd cheered louder as Parmenion might have just met his match. The two walked down side by side toward the targets to retrieve their arrows.

"You're pretty good." Parmenion said quietly as they reached the targets.

"I had a good teacher" Alexander replied not even looking at him.

Having retrieved the arrows the two made it back to the line just to get interrupted by Kyros. "Since this distance equaled a tie, we are moving the line back 10 paces." He then walked out ten paces and set a new line.

The two walked to the new line and again, Parmenion went first. As before all five if his shots hit the bullseyes.

The crowed cheered Parmenion's performance and quieted down as Alexander took to the line. Taking a deep breath and aiming, his first arrow hit the center of the bullseye. His next four arrows also yielded bullseyes.

Parmenion was dumbfounded. He looked at Alexander in shock. It looked like he was about to say something but remained quiet.

They again walked down to the targets to retrieve their arrows. Again it looked like Parmenion was going to say something to Alexander, but remained silent. As they approached the line, Kyros again called for it to be moved back ten more paces.

"I am not sure any of our arrows will even hit from this distance." Parmenion muttered under his breath. It was clear that he was getting flustered that someone was as good as he was.

Parmenion took his place on the line. He sighed and took aim and fired. His arrow hit the target, but outside of the bullseye. His second and third also fell outside of the bullseye. The fourth arrow missed the target altogether and the fifth barely made it within the bullseye. He turned to Alexander. "Good luck kid, I could barely hit them."

Wordlessly, Alexander walked to the line and drew his first arrow. Taking aim down his arrow he let it fly, it his just outside the bullseye. He looked down at the target angrily and took his next two shots, both falling a little outside of the bullseye. The fourth arrow flew a little erratically but still managed to hit the target, well outside the bullseye. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and pulled the last arrow from his quiver. Mindlessly he twirled it around in his fingers as he stared at the target. "That last one was way off." He thought to himself.

The crowd was silent as he stood there, staring at the target, twirling the arrow in his fingers.

Alexander took a deep breath and notched the arrow. He took his aim but then loosened his draw. Un-notching the arrow he looked at the fletching. A slight grin appeared across his face and he brought the fletching to his mouth where he slowly dragged it across his tongue. He then quickly notched the arrow, took aim...and let it fly. The arrow flew with a slight spin, steadying it in flight, and hit in the center of the bullseye.

There was a brief moment of silence before the crowd erupted in cheer. Alexander slowly lowered his bow, still staring at the target in a state of near shock. While archery came naturally to him, a strange bow and barely adequate arrows made this a lot harder than he thought it would be. He began to feel people patting him on the back in congratulations, Marcus one of them.

Eventually the cheering calmed down and Parmenion approached him. "You are pretty good kid. Your arrows must have been guided by Eros himself." He held up his bow and looked at it longingly. Wordlessly he handed it to Alexander. "Take care of it." he said softly and then turned to walk away.

"Where do you think you are going Parmenion?" asked Kyros.

Parmenion turned to look at him. "I am going to the storage room to get another bow sir" he replied.

Kyros shook his head. "My archery master deserves a bow of quality. Go to my quarters and take my bow, it is on the table and is now yours."

Parmenion's face broke into a slight smile. "Yes sir, thank you sir" he said as he turned and walked toward the barracks.

"Kyros...Alex...please go to my office, there are some matters I wish to discuss." Marcus said. He then turned to the soldiers. "ATTENTION!" he yelled.

The soldiers stopped talking and celebrating and snapped to attention where they stood. Kyros and Alexander started walking towards the office. "You just witnessed two of the finest archers I have ever seen. I want you to study and learn the way of the bow just as you learn the way of the sword." they heard Marcus say as they walked into the office.

"That was a very nice thing you did for Parmenion sir." said Alexander as he walked over to the table and sat down.

Kyros sat in one of the chairs. "Morale is one of the keys of running a successful army Alex. Keep the troops happy and they have a much better chance of being victorious when needed. Besides, that bow could have just as easily been yours." he winked at him.

Marcus walked in and went to the table. "That was some of the best archery I have ever seen. Parmenion was right, your arrows must have been guided by your god. It was amazing" he said smiling. "Now, onto more official things. Alex, I will need for you to write out some things so please be ready."

"Yes sir.." Alexander said smiling. "..and thank you. My god seems to enjoy protecting and guiding me, who am I to argue?" This drew laugher from both men.

The remainder of the afternoon was spent with both men planning out new rotations, picking a new caption of the guard and other official business. When they seemed to have finished Marcus said that there is one more official bit of business he needed to take care of.

"Starting tomorrow, Major Kyros will be the supreme commander of the Southern Outpost." he said smiling at his friend.

"What?!" exclaimed Kyros.

"You my friend are the best suited for this position, much more than myself. You have more experience than anyone in the army and the men respect you. Besides..." he walked over and looked out the window, "Since the last battle of the war, I have had this feeling that my life is going to change soon. I don't know when or what it is, but I feel that I should be ready."

"What do you plan on doing?" asked Kyros.

"After the Counsel of the Kings, I will return to Corinth and try to figure things out." replied Marcus as he walked back across the room to the table.

"The trip to Sparta and then to Athens might be just what you need Marcus, you haven't relaxed since the war, and that can take a toll on a man."

Yes, I guess I should look at it as a vacation." he replied. "Alex, do you have those last orders?"

"Yes sir, just awaiting your signature" replied Alexander handing Marcus the quill.

Marcus quickly signed all of the scrolls and rolled them up. "Come along men, we have a celebration to attend."

"A what?" asked Kyros as he stood.

"A celebration. Tonight we celebrate Alex's win, your promotion and my vacation, which starts tomorrow.

Chapter 21-

The sun was low in the sky and dark clouds overhead as they walked toward the main hall. "Kyros, do you think you can have one of the men deliver a small traveling cloak to my office? Acacius forgot to issue one to Alex and I don't want him to get caught out in the rain without one again." Marcus looked at the clouds. "It looks like we might have a bit of it tonight."

"Certainly, he will have one before you leave tomorrow" replied Kyros.

They made it to the great hall where all of the men were gathering and sitting down to be served. Marcus walked ahead of Kyros and Alexander to their table. He climbed up and stood on the table. "May I have your attention!" he called out over the din. "Attention! May I please have your attention!" he called again louder this time. The noise slowly quieted down. "Thank you. Most of you are veterans of the war while some of you are new to the Corinthian Army, but all of you know Major Kyros. He has been around longer than most of you have had hair between your legs, and he is the best that we have. I am hereby issuing an order that starting tomorrow, Major Kyros will take command of the Southern Outpost."

There was an uproar of clapping and whooping from the men as they rose to congratulate Kyros.

Motioning the men to settle down, General Marcus went on, "There is something else, today we witnessed my page Alex and our resident archery master gave us a show that will go down in history."

There was more applause and whooping for Alexander and Parmenion. Alexander was smiling and blushing slightly, nodding his acknowledgment while Parmenion stood up and bowed slightly.

"Tonight we celebrate these three individuals" he said loudly and then clapped his hands twice.

On that signal, the servants appeared with platters of meats and vegetables. Others appeared bearing large vases of wine.

"So that was the order you had me deliver earlier" Alexander said to Marcus as he sat down.

Marcus looked him and smiled. "Well, I wanted to keep it a surprise. I didn't know at that time part of this celebration would be for you. There were also orders in there to make us some traveling provisions. Oh, one thing that I have been meaning to ask you...I know that Alexander is your name, but do you mind me calling you Alex?"

"Not at all, in fact, I like it." Alexander replied smiling.

"Ok then, Alex it is" Marcus replied patting him on the back.

The three were served with generous portions of meat and vegetables and given large cups of wine.

Alex noticed that Marcus was extremely at ease. It looked like the weight of the world had just been taken off of his shoulders. He did an empathy probe and felt that Marcus was feeling extremely happy and relieved at the moment. Feeling eyes upon him, Marcus turned and looked at Alex staring at him and smiled. Alex was still probing him and once their eyes met he was returned with an immense feeling of desire and craving. Alex quickly stopped the probe and looked around, grabbing his cup of wine and taking a long drink.

Marcus laughed and called one of the soldiers over. The soldier came immediately, smiling. "yes sir!" he said.

Marcus motioned him down to whisper something into his ear. The soldier's face broke out into a broad smile as he stood back up. "Yes sir! The men will love it" at that he ran to a few other men who followed him from the hall.

"What was that about?" asked Kyros.

"Those men who just left are extremely accomplished musicians and I asked is they could play for us while we ate." replied Marcus munching on some meat.

"That's right, I remember them when we were camped outside Argos. They did an amazing job at keeping the men happy." said Kyros.

The three men returned with instruments in hand. One had a lute, another had a set of pipes and the third had a small hand drum. They set themselves up near the front of the room and started playing. It was clear that the soldiers in the room enjoyed the music as all the loud conversations dropped to mere whispers.

Alex sat back as he finished his plate of meat and vegetables. He took another drink of wine and noticed that his cup, which was almost empty earlier, was now full again. The serving girl was doing a great job at keeping everybody's cup full.

The man with the hand drum started singing an upbeat song, one that had all the men clapping in time. The song then turned into another, and then another.

By now, the wine was affecting Alex. His face felt warm and his fingertips were a little numb. "General Marcus...sir, are we leaving tomorrow morning after breakfast?"

Marcus, who was clapping along, smiling broadly, looked at Alex. "Yes, we will be leaving right after breakfast. Are you having a good time? You seem rather quiet."

Alex laughed. "I feel great! I just don't know these songs. Are you having a good time?"

"I am having the time of my life Alex!" he said and then turned to start singing another song.

Alex watched Marcus singing and got an idea. He reached down and undid his sandals, letting them fall to the ground. He then closed his eyes and slowly extended his leg under the table until it made contact with Marcus's boot.

Marcus didn't notice as he kept singing the song with the men.

Slowly rubbing his foot up the boot he came to bare skin just below the knee. He then slowly rubbed the sole of his foot against it. Slowly, he opened his eyes to see Marcus stop singing and turn his head to look at him with a strange smile on his face. Alex continued to stare directly at him with a wild grin on his face.

Marcus slowly reached down and slowly took Alex's foot in his hand and rubbed the sole making Alex close his eyes and sigh.

Alex started swaying with the music and placed his other foot in Marcus's lap.

Marcus laughed, "Can't handle the wine huh? I can tell that it is getting to you."

"So" Alex replied with eyes still closed. It will make later on tonight more interesting."

"I can't wait." replied Marcus still rubbing, "But I think you shouldn't drink any more. I don't want you to be sick tomorrow morning."

"Ok, I won't. In fact, it's getting late. Would it be ok it I went to our quarters?"

"I don't mind at all Alex, but I do enjoy this." He said and he rubbed the other foot.

"I know you do. That's not your belt I feel." Alex said smiling as he wiggled his toes against Marcus's crotch. He slowly removed his feet from Marcus's hands and reached down to grab his sandals. Walking over to the slightly stunned Marcus and leaned down to whisper in his ear, "I'll be waiting." Smiling he turned and walked out of the room leaving the celebrating soldiers singing and drinking.

Walking out of the main hall he felt a light rain falling. Thankfully it was a warm rain. Being affected by the wine and walking in the dark he decided to have a little fun. He undid the clasp on his shoulder, removed his belt and then his chiton. Throwing the chiton over his shoulder he took off running naked through the yard, feeling the rain hitting him all over. Laughing, he made it to the house, breathing heavy.

Easily seeing through the dark he found an oil lamp and walked up to it. He concentrated on the wick and it quickly lit. Walking around the room he lit all the oil lamps and took some of them into the bedroom. He then walked back outside to stand naked in the rain. Closing his eyes he lifted his head, wishing he could just take off flying, to feel the rain and wind rushing around him. Marcus surely would take a while celebrating with the soldiers, especially since he was leaving tomorrow. With a wicked grin, Alex trotted behind the house and concentrated on his form. His hair reverted to red, eyes changed color and his wings appeared. With a shout of joy he launched himself into the rainy darkness.

Chapter 22-

The warm rain felt good against his body. Stretching his wings to their maximum he turned in mid air and flew over the outpost. Had someone looked up they would have a hard time seeing him as he was so high up and it was extremely dark.

After circling the outpost a few times he decided to go higher. Aiming straight up he rocketed on higher and higher. Eventually he flew above the rain clouds to a clear sky, the half moon illuminating the cloudtops. He stopped and hovered, taking in the beauty before twisting his body and diving straight for the ground. Picking up speed he flew through the clouds until he saw the ground coming up quickly. He saw the small house and aimed for it. At the last moment he turned and softly he landed on the wet grass behind the building and folded his wings. He walked up to the house and stopped. "Wait, I need to turn back..." he thought to himself. Concentrating on the image he slowly transformed back into Alex.

Walking to the house he heard the celebrating continue. Laughing he walked into the main room and then into the bathing room where he grabbed a towel and proceeded to dry off. He then walked out into the main room just in time to see Marcus walk in.

Marcus froze when he saw Alex standing there holding a towel barely covering his naked body. He smiled and walked over to him.

Alex smiled, dropped the towel and started walking toward Marcus. They met in the middle of the room where Marcus picked him up, embracing him tightly.

Alex wrapped his legs around him, reached up, placing a hand on each side of Marcus's face, and kissed him. He let his tongue reach out and explore Marcus's lips and then his mouth.

Marcus easily held him with one arm, letting the other roam up and down his back to his backside. He turned and carried the youth into the bedroom, still passionately kissing him. Walking over to the bed he slowly lowered Alex so he was standing on it.

Alex broke off the kiss and looked deeply into his eyes. "I want you" he whispered, full of lust. "I want you in me."

Marcus stood before him, still rubbing his back and backside. "I want you too Alex." he replied softly, slightly surprised how Alex was coming onto him.

Alex reached down and started tugging Marcus's tunic off. He assisted him and before long he was standing naked before him. "Much better" he said as he reached out and took Marcus's hardening penis into his hand. He then got onto his knees, and slowly started licking the sides of Marcus's hardness.

Marcus ran his fingers through Alex's hair as he licked around his straining erection. He then let out a low moan as he felt his penis slip between the youth's lips. "Oh Alex, that feels so good."

Alex slowly bobbed his head a few times before coming off. Looking up he smiled. "I will be right back. Don't move." He then got off of the bed and ran into the main room where he retrieved a small bottle of oil from his bag. He walked back in to see Marcus still standing by the side of the bed with his penis at full erection. Getting back onto the bed he opened the small bottle of oil and poured a little onto Marcus's stiffness.

"What is that for?" asked Marcus as Alex worked the oil over his penis.

"This will make you slippery." Alex replied. "There, you are all ready." At the he spun around and lowered his chest and shoulders to the bed leaving his backside sticking up, right in front of Marcus.

"Alex, are you sure? I mean, I don't want to hurt you." Marcus said as he reached out and lightly ran his finger over Alex's tight hole.

"Don't worry, you can't hurt me. I am ready for you, I need you in me." Alex said jumping slightly as he felt Marcus's finger lightly touch him. He then felt Marcus's erection at his opening.

"Let me know if I hurt you, I can always stop."

"Don't worry, just go slow and it will be fine." replied Alex as he closed his eyes.

Marcus slowly pushed until the crown of his penis slowly slid into the youth.

Alex let out a gasp making Marcus stop pushing. "Don't stop...keep going." he whispered.

Marcus continued to slowly push his way into Alex's tight hole. He looked down to see more and more of him sliding into the warm tightness. He reached down and lightly caressed Alex's backside as he continued to slowly push into the youth until he was all the way in.

Alex let out a content sigh. "You feel so good in me." he purred turning his face to the side. He reached down and lightly fondled Marcus's sack, feeling it resting next to his own.

Marcus lightly grabbed Alex's hips and slowly pulled out a little and then back in. He then started slowly thrusting into the lust-crazed youth. Looking down, he saw his oily penis sliding out and back into the youth.

"Don't tease me Marcus. Go faster!" Alex said through heavy breaths. "Gods you feel so good."

Marcus picked up the pace with his thrusting. He leaned forward and as he did Alex's knees slowly slid out from under him until he was laying fully on his stomach, Marcus still straddling him. Laying on top of him, Marcus marveled at the feel of Alex's back and backside against his chest and abdomen. He continued thrusting deep into Alex who was moaning heavily.

" good....almost there." he breathed through clenched teeth, his eyes still closed with ecstasy. He reached up and grabbed the bed sheets in anticipation.

Marcus reached up and grabbed Alex's arms. When he did this noticed Alex trying to free himself, but he wasn't going to let go. Alex was at his total mercy and was enjoying every second of it. He started trusting harder into the youth, making him grunt with each thrust.

Alex was moaning louder, he tried to say something but instead tensed up, body trembling, and silently shouted out as a powerful orgasm rippled through his entire body.

Marcus felt Alex body tense up, the pressure on his penis became so intense he had to stop thrusting. He slipped his arms under the trembling youth and held him tightly, feeling him shaking in his arms.

Eventually, Alex slowly came down from his orgasm, still breathing hard. "Marcus....that was .... wonderful."

Marcus responded by lightly kissing the side of his face. Then, with arms still tightly holding him, Marcus rolled onto his back, his erection still firmly planted in the youth. He brought his knees up and apart making Alex's legs open wide.

"By the gods!" exclaimed Alex as Marcus began slowly thrusting into him. "You didn't...."

"Not yet" Marcus whispered into his ear, the boy's head resting on his chest. "But I plan to." He then reached down and lightly grabbed Alex's hard penis.

Alex let out a deep groan as Marcus began pumping his hand over his erection. It was still slippery from what he shot just moments ago. Marcus's other arm was still holding him tightly. He then moved it so his hand was on Alex's chest where he could feel his heart beating and his chest rising and falling. Exploring with his fingers he found one of his nipples. Alex stiffened up and gasped when he reached out with his fingers and lightly pinched it.

"So, you like when I play with yours too?" whispered Marcus into his ear.

Alex responded by whimpering and slightly nodding.

Marcus continued to stroke Alex's erection as he continued thrusting deep with him. Marcus, like Alex, was breathing hard and moaning. He felt a familiar surge coming and he knew it wouldn't be long.

"Harder...Do it harder...." he heard Alex whisper.

Marcus responded by thrusting harder, deeper and faster making Alex's body slightly bounce against him. He started moaning louder and grunting as he plunged into Alex. "Alex....almost there...." he grunted. He then quickly let go of Alex's penis and nipple and grabbed him tightly around the chest. A few more hard thrusts was all it took before he grunted out loudly, shooting deep into him.

"Oh Marcus...I can fill it....." Alex said in a raspy whisper. The youth was in a state of near orgasmic bliss himself.

Marcus eventually slowed down his thrusting and stopped leaving his penis still buried deep in Alex. "By the gods!" he exclaimed, catching his breath. "Are you ok? I may have gotten carried away there."

Alex laughed lightly. "I am fine, you feel so good in me." He reached down and started stroking himself.

"Oh no you don't" said Marcus sliding out from under him so he was laying on the bed. "Not as long as I am around." He moved Alex's had away from his penis and moved down so his face was near it. He took in the odor of semen and sweat, both Alex's and his own. Leaning down he slowly engulfed the youth's erection in his mouth.

Alex stiffened up and moaned loudly feeling his penis slide into Marcus's mouth. He reached down and ran his fingers through his hair and started to moan.

Remembering something, Marcus reached up with a hand and found one of his nipples. Alex gasped in as he started lightly pinching and tugging at it. He started bobbing his head on the straining erection, making the youth moan out louder.

Alex brought his knees up and rested his feet on Marcus's back. He reached down and grabbed the bed sheets tightly. His head was thrashing back and forth, the jolts of pure pleasure running down his spine. A few seconds later he loudly grunted, almost screamed, as he started shooting into Marcus mouth.

Marcus stopped bobbing on Alex's penis and felt as a few jets of semen shot into his mouth.

Alex's body was still trembling as Marcus came off of his twitching penis. He was still breathing hard and almost seemed unconscious.

" ok?" asked a slightly concerned Marcus when he saw the youth laying there not moving.

"" Alex said between breaths.

"We seem to have made a slight mess" Marcus said looking at the wet semen stained sheets.

Alex rolled his head to the side to look at the bed sheets. He was about to say something but closed his eyes and sighed deeply and was out.

Chapter 23-

" head" Alex groaned as he opened his eyes. He looked around at the bed and found that it was empty, he also noticed that the sheets had been changed. Sitting up his head throbbed painfully. "Oh no!" he exclaimed when ne noticed that the sun was already up.

"Hey, look who's up. What's wrong?" A fully dressed Marcus said walking into the room.

"I overslept and my head is killing me." He looked down at the bed, "When did you clean up?"

"Last night. You fell asleep so fast and I wasn't tired, so I changed the sheets, cleaned you up and came to bed." Marcus said as he sat down, putting his arm around him. "I would think that after last night something else would be hurting you."

Alex smiled. "I am fine there." he then turned and looked at Marcus. "Did I please my master?" he asked with a playful smirk.

Marcus chuckled. "Alex, in my years of limited sexual experiences, I would have to say that last night was the most intense I have ever experienced."

Alex smiled, leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "Wait until I am not drunk with wine. Maybe tonight...."

"Unfortunately, we will have to curtail that while traveling." Marcus interrupted, "There will be a caravan on its way to Sparta stopping by the outpost in a little bit. We will be trailing them and I will be standing guard at night. I should be able to catch up on sleep during the day while in the saddle."

"You can actually sleep while riding a horse?" asked Alex as he walked across the room to get his chiton.

"Years of practice." replied Marcus watching the naked youth dress himself. "Oh, I got that traveling cloak for you, in case it rains. Thankfully there isn't a cloud in the sky."

"Thank you" said Alex as he sat to lace up his sandals. All I have to do is pack my bag and then I am ready."

"I actually took the liberty of packing all of your writing tools and scrolls for you. In fact, we are all ready to go."

They walked out into the morning sun and were met by Major Kyros.

"Well, Marcus...I don't know what to say." he said holding out his hand.

"I will be back before you know it Kyros." Marcus said smiling, clasping his hand. "The outpost here will be on my regular rotation." They walked together with Alex following to the stables where two nice horses were saddled up and ready. Marcus took Alex's bag and affixed it to his saddle and did the same to his. "We just need to wait for the caravan"

"I'll get you two something to eat while you wait." said Kyros walking away.

"How many days will it take to get to Sparta?" Alex asked as he leaned against the stable wall.

"It should take no longer than 3 days." Marcus answered. Will you be alright following the caravan with me sleeping in the saddle?"

"I'll be fine. I will spend the days daydreaming and praying." Alex smiled back at him.

Marcus looked at him for a second and broke out laughing. "Make sure to thank Eros for me for last night. Also, don't forget that if you get desperate for conversation that you can wake me up."

Kyros appeared with some bread and drink for them to eat before breakfast. Soon after, a guard called down from the wall that the caravan was approaching. Marcus and Alex quickly finished off their food and mounted the horses. They walked through the main gate and watched as the caravan approached. As it passed the caravan leader waved at them and motioned them toward the end of line of wagons.

Alex noticed that within the line were soldiers and guards from other city-states.

"Its all about protection." said Marcus noticing Alex's concern. There is this unwritten rule that anyone is allowed to join a caravan as long as they agree to help protect it. I see soldiers from Athens, Sparta, Megara and I think that one up there is from Troezen." They fell in line at the back of the caravan and struck up a conversation.

The next three days were spent following the caravan. Where it went, they went; were it camped, they camped. During the night Marcus insisted that Alex sleep in the small, one-man tent that they had brought and during the day Marcus dozed in the saddle as planned. Alex spent the days communicating with Anteros, keeping him updated on the mission. He also did a lot of thinking and prayer-feeling where he could feel people praying to him. He decided that it would take a few months to get caught up with a lot of his work. Although the terrain was slightly mountainous, they did good time for in the late afternoon on the third day, they crested a small hill and saw the sprawling expanse of Sparta before them.


Next: Chapter 7

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