Eros on a Mission

By Rob Lucario

Published on Mar 7, 2009



Standard Disclaimer stuff - This story involves sexual and sensual relations between males of various ages, both mortal and immortal. If this is not your cup 'o tea, feel free to find a nice earl grey somewhere else.

This is my first attempt at writing a Nifty story so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Email me at

Chapter 7 -

He was flying through the clouds, the cool feel of the cloudmist covering his naked body. With wings fully extended, he slowly came to a stop and hovered, totally surrounded by the opaque whiteness. Then, with an exuberant yell he dove down through the cloud until he was underneath it, the ground hundreds of feet below. Pulling in and flattening his wings, like a bird a prey when swooping in for the kill, he picked up speed. The ground was coming up fast, an expression sheer joy on his face. Then out of nowhere he heard a loud crack of thunder. Looking over his shoulder he saw dark, almost black, clouds rapidly approaching. "Where did those come from?" he asked himself. Flattening out his flight he flew away from the clouds but they were gaining on him. Another resounding crash of thunder made him look behind him, this time the clouds were practically surrounding him. He turned his head and found that they dark clouds were right in front of him. Eyes wide in shock he stopped and hovered, looking all around him to find he was totally surrounded. A loud crash of thunder made him cry out in surprise and he bolted upright in his bed, trembling with fright. As he looked around the dark room he realized that he was still in his bedroom at the temple.

"What was that about?" he thought to himself as he sat there, going over his dream as he calmed down. A slight creak startled him as his bedroom door slowly opened.

"Alexander, are you ok?" came a voice, it was Nikias.

A brief flash of light momentarily filled the room followed a few seconds later by another loud peal of thunder. "Yeah, I'm fine, come on in."

Nikias made his way over to the bed. "Some storm huh? I wonder if this is just a storm or if Zeus himself is angry."

"I don't know." He replied moving over for Nikias to sit down. Another flash of light lit the room, quickly followed by a crash of thunder, making Alexander quickly scoot by Nikias.

"Want me to stay with you?" he asked.

"Yeah, if you don't mind." replied Alexander lying down.

Nikias laid down next to him on his side, facing him. "I had a wonderful time at the beach today." he said softly. He then reached up and gently ran his fingers through Alexander's hair.

Alexander closed his eyes and sighed. "Yeah, me too. We definitely have to do that again." he whispering scooting closer to Nikias who responded by putting his arm around him. Another crash of thunder, this time a bit softer resounded. He noticed that Nikias was naked and wondered if he came from his room like that.

"Do you mean go to the beach or what we did there?" asked Nikias cuddling into the youth.

"Both." whispered Alexander reaching up and lightly kissing Nikias's cheek. He then nuzzled his face against his chest and sighed.

"Yeah, both." whispered Nikias, closing his eyes and lightly rubbing Alexander's back.

Chapter 8 -

Eros heard birds singing and breathed in the cool, crisp air that sometimes followed spring storms. Opening his eyes he saw that it was barely light outside and he was still in the arms of Nikias, who was still asleep. Looking down he saw Nikias's penis at full erection. He reached down and lightly ran his fingers through the light bush of pubic hair around the base and then traced a finger up the hard shaft. His own penis, itself with only a few pale, blond hairs around the base, was also at full erection. Smiling to himself he slowly rolled Nikias over and positioned himself between the teen's legs. He slowly started licking up the shaft of Nikias's hard penis, watching it throb. Then, moving his head up slightly, he placed his lips over the crown and slowly went down halfway on the hard shaft. He then made his mouth very tight against it and started caressing the sensitive underside with his tongue. Nikias responded by trying to thrust deeper into his mouth but he wouldn't let him. The only movement was his tongue as it continued to tickle, caress and dance across the hard penis in his mouth.

Nikias took in a sharp breath and groaned. "Alexander that feels so amazing." he whispered as he again tried in vain to thrust up into the youth's mouth.

Alexander reached up and gently grabbed the portion that was outside his mouth as he didn't want any more in, just the first three inches.

"Oh Alexander..." groaned Nikias, "Your mouth feels so tight and hot. I have never felt anything like this."

Alexander kept up the relentless assault, using only his tongue, causing Nikias to writhe on the bed. His breathing got faster and moaning got louder. He reached down and tried to force Alexander's head to go down, but the youth's mouth was locked on his hardness only halfway. Finally Nikias threw his head back on the pillow and had to fight back a squeal of pleasure as he started shooting into Alexander's mouth.

Alexander kept up the constant massage using only his tongue, sucking down all of Nikias's juices. When he felt the last shot he relaxed his cheeks and slowly came off of the quivering erection. Looking up he saw Nikias laying there breathing hard, aftershocks hitting causing him to jerk and tremble. He then slowly crawled up and laid down on him, nuzzling into his chest. Nikias wrapped his arms around him, saying nothing.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Nikias asked after some moments of silence.

"I came up with it myself" replied Alexander, lifting up his head to look down on him.

"I can't believe it, I am still feeling it." said Nikias looking up into Alexander's blue eyes. "Let me try it on you. I want to..."

A knock at the door interrupted Nikias. "Alexander, are you awake?" The voice belonged to Elpis.

"Sure, come on in" replied Alexander, still smiling and staring down at Nikias, who seemed very startled that he invited her in.

The door opened and Elpis walked in. "Oh!" she exclaimed and quickly turned around as she saw a very naked Alexander laying on top of and between the legs of an equally naked Nikias.

Nikias was staring up at Alexander with a look of near panic. He reached over and grabbed the sheets and slid from underneath him, covering up. Alexander sat up trying not to laugh, and sat cross-legged on top of the sheets as Nikias continued to ensure that he was covered.

"I was wanting to let you know that breakfast is ready and ask if you had seen Nikias. I...also have some new outfits for you and Nikias from Philon." said Elpis, back still to the boys.

"Yeah, Nikias is right here." snickered Alexander looking down as Nikias lay there wishing he was anywhere else. "He kept me company last night when the storm hit."

"Well...yeah...anyways, it's ready. I'll leave the outfits here" said Elpis through her blush as she quickly laid the clothes on the floor and walked out, closing the door behind her.

Alexander started laughing. "You should have seen your face!" he exclaimed looking at Nikias who was unwrapping himself from the sheets.

"Ha Ha! Very funny!" said Nikias sliding out from under the covers. He quickly walked over to the pile of clothes and found two outfits. "I wish she wouldn't have seen us like that."

"Why not?" asked Alexander standing and stretching.

"I...just wish she wouldn't have" replied Nikias who was wishing he wouldn't had said anything.

"You like her don't you?" smiled Alexander knowingly.

"I..." sighed Nikias, "yes, I do. I am just too nervous to approach her. You sure weren't embarrassed for her to see us in each other's arms." said Nikias changing the subject.

"Of course not" replied Alexander walking to Nikias and taking an outfit that was his size. "Why would I be? Now come on, why are you so nervous?" He then unfolded the clothes to find a brand new tunic with red trim and a silvery fabric belt. "Great, a tunic." He thought to himself, frowning. "I will have problems if I need to change back in a hurry. This tunic will cover my entire back."

"Is there something wrong?" asked Nikias as he was fastening his belt. "We always get special clothes on the day of the festival. By the way, Happy Fourth!"

"Happy Fourth!" replied Alexander smiling. "No, nothing is wrong with these, they are beautiful." He replied. He then looked at Nikias, "So, why are you nervous?"

Nikias sighed and looked at him. "She is so beautiful, and smart, and caring. What kind of chance would I have with her? Plus, she is two years older than me."

"I am actually surprised with you Nikias." said Alexander as he sat to lace up his sandals. "You didn't seem to shy about approaching me."

"I don't know, it just seems, different. Come on, lets get to the dining room. Maybe we can talk about this later." He said opening the door. "Let's stop by my room so I can get my sandals."

The two walked to Nikias's room to retrieve his sandals and then proceeded to the dining room.

When they arrived they saw that everyone was already eating. "It's about time you two got up." said Thais. "I made a special breakfast for us all."

They both apologized and took their seats. During the course of breakfast Alexander noticed that Elpis was stealing glances at Nikias, slightly blushing when she did. Smiling, he delicately probed her and felt that she was feeling overall happiness, but with a slight longing at the same time.

"Ok everybody, listen up." said Philon standing to his feet. "Today is the day where we invite everyone to join us in worshiping our god. Now, being that you are all representatives of the temple I would like to see you talking to newcomers and welcoming our usual faithful alike. Alexander and Elpis, as this will be your first festival at our temple I would like for you to stick by one of your brothers or sisters for guidance and do not be timid to ask for direction. Nikias, you will be opening the main doors and delivering the greeting, just as we practiced. Does anyone have any questions?"

Everyone was silent.

He raised his cup, "To Eros!"

"To Eros" everybody responded raising their cups.

Alexander followed Nikias as he went to unlock the main doors. When they swung the huge doors open they noticed that a small crowd of the faithful has already gathered. Nikias stood before the crowd with Alexander by his side and waited until the talking died down.

"From the lowliest to the grandest, love touches us one and all. We at this temple choose to worship the gentle but powerful god of love, Eros. We welcome you and pray that his blessings will be with you all. Please enjoy yourself at The Temple of Eros on this most sacred of days." proclaimed Nikias, trying to be as loud as possible.

"Very nice" said Alexander smiling as he and Nikias walked back into the grand hall, the crowd behind him.

"I have seen it done many times and Philon said that I could be the main greeter this year." beamed Nikias as he started welcoming various people that he knew.

Alexander stood to the side, smiling and welcoming the visitors and regulars alike.

Eventually the hall filled up. Scanning the crowd Alexander estimated that there were about 75 to 100 people. While Corinth was the city of Aphrodite, and Eros was not one of the major gods, he did not have a lot of devout followers. This suited him just fine as he was not vain in that sense such as most of the major gods.

"I guess that's it" said Nikias walking over to Alexander. "Let's take our places." He then led Alexander to two spaces in the front row.

The celebratory mass that followed lasted well after noon. It included welcoming all newcomers and faithful followers alike, a few child dedications by new parents, some lessons about Eros, and a ceremonial release of a dove. There were also the prayers and petitions which took the longest. Alexander did his best to not explode with happiness as he could feel the energy in the room, all focused on him. A warming tingle spread up his spine as the mass ended with a long prayer by Philon.

A large number of people left after the mass leaving around 20-30 people milling about the great hall. As he walked amongst the small crowd Alexander heard conversations ranging from people's experiences of love to the great feast that would occur later that afternoon. He enjoyed listening in on these conversations, usually about him. Eventually he was flagged down by Myron who enlisted him and Nikias to remove the benches and help set up a series of tables as the feast was to be in the great hall.

A few hours later the tables were set up; places already filling up so people could sit and visit. Philon was the perfect host, walking around and mingling with everyone.

Noticing Elpis standing along the back wall, Alexander smiled and walked over to her. "What did you think about the mass?"

"It was lovely. Philon is a wonderful high priest." She replied smiling down at him.

"Um, Elpis...I want to apologize about this morning. I should have covered up or something."

Elpis laughed, "Think nothing of it Alexander. I was just surprised to see the two of you together."

Alexander did another light probe and felt that longing feeling again, this time stronger. "You like him don't you?" he asked smiling.

Her eyes grew slightly, "Why would you ask that?" she asked in surprise.

"I was just curious. Anyways, this is your first festival at this temple. What do you think?" he asked changing the subject.

"I like that it isn't so large. The only other one I have been to was at the temple in Olympia. There had to be at least ten times the number of people."

"I know what you mean," he chuckled. "The high priest at the temple in Athens once..." Suddenly a large ball of light appeared in the air next to the statue of Eros causing some to shriek and others to fall back in fear. The light faded and there, hovering with shimmering twin swords drawn and an extremely angry look upon his face, was Anteros.

"Acacius!" Anteros bellowed as he hovered down to land in front of the statue, folding his wings. "I know you are in here. Show yourself!"

The crowd shrank back a little more and a visibly trembling man slowly walked forward. He got down on one knee and quietly spoke, "I am Acacius mighty Anteros. How may I be of service to you?"

Alexander was still standing next to Elpis who was in a state of shocked surprise. What in the name of Zeus's beard are you doing? he angrily thought-sent to his brother.

I will fill you in later, I am doing something rather important. "How may you be of service to me?" asked Anteros jeering at the trembling man. "You have violated the love of another!" yelled Anteros and in the blink of an eye was in front of the man, the blades of his swords scissored against his neck. "You dare defile the temple of my brother who speaks of love when you use it to your whim to get your way. Your blatant ignorance has just cost a beautiful maiden her life!"

Alexander knew his brother well enough to know that this was genuine and he was probably doing everything he could do to stay in control.

"Please mighty Anteros" blubbered Acacius, "please spare me."

"You ask of favors you pathetic excuse for a man. What do you know of favors and promises? Let me ask you, what was the last favor asked of you?"

Acacius thought for a moment, "A friend asked a favor to get someone a position at the palace."

Anteros leaned down, "Were you planning on keeping this favor?"

Acacius swallowed, feeling the sharp blades against his neck. "n-no" he whispered.

"SPEAK UP" yelled Anteros. "I want your fellow worshipers to know of your word and how useless it is."

"NO!" yelled the trembling man, tears streaming down his face.

Anteros removed the blades from the man's neck. "I didn't think so. As today is the feast of my brother, I will spare your worthless life... only if you make true to your word to your friend. Also, leave this sacred temple and never return again!"

"Y-Yes mighty Anteros, I will keep my word to my friend and never visit the temple again." Acacius said standing up.

"For the sake of your had better." whispered Anteros, still with a burning anger across his face.

Acacius turned and found himself face-to-face with Philon. "I think you had better leave." said the priest in a calm, low voice. Acacius then slowly and meekly walked out of the great hall. A few people watched as the sniveling man walked out, the rest were still awestruck, looking upon Anteros who was still standing with a shimmering sword in each hand.

After Acacius had left all eyes fell on Anteros. He made the blades vanish, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Opening them he looked at the silent crowd. "Good people of the Temple of Eros...I apologize for what you have just witnessed." He said breaking the silence.

Philon walked up to Anteros and bowed. "Gentle Anteros, we thank you for removing such a man from our presence. The temple will be a far better place without him."

Anteros slightly bowed back toward the priest. "Thank you for your understanding Philon. It was not my intention to frighten anyone, except Acacius." He said smiling.

"We are all thrilled by your presence and would be more than honored if you would share the feast with us." Philon said.

Anteros looked around, briefly locking eyes with Alexander, and smiled. "Thank you for the invitation. I would love to attend"

An immediate excitement filled the room. After all, it wasn't every day that you got to dine with a god. Philon motioned for Anteros to sit at his left, which was across from Alexander, who had also just sat.

Was it Zeus who sent you? Alexander thought-sent to Anteros.

Yes, he wanted to ensure that you got a position at the palace and it looks like you just might have an interview tomorrow. Replied Anteros who looked over at him. "I see that you have met my brother" he said motioning to the pendant. Thank you for wearing it.

"Yes, he saved my life some years ago and gave this to me. It was from that moment on that I chose my path in life." replied Alexander smiling. *I will wear it always *

Thais and Myrrine came out of the kitchen area and both gave startled shrieks when they saw Anteros sitting next to Philon. "As you two can see we are honored by the company of our god's brother." Philon said to them smiling.

It took a few moments for it to sink in and the both quickly bowed to Anteros and summoned Nikias, Elpis and Alexander to help them bring the food from the kitchen to the table. The three got up and followed the women back to the kitchen. As they entered the kitchen Alexander noticed that the dining room's door was closed with a small sign stating "Do Not Enter".

"What's that about?" he asked of Nikias.

"That's where only a select few will go later tonight." He said winking at Alexander.

"Ohhh...." he replied laughing.

It took many trips by the five of them to bring all of the food and wine to the table. Once the table was fully set, Philon stood causing the entire hall to get silent. "My dearest friends and visitors, today we celebrate our god...and his brother" he said smiling down at Anteros who smiled back. "I know, now more than ever, that we all have his blessings. We must all consider ourselves fortunate to have such a god who loves as he." Philon raised his cup and said, "To Eros!" to which everybody replied "TO EROS!" At that everybody dove into the feast before them.

Alexander locked eyes with Anteros and smiled. I am sorry for yelling at you earlier. You just surprised me.

That's ok, you can make it up to me later tonight replied Anteros winking at him.

You are going to stay all night?!

Sure, why not? Zeus instructed me to be at Olympus tomorrow. By the way, you look very cute as a blond.

During the course of the feast various people would walk up to Anteros and talk to him, even ask if they could touch his wings. Some would ask questions about him and how he fit together working with Eros. One young woman came forward and asked why the fourth was a sacred day for his brother.

"I too am curious about this as I have never learned of the meaning, only that Eros has deemed it sacred." said Philon.

I know...I know.... sent Alexander to Anteros, fighting off laughing.

"Well, my brother and I are extremely close" said Anteros smiling, "We share a unique love, almost like two halves of a whole. As you all know, he was born to Aphrodite and Ares. In the beginning he was extremely lonely, almost to the point of dying. It was then that Aphrodite created me, out of the very air, to be a constant companion to Eros. That day, was the fourth day of the fourth month, today. He has long kept is sacred not only to honor me, but he feels it was that day that he was reborn into a new life as well."

"Amazing!" said the woman. "Thank you Anteros. When you see your brother give this to him for me..." she leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek. "And this one is for you." She kissed him again before walking back to her companions. Anteros just sat there with a silly grin on his face.

"A day never goes by that I don't learn something about our god" said Philon smiling. "Thank you Anteros. By the way, would you happen to know where your brother is at this moment?"

"He usually flies around and visits different temples, always staying invisible from sight. Sometimes he even disguises himself as a normal person and attends the festivities without anyone knowing his true identity. I will wager that he has even been here at one time or another." Anteros replied to a semi-shocked Philon.

"Hold on..." said Nikias, "If you were born on the fourth, that means that today is your birthday!" he said to Anteros, lifting his cup.

"Well, yeah, I guess it is. Even though I technically wasn't born, I was created." He answered smiling back at Nikias.

It didn't matter as everyone at the table lifted their cups to him, wishing him a happy birthday.

Happy birthday brother sent Alexander smiling as he lifted his cup.

Alexander" said Philon. "I feel I need to inform you of something."

"Yes sir?"

"The favor that was asked of Acacius earlier was from me. You see, he is in charge of staffing at the palace and he was going to see if any positions were available for you. Now, thanks to Anteros here, I will wager that you will be getting some kind of position." said Philon.

"I will be watching." said Anteros sternly.

Alexander looked at Philon. "Thank you sir...and thank you Anteros"

"I did come very close to making a bit of a mess of the hall, but I wouldn't want to upset my brother." said Anteros smiling to Philon who smiled back.

"Would you really have killed him?" asked Nikias staring at Anteros.

Anteros looked back at him with a serious look. "After what he did, yes. My brother made a beautiful maiden fall in love with him and for months he toyed with her affections. He finally rejected her...distraught and depressed, she killed herself this morning.

"That's terrible!" said Elpis bringing her hand to her mouth. "To think that he would toy with her like that."

Anteros looked at her across the table and smiled. "Elpis, you have a wonderfully gentle heart. I would hope that the one whom you choose to give it to takes care of it." He then turned slightly at Nikias and winked. Nikias's eyes grew large and he glanced at Elpis who was looking straight at him, smiling.

"Love is the most powerful force in the world, more powerful than all of the gods put together." said Alexander softly breaking the silence. Everybody looked at him.

"Spoken like a true follower of Eros" said Philon smiling. "I can see the teachings of my old master in your words."

As the feast wore on into the early evening more and more people were leaving, stopping by to thank Philon for a wonderful celebration, most also thanked Anteros for staying for the feast. One older lady made Philon break up in laughter when she asked Anteros to make a similar appearance next year as this was the most exciting she could remember. Eventually only ten visitors remained. They were at the other end of the table enjoying themselves. Philon rose and walked over to talk to them.

"Ok people, this table will not clear itself." said Myrrine standing up assessing the empty plates and cup.

Getting the hint Alexander, Nikias, Elpis, Myron and Thais all began to clear the table. Anteros started to get up as well.

"Now don't get any ideas Anteros" said Myrrine smiling at him "You are a guest and I will not have any guest of mine clearing the table, god or not." Anteros laughed and told her that he would stay put.

By the time the table had been cleared the remaining visitors had slipped into the dining room to participate in further festivities. Alexander noticed that Nikias was a little troubled and approached him.

"Nikias, are you OK?"

"I am going to do it. I am going to talk to her and let her know my feelings." He said looking at Alexander. "I mean, did you see the look she gave me? I wonder if she feels the same way."

"You will never know until you talk to her. Say a quick prayer to you-know-who and ask her if she would like to go for a walk or something." Alexander said smiling.

"Thanks, I might just do that." he said as he walked with Alexander to where Philon and Anteros were standing in conversation.

"Will you be leaving us now Anteros?" Philon asked.

"I will, after I commit a great robbery." said Anteros grinning.

"A great robbery?" asked a confused Philon.

I plan on stealing your youngest acolyte here for a little private fun tonight." Anteros said making Alexander cough and blush.

"You are going to steal me?" asked a startled Alexander, looking at Anteros.

"If it is OK with your master here" he said nodding to Philon.

"He couldn't be in safer hands" Philon replied with a whimsical smirk. "What do you think Alexander? Do you trust him?"

"Of course, he is a god!" replied Alexander, still a little startled.

"Then you have my permission to borrow him for the evening" Philon said to Anteros bowing slightly.

"I promise to take good care of him" Anteros said nodding to Philon. He then turned and looked at Nikias who was about as startled as Alexander. "Nikias, all I have to say to you is that my brother would be wasting one of his golden arrows if he were to shoot you right now."

Nikias rapidly developed a silly grin.

"Followers of my brother who are as devout as you three..." said Anteros as he looked at Philon, Nikias and Alexander, "...will always have a special place in my heart."

Philon nodded at him "Thank you for a most memorable festival Anteros."

"You are quite welcome, I enjoyed myself a lot." said Anteros as he reached out his hand for Alexander who looked a little nervous. Anteros chuckled a little. "I promise that no harm will come to you."

Alexander smiled and took his hand and the two of them walked out the front door. Anteros moved behind Alexander and put his arms around him. He then lifted off effortlessly into the night sky.

Philon had followed the two, watched them fly into the darkness and then closed the door.

Chapter 9 -

Anteros flew upward and softly landed on the roof of the temple. He then let go of Alexander who quickly turned around.

Steal me?! Alexander sent, almost laughing.

Well, I had to think of something. shrugged Anteros. I wanted to make the best of my visit to Corinth, and I can't think of anything better than being with you. at that he smiled softly at his brother.

Alexander let out a sigh and shook his head, grinning.

Anteros laughed Well...are you going to give me back my brother?

OK...OK... Alexander sent. He then started to concentrate but then suddenly stopped. Wait, I have to take this tunic off first Once the tunic was removed and laying at his feet he concentrated and slowly morphed back into his normal state. Much better! he send as he spread his wings to their maximum.

Much better echoed Anteros as he looked at his naked brother as he started taking off his own chiton. I think I am going to join you

I love flying at night. sent Eros as he reached down to remove his sandals.

  • I know what you mean* replied Anteros putting his chiton next to Eros's tunic and sandals. Now, you have to catch me At that, he took off skyward.

Laughing, Anteros gave chase. The two of them took off and flew over the town, silently whooshing around the treetops. Being a few hours after sunset, only the quarter moon and twinkling starts provided light, but this was more than adequate for the two had exceptional vision. They eventually flew higher and higher, side by side until they could see the moon reflecting off of the Gulf of Corinth on one side of the city and the Saronic Sea on the other.

Stopping to hover, Anteros looked at Eros who had also stopped. I am glad that I got to do this. Once you get into the palace I don't think I will see you for a while.

Eros looked at the large palace at the top of a hill. I know. I just hope this mission doesn't take too long. I already miss home. I do promise to send to you every now and then.

I promise not to redecorate while you are gone sent Anteros laughing.

You better not. I like our room as it is replied Eros as he slowly dove toward the Saronic Sea side of town. Follow me, I want to show you something

Anteros followed. Where are we going?

To a beach that Nikias showed me yesterday

Eros slowed his descent and aimed for the narrow strip of soft sand, gentle waves lapping the shore. He landed and scanned the shoreline, it was totally deserted.

Anteros soon landed next to him. "Nice! The sand is very soft." He said as he dug his toes into the soft, warm sand.

"It really feels good when you lay on it." said Eros as sat. He then lay back on the sand and stretched out his wings.

Anteros looked down and chuckled. He the sat down, straddling Eros's waist. Bending down, Anteros spread his wings to enshroud them both as he kissed Eros. At first the kiss was a quick, light kiss, but it quickly changed into a kiss of passion, and then another, and then another.

Eros reached up one hand up to run his fingers through Anteros's long golden hair. The other hand strayed down and rubbed his lower back and backside.

Anteros then kissed down Eros's neck and stopped at one of his pert nipples. He lightly flicked his tongue across one nipple resulting in a slight moan from Eros. You like when I do this? he sent as he went to the other one.

You know all my special places. replied Eros

I could do this more, but there is something I want from you. sent Anteros as he let go of Eros's erection and sat up, straddling his legs.

And what would that be? asked Eros lightly rubbing the top of Anteros's knee

Anteros responded by getting off of Eros and lay down on his stomach next to him. I bet you can find out he sent as he wiggled his bottom.

Eros chuckled and got up to his knees and lightly rubbed Anteros's back and backside. Maybe I can. he replied as let one hand stay on his behind, letting a finger stray down to Anteros's tight opening.

Anteros responded by lifting his backside in the air a bit and quietly moaned as Eros slowly inserted a finger into him. "Mmmm...feels good" Anteros whispered as Eros slowly inserted a second finger. While doing this, Eros had slowly moved so he was straddling Anteros. He leaned down and kissed the base of his neck and withdrew his fingers. This caused Anteros to shudder underneath him and fold his wings tightly against his body.

"If you think that felt good, what do you think of this?" whispered Eros as he put his hardness against Anteros's tight opening and slowly started pushing into the velvety warmness.

Anteros pulled in his breath as he felt Eros's penis slowly slide into him. "So much better..." he quietly groaned when Eros was all the way in.

Eros laid down against his brother's back, feeling his soft feathers against his chest, and slowly started thrusting, the tightness almost overwhelming.

Anteros crossed his arms and laid his head down facing one side, closed his eyes and sighed. He was rewarded by a feathery kiss on his cheek.

Eros then nuzzled against the base of Anteros's neck and sighed as he continued slowly thrusting.

You feel so good Anteros he sent. I could do this all night

I hope not, I want my turn as well replied Anteros through closed eyes.

Eros lightly laughed and pulled himself up onto his hands. He then started thrusting a little harder and faster. Anteros responded by tightening his internal muscles making himself even tighter. Eros closed his eyes in passion, the feelings were so intense. He began to slightly tremble and started thrusting even faster. Anteros was moaning a little louder and Eros was lightly grunting as he felt himself about to orgasm. A few thrusts later Eros jerked his head back in rapture and grunted loudly, his wings shot out wide open and his muscles tensed up as he began to shoot deep into Anteros. The pleasure was so intense he barely remembered collapsing down onto Anteros, breathing heavy.

That was wonderful he meekly thought-sent.

Anteros simply sighed. You feel so nice in me.

I love to be in you, but now, I want you in me Eros replied and slowly pulled out of Anteros.

Anteros slowly sat up, and slowly pushed Eros onto his back. He positioned himself between Eros's legs. Eros responded by bringing his knees up to his chest and reached down, grabbing Anteros's straining erection and placed it at his tight opening.

Anteros slowly pushed in making Eros gasp in pleasure. When he was all the way in Anteros began thrusting at a hurried pace as the previous lovemaking had brought him to the brink several times. Eros wrapped his legs around Anteros's back and closed his eyes in pleasure. Anteros then began thrusting harder, making Eros grunt with each thrust. He reached down, grabbed Eros's ankles and put them on his shoulders making thrusting a bit easier. Eros opened his eyes and looked up at his lust-crazed brother and smiled. His eyes were clamped shut, his wings slightly flapping and his arms were trembling. A couple of more thrusts and Anteros grunted loudly and froze, shooting into his brother. Eros responded by quickly tightening and relaxing his internal muscles, literally milking Anteros's hardness.

Still bathed in the afterglow Anteros slowly opened his eyes and looked down at Eros who was still pinned beneath him, ankles still on his shoulders. Smiling, Eros looked back up at his brother and lightly rubbed his cheek with a sandy big toe. Anteros rubbed his face against the sole of his foot before letting his legs fall around his waist. He then slowly withdrew and sat back on his feet, still breathing hard.

"That was amazing" he said breaking the silence.

"The entire day has been amazing." responded Eros who remained laying back in the sand. "Come here"

Anteros lay down on his side next to Eros who quickly turned and melted into him, nuzzling into his chest. I love you so much Anteros sent. I am still worried, but I know you can handle yourself

Shhhh...don't think about it. Lets just enjoy each other replied Eros who was wrapped in his brother's arms totally content. This feels good

Not wanting to break the mood, Anteros remained quiet even though he was worried. After all, this mission could turn dangerous quickly. He began to run his fingers through Eros's flaming hair as he thought about Zeus and how he explained that Eros was the best one suited for this job. He then sighed and reached down to lightly rub the top of one of Eros's wing when he realized that he was asleep. Smiling, he too closed his eyes and just enjoyed the warmth of his brother who was for now, wrapped in his arms and totally safe.

Chapter 10 -

"Eros...wake up"

"No...I don't want to" grumbled Eros as he snuggled closer in his brother's arms.

"It's almost dawn and we need to get you back to the temple." replied Anteros stroking Eros's back.

"Yeah, I know" said Eros and he stretched. I am just so comfortable here.

"I know, but you know as well as I that you have an appointment at the castle." said Anteros, uncurling his wing from around them and loosening his embrace. Eros slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. It was still dark outside with just a hint of light on the horizon. He stood up and reached down with his hand to help Anteros to his feet.

"Do you know where you are going in the palace?" asked Anteros as he brushed sand off of himself.

"I have an idea. Zeus said that the position that I get will be perfect for doing what needs to be done." replied Eros as he brushed sand off himself as well. "Let's go." said Eros as he slowly lifted into the pre-dawn sky.

Anteros followed and the two slowly flew to the top of the cliff and then silently made their way to the temple. They only saw a few people heading on their way to the market, totally unaware of the two gods flying overhead. Swooping down they both landed on the roof to get their clothes.

Eros went over to his clothes. Oh yeah, I need to turn back into Alexander At that he closed his eyes and concentrated on the image of the beautiful blond youth. In a matter of seconds he was completely transformed. You do make a cute blond sent Anteros smiling.

Well, I have a thing for them Eros winked causing Anteros to chuckle.

He pulled on the new tunic, tightened his belt and sat to lace up his sandals.

Don't forget, you need to keep in touch with me. You don't want to get me mad and have me track you down sent Anteros smiling.

Eros was glad that his brother had finally accepted his mission. I promise. I will keep in touch, and thank you for being so understanding.

Anteros looked at him and sighed. Zeus and I had a talk and he told me why you were selected. You are the best at blending in with them, and there is no better archer....well, except maybe Apollo he sent with a sly grin.

Hey!...not funny replied Alexander with a feigned angry look, the feud between him and Apollo for title of best archer a thing of legend.

Anteros walked behind Alexander and effortlessly picked him up. He kissed the back of Alexander's neck and slowly took off. Landing at the base of the stairs leading up to the temple, Anteros let go of Alexander. I will see you in a few weeks

Alexander hugged him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Just a few weeks he then reached around and plucked one of Anteros's feathers.

"HEY!! What did you do THAT for?!" exclaimed Anteros flattening his wings tight against his body.

"Don't you always reward your conquests with the gift of a single feather?" asked Alexander slowly walking backwards, going up the steps.

YOU do that you idiot! replied Anteros pretending to look angry.

"Oh, well I guess you do too now." Alexander said smiling, reaching the top step. Love you

Anteros slowly took off. Love you too. and then he zoomed up and out of sight.

Alexander turned the silvery feather over in his hand. "Perhaps I should have warned him first." He thought to himself as he slowly opened the small side door. "No, I loved the surprise look on his face." Laughing to himself, Alexander walked down the long, dark hall and then down the side hall to the living quarters. He stopped outside Nikias's room and slowly pushed the door open. Peeking in he saw not one, but two bodies huddled under the linins. Softly he shut the door and smiling to himself walked to his room.

When he got to his room he sat on his bad and undid his sandals. Dropping them onto the floor he then pulled off his tunic and laid naked on his back, slowly rubbing the feather across his face. He began to think about how the day was going to progress. "I guess I can take a quick nap." He thought to himself. "Nobody will be up for a while." Turning on his side he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Alexander woke to the sound of knocking, still curled up, his back to the door. "Come in" he said without opening his eyes. He heard his door open and then close.

"Well?? How was it?" asked an excited Nikias as he sat on the bed next to Alexander.

Alexander rolled over wearing a huge smile, the foot-long feather tightly clenched against his chest

Nikias's eyes widened. "You and Anteros....What happened?"

Alexander laughed and sat up. "It was the most wonderful sensation. He flew me all around Corinth; it was so beautiful from the air. We ended up landing on the beach that you and I went to a few days ago and....we made love. He was so gentle. But enough about me, how did last night go with you and Elpis?"

Nikias got a dreamy look on his face. "Oh Alexander, she is wonderful. Anteros was right, she did have similar feelings for me. I wonder if this is what it is like to be struck by a golden arrow."

"And?? Did you...?" prodded Alexander.

Nikias looked at him and smiled. "Nope, we didn't do anything beyond talking, getting to really know each other, and it was simply amazing.

"I am so glad that you two have found love" said a smiling Alexander as he rolled off the bed. He then walked over and pulled on his tunic.

Nikias reached down and picked up the silvery feather off of the bed and lightly rubbed his fingers through it. "This is truly a wonderful gift. I guess Anteros isn't as fearsome as some of the stories I have heard."

"Anteros is a beautiful and gentle god. I would wager the stories are just made up. Although you would get a different answer if you asked Acacius." laughed Alexander as he sat on the floor to lace up his sandals.

Nikias laughed, "Are you going to be heading to the palace now?"

"As soon as I get something to eat, I am famished" said Alexander standing up, putting his bag over his shoulder. "Um, are there people still in the dining hall?"

"I don't think so, I saw most of them leave a little while ago. Oh, Philon said he needed to see you before you left." he said as he handed the feather back to Alexander.

"I'll go see him now then, thanks and congratulations again. Eros would be proud of you." Alexander said as he took the feather from Nikias.

Nikias sighed and gave the feather to him. "I still can't get over made love to a god."

Sighing, Alexander led the way from his room. "I was just as surprised. Still am when I think about it." He stopped outside Philon's office and knocked.

"I'll see you later" winked Nikias as he turned and walked back toward his room.

"Enter" came the reply.

Alexander opened the door and walked in. Philon was at his desk reading a scroll. "I am glad that Nikias took his head out of the clouds long enough to tell you that I needed to see you." He said looking up from the scroll smiling. "I take it that you had a memorable evening as well?"

Alexander slowly held up the feather with a grin on his face.

Philon's eyes widened. "I must say, you do have a knack for attracting gods. What would this be...the second encounter with a god in 4 years"

Alexander laughed. "I don't know why. All I can say is that I am truly blessed, not only to have met two gods, but to have this place to call my home."

"Well, it may not be your home for long. We will have to see what Acacius has to offer you." said Philon as he rolled up the scroll. "You are to present this to the guard at the front gates at the palace. It will allow your entry."

Alexander took the scroll from Philon and tucked it away in his bag with the feather.

"I know that you were only here a few days Alexander, but I want you to know that you will always be welcome and have a home here with us." Philon said as he stood and walked around to Alexander. "I can tell that you truly have an inner love for our god."

Alexander hugged Phil tightly. "I know...thank you very much. I will let you know what happens at the palace."

"Please, be careful. King Periander isn't the most accommodating guest. I can only hope that you don't land a position with him directly. Now, you better be going if you want to get to the palace by noon. Here, take an obol so you can get something to eat in the market. Thais was a bit too preoccupied in the early morning hours so she didn't get around to making breakfast this morning." he said smiling.

"I hope you are ok with that" said Alexander taking the coin.

"Who do you think was keeping her up?" chuckled Philon.

Alexander's eyes widened a little and he started laughing, Philon chucked as well.

"Thank you again" said Alexander as he backed out of the room, turned and walked down the hall to the great hall. There he saw a few worshipers kneeling before the great statue in prayer. Being as quiet as he could, he snuck past the group and out the front door.

It was late morning as Alexander made his way across the square and down the avenue to the main market. There he purchased some lamb wrapped in fresh bread and ate as he walked toward the opposite end of the market. It was crowded as usual making crossing the huge square a feat in itself. Eventually he made it across and began his trek down the main road that led to the palace.

The walk took a good while as the road went through a large residential area and through another market. Eventually he found himself approaching the main gate to the palace which was watched over by two fierce looking guards complete with swords on their belts and spears in their hands. Alexander dug through his pack, presented the scroll and handed it to one of the guards.

The guard took it and read it. He then reached down and opened the gate. Wordlessly, the guard motioned Alexander through the gate and pointed to the main front door.

The palace was an enormous white building, probably the largest in all of Greece. There were numerous columns surrounding the building and the walls had a countless number of windows.

Slowly, Alexander walked up to the massive front door and let himself in. He found himself in a large room with a line of people in queue to talk to a rather important looking man sitting at a table located in the middle of the room. There were various hallways leading off of this room with two guards at entrance. He walked over to the line and stood quietly in place.

Eventually he found himself facing the man sitting at the table. "What do you want?" asked the man who was obviously bored.

"I am here to see Acacius." He simply said handing the scroll over.

The man regarded Alexander and read the scroll. "Hmmm, looks official enough. Go down that hallway and knock on the first door on the right."

"Thank you sir." said Alexander as he took the scroll back and proceeded toward the hallway. The guards didn't even seem to see him as he walked past them and to the first door on the right. He knocked and waited.

"Come in." came a familiar voice.

Alexander opened the door and walked in, closing it behind him. The room he was in was a small and cramped office with Acacius sitting at a desk, a pile of scrolls in front of him.

"State your business." Acacius said without looking up, still reading.

"My name is Alexander from the Temple of Eros. I am supposed to meet with you today." Alexander said.

Acacius glanced up and a split-second wave of fear crossed his face. "Oh yeah. In order to keep my head on my body I have to find a decent job for you here. The only problem is that all of the entry level jobs are full."

"Will it help if I can read and write?" asked Alexander as he sat in a chair across Acacius.

"Can you write and read well?" asked a dubious Acacius.

"Yes sir." replied Alexander.

"Here, read this." said Acacius as he tossed a scroll toward Alexander.

Picking up the scroll and giving it a quick scan he proceeded to read it flawlessly. "Oh, and the word 'academy' is misspelled." He pointed out smiling.

Acacius looked at him with surprise, quickly gathered his wits and stood up. "OK then, take this blank scroll and quill and write down everything I say." He pushed a scroll and quill toward the youth. Alexander quickly took up the quill, dipped it in some ink and waited. Acacius quickly dictated an order for a slave named Darnus to be delivered to the Temple of Demeter. Acacius snatched the scroll from Alexander and read.

"Amazing, no errors at all." He said in astonishment as he rolled up the scroll. He then sat down with his face buried in his hands. Looking up he stared at Alexander who remained in his chair, a serious look on his face. "Stand up and turn around."

Alexander stood and did as he asked.

Acacius watched and mumbled, "You can read and write, you are young and beautiful. Maybe if..."

Alexander remained standing, looking at him.

Acacius sighed. "OK, one more test, remove your clothing."

"What?!" asked a surprised Alexander, taking a step backward.

"Relax, I am not into boys. There is a position that requires me to inspect you from head to toe." said Acacius standing up.

Looking nervous, Alexander slowly pulled off his tunic and placed it on the chair.

"I need to make sure that you don't have any imperfections" said Acacius as he slowly scanned Alexander. He checked over the youth from his hair down to his toenails, the inspection of his privates was particularly embarrassing as he started getting an erection. This made Acacius chuckle. "Do you produce anything?" he asked as he lifted Alexander's slowly growing erection to inspect his scrotum.

With eyes closed Alexander slowly nodded, wishing for this examination to end.

"Have you ever had sex with another?" he asked as he trailed his fingers down Alexander's backside.

"Yes, I have had sex with 'another'...both given and received. Are you almost done?"

"I think I am done now, you can get dressed." said Acacius as he walked around his desk and sat down. "Your hair is clean and soft, you don't have any calluses on your hands meaning you haven't worked a hard day in your life. Your skin is smooth and you don't have any deformations. You are in the dawn of puberty; you have a few hairs around your penis but still have a hairless sack. You are practically perfect" he leaned back and sighed. "The position that I am going to give you is that of a page. Do you know what that entails?"

"I think so." replied Alexander as he quickly put his tunic back on. "Isn't a page kind of like an assistant?"

"You are right. A page works hand-in-hand with his master, assisting him in anything he wishes. You will be doing anything from fetching this and that to dictating notes and delivering them. It is also quite a status boost as you will be wearing the official colors of the palace. When you are outside of the palace wearing the colors, others have to yield to you. It is also a good way of getting free eats at the market." He said as he picked through some empty scrolls. "There is one more thing."

"And what's that?" asked Alexander.

"In some cases, this position spreads to that of a catamite. Do you know what that entails?" asked Acacius.

"Yes, a catamite is a boy used for sexual purposes. I am from the temple of Eros, I know all about this." replied Alexander sitting back down, annoyed that he would be asking such simple questions.

"I just want to make sure that you know what you might be getting in to. There is no guarantee that the person I assign you to would go that far, but if he does, you would have to comply. Are you willing to take this position?"

Alexander thought for a while and sighed. "Yes, I am willing to take this position, even if it does mean I would be a catamite."

Acacius smiled. "I am not surprised. Being from the Temple of Eros I would imagine that you are well experiences in the sexual arts."

Alexander rolled his eyes.

"Well, it's settled then. General Marcus gets a new page and I go on with my life without having to worry about a vengeful god hunting down and killing me." said Acacius leaning back and smiling.

-End Part 3

Next: Chapter 4

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