Eros on a Mission

By Rob Lucario

Published on Feb 23, 2009



You are about to embark on a highly inaccurate history lesson. It takes license beyond scope and would make Edith Hamilton turn over in her grave. It involves sexual and sensual relations between males of various ages, both mortal and immortal. If this is not your cup 'o tea, feel free to find a nice cup of earl grey somewhere else.

This is my first attempt at writing a Nifty story so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Email me at


Chapter 1

It was a sunny spring afternoon at Mount Olympus. The air was warm and Gaia was working her magic covering the land with beautiful green grass and fragrant flowers. The boy-god Eros was enjoying the calm serenity of the day. With his wings spread to their maximum five foot wingspan, he soared down the mountainside to enjoy a little flying time.

It was when he was skimming the surface of a small lake, making wakes with his hands, that he received a call from Zeus. Swerving in mid-air he took off and ascended the side of the great mountain. Eventually he reached the summit, swooped around a cloud and dove toward the grassy field that lay before the home of the gods. While technically not needed for flight, he enjoyed utilizing his wings to maneuver and loved the feel of the air rushing over his pearlescent white feathers.

Upon landing in the middle of the mountaintop field, he folded his wings and smiled as he felt the soft green grass on his perpetually bare, always spotless feet. "I hope that whatever Zeus wants doesn't take long. This is too beautiful a day to be stuck inside." he thought to himself as he made his way toward Zeus's home. As he walked he waved to a few fellow gods, wishing them a good day, until he came across Apollo.

"Look, it's the king of the fairies." he said sneering.

The feud between the two of them was known all over Olympus. While they didn't really hate each other, they just couldn't stand to be in the presence of the other.

"Good morning Apollo." Eros replied with his typical cheery smile, deep green eyes sparkling. "What brings you from the arms of Hades today?"

Apollo glared at him. "Watch it tiny. Don't make me embarrass you in front of everyone again."

Eros laughed. "Embarrass me? Wasn't it I who won that archery contest? Now if you will excuse me I have been called to a very important meeting with Zeus."

"I'm sure. I know about some of the important meetings you have had with Zeus." said Apollo with a chuckle.

Eros walked slowly toward Apollo, looking up into his eyes with a serious look. "Don't tell me you haven't wanted to Apollo." he said softly, reaching up and touching Apollo's arm.

Apollo stared at him a few seconds before jerking his arm away, turning his head. "Stop it Eros!" It was well known that Eros had a presence and charisma about him that could easy overwhelm rational thought. "I prefer the company of a sensual woman, not a boy!"

While Eros did have the body of a twelve-year old youth, he was far from being a boy. "Suit yourself Apollo, you don't know what you are missing." he said as he walked past Apollo.

"You can't seduce everybody just to get your way." Apollo called after him. "One would wonder if there is any love in what you do at all."

Eros spun on the spot. "What would you know of seduction or of love?" Eros glared at him, wings puffed out. "It's sad that you of all people haven't felt the joys of love. You will see one day Apollo, if one of my arrows doesn't get you, it will happen on its own."

"If one of your arrows does get me, you are dead." replied Apollo who then turned and huffed away.

"Idiot!" thought Eros as he continued his trek across the mountaintop toward Zeus's home. "I wish I would have flown all the way to Zeus's home."

The walk didn't take long and by the time he had reached the bottom stair he was calmed down from his encounter with Apollo. As he ascended the stairs he looked over the mountain top. It was dotted with other, smaller temple-like homes where the Olympian gods lived. He himself lived with his brother in the home of his mother, Aphrodite.

Opening the grand door he walked into the entry room and then toward the door leading to the great hall of Zeus, where he thought he might find his king. When he arrived he stopped and stared as he always did, the hall was a wonder to behold. It had countless marble columns along the sides and a ceiling that appeared to be constructed of swirling clouds diffusing a multi-colored light that illuminated the hall. The opposite end of the hall had a tall dais, upon which was a mighty throne. Sitting on the throne was Zeus, king of the gods. A smile crept across Eros's face as he started walking toward the throne. When he reached the foot of the dais he dropped to one knee.

"You wished to see me mighty Zeus?" He asked as he raised his head, looking up at Zeus.

Zeus looked down at Eros, still on one knee. "Are you making fun of me Eros?" he said with a chuckle.

"Would I do that?" asked Eros with a serious tone and standing up.

"Pretty much whenever you get the chance" answered Zeus. "I called you here for a specific reason. I have a mission for you."

"A mission?" asked Eros, his interest perked.

"I will be honest with you, it won't be easy." Zeus said as he stood and walked down toward the youth. "But you are the best pick as you are the finest at blending in with the mortals and you are an exceptional empath, you can easily read another's emotions."

Eros stood there with a serious look on his face.

"Let me be honest about another thing. The mission isn't the only reason I called you here today." Zeus said as he ran his fingers through Eros's flaming red hair.

A mischievous grin grew across Eros's youthful face. "Is the king of the gods feeling frisky again? Wasn't it just last week that we enjoyed each other's company?" he said looking up at Zeus.

Chuckling Zeus snapped his fingers. Eros's arms shot up and out and his legs parted, all four limbs paralyzed in a spread-eagle fashion. "Well, now that you mention it I am feeling frisky, and I would wager that you didn't even have to use your empathy to figure that out."

"What if I decline the mission?" asked Eros as he turned his head toward Zeus.

"I am sure I can persuade you Eros, I have my ways" replied Zeus as he walked behind the helpless Eros. He reached up and ran his fingers gently across the tops of his wings causing Eros shiver. "I know exactly how to persuade you." he whispered. Zeus then undid the golden clasp on Eros's right shoulder that held his shimmering white chiton in place. He then undid the golden rope belt from around Eros's waist. With nothing to hold it up, Eros's clothing fell to the floor leaving him naked.

Zeus then slowly levitated the immobile Eros a few feet into the air so they would be the same height.

The grin Eros was wearing settled into a smile as he knew what was coming. The two of them had been occasional lovers for a while now and Zeus was always gentle and loving with the youth.

Walking around Eros to face him, Zeus lifted Eros's chin and looked deep into his eyes. Even the powerful Zeus felt himself melting in those eyes. He leaned forward, put one hand behind Eros's head and kissed him passionately. His other hand landed on the boy's chest and slowly trailed down to where Eros's penis had awoken and was at its full four inches. His hand encircled the stiff penis and slowly started stroking it.

Breaking off the kiss Eros looked Zeus in the eyes and gave a shudder. "I don't know, mighty Zeus, masturbating me won't get you that much."

Smiling...wordlessly...Zeus stopped playing with Eros's penis, gave a wink and walked around to his back. Zeus again lightly rubbed the tops of Eros's wings, again making him shiver. This time he let his hands trail down his back, around his sides and embraced him from behind. "I haven't even begun to persuade you Eros" whispered Zeus into his ear. "Even though you can sometimes be a mischievous imp and troublemaker, I still can't stay mad at you." whispered Zeus into Eros's ear. "By the way, that stunt you played with Momus took quite a while to straighten out." He then licked two of his fingers.

"He had it coming" Chuckled Eros. "The fool thought he could insult my mother and my king and get away with it. Besides, when have you ever held a grudge against me?"

"Others aren't as forgiving Eros, and you know it." replied Zeus as he slid a hand down to Eros's bottom and with little probing found the tight orifice that he was searching for. Eros let out a slight gasp as he felt Zeus's finger tickling him. He then closed his eyes and let a small groan escape as he felt Zeus's moist finger slide into him. Zeus then slowly slid the other finger inside the boy and slowly started moving them in and out causing him to moan a little more. "You like this don't you?" he asked teasing.

"You know I do." Breathed Eros, eyes still closed.

"Well, If you like this, then you will love this" Zeus said as he withdrew his fingers and replaced them with his erection. Eros sucked in and held his breath as he felt Zeus slowly slide into him. Once all the way into the youth he embraced him again and slowly started thrusting

Eros, the god of love, was paralyzed spread-eagle and floating a few feet off the ground. Behind him Zeus was slowly making love to him while holding him tightly...and Eros was enjoying every moment. I love when we do it like this he thought-sent to Zeus, I love to be held tightly.

I know you do, the only problem is your feathers sometimes tickle my chest replied Zeus via the thought-send resulting in Eros cracking up laughing. Zeus responded to this with a hard thrust, making Eros gasp in surprise, his eyes shooting open. Now if you don't mind, I plan on making this one memorable as I probably won't be seeing you for a while.

Eros knew it was the mission he was referring to but he didn't care for the feelings were growing more and more intense as Zeus continued his thrusting. With the angle that Zeus was at, along with his increasing thrusts, waves of pure pleasure were spreading through his body. His and Zeus's moans were growing and before long he could feel a familiar surge growing. He could also tell that Zeus was getting close so he started tightening his internal muscles. It only took a few more thrusts and Zeus began to orgasm, and orgasm hard. Tightening his grasp around the youth, Zeus moaned and grunted loudly as he shot deep inside Eros. Trembling, Eros could feel Zeus fill his inner cavity with his seed; this drove him over the edge as well. He screamed out, his fists clinched and his toes curled as a few jets of semen ejected from his untouched erection onto the floor.

Moments later Eros felt his arms fall to his sides and his legs relax. He was still being held tightly from behind, impaled upon Zeus's hardness. Eventually he felt Zeus slide out from him and lower him to the floor, his bare feet making contact with the marble floor. Eros quickly turned around, still trembling with afterglow, and hugged Zeus. Zeus hugged him back, running his fingers through his soft hair.

They stayed like that for a few moments. "Amazing as always Eros, simply amazing." sighed Zeus as he eventually let go of Eros and slowly walked back up the dais to his throne, stopping to pick up his robes on the way. While Zeus had made love to countless maidens and youths, nobody could compare to Eros. There was just something about him that made the feelings that much more intense. Perhaps as it was he was the god of not only love, but of lust as well.

As he got to the throne he wrapped his robes around him and turned around to sit. He saw that Eros had followed him and was standing still naked before him with a serious look on his face. "OK, now that you convinced me, let's talk about this mission."

Chapter 2 -

Eros walked down the vast steps of Zeus's home, once again dressed in his chiton, pondering the mission that was just assigned to him. He was munching on a piece of bread wrapped around some slices of lightly cooked deer meat. Zeus had also given him a small bag that hanging at his hip.

Anteros, where are you? he thought-sent as he walked toward his home.

I'm in Cyphus, why? was the reply.

I need for you to meet me at home. Its important. replied Eros.

Is it really important? replied Anteros. I am tagging behind this man who is being pursued by a woman who deeply loves him, and he doesn't even care enough to talk to her. Like Eros, Anteros took his station very seriously. He was the god of requited love. Rewarding those who accepted and punishing those who denied or scorned the love of another.

I need you came Eros's simple but serious reply.

I will be there as soon as I can

Thank you

He walked through the ornate door into his mother's house Mother, are you home?

No dear, I am over in Marathon. Aphrodite replied.

I just had a long talk with Zeus Eros sent as he finished the snack.

I can tell by your tone that he told you about the mission.

Yeah, he told me that you knew. What do you make of it? I mean, do you think I can do this? Eros replied as he walked into the room that he and Anteros shared. He dropped the bag that Zeus had given him onto the floor, shed his clothing and plopped face down onto his fluffy bed.

Eros dear, I know that you are worried, but I also know that you can do this. she sent. You know that Zeus wouldn't have picked you if he didn't think you would succeed. Besides, think of Apollo's face when you return.

Eros turned his head and smiled. You always know how to cheer me up he sent.

You will do just fine. Have you told Anteros yet? she replied.

No, he will be home shortly, I will tell him then.

Just be careful with him, Zeus has forbade him to go with you. she sent sternly.

Eros sighed. I will

Get some rest, you will be fine. Just remember that if you need anything to let us know

Thank you mother...I love you Eros sent smiling.

I love you too. she replied.

The mission that Zeus had charged him would take him away from Olympus for a few weeks, maybe months. Things had been set in motion and he had to be in the right place and the right time for him to succeed. Also, if he succeeded, he would change the course of mortal history. He closed his eyes and thought of how he was going to pull this off. Before long, he had drifted off to sleep.

He felt a hand lightly rubbing his back, right between his wing roots. He immediately knew who it was and let out a small sigh. "I'm glad you are here" he said without opening his eyes. He then felt a light tickle as a delicate kiss was planted on his cheek. Opening his eyes he saw Anteros was sitting beside him. Like Eros, Anteros had discarded his clothing as they both would commonly lounge around their home naked.

"Are you ok?" whispered a worried Anteros. "Your sending had an urgency to it."

"I'm fine" said Eros. He tightened his wings against his back and rolled over. Looking up at his slightly younger brother he smiled. "Thank you for coming so quickly."

While technically brothers, Anteros was not born of Aphrodite in the traditional sense. He was created out of the very air to be a companion to Eros who was in danger of pining away from loneliness. "Love must be answered in order to prosper" she had said when introducing the two. Since then, they were virtually inseparable.

The two didn't resemble each other that much. While Eros was fair of complexion, Anteros was slightly darker skinned. Eros had his flaming red hair; Anteros's hair was a beautiful golden blond. Eros had wings of pearlescent white while Anteros had wings with a silvery, almost metallic, sheen. However, like Eros, Anteros was astonishingly beautiful and looked to be the same age as a twelve year old mortal youth.

Anteros lightly caressed Eros's cheek. "What's going on?"

Eros proceeded to tell his brother of the mission given to him by Zeus. Anteros's dark blue eyes got big. "You should have said no. Do you know how much danger you could be in?"

"No, I couldn't, Zeus needs me for this. He said that I am one of the best at disguising myself as a mortal." replied Eros. "And I don't think I will be in that much danger. You know how quick my arrows are, and I am not exactly powerless in the other sense."

"I know, I know. I just....I'm just worried for you." said Anteros as he lay down next to his brother.

Eros rolled to his side to face Anteros and smiled, "I promise I will be fine." At that Eros took Anteros into his arms and hugged him tightly, spreading a wing around to enshroud them. Anteros melted into his brother's arms and sighed, even sniffed a little as he was fighting off crying. "Shhhh" He whispered as he lightly rubbed his brother's back and let his fingers drift through his feathers. He enjoyed the closeness he had with his brother; it was quite possibly the most important thing in his life.

"When are you leaving?" asked Anteros after a long silence.

"I plan on leaving early tomorrow morning. I want to be in Corinth by noon."

Anteros let out a sigh. "Are you sure that Zeus said that I can't go with you? I mean, I can help."

"He said that I needed to go alone and to make sure that you knew this." replied Eros. He lifted Anteros's chin and looked deep into his eyes, "Trust me, I would give anything to have you by my side."

"Well, if Zeus commands it, then so be it." said a resigned Anteros. "But I want you to promise me something. If you need me, for me. I can fly faster than Hermes if you need me to."

Chuckling, Eros leaned in and lightly kissed Anteros on the lips. "Just knowing that you can be there if needed puts me at ease."

"Don't make me cry you fool" giggled Anteros. "You know how I get with you."

"I know" said Eros as he kissed his brother again. He began rubbing Anteros's back again from his wing roots down to his bare bottom.

"Here, let me do something for you" said Eros as he slowly rolled Anteros onto his back and climbed on top of him. Leaning down he lightly kissed Anteros's soft lips. He then lightly began kissing down his neck and to his chest. Pausing at one of the nipples, Eros lightly flicked his tongue across it making Anteros sigh with pleasure. He then moved to the other resulting in another sigh.

"Eros, you don't have to..."

"Shhh....I want to"

Smiling, Anteros relaxed and began absentmindedly rubbing the tops of Eros's wings and running his fingers through his hair.

This made Eros perk up in a certain way, but as he said, he wanted to do this for his brother. Moving down his belly he stopped at his target, Anteros's now erect penis. Like Eros's, it was about four inches in length when hard and didn't have any hair around it. Also, like Eros, his sack was smooth and completely hairless.

He leaned in and kissed the tip causing Anteros to take in a breath. Then, parting his lips he lowered his mouth down on the straining erection. Anteros let out a small moan as he felt his penis slowly slide into the tight warmth of his brother's mouth. When he was all the way down onto his penis, Eros slowly rose up and then went back down; he was going to make this one last. He slid his hands underneath Anteros's backside, gently grasped his cheeks and started a rhythm of slowly coming up and going down on Anteros's hardness. Eros also used his tongue in a way that made oral sex from him an especially mind blowing experience.

Oh Eros sent Anteros, I love when you go slowly

Eros responded by taking one of his hands from underneath Anteros, reached up and took one of his hands. Anteros grasped the hand tightly and moaned as Eros continued his wonderfully slow work.

After what seemed a blissful eternity for Anteros, Eros noticed that he was getting closer and closer so he picked up his speed a bit. Anteros started trembling and grasped the bed linins in ecstasy. "Oh Eros....I'm going to..." he moaned as he went stiff with a powerful orgasm. Eros paused, using only his tongue to massage his brother through his orgasm. After Anteros relaxed, letting out a loud content sigh, Eros let the slowly softening penis slid from his mouth. He then climbed up and lay down next to his brother and held him tightly.

Anteros turned his head, looked into his brother's eyes and kissed him. "I love you so much."

"I love you too" responded Eros fighting off tears of his own and he hugged his brother who nuzzled his head under his chin. Before long, Anteros drifted to sleep leaving Eros wide awake to plan how this mission was going to play out. Eventually, he too fell asleep.

Chapter 3 -

Eros awoke and slowly opened his eyes to find himself looking at an empty pillow in the pre-dawn light. He got out of bed and walked out onto the courtyard where he saw a still naked Anteros standing, between his hands a shimmering ball of energy. Eros knew he was creating something so he kept his distance and didn't speak. After a while the energy faded and something landed in Anteros's hand. He looked up and saw Eros watching him.

"Good morning brother" a smiling Anteros said as he approached Eros. "I am sorry about getting overly emotional last night. I just get worried."

"Don't think anything of it. I was getting a little choked up myself." replied Eros.

"Here, I made you something. I want you to wear it while you are on your mission." Anteros said as he placed the object from his hand into Eros's.

Eros lifted it up. It was a delicate gold chain on which was a pendant of a gold arrow with a silvery feather spiraling around the arrow's shaft. "This is beautiful Anteros" he said in admiration, "Even though the feather is silver it is still as soft as a real one."

"That's because it is a real one" Anteros softly said as he slowly flapped his left wing.

"This came from you?" asked an astonished Eros still marveling at the pendant.

"Yes and the arrow I got from your quiver and the chain is from my hair."

"This is amazing" said Eros as affixed it around his neck. "Now I will have a piece of you with me always. You always have had a gift for such beautiful creations. Thank you." After a while the two of them walked back into their bedroom.

Eros walked over to the bag that Zeus had given him and produced a nice, white tunic. Holding it up he noticed that it was a chiton like what he normally wore, one shoulder exposed, leaving plenty of wing room. He tugged it on and fastened the normal rope belt. Reaching into the bag he pulled out a pair of ordinary sandals. "I hate wearing footwear" he sighed as he laced up the sandals, "but I have to look the part".

"I am going to miss you." said Anteros as he leaned against the wall watching his brother dress.

"I will keep in constant contact with you Anteros, and trust me...I will miss you too" replied Eros who absentmindedly picked up his famous bow. He laughed, "I don't think I will need this, it would ruin the disguise. Besides, I can summon it in the blink of an eye if needed." He then replaced it in the corner next to his quiver. Picking up the small bag that Zeus had given him Eros put his head through the strap so it rested next to his hip. He then turned to face his brother, "Come here".

Anteros walked up to Eros and gave him a hug. "Love you"

"Love you too. I will send to you later, I promise." replied Eros. He then walked back out onto the courtyard with Anteros, gave his brother one more kiss and took off.

Eros looked back and gave one more wave before ascending into the clouds. When he was well south of the mountain he dove through the clouds and zoomed down to his normal flying height, about a hundred feet or so. Eventually he clouds dissipated. "Going to be clear flying today" he thought to himself as he continued his southward flight path.

Later that morning, as he flew toward the south, he realized that he was hungry. He dove down and leveled off around tree top level looking for a fruit of some kind. When he spotted a small grove of apple trees he swooped down and landed on a bare dirt path. He immediately spun around as he realized that he wasn't alone. A few trees up the path were two mortal girls, lounging against a tree, several baskets of apples at their feet. They were both in their late teens and were taking a break from picking.

Smiling to himself Eros slowly made his way toward them. "Excuse me" he said, startling the girls who both quickly jumped to their feet. When they looked at him their eyes went wide and they remained speechless. "Please don't be afraid, I was just wondering if I could purchase a few of those apples" Eros said motioning toward one of the baskets.

The older of the two blinked a few times "Of...of course you may have some apples mighty Eros. Please, take as many as you wish."

"I wouldn't expect for you to give them to me, In fact, I insist on paying for them. Unfortunately I don't have any money on me, so would a kiss suffice?" he said humbly.

The girls looked at each other and started giggling. The older girl smiled a giddy smile and said, "A kiss from you would be worth all the apples we have."

Laughing Eros took a few steps toward the younger girl, leaned over and gave her a light kiss across her lips. She looked stunned and took a step backward, steadying herself against a tree. Turning he took a few steps toward the older girl who was starting to get a panicked look. He reached up and lightly caressed her cheek, reached up on his toes and gave her an equally light kiss on the lips.

"Thank you" whispered the younger girl who was staring at him, touching her lips where he had just kissed her.

"Yes, thank you" said the still shaken older girl who had walked over to stand by her sister.

"It is I who should be thanking you." said Eros as he picked up four plump apples, depositing them into his bag. Normally Eros wouldn't turn down such a sweat opportunity, two beautiful girls in the middle of nowhere, but he wanted to get to Corinth by noon. "I must leave you now. Thank you again" At that he jumped up and took off skyward; the astonished girls watching him climb until he was out of sight.

He had just finished the last apple when he saw a large body of water ahead of him, the Gulf of Corinth. Once he was over the water he descended to about a fifty feet from the swells below and stopped to a hover. Closing his eyes, Eros began to concentrate on becoming invisible. Soon he vanished from sight and took off, continuing his flight toward the south.

It wasn't long before he saw the enormous city of Corinth on the opposite shore of the gulf so he picked up speed. Invisible and silent he flew above the docks, which were dirty and smelly as most docks were, and toward the main marketplace in the western section of the town. He landed and quickly darted down an alley. Making sure that nobody was around he began to concentrate on an image. It was the image of a youth; golden-blond hair, blue eyes, around his height and build. He also had to make sure to mask his god-like presence and give himself some mortal 'flaws' such as a some light freckles across the bridge of his nose. After he morphed into the image he concentrated on becoming visible again. Once visible he looked down to appraise himself. "Not bad. This should work just fine."

End Part 1.

Next: Chapter 2

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