Eriks Home Health Screening

By Kevin Sting

Published on May 13, 2020


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I'd decided to sign up for life insurance through my company -- for the first time in my life. I guess it was the birth of my niece a few months ago that got me thinking about it.

During my company's annual open enrollment, I elected $500,000 coverage and named my niece as my primary beneficiary.

After filling out a few online forms and enduring an hour-long interview about my medical history, the final step was to have a basic physical assessment -- I guess to ensure that I didn't have some terminal illness that would mean my niece would be cashing it in anytime soon.

The insurance rep and I agreed upon a date and time when a nurse from an independent healthcare company would visit me at home to do the assessment. I tried to schedule the appointment in the morning, knowing that I'd have to fast before the exam. But the only time they had available was 3:30 in the afternoon. At least it gave me an excuse to work from home that day.

I'd moved in just a couple months ago, and it was a nice change of pace to take all my calls and check email by the pool rather than at the office. Between meetings, I'd take a dip in the pool and then relax on the chaise in the warmth of the sun. I was able to convince my coworkers that my webcam wasn't working. Otherwise they'd have seen that my work attire that day was limited to just a pair of sunglasses!

At around 3:00, I figured I'd better make myself decent before the nurse arrived. I rinsed off in the shower and pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I poured myself a glass of unsweetened iced tea -- one of the few drinks I was allowed to consume while fasting -- and sat at the kitchen table to catch up on a few more emails.

I checked the clock on my laptop -- 3:35. She should be here any minute.

At 3:55, I was starting to get a little cranky and could feel my stomach growling.

At 4:10, the doorbell rang. She's was finally here.

Upon opening the door, I discovered that "she" was actually a "he". I mentally kicked myself for making a sexist assumption, but then snapped out of it when I remembered he was 40 minutes late.

"Hi, are you Erik?" he asked. "I'm Clint, here to do your health assessment."

"Yes. Hi Clint. C'mon in," I said, stepping back from the door and beckoning him in.

"I'm so sorry that I'm late," he said apologetically as he pulled off his sunglasses. "I've lived here my whole life, but I still underestimate the traffic sometimes. The last 2 miles on the freeway took almost 25 minutes."

"No worries," I said, trying to relax and disguise how perturbed I'd been.

Eyeing the laptop case and larger, rigged canvas case he carried, I asked Clint where he wanted to set up. "Anywhere you've got a table, a chair and good light."

I led him to the kitchen to the table where I'd been working. It was next to the large sliding glass doors that led out onto the patio and was flooded with sunlight at this time of day.

"This okay?" I asked. He nodded as he set his laptop up on the table and pulled items from the larger case and arranged them on the table. "Would you like anything to drink? Water, iced tea, soda?"

"An iced tea would be great! Thank you," he said smiling up at me with bright white teeth that gleamed against his light olive skin.

Clint continued with his prep as I got him the iced tea. He was cute. Probably in his early to mid 30s, like me. He had dark, almost black hair -- longer on the top and short on the sides and back. It was slicked back neatly, but a couple locks went rogue and fell across his forehead in a charming way.

Clint had almond shaped eyes with heavy lids, strong cheekbones, a long thin nose, and a broad smile. I looked at the name tag pinned to his chest for clues to his heritage: "Clinton Lee, RN". Pretty vague. Lee could be any number of Asia or European backgrounds. Whatever his ethnic makeup, it all worked together very well -- Clint was cute.

He pulled a scale from the case, set it down on the floor next to him, and then stood to attach an extending metal rod to the back of it.

He was just a little shorter than me, probably 5'9", with an athletic build visible through his blue scrubs.The v-neck of his shirt revealed just a few thin wisps of dark hair on his chest.

Feeling my cock start to stir in my sweat pants, I tried to snap myself out of it and handed him the tea.

"Thank you!" he said smiling again and took a sip. "Should we get started?"

"Yes, I'm ready," I replied.

"You've been fasting, right?" Clint asked.

"Yes," I answered. "I haven't eaten anything since last night."

"Sorry I kept you waiting so long," he said again apologetically. He seemed earnest, so I just gave a little shrug.

Clint had me sit in the chair opposite him and proceeded to take my blood pressure. "Looks good," he said, typing the figures into his laptop. Then he asked me a series of health questions, many of which seemed repetitive of the info I'd given the insurance rep over the phone.

"Time for the fun part," he said smiling as he pulled on latex gloves and unwrapped a hypodermic needle. "Are you squeamish at all?"

"Nope, needles don't bother me," I replied smiling back.

He twisted the rubber hose around my upper arm, swabbed my inner elbow with an alcohol wipe, and aimed the needle at my vein. "Just a little prick," he said as he eased the needle in and then pulled the plunger back to withdraw the blood sample. Retracting the needle, he replaced it with a cotton ball and asked me to hold it in place. Then he covered it with a band-aid and pulled off the gloves.

"That wasn't so bad," he said patting my arm with his warm hand. "The rest is easy. Can I have you stand up now. I need to measure your waist circumference."

I got up from the chair and stood in front of him as he tapped away on the laptop.

"Can I have you lift up your shirt?" Clint asked, still looking at the computer.

Thinking he'd said "lift OFF your shirt", I pulled the t-shirt over my head and draped it over the chair.

Clint turned to face me and looked up in surprise. "Oh, I didn't need it all the way off, but that's okay," he smiled.

"Sorry," I said blushing.

"No problem. Now let's measure that waistline." He passed the tape measure around my back and brought it together in the furry spot right below my navel. "Thirty-three inches. Very good," he said as he patted my tummy lightly and gave the fur a little rub.

"Okay, time to get your height and weight," Clint said standing up. He eyed my sweat pants. "Those look a little bulky. You might want to take them off so we get a more accurate weight for you."

"Uh, okay, but I'm not wearing any underwear," I said sheepishly.

"So it's commando for you," he grinned. "No problem. Nothing I haven't seen before. But totally up to you."

What the heck, I thought, as I untied the drawstring on my sweatpants, slid them down to my ankles, stepped out of them, and then laid them over the chair with my shirt.

I'm not shy about my body by any means, and I've been naked with lots of other guys in intimate and social settings, but it felt a little strange to be standing naked in my kitchen with a fully clothed nurse.

Clint eyed me from head to toe. "Lets have you step up on the scale."

I did as instructed. Looking down past my pubes and cock to my feet, I eyed the scale's digital readout: 183.7. Clint typed the numbers into his laptop.

He tapped me gently on the spot where my hip ends and my ass begins and said, "Okay, let's have you stand up straight so we can get your height." I stood up as instructed. He placed a hand gently on my chest. "Nice and tall. Shoulders back and chest out."

My skin tingled a bit from his touch. I tried to push my shoulders back and my chest forward. My cock twitched involuntarily with the movement.

Clint lowered the horizontal bar until it just pressed on my hair. "Looks like you're right at 6 feet," he said and keyed my height into the laptop. "So your BMI is 24.9 -- which puts you right at the top of the 'normal' range. Good thing you fasted or it might've been considered 'overweight'."

"Really?" I asked.

"Don't worry," he responded smiling. "We're required to put the body mass number in, but the not a great measure of overall fitness. The calculation doesn't take into account your body type or muscle mass. It's really clear that you're in good shape -- and not anywhere close to being overweight." As he said that he gave my naked body another once over.

"Thanks. That's a relief," I said. "I'm pretty careful about what I eat, and I either go to the gym, run or swim almost every day."

"It seems to be working for you," Clint said smiling. "I love swimming. Wish my condo complex had a pool."

"This is my first time living in a place with a pool and it's awesome," I said. Thinking for a moment, I added, "You're welcome to go for a swim when we're done here."

"That's really nice of you, Erik," he said. "But I wouldn't want to impose on you."

"It's no imposition at all," I said. "I'm done up with all my meetings and was going to hop in the pool after you left anyway."

"Wow, that's really nice of you," Clint said smiling. "It does sound very refreshing, especially after having been stuck in traffic half the afternoon. I guess I can swim in my underwear if you're okay with that."

"Sure, that's fine. But I usually swim like this," I said gesturing down at my naked body. "So you're welcome to go naked, too."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yup, I swim naked with my friends all the time. And you've pretty much seen all there is to see at this point."

"I guess that's true," Clint laughed. "We're almost done here. The only thing left is a urine sample." He reached into his bag and pulled out a plastic cup and a small packet, which he handed to me. "I need you to wash your hands. Then take the little towelette out of the pouch and use it to clean off the head of your penis. Then start peeing into the toilet for a couple seconds and stop. Then place the cup under your urethra -- your pee hole -- without it touching your penis, and start peeing again. I just need you fill it at least half way. Got it?"

My cock plumped up a little each time he said "penis". Blame it on the horny 13-year old in my brain. "Yes, sounds pretty simple," I said.

I went over to the kitchen sink and thoroughly washed my hands, then slid open the patio door, and walked outside with the cup and towelette packet in hand. Clint looked at me puzzled, as I started to open the towelette and swabbed my cock head. I began to pee into one of the succulent pots on my patio, and he smiled as he realized what I was doing. I stopped my stream, lined up the cup and proceeded to fill it up as instructed. I screwed the cap back on and emptied the rest of my bladder into the succulent pot. I shook my cock a few times to release the last remaining drops.

"I'll admit that's a first for me," Clint said laughing as I walked back into the kitchen.

"Sorry. The plants need watering anyway, so no sense in letting it go to waste," I smiled and handed him my urine sample.

"It's all good. Is that how you water them all the time?"

I washed my hands again and replied, "Not all the time. But if I'm out here or outside and need to go, I usually just pee in the plants."

"Well they do seem to be thriving," he laughed again. "Let me just label these and get my stuff packed up."

"Want me to top off your tea?" I asked.

"Sure, that'd be great," he said as he powered down his laptop and slipped it back into his case. "But if I keep drinking, I may need to water your plants, too!"

"You wouldn't be the first guest to help me keep the succulents hydrated!" I said, slipping a few more ice cubes into his glass and refilling it with tea. I set it on the table next to his laptop and leaned against the kitchen island, the surface cool against my bare ass. Remembering that I still hadn't had anything to eat today, I grabbed a banana from a bowl on the counter and proceeded to begin peel and eating it.

"Do you want one?" I asked nodding at the half-eaten banana in my hand

"No, thanks. I had a big lunch," Clint said slipping the scale back into his case and latching it up. "Okay, I'm all done here. Are you sure about the swim?"

"Yes, absolutely," I replied between bites of my banana. "Now get out of those scrubs and let's hop in the pool."

"Is it okay if I undress here," he asked kicking off his tennis shoes.

"Yup, go for it."

He reached down and slipped off his ankle socks, and then pulled his shirt up and over his head. The thin wisps of dark hair spread across his chest, around his small dark nipples, and then narrowed to a faint trail that ventured down his stomach and into the hidden region below his waistband. He pulled his wallet and keys out of his pockets and set them on the table. Then he untied the drawstring on his scrub pants and slipped them off revealing a pair of crisp Y-front white briefs -- the kind you buy in bulk at Costco. The briefs were tight and accentuated his round butt and a modest sized bulge in the front.

Placing his fingers hesitantly on the waistband of his briefs, he looked up at me for confirmation. I nodded and said, "You don't need those."

And with that, he slipped out of his briefs and dropped them onto the chair with the rest of his clothes. He was now naked except for a bulky diver-style watch. As I gave him a quick once over, he unfastened the watch and slipped it off. His treasure trail transitioned into a compact bush of dark pubic hair. Only the head of his penis, cut like mine, emerged from the bush.

He must be a grower, I thought to myself.

"I guess we're even now," Clint laughed with just a touch of nervousness.

"That we are," I said. "Looks like you're in pretty good shape, too."

"Thanks," he said blushing and pushing his shoulders back and chest out slightly."I've gotta say, this is also a first for me."

"What, you don't end up naked at the end of every health screening you do?" I said laughing.

"That would be a 'no'," he said laughing along with me. "And believe me, you're just about the only person I've done one for that I'd actually WANT to be naked with." He blushed again realizing how the words had come out of his mouth.

"I'm honored I made the cut," I said running my banana-free hand down my chest and stomach. "Enough naked chatter. Grab your drink and let's head outside." I gestured with my hand as he grabbed his tea and walked toward the door. I followed behind him as he stepped through the open patio door, letting my hand brush his back and down to his butt.

"Wow, this is really nice out here," Clint said turning 360 degrees as he scoped out my back yard. He pivoted to take in the view beyond the pool and down the hill to the busy freeway off in the distance. "Your view must be amazing at night."

"Yeah, it is pretty great," I said. "The house was in pretty rough shape when I bought it. But I was sold on this view."

"I can see why," Clint said taking another sip of tea and then setting it down on the patio table. He walked out into the afternoon sunlight and ran one hand through his hair and closed his eyes. "It feels so great out here."

"Like, I said, I love it," I added.

Opening his eyes, he walked toward the deep end and said, "You know, I've never skinny-dipped before."

"Seriously?" I asked. He nodded and smiled. "Well it's time to change that." In a quick motion, I walked behind him and slipped one arm between his legs and grabbed his lower stomach, the heel of my hand nestled in his pubes. I wrapped the other arm under his right arm and clenched his chest.

"Whoa!" he said startled and arched his back against my bare skin as I lifted him up and jumped into the pool.

Our combined body mass created a huge splash and we sunk nearly to the bottom of the pool. Clint wriggled free from my grasp. In doing so, his cock and balls slipped over my hand. He twisted around to face me and grabbed my shoulders with both hands as we both popped up out of the water.

He emerged giggling like a little boy. "This feels awesome," he said with glee, paddling with his legs and arms to stay upright. "Why'd I wait so long to try this?!?"

I laughed and then splashed a huge wave of water into his face with my open palms. He splashed me back, setting in motion about 10 minutes of boyish horseplay.

Finally, I swam to the edge of the pool and heaved myself out with both hands and sat on the edge with my legs dangling below the surface. The pool deck was warm against my bare ass and ball sac.

Clint swam to the edge, pulled himself out and sat next to me.

"Man, this is amazing," he said with a huge smile.

I rose and grabbed our drinks off the table. I returned to my seated position and handed him his tea. He took a few sips, set the tumbler down, and leaned back allowing the sun full access to his chest and stomach. I noticed his cock had lengthened slightly so that a couple inches of the shaft was now visible emerging from his pubes.

I leaned back exposing my chest, stomach and crotch, as well.

We sat like this for about 10 minutes, chatting about our jobs, families, my boyfriends -- and his girlfriends.

"You know, this tea on top of the Big Gulp I had in the car is taking it's toll," Clint said. "I need to take a whiz."

"You are welcome to pick a pot -- any pot," I said smiling and gesturing at the collection of potted succulents and palms that were arranged around the perimeter of the patio. "Or you can use the bathroom inside, if you prefer."

"No, I've come this far. I'm gonna go for the full Erik experience," he said as he stood up and headed towards the plants.

Most of my friends will pick a pot on the far end of the patio and stand with their back to the bulk of the group as they take a piss. But Clint picked the one closest to pool, a short palm in a wide pot, and stood facing me with a huge grin on his face. He grabbed the head of his cock and tugged it a few times, stretching out his shaft slightly. He stood still for a minute or so before the stream began to emerge.

"Ah, that feels better," he sighed.

"It always does," I said downing the last of my own iced tea and watching him.

Next: Chapter 2

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