Erik and Jason

By Eric B

Published on Nov 23, 2012



Erik was very excited as he drove to his first bondage encounter. He had placed a personal ad on a fetish website, giving some details and a photo of body below the neck while he was wearing a pair of board shorts. He was good-looking, and just learning about his interest in BDSM, so he hoped the picture of his would attract some interest. And it certainly had, for he had received several dozen responses in the four weeks his profile had been online. Most the responses he had just ignored, for the guys who set them were either unattractive or had asked him to do some things he wasn?t interested in. One response did interest him, from a good looking guy in his early 30?s who promised to help Erik explore the world of BDSM in a way that was hot and horny for them both. Erik had been readings stories about gay BDSM for years, and he knew which descriptions of bondage and other activities in those stories made him hot, so he and Jason talked first over e-mail and then instant messaging for several weeks about what they were into. Eventually, Erik was brave enough to agree to a meeting at a coffee shop near Jason?s house in a town about an hour away.

Erik reflected on the drive that he was glad Jason lived 100km away from the town where he went to university. He could be sure that no one that knew him, especially the guys in his frat, would see him talking to Jason. Sure, know what would know what was going on, but even that first step to publicly saying he was gay was more than Erik was willing to do. He?d grown up in a small, rural town among a conservative family. While he suspected his parents would love him all the same if he came out, he wasn't really sure. Same thing with his frat brothers: some would be fine with it, and others wouldn?t be. The problem with the frat system is that the drunken parties and constant displays of machismo meant that he could never be sure that one of his homophobic brothers wouldn?t do something to humiliate or physically harm him. He loved his frat?the parties, the camaraderie, the connections that would ensure that he got a job when he graduated, and, hell, the great eye candy?were all great, but Erik sometimes felt that he couldn?t share all of himself with his brothers.

As he neared the end of the trip, Erik wondered if he and Jason would hit it off. Physically, at least, he thought they?d be fine. Erik?s 20 year old body was toned from playing intramural sports and a few sessions at the university gym every work. He wasn?t muscular or anything, but he was in great shape. His thick, curly red hair fell in a mop above his blue eyes, framing a well-proportioned face with excellent complexion. Thanks to the frat system, in which members were expected to by stylish while not any formal connection to the world of fashion, Erik wore tight-fitting clothing, used the best skin cream, and took care of himself well. Today he was wearing a form-fitting t-shirt with some cargo shorts and sandals, a relaxed outfit for this early September afternoon.

He had got away from the stifling atmosphere of his hometown, but since attending university in a medium-sized city, he had fallen in amongst a group of jocks and frat buddies that had a strict code of expected behavior, and being gay definitely wasn?t part of that scene. So, until today, Erik had never had sex with a guy. There were some butterflies in his stomach as he pulled up to the coffee shop, meeting someone who would potentially be the first person to tie him up and inflict pain like he had so often fantasized about, maybe even the person who would take his cherry.

As he walked in, he spotted Jason sitting in a corner. Erik ordered a drink and approached the table with some trepidation. Jason was everything and more that his pictures has described: short, slightly wavy blonde hair over brown eyes, a strong jaw, and an amazing body that obviously had spent a lot of time in the gym which his business casual clothes only could hide so much. When Jason saw him approach, his face lit up with a huge smile. Jason got up from the table, gave Erik a hug, and guided him to the chair. Once seated, they began to talk about their lives. Erik had made it clear that he wanted to get to know Jason a little better, to feel him out a little, before they started anything sexual. So they talked about work (Jason was an engineer at a nearby steel mill) and school, their families, sports teams they liked, their plans for the approaching weekend, trips they wanted to take. Finally after two hours had passed, Jason leaned in real close and said,

?So, what do you think? Wanna come back to my place??

?What, now, today?? said Erik, somewhat shocked at the quickness and directness of the inquiry. ?I hadn?t planned on that today, I thought we were only going to have coffee!?

?I like you, I hope you like me, and we both know that we didn?t come here for the coffee. We?ve talked about everything during these two hours except the real reason you came all this way?you want me to use you while you?re tied up good and tight!?

?I can?t believe you said that, here in the middle of everyone!? whispered Erik, appalled.

?Well, it?s the truth, ain?t it?? Jason hissed back. Erik was pulling back from the table, but he froze sudden as Jason?s hand snaked under the table and grabbed the bulge in his crotch. ?Your cock seems to agree, or at least I think it does.? He pulled his hand away as quickly as it arrived.

?I hadn?t planned on this happening today,? mumbled Erik, clearly a little confused as well as more than a little turned on.

?I know, you?ve said that twice now. But I?m not talking about you becoming my 24/7 slave. You were clear on the computer that you want to take things slow. You drove all this way for a reason?you must be interested. I?m not asking you for much time, just come over for a few hours. I?ll tie you up some, we?ll both jack off, and then you go back to school.?

?What the hell, why not? I?ll come,? said Erik.

?OK, give me a few minutes head start. I need to get some things ready. Let yourself in, and when you come in the front door, there will be some restraints and some directions waiting for you on the hall table.? With that, Jason wrote out directions to his house, handed them to Erik, and said,

?See you in half an hour.? And with that, he was gone.

As Erik pulled up to the address Jason had given him, he was nervous as hell, but his cock wouldn?t let him say no and drive away. He had thought he had come to see Jason just to get to know him a little bit better, so that he could make the decision later about whether he wanted to go proceed with the sexual side of their relationship. But now that Jason had brought it up, invited him over, made it clear that they wouldn?t go far tonight?not nearly as far as they had talked about online?Erik was way too horny not to accept. He got out of the car, locked the door, and walked in the front entrance of the large, turn of the century house. Like Jason had said, there were some leather restraints lying on the table to the right of the door, accompanied by a note. It said,

?Glad to see you made it. I?ll be down soon. In the meantime, leave your wallet, phone, and keys on the table here. Keep your clothes on. Buckle on the wrist and ankle restraints (the wrist ones are smaller), put the gag in, and put the blindfold on. Kneel on the cushion by the door at the end of the hall.? Here Erik looked up and saw the cushion Jason was talking about. ?Clasp your hands together behind your back, and wait for me. I won?t keep you waiting long. Jason.? Erik did as he was told, emptied his pockets on the table and picked up the restraints. He cock surged when he picked up a leather ankle cuff. The cuff was thickly padded, and the leather was a high quality, soft, deep black material. Erik felt his cock start to drool some precum as he buckled the two ankle restraints on, and it continued to throb as he wound the slightly smaller versions on his wrists. He wished there was a mirror he could look in. If he had any doubts, the contact with the leather restraints, something he had fantasized about for years, drove them from his head. Somehow this was all so much better than he had thought?the feel of the cool and firm leather against his warm skin, the tightness as he pulled the straps closed and buckled them shut, the thought that he could be in restrictive bondage very soon.

He was about to get on the hardwood floor in front of the door when he remembered the gag. He hadn?t looked at it, but when he picked it up he recognized a standard penis gag. He had some trepidations about the gag?after all, he had never gone his far at all, and a gag, a penis gag at that was a big step. But his doubts vanished as his dick throbbed again. Looking down, he to saw that a wet spot was forming at the front of the bulge on his shorts. He tested the gag, putting it in his mouth just a little to see how it tasted. That first step done, he put the rest of it in, and buckled straps behind his head. He looked in the hallway near for a moment, and saw the face to the gag in a thick leather straps as they circled around his head, and his cock surged again. He knelt down on the cushion, put on the blindfold, and threaded his fingers together behind his back. And waited.

After five very long minutes, he heard the door in front of him open and someone?presumably Jason, squeeze past and behind him. Nothing happened for a minute or two until suddenly, with a couple of deft movements, Erik felt the cuffs on his hands and feet tied together. Just a second later, a broad leather collar went around his neck, followed by a click which could only have been a padlock snapping shut. Erik didn't know what to think when he heard Jason's voice for the first time since he got to the house.

"You're mine now boy." His cock sure did though.

So what should be next? Should Jason be a nice dom and give Erik a "gentle" introduction like he promised? Or should things get intense quickly? Let me know if you'd like to see more.

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