Eric Slave Boy

Published on Mar 1, 1997



from The Inferno BBS

(609) 886 - 6818

ERIC by jamie copyright 1988

Eric is a sleaze. A hot sleaze, who loves leather and raunch. At 6' you wouldn't expect this butch, reddish blonde to be a bottom, but he is. Get him on his knees and his blue eyes beg for it. If you like submissive young men, this 24 year old is for you!

I met Eric, on Christmas Eve, at the RamRod, in Boston. He was standing just inside the front door, leaning on the bar, dressed in a leather vest (no shirt) with steel tit clamps attached to his firm, hard nipples -- connected by a heavy silver chain which was tied to a leather string which led from his chest down into his leather bikini clad mid-section. Over the leather bikinis, Eric wore a tight pair of chaps and leather thongs on his feet. This boy was ready and looking for some hot discipline. He was looking to be picked up -- by just the right Daddy.

I decided, although Eric had succeeded in catching my attention immediately as I walked through the door, that I'd get a drink and cruise the rest of the bar, before making any sort of commitment for the evening. I returned to the end of the bar, about twenty minutes later and Eric was still standing there, hands clasped behind his back and looking sheepishly up at me... I knew, then, that I had to take this boy home with me. First, I thought, I'd do a little public discipline to check him out, first. After all, it was Christmas eve, and I didn't want to waste it on some impostor.

I grabbed hold of the leather lace which was attached to Eric's tit clamps and gave it a sharp tug -- enough to twist those young nipples just enough to give a sharp pain -- to let him know who would be in charge -- IF I decided that he measured up -- IF I decided that he would be acceptable to be brought home, tonight.

Eric winced at the sharp pain -- then he looked up at me and said "How may I serve you, sir?". "We'll see", I told him. "Just follow me and I'll see if you measure up. Now go to the bar and get me a drink, and bring it to me at that table, over there!" Eric nodded, responded with a feeble "Yes Sir" and headed for the bar. He returned in a couple of minutes with my drink -- placed it on the table -- and positioned himself on his knees, on the floor, at my feet, with his hands clasped behind his back. I sipped on my drink and reached down to him and pushed his leather vest off of his shoulders and pulled it off, throwing it to the floor, beside him. This revealed that Eric was wearing a leather harness pouch, not the leather bikinis which I'd thought I'd detected earlier in the evening. He looked, meekly up at me and pulled at the straps of the harness, which were slung over his shoulders and made a path down his back to a single strap which traced a path down his ass crack and up under his ample balls and cock, splitting in the front to make two suspender like straps which hooked up over his shoulders. "Please, sir -- please make me be yours for as long as you'd like -- make me your slave -- take me home and discipline me and use me in whatever way might please you, sir." I told Eric to stand and strip off the chaps -- right there in the middle of the club. He stood, and obeyed, without hesitation. I told him that he'd have to prove himself to me, before I'd consider wasting my time with him later. If he could prove to me that he'd be able to follow my every order, without question, then I MIGHT consider taking him home for some real discipline. Eric was good! He followed every order, no matter how humiliating it was to him, as soon as I snapped it out to him. He now stood before me (and the rest of the men in the bar) wearing only the leather harness pouch and his leather thongs on his feet. He stood with his hands clasped behind his back -- totally vulnerable and available to be touched, used and generally fondled by anyone in the bar. He looked down at the floor, waiting for his next order. I decided to finish my drink and have another before making any decisions on what to do with Eric. I ordered him to go to the bar and get me another drink and offered him one as well. He returned to the table in minutes, placed both drinks in front of me and returned to his position -- with his hands clasped, kneeling on the floor.

I offered his drink to him and told him to stand before me, while drinking -- reminding him that he was only allowed to have it because I was a compassionate master. Eric thanked me for my kindness and stood, as instructed -- his legs spread -- all but bare assed naked, before me, and sipped on his drink.

Once we finished our drinks, I told Eric that he'd passed my first test and that I would be taking him home for further discipline, this evening. I instructed him to put the rest of his clothes on and to prepare himself for the trip home. While he was doing that, I left him and said my hello's and goodbye's to many of the others in the bar. When I returned to the table, Eric was ready, as instructed and kneeling by the side of the chair I'd been sitting in.

I told him to stand, grabbed the leather lace which attached his tit clamps to his balls, and pulled him behind me -- heading for the cold outdoors and my car -- heading home.

On the way home, I instructed Eric to remove all of his clothes, except the leather harness pouch and the tit clamps. He did as he was instructed. I told him to place all of the clothes which weren't "required" into his shoulder bag, and to place that in the back seat of the car -- he wouldn't be needing them any more. He obeyed and did as he was told. We arrived at my house, about 20 minutes later. I got out of the car and walked around to the side where Eric was sitting -- opened the door and told him to get his ass out of the car -- NOW! He jumped up and stood before me, again all but bare assed naked, right there in my driveway. I grabbed the leather lace, once again, and pulled him towards me -- hard -- letting him know that he was to follow me into the house.

Once inside, I told him to stand at attention, before me, and to remove the leather harness pouch and to place it, neatly, in the front hall closet. He did so and returned, naked (except the tit clamps and the ball harness of leather lace). Eric kneeled in front of me, with his hands clasped behind him -- waiting for his instructions. I snapped at him to stand and grabbed his huge ball sack and pulled down and twisted it. I held it tight and looked at him and told him that he was to go up stairs to shower and make his body clean and presentable for me... and when he was ready for me that he was to call for me. About 10 minutes later, Eric called, from the top of the stairs that he was ready to be inspected. I went upstairs and told him to bend over and grab his ankles. I then probed his tight, young ass with three and then four of my fingers, checking to see that he was indeed ready for me. Once again, Eric passed the test. I grabbed his balls, once again, and pulled him into the bathroom -- telling him that his first duty as my slave was to be to wash me in the shower. I pulled and twisted his balls until he was in place, in the shower. I told him to get the water to the right temperature, while I removed my clothing. Eric let me know when the water was right and I climbed into the shower. Eric washed me, first soaping up my back and ass and legs -- paying particular attention to my ass, as he was instructed. Then I turned around and instructed him to clean my cock and balls with his lowly mouth. He took my balls into his mouth and worked them with his tounge. Then, when instructed, he moved from them to my cock and slid it in and out of his warm lips until I told him that it was done.

I told him to stand and leave the shower and dry himself off -- and when he was ready, he was to call to me, so that he could towel me off. He called, when he was dry, and stood ready to dry my body. He dried me off, as instructed. Once that was done I told Eric to bend over and put his hands on the side of the bathtub. He did that and I told him that I would have to give him and enema, to be sure that his ass was completely clean, for my use. I slapped his white ass and grabbed and pulled on his young, huge ball sack to get him into position. Then I took the long tube, from the enema bag and inserted it, dry, up his ass... and once there, inflated the bulb on the end of it to make sure that it stayed there. I then released the clamp which held the soapy water solution up in the bag which hung from the shower curtain rail. I could see Eric's stomach start to bulge as the water flowed into him.

He moaned and licked his lips. He loved it. The bag finally gurgled, signaling that it was empty. I put the clamp back in place and removed the bottle to re-fill it. Eric looked at me with fear in his eyes. He was already full and he knew that I intended to put more inside of him. He stood with his ass clenched around the rubber hose which was up his ass, while watching me re-fill the enema bag with warm water. I rehung and attached the bag to the hose and slapped his ass hard... first one cheek and then the other... then I grabbed his balls and gave them a hard pulling twist... Eric began to purr like a kitten in heat. I slapped his ass, once more, harder than before and released the clamp which held the water in the enema bag. Eric moaned, from both pain as well as pleasure as the water flowed into him, filling him more than he'd ever been filled before. Minutes later the bag gurgled once again, signifying that it was, once again, empty. Eric moaned loudly now. He complained that he had to let it go... that he hurt because he was so full. I clamped the hose, once again, and told Eric that he was to hold the water up his ass until I returned. If he didn't, he'd regret it -- and be in more pain -- for the rest of the night. I left Eric, bent over the edge of the bathtub and went back downstairs.

I returned to the bathroom, and Eric, about 20 minutes later. He had done well. This boy really did want to please me. He had held all of the water inside of him for all that time. I told him to climb into the tub. He did so, and I told him to bend over and grab his ankles. He did -- and I ripped the enema tube out of his ass -- letting gallons of water spew out onto his feet and into the tub. Eric breathed a sigh of relief -- but not for long. I told him that he'd have to be cleansed again, just to be sure that he was ready for me. I told him to lay down in the tub, with his legs up over the side. He did just as instructed. Once again I emptied two full enema bags, plus an additional 1/2 bag into his gut... this time, however, he seemed to be enjoying it. His long, slender cock came to full attention as the last of the water flowed down the tube in into his gut. He moaned and licked his lips in pleasure. I clamped the tube which ran into his ass and walked over to the counter and picked up a fleet enema kit. I told Eric to relax... that I was going to give his hot young cock and enema too. He looked at me fearfully. Apparently, Eric hadn't ever heard of a fleet emema. I inserted the smaller tube up into his cock -- he winced in pain as it passed up through him... but once it was in and secured he relaxed once again. At the end of the smaller tube, I attached the large enema bag, which I'd filled with warm water, once again. I released the clamp and the water flowed up, filling even more of him up. Eric moaned, loudly, now. His cock started to get even harded. I reached down to him, as the bag emptied into his cock, and pulled and squeezed his hard, dark nipples. Eric screamed. He was in pain, but he loved it. He loved to be hurt and used. He loved to be tortured. It was really turning him on.

The rest of the water emptied out of the bag and into his now rock hard cock.

Eric was now moaning constantly, feeling more full than he'd ever felt, and in pain. I told him that I had something else to do and that he was to stay in the tub and to hold all of the water inside of him, until I chose to return. As I left the bathroom and headed downstairs, I could hear him moaning loudly all the way.

Again, I returned to Eric, about 20 minutes later. He was still moaning and clenching his ass, to hold in the gallons of water which I'd funneled into his body. I barked at him to be quiet and to get into a kneeling position in the tub, in front of me. Carefully, he did as instructed, trying not to let any of the water out of his cock or ass. He did well. "Eric, I have to piss", I told him. "I want you to release the water from inside of you, while I shower you with my piss. I want you to feel me flowing from inside of you while I flow onto you from outside." I reached down and pulled the tubes from Eric's ass and cock... then I stood above him and let my piss flow down onto him, as he drained into the tub. Eric moaned and writhed under the humiliation which I was putting him under. He was getting hot... He loved being used. He loved being treated like dirt. Once I and he was emptied I told Eric to take my cock in his mouth to clean it. He did... and I came down his throat, giving him his first taste of his new master.

I was finished with him, for the moment, I told Eric to stand up. I slapped his tight ass and told him to shower and clean himself up. I told him, when he was ready and clean, that he was to come downstairs to join me in the living room. I told him to take care of himself, quickly, or he'd be punished. He was done, and downstairs at my feet in ten minutes. I told him that he'd done well. Eric smiled, meekly, and kneeled at my feet. Waiting for when I next wanted or needed his services. He stayed that way until I was ready to go to bed.

About two hours later, I told Eric to go upstairs, to the bedroom to prepare my bed. I joined him about 5 minutes later. He had done a good job, turning down the bed. He was kneeling at the foot of the bed when I entered the bedroom. I instructed him to remove my clothes and to lick my ass, balls and cock -- to warm them up before I retired for the night. He did. I climbed into bed and Eric pulled the sheets and blankets up over me and returned to his kneeling position, beside the bed and on the floor. After about a minute, I reached over the side of the bed -- grabbing him by the back of his neck -- and pulled him up. "Eric, you've done very well for your first day. I want you to join me in my bed." He stood, climbed into bed next to me, facing away from me, and I put my arms around his tight, naked body. He purred like a kitten and fell asleep in my arms.

Eric has been with me for 5 years now. He's the best slave boy that I'd ever had. He's kept naked all of the time. He cleans the house and does the laundry daily. He lies in the back yard for at least an hour a day, naked, and tans his tight boyish body -- to keep it attractive for me. He greets me at the door every evening when I return from the office and takes my cock into him and drinks my cum and piss. I fuck him and he sucks me off at least 4 or 5 times a day. I keep him naked and clean shaven (all over) at all times. His beautiful reddish blonde hair is now half way down his sleek, smooth, muscled back... and he looks beautiful.

Every morning, when we first wake up, and every evening just before we go to bed, I slap and whip his tight tanned ass... just to remind him who his master is. He obeys without hesitation... no matter what it is that I tell him to do. When we go out to the clubs, Eric is kept in his leather pouch harness and nothing else -- just to remind him of the humiliation of his position in life. To remind him that he is always to be vulnerable and subserviant to me.

Eric has what he wants from life... and so do I.

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