Eric Meets Justin Gabriel

By Cameron Maxx

Published on Aug 1, 2010



This story is a work of FICTION. While actual people and/or events may inspire some characters and situations, no implications are intended or should be drawn. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental.


Copyright 2010 All original material contained here within is copyrighted by the author, Cameron Maxx, and may not be reproduced in any form without express written consent. The Nifty Archive is granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, and non-cancelable license to display this work.

PLEASE NOTE: Feedback, both positive and negative, is welcomed and greatly appreciated. Abusive correspondence or flames of any kind will, of course, be strictly ignored -



This is not the kind of story I normally write. It's purely fantasy and its primary goal is to get the reader off. But sometimes, that's exactly what you need, just to get off. No shame in that. Thanks to my real life "Eric" who not only inspired this story, but also got me into wrestling and appreciating all the hotties in the WWE. This story is, first and foremost, for him and his pleasure. But, I hope everyone else enjoys it, too!


For as long as he could remember, since he was a little kid, Eric had loved wrestling. He'd grown up watching the WWE and had hundreds of tapes filled with matches from SmackDown, Raw, WrestleMania and other shows. He'd watched those hours and hours of video more times than he could count and had them all but memorized. Names like Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Bret Hart, The Undertaker, Mick Foley, and Chris Jericho had been imprinted on his mind during those formative years and he knew their histories and stories like his own name. He also went to as many matches for local and regional companies as he could and over the years had become more than a fan; he was a recognized face and a friend to many of the wrestlers.

Today was his 20th birthday and he was in the car with his friends, the sun little more than a pre-dawn glow on the horizon, headed into the city to see Raw live and in person. It just so happened his birthday fell on a Monday this year and that Raw was going to be close by. It was like the stars had aligned and Eric couldn't have been more excited. He and his friends had decided to spend the whole day in the city starting at the hotel where the wrestlers were staying to see how many pictures and autographs they could collect.

As he had grown up he realized he didn't just like wrestling. He liked wrestlers, too. He was gay and as much as he loved the entertainment, the characters, and all of the athletic ability required he also loved the thrill of seeing all those muscled, sweaty chests rubbing against each other. His own cock would get painfully hard as his eyes lingered on the material stretched tightly over hot asses and big, wrestler packages. In high school his favorite jerk off fantasies quickly became Edge and John Morrison. He'd shoot huge, juicy loads on his smooth tummy and chest, then use his fingers to lick up his cum, pretending it was Morrison's hot semen sliding down his throat.

But in the last few months, it had become Justin Gabriel who got him off more and more. He'd developed more than a little crush on the beautiful South African while watching the first season of NXT and now almost nobody else entered his mind while he was jerking off. There was The Miz, of course, who he adored above all others, but it was Justin he dreamed of meeting today. He was concerned though that it might not happen since Nexus members weren't allowed to sign autographs or take pictures with fans, but it was his birthday and he was bound and determined to meet his latest crush one way or the other! As Eric rode in the backseat, his head filled with thoughts of Justin and all the other hot wrestlers he'd see today, he fell asleep and slept through the last hour of the ride into the city. When they were parked at the hotel, his best friend shook him awake.

"Yo, wake up!" Brandon said, shaking Eric's shoulder. "C'mon, homo! Just cause it's your birthday doesn't mean you get to sleep all day while we chauffeur your lil ass around," he told him with a laugh.

"Fuck off," Eric replied then laughed himself. Brandon was straight and a wrestler in local and regional companies. He knew Eric was gay, but could care less. They were like family and were both huge wrestling fans.

The morning and afternoon passed quickly as Brandon, Eric, their group of friends, and other wrestling fans hung out in the lobby. Everyone was in a good mood, laughing and talking and a few people even bought him a couple of drinks when they found out it was his birthday. Their quest for pictures and autographs was working out well. They got Sheamus, Maryse, Ted DiBiase, Zack Ryder, and Josh Matthews amongst others. When The Miz walked in, he recognized Eric right away and gave him a big hug. They'd met several times before and he'd even given him his fedora last year and asked where it was. The Miz chatted for a while, posed for pictures, and gave Brandon shit for not believing Eric that they'd met before. All in all, it was proving to be a very good birthday.

After they took a break for a late lunch, there were reports that somebody had seen Heath Slater headed into the lobby, but no other members of Nexus had been spotted. As much fun as Eric was having, he started getting nervous he may miss out on his chance to meet Justin. After being back from lunch for a bit he turned to Brandon, "I gotta pee. Be right back!"

His friend nodded at him and said, "No worries," then turned back to some tall, dark haired hot chick he was chatting up and started flirting again.

Eric wandered around the huge ground floor of the hotel for a bit, not sure where the bathrooms were. Finally he found a small, single men's room that had just one toilet and sink in it. He wasn't sure if it was for public use or not, but at this point he didn't care. Walking in, he locked the door behind him. On his way out he ran right into the chest of someone who was walking in. He stumbled back a little.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry..." he started but trailed off. He felt like all the air had suddenly left the room. Standing there in the door, looking at him with a little smile playing at his lips, was Justin Gabriel.

After a moment of silence Justin grinned and asked, "You okay?"

It took Eric a moment to realize he was talking to him. He still didn't feel like he could speak, so he just nodded his head yes and tried to steady his breathing.

"I'm sorry, mate!" Justin said, his cute South African accent teasing the words as they floated in the air. "I didn't mean to knock into you like that."

"It's, it's okay," Eric replied, stuttering a little and hating himself for doing so.

Another small grin played at the corner of Justin's mouth as he studied Eric closely. "You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, yeah! I'm fine. Really!" Eric insisted and laughed a little, feeling nervous and excited. "I'm great."

Justin chuckled as he looked the 20-year-old kid up and down. Eric wasn't a big guy, only about 5'7" and 130 pounds. But he had a cute little body, toned and smooth and natural, not some gym creation. His ass was firm but squeezable and pretty, full red lips formed his mouth. He had beautiful blue eyes and dark brown hair that offered the best of his Italian heritage. Finally, Justin extended his hand and said, "I'm Justin, by the way. It's nice to meet you!"

Dumbfounded but determined not to embarrass himself, Eric extended his own arm and shook the outreached hand. "I'm Eric, and yeah," he laughed, "I kinda already know who you are. Sorry! That's why I was a little freaked out there for a minute."

Still holding the smaller hand in his own, Justin flashed that huge smile again and said, "Oh, very cool. So, you're a wrestling fan are you?"

"I am!" Eric replied feeling a charge run from his hand where his skin was pressed to Justin's. The electricity ran directly down his body to his cock, which throbbed and moved a little, threatening to get hard in his jeans.

Finally releasing Eric's hand Justin grinned and asked, "So are you in town for the show tonight?"

"Yeah, me and a couple friends," Eric answered feeling himself start to relax a bit. Then, without intending to do so he added, "It's my birthday!" As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt uncomfortable and shifted on his feet uneasily, looking down at the floor.


Still looking down, "Yeah."

"Well, happy birthday!" Justin said, his voice sounding genuinely excited and kind. He stepped across the little bathroom and gave Eric a quick hug.

Shocked, thrilled and suddenly terrified all over again, Eric felt his pulse rate skyrocket as Justin hugged him but managed to say, "Thanks!"

Dropping his arms from around Eric's back and moving away a bit, Justin looked at him still smiling. "Well, you're very welcome! I hope it's a great day for you."

Eric looked up and met those big, sexy eyes with his own blue ones and grinned despite himself. "Thanks! So far, it's been really good."

"Awww, that's good to hear," Justin said in his sweet, sexy accent. "I'd offer to take a pic with you or sign something, but you know..."

"No, no it's cool. The Nexus thing. I totally get it," Eric said.

There was another moment of silence then Justin spoke. "You know, I was thinking, though. Since it is your birthday and you seem like a really big fan, maybe I can work something out."

"Really?" Eric said trying not to sound too excited.

"Yeah, yeah." Justin said, seeming to be thinking something through. "I tell you what? Why don't you and your friends come down to the meet and greet area after the show and I'll see what I can come up with. Sound good?"

"Sounds great!" came the response. Eric no longer cared if he sounded excited or not.

Justin laughed. "Okay, good." He paused a moment then, "Well, if you'll excuse me now, I really do have to use the men's room."

"Oh! Yeah, cool. All right, well then I'll see you later."

"For sure," came the sexy South African's response. The two shook hands again then Eric left, hearing the door close and lock behind him. Alone in the hall, he bent over, resting his palms on his knees trying to catch his breath. His legs felt weak.

"Holy fuck..." he muttered under his breath then giggled. "Holy fuck!" he nearly shouted and then he was off, headed back to his friends who'd probably never believe what had just happened.

The rest of the afternoon and night were mostly a blur. All Eric could do was replay his encounter in the restroom over and over. The show was great, but he had a tough time focusing. All he wanted was to get down to the meet and greet area as soon as possible. Every time he thought about those strong arms wrapped around him, hugging him, his cock would throb and start to get hard and he'd desperately try to think about anything else. Finally, with the show over, he all but bolted from his seat, his friends lagging behind the birthday boy a little, talking about the show and the unexpected Nexus attack. They'd put Ricky Steamboat in the hospital. No one had seen it coming!

As they pressed into the meet and greet area, Eric's group of friends were still chatting about the show but he was focused on any sign of Justin's arrival. Suddenly the crowd started booing and shouting and Nexus, as a group, walked through. They ignored the fans, no autographs, no pictures as expected. They looked tough and unrepentant over their actions. At first Eric was crestfallen; it was like Justin hadn't even seen him. Then the group moved closer to the barriers separating the crowd from the wrestlers, but still all the members of the Nexus were silent. Finally, a few supportive fans made it to the front, defending their favorite NXT stars and what they'd done. Wade, David and Heath finally nodded to a few fans and started shaking a couple of hands.

At this point, Justin did as well. Moving from one fan to another, he slowly made his way to Eric stood. Now, face-to-face again, the wrestler nodded and reached his hand out. Eric extended his and they shook hands. As Justin let his hand go, Eric realized with a start that there was a tiny piece of folded paper in his palm now and he closed his fingers around it. And that was that. The Nexus members turned and were gone then the next group of wrestlers headed into the meet and greet area. But Eric could care less. All his attention was focused on that piece of paper gripped tightly in his suddenly sweaty hand. His heart was pounding and his legs felt weak again. Turning away from his friends he walked away from the barriers, making his way to a less crowded area of the room.

Slowly, so very slowly, he unfolded the paper and read the handwritten words scrawled on it in neat, small print - "Birthday boy, meet me in the back lobby tonight if you want. 12:00 midnight. Just you, no friends. I've got a gift for you to unwrap up in my room. Hope to see you soon! -J."

His hands shaking, his cheeks flushed, his blue eyes sparkling, Eric looked up and grinned.

It was 11:55 when he arrived in the quiet, deserted little back lobby. Feeling almost giddy but also nervous, Eric looked around not knowing what to expect. A few minutes passed then he noticed the elevator was descending. His pulse quickened with each passing number, the elevator getting closer and closer to where he now stood. There was a chime sound and the doors opened. Standing there in a tight, black shirt and low-slung jeans was Justin. The shirt was almost too short and the denim hung so low on his slim hips, you could see a little of his smooth torso and a hint of his trimmed pubes just peeking out over his leather belt.

Seeing Eric standing there, his eyes drinking his hot wrestler body in, Justin grinned a cocky grin and said, "Hey, there! I'm glad you could make it."

Taking a deep breath, the response was slow. "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

"Good. So, you want to come up to my room or not?"

He didn't have to be asked twice. He walked quickly and entered the elevator. Justin punched the button for the 25th floor and they waited for the doors to close. As soon as they did, the wrestler turned to Eric and was on him, pushing him back against the wall. As the elevator made its slow climb up the building, the Justin's hands slid down Eric's back to his hot little ass. He grasped it in his strong hands, groping and massaging, using it to pull Eric closer to him.

Gasping and moaning a little as he felt the hands on his ass, Eric opened his lips, already pressed to Justin's mouth, and he felt the hot, wet wrestler tongue slide into him, exploring and caressing his own tongue. As they kissed, Justin continued to grope his ass, pulling him tightly to him. Eric's own hands started to explore, too. One moved up under the tight black shirt, traveling along the smooth, rippled abs to Justin's chest. His other hand slid down between them. He could feel the hard dick straining against the denim and he used his fingers to trace its length before squeezing the bulge. As he did, Justin moaned into his mouth and bucked his hips, pushing his package into Eric's hand. They continued making out, feeling each other up, and kissing deeply until the elevator came to a stop on the 18th floor. Completely wrapped up in the moment, Eric didn't even notice, but Justin did. He quickly pulled his lips away from the kiss and took a big step away. He rested against the wall, trying to look innocent. Eric did the same, but it wasn't as easy for him. Both were flustered and rosy cheeked, breathing heavier than normal.

As the doors slid open, both looked up to see The Miz standing in the hallway, waiting to get on. He looked from Justin to Eric then back to Justin. He grinned, "Hey, guys. What's going on?" He stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the 24th floor.

Justin was the first to speak, "Not much, man. Just chilling with my friend here."

Turning towards Eric, Miz inquired, "Really? So you know Justin, too?"

"I, uhhh, I..." he stuttered, "We just met today and it's my birthday, so you know." Shifting uncomfortably, suddenly feeling like the elevator was way too small, Eric looked down at his feet.

"Yeah, he seems like a cool guy so I figured I could do a little something for him without Nexus and the crowd around," Justin finished.

Looking back at the other wrestler Miz said, "Yeah, he is a cool guy. Did he tell you he has my fedora?"

"No," Justin said. "No, he didn't mention that."

The little chime sounded again and the doors opened. Turning to look at them both after stepping off, "All right, well you two boys have fun tonight!" then shot Justin a knowing wink. "Happy birthday, Eric." And with that, he turned and walked down the hall as the door slid closed.

There was only silence as the elevator made its quick journey to the 25th floor and the doors opened again. Justin turned to Eric and smiled. "C'mon, let's finish this in my room, shall we?" Eric laughed a nervous little laugh and nodded his head yes. Taking the smaller hand in his, Justin led the way off the elevator and down the hall, before opening the door and pulling Eric into his room.

As soon as the door click closed and the lock was turned, Justin had Eric up against the wall again, his strong hands on his ass, his mouth kissing him, his tongue tracing along the birthday boy's lips. Eric moaned again and parted his lips, sucking the wrestler's tongue into his mouth, wanting so badly to taste him again. They continued kissing, hands roaming and exploring, for the next few minutes. Their mouths only parted as they pulled off their shirts and dropped their shoes and pants to the floor. Standing now only in their underwear, both their hard dicks tenting the fronts, they continued kissing and touching each other. Justin slowly maneuvered them to a chair and gently pulled himself out of Eric's arms, sitting down and looking up into those big blue eyes.

"Suck me?" He asked softly and smiled. "Please..."

Eric was on his knees in seconds. He started on Justin's chest, licking and sucking across his smooth, hard pecs before taking a hard, little nipple into his mouth. Justin moaned and arched his back. Eric continued working on the nipple as his hands cupped and rubbed the wrestler's hard dick through his briefs. Moving slowly down Justin's torso, he licked and kissed his way over the tight abs and then to that sexy, sculpted V leading from his hips to his pubic area. Eric used his mouth and lips all down that V, getting closer and closer to his prize.

Justin moaned again then took Eric's head in his hands, making him look up into his eyes. "Eric, please ... I need to feel your mouth on me now. I want you to swallow the whole thing."

Eric smiled up at him and said, "Okay. You know how long I've been waiting to do this?" and then he laughed a little.

Justin grinned that cocky grin again and said, "Well, it's all yours tonight, birthday boy."

"Good!" and with that, Eric pulled his briefs down and tossed them across the room. Justin's hard, leaking dick slapped up onto his flat stomach and throbbed a couple of times, leaking a puddle of precum onto his smooth skin. It wasn't huge, but fairly thick and nice sized; like the rest of the wrestler's body, it was perfectly shaped and beautiful to look at. Eric wrapped one hand around the shaft, squeezing and rubbing up and down just a bit, and watched as more precum drooled out of Justin's slit. Moving his head forward, Eric brought his tongue to that slit and gently licked back and forth across it, sending chills up and down Justin's spine as he moaned loudly. Eric kept licking, pushing the tip of his tongue ever so slightly into the slit, collecting as much of the sweet precum as possible so he could taste it.

Taking a deep breath, Eric took the entire hard dick into his mouth, swallowing it down to its base, his nose pushed into the trimmed pubes. Justin moaned even louder and bucked his hips, lifting his ass off the chair and pushing his dick deeper into the boy's mouth. Feeling the flared head push into his throat, Eric began working his muscles over and over those sensitive ridges as Justin leaked more precum into the boy and it flowed right down his throat.

Working his pretty, puffy lips up and down the shaft, Eric began bobbing his on Justin's hard dick. The tip of his tongue traced up and down the underside of the shaft, making his wrestler moan and groan and hold the back of Eric's head, moving up and down with him as he sucked him closer and closer to orgasm. The boy slowed and then stopped for a moment, keeping only the cock head in his mouth, which he sucked on like a lollipop. We ran his tongue from the soft, sensitive skin under the head, up to those hard ridges and then around and around, tracing them, making Justin buck his hips up again, desperate to cum.

He leaned his head back and moaned then said to Eric or to himself or just to the room, "I'm getting close..."

Wanting that cum in his mouth and tummy, Eric begin bobbing up and down on Justin's hard dick again, using his hand to stroke the throbbing shaft along with his mouth. Suddenly Justin's hips bolted up, seemingly out of control and he choked and gasped, trying to warn the boy that he was about to shoot his load. He never got the words out, but Eric knew what he meant.

With his mouth impaled, cock head pulsing in his throat and the shaft twitching against his tongue Eric felt the powerful surge of cum spurting through Justin's dick an instant before it began to explode into him. His cute accent even stronger as he practically shouted out, "Uhhh, I'm gonna shoot. Take my load, baby ... eat my cum!"

And Eric gladly took it all. The salty-sweet, hot semen was shooting directly into his stomach; Justin's hard dick was deep in his throat and he could feel it shooting its load in long, thick ropes. As the throbbing finally slowed, Eric pulled off a little, keeping about half of the still pulsing shaft in his mouth, the head resting on his tongue as the last few loads of cum pumped out and onto his taste buds. He shuddered a little and nursed the wrestler's dick, loving the taste of its cum as he sucked on it gently. Eric never wanted the moment to end, knowing Justin had just shot in his mouth; it wasn't just his fantasy anymore.

Next: Chapter 2

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