Eric and ME

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jan 5, 2002



Disclaimer: What can I say? This is just a love story about two young guys of legal age (I know, odd for me, isn't it?). The sex isn't even kinky. (That will disappoint some of you, I know.) But it comes out of my heart and also my groin cause it does have sex in it! And, before you send me e- mails asking - NO! IT IS NOT TRUE!!! I only wish it was. You can guess which one in the story is me! Happy reading!

ERIC AND ME RimPig (c) 2002

It was December. The Christmas holidays were just around the corner and almost everybody in my high school was getting ready for the Holiday Dance that would be held the last night of school before the holiday break.

I really could have cared less about the Dance. I didn't go to dances. There was no reason to. Though I was as typically confused about my life as any 18 year old is (and usually won't admit it.), there was one thing that I was not confused about. I had no interest in girls, except as friends. I knew that all of my sexual/emotional attraction was to guys. One guy in particular.

That guy was Eric Blackthorne. But this was nothing unusual. Almost every girl I knew (and probably not just a few of the boys) were attracted to Eric. He was athletic, intelligent and incredibly beautiful.

Now, I realize that beautiful is not a word usually associated with guys. But in Eric's case, there was really no other way to describe him. His face was that of an angel! Almost too pretty to be a male. Golden blonde hair, deep blue eyes beneath long dark lashes, a muscular body that stood over six feet - all this combined to make Eric not just a jock/stud but almost a male/god!

Ok, I had this major crush on the hunk! But it's really not my fault. You see, I'd known Eric all my life. He lived right next door to me. He was only six months older than me and we both shared something in common - we were both only children. His parents evidently couldn't have any more children after Eric and I was adopted by parents who couldn't have children at all. Eric became, for me, not only my best friend but like my surrogate brother as well.

I can't begin to tell you how many times Eric and I slept together in each other's beds over the years. We were so inseparable, it was like our parents had two children rather than one. When they talked about us, they laughingly called us 'the twins', because you hardly ever saw one of us without the other. And, strangely enough, we did bear some resemblance to each other. Oh, not that I was as beautiful as Eric. I mean, I'm not ugly or anything, but I don't have Eric's looks. At least I don't think so.

I did have the same blonde hair and blue eyes, though my eyes tend to be paler than his. And I am one inch shorter than he is. But where Eric is very outgoing, I tend to be a lot quieter and shy. Part of it, I know, is not wanting anyone to get too close to me so they don't learn my 'dirty little secret' - that I'm gay. Not even Eric knows. I think he might guess but I've never admitted it to him and he's never asked me.

When we were growing up, Eric and I had done the typical 'boy' things. Exploration of each other's bodies, mutual masturbation and all the rest of it. But we'd never gone 'too far'. There was no oral sex or even physical affection between us. I'm sure that Eric put it down to just being typically horny boys. I only wish I could have.

No! I craved to take our relationship to a much higher level. I didn't want to have sex with Eric Blackthorne. I wanted to make love with him forever! I wanted to 'marry' Eric Blackthorne! Something I knew could never happen. Eric seemed to prefer to date females, especially if they were members of the cheerleading squad.

After all, it only made sense. Here he was the team captain and quarterback of the school football team - a team that had fought it's way to the State finals - and won for the first time in the school's history! Eric was also well on his way to being the valedictorian for our senior class. Add to this his charm and personality and he could literally have almost any girl he wanted from the school's female population. And since the most desirable girls were part of the cheerleading squad, they became Eric's personal harem.

I did notice that he didn't stay with any one girl for very long. I asked him about this once and all he would say was that he preferred 'variety' and didn't want to get 'tied down' to anyone. Eric had dreams. And with his incredible will and strength of purpose, I knew he was going to make them come true. Eric wanted to go to a top University on a football scholarship and become a lawyer. He would welcome the opportunity to play in the Pro's but either way, he would get his law degree.

But there was one thing about Eric's plans. They included me. It was Eric's idea that we should both go to the same college on scholarships and both become lawyers so that we could open our own law practice - Blackthorne and Harrison. That 'Harrison' is, of course me. James Harrison.

It made sense in a lot of ways, we'd always been together. We were like the 'dynamic duo'! All through junior varsity and into high school, Eric had been the quarterback and I had always been his favorite 'receiver'. In fact, it had been a long, 'hail Mary' pass from Eric to me that had won the hard-fought state championship game.

Now, it was supposed to be the two of us, again, working our way through college and into business together. It wasn't like I didn't want that. But I began to realize it would never work. I couldn't spend the rest of my life being near Eric and just being a friend or law partner. But at the same time, I could find no way to tell Eric how I felt. It wouldn't do any good anyway. He was straight. That was obvious. And the one thing I didn't want was for Eric to end up hating me.

I could see no way out of this dilemma. No matter which way I turned, the only result I could see was losing Eric forever. Or driving myself crazy and ending up being without him anyway. I even, at times, when I'd had a few too many beers, actually contemplated just killing myself and getting it over with. I didn't want to live without Eric and I didn't see anyway that could happen.

I was lost and miserable and I guess all the stress began to show. It started with my mom, asking me if I felt ok. I told her that I was fine, but she continued to look at me in that 'way' she does which says, 'You can't fool me, mister! Something is wrong and I'm going to get to the bottom of it!'. She didn't press, but I knew the matter wouldn't be dropped.

Then several of my friends made off-hand remarks about the fact that I seemed distant and pre- occupied. I blew it off saying that I was worried about finals coming up after the holidays because I didn't want to blow my scholarship chances.

But the biggest blow of all came the next day at lunch when even Eric began to asking me what was wrong.

"What do you mean? There's nothing wrong!" I protested defensively.

"The fuck there isn't, bro!" Eric retorted. "You haven't seemed like yourself for weeks now. Something's wrong and I want to know what it is."

"Look, it's nothing, OK? Just leave it alone." I pleaded.

"No chance, bro! Whatever it is, you know I'll help you handle it! Haven't I always been there for you?" Eric reminded me.

'Not in my empty bed, you haven't!' I thought to myself.

"Look, it's nothing I can't handle by myself, OK!" I practically was screaming at him.

'Oh, real good, asshole!!!' I thought to myself. 'Go ahead and take it out on Eric! That should make things better!!!'

"Ok. But you know I'm here if you need me." Eric said with real pain in his voice and eyes.

I wanted to crawl under a rock! Here he was, the guy I loved most in the world, offering to help and I'm making him feel like shit! But I couldn't help it. There was nothing he could do, short of turning gay. That would help.

"Are you going to the Dance?" Eric asked, changing the subject.

"No! You know I don't dance!" I said, still with a slight edge to my voice that I wished wasn't there.

"No, bro! What you don't do is DATE!" Eric stated. "Maybe that's what's the fuck wrong with you! You need to get laid! You need to get your 'ashes hauled', boy!" and started giggling at his own words.

Well, he hit the nail right on the head. I DID need my 'ashes hauled'. But I needed it with him! Nobody else would do. I needed to be able to touch him, hold him, be held by him, and say all the things I wanted to say to him. But that could never be.

"I'm sorry, I don't happen to have a harem like you do!" I said.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Eric asked, confused.

"You know, the cheerleading squad - your own personal little harem of willing bed partners!"

Well...that came out a little bit nastier than I intended.

"Look, bro! Those fucking chicks don't mean anything to me! They're convenient to get my rocks off! I could care less about any of them!" he said with expected defensiveness to my attack.

"So do you care about anybody?" I shot back without even thinking.

That question stopped him dead in his tracks. He sat there with his mouth open for a few moments, looking at me with a hurt, questioning look in his eyes. Like I'd just shoved a knife through his gut or something and he couldn't understand why I would do something like that!

"Yes..." he finally said quietly. "I care about you. You know that, bro. I've always cared about you."

Now I REALLY felt like shit! I knew that he cared about me. Almost like we were brothers. That's the way it had always been. But I needed more from him and I just knew he didn't have that more to give. That's what was tearing me up inside.

Luckily, at that moment the bell rang ending the lunch period. We both had to move our asses to class, so the discussion was 'tabled' for the time being. It was 'tabled' forever as far as I was concerned. It wouldn't do any good to rehash it.

And it didn't come up again, until the night of the dance.

I was home alone that night. My parents had gone out to some big holiday party and wouldn't be back until probably the wee hours of the morning. Eric, of course, had one of the cheerleaders at the Holiday Dance. And I was keeping company with a 12 pak and my right hand. As the evening wore on, I drank more and more and got more and more morose! I could tell it was going to be one of those 'black' nights when all the thoughts of what a mess my life was were going to tear me apart.

I was on about my 5th beer when I heard a knock at the door. It was after 11pm. I couldn't figure out who the fuck could be knocking at the door at this hour. But when I got up to open it, there stood Eric. And he wasn't looking in any better shape than I was.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked.

"Nice welcome, asshole!" Eric retorted.

"Well, why aren't you at the fucking dance?" I insisted.

"Because I'm not, alright?!" Eric growled at me. "You got another beer around here?"

"Sure. I'll get you one." I said.

I went to the kitchen to get him a beer but when I got back to the living room, Eric was no where to be found. But I had been left clues as to his whereabouts. His formal wear, beginning with his bow tie, were left in a trail leading up the stairs to my room. I followed the trail, picking up each article of clothing until I figured he wasn't going to be wearing anything at all when I found him.

I found him where I expected to, plopped on my bed wearing nothing but a pair of tight, white briefs! GOD! I loved to look at him like that! Eric always wore white briefs. I had always worn them as well because he did. I only wish I looked as great in them as he always did. I could see that this was an old pair because they were quite tight and showed his basked extremely well.

"So what the fuck happened? Why'd you leave the dance so early?" I asked, handing him the beer and sitting down on the bed next to him. We were both dressed in nothing but our white briefs.

"I just had a lousy night." Eric replied, hanging his head. He hadn't even taken a drink of his beer yet. He just sat there holding it.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I quietly asked him.

"No!" he growled. And then he paused, putting his untouched beer on the night stand.. "But I guess I need to."

"Ok. I understand. I'm willing to listen." I said.

"Well, fuck! You ought to be! This is all your fucking fault anyway!" he said, his voice heavy with sarcasm.

"What the fuck did I do?!!" I asked incredulously.

"You started that crap about 'my harem' the other day!" he said belligerently. "And asking me who I did care about! I really don't need all that crap right now!"

"Look, Eric, I'm sorry. I didn't have any right to say that. I didn't mean to hurt you in any way." I apologized.

"The fuck you don't have a right!!! You have every right! You have more right than anybody in the whole fucking world!!!" he yelled.

Then something happened that I thought I would never, ever see. Eric fell over on my bed and began to cry like a baby! Not just tears - heavy sobbing! I couldn't even imagine that!!! But there it was - happening right in front of my eyes. I was frozen for a time. I didn't know what the fuck to do!!! Finally, I tentatively reached out and lay my hand on his shoulder.

This caused a reaction I didn't expect. Eric felt my hand and raised up on the bed. He looked at me with his tear-stained face and then grabbed hold of me and began crying all over again - only this time with his head resting on my shoulder and his face shoved into my neck!

I sat there stunned for a few moments while Eric continued to sob. Finally it dawned on me to put my arms around him and hold him. This was not something I particularly wanted to do because I knew what kind of a reaction this intimacy would have on me and I only had on these small briefs and the reaction would become highly visible! And sure enough, no sooner than I felt the warmth of his body as I held him to mine, than my cock started lengthening and becoming hard. Soon, I knew it would reach full erection and then begin leaking cock honey out the piss-slit and causing a large area of wet in the white briefs. All of which would be clearly visible to Eric.

But my problem, right at the moment was Eric. I'd never seen him like this, at least not since we were very little boys. I remember one day when we were both about four, Eric fell out of a tree when we were playing. He really hurt his leg badly, tearing muscles and cartilage. Luckily, being as young as he was, he healed fine. But I remember sitting next to him on the ground and him trying desperately trying to hold back the tears from the pain - trying to be a little 'man'. It didn't work, however, and we ended up with me holding him while he cried and then half carrying him to his mom to be taken to the hospital. That was the last time I ever saw Eric cry.

I continued to hold him in my arms. I have to admit, my own heart was breaking to see him like this. I couldn't imagine what had happened that would have hurt him this badly. Finally his sobs stopped and he seemed to calm down. But he continued to hold onto me and I continued to hold him in my arms.

"This feels really nice, bro." I heard him say quietly. "I haven't felt this safe in a long, long time."

This really confused me! Safe? Safe from what? What could possibly make Eric Blackthorne feel unsafe?!

"Yeah, it does, Eric. It feels really nice for me, too." I quietly replied.

I thought, after I said it, that this might be pushing things a bit too far, admitting that I liked holding him. Liked the feel of him in my arms. Liked the feeling of his arms around me. Fuck! I LOVED the feeling of him in my arms and him holding onto me!!!

"I'm glad." he replied. "Maybe this is what's been wrong the whole time."

"What do you mean?" I asked, not knowing where the fuck he was going with this.

"Maybe this is the way it should have been all along." Eric said, looking up at me. Looking me in the eyes for the first time.

And in those eyes! I saw something I just couldn't imagine. I saw love. I saw desire. I saw something far stronger than I'd ever seen before. But I knew I must be crazy! I must be imagining this - certainly I couldn't be seeing this in Eric's eyes! Eric - Jock-Stud/God of North-central High! No, I got a wire crossed somewhere!

Before I had a chance to answer, however, or even figure out what was going on, all my senses were stripped away. Eric reached up and pulled my face down to his and then gently, very gently, touched his lips to mine in a fleeting kiss.

I pulled back quickly. I didn't know what to do. Eric had just kissed me! Oh, how I'd longed for this moment for so long, but now that it was here, I didn't know what response to make. If I kissed him back, I knew that it would be all over. I would never be able to rein in my passions and I would almost devour him. And there was always the chance that his kiss had other meanings - friendship, gratitude - not the love/lust I was feeling for him.

Eric must have seen my fear and confusion. He rose up and pulled himself level with me. Then he reached out and pulled me harder to him and put his lips aggressively against mine. Then I felt his tongue demanding entrance at my lips and, at the same time, wrapping me in his muscular arms.

That was all it took. There was no turning back now. I opened not only my mouth by my whole self to him. And he swiftly took possession. I felt him tasting me and touching me at the same time in ways that I had always dreamed he would. I finally came to enough to respond and began to stroke my hands down his muscular body, feeling the velvet softness of his skin and the steel hard texture of his muscles beneath.

We sat there on the bed, wrapped in each other's arms, lost in each other's kiss, for how long I can't imagine. It felt like hours but I knew it could only be a few minutes. I began to think that this kiss might never end and that was just fine with me! But it did. And then I was left to look at Eric and I found myself having trouble doing that. For some reason, I felt tremendous fear and shame for what we had just done. I felt like this was all some kind of huge mistake and now Eric would realize what happened and hate me for it!

He noticed that I was having trouble looking at him and he reached out and took my chin in his hand and raised my face until I was looking directly into his eyes. Again, I saw the love and desire in them, but something else as well. I saw fear. Fear that he had freaked me out and that I would reject him.

"What's wrong, bro. Don't you love me?" he asked, almost begged, me.

"Oh God! Eric! Love you?!! You have no idea how much I love you - or how long I've loved you!" I answered. "But why now? Why tonight?"

Eric smiled at my protestations of love for him, but seemed to hang his head at the question of why.

"You know I took Cheryl to the dance tonight." he started.

"I knew you took one of them. They were all kind of interchangeable to me. I was never sure which one it was." I admitted.

"Yeah." said Eric. "It was like that for me, too. I just never realized it until you said something about it the other day. They really were 'my harem', as you put it. And I didn't care anything about any of them. And that was fine. I was getting my rocks off and everybody was happy - well...everybody but me. And you. I thought I had it made. I got all the sex I wanted and you were always there for me. But when things started going bad between us and you asked me about who I cared about, it finally hit me. I wasn't happy. I wasn't getting what I wanted. And it was all because I couldn't admit the truth to myself."

"Which is...?" I asked. I didn't want him to stop there.

"Which is that I didn't want to be just getting my rocks off. I could do that by hand! I wanted to be with someone I loved and who loved me. I wanted to feel something other than just another orgasm. But everywhere I looked, the only person I could see was you! And I didn't know how to deal with that! And then tonight really tore everything up! Cheryl and I got to the dance, but within half an hour, she wanted to leave. She was horny and wanted me to fuck her for the rest of the night. And this didn't turn me on at all! It was like I felt used - the same way I'd used her and the rest of them. Anyway, we parked out back of the stadium where we usually did and I tried to fuck her."

"What do you mean...tried?" I asked, shocked at what he was admitting.

"I couldn't get it up!! For the first time in my life, my cock just lay there! Cheryl tried jacking me off and even tried sucking on me and nothing - NOTHING! - could get it erect. I finally gave her some excuse about being tired and she told me to drop her off at the dance then and go home. That she would find her own way home. What she meant, of course, was that she was going to find someone else to fuck her and it will probably be all over school by Monday that Eric Blackthorne is impotent!" he almost screamed this last.

"And that's when you came here?"

"No! First I started driving around. I wanted to come here. I didn't know where else to go. But I couldn't just come here. I had to think some things through first. I started thinking about you again. I started to think about what I really felt about you. Did I really care? And how much? And that's when it happened." he said.

"What?" I asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"I got a hardon!!! I got rock-hard thinking about YOU!" he gasped. "I finally realized what it was that I was looking for! I didn't want 'my harem', I didn't even want a female! I wanted YOU! Oh, God, bro! I'm so sorry! I never wanted this to happen! I didn't want to fall in love with you! And worse, I didn't want to have to tell you - I just didn't seem to have any choice. I know you probably hate me for this and I wouldn't blame you if you did! But I do. I love you. And I'm hoping you might feel the same. I thought I felt that when I kissed you? Did I?"

He sat there, looking at me. The look of a lost puppy on his face, almost begging me to love him and take him home with me. But we were already at home and I was already in love with him.

"Eric..." I began. "I've loved you for a very long time. I've known since we were 13 and used to 'mess around' with each other that you were the only person in this world that I wanted. I just never thought you could ever love me. I thought that you had maybe guessed how I felt or somehow knew that I was gay. You certainly noticed that I didn't bother dating."

"Well, yeah, bro! That was kind of obvious - that you didn't date." Eric said. "But I just thought you were waiting for someone special to come along. I knew you liked me and were my most loyal and best friend in the world. But I never knew you loved me and wanted me. Why didn't you ever say something?"

"Oh, yeah! Like I was going to say to you: 'Eric, I hate to tell you this but your best friend is a fag and is in love with you! He wants to suck your cock and take your cock up his ass and spend the rest of his life with you!' Yeah, right!" I said sarcastically.

"Do you?" Eric asked.

"Do I what?"

"Do you want to suck my cock, take my cock up your ass and spend the rest of your life with me, bro?" Eric said as he stared into my eyes.

I couldn't take the intense contact and looked away.

"Yes." I said almost in a whisper. "I do want to suck your cock and have you fuck me. But most of all, I do want to spend the rest of my life with you."

He reached out for me again, taking me in his muscular arms and again aggressively moving his mouth over mine while his tongue demanded entrance. As we kissed his hand began to move down my body and I felt him brush over my cock, which by now was so hard it hurt and leaking like a ship about to go down to the bottom!

He grasped it through my briefs and squeezed it with his hand. I moaned involuntarily into his mouth at the thrill that went through my body. He moved his mouth from mine and began to move his head down as well. His mouth next attacked my throat, sucking gently and nipping me with his teeth. An even louder moan escaped my lips! I was on the verge of cumming and we had not really done anything yet! I had to stop before I came too soon and so I placed my hands on his muscular chest and pushed him away from me.

"What's the matter, bro?" he asked, looking at me with some fear in his eyes. "Don't you want this?"

"On, God! Eric! I want this more than anything, but I'm going to cum and second if you don't slow down!" I begged.

"But I want you to cum. I want to give you pleasure." he said, looking at me with love in his eyes.

"I know, Eric, but...." I stammered.

"But what, babe?" he asked.

"Eric...Eric....I....I don't...." I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"What?" he looked at me questioningly. Then a light seemed to dawn in his eyes. "Oh, you don't know what to do! You're a virgin, aren't you?" he asked gently.

"Ok, yes! I'm a virgin!" I said somewhat defensively. "I've never been with anybody. And as much as I've dreamed about being with you, I still don't know what to do."

"Bro! It's ok! You don't have to know anything but that you love me and I love you! The rest is all 'mechanics'. We can work that out. I don't really know anything either. You're the only guy I've ever been with. I mean I know what's supposed to happen, but I've never done it myself. We'll find out together. Ok?" he said soothingly.

I nodded my head, unable to speak, I was lost in the ecstasy of being with him.

"And besides, bro! This should be easy! We don't have to guess what feels good or what turns each other on. We both know what it feels like! I know what to do to you just by what I would want you to do to me!" he smiled at me.

This began to sink into my lust-filled brain. Yeah! I knew what I wanted to do to Eric! I knew exactly what I wanted to do - just from what I would love for him to do to me.

These thoughts gave me courage and I suddenly became the aggressor. I pushed Eric back onto the bed so that he was laying across it with his legs hanging down on the floor. I raised up over him and began to attack his body with my mouth.

I began by sucking and licking his tiny nipples. The aureoles were barely the size of a dime. I found them incredibly erotic to look at and even more erotic to taste. They rapidly became as hard as tiny bullets. As I moved my lips across his muscular chest, however, something else drew me strongly. The masculine scent of his armpits! I pushed his arm above his head and buried my face in them, inhaling the strong scent of his sweat. My tongue tasted the salty wetness of them and I was lost to the taste, the scent and the sensation.

I never knew how much I was turned on to the smell of Eric until now. God knows, with all the time we had spent together and all the time we'd spent in locker-rooms after games, I knew his scent as well as my own. But suddenly a memory came into my mind. We were about 14. We had spent the night at Eric's house and we had engaged in mutual jacking-off during the night. I awoke sometime during the early morning and Eric was just getting out of bed to go and take a piss. I rolled over into the warm spot that he left and buried my face in his pillow. I could smell his scent on it and it thrilled me. I became erect just from that contact with him. I read somewhere that smells were the best triggers for memories. I guess that I've now found out how true this is.

I left his armpit and traveled down his body, using my tongue. I glided over his soft skin and could feel the ripples of his muscles as the intense feelings drove him farther and farther towards his own explosion. When I reached the edge of his briefs, I took them in my teeth and started to drag them towards his feet. I had to pull them up to get them over his enormous cock which, when uncovered, pawed the air at a 45 degree angle. The scent of his crotch hit me and I almost gasped in ecstasy! Using my hands, I pushed his briefs down to his knees. He raised his legs and helped me get them off the rest of the way. But I wasn't done with them yet. I took them in my hand and pressed them to my face. I inhaled deeply of the sweat and musk that filled them and sucked at the wet pre-cum stain which soaked a large section of the front of the briefs. It seems Eric leaks as heavily as I do! And I wanted to taste this sweet nectar from his body.

Eric watched me as I inhaled and sucked on his briefs. His eyes grew large as he saw me sucking on the pre-cum they held.

"Yeah, bro! Get off on my scent! Suck on my cock-honey! There's lots more where that came from for you!" he said, his voice husky with passion.

I looked back at him, his briefs still pressed to my nose.

"You smell so good! You don't know how much I love the scent of your body!" I exclaimed, feeling free now to put voice to any and all of my feelings.

"Damn, bro! You turn me on so bad!!! Nobody has ever wanted me the way you do! Nobody's ever made me feel so special and so wanted in my life!" he exclaimed.

"That's because nobody's ever loved you or wanted you as much as I do!" I swore to him.

Then, putting actions to words, I leaned down and began to lick at his sweaty and fragrant balls. I'm glad our parents weren't home because they probably could hear Eric's moans next door at his house, they were so loud!!! I nursed at his balls, sucking each one into my mouth individually. They were too big to take both at once. I then began to lick below his balls in the area between his balls and his sweet asshole.

When I got there, another scent hit me. Another stronger, darker scent that drew me like a magnet. The scent of his most vulnerable and secret place. Eric's beautiful ass! I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know it was even something that guys did to other guys. But I knew that I not only had to sniff but lick his fragrant butt. The scent of sweat, musk and something that was uniquely Eric drew me on and I pushed his legs apart and up to gain better access to his hole.

My tongue began to lick the length of his ass-crack and Eric began to moan even louder than before. This was something neither of us had ever experienced before and Eric was evidently blown away by it!

"God, bro!!! What are you doing down there!!! God! I've never had anybody do that to me before! It feels so GOOD!!! I can't believe it!!! God! Bro! Eat my ass. Yeah, man! Eat my fucking ass!!!" he moaned as I continued to lick and suck at his beautiful pink hole.

I finally got his ass to relax enough that I was able to press my tongue inside and begin to lick out the inside of his butt. The dark taste had me almost cumming from the thrill of it! This was by far the nastiest thing I had ever done in my life, but it was also the most sexually exciting thing as well! I loved eating Eric's butt!! I just hope he didn't think less of me for it later.

"Man, you keep that up and I'm gonna lose it!!! Big Time!!!" Erik warned me.

I moved my licking tongue back up over his balls and straight up his enormous cock. The fucker had to be at least ten inches and thick!!! I know I said I wanted him to fuck me in the ass, but I don't know if I could take this sucker or not!!!

I licked all over the big head and sucked up all the cock-snot that had dripped down the shaft. I licked out the piss hole and then began to move my head down, taking as much of the huge organ into my mouth as I could. Eric moaned as about four inches went into my mouth. He began to thrust up, fucking my mouth. He pushed to hard, however and I started to gag on it.

"God! I'm sorry, bro! Are you OK?" Eric said, true concern showing in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm ok! Don't thrust so hard. Let me get used to this big fucker gradually!!! You're hung like a fucking horse, you know! And I've never had a cock in my mouth before!" I instructed him.

"Ok, bro! Anything you say. Just keep doing what you're doing. Please! You have no idea how good it feels! So much better than any girl that's ever swung on it!" he moaned.

I went back to sucking on this huge hunk of man-meat. I was bound and determined to take the whole thing - right down to his sweaty, musky pubic hairs. I gradually moved the head into the back of my mouth and the beginning of my throat. I found if I breathed through my nose, I could suck without coming up for air. Then, with all the saliva my mouth was producing and all the pre- cum that Eric's rod was producing, I suddenly had to swallow to get rid of it all or have it all pour out of my mouth onto Eric's crotch. When I swallowed, suddenly half his cock moved comfortably down my throat! I was 'deep throating' Eric and could take his whole cock!

I swallowed again and my nose was buried in his fragrant pubic hair. The masculine smell of Eric just about drove me over the edge while his huge cock moved in and out of my sucking throat.

"God! Bro! You've got the whole fucking thing in you!!! Nobody has EVER been able to do THAT! I didn't think it was possible!!! Fuck!! It feels so good!!! I'm gonna cum any second, bro! Get off if you don't want to eat my load!!! HERE IT CUMSSSSSS!!!" Eric screamed.

I pulled back so that the head of his cock was in my mouth. I not only WANTED his load - I wanted to TASTE his load! The first shot hit the back of my throat with such power I thought it was going to go right through my head! The second shot filled my mouth completely, forcing me to swallow or drown! I quickly swallowed and was rewarded with eight more shots of Eric's delicious salty/sweet cum! I nearly came myself, just from the thrill of having gotten him off!

We lay there for a few minutes. Me, nursing on Eric's softening cock - trying to get any left over cum I could. Eric, panting and trying to get his breath back. Finally he reached down and pulled me up to his head and pushed my head down on his chest and held me. After a few moments, he spoke.

"Bro, that was the most amazing, fucking powerful orgasm I've ever had!!! If sex with you is going to be like this, I don't know if I can survive it for long!" he said, nuzzling his face in my hair.

I looked up and smiled at him. He leaned down and took possession of my mouth again with his tongue. I thought for a second that he might balk at kissing me after I ate his ass and drank his load, but the way he was licking out my mouth, he evidently found the taste of his own ass and cum to be to his liking. Finally he got everything there was to get and pulled up, looking down at me.

"Bro, you didn't cum, did you?" he showed concern in his voice.

"No. I wanted to get you off! I was too concerned with making sure that you had a good time to worry about it." I admitted.

"Ok, we can't have any of that, now! This partnership has to be equal! So I guess I'm just going to have to work just as hard at getting you off as you did me." he smiled that incredible smile of his.

"Look, Eric, you don't have to. Honest!" I protested.

"You don't get it yet, do you, bro?! I WANT to!" he said.

And with that, he started moving his tongue down my body just as I had done his. He started with my nipples. Up until then, I never knew that my nipples were so erotic. And, I guess, I was kind of glad that Eric had been with girls before cause he REALLY knew how to eat my tits!!! He sucked on them, then he used his teeth lightly to nibble on them and I thought I was going to cum right then and there - just from his sucking my tits!!!

He also put his nose into my armpit. I was a little worried about that at first. I hadn't been on a date tonight, so I hadn't even taken a shower yet. I thought my ripe pits would gross him out. On the contrary! The next think I knew, Eric was snorting and sucking and routing in my pits like a real pig! He obviously got off on the scent of my body just like I did on his! I could hear his moans and groans of sexual desire as he continued to feast in my pits.

Finally he began moving down over my abs and then buried his nose in my pubic hair allowing my cock to rub against his cheek. There was a slight bit of stubble there and it tickled my hardon. He also began to lick and suck at my balls. Now it was my turn to moan in ecstasy!!! His tongue was causing my cock to throb and leak cock-snot like there was no tomorrow! But rather than going down to my ass, he instead went up and swallowed my cock into his warm, wet mouth.

Eric started to go down on me, further and further. Now, I didn't have a horse cock like him, but I have a nice, thick eight inches. I felt my cockhead hit the back of his throat and I thought he would stop there. No! Not Eric Blackthorne! He was far to competitive for that!!! I had deep throated him - he was going to deep throat me - or die trying!

I felt him swallow like I had and suddenly I felt my cock moving down the tight, muscular sleeve of his throat. I moaned loudly as I felt his nose hit my pubic hair! And I could hear him snorting again, sucking in all that crotch funk I had built up over the day! 'God!' I thought to myself. 'Eric is REALLY getting into this!' I fucking couldn't believe it. Here was Eric - the Jock-Stud-Sex- God sucking on my cock and snorting my crotch! Nobody would EVER believe this!!!

He began to move his head up and down my cock, allowing it to move in and out of his throat. The feelings from his hot blow-job were quickly driving me over the edge as well. My cock began to harden and to I was getting close. I was about to warn Eric, when he suddenly allowed my cock to pop out of his mouth and flop on my hard abs.

"That's enough of that for a while. I don't want you cumming yet, bro! I want to explore more!" he turned to me with an evil grin on his face.

What could I do? I was at his mercy now! I was a quivering lump of teenage hormones praying for release!

Eric got up and moved to in between my spread legs. He pushed my legs up and back with his hands and my ass opened up and came level with his face. The next thing I could hear, was Eric heavily breathing in the scent of my ass and moaning. I couldn't fucking believe this!!! Eric was sniffing my ass and getting off on it!!! But the best was yet to come! He leaned forward and began to lick my ass, just the way I had his.

He was right! The feelings were incredible!!! And intense!!! I began moaning and thrashing on the bed as I felt his lips lock around my rosy pucker and Eric began to suck on my hole! God! Did it feel wonderful!!! He sucked and licked at my hole until I could relax enough to loosen my sphincter and allow him entry with his tongue.

Eric pushed his tongue aggressively into my ass and began to lick inside me. The feeling was beyond belief or description! He ate my ass like a man who was starving. And as he licked and sucked at my hole, I could feel him packing spit up it. Then it dawned on me what he was after! He was going to take me at my word when I said that I wanted him to fuck my ass!

Well...fine! If that's what he wanted, I would do whatever I could to give him my ass to fuck! But I was still scared of that monster cock between his legs. I began to figure, however, that if his huge cock could go down my throat, it probably could go up my ass as well.

When he had my asshole lubricated with enough spit for his purpose, Eric gently began to slide a finger in my hole. It burned a little at first, but as he worked it further in, it began to feel really good! Soon his finger was sliding in and out of my ass with ease and I was again moaning and thrashing on the bed.

Eric then added a second finger. This time, he drove the fingers further up my ass and suddenly I was seeing stars and feeling like I could cum instantly!!! I didn't know what the fuck he'd done, but it felt so wonderful!!!

"What the fuck was that??!!" I moaned.

"That's your prostate, bro! Don't you remember getting a prostate exam from the doctor?" he asked, his voice husky with sexual desire.

"Sure, but it never felt like THAT!!" I cried.

"That's because he didn't eat your ass and get you relaxed first. That little sucker's going to make you cum gallons, bro! Wait until my cock is stroking it!!! You'll see!" he husked at me, his voice getting deeper by the second from his passion.

"Wait a minute! How do you know so much about it?!" I asked.

"Knew a girl once who used to play with my ass while I fucked her. One night, she had me jack off while she played with my ass and got one of her fingers far enough up there to stroke my prostate when I came. It was incredible!!!" he admitted.

"Well, then! I guess turn about will have to be fair play!" I moaned.

"Bro, you can fuck my ass any time you want - except now. Now, I'M going to fuck your ass until it fucking falls off!" he vowed.

And I didn't think he was kidding, either!

Eric continued playing with my ass until he had four fingers stretching open my hole. He at least was considerate enough to figure just how thick his cock was and what it would do to me if he didn't get me relaxed before he tried shoving it up me.

As it was, his initial entry was difficult at first. My body still resisted letting something that big IN! Finally he looked down into my eyes.

"Push down like you are taking a dump, bro! That will make it relax and open up!" he instructed me.

I didn't ask how he knew this! I wasn't exactly sure I wanted to know. But I pushed down, just like I had to take a big dump and the next think I knew, half of that fucking tree-trunk of his was buried in my butt!

The muscles of my ass locked down HARD! Eric stopped any movement and just knelt there with his cock half buried in my ass and began stroking my inner thighs and all around my crotch, helping me to relax. Finally, we both felt the muscles in my ass begin to relax and he pushed further inside. Again, my muscles locked up and again Eric stroked my body until I could get used to this huge invader in my body. I relaxed again and this time Eric quickly drove his cock completely in my ass! I could feel his soft, blond pubic hair tickling my hole.

And the most incredible thing happened. As soon as he bottomed out in me, my ass completely relaxed and all the pain and discomfort went completely away! Now all I felt was the fullness of his cock. The cock of the man I loved. We were finally joined like one body! Tears began to roll from my eyes and down the sides of my face.

"What's wrong, bro! Am I still hurting you?" Eric voice was filled with concern.

"No! God, No!" I cried. "I finally have you inside of me!! You don't know how long I've waited for this, Eric! How long I've wanted you there! Fuck me! Please! Fuck me! Shoot your fucking load up inside me and make me yours!" I begged.

"That's just what I intend to do, bro!"

And putting actions to words, Eric began to slowly fuck my ass. He started out slowly and gently but soon the pace and power increased. The harder he fucked me - the more I begged him to fuck me HARDER! Finally his hips were slapping against my ass in a loud, staccato rhythm as he pounded me with his huge cock. I began to feel the muscles in my groin tighten and the cum begin it journey from my balls up my cock. I hadn't even touched myself! I was going to cum, just from Eric fucking me!!!

"Eric! HARDER!!! I'm gonna cum!!!" I begged again.

He didn't answer, he just pounded harder and a few seconds later I began to scream as cum shot out of my cock and flew over my head!

"GOD!!! I'M CUMMING!!! FUCK MY ASS!!! FUCK MY FUCKING ASS!!! AAAAAHHHH!!!!" I screamed as I came.

The tightening of my ass muscles threw Eric past the point of no return at the same time and he, too, began to moan and scream out in orgasmic ecstacy!


I could feel his cock quiver in my ass and each shot of his cum as it left his cock. My own cum had covered my face, my chest, my stomach and finally the last of it dribbled into my crotch.

Eric looked down at me and my cum covered body, smiling like he'd just done something incredible! The same smile he had the night he held the State Championship trophy which we'd just won! And maybe he had every right to feel that way. He'd certainly gotten me off better than I had ever gotten off. The proof of that lay all over my body.

Finally, Eric collapsed on top of me. I guess he didn't mind all my cum because he kind of rubbed his body against mine and covered us both with it. The cum on my face and neck, he licked off and then pressed his lips against mine. When I opened my mouth to his tongue, he let all the cum he'd collected fall into my mouth as well. We lay there swapping my cum back and forth between us until it was all gone.

Eric put his strong, muscular arms around me and rolled me over on my side so that we were facing each other. He reached up and gently stroked my hair and then my cheek. It was like his eyes were memorizing ever inch of my face. And it was obvious from the gentle smile on his face that he was pleased with what he saw.

"God! I love you so much, bro! I had no idea what the fuck love felt like until tonight! This is the most incredible feeling in the world!" he whispered to me.

"Yes, but it can be the most painful feeling in the world when you have to hide it, or it doesn't get returned!" I reminded him.

"I promise you, bro! I will never let you hurt again! You will always know that I love you! I will tell you and I will show you every day of my life!" he vowed.

"That almost sounds like marriage vows, Eric." I giggled.

"That's as close to them as I guess we'll ever get. But it won't make them any less true or any less strong, bro! I promise you - for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, and not just for as long as we both live, either! Forever!" he said, kissing me gently on the cheek.

The tears began to pour from my eyes again as I looked at this incredible man who I loved.

"And that goes for me, too!" I sobbed, laying my head on his chest.

"I never doubted that for a second, bro!"

And that's the way it's been for over 20 years now. We did go on to play football in college - in fact, we both were All-American and were both drafted by pro teams. But we kept to our plan and we both went to law school.

If you're ever around town, just look for the old converted firehouse near the courthouse. You'll see the sign - "Blackthorne and Harrison, Attorneys At Law".

And that's Eric and me.

The end.

I hoped you liked this one. There are no other parts to the story. I wanted to do just a simple love story with sex in it for those of you who want to get off as well as have your heart-strings tugged a little.

If you liked it, drop me a line:

You might also try some of my other stories - especially the ones currently running in series: "Marine Encounter" in the MILITARY section and "Dad's Golden Boy" in the URINATION or INCEST section.

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