Eric and Brad

By Austin Manning

Published on Jun 8, 2023


Disclaimer: This story has no affiliation with the Warner Bros film Troy or its writers, characters, actors, and other involved parties. It is a fictional story and makes no claims about the sexuality of mentioned actors.

It's been quite a while, but here's installment two. Enjoy, and thanks to everyone who emailed! -

Eric and Brad: Part 1 (continued)

"It's kind of hot in here," said Eric, "Do you mind if I open up some of these windows?"

Orlando nodded, speechless as Eric turned around and bent over to open the windows behind the couch. The celebrity trailer wasn't all that big and Orlando found his face right in front of Eric's perfectly shaped ass. The jeans sat low and the CK's peeked out the top. Orlando sat down and placed his script over his crotch.

They began to read some lines and while the windows were open, the humid night air did little to cool the room. Brad and Eric toyed with their lines, intentionally using the wrong tone and throwing Orlando off his guard.

"Okay Orli," said Eric as he got up and sat himself next to Orlando, "This scene is between Paris and Hector. Ready?"

Eric Bana's body radiated so much heat that Orlando thought he was going to faint. Both Eric and Brad looked at each other and nodded as Brad spoke up, "It's getting really hot. I'm sure you don't mind if we take off some of these clothes."

Orlando's guests proceeded to strip off their tanks, their torsos stretching and displaying just how ripped these two guys were. They were gorgeous! Tossing the white pieces of fabric aside, they decided that it wasn't enough, and took off their heavy pairs of jeans as well, pushing them away with their feet. All that remained was two extremely sexy men in CK briefs, not to mention their clearly evident huge erections.

Orlando didn't know what to do as Eric spoke up, "Don't worry Orli, it's just the heat. You should take some of that off, too. It's bloody hot in here!"

Orlando quickly obeyed, but only went so far as to remove his shirt. His pants stayed on, for fear of revealing his own hardon.

"So," continued Eric, "the lines^Å"

Orlando tried hard to concentrate on the script before him, but the monstrous presence of Eric Bana's nearly naked body sitting right next to him, thigh to thigh, and his huge pecker pointing at him beneath his briefs was just too much. Additionally, Brad was sitting slouched across from him, less than 3 feet away in the small trailer, with his legs spread apart as he massaged his package beneath his briefs, seemingly oblivious to the other two as he looked intently at his own script.

"Brad," Orlando tried to interrupt, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing," replied Brad with his sexy American charm, "Just gotta tend to the goods, you know? I haven't seen Jen in a few weeks now. Gotta do something about it, right?"

"I think Orlando here would like to do something about it," offered Eric looking Orlando straight in the eyes, "Wouldn't you?"

Eric's piercing brown eyes lustfully penetrated Orlando's as he placed his large hands on Orlando's smooth chest. Orlando sighed in ecstatic content as his dreams began to come true. He tried to get up so he could place his own hands over Eric's lightly haired body, but with Eric's hands firmly placed on his chest, Orlando could do nothing but let Eric have his way.

The Australian expertly began to coordinate his hands simultaneously between Orlando's nipples and his still packaged package, rubbing and twisting Orlando into uncontrolled lust. With Orlando's mouth gaping open in agony, Eric went for the dive and engaged him in a long, deep kiss. He lifted his body and positioned himself so he was sitting on Orlando's left thigh, digging his own thigh into Orlando's crotch.

"Get these bloody pants off," grunted Eric as he broke the kiss and began to help unbutton Orlando's jeans.

Orlando wanted nothing more than to remove some of his own clothes, but found that any effort to do so himself caused a growl to erupt from Eric's throat as he pushed Orlando's hands away so he could disrobe the smooth stud under him. Eric was so horny and in awe of Orlando's submissive figure before him that he completely disregarded the fact that Orlando had the ability to perform any operation other than that which Eric wanted at that very moment.

Meanwhile, Brad had already taken off his briefs, his big, thick cock drooling precum as he massaged it in observation of the two men getting it on before him. Twice, he tried to intervene and get in on some of the action with Orlando, but twice, Eric snapped him away, glaring as he treated Orlando as his own property for the time being.

Brad didn't appreciate it but was willing to wait his turn. But he, too, was really fucking horny. He watched in jealous lust as Eric made out with Orlando, stroking Orlando's big veiny cock as his own brief clad ass swung around in the air. Eric's broad shoulders sat atop a well formed V-shaped back, sculpted like a god with full, round ass cheeks. Excellence in his legs was not to be ignored, as they too were crafted by many hours in the gym.

Thighs that Brad knew too well as they slid between his legs between shoots. Brad loved it when Eric used his ass, but in his state of jealousy, he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to take Eric's cherry.

Brad stroked his cock as he pondered how he would make this move.

Orlando was in heaven beneath Eric's towering body. His naked body was covered in sweat as he struggled to breathe in the confined space. It felt as if Eric's strong hands were everywhere, exploring every crevice of Orlando's body, everywhere, until one finger found his virgin hole. Eric was simply massaging his ass when Orlando felt an unexpected finger stop, not yet prying, but definitely rubbing around, looking for an entrance.

He panted and threw his head back in pleasure, encouraging Eric to explore more, push, harder, until his finger penetrated and Orlando screamed in pain.

Brad, in a fitful envious rage, took this as a cue of distraction. Lubricating his cock with his precum as he stroked it, he approached Eric, staring intently at his white brief clad ass. In one swift motion he pulled down Eric's CKs to his knees and wrapped his sweaty arms around his torso, making sure to completely enclose his arms by the elbows. Eric let out a growl and squirmed as he tried to let himself loose from the Achilles grip.

"What the hell are you doing, Brad?" Eric yelled, furious as he continued to lustfully eye the gorgeous young man under him. Orlando was just as shocked, subconsciously continuing to rub his cock against Eric's thigh, covering it in a sheet of precum.

"You don't seem willing to share," Brad replied, whispering in his ear, "All you let me have was this beautiful view of your ass, so I figured it's about time I took I for a spin."

Brad's huge bronzed arms flexed as Eric tried to pry himself loose, but Eric took for granted the past few months that Brad had trained extremely hard to get that body while Eric hadn't changed his routine much as he was already in shape. While Eric looked more naturally muscular under his light sheet of body hair, Brad was a manufactured soldier of the gym, muscle in all of the right places. This time, Brad was in control.

With Brad's arms tightly wrapped around Eric's upper body and his cock neatly locked along the crack of his ass, he began to move his hips backward to re-aim his cock. Eric, sensing this motion, understood what was about to happen and immediately tightened his ass muscles, his asscheeks massaging a rope of precum out of Brad's cock onto his lower back. Brad's muscles gave for a split second as the sudden surge of pleasure moved through his body. Eric hurled both their bodies off of Orlando, so that he landed on his back on top of Brad on the other couch. But Brad wouldn't let go.

Brad was now sitting on the couch with Eric right on top of him, their sweaty naked bodies struggling for control. Brad wouldn't unwrap his arms and Eric wouldn't submit. Orlando remained seated opposite them, watching in awe the two adonises in their sexual frenzy. But what he absolutely couldn't take his eyes off of was Eric Bana's monstrous cock, now revealed to him with his CK's at his ankles. It looked like someone had left a hose slightly on, as it occasionally jumped from side to side, spewing precum, or was it cum? Orlando couldn't tell, but he had to get him some of that.

"You'll never have this arse, Brad," Eric teased.

"Like fuck I won't," Brad replied, "Your ass is fucking mine. I can't wait to hear you scream when I pop your hairy aussie hole." At that instant, Brad began to shift Eric's body above him so that he could begin the penetration, but it wouldn't be easy.

Eric was over 200 pounds of pure muscle, and if Brad thought he could take him that easy, he'd have to think again. Using his weight to his advantage, he began to gyrate his bare ass crack up and down Brad's shaft, squeezing his cheeks as he did so. His crack was hot and well lubricated with sweat and Brad's precum. The unexpected assault caused Brad's sensitive monster to gush even more precum and Brad himself to almost lose control.

"Oh! Ohhh! Fuck!"

In this instance of dry fucking, it wasn't so dry. It was so hot and sweaty with the funk of sex in the air that Orlando thought he was going to faint. He continued to watch lustfully as he tugged at his own fuckpole.

Eric knew how to control Brad when he wanted to. He'd always been the top since they'd met so his cock was perfectly disciplined to handle some jostling. Brad's cock on the other hand, hadn't fucked Jen in well over a month and he'd usually shoot within a matter of minutes after Eric shot his load in his ass. Eric knew, all he had to do was keep dry fucking for another minute, and Brad would explode between them, all over his muscular back and Brad's own sculpted chest.

Brad could do nothing. His cock informed the rest of his body that he could do nothing, and Eric's weight pinned him down on the couch. It was hot, and in no time, his precum covered balls had to let go, and his orgasm arrived.

"Ahhh!! Fuck! Yeah! Ughhh!"

Load after load shot between them as Eric's mouth formed a wicked grin. He got up and forced a kiss.

"Babe, I'm always on top," Eric said as he caressed his spent body, collecting cum off his abs and feeding it to him. Brad happily obliged, being the cum-whore that he was. "Orli, I want you to lick his body clean. I'll be right back."

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